Findings from Building and Retaining Employees Twitter Chat

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Building and retaining the next generation of employees Join the chat #ForumHour July 2017

Building and retaining the next generation of employees What is #ForumHour? On the 17th July, the Forum held a twitter chat on the subject of ‘Building and retaining the next generation of employees.’ There was a lot of fabulous discussion around the five questions that were presented throughout the hour, the responses of which has provided a real insight into the views of UK businesses. Many thanks to all those who were involved and for contributing to another very successful #ForumHour. Details of the next #ForumHour will be coming soon.

Summary of findings The Forum asked the audience five key questions relating to the main topic. Here is a summary of the key findings below with captured tweets to support the findings.

1 What are the most important factors in a

company’s ability to attract a new employee? 60% of all responses mentioned flexibility as the most important factor when attracting a new employee with others including ownership, leadership and a good work life balance. @buyingsupport Having a welcoming environment and showing flexibility is important. Happiness is not just how much salary you earn. @rradarjames Agree flexibility is key to making sure employees have a great work life balance and a sense of ownership of their work. @MRGBusinessAsso I think it can be a mix of what your company does, pay, flexible working and how it operates. @knutsfordtimes Ensuring a role has real meaning and true value is critical, potential employees want to see this and will be motivated to apply.

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2 What value do you think offering

apprenticeships can bring to a company? All our participants agreed that apprenticeships offer value to a company, for lots of different reasons, including succession planning and savings on recruitment fees. 35% of participants also mentioned the value apprenticeships offer in a non-tangible way by bringing lots of energy and enthusiasm to the office as well as a different perspective and fresh approach. For an apprentice, they benefit from on the job training with 10% agreeing that apprenticeships are an effective alternative route to university. @rradarjames Yes. Yes. Yes developing your own employee pipeline is a must for all business managers if it’s possible. #trainyournextCEO @TetKofi New recruits very attracted by accredited qualification via apprenticeships and such. Requires more planning but very attractive. @rradarjames I get messages from ex-apprentices all the time about the skills they still use as managers and supervisors and that they feel qualified! @JournoLink Great thing also is apprenticeships make employers more disciplined in how they manage recruits. Win-win for both parties. @IanCassMD Enthusiasm, alternative and fresh opinions, energy! @rradarjames Give apprenticeships a chance and save £1000s in recruitment fees! @MRGBusinessAsso I had the pleasure of having an apprentice in the public sector. So rewarding, they want to learn and bring fresh ideas. #Apprenticeships @ORBorgUK Many of the #SMEs we talk to have great success with #apprenticeships moving on to full time employees. @BSA_BuyingGroup Apprenticeships work well if a company is geared up to support them. For many non-academic people, it’s often better route than uni.

One participant added food for thought by sharing a blog post about ‘Why choose an apprenticeship?’. @rradarLegal Here’s our take on the benefits that #apprenticeships can bring to a company

The Government also plans to legally protect apprenticeships with schemes having to provide a minimum of a year’s training as well as a list of other requirements. @rradarLegal there were moves afoot to legally protect the status of #apprenticeships #ForumHour thus protecting course users.

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3 How do you build the skill of your

people to make sure the individuals reach their potential? Empowerment and clear goals were discussed as essential in making sure the individual reach their potential, not only to build skills but to offer insights and a different perspective. 42% of participants mentioned how important training is with 14% discussing openness and being honest with employees. @TetKofi My personal experience is management style is key. Give clear goals, give feedback and support. Don’t micro-manage, give them space to grow. Also get them to understand and OWN their goals so they can bring their #Creativity to bear on HOW to achieve them! @MRGBusinessAsso Agreed, I have seen that work positively. @BSA_BuyingGroup Develop CPD (Continuous Professional Development) file for all staff and jointly agree on training programmes in support of performance/pay rewards. @ORBorgUK Clear goals and purpose community/ fundraising/ volunteer opportunities can develop #leadershipskills. @buyingsupport Another tip is ensure skills training tailored and encourage staff to relate learning to everyday work. Seek evidence of changed behaviours. @rradarjames Having directors/ managers who embrace and show own development by actions is key I think. @MDSafeT Openness and trust - that is the first step to positive engagement.

4 How do you motivate your employees

to ensure their performance is maximised? 80% of participants agreed that trust is key to ensure an employee’s performance is maximised with 40% agreeing the importance of clear succession planning being a true motivator within a business. @rradarjames For me it’s being given support when I need it and allowed to push forward without old fashioned restrictive boundaries by using technology. @BSA_BuyingGroup Staff will respond if trust is shown. And recruitment from within first rather than going to an agency. @rradarLegal Totally agree. Gives staff a real incentive to perform at their best if they know this will be rewarded. @rradarjames Trust and seeing a career ladder is amazing to all employees. Forum of PrivateBusiness


@rradarLegal Knowing a ladder exists is a great motivation to climb it! One of our participants shared a blog post with some great suggestions on how to build trust within a company, explaining that this is the first key step in maximising staff performance. @rradarLegal Top tips for building trust within an organisation

5 Once you’ve attracted the right

employee, what staff retention tools have you found to be the most effective? 65% of participants agreed that two-way communication is key to retaining staff and that money isn’t everything. 40% discussed how vital it is to recognise personal achievements and plan for career progression. @BSA_BuyingGroup Remember to keep communication channels open, listen to staff concerns, have whistleblowing policy, 2-way don’t dictate. @rradarjames Two way communication and the acceptance of learning from mistakes once pay, job security and safety in the workplace are in place. @TetKofi Recognition of achievements, respect for achievements and proof of progress in career development. Money is important but not the first!

Feedback on #ForumHour At the end of the twitter chat, participants were also kind enough to share some positive feedback about #ForumHour and their top take-aways, which was really great to see. @rradarjames Thanks for putting it on and for the ideas shared good to see so many changing the way we work and view apprenticeships and development. @ORBOrgUK Pleasure! Thank you. @TetKofi Developing Employees for your business via @rradarLegal One of many Top takeaways from #ForumHour chat

The next #ForumHour To find out about the Forum’s next twitter chat you can follow us @The_FPB and use the hashtag #ForumHour to join the discussion. If there is a hot business topic that you would like to discuss at a future #ForumHour, please get in touch We look forward to tweeting with you at the next #ForumHour.

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