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Business Insider


Greek Food Industry

Tackling Covid crisis & green transition

It has been more than a year now that the world is experiencing the coronavirus pandemic, with multiple effects on almost every aspect of our socio-economic lives. In this uncertain environment, the Greek Food & Drink Industry remains a fundamental pillar of the Greek economy and the leading manufacturing sector in the country in terms of turnover, employment and value added. It is a dynamic, competitive player and a major exporter worldwide. As all over Europe, our Industry had to face important challenges. Availability and transport of raw materials –ingredients, packaging and packaging materials, necessary for the production process– were affected. Uncertainty, transportation obstacles and border-crossing complications negatively impacted our exports. Obviously, the closure of large segments of the food service sector (restaurants, hotels, bars, cafeterias, etc.) resulted to a drastic reduction of the turnover of certain food and drink manufacturers. Despite the difficulties, the companies of our sector managed to respond effectively to this unprecedented situation, in close collaboration with all stakeholders in the food value chain and the authorities. Now, with the COVID-19 crisis, but even more so with the emerging sustainability concerns, we are at a turning point. Climate neutrality, food sufficiency, food waste reduction and prevention, food quality and safety, product reformulation, healthy diets, are always issues that require our utmost attention and actions. The recent crisis could lead to a potential acceleration of the EU “circular economy” related challenges (European Green Deal, Farm to Fork strategy). The pandemic acted as an accelerator of digitalisation and changes were monitored in consumer preferences and behaviours. In this context, the commitment to growth of our Industry is indisputable and the priority put on our consumers, our products and the sustainability of the food sector is non-negotiable. The national recovery and resilience plans should go beyond recovery to pre-crisis levels and should aim to boost the competitiveness of the Greek industry through investments in Research & Innovation and digital transformation. This would help all companies, no matter their size, that are struggling in times of economic hardship, to make a strong comeback and tackle the challenges.

The greek Food Industry is a growth generator that can play a major post-pandemic role 360,000


€5 bn


Evangelos Kaloussis Chairman of the Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (SEVT)

The Federation of Hellenic The Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (SEVT) Food Industries (SEVT)


The Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (SEVT), is the official body representing the interests of the Food and Drink Industries at national and European level. SEVT has as members not only food and drink companies but also branch associations.

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