Forward vision 107 august 2014

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The Newsletter of Chelmsford Advanced Motorists

More Issue 107 August & September 2014 IAM Group 7223 Registered Charity No 1059372

Congratulations Here are some of our successful members receiving their certificate from our Chairman Scott Bannister Several months ago my partner, already an IAM member encouraged me to 'take the plunge' after couple of near miss drownings plus many hours of enjoyment, under the watchful eyes of Scott & Pat I surfaced, and now a full IAM member. My great full thanks to both for their patience , attention to detail and humour. They say converts are the worst, in that vein I have now joined the committee and maybe in the future will consider the observer course. Thank you Scott and Pat once again for your commitment to Chelmsford IAM group. Happy Driving.. Selva Seeni

Tommy Cooper once said “You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen, it said 'Parking Fine.” Well Scott also encouraged me by saying my driving was fine but he made it a whole lot better and I’m very grateful to him for his generous sharing of his expertise and time, along with Pat at the mock and Ken for enthusing about IAM from the very start. Simon Tolaini

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Forthcoming Group Meetings These are usually held on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Essex Police Sports and Social Club, Which is through the Police vehicle park at the very end of St. Margarets Road, Chelmsford. Group Meetings start promptly at 8pm, so please arrive at around 7.45pm.


Associates, Full Members & Guests Welcome Date



Monday 8th September

"Growing Old Disgracefully" (or into the bewilderness) which is a humorous look at maturing.

Chris Winter

Monday 13th October

Talking about her work as "Deputy Lieutenant of Essex" and her involvement in "The Pride of Essex Awards".

Susie Cornell MBE

Make a note in your diary and please be there! Disclaimer—Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual writers and they do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, nor those of the Chelmsford and District Group of Advanced Motorists. Their accuracy has not been verified. Notice—Data Protection Act: records are held of members personal details submitted on their application form. The information will be used solely for the Group’s administration purposes and will not be passed to any third party.

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to our new Associate and Full Members. We look forward to seeing and talking to them at our monthly Group nights David Randall


Charles Proctor


Alex Garrett


Peter Mathews

Bishops Stortford

Ben Waterman


Sarah Windibank


Neil Howard


Chloe Green

Stow Maries

We are a friendly bunch, so don’t be worried about coming to our Group nights if you are on your own. Make yourself known to John who will greet you at the desk, he will find one of us to come and talk to you. John will also try to get you to part with some money for the raffle. There will be Senior Observers, Observers and generally an Examiner at the evening and you will be able to get answers to any questions that you have. Please come along, we’ll even give you tea or coffee and there is a bar - for light refreshments obviously! Terry Joyce Here is a reduced size of picture that I have taken. It is one of a number of Essex roads that I have taken. This is the A13/A1014 junction.

You can see more here Page 4

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Congratulations to these latest Members of our Group who have Passed

‘The Test’. Test No


Test Date



John Williams

18th May

Scott Bannister


Trevor Wilson

18th May

Graham Lowe


Selva Seeni

23rd June

Scott Bannister


Gill Wood

24th June

George Locker

See page 2 for photos of our members receiving their certificates.

To all those people who have passed their test: It would be appreciated if you could write a few words thanking your Observer and maybe something about the process and your test, to give those New Associates an insight into the process of learning Advanced Driving. Please remember: Do telephone both your Observer and Scott Bannister ( Associates Co-ordinator ) immediately after your test.

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From the Chairman To all of you that actually have a life and didn’t put in an appearance at the AGM I thought I should give you the edited highlights – but there weren’t any. Actually it was a marginally more fun 5 minutes than I thought it would be but then I had set my sights particularly low. Unfortunately, one of the highlights wasn’t a rush of people wanting my job……even one would have been good! So that’s me stuck with the job of chairman for another year, but on the positive side this will be my third year and according to our rules, three strikes and you’re out. That means I can look forward to returning to my comfort zone on the back benches where I can moan away to my heart’s content. On the positive side we got another three volunteers to join the committee. This was precisely three more than I was expecting so brilliant stuff. There isn’t a huge amount to do to run a group like ours, but without volunteers to do what is required, it won’t last long. So well done them for joining in the party. Since I’m on the subject of committee – don’t worry, I’m not trying to force you to join – it is worth mentioning that all members are welcome to attend our committee meetings. It’s not just for sad individuals like me. I believe in transparency so if you feel inclined to have an evening out, why not come along. We did consider publishing the minutes of the meetings in the newsletter, but figured none of you had been bad enough to merit being subjected to our ramblings in this way but if anybody thinks they would like to see them in this fine journal, let me know and we’ll revisit the threat. OK, that’s enough of the organisational nonsense – back to driving. Had a fun incident the other evening. White van behaving strangely on a roundabout – going very slow – as if he didn’t know where he was or where he was going. I overtook him because I was going at more than his 3mph and before I drew alongside I gave a quick blip on the horn so that he would know I was there and not kill me. It was a very small beep – honest. Next thing he’s on my tail, leaning on the horn for a few hundred yards. Obviously not a happy bunny. It was a good example of me trying to avoid being killed and in so doing inspiring somebody to chase after me with a view to killing me. What is it they say about the best laid plans??? So, enjoy your Summer driving but be careful – they are out there and they are out to get you.


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~~~~~~~~ Editorial ~~~~~~~~ Hello, The IAM have issued a document called Common Confusions to issue some central guidance in relation to the subject of both Observing and Examining within the IAM. See pages 12 & 13 for the continuation from the last edition. Thank you to those of you that have contributed to this edition. Please keep the letters and articles coming. Please check out page 15 for our group nights in 2014. There will be more information about them and any events that we are organising in the next edition. Also on Page 22 there are the dates for next year. Many Thanks to Sue Sweetland for her patient and educated assistance in producing this Newsletter.

Terry Joyce

Please contact me by email at

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Group contact information Our Group Enquiry number: - 07757 399897 Honorary Life Members

Mr Mike Corbett, Mr Glyn Jarrett, Mrs Ruth Jarrett, Mr Dave Travers, Mr Colin Snow.

Committee Chairman Associates Co-ordinator & Chief Observer

Scott Bannister


Steve Wright


John Johnston

Membership Secretary

Ken Carrington

Website Editor

Jon Ward

Newsletter Editor

Terry Joyce

Events Organiser

Sally Langley


John Stone

Group Contact

Susan Sweetland

Committee Member

Dr Clifford Murira

Committee Member

John Ockmore

Committee Member

Ken Howard

Committee Member

Malcolm Kentish

Committee Member

Selva Seeni

Committee Member

Anthony Shilson

Observer Examiner

Gaynor Manthorpe

External Events

Pat Clements

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Roadcraft Here is some more from the new edition of Roadcraft. Chapter 3 information, observation and anticipation Without these three elements we cannot be advanced drivers. How good we become depends on how well we are able to combine information with observation and anticipation and use them systematically. Each chapter has learning outcomes. For this chapter they are: • Explain how your brain processes information and how you can improve your ability to process complex information when driving •

Explain the three main types of hazard you will meet on the road.

Show how to use the information you gather from observation to plan your driving actions.

Demonstrate good observation and anticipation skills.

Identify human and physiological factors that can affect observation and anticipation and show how you manage these.

For me an extremely important part of this chapter is on page 53. It explains how we should scan our whole environment looking for different kinds of hazards. I have covered this before but as it is critical that we do this I’ll do it again. We are designed to focus on the main hazard. As an example, on safari we spot a tiger at a watering hole, it is a major threat to our safety, so we focus on the tiger only to miss the crocodile coming at us from the side. So when we scan the environment around our car, we not only need to focus on the major hazard but all of the others as well, because hazard number three might soon become hazard number one. There is a lot of information in this chapter about how we process information, where we might go wrong and tips on how to combat tiredness. It talks about how we use our senses and in particular our vision. Please read this chapter carefully and then read it again.

Extracts from Roadcraft comments by Terry Joyce

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The recent hailstorms have ruined the flowers on my camellias and my beautiful dark pink magnolia but the birds are singing, the sun is shining and it's actually warm!! Now, I don't know how you feel but I do like to be able to park outside my house when I get home. Not many years ago, workers from a nearby office block started to park outside on a very regular basis. I presume that the building only had enough parking spaces for the bosses and the rest hadn't grasped the idea that if you run a car, paying to park it is part of the deal. We tried to dissuade them by putting notes (which became more impatient as time went on) under their windscreen wipers and, if there was any room, by parking so close that they had to work really hard to get out but they just enjoyed being a nuisance. Eventually the Borough Council, as it was then, gave in to our persistent nagging and put a Residents Only parking scheme in place and the problem went away - for a while at least. Anyone got any ideas on how to persuade mums from the school 150 yards away not to fiddle around for ten minutes strapping their children in while I sit in the car with the engine running and an indicator on waiting to park?

Susan Sweetland

Our Observers Ron Adams

Gaynor Manthorpe

Scott Bannister

Dr Clifford Murira

Pat Clements

John Ockmore

Philip Cooper

Graham Robson

Paul Crosby

Roger Spall

Jamie Drummond

Lawrence Tattersall

Tony Hawes

John Tullett

Helen Jeffries

Mark Warbey

Terry Joyce

Brian Williams

Rob Laird

Rob Wise

George Locker Graham Lowe

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One Observer less Over the years I have been used to observers disappearing. People come into the group, do their bit and eventually move on as other parts of their life become more important. I understand this and don’t have a problem with it. Most just gradually wind down but with some it’s a bit more obvious. This is the case with Janet Miller who has just hung up her observing boots. This was not a decision she took lightly. In fact she had to be dragged kicking and screaming out the door. It would be impolite to tell you Janet’s age. Suffice to say she is no Spring chicken. When I took her on as an observer it was fairly unusual. I wouldn’t normally take on somebody of advancing years but Janet was so keen and pushy that I couldn’t resist. Now we are a good few years down the line and I won’t bore you with the medical details but trust me, she’s got more illnesses than you can shake a stick at, so the time has come where she can no longer drive to a standard that satisfies her………well, the DVLA actually. She would give you an argument that she can still do most of what is required. Is ‘most’ enough? It’s going to come to all of us. At what point to we give up driving? It’s a good question, but one without a good answer. Deterioration in old age is gradual so you hardly see it happening – particularly to yourself. You don’t waken up one day and say “yesterday I was fine, but during my sleep I went so far downhill I am now rubbish” It just won’t happen that way. I am hopeful that given my background with the IAM I will be able to tell better than the average driver when I can no longer cut it in the motoring world – but that’s just a hope. Perhaps I will cling on to driving beyond my abilities. Anyway, I digress – back to Janet. I recall sitting in on the third drive she had with her first associate – a young girl in her mid-twenties. Always dodgy when observer/associate are from different generations but I was struck with the rapport they had already built up. Janet’s main talent, apart from the driving, is her ability to get on with people and that’s very important for observing. You may think becoming an observer is about driving really well, but it isn’t – it’s about being able to communicate, and Janet is one of the best I have come across. She will be sadly missed from our happy band but I’m sure she will find some other interest that involves her pestering some other group. Some people just won’t stay down, and long may she continue to fight. Scott Bannister Chief Observer

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Common Confusions Continued from edition 106. See the letter from Chris Gardiner on pages 20/21. Item 13 Roundabouts – ‘Straight lining’/‘Trimming’ clarification: ‘Trimming’ or ‘Straight lining’ roundabouts is often encouraged to enhance safety, stability & progress. This is correct if the situation is appropriate. This must not however be done if there is a risk of conflict with other road users or where it will inconvenience or confuse others. The risk from traffic approaching from the rear is also a serious consideration in the decision on whether to ‘straighten’ a roundabout. If the driver compromises their own or any other road user’s safety they will fail the test. “I think that is very clear”. Item 14 Crossing of solid white lines – clarification: Highway Code rule 129 p43 (HC revised 2007) applies. You can cross a solid white line in the following circumstances providing it is done safely and causes no conflict with other road users: • To pass stationary vehicle(s); N.B. Queuing traffic is not considered to fall within the meaning of this term. • When it is necessary to turn right into a side road, premises, drive or other access but you must not straddle the line whilst waiting for a gap in oncoming traffic or for your exit to be clear; to pass a bicycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle providing they are not travelling at more than 10mph; the road maintenance vehicle has to be actively engaged in road maintenance with its amber light on and keep right arrow on the back; • If you are directed to do so by a Police officer, VOSA or HATO officer. You may overtake moving traffic by staying on the correct side of the solid white line providing there is sufficient space available between the vehicle(s) to be overtaken and the solid white line. The manoeuvre must be carried out safely and cause no conflict or confusion with other road users “They have expanded on Rule 129, which I assume is covered by the regulations covering the rule”. Item 15 Overtaking speed clarification: Any overtake needs to be accomplished safely and without risk of conflict with other road users. If, to overtake successfully, a candidate will have to Continued on Page 13

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Common Confusions continued

exceed the speed limit, they should not commence the overtake. If the posted speed limit has to be exceeded the candidate must ask themselves the question as to whether they should have attempted the overtake in the first place. How to be a Better Driver states (page 51) ‘You will fail your Advanced Driving Challenge immediately if you break any speed limits.’ “Again I think that is very clear”. Item 16 Misconception – Accelerating to a higher speed limit: Exiting a low speed zone (or junction or other hazard) and increasing speed to a higher posted limit is sometimes thought by the candidate to have to be race-like. This is incorrect. Progressive acceleration should be encouraged but not to the point of a drag start or racing-type behaviour. Brisk instead of fast is a better descriptive word to use. Acceleration needs to be progressive and controlled with due regard for the prevailing conditions. “Again I think that is very clear”. Item 17 Misconception – You must make good progress and need to drive at the speed limit plus 10% or some other margin that is above the speed limit. This is wrong. The IAM briefing statement made to all candidates is that they must comply with all traffic regulations. HTBABD states that “You must always stick to the speed limits, whilst driving as progressively as conditions allow.” The candidate should rely on their own speedometer on the day of the test and not try to make any adjustments for perceived inaccuracy. The Examiner will realise if the candidate’s speedometer reads inaccurately and will not penalise them for this unless there is a significant defect with the reading which would then class the vehicle as not roadworthy (something the Observer should pick up prior to the test anyway). Candidates should be discouraged from using their SatNav on assessment drives as the use of such devices will be discouraged on test. Although the candidate might fail the test for making insufficient progress (a significantly more involved set of skills than mere speed alone), they will be failed for exceeding a speed limit. From the IAM document ‘Common Confusions’ comments by Terry Joyce More in the next edition.

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Young Driver Scheme Do you know of anyone who is not 17 years of age, but wants to learn how to drive? Chelmsford IAM group supports this road safety scheme to give people the opportunity to learn basic car control skills in Driving School Dual Controlled cars on private land before they go on the public Highway. Lessons, lasting for one hour, are run on the third Sunday of most months at Earls Colne (near Coggeshall). There is an initial Registration Fee of ÂŁ30 which covers registration and the first one hour lesson. Subsequent lessons cost ÂŁ25. Lessons must be booked in advance. The scheme is intended primarily for 16 year-olds but, if vacancies permit, places may be offered to 15 year-olds or even to older people who are nervous about

getting behind the wheel (again, or for the first time). Full details of the scheme, a letter from Essex Police and a map may be viewed, and the application Form can be downloaded, from Alternatively, forms may be obtained from the YDS Organiser. Nicola Hyland, 67 Main Road, St Lawrence Bay, Southminster, CM0 7NA Dedicated Mobile number 07847 645632 or

Notification of Events There has been a lot of positive feedback from events organised by the Group. If you would like to be kept informed of any up and coming events please make sure that l has your current email address.

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Group Nights & Events 2014 Please make a note in your diary Monday 8th September

"Growing Old Disgracefully" (or into the bewilderness) which is a humorous look at maturing.

Chris Winter

Sunday 14th September

Driver Experience Day

See Scott

Monday 13th October

Talking about her work as "Deputy Lieutenant of Essex" and her involvement in "The Pride of Essex Awards".

Susie Cornell MBE

Monday 10th November

Editor of The Essex Family Historian

Fred Feather

These speakers have all been booked by Sally Langley. If you know of someone you think the group might like to hear, then please contact Sally on 07905 445249 or email her at

See page 22 for our Group Night dates for 2015

Driverless Cars Business Secretary Vince Cable has announced 2 new measures today (30 July 2014) that give the green light for driverless cars to take to UK roads from January 2015. UK cities can now bid for a share of a £10 million competition to host a driverless cars trial. The government is calling on cities to join together with businesses and research organisations to put forward proposals to become a test location. Up to 3 cities will be selected to host the trials from next year (2015) – and each project is expected to last between 18 and 36 months and start in January 2015. Ministers have also launched a review to look at current road regulations to establish how the UK can remain at the forefront of driverless car technology and ensure there is an appropriate regime for testing driverless cars in the UK. Two areas of driverless technology will be covered in the review: cars with a qualified driver who can take over control of the driverless car and fully autonomous vehicles where there is no driver. Speaking at vehicle engineering consultancy, test and research facility, MIRA where he tested a driverless car with the Science Minister Greg Clark, Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “The excellence of our scientists and engineers has established the UK as a pioneer in the development of driverless vehicles through pilot projects. From Newspress Page 15

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Driver Experience Day The next Driver Experience Day this year is on Sunday 14th September. It takes place at Ford’s test track at Dunton from 9.30am till approx 2.30. The cost is a minimum £10 donation to Essex Air Ambulance, you can donate more if you wish. The Driver Experience Day is a chance to push your own car just a little further than you normally do on public roads and you will end up with a much better understanding of what your car does and does not do at the end of it. Once again, it will put a smile on your face. As we go to press, I’m trying to organise an articulated lorry for us all to have a go at – nice to know what it’s like driving one of those beasts.

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Highway Code Changes in the New Highway Code (2007) © Crown copyright 2007

The other bits Annexes New drivers Special rules as set out below apply for a period of two years from the date of passing their first driving test, to drivers and motorcyclists from •

the UK, EU/EEA, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands or Gibraltar who passed their first driving test in any of those countries

other foreign countries who have to pass a UK driving test to gain a UK licence, in which case the UK driving test is treated as their first driving test; and

other foreign countries who (without needing a test) exchanged their licence for a UK licence and subsequently passed a UK driving test to drive another type of vehicle, in which case the UK driving test is treated as their first driving test. For example a driver who exchanges a foreign licence (car) for a UK licence (car) and who later passes a test to drive another type of vehicle (e.g. an HGV) will be subject to the special rules.

Where a person subject to the special rules accumulates 6 or more penalty points before the end of the 2-year period (including any points acquired before passing the test) their licence will be revoked automatically. To regain the licence they must reapply for a provisional licence and may drive only as a learner until they pass a further driving test (also see Annex 8 – Safety code for new drivers.) Law RT(ND)A

This has been expanded to in include drivers from other countries

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Hush-hush Information I recently had to buy a complete set of four tyres for my Ford Focus. One of my few complaints about the car is that the road noise from the tyres is too high, so my priority was to choose the tyre with the least noise. Since November 2012, tyre information labelling is mandatory: every tyre is given a rating for rolling resistance (for better mpg), wet grip, and noise. A scan through several makes available locally showed noise ratings from 68 to 71 decibels. However, the difference is greater than it seems, as the decibel (dB) range is logarithmic, with means that a decrease of 3dB halves the noise output. I noticed that rolling resistance also varied from B to a gasguzzling G - a big difference. Different models by the same manufacturer also showed large variations without obvious application differences, such as speed rating (all are rated far in excess of 70mph, so this isn't relevant for normal motoring), and there was no consistent relationship with price. I chose the Goodyear "Efficient Grip Performance" tyre. The reduction in road noise in most noticeable, so I would recommend that everyone checks the noise rating before buying any new tyres. The information label does not cover a number of aspects - tyre life, for example, but that depends so much on driving style (and correct pressure) that a rating would have little relationship to what was achieved. My hope is that a tyre by a well-known manufacturer with a low rolling resistance should give a long life, especially as my aim is to treat them gently and avoid any harsh stresses. Finally, don't just go into your nearest tyre fitting depot and choose from what is there. I bought mine from the motor repairers in my village which services my car, and they were considerably cheaper than a local tyre depot, and much more convenient. Apart from those they had in stock, they could get almost tyre the following day. Websites, such as the AA, also sell tyres with local fitting at very competitive prices. Tony Groves

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CHELMSFORD ADVANCED MOTORISTS LIBRARY LIST DVDs Drive Smarter, Essential know-how for your driving career (2 copies) By Gem Motoring Assist Roadcraft, The Police Driver’s Course on Advanced Driving By The Police Foundation

PC CD-ROMs The Interactive Highway Code HMSO/ Interactive Driving Systems Hazard Perception Test


BOOKS Roadcraft Human Aspects of Police Driving The Tyre Digest (2 copies)

TSO Scottish Police College Michelin

Driving Abroad

Robert Davies

The Official Highway Code Rev. 2007 Edition


The Official Guide to Accompanying L-Drivers


Sideways to Victory

Roger Clark

The Myway Code

Ian Vince/Dan Kieran

Paul Ripley’s Expert Driving

Daily Telegraph

The Inner Game of Tennis

W Timothy Gallwey

Mind Driving

Stephen Haley

Older Drivers – Safe or Unsafe? Traffic– Why we drive the way we do Boreham, A History of the Racing Circuit

IAM Tom Vanderbilt Bryan Jones & John Frankland

CDs Awake, Driver Reviver


Advanced Road Craft

Bespoke Driving Training

The Driving Test – Your Licence to Drive

IAM/Safety on the Move

If you have any books etc from the Library can you please contact Scott Bannister Page 19

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Letters & emails On all matters relating to motoring and the Chelmsford Group, this newsletter or your experiences in preparing for or taking your test are most welcome. Hello Terry I have now had a chance to read both articles from the IAM on the subject of Common Confusions. The documents would appear to have been written initially for Associates but clearly, as they have evolved, subjects of interest to all drivers and riders are included. Item 9 would be improved with further clarification. The DfT’s Traffic Signs Manual, Chapter 5 gives details of the markings on the approach to a mini roundabout. In general one of the approaches will have a double give-way marking and a white triangle on the road which is augmented by a triangular give-way sign on the post that also supports the roundabout sign. In the case of an apparent stalemate the vehicle to the right of the give-way would be expected to move first. The problem is that not all mini roundabouts have the give-way sign and all entries are of equal priority. The Traffic Signs Manual gives details of what should be done at a particular junction but these are too complicated to repeat here. The IAM’s instruction to proceed cautiously is obviously correct but doesn’t tell the full story. The use of the right-hand side of the road either to improve the view or to straight-line a set of bends seems very controversial. I have heard so much conflicting advice on this subject over the years, all of it from traffic officers or equivalent, that I ignore all of it and make decisions based on the current road conditions. The best piece of advice I received from Essex Police was “You pay enough to use the road so use all of it”. On this basis I use as much of the road as I feel is necessary and safe to improve my view line or to avoid near-side hazards. I always straight-line bends as much as it is safe to do so; if in the car it gives my passenger a smoother ride and if on the bike keeping the bike upright and in a straight line is the most stable travelling position although with the bike there is the added consideration of how much white paint and how many cat's eyes there are on the road. I perhaps worth noting that Roadcraft mentions neither off-siding nor straight-lining. There is mention of using your road space to best effect but implicit in this is staying to the left of the centre line. A series of bends is only mentioned in Motorcycle Roadcraft where it is recommended that these are linked together to provide the smoothest passage provided always that you can see through the bends to ensure safety. No mention is made of straightlining or even crossing the centre line, it is clearly left to the rider’s judgement in the particular circumstance. Continued on Page 21

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Letters & emails


In the chapter on Positioning Roadcraft suggests moving to the crown of the road for best view when overtaking parked vehicles or to optimise the view into a left side junction; the diagrams show these scenarios with everything happening to the left of the centre line. Unfortunately, since these diagrams were drawn passenger vehicle sizes have increased considerably and, on all but the most major roads, it is now rarely possible to overtake a parked vehicle without crossing the centre line. The question then is, how far over the centre line should one go? Chris Gardiner

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And we thought that we had problems with potholes! Sent in by Tony Groves

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Dates for 2015 Monday 12th January

History of Havering. This includes, Havering Museum, Romford Market, Hornchurch Airfield, Havering Palace, Upminster, Rainham and the Thames

Dennis Lynch

Monday 9th February

New drug drive offence, which drugs, what limits, the purpose of the new controls and how that effects medication.

Roger Agombar

Monday 9th March

Talks about Jack The Ripper, her research in Egyptology or working behind the scenes on the TV show Inspector Morse.

Lindsay Siviter

Monday 13th April

Driver First Assist programme

Rachel Hewings

Monday 11th May

Essex Crimestoppers Presentation

Stuart Walins

Monday 8th June

Hospital Radio Chelmsford

Graham Medhurst

Monday 13th July Monday 10th August Monday 14th September Monday 12th October Monday 9th November Monday 14th December These speakers have all been booked by Sally Langley. If you know of someone you think the group might like to hear, then please contact Sally on 07905 445249 or email her at

Please add them to your diary

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Sign of confusion I recently spent a weekend in the Brecon Beacons and despaired at the bilingual road-signs, such as that illustrated. It seems to me that they are an example of political correctness taking priority over safety, and of moronic implementation. I do not object to the principle of bilingual signs, but great care needs to be taken to ensure that the reader can extract the information in the minimum time. This is true in any situation, but especially so for road signs as anything which demands that the driver to take their eyes off the road is inherently dangerous - and especially as signs are often on the approach to a junction. Two rules would seem obvious to me: a) The two languages must be clearly differentiated, so the reader can immediately read the one appropriate for their understanding. b) There must be absolute consistency in the layout of the languages. Taking the second point first, the sign designs and markings on the road surfaces are inconsistent - sometimes the Welsh is above the English, sometimes below it. Even that most common road marking "ARAF SLOW" can be in either sequence in the same area. It may be their perverted way to ensure that neither language is seen to have greater importance, but it may be that it's incompetence and lack of any thought-out rules. Similarly with my first point: anyone who has experience of graphic design would suggest a number of simple ways to differentiate each language's text - for example using an italic font for one, or separating them with a horizontal line. I suspect that the political correctness police ruled out anything so obvious and sensible because neither language could be seen to be preferred. The result is a disaster for speed of comprehension, and therefore safety. Thank goodness that in most cases the symbol is sufficient to indicate whether the jumble of words needs to be read or ignored. Tony Groves Page 23

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Internet Links The links below are to websites that you may have an interest in. Please let me know if any of them are not working. Email me if you think of any websites that may be of interest.

IAM DrivingAdvice & Tips

Online Highway Code

Know your traffic signs


Drive Alive

Heritage Motor Centre

London Cyclist

Does anyone recognise this? If you have been on a drive with me you would have visited these.

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