Volume 1, Issue 0114
Good Health
Free Issue - $3.95 Value!
Good Health FOR Your
FOR Your
Curcumin Issue
Find out why this powerful spice is worth it's weight in gold
More Than Ever You Need Vitamin D Does Your Bladder Control Your Life? Dr. Holly Lucille – The Daredevil Doctor
Hydrate Your Eyes Compliments of:
Good Health FOR Your
For Your Good Health... by Terry Naturally ®
hen you think of healthy bones, you probably think of calcium. But research says you may need silica for healthy bone density, too.*
Hello, Welcome to this issue of For Your Good Health. We’re calling this edition “The Curcumin Issue”, and you’ll notice (and I hope enjoy) a special, multi-page segment on this amazing compound. I believe curcumin—especially a naturally enhanced, finely ground curcumin blended with turmeric essential oils —to be the most powerful botanical ingredient of our time. It truly can support almost every health concern, including; muscles and physical activity, cognitive function, healthy blood sugar levels, and much more. And those are just a few of its attributes! If you haven’t yet discovered curcumin, I urge you to read this issue.
Bone-Sil™ provides it. A natural silica blended with bio-flavonoids, trace minerals from the sea, and healthy marine lipids to enhance absorption.
Aside from curcumin, there’s plenty more to explore in this issue. And, as I always want to emphasize, good health is about a complete approach: diet, exercise, and supplementation. I believe you should always discuss starting any supplements with your licensed health care provider or physician.
SUPERIOR SILICA for: • Strong Bones • Teeth and Jaw • Calcium Absorption Into Bone*
The articles in this magazine are intended to inform and help—they’re not intended as treatment or diagnoses. Be educated and be wise when you choose a healthy path. You’ll appreciate the results much more!
Bone-Sil Boosts Bone Absorption of Calcium by 50%!*† ™
Terry Lemerond is a natural health pioneer with over 40 years of experience. He has owned health food stores, founded dietary supplement companies, formulated over 400 products, and was the first to introduce glucosamine sulfate, IP-6, standardized Ginkgo biloba, and other award winning products to the U.S. natural products market. Terry is a published author and appears on radio, television, and is a frequent guest speaker nationwide. This energy and zeal are simply part of Terry’s mission—as it has been since the beginning of his career—to improve the health of America.
2 EP257_01_2014
Terry Lemerond, Founder and President, EuroPharma USA
(+1000 cpm/g of bone)
To your good health,
Without Bone-Sil™
30 20
With Bone-Sil™
10 0
Absorption of Calcium In Bone
† In vitro evaluation on cultured human bone.
Good Health FOR Your
On the cover:
Dr. Holly Lucille The Daredevil Doctor Dr. Holly Lucille, known as “Dr. Holly” or “The Daredevil Doctor” is a nationally recognized, licensed naturopathic physician, author, educator, and natural products consultant. Her active life, expert writing, compassionate nature, and vibrant personality have earned Dr. Holly Lucille a welldeserved place among the list of most-favored health experts. She is a graduate of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ, where she received the prestigious Daphne Blayden Award. Dr. Holly has a private practice in Los Angeles called Healing from Within Healthcare, where her focus is comprehensive naturopathic medicine and individualized care. She is also a volunteer doctor at the Los Angeles (LA) Free Clinic providing health education, promotion and prevention in the public health system. She lectures throughout the nation, has appeared on national media programs, and is the author of Creating and Maintaining Balance: A Women’s Guide to Safe, Natural, Hormone Health. In addition to all of this, she is a frequent contributor to several publications, hosts the “Dr. Holly Lucille Show: Mindful Medicine” on RadioMD, and has an excellent series of natural health videos available at her web site, drhollylucille.com. In 2012, she launched her own talk show “Myth-Defying with Dr. Holly” on the Veria Living network. To get to know Dr. Holly’s style a little better, this is just a sampling of the “about” section of her web site:
4 Surprising things about me:
I have ridden motorcycles since I was 7 years old. I currently have a pearl white, belt driven Suzuki Boulevard 650 and I absolutely love it. I love it so much that after I crashed my first one (yes, I had a very bad accident in 2006) I bought the exact same bike!
3 4
During my last band tour I actually played drums and bass at the same time. Can you say the girl has got rhythm? I am painfully shy and extremely sensitive. I think my seemingly gregarious nature is a defense for how introverted I actually am. I care deeply about people and I am devastated when someone is hurt or in pain. One of my biggest pet peeves in life is that someone chose to abbreviate the word “etcetera” — etc. Do you know how many other words that are super hard and super long that I could have used some abbreviation for?
5 Things I Can’t Live Without:
1 2 3 4 5
My “Stretch out Strap.” One of my challenges is flexibility. I found this simple little strap that assists me in contorting my body to points of total uncomfortableness. I love it and hate it so much at the same time. To help ease the pain I have taken to watching “Breaking Bad” on my iPad while I am lying on the floor in pain. Crossfit. I have been doing Crossfit as my fitness activity of choice for the last year and I am addicted. My first competition is in February. Me, at 47 and some 20 year olds… should be fun! My cats. Samantha Kate and Sydney Bear. I didn’t have any two legged kids but tend to treat the furry 4 legged ones just like they are my own children! I learn from them, love them, worry about them, miss them… ETCETERA! Vegetables: There are just not enough words. Plant Strong/Nutrient Dense/Full of Fiber and LOVE. Forgiveness and Compassion: We are all so fallible along this journey and I feel like those two acts are vital for our thriving along the way. I need them and I need to give them.
Want to find out more? Visit Dr. Holly at drhollylucille.com to read her blog, enjoy her entertaining and educational (yes, both are possible) videos, sign up for health tips, or follow her on Facebook. 3
Good Health FOR Your
The Wonders of
Green Tea We tend to think of ourselves as a coffee-drinking culture here in the United States, and essentially, that’s pretty much the case. But did you know that second to water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world? Tea (Camellia sinensis) has been cultivated for over 5,000 years. All true tea (as opposed to herbal infusions) is from the same plant. The reason it is called “green” is because the tea leaves are only minimally processed after harvesting. Unlike black tea, where the leaves are allowed to oxidize, green tea leaves are simply steamed. Aside from the difference in taste, this light touch means that green tea keeps its antioxidant power, and more of its natural strength.
The most powerful of these compounds is epigallocatechin gallate, better known by its abbreviation, “EGCG”. Clinical research has shown that it treats premalignant lesions before prostate cancer can take hold. And, in Japan, where green tea consumption is traditionally much higher, boosting green tea consumption has also been effective against stage I and stage II breast cancer. In a case-control study in China, three types of cancer—pancreatic, colon, and rectal cancer—saw a decreased risk due to higher consumption of green tea. The numbers did show a difference between women and men. For women, the reduced risk of pancreatic, colon, and rectal cancer was 47%, 43%, and 33% respectively. For men, the percentages
were slightly lower overall but still very impressive; 37%, 18%, and 28%. If all of this isn’t enough to convince you to start drinking green tea, then you really should consider a green tea supplement. Look for a product standardized for a strong EGCG content, and let this wonder of the natural medicine world begin working for you!
PomXtra MORE with LESS ™
The superfruit for: Compounds in green tea are strong anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. They also keep our bodies metabolizing calories properly. In fact, with or without caffeine, green tea possesses a lipaseinhibiting activity that limits the amount of fat calories absorbed. But aside from weight management, green tea compounds called catechins work on multiple fronts to ward off cancer: they help prevent the DNAdamaging effects of oxidation and inflammation, prevent the development of cancer cells, inhibit the growth of tumor cells, (reducing tumor weight in the process), and improve chemotherapy treatment. 4
• Breast • Prostate • Colon • Heart
† Antioxidant activity
With PomXtra™ you get more of the good—high antioxidant support for healthy breast, prostate, colon, and heart.* EuroPharmaUSA.com *THIS STATEMENT HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.
Good Health FOR Your
Avoid These Foods!
Kids need iron for mind and body! Studies compiled by an Australian research team found that anemic children who received iron supplementation were physically healthier and had better cognitive performance. Iron supplementation was also associated with taller height and better weight. Because iron deficiency is common, the research team recommended supplementation for primary school-aged children. (Source: Nathan Gray, “Iron Supplementation Provides Cognitive and Physical Benefits to Anemic Children.” NutraIngredients.com, October 17, 2013.)
Memory Loss? Could It Be Your Statins? Add memory loss as another health risk to the growing list of problems for statin drugs, which already include increased risk of type 2 diabetes, liver damage, muscle deterioration, and 15 times increased risk of breast cancer. British researchers found that pravastatin (Pravachol is one example) decreased learning ability and object recognition. While learning capacity returned after the drug was discontinued, object recognition did not. For anyone taking statin drugs for cholesterol control, this is serious news. (Source: Ethan Huff, “Forget Your Meds? Statin Drugs Found to Cause Memory Impairment.” NaturalNews.com, October 17, 2013.)
Inflammation and free radicals can cause cancer. To protect yourself, absolutely avoid the foods listed here!
Sugar is an inflammationcausing ingredient. Research shows a connection to increased inflammation and tumor formation and growth brought about by high glycemic-index diets.
Deep Fried Anything Most oils used for deep-frying are hydrogenated and cause inflammation and cellular damage. Deep-frying carbohydrates also creates acrylamide—a cancerous compound that increases the risk of breast cancer by 10 times!
Cured/Processed Meat Processed meats like sausages and deli meat contain nitrites and nitrates. These preservatives add carcinogenic compounds, high doses of sodium, and can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67%.
Refined Flour
Refined flours contain bromide. Bromide competes with valuable iodine that may otherwise fight cancer and tumor formation.
Pizza is the number one dinner food in America. However, it is notorious for containing virtually all of the toxic ingredients on this list. Over a third of the pizzas sold in the United States use pepperoni as a topping, refined flour and sugar in their crusts, and in some cases, even deep-fried toppings. Definitely a food to avoid! 5
Good Health FOR Your
Improve Your Reaction to Stress
The Angel’s Herb that Stops
Overactive Bladder
If you have an overactive bladder and need to go the bathroom several times a day or night, it gets tiring in more ways than one. Or, worse yet, if you deal with enuresis (bed-wetting) because of a weak and leaking bladder, you probably feel frustrated and embarrassed.
Adrenaple x ™ Between traffic, busy schedules, stress, and fatigue, your adrenal glands get a workout every day. Revitalize them with Adrenaplex™! Adrenaplex provides key nutrients essential for the adrenal glands ability to control stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, including a highly absorbable freeze-dried adrenal extract, L-Tyrosine, licorice extract, vitamin C, and more.*
But you are not alone. About 17% of women and 16% of men over the age of 18 have overactive bladder issues. As we age, an overactive bladder becomes common—affecting one in five adults over the age of 40. Urinary incontinence, whether due to chronic bladder irritation, bladder weakness, bacteria, or prostate enlargement, (technically known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or “BPH”), which causes urgency and urinary frequency, affects at least 25 million Americans. In total, one-third of men and women 30 to 70 years old have experienced some symptoms of urinary incontinence. And while bed-wetting is often associated with children, there are some adults who, because of their overactive or weak bladders, have never experienced a dry night.
It’s a powerful—but gentle—way to help the body and mind respond to stresses and fatigue throughout the day. EuroPharmaUSA.com *THIS STATEMENT HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT DISEASE.
1 in 5
adults over the age of 40 have overactive bladder
Conventional prescription approaches aren’t always effective, cause side-effects, and can be risky as well. Of course, in many cases, even natural approaches to bladder health and incontinence are divided between men and women. However, clinically tested Angelica archangelica can offer a true ray of hope for both. Angelica archangelica contains a number of important compounds, including isoquercitrin and other flavonoids, polyphenols, and polysaccharides. It is these compounds that are considered to be responsible for the plant’s many amazing effects. An important thing to note is that Angelica archangelica grows in Iceland— it is not the same as Chinese angelica (Angelica sinensis), also known as dong quai.
Arctic Angelica improves bladder capacity by over
Study participants had
better sleep with fewer nighttime bathroom trips
continued >
Good Health FOR Your
This angelica extract is taken from the leaf of the plant, and has clinical research to back it up. In an 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, men suffering from nocturia—basically an overactive bladder at night—used Iceland’s Angelica archangelica or a placebo.The men in this study were age 45 and older, which is often when men begin noticing urinary frequency and the first symptoms of BPH. Not surprisingly, in Iceland, Angelica has become the number one herbal treatment to reduce urinary frequency in men, and has replaced saw palmetto berry as the treatment of choice. Many times, any urinary frequency issues for men are immediately considered a prostate problem. But that’s not always the case. In fact, overactive bladder is prevalent too, and requires a very different approach than we’d use for prostate health.
During this study, three main parameters were measured: the increase in bladder volume, reduction in nocturnal voids, and the increase in the duration of the first sleep period. The results were excellent. •
In the subgroup with a bladder capacity of less than 260 ml, those taking angelica saw an increase of over 300% in bladder capacity.
In the subgroup with more than 3 voids during the standardized 8.7 hour night, angelica reduced voids by an average 14%.
And, in the subgroup of men age 70 or older, angelica increased the first uninterrupted sleep period by 280% vs. the placebo group. This is impressive, because the prevalence of nocturia for men aged 70 and older can range from 50% to 80% or more. No wonder so many older individuals only get a few hours of sleep each night.
What’s interesting about this study is that the direct action of Iceland’s Arctic Angelica archangelica was not on the prostate, but on improving bladder strength. That’s good news for anyone— men or women. Plus, the Angelica extract was very well tolerated and showed no hormonal effects or unwanted side effects like increased blood pressure or heart rate, or reduced libido. That’s a definite difference from many prescription drugs. Imagine a day without needing to search for a restroom and a night filled with restful sleep. It can happen. That’s why this clinically-studied Angelica extract is the perfect choice. It provides strong results, no side effects and peace of body and mind for men and women.
The Iodine You Need— at Levels that Matter!
You need iodine, but dietary sources alone are often not enough. For strong benefits, Tri-Iodine™ is your best source. It provides a powerful blend of molecular iodine, sodium iodide, and potassium iodide to support a wide spectrum of health concerns, including: • Thyroid • Metabolism • Energy levels • Healthy breast, uterine, prostate, and colon cells* Available in 6.25, 12.5, and 25 mg capsules for your individual needs. EuroPharmaUSA.com
Make the most of your iodine supplementation with Iodine Co-Factors™! It provides nutrients that will help the body absorb and use iodine more efficiently. 7
Good Health FOR Your
Curcumin The All–In–One Solution:
ried and powdered turmeric has been used in India as both a spice and a medicine for centuries. In addition to flavoring food, turmeric was used to treat conditions as varied as toothache, gas, chest pain, and menstrual problems. Modern research has found that the effectiveness of turmeric is because of a natural compound it contains: curcumin.
By extracting curcumin from turmeric, we have an even more powerful way to treat disease. Enhancing the absorption of curcumin by grinding it to a very fine powder and blending in turmeric essential oil, has resulted in a natural substance that is as potent—or even more potent—at treating disease as prescription drugs, but without the adverse effects. continued >
Good Health FOR Your
… And any inflammatory disease! Sounds too good to be true? It isn’t. This special edition will help you discover why you need curcumin every day.
Curcumin vs. Turmeric First, it is a good idea to clear up a common confusion. Curcumin and turmeric are not the same thing. In some cases, you’ll see labels or popular health articles that refer to either turmeric or curcumin as having the same medicinal benefits. This is far from being the case. Turmeric provides the Antioxidant curcumin as the apple tree ORAC Value Per 100 grams* provides the apple. So there really is a big difference between the two, and it’s something to keep in mind as you read about the many amazing benefits of curcumin discussed in this section.
Curcumin is a Powerful Anti-inflammatory If that sounds surprising, consider that unchecked inflammation causes almost all chronic diseases—from diabetes to heart disease to arthritis to Alzheimer’s disease. And, unlike synthetic drugs, which typically work against only a single inflammation pathway, natural curcumin reduces inflammation through its effects on multiple inflammation targets. Because of this anti-inflammatory activity, as well as its ability to kill tumor cells, increase activity of protective antioxidants such as glutathione, and modulate tumor growth cell factors, curcumin is effective against hundreds of diseases.
Curcumin is a Strong Antioxidant Curcumin is also a potent antioxidant, able to neutralize unstable, reactive free radicals. Free radicals are molecules with a missing electron that stabilize themselves by “stealing” electrons from neighboring molecules, creating another free radical in the process. This chain reaction of free radical formation is known as a free radical cascade, and it can result in cellular damage (called oxidative stress) leading to inflammation and chronic disease—including cancer. Free radicals can negatively impact all body systems, including the immune system.
Curcumin, like other antioxidants, is able to stop free radical cascades without becoming unstable itself. Its ability to neutralize free radicals is extraordinarily strong. In fact, a specially prepared extract of curcumin has an antioxidant value of over 1,000,000 Preventing and Dark Chocolate Strawberries: per 100 g—many times higher Stopping Disease: Powder: 40,200 3,577 than that of blueberries (6,552), Why Curcumin Works Blueberries: 6,552 High-Absorption Curcumin: strawberries (3,577) or dark In the most basic ways, 1,000,000 per 100 grams** chocolate (powder) (40,200)— curcumin works for two well known food-based Figure 1 *Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity **Based on an independent lab analysis of the curcumin reasons. It stops inflammation antioxidants. The dual properties and oxidation. The reason of curcumin as both anti-inflammatory and super antioxidant curcumin is so valuable for so many diseases is because may also explain why it has no side effects (see Figure 1). inflammation and oxidation are the twin causes of almost every illness.
continued > 9
The All–In–One Solution: Curcumin
You could say that curcumin is the all-in-one solution for good health. This powerful, natural medicine is an amazing botanical ingredient that treats almost every disease or illness, including: • Cancer • Alzheimer’s Disease • Depression • Heart Disease • Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis • Diabetes • Obesity • Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Psoriasis • Wound Healing
Good Health FOR Your
Although the information on how curcumin works at a cellular level is very technical, what you need to remember is that curcumin is not a synthetic drug that poisons your body’s systems— instead, it works with your body’s own processes to help bring back a natural balance and vibrant health.
Be Smart About Your Curcumin! Curcumin can be tough to absorb. As a result, supplement manufacturers have tried to make it easier for the body to use, but with varying degrees of success. Many manufacturers standardize their extracts to 95% curcumin, but unfortunately that alone isn’t very effective. Additionally, some products blend the extract with piperine from black pepper, but piperine interferes with many medications and can have very negative effects on the liver. So, you have to make a smart choice when it comes to choosing a curcumin extract. They are definitely not all the same.
Curcumin Fights Disease
Curcumin for Cancer Curcumin fights cancer
• Stops tumor progression • Awakens “sleeping genes” that protect the body from cancer • Improves the results of chemotherapy drugs Our bodies have a natural ability to fight cancer through the activity of tumor suppressing genes. However, aging and environmental factors can turn off or silence these genes, allowing the cancer to grow and spread unchecked. Researchers have now found that one of the ways curcumin fights cancer is by re-awakening these “sleeping genes,” turning them back on to stop cancer. This branch of science is known as epigenetics, and it may hold the answer to treating many types of cancer. Curcumin has been shown to stop cancer initiation, promotion and progression, meaning that it stops the changes that cause normal cells to become cancerous, stops the replication
of cancerous cells (tumor formation), and stops cancerous cells from migrating to other parts of the body (known as metastasis). Published studies on curcumin’s anticancer activity (so far) have found that it can suppress breast, prostate, liver, skin, colon and lung cancer. Curcumin has also been shown to increase the activity of cancer drugs and to decrease drug resistance in cancer cells (meaning it helps cancer drugs kill tumors more efficiently). Additionally, it protects normal cells from the toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatments. Taking curcumin in combination with chemotherapy drugs may mean less of the toxic drugs are required, but the results may be better, with significantly reduced side effects. However, this is very early research and more studies need to be done. Researchers believe that curcumin works similarly against all types of cancer, so no matter what kind of cancer you may have, curcumin can help.
Alzheimer’s Disease Curcumin is the advanced treatment for Alzheimer’s
• Protects brain cells from inflammation • Reduces beta-amyloid levels • Shrinks plaques by over 30%
Curcumin is from turmeric, but it is not the same as turmeric.
The cause of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is not entirely known. However, certain characteristic changes are found in the brains of people with this condition—accumulated clusters of a protein called beta-amyloid, and clumps continued >
Good Health FOR Your
The All–In–One Solution: Curcumin
Curcumin reverses the physical effects of stress and depression. It reduces inflammatory markers in the bloodstream, which travel to the brain, and it prevents low levels of serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine. Additionally, laboratory research shows that curcumin promotes neurogenesis—ie. new brain cells. In a published study comparing a special, highly absorbable curcumin to two prescription drugs, fluoxetine (Prozac®) and imipramine (Tofranil ®), an experimental model found the highly absorbable curcumin to be just as effective as the two drugs—but without the adverse side effects.
Turmeric plants in northern India
of dead and dying nerve and brain cells. These clusters and clumps, called plaques and tangles, are believed to interfere with the proper transmission of messages between brain cells and the death of the cells themselves. Inflammation is also believed to be involved, causing the accumulation of plaques and tangles to have even more damaging effects. Because of the known anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin, researchers are now looking at its effects in treating AD. What they have discovered is astonishing. Not only does curcumin protect brain cells from damaging inflammation, in experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease, curcumin was able to reduce beta-amyloid levels and shrink the size of accumulated plaques by over 30%! In fact, curcumin is more effective in inhibiting formation of beta-amyloid protein fragments than many other drugs being tested as Alzheimer’s treatments. One of the most prestigious Alzheimer’s research institutes in the world, the McCusker Alzheimer’s Research
Foundation (supporting research at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia) is focused on learning more about the benefits of curcumin for treating AD. In a ground-breaking new study, a specialized, highly absorbable form of curcumin is being administered to patients with mild to moderate dementia in order to learn more about how curcumin can be used as an effective treatment of AD.
Depression Curcumin treats depression • Prevents low serotonin levels • Promotes brain cell formation • As effective as prescriptions— without side effects! Depression is a debilitating and difficult to treat disease. Approximately 30% of patients who take prescription drugs to relieve their depression experience no benefits, and the remaining 70% will have only partial improvement. Additionally, the side effects can be significant, including nausea, weight gain, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision, insomnia and more.
Clinical Evidence Recently, a clinical study using curcumin was conducted with individuals with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). This randomized, controlled clinical trial compared the efficacy and safety of small particle size curcumin blended with turmeric essential oils versus the prescription anti-depressive fluoxetine (alone or in combination)— to determine whether curcumin could be a viable therapeutic treatment for patients with MDD. To qualify for inclusion in the trial, the patients were required to be 18 years or older, diagnosed with MDD, and score more than seven on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, a 17-item questionnaire, (HAM-D17) that is a standard diagnostic tool used for interviewing and screening patients with possible depression. The highest proportion of response, measured by the HAM-D(17) scale was in the group using the combination of fluoxetine and high-absorption curcumin at 77.8%. continued >
Good Health FOR Your
Interestingly, the single-therapy groups scored almost exactly the same, with fluoxetine at 64.7% and curcumin at 62.5%—numbers so close that the data is not statistically significant from one another. There are two important conclusions from the result of this study. First, curcumin worked as well as the prescription drug fluoxetine in terms of the measurable changes in the HAM-D(17) score from baseline to six weeks of treatment. Second, this study provides the first human clinical indication that curcumin may be used as an effective and safe treatment for patients with MDD without causing concurrent suicidal ideation or other psychotic disorders.
Heart Disease
Curcumin stops and prevents heart disease
• Boosts good cholesterol by 29% • Reduces triglycerides by 27% • Protects against high-cholesterol diet as effectively as lovastatin In an experimental model of heart disease, curcumin was compared to the cholesterol-lowering drug lovastatin. The researchers found that curcumin protected against the effects of a high cholesterol diet just as effectively as lovastatin, preventing the inflammatory changes that lead to plaque buildup (and eventually, a heart attack), Curcumin can boost HDL reducing triglyc(good cholesterol) by 29%!
erides and increasing protective HDL cholesterol levels. In fact, volunteers receiving 500 mg of curcumin daily in a small clinical trial experienced a 29% increase in HDL levels. Just a 1% increase in this “good” form of cholesterol can reduce your risk of heart disease by 2-3%, so this finding is very important. Curcumin has also been found to lower serum triglycerides by 27%. Triglycerides are an undesirable form of fat that circulates in the bloodstream. Although much attention has been focused on cholesterol levels in connection with risk of heart disease, new research is finding that reducing triglyceride levels is likely more important than controlling cholesterol levels. In fact, one recent scientific paper noted that high triglyceride levels nearly tripled the risk of a heart attack. Therefore, the ability of curcumin to reduce triglyceride levels is crucial in reducing your risk of heart disease.
Arthritis Curcumin helps you move again • Stops pain and inflammation • Protects joint cartilage • As effective as prescription drugs for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis The hallmarks of osteoarthritis are cartilage destruction and inflammation— two conditions that curcumin is able to prevent. An interesting property of curcumin is that it is able to protect chondrocytes, specialized cells found in joint cartilage, from being broken down by inflammatory compounds (IL-1beta, MMP3) in the body. In fact, in a recent clinical study that looked at a combination of highly absorbable curcumin and boswellia (also an excellent natural anti-inflammatory) or the prescription drug celecoxib (Celebrex®) in the treatment of patients with arthritis, the herbal combination worked better than the drug, with no side effects! The researchers in this study found that continued >
Good Health FOR Your
The group receiving the special curcumin and boswellia combination were also able to walk further, and had less pain and better range of movement, all without significant adverse effects. In fact, 64% of those taking the herbal ingredients versus 29% in the drug group improved to such a high degree that they were able to move from having “moderate to severe arthritis” to “mild to moderate arthritis. If you suffer from osteoarthritis, you know that’s a huge improvement. Prescription drugs such as celecoxib are classified as non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and are known to cause adverse effects such as stomach and intestinal bleeding, ulcers, reduced kidney function, and increased blood pressure and risk of heart attack. Curcumin works just as effectively at reducing inflammation— without these potentially life-threatening adverse effects. In those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the body’s own immune cells attack and destroy the lining of the joints (synovium). This chronic, painful and debilitating condition is characterized by inflammation throughout the body, warm and swollen joints, and even joint destruction. Recently, researchers looked at the effects of 500 mg of a specialized, highly absorbable curcumin extract taken twice daily compared with 50 mg of the
prescription drug diclofenac sodium (one brand name is Voltaren®) twice daily, or a combination of the two in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The group receiving the highly absorbable curcumin had the greatest reduction in joint pain and swelling, with no adverse effects. By contrast, 14% of the participants in the drug group stopped the test because of the adverse effects they experienced.
Diabetes Curcumin stops diabetes • Reduces insulin resistance • Decreases serum blood glucose levels • Protects against neuropathy While diabetes is a disorder of blood sugar metabolism, inflammation plays a very strong role in its development and progression. In fact, some researchers now believe that chronic, low-level inflammation, especially when associated with obesity, is actually the cause of insulin resistance leading to Type 2 diabetes. In an experimental model of diabetes, curcumin was compared to the drug rosiglitazone (Avandia®), and found to be equally as effective in reducing insulin resistance, inflammatory markers, and fats in the bloodstream. Other studies looking at the effects of curcumin in models of diabetes
have found similar results: improved insulin response and reduced blood glucose levels. In fact, in one study, curcumin decreased glucose levels in less than 2 weeks of treatment, lowering HbA1c levels in diabetic mice without affecting HbA1c levels in lean mice. HbA1c tests show the average levels of blood sugar and are a way to gauge the control of diabetes. Additionally, scientific studies have found that curcumin may protect against other problems associated with diabetes, such as breakdown of eye tissue, potential brain damage, nerve pain (neuropathy), and heart disease.
Obesity Curcumin fights fat • Helps burn fat for energy more efficiently • Stops new fat cells from forming or expanding • Boosts levels of adiponectin— the body’s natural “lean protein” Obesity is closely related to diabetes, and in many cases occurs at the same time. In fact, the pairing of these two diseases is so common as to earn it the name “diabesity.” That’s because as you become insulin resistant, instead of sugar being burned, it adds to your weight as fat. As this cycle continues, you simply aren’t going to metabolize food properly anymore. However, there is exciting evidence that curcumin can make a life-changing difference. It can help your body regulate blood sugar levels, burn fat for energy more efficiently, and stop continued > 13
The All–In–One Solution: Curcumin
93% of the participants receiving the herbal combination reported reduced or no pain, compared to only 86% of the prescription drug group.
Good Health FOR Your
new fat cells from expanding or even forming in the first place. Obesity and diabetes both share one thing in common—inflammation. In fact, obesity is associated with an increase of pro-inflammatory TNFalpha and activation of NF-kB in fat, muscle, and liver tissue. However, stopping the over-activation of these factors also helps the body prevent insulin resistance, so circulating blood sugar is less likely to be stored as fat.
curcumin significantly inhibits two major genetic factors in fat cell creation, so at a cellular level, curcumin stops the growth of fat—even when food intake wasn’t reduced. The curcumin group in this particular study also showed lower concentrations of serum cholesterol and triglycerides than the high-fat diet group without curcumin. Plus—and this is just as key as the fat-inhibition effects—the curcumin group had lower concentrations of serum glucose. Additionally, the curcumin didn’t interfere with the normal development of healthy cells. One potential explanation for this is that curcumin moderates the inflammation that would normally be caused by a high-fat diet. This, in turn, prevents the creation of fat cells that would normally be one of the results of systemic inflammation.
Fat cell growth and expansion occurs the same way as tumor cell growth— through angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels that “feed” the fat cells. So ideally, aside from inhibiting calorie intake, you need to stop the expansion of fat cells altogether. However, research has shown that even on a high calorie diet, curcumin still interrupted the process of fat growth. In a laboratory study of animals fed a high fat diet, curcumin supplementation prevented the increase of adipose (fat) tissue as well as preventing fat deposits in the liver. In this study, it only took between 3 to 9 weeks before the benefits of curcumin supplementation became apparent. This research showed that 14
Curcumin also appears to increase levels of adiponectin. This protein normally circulates throughout the body, but is lower in obese versus lean body types. Aside from keeping lean bodies lean, adiponectin is also important for blood sugar levels and insulin metabolism. In fact, boosting levels of adiponectin is considered a potential treatment for type 2 diabetes on its own. But although adiponectin acts as an anti-inflammatory protein, high inflammation still reduces its levels in the body essentially “using it up”, and virtually eliminating any protective effect it would have against weight gain or insulin resistance. This is another reason why curcumin shows
so much promise—it helps the body protect itself and appears to work synergistically with existing natural chemistry.
Gastrointestinal Inflammation
(IBD and IBS) Curcumin stops gastrointestinal inflammation
• Reduces abdominal pain by 25% • 2/3 of study participants report an improvement in overall symptoms • Strengthens the intestinal walls Chronic inflammation of the intestines (the gastrointestinal tract) is associated with several commonly experienced diseases—particularly irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Crohn’s disease. Bloating, frequent diarrhea or constipation, gas, abdominal pain, even heartburn and acid reflux, can all be signs that unchecked inflammation is affecting the proper function of your digestive system. A study including over 200 people with IBS found that use of a standardized extract of curcumin was associated with up to a 25% reduction in abdominal pain, and 2/3 of participants reported an improvement in overall symptoms. In a small pilot study of patients with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative proctitis (a type of IBD) who received curcumin along with the standard anti-inflammatory drugs (including steroids), many of the patients were able to reduce or stop the medications, and inflammation markers decreased to within normal limits. One of the interesting benefits of curcumin is that it has not only been shown to continued >
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The All–In–One Solution: Curcumin
The Many Diseases For Which Curcumin Is Effective
cells and build new skin cells. In an experimental model of diabetes, both oral and topical curcumin were able to speed wound repair and healing. Radiation treatment for cancer can also cause significant damage to skin and delay healing. Pretreatment with curcumin has been shown in multiple studies to speed skin repair and healing. And finally, curcumin has shown promise at reducing inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as skin cancer.
The Most Powerful—and Safe—Natural Medicine Available
reduce inflammatory compounds in the intestines, it can actually strengthen the intestinal wall to prevent harmful bacteria from passing out of the intestines and reaching other organs, such as the liver and kidneys.
Wound Healing and Skin Conditions Curcumin Helps Your Skin
• Heals wounds faster and improves collagen • Reduces inflammatory psoriasis and eczema • Pretreatment before radiation therapy speeds skin repair
Curcumin not only protects skin with its ability to quench damaging free radicals and reduce inflammation, but it has also been shown to improve collagen deposition and vascular density in wounds. Collagen is the foundation upon which healthy skin is built; vascular density is what ensures adequate blood flow to carry in the nutrients needed for repair of damaged tissue. Many people who experience problems with slow healing of wounds also have diabetes. Diabetes interferes with wound healing because it causes reduced blood flow (nutrients needed for tissue repair are carried in the bloodstream). High blood sugar also interferes with the ability of the body to clear away damaged
In addition to all of these attributes, curcumin has shown promise in treating many other diseases and conditions, including kidney and liver disease, eye disorders, lung conditions, allergies, pancreatitis, and many more. There is a lot of exciting research using curcumin for each of these health concerns, and in the future, we’ll see even further advances. No toxicity issues have been reported for curcumin, even when used in dosages as high as 10 grams or more daily. Because it is so safe and nontoxic, curcumin therapy is something to consider for almost any condition, especially conditions involving inflammation. No matter what your health concern might be, curcumin can help. Remember that when you shop for a curcumin product for yourself or your loved ones, look for an absorbable curcumin blended with turmeric essential oils to get the best benefits possible from this amazing natural medicine. 15
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Boswellia Wakes Up the Sleeping Genes Among the most beneficial herbs, boswellia (Boswellia serrata) deserves special merit.
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Native to India, the boswellia tree thrives in very dry environments, and traditionally, resin from the tree is considered the beneficial part of the plant. Gathering the resin was a very ‘hands-on’ form of harvesting, bearing some resemblance to collecting sap to make syrup from sugar maples. When the bark of the tree is scraped, it secretes a resin called “tears.” The resulting gum from these tears is better known as frankincense. One thing to note is that there are two types of boswellia trees, both of which produce a resin called ‘frankincense’, so simply going by this name can be a bit tricky. The other major species, Boswellia carteri, is found along the Arabian Peninsula and the horn of Africa. Boswellia serrata is the species most often associated with medicinal effects. While the use of boswellia resin dates back hundreds of years in Ayurvedic medicine, it is only in recent decades that the full potential of extracted boswellic acids has been studied in earnest.
And, just as there are different species of boswellia, there are some distinctions about Boswellia serrata extracts to keep in mind, too. One of the most important compounds in boswellia is called acetyl-11keto-ß-boswellic acid—AKBA for short.
Aside from assuring a strong AKBA content, a good extract should be screened to reduce beta-boswellic acids to less than 5%. Beta-boswellic acid actually promotes, rather than blocks, inflammatory gene targets, so researchers have found that they need to be very selective in the boswellia extracts they use in their studies. While this amazing botanical is known for inhibiting pain and inflammation, relieving bronchial asthma, and stopping inflammatory bowel disease, it may fight cancer, too. How does it work? By “waking up” our “sleeping genes” that fight tumor growth. The study of the activation and suppression of gene expression is called epigenetics. You’re probably going to hear much more in the future about how epigenetic changes are the root cause of about 98% of all cancers. When we hear the word “inflammation,” we typically think about sore muscles or allergic responses. However, inflammation at a cellular level can very easily be considered the cause of virtually every disease state in the body. It certainly contributes to the growth of continued >
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tumors by over-exciting the very biomechanisms that are intended to keep the body healthy. Research has previously shown that AKBA suppresses the activation of NF-kB, a protein complex that, under the duress of inflammation, promotes the growth of tumor cells. Research has shown that age and environment can cause certain genes in the body to go to “sleep.” Some of these genes direct the body to suppress tumors (cancer). That is why cancer risk increases with age—some of the body’s defense mechanisms are inactive. In a recent study, a group of researchers from Baylor University showed the ability of high-AKBA boswellia extract to inhibit the growth of tumors in colorectal cells. It does this through a process called DNA “demethylation.” In DNA methylation, you’ll see improper cell growth that leads to tumor formation. Overall, the highAKBA boswellic extract stopped the spread of cancer cells, lowered their chances of mutating and spreading, and reduced the survival of the mutated cells that create tumors.
Recipe Seasonal Roasted Root Vegetables When the weather turns cool, a craving for hardy vegetables seems inevitable. Instead of turning to the starch-laden potato as a heavy lifter, give this recipe a try. 4 large sweet potatoes 4 red beets 6 yellow onions 5 white radishes
But beyond that, the boswellia extract actually reactivates those “sleeping” tumor-suppressing genes—essentially “waking them up”—which puts the body on a path toward healing itself.
7 large carrots 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon dried basil 1 teaspoon dried oregano Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
The fact that one simple botanical can work so well with the body to help it stop cancer is wonderful news. Even though much more research is needed, it provides great hope that a natural answer is just on the horizon.
Scrub potatoes, beets, and radishes, and carrots thoroughly. Quarter sweet potatoes lengthwise, then cut lengths into small (1/2 inch) wedges. Slice beets, onions, and radishes into disks, and slice carrots on a bias (an angle). Set onions aside. Toss other vegetables and oil in a mixing bowl, stirring to coat evenly. Add herbs and mix again; add salt and pepper. Prepare a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and cooking spray. Spread vegetables on cookie sheet, place on center rack in oven. About halfway through the cooking time, (15 minutes) turn vegetables over for even cooking. Add onions, and place cookie sheet back in oven for 15 minutes. Check that the sweet potatoes and beets are fork-soft. Add additional salt and pepper to taste; serve hot.
Good Health FOR Your
You Need Vitamin D – More Than You Think! Did you know that the majority of Americans are vitamin D deficient? How can that be?
Why You Need Vitamin D •
If you mostly work indoors, you may not be getting the direct sun exposure—15 to 20 minutes 2 or 3 times a week—to build up vitamin D levels.
• If you have darker skin and live in a northern region, you may not synthesize enough vitamin D from sun exposure. • If you are overweight or obese, adipose layers under the skin may interfere with the production of vitamin D. • If you are 65 years or older, changes to the structure of your skin may reduce vitamin D production by up to 60%.
This miraculous nutrient is also in short supply due to the overabundant use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. That’s because “vitamin D” is actually a pro-hormone that uses cholesterol as a building block of its structure. The lower your cholesterol levels, the less capable your body is of creating vitamin D. Vitamin D Stops Cancer Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is associated with at least 17 forms of cancer, and vitamin D may protect against cancers such as ovarian, prostate, and bladder cancer. For example, research has found that high levels of D can reduce risk of colon cancer by 40%. Up to 75% of women with breast cancer are vitamin D insufficient, while high levels of vitamin D are associated with a 45% reduction in breast cancer risk. Other studies have found that vitamin D is able to enter breast cancer cells and trigger cell death—in other words, vitamin D can kill breast cancer cells. 18
Vitamin D Helps Prevent Bone and Joint Diseases Low vitamin D levels have been associated with joint diseases such as arthritis. In fact, vitamin D deficiency was noted in 69% of the patients with inflammatory joint diseases or connective tissue diseases, 77% with soft tissue rheumatism, 62% with osteoarthritis, 75% with back pain, and 71% with osteoporosis. In other findings, researchers who provided bread fortified with vitamin D and calcium on a daily basis to elderly nursing home patients reported a 23% increase in hip bone density, versus the small 8% increase in bone mass density typically achieved with bone building drugs. Vitamin D Lowers Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease It has been shown that low levels of vitamin D significantly increase your risk of losing brain function or developing Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, a recent study found that being deficient in vitamin D increased the risk of suffering from impaired brain function by 42%. But in people who had severe vitamin D deficiency, the risk of mental impairment went up a shocking 394%! Researchers combining vitamin D with curcumin (from the Indian spice turmeric) have found that this combination can actually clear away the brain plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease! They do this by stimulating the immune system to break down the protein forming the plaques and tangles that may block synapses in the brain. Vitamin D Prevents Pregnancy-Related Complications Investigations about vitamin D intake during
continued >
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pregnancy showed some remarkable results. Researchers in South Carolina tested women in their 2nd or 3rd month of pregnancy and found that 94% of the African-American women, 66% of the Hispanic women, and 50% of the Caucasian women they examined were vitamin D deficient or insufficient. They then divided the women into three dosage groups. Group one received 400 IUs of vitamin D, Group two 2,000 IUs, and Group three 4,000 IUs daily. They found that the women receiving the highest dosage of vitamin D—4,000 IUs—had the fewest pregnancy related complications. They were half as likely as the other women to develop gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related high blood pressure, or preeclampsia. They were also less likely to give birth prematurely. Boost Your Vitamin D! Vitamin D can prevent or delay complications associated with diabetes, reduce pain associated with fibromyalgia, and decrease the severity and frequency of asthma attacks. Low vitamin D levels increase your risk of heart disease, depression, and even death—in a study looking at vitamin D intake, those who had the lowest levels of vitamin D had a 26% higher risk of death from all causes compared to those with the highest vitamin D levels! The Vitamin D Council, a non-profit organization formed by Dr. John J Cannell, MD, recommends that most adults could benefit from about 5,000 IUs of supplemental vitamin D daily for the best results. You can also ask your doctor to test your vitamin D levels to help determine your optimal vitamin D dosage.
Adrenal Quiz
—How Are Your Adrenals?
These questions can help you determine whether or not you have adrenal burnout. Circle the number that is most appropriate for you. If an example does not apply to you then just leave it blank. Don’t think too much about these questions—simply try to answer them instantly. You should know at once if you have one of these indications.
A Test Your Adrenals If you experience that indication in a mild way Circle #1. That means you may experience that indication once or twice a month.
Circle #2 for moderate symptoms which means they may occur several times a month.
Circle #3 for severe symptoms which are symptoms that you are aware of almost constantly.
Occasionally feeling tired
1 2 3
Some weakness
1 2 3
Feel occasionally lightheaded
1 2 3
Weak, rigid nails
1 2 3
Brown spots or bronzing of the skin, especially on the shins 1 2 3 Occasional skin rashes
1 2 3
Joint health concerns
1 2 3
Respiratory health concerns
1 2 3
Digestive discomfort
1 2 3
Occasional stress and nervous tension
1 2 3
Increased perspiration
1 2 3
Occasional constipation
1 2 3
Occasional ankle discomfort, especially in the P.M.
1 2 3
Salt cravings
1 2 3
Seasonal sensitivities
1 2 3
Occasional shortness of breath 1 2 3
B Score After you’ve circled the numbers, add your score. If you have a score of:
5-8 you may have a
MILD case of adrenal insufficiency.
8-12 you may have a
MODERATE case of adrenal insufficiency.
12 or over you may have a
Occasional muscle fatigue following rapid movement
1 2 3
Bronchial health concerns
1 2 3
Weakness following respiratory health concerns
1 2 3
SEVERE case of adrenal insufficiency.
Total: 19
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DO YOUR NUMBERS NEED A LITTLE WORK? CholestCaps™: elps eliver evels of Good Cholesterol!*†
This powerful, concentrated Indian Gooseberry extract has been shown to increase HDL—good cholesterol levels—an average of 14%!*† E u r oP h a r m a US A. c o m †
Healthy cholesterol levels already within normal range
Should You Have Your Strontium Today?
Need Winter Eye Relief? Sea Buckthorn to the Rescue! Winter takes a real toll on the comfort of your eyes. Dry air in your home and workplace, using cold medicines and cough syrup, and working in front of a computer or enjoying a marathon of favorite movies will strain your eyes. And, if you enjoy skiing or snowboarding and more outside adventures, the sun glare from the snow can cause a lot of strain for your eyes, as well.
Strontium—a trace mineral essential for bone strength and maintaining healthy bone density.* EuroPha r maU S A .c om *THIS STATEMENT HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FDA. PRODUCT NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.
Any of these situations seem even worse if you are one of the 38 million people in America who wear contact lenses, which don’t allow as much oxygen to the eye, or allow it to naturally remoisten or “breathe”. And, even though the contacts help you feel a bit more outdoor-ready, combined with sun and snow glare, your eyes will certainly feel dry and sore. But that doesn’t mean you need to be stuck with eye drops to replenish moisture. A complete sea buckthorn extract that includes omega-7 fatty acids can do that for you from the inside. That’s because sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides) provides over 200 nutrients, including vitamins, antioxidants, plant sterols, and a wealth of essential fatty acids including omega-3, 6, 9, and the much tougher-to-find omega-7. continued >
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One thing to note, however, is that not all sea buckthorn products contain omega-7 fatty acids. That’s because omega-7 is found only in the pulp of the berry, not the seed oil. However, the seed oil is rich in essential alpha-linolenic and linoleic fatty acids, for beneficial omega-3 and omega-6. Both the pulp and the seed oil supply high levels of natural vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) and plant sterols along with the omega-7 fatty acid. That’s why using a complete sea buckthorn extract is so critical. These nutrients work together to keep skin and mucous membranes moist and strong throughout the body, and are especially good at maintaining the moisture of the tear film of the eyes. When you have dry eyes, one of two things is happening: you either can’t produce enough tears or moisture to keep the eyes from feeling dry, (called an “aqueous deficient” dry eye) or your eye moisture levels start off normal, but the tear film isn’t healthy enough to prevent the eyes from drying out, (known as an “evaporative” dry eye). But a complete sea buckthorn extract can make a big difference. We know that people with healthy eyes have higher levels of certain fatty acids in their tears than people who suffer from dry eyes. Fatty acids—and a healthy fatty acid balance—also help build tears that lubricate the eye and prevent moisture loss. Restoring that balance is what a clinically-studied sea buckthorn extract does best. For example, in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study using sea buckthorn, one hundred
men and women aged 20 to 75 who were experiencing dry eyes (not surprisingly, half of them used contact
Over 200
Nutrients in a complete sea buckthorn extract, including Omega-7
38 million People in America wear contact lenses
1 billion
Colds per year in the United States that irritate the eyes
lenses) were given either sea buckthorn or a lookalike placebo. After three months, the redness and burning associated with dry eyes was much lower in the sea buckthorn versus the placebo group. In other similar studies, those using sea buckthorn had a much better fatty acid composition of their tear film than those in the placebo groups. Because the stress of winter living, dry indoor air, and cough and cold medicines cause a strain on your natural balance of nutrients, including fatty acids, dealing with dry eyes during the season is very common. Fortunately, with a complete sea buckthorn extract, it can be a thing of the past.
The goodness of fresh garlic made easy!
Healthy Heart, Cholesterol Balance —No Garlic Breath! GarliMed provides the power of 4 grams of fresh garlic† in just one enteric-coated tablet. You get a simple way to support a healthy heart and balanced cholesterol levels, without any fuss.*†† EuroPharmaUSA.com † Equivalent key compounds in 4 grams of fresh garlic.
†† Cholesterol already within normal range.
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Amazing Mesoglycan The Natural Artery Builder We are in the middle of a cardiovascular crisis. One in every three deaths in America is due to heart disease or stroke—equivalent to 2,200 deaths every day. Heart disease is also expensive—over $400 billion dollars a year in healthcare costs and lost productivity. Experts have estimated that if we were to eliminate heart disease, we’d add about 10 years to the average human lifespan. Healthy blood vessels, arteries, and veins are a crucial factor in any effort to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, aneurysms and strokes. However, there are no drugs that will make blood vessels stronger and resistant to rupture. Fortunately, there is a natural alternative. It is a clinically-studied nutrient called mesoglycan. Mesoglycan is an excellent source of building blocks called glycosaminoglycans, or GAGs—a vital and necessary component that builds the walls of our blood vessels and arteries.
of blood vessels and arteries, mesoglycan also inhibits the effects of fibrinogen—an inflammatory marker and precursor to fibrin and the abnormal blood clots that cause heart attacks or strokes. Mesoglycan also improves blood flow. Consider the clinical studies of 18 patients with heart disease (either general atherosclerosis or from diabetes). In a 9-day trial, mesoglycan showed healthy anti-clotting activity after just one dose! Repeated administration showed similar effects, so it was an ongoing benefit.
Many factors figure into heart and blood vessel disease, including strokes, but one thing they have in common is the strength of the blood vessel wall, and the need for uninterrupted, healthy blood circulation. Again, no drugs make blood vessels stronger. But mesoglycan can.
Another similar clinical trial involving patients dealing with atherosclerotic disease (general or with non-insulin dependent diabetes) showed an improvement in blood flow after just 30 days.
It slows and even prevents hardening of the arteries, treats diabetic retinopathy and chronic venous insufficiency, and many other circulatory diseases.
For those who have suffered a transitory ischemic cerebral attack (TIA), a temporary stoppage of blood often called a “mini-stroke”, mesoglycan is an excellent natural medicine.
Mesoglycan works in many ways and provides a world of benefits for the entire circulatory system. It builds the foundation of blood vessel walls, makes them strong yet flexible, and keeps blood moving through our arteries and blood vessels.
Transitory or transient ischemic attacks are considered “warning strokes”, and point to potentially debilitating or fatal problems in the future. In a clinical study, mesoglycan was able to stop the recurrence of these clots, so it provides real hope for anyone at risk of stroke.
Strengthens Arteries, Stops Clotting, Promotes Blood Flow One of the reasons blood clots develop is because of a protein called fibrin. Aside from helping build the structure 22
For those who have already suffered from a stroke, mesoglycan speeds recovery and helps manage signs of the condition. In an open trial, mesoglycan improved mood, continued >
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autonomy, memory and emotional lability—the sharp, extreme changes in mood or emotional responses—in those with a history of stroke. Stops Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) Mesoglycan also strengthens veins in the legs and relieves symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), stops venous ulcers and helps prevent the potentially damaging and dangerous clotting in the veins known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Clinical tests showed that mesoglycan stopped the recurrence of DVT, a normally common occurrence. Additionally, it relieved the pain, bruising, and overall mobility of those with CVI. Protects Eyesight, Repairs Retinopathy Mesoglycan improves the strength of the fragile blood vessels in the eye. In a double blind, placebo-controlled study of a patient suffering diabetic retinopathy, mesoglycan significantly reduced visiondamaging bleeding and weak or bulging blood vessel walls.
† Omega-3 profile. Naturally occuring, unaltered omeag fatty acids bound to phospholipids. Phospholipid bound omega-3s from salmon.
Mesoglycan is essential You don’t need to be a statistic in the ongoing cardiovascular crisis in America. Nature often has a better way, and mesoglycan is part of it. It’s estimated that the human body has about 60,000 miles of blood vessels, all of which have—and need— mesoglycan in order to function. This includes our entire cardiovascular system, including arteries, veins, and other “microcirculatory” vessels in delicate spaces like the eyes and brain. Protect yourself by adding mesoglycan supplementation to your daily regimen. It can make a world of difference. 23
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Comfrey Cream
Work Hard. Play Hard. Every Day. Traumaplant.
The Only Comfrey Cream Free of Toxic Liver Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PAs) in the United States From Freshly Harvested Blossoms, Stems and Leaves
TOPICAL CREAM Imagine a comfrey cream with a pleasing, natural scent that absorbs quickly, and never leaves a stain... Sound too good to be true? It isn’t.
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