Whitesell Wisdom BONDING WITH YOUR HORSE Probably the thing I hear most when doing clinics around the country is that the rider wishes to have a bond with her horse. I think we all want that. I think most riders don’t get the connection they want because they have the path to bonding backwards. People try to do things with their horse to bond so the horse will be safe to ride. I believe you have to make the horse feel safe before he will bond. When you do activities with your horse, can you make him comfortable. Do you make sure he doesn’t lose his balance when you ride? Have you built a communication where you don’t constantly use his face to stop, turn and
back? Do you always prepare him before you ask him to do something so he can put his posture and feet where he needs them to carry out your wishes?
By Larry Whitesell pect him to look for you when he is in trouble.
If you are taking slack out of a rein, does your horse know what to do to prevent you from actually putting presIn order to train a horse sure on his mouth? That so he feels safe and would include gaiting or comfortable, you must collection. In dressage, teach him how you will that would be the clascommunicate to his sical school or riding feet. You must show with feel. him how to balance himself when you ask The horse is going to him to do things with bond with the rider who you on his back. he feels can get him to safety and make him After you have taught comfortable. He will the horse to move away bond with an empafrom pressure, have thetic leader - one who you continued his edhelps keep his balance. ucation until he knows what to do to prevent If you need stronger pressure being applied. equipment or stronger If you have to pull on aids, the horse does his face or push on his not clearly understand ribs to get a turn, stop the question. Commuor back, then don’t exnication makes stron19 • The Sound Advocate • Issue 1, 2021