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From the American Gaited Mule Association.

What is a Gaited Mule?

A gaited mule is any mule that has a smooth gait other than a walk and one which is distinct from a trot. Gaits include single-foot, fox-trot, rack, running walk, stepping pace and paso fino, among others. Whatever the gait may be called, its primary virtue is smoothness. A gaited mule (or horse) can be ridden farther without discomfort from bouncing while trotting, and at a more manageable pace than a canter. A gaited mule is great for trail riding, also.

What is the American Gaited Mule Association?

The American Gaited Mule Association (AGMA) is a group of people who have gotten together to:

• Promote the joy of owning and riding gaited mules

• Sponsor shows or classes within those shows

• Form a registry of gaited mules, jacks, jennets, and mares

• Train and supply judges for gaited mule shows

• Interact with other horse and mule organizations and enthusiasts

• Educate the public on the virtues of gaited mules

American Gaited Mule Association History

In November 1993 Bill Moore, Ricky Davison and Eddy McCrary had the first meeting of the American Gaited Mule Association at Old Charles Restaurant in Lebanon, Tennessee. Soon after, Warren Bagley, Elizabeth Gilmore and Sue King came aboard to help form the AGMA. At this time, the six of us felt as if we should have some input from the Walking Horse Industry and contacted Ronald Young, David Howard and Tommy Grider for guidance. John T. Bobo, of Bobo, Hunt and Bobo Law Firm, came aboard as our attorney.

In the spring of 1994, the board of directors was formed. The first AGMA Board of Directors and Officers were Bill Moore (President), Eddy McCrary (Vice President), Warren Bagley (Treasurer), Elizabeth Gilmore (Secretary) and Directors: Ricky Davison, Ronald Young, Tommy Grider, David Howard and Sue King.

On July 6, 1994, the AGMA was incorporated with the state of Tennessee as a non-profit organization. In the fall of 1994, the AGMA was contracted by Sue King from the North American Saddle Mule Association at her request we formed a rules committee to do a section in the rule book for gaited mules. The Rules

Committee included Eddy McCrary, Ricky Davison, Ronald Young, Warren Bagley and Bill Moore. This started our affiliation of the AGMA with the NASMA.

In 1995, the AGMA asked the Great Celebration Mule Show in Shelbyville, Tennessee to hold their first World Championship Show and in 2006, an AGMA Rule Book was published.

AGMA Membership

Gaited mules, mares, jacks and jennets may be registered. It’s easy to join AGMA; print and complete the membership form, checking the level that fits you best. Membership levels include Founding Charter, Family and Single.

For more information, visit http:// www.americangaitedmule.com/ home.html.

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