By Larry Whitesell
I don’t over flex while the horse is standing still because that would disI see hundreds of riders at clinics ev- connect the reins from his feet in his ery year. Almost all the problems rid- mind. Then I can’t control his feet ers have with their horses have the with the reins because he thinks the same causes. It disturbs me that as I reins just bend his head and neck. try to teach riders, what they do that upsets the horse and causes their If your problems are exactly what their ridhorse gets ing instructors and trainers are tellheavy in ing them to do. We are abandoning your hands, teaching the horse what the horse he is out needs to know in favor of methods to of balance. dominate and physically control the If you put horse. A lot of natural horsemanship a stronger is guilty of this. bit on you might conIt seems that when a horse, in the trol him rider’s opinion, is not being obediphysically ent, we over flex, disengage, whack while he them in face to back up, etc. If you is calm, are always disengaging, you put the but ushorse in a bind so they have to sub- ing strong mit physically. Why would you not equipment teach them how to engage so they won’t put can learn to soften to the bridle and the horse relax? in balance and relax I don’t want to prevent my horse him mentally. As long as he is more from running off, I want to take afraid of the equipment than what is away his desire to run off. I want my happening in the environment, you horse to believe safety is with me. are safe. As soon as something hap14 • The Sound Advocate • Issue 2, 2022