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From the Editor
Recently we posted a simple question on Facebook. “How old were you when you bought your first horse?” We have almost 6,000 followers on Facebook. Typically when we pose a question, maybe 1,000 people see it and we may get up to 50 comments.
This question, however, clearly struck a cord. As of mid-September, it had a reach of over 13,000 with over 1,000 comments.
Now I have no idea why this simple question elisted such a large response. My one idea is that people simply wanted to share their stories because the comments were more than just specifying an age. They
told their entire backstory how their horse ownership came to be. Here are just a few of the many stories that were shared.
“Around twelve when I got my pony. Nobody rode her but me really.My uncle rode her a couple of times. She’d lay down or buck with anybody else.” - Sally B.
“I was 13 when my friend gave me my first horse. I’m 66 now and have had horses continuously ever since.” - Kathryn G.
“20 despite asking my parents for a horse every year for Christmas from the time I was able to talk. They said I would get it, take care of it for a while and then lose interest. So here I am 48 years later. Never been without a horse since my first one. Guess I proved them wrong!” - Cindy Y.
“I was 11 when I got a horse of my very own. I had him till I was 41” - Patti M.
“33, and getting her was one of the best days of my life!” - Kathie M.
The bottom line is everyone has a story. Whether getting a start as a child or later in life, we all share a common thread of loving horses.
Stephanie J. Ruff Editor editor@fosh.info