This publication features works by Jimmy Ong produced chiefly over the past decade. Richly illustrated, each picture is examined in detail by analysing its topic, its composition and the circumstances in which it was produced by looking deeply at the medium of drawing and by exploring its meaning. Pictures are also appraised comparatively in order to discern links with one another, to underline their distinctiveness and to suggest connections with earlier productions.
The title for the publication is derived from Jimmy Ong’s pictures. Bukit Larangan (the earlier, historical name for present-day Fort Canning in Singapore) and Borobudur are wellsprings for the narrative and symbolic content for a number of pictures. They also constitute poles for signifying locations for Jimmy Ong’s life, beginning in Singapore and now residing in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Borobudur and Bukit Larangan are thematic drives for examining his recent pictures.