1 minute read

What Participants Told Us

”I’m much more aware of the threats to the marine environment and individual species and ways to help.”

”I rockpool in my own time too and have been reading the free rockpool book. I also have always enjoyed taking photos so have some great photos now of some of the amazing marine life.”


”I used to stare blankly at the rockpools, not really sure what to do, now we’re scrambling over the rocks digging under kelp for devil crabs (carefully). ”

“I am more considerate about my impacts on marine wildlife both when I’m out on the coast and what lifestyle choices may affect wildlife.”

“Whenever I’m at the beach near rock pools I’m always now aware of the wildlife and take a look, adding a new experience to going to the beach.”

”Seeing other people growing interested in marine ecosystems, made me want to pursue my career even more, in order to make an even bigger change in how people view the ocean.”

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