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Falak Nazer University of Waterloo

My name is Falak Nazer. I am currently an Architecture student at the University of Waterloo. I have always had a deep interest in architecture, design and construction and even pursued voluntary positions in high school to gain some experience. In the past year I have had the honour of working with a few different firms and companies to further develop my analytical, managerial and design skills.

gas Table of Contents Resume Al Horiyah TI Plaza Hitachi Tower REV Student Residence Professional Samples Personal Projects 7 10 20 26 32 42 50

Re: Falak Nazer Reference

To Whom It May Concern:

We had the pleasure of having Falak Nazer join our team for her University of Waterloo Co op work term from May 2022 until September 2022.

We found Falak to be a delightful employee. Falak demonstrated great time management while working remotely during the entire work period.

We challenged Falak with the type of work that she was asked to do She happily rose to the challenge taking on detailed work that was unfamiliar to her completing tasks on time and accurately.

Falak is capable of serious technical work while keeping in mind aesthetics and whole project thinking.

We design very efficient buildings During her work term, Falak was an introduced to many new concepts which she worked to understand and then incorporated into her work efficiently and comprehensively.

I highly recommend Falak as an enthusiastic, engaged, and happy employee.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions that you may have about this recommendation.

A Support Letter to Ms. Falak Nazer

To whom this may concern,

I am writing a support letter at the request of Ms Falak Nazer, an undergraduate student at the School of Architecture, University of Waterloo. My name is Anwar Jaber; I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor


I had the pleasure to know Ms. Nazer for a year as a student on two courses that I taught:

• Winter 2021 term: ARCH392 Design Studio Course, ‘ Environmental Justice through Affordable Housing’ (co taught).

• Fall 2022 term: ARCH442 Contemporary Theories of Architecture (ongoing)

The two courses above are core courses for the undergraduate degree at the University of Waterloo. They address complex socio political issues related to the role of architecture and urbanism in the contemporary world from design and theoretical perspectives, respectively. Ms. Nazar showed and continues to show a high level of commitment and critical thinking. She is active in the discussion and demonstrates a deep understanding of the architect’s role in shaping societies. This is evident in her weekly reflections and in-class discussions.

On a personal level, Ms. Nazer is popular in her cohort. She is approachable, intelligent, and willing to help her colleagues. She is a brilliant student, and there is no doubt that she is a valuable addition to my class. With her curiosity and exceptional communication skills, I am pleased that I have had the chance to know and teach her. I would be happy to support her in her academic and professional journey in any way possible.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards, Dr. Anwar Jaber

AMTD Global Talent Postdoctoral Research Fellow Adjunct Professor anwar.jaber@uwaterloo.ca

The University of Waterloo, Faculty of Engineering School of Architecture 7 Melville Street S. Cambridge, Ontario N1S 2H4 Phone: 519 888 4567 Fax: 519 622 3525 September 20th 2022
at the same


125A Whitney Place

ON N2G 2X8

April 21, 2021

Jose Montes

125 Whitney Place, Kitchener

Attention: Human Resources Department

Dear Prospective Employer,

Falak Nazer was an employee and coop student at Seamont Contracting from January until late April.

Over the past four months I have had the chance to get to know her on a professional and personal level. As an employee, Falak has been a dedicated and hardworking member of the team who was always ready to take on any assignment. She is professional and maintains a good relationship with clients, peers and business partners. As an individual she is out going, personable and easy to get along with. Falak is also a highly motivated individual and is always looking for ways to improve.

Overall, I can highly recommend Falak for the position you have available as she is versatile in individual and team atmospheres. She has been a pleasure to work with and brings great energy and motivation to the team.

If you need any additional information, please contact me.

Best Regards, Jose Montes

jose@seamontcontracting.com (519)

2019 - Present 2015 - 2019

University of Waterloo School of Architecture - Cambridge, Ontario

• Candidate for Bachelor’s of Architectural Studies - Honours Co-op Program

• Excellent Academic Standing

Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute - Kitchener, Ontario

• High school Diploma, Honour Roll, Ontario Scholar


May- Aug 2022

Architectural Designer - Bow Crow Design

• Created 3D models for projects using Rhino, Sketchup and Cadworks

• Drafted permit drawings including window schedules and detailed sections

• Developed realistic renovation renders using photoshop

Sept - Dec 2021

Architectural Designer - Cornerstone Architecture Inc

• Created drawings and renderings for projects using Revit, Autocad & Lumion

• Redesigned a police foot patrol station and the library for IDCI

• Developed record drawings for a completed project

Jan - Apr 2021

Project Coordinator - Seamont Contracting

• Created drawings & renderings for projects using Rhino, Revit, Autocad & Lumion

• Coordinated trades &services in order to complete projects in a timely manner

• Filed permits & worked with city planners to insure the creation of code compliant spaces

Oct - Jan 2021

Architectural Assistant - Fabrik Architects

• Created 3D line drawings of residential buildings for social media using Adobe Illustrator & Revit

Mar - June 2018

• Walked clients through various design options by curating realistic renders of their renovated space using Photoshop Administrator - Ridgeview Homes

• Organized & filed records of current construction projects according to dates, customer information & deadlines

• Guided customers through the purchase of residential products by explaining the use and benefit of each item


3D Modeling

Autocad Rhino



3ds Max

Rendering Software Additional Skills


Vray Corona Adobe Photoshop


May 2021 - Google Project Management Professional Certificate

Mar 2021 - Worker Health & Safety

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Hand Drafting Model Making



Project Date Project Location Instructor Software

Winter 2022

Brampton, Canada

Adrian Blackwell

Revit, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion

Al Horiyah is a multigenerational midrise building created to provide residents with the freedom to grow financially, domestically and personally. Located in a neighbourhood with practically no space for small businesses in a city which has a long history of dismissing the needs of its diverse population, this building serves to bridge the gap between these missing typologies and give residents agency over their lives. Additionally, the front facade is created in a way which allows for a seamless transition between commercial or residential use of the first floor. This provides residents with the opportunity to grow a business then retire in the exact same house. This building aims to give agency back to the residents and its users and allows them to create the spaces that they need.



The centralized structure of the building along with the elevated floors which house the plumbing and electrical allow for completely customized use of the space. The facade which is clipped onto the structure can be changed out as necessary and the interior floor plans can be adjusted to accommodate a variety of activities.



INCREMENTAL PLANS STUDIO 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4.5 6 4.5 6 1st floor work configuration 1st floor live configuration 2nd floor multigenerational 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR STU STU STU 1BR STU STU 1BR 1BR 3BR 2 BR 1BR 1BR STU 2 BR 3BR STU 1BR 1BR MAKER SPACE COMMON SPACE COMMON SPACE COMMONSPACE STUSTU indoor garden typical upper floor plan

A 9m x 6m grid is the starting point to creating efficient spaces that fit the users needs. The first 2 floors are a live/ work unit. The upper floors are designed in an incremental manner such that one 4.5mx6m increment provides the occupant with a studio apartment and each increment that is purchased afterwards creates another bedroom and larger living spaces allowing inhabitants to grow their space as neccessary.

e/w section prespective ew section


Project Date Project Location Instructor

The Toronto Island’s Plaza aims to replace the existing concrete pad with a natural and sustainable design which not only matches the surroundings but enhances them as well. The natural elements of the plaza are not only native to North America and the Island but are also edible to promote a more engaging experience for the visitors. All the elements of the site are built on sustainable practices and serve multiple purposes. The natural pool acts as a water filter for the site, attraction and skating rink in the winter. The maple trees provide shade and comfort in the summer while supplying maple sap to make maple candy in the winter. The greenhouse provides yearly supply of fresh food, the pier has a mussel farm below to attract fish for the fishermen above while providing food when the mussel is harvested. This ability to use spaces year round minimizes waste and can be found in every aspect of the site. Other than general sustainability, the plaza is also a get away from the busy Toronto life. There is a huge emphasis on insuring that the spaces feel comfortable and relaxing to visitors. This is even reflected in the drawings which are drawn using thin line weights that represent the lightness of the structure and the airiness of the spaces.



The wood structures are both sustainable and match the surrounding environments. Inspired by the general aesthetic of Japanese gardens the buildings in this site feel light and open and allow a strong connection between the interior and the surrounding site.


3.Hitachi Tower

Project Date Project Location Instructor Software Partner

Fall 2020

Hitachinaka, Japan Justin Berg

Rhino, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion, Vray

Jarin Hoque

Placed in the beautiful Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan, the Hitachi Tower is integrated into a field of nemophila flowers to accentuate the beauty of the site and to allow a good platform for viewing. The tower is placed on the highest point of the field, the Miharashino Oka hill which was created using surplus soil from construction projects. The hill being twenty-four metres above sea level is the highest point in the city and allows access to the most beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean and Kanto Plains. With an elevation of twenty seven metres from the top of the hill, the tower allows spectacular panoramic views from a high point. The tower is set between two pathways, where one can enter from the first encircling staircase and continue their way down with the other staircase to allow a smooth transition to continue their viewing of the flower field

The structural system acts as a shading device that creates an interesting light pattern within the cavity, where one can look down into while standing on the platform. The floor plates as well as the steel tubes are all made off site. The vertical steel tubes are connected to the floor plates and rise to the top level where it acts as railing.

The system of tubular vertical columns creates a unique experience for visitors as they circulate around them and view into the space within the structure itself.


4.REV Student Residence

Project Date Project Location Instructor Software Partner

Fall 2020 Waterloo, Canada

Lola Shephard, John McMinn

Rhino, Illustrator, Lumion, Vray, Revit Simar Mangat

Inspired by the surroundings of the Ron Eydt Village, REV Student Residence emphasizes its close relationship to Laurel Creek and the possibilities of gathering. Catering to the first year population of the village, the residence provides students with opportunities to build relationships through public gathering and lounge spaces in order to encourage individuals to reach out and get involved. To foster inclusivity and welcome all students, rooms with varying privacy levels are offered, along with additional amenities including a gym and library. The driving force of the space is the fabrication of comfortable spaces that welcome first years to feel at home and as part of the Waterloo community.

2nd floor view on to cafeteria and stairs CAFETERIA

Seamont Contracting

Project Dates

Project Locations Supervisor Software

Spring 2021

Kitchener, Canada

Jose Montes

Rhino, Lumion, Vray, Revit, Autocad

During my spring 2021 term I worked at Seamont Contracting, a firm which does design to construction work and covers all aspects of the project. During my time there I was a project coordinator as well as architectural designer. On the coordinating side I was responsible for managing the trades and insuring all the materials needed for a project were ordered and arrived to the client’s satisfaction. On the design end I worked very closely with clients and translated their vision into designs that were presented in drawing, 3d modeling and rendering format.


Part 3


1.Handmade Console Table

Project Date Project Location Materials Tools

Spring 2019 Waterloo, Canada Pine, Glass, Mirrors

Handsaw, Chisel, Drill, Power screwdriver

This table was custom made to fit the overall aesthetic of an elegant yet comfortable house. The lines needed to remain clean and simple but be interesting enough to make a statement. It was important that the piece remained seamless and each part was able to connect well without any screws showing. Built completely using hand tools, this table was designed around framing the 3 top mirrors. The legs were drawn out using a large sheet of cardboard which was later used as a template for cutting them out. They are then screwed into the hollow base from beneath to professionally secure them. The legs are chiseled out and connected using a lap joint to create a flush and secure connection. Wood filler is then applied to any edges and the entire piece is covered in primer and finished in gold spray paint.

2.Handmade Bench

Project Date


Spring 2019

Waterloo, Canada

Pine, Plywood, Fabric, Foam

Handsaw, Staple gun, Power screwdriver

This bench was hand built to serve the aesthetic as well as storage needs of a busy family. Made with a combination of hardwood and plywood it was made to be durable yet beautiful. The stitched seat lifts up to reveal a spacious core storage area that is used to house anything from winter outerwear to extra towels or linens. Built completely using hand tools, this bench was designed around the idea of creating a large storage space masked as an accent piece. The interior is framed out using dimensional lumber then sandwiched using thin plywood pieces. The facade is finished in shaker style. The top seating area is a plywood sheet topped with a 4 inch thick memory foam piece and finished with a beautiful fabric. The seat is hand stitched and attached to the base using a durable piano hinge.

Materials Tools
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