Summer 2008
Newsletter Number 1
$100,000 Gift Will Support New Student Athlete Development Center on the importance of making responsible decisions and the dangers of drunk driving and substance abuse.
John and Meg DeCubellis, of Narragansett, R.I., on behalf of the Katie DeCubellis Memorial Foundation (KDMF), recently pledged a gift of $100,000 to the University of Rhode Island that will support the construction of the planned, state-of-the-art Student-Athlete Development Center (SADC) on the Kingston Campus.
The DeCubellis’ are the parents of Katie, who was killed by a drunk driver just after her thirteenth birthday on October 29, 1999. The KDMF was established shortly thereafter and since then, the couple has addressed over 75,000 high school and college students, parents and military personnel throughout the country
The DeCubellis’ announced their gift before delivering an address to an audience of hundreds of students, including varsity student-athletes, regarding the deadly consequences that can result from making poor choices and acting irresponsibly. They gave a snapshot into the life of their oldest daughter and discussed the impact the tragedy has had on their lives. John DeCubellis ’82, who currently serves as President of the Rhode Island Rams Athletic Association (RIRAA) said, “The KDMF is extremely pleased for the opportunity to continue Story continued on page 6
In This Issue:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$100,000 Gift for New Athletics Building Arts Supported by $225,000 in Gifts Message from Glen Kerkian An Interview with the Interim Dean of Pharmacy Focus on Student Scholarship Recipients Business Graduate Creates Endowment Spring Scholarship Luncheons Dean of Students Gives Back Foundation Business Notes Recent Gift and Pledge Sampling Gift Supports Nursing Students Donor Recognition Brunch “Save the Date” Employers Matching Your Gifts to URI
Benefactors Support the Arts with $225,000 in Gifts Several University of Rhode Island alumni and friends recently chose to support programming in the Departments of Music and Theatre offered through the URI College of Arts & Sciences in the form of donations totaling $225,000. Sebastian and Marybelle Musco, California residents and supporters and friends of the University, recently donated $100,000 as a gift to the URI Music Department. Their gift designates $10,000 for the Musco Opera Workshop, $15,000 to the Musco Voice Scholarship, and the balance of $75,000 to establish the new Musco Endowment in Music, which will provide scholarships to students majoring in music, help purchase instruments and music, and support student concerts. “Sab” Musco, a Rhode Island native and CEO of Gemini Industries who received an honorary Doctor of Arts degree from URI last year, said, “We gave this gift because we believe that music truly impacts everyone.” G. Dickson and Virginia “Ginny” Stiles Kenney ‘49 also recently donated $100,000, creating the Kenney Endowment for Theater and Music. This new endowment will support student scholarships Story continued on page 6 visit us on the web
from the President
Dear Friends: Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Foundation’s new publication, Rhode Ways, which we have created to bring you news relative to the impact your private charitable gifts have on the University of Rhode Island, its students, faculty, and programs, as well as other Foundation news. Many of you are familiar with our previous publication, Horizons, which we have renamed, reformatted and refreshed to reflect the Foundation’s broadened role, which, as of early this year, includes directing all development efforts for the University and the Making A
Difference campaign. The transition of these functions went very smoothly because there exists a good cooperative spirit between URI and URIF, and we have ambitious plans for our new development team to secure unprecedented resources for our fine university.
than $3.7 million for scholarship assistance and other uses, doubling that figure from just 10 years ago.
Despite the challenging economic climate, the reality of state budget cuts, and a crisis in consumer confidence, philanthropic support of URI continues to meet or exceed targets and we look forward to surpassing our $100 million goal at the conclusion of the Making A Difference campaign in December 2010. I am thrilled to report that as of June 1, 2008, we have raised over $73 million in gifts and pledges. If you are receiving this publication it is because you have been generous. We appreciate your support and look forward to a continued relationship as we work toward the collective goal of enhancing URI’s competitiveness by supporting its students, faculty, and programs, and by improving its facilities.
The University of Rhode Island is fortunate to have so many alumni and friends ready and willing to Glen R. Kerkian help propel this institution into the future armed with the best and brightest students, top-notch faculty, and unsurpassed research and academic facilities. You can all take pride in playing a role in what we’ve been able to accomplish to date and what we hope to achieve in the future. Know that we will be good stewards of your treasure.
And, while your support is impressive, it is what our students and faculty can accomplish as a result of your generosity that becomes the catalyst for true progress and growth. Last year, private giving helped the URI Foundation award more
An Interview with Ron Jordan, Interim Dean of the College of Pharmacy The University of Rhode Island’s College of Pharmacy recently commemorated its 50th anniversary at a gala held in Newport that honored its history and celebrated its future. The event also served as an opportunity to raise funds for the College’s new $75 million building. Voters approved a $65 million bond issue for construction, but an additional $10 to $15 million must be raised privately to complete the project with the level of internal technologies and equipment needed. The College of Pharmacy has established the Future Fund to raise money to complete the project. With enrollment at the College in excess of 580 degreeseeking students, the program has far exceeded the space available in Fogarty Hall, home to the College of Pharmacy since 1964. Groundbreaking for the project is scheduled for the fall of 2008 with occupancy in the 148,000-square-foot building slated for December 2010.
College of Pharmacy Interim Dean Ron Jordan recently shared information about fundraising efforts, the importance of the new facility, and the impact it will have on the pharmacy program at URI.
Q. Was the 50th Anniversary Gala a success as a fundraising opportunity?
As we face the challenge of raising the private funds needed for our new building, all College events are considered fundraising opportunities.
North Side View of College of Pharmacy Building Whenever you can show your program and plans to folks is an opportunity to ask them to help. We had over 400 people at the Gala—faculty, parents, and alumni. This provided an opportunity for the College to show off our plans and highlight examples of our best and brightest. The success of our alumni is how our program is measured. When we show people what we are doing, the fundraising is easy; people want to see their
charitable gifts improve the College. On the same weekend as the 50th Gala, we held our largest annual continuing education event, the Seminar by the Sea. This event is attended by almost 600 people. At the seminar we displayed the building plans in the exhibit hall and talked to as many alumni and friends as possible about our plans for the college. Story continued on page 7 Page 2
Dean of Students Turns Retirement into Opportunity to Give Back She began her tenure at URI as a secretary in the Office of Student Affairs. As she worked her way up, she took classes at night and on weekends for 10 years to earn her undergraduate degree, summa cum laude, then completed her master’s degree in 18 months, all the while raising two children as a single mother. Such initiative and leadership has marked Fran Cohen’s journey at the University of Rhode Island and served as a model for the students she has connected with over the last 37 years. Cohen retired this spring as Dean of Students, and in addition to the outstanding legacy of achievement she leaves, she and her husband Joel, a URI professor of history, have created the Fran and Joel Cohen Student Affairs Fund for Excellence with a $25,000 gift to the University. “It has been a privilege for me to work with colleagues who have done such a phenomenal job helping students learn who they are and challenging them to become leaders,” Cohen
says. “This is what I’ve invested my career in, and I just want to help the work of these fine people.” As a secretary in 1971, Cohen worked with five deans and three secretaries. Four years later, Student Affairs was reduced to one director and herself even though the student population was growing. Today, the Office of Student Life, as it is now known, has 11 professional staff, two support staff, and two graduate students. Cohen was at the center of many changes, including major increases in services for students with disabilities. She was also a driving force behind the University’s nationally recognized effort to control alcohol abuse among undergraduates. “That was a significant part of my work and an extremely important aspect of our job here,” she says. “We managed to turn things around with the leadership and initiative of President Carothers.” Before becoming Dean of Students in 1999,
Joel & Fran Cohen Cohen worked in just about every aspect of student affairs and was instrumental in creating leadership and service programs. “The gift that Joel and I have made is our way of supporting efforts to assist students at a time when resources are shrinking,” she says. “The cost of public education continues to increase, and everything is more complicated for students today. We want to do whatever we can do to help.” Those who wish to contribute to the Cohen’s endowment fund are invited to contact the URI Foundation at 401-874-7900.
Foundation Business Notes… The URI Foundation held its 51st Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 21st. Nearly 100 Executive Board members and trustees attended the event as Mary “Murph” Carmody (right) officially ended her three-year tenure as Executive Board Chair. Murph was lauded for her leadership and commitment to the University by both URI President Robert Carothers and URIF President Glen Kerkian.
New Executive Board officers were also ratified during the morning board session, including the election of John S. Struck ’74 and Thomas J. Silvia ’83 as Vice Chairs and Peter J. Miniati III ’85 as Treasurer. Silvia, Struck and Miniati each were appointed to the Executive Board in 2007 and have long-advocated for URI through volunteer committee work and through charitable support for the Making A Difference campaign, according to URIF President Glen Kerkian. Silvia, vice president and bond group leader for Fidelity Investments and Struck, managing director of Wand Partners, New York, will serve for three years. Miniati, vice president of wealth management for The Washington Trust Company, was originally named to the board in 2006 while serving as president of the alumni association. A new member of the Executive Board, Margo L. Cook ’86, senior managing director of Bear Stearns & Co., was also welcomed. In other news, URIF President Glen Kerkian was selected to serve as one of six new members of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) National Committee for Institutionally Related Foundations. The Council provides leadership on issues of
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concern to foundations including supporting the development of resources and services for the community of foundation professionals. CASE’s membership includes 3,400 colleges, universities, and independent elementary and secondary schools and it has more than 22,300 individual professional members on its roster. Laurie Onanian has joined the Foundation staff as Director of Development Administration. Laurie comes to URI from Boston University, where she served as New York Senior Leadership Gifts Officer. A graduate of the University of Delaware, she has a master’s degree from Harvard University, and is responsible for formulating and executing strategies for engaging and cultivating high level charitable gift benefactors. She will lead presidential level programming and will oversee donor relations and work with deans and faculty members to achieve success in major gift solicitations.
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Business Grad Gift Acknowledges Importance of Networking In real estate they say it’s all about location. In career development, it’s definitely about networking. Ask Jesse R. Baker ’96, whose successful career in investment analysis was launched shortly after he graduated from the College of Business, thanks in part to well placed URI connections.
Where there’s a Will There’s a Way Consider including URI in your estate plans, like the more than 300 alumni and friends who have done so, and leave a lasting legacy. Sample bequest language was recently made available on the URI Foundation website. Please visit
and select “Gift Planning” for more information, or call Donna-Jean Rainville, Director of Gift Planning, at 401.874.2296 or
Just 12 years later, Baker and his wife Pamela have repaid the University for the help it provided him by making a $30,000 gift to the College of Business Administration, which includes a $25,000 endowment to provide annual support for Career Day activities. “I’ve always tried to support the University because I am truly grateful for a great education,” Baker said recently. “I like the idea of helping students and the College of Business this way. When I was about to graduate, people at the College put me in touch with URI grads at Goldman Sachs. I went for one day of interviews and was hired on the spot.” An investment analyst with The Baupost Group, LLC, in Boston, Baker lives in the city’s Back Bay with his wife and two young children, though he grew up in rural Chepachet, R.I. Transferring to URI as a sophomore, Baker knew he wanted a career in finance but wasn’t certain what specific area. The career counseling he received through the College of Business helped him find the right path. Connecting with Michael Fascitelli ’78 who was at Goldman Sachs in 1992 and now is
Jesse & Pamela Baker and Family president and trustee of Vornado Realty Trust, steered him along that path. As for his support for the College of Business, Baker takes a practical tone. “It’s obvious that the state budget is shrinking, and the University has made a strong effort to increase its endowment,” he said. “I think alumni have to make a greater push to support the University as public resources diminish.” Dean Mark Higgins of the College of Business says the College is extremely grateful to the Bakers. Their gift will certainly help students learn about different career paths and networking with business leaders.”
Donors Meeting Students… Spring Scholarship Luncheons were hosted by URI President Robert L. Carothers and URI Foundation President Glen R. Kerkian. Donors were invited to campus to meet the student recipients of scholarship awards generated by endowments they generously created and funded. Approximately $3.7 million in endowment fund proceeds managed by the URI Foundation was generated in 2007 and used to support student scholarships and other endowment purposes.
URI President Robert Carothers is pictured with Audrey Ruskowski ’11, recipient of the inaugural Miniati Family Scholarship; John Lee ’08, recipient of the Dorothy M. Noble Scholarship; and Sandra O’Brien Miniati ’85. Mrs. Miniati and her husband, Peter J. Miniati ’85, established endowments creating both scholarships, the latter to honor Dorothy M. Noble, housemother of Phi Gamma Delta.
Back Row: President Carothers is shown with Shannon E. Chandley ’83, Michelle Paquin ’10, inaugural recipient of the Jim & Cathy Chandley Hockey Scholarship; Thomas J. Silvia ’83, and Annie-Laurie Hogan ’08. Seated: Stephen Gaffney ’08 and Lisa McGunigal ’09. Hogan, Gaffney and McGunigal are the recipients of the Paul H. Conway ’84 Memorial Scholarship funded by Thomas J. Silvia and his wife Shannon Chandley, who also funded and created the hockey scholarship to honor Chandley’s parents. Page 4
In Focus: Student Scholarship Recipients Federico Family Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to exceptional high school athletes in good academic standing at Westerly High School. She is grateful for the assistance the endowment provided. “It helped me with my first semester books, which were very expensive, and helped me with additional supplies to get my freshman year off to a positive start.”
Alison Ruisi Alison Ruisi, a second-year kinesiology major, says that being on the URI track and field team has changed her life. “I love being on the track team. I have made some lifelong friends and have had a wonderful experience competing with them. I think that having a sport in my life, I have grown to be mentally strong. I have learned to keep my head high, and to have a positive attitude towards anything that comes at me. I know to look on the bright side of things, and I try to find good in difficult situations and obstacles.” Alison is the 2007-2008 recipient of the
Though spending time this summer working as a lifeguard in Westerly, Alison is excited to travel with friends and spend time training for the next season on the track team. Her goals are to become a physical therapist and to one day open her own health and fitness facility.
Darryl Ramatour While most students on campus spend time walking on the grass, one student is dedicated to studying it. Darryl Ramatour, a secondyear graduate student, was awarded the Dr. C. Richard Skogley Turfgrass Study Endowment during the 2007-2008 academic year. Darryl is an entomologist, and studies insects and their effects on the environment. He is currently at URI working on the development of insecticide resistance in populations of the annual bluegrass weevil. “I was honored to be the recipient of the Skogley Turfgrass Scholarship, “ Darryl says. “Attempting to complete a doctorate degree is a demanding endeavor; the time spent working on your thesis exceeds that of a full time job.
Duojia Li Duojia Li, a second-year student at the URI College of Engineering, says that she loves the limitless possibilities available through engineering. “With engineering there are no boundaries as to what can be done and I find that very intriguing.” This year, Duojia was one of three students to receive the inaugural award of the Wroe Family International Engineering Program Scholarship. For Duojia, engineering is a family affair. “I took an interest in engineering from my older brothers. I have two brothers, one who graduated from URI with a chemical engineering degree and another who is a computer engineering major.”
Financial assistance through scholarships or fellowships is of immense importance and makes the process more enjoyable.” A typical day for this entomologist involves attending classes, a lot of writing and reading while he works on his thesis, analyzing data, planning experiments, and spending time in the field collecting thousands of insects to study in the lab. Darryl says he thoroughly enjoys being a student at URI, and appreciates the “superior guidance offered by experienced faculty.” Darryl looks forward to becoming an integral part of the “green movement” through his study of insecticides and their effect on the environment.
her near perfect 3.86 grade point average. While the commute from Cranston to URI made it difficult for Duojia to participate in extracurricular activities, she is spending the summer as a volunteer at the Hasbro Children’s Hospital and looks forward to joining on-campus activities in the fall. Duojia is passionate about helping people to feel their best, and has decided to pursue a career as a pharmacist. In fact, she was recently accepted into URI’s new Pharmaceutical Engineering program—the first undergraduate program of its kind in the nation. “I’ve always wanted to help people and I think that being a pharmacist is very suitable for me. I want to apply my knowledge and help people in my community by providing them with proper medication.”
Rigorous study habits helped Duojia maintain Page 5
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A Sampling of Recent Gifts and Pledges to URI $250,000 from James O. and Janice M. Prochaska, to support URI’s Cancer Prevention Research Center $250,000 from Howard ’63 and Mary Frank, to create scholarships for College of Business Administration students $100,000 from Kenneth and Susan Kermes, Hon. ’06, to create an endowment to fund an annual distinguished lecture or performance through the College of Arts & Sciences
Benefactors Support the Arts with $225,000 Gift continued from page 1
and student productions in theater and music including costs associated with costumes, scenery, visiting artists’ fees, repair and purchase of instruments, publicity, and other related expenses. Ginny Kenney, a former member of the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s External Advisory Council, said, “We are glad to be able G. Dickson & Ginny Kenney to help and support students who are working hard, and sometimes struggling, to develop their talents and to perhaps make a career in music or the theater.”
$35,000 from Angela ’83 and Amir Bozorgmir ’81 to support the URI Honors Program $25,000 from David Browning ’58 for College of Environment and Life Sciences scholarships $25,000 from Brian P. Russell ’81, matched by his employer, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. bringing the gift to $50,000, which was in turn matched by the Tom and Cathy Ryan Challenge Grant, resulting in a $100,000 gift to support the College of Pharmacy $100,000 planned gift from Susan Ronzio Sharp and Dallas Lore Sharp III to fund scholarships for students in the technical services and engineering fields $50,000 each from independent pharmacists Robert L. Iacobucci ’67, Timothy E. Baker ’75 and Scott A. Campbell ‘77 to support the College of Pharmacy building Future Fund $25,000 from Roxanne Norigian ’78 to provide scholarships to deserving students $25,000 from Donald Lan ’74 to support the Spencer J. Martin Endowed Scholarship Fund for Accounting Students
Anthony Perrotti
Anthony Perrotti ’62, who received a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Arts & Sciences, recently pledged $25,000 to support performances in music and theater. The President of RI Analytical Laboratories, Inc., Tony is a Rhode Island resident and a member of the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s External Advisory Council. “URI is a tremendous asset and resource to
the state of Rhode Island. I believe that all Rhode Islanders, whether directly or indirectly, benefit from the outstanding work done at the University and I am proud to show my support through my gift to the College of Arts & Sciences,” said Perrotti. Winnie Brownell, dean of the College of Marybelle & Sebastian Musco Arts & Sciences added, “We deeply appreciate that these generous alumni and friends value the importance of the arts in our lives. The Muscos, Kenneys, and Anthony Perrotti have had the opportunity to attend some of the outstanding performances by our faculty, students, and guest artists, and they understand how critical it is to prepare the next generation of artists. Thanks to their leadership support, we will be able to offer more opportunities to our students majoring in music and theatre.”
New Student-Athlete Development Center continued from page 1
Katie’s legacy and spirit by supporting URI’s Student-Athlete Academic Advising and Counseling Center. This opportunity encompasses every facet of the KDMF’s mission to promote youth leadership, support education, and generate public awareness of the dangers of drunk driving and substance abuse.” The gift of $100,000 will contribute to overall construction of the new SADC and support the establishment of the Academic Advising and Counseling Center, one of three major components within the SADC, which also includes the Strength and Conditioning Center and the Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center. The Academic Advising and Counseling Center will house the student-athlete computer lab and provide study hall space, academic tutoring, and meeting space. It will also be home to URI’s NCAA CHAMPS/Life Skills Program and coordinator, dealing with alcohol issues and awareness and other areas of concern that impact the overall health and well-being of student-athletes. “This gift is a tremendous tribute by the foundation to the memory of Katie and all she stood for in her short time in this
world and all those she touched and affected in a positive manner,” said Thorr Bjorn, URI Director of Athletics. “We look forward to the naming of the Academic Advising and Counseling Center in Katie’s honor.” The SADC capital building project will include the construction of 10,000 square feet of new space and 17,000 square feet of renovated space. The new facility, located on the west side of URI’s existing athletics complex, will serve as the gateway to the practice fields. The total cost of the SADC and additional related improvements will be approximately $10 million; half of which will be sought via charitable gifts. The remaining $5 million will be a match provided by the University. Approximately $7 million will finance the SADC directly, with the remaining $3 million going toward related projects which include continued improvements to the football field. Page 6
Gift Honors Mother’s Love of Nursing Matching Gifts Quadruple Alumna’s Gift There is the chronological method of measuring a life. Chronological age determines readiness for school, for driving, for voting. Memory, though, is oriented by milestones. A baby’s first step, a 16th birthday party, a college graduation–such events mark the passages in our lives. Maureen L. O’Gorman ’89 has realized a milestone in her life in the creation of an endowment for the College of Nursing. Her gift honors her late mother, Charlotte Leneker O’Gorman, RN. The Charlotte Leneker O’Gorman Endowment will generate scholarships for nursing students at URI. “My mother died when I was 20 years old and a student at URI. When she died, I dreamed that when I was a rich millionaire, I’d set up a scholarship in her name.
“My mother had a driving passion for nursing”
“My mother had a driving passion for nursing,” O’Gorman continued. “People who are pursuing their passion seem to be the most happy. I want to help other people achieve that and I learned I didn’t have to be a millionaire to do so.” O’Gorman is referring to how her gift of $15,000 will grow due to matching gifts from her employer, State Street Bank in Boston, and the Cynthia and Tom Sculco Challenge Grant established at URI. State Street Bank will match O’Gorman’s gift and that amount will also be matched by Tom and Cynthia Sculco ’65, making the total endowment value $60,000. As part of URI’s Making a Difference campaign, the Sculcos have pledged $150,000 which will be used to match all gifts supporting the College of Nursing. The O’Gorman gift is recorded as the first to activate a Sculco match. “For every dollar I put in, it amounted to $3 more there,” said O’Gorman, now a vice president at State Street Bank. “It really does put philanthropy within reach of so many people.”
O’Gor man stipulated that the scholarships generated will be given to students interested in clinical nursing. O’Gorman’s mother, who settled on her choice Charlotte Leneker O’Gorman of a career at the age of six after a bicycle accident, was a paragon of professionalism. In creating a scholarship, O’Gorman honors her mother’s memory and supports public education. “To me, it’s a great opportunity to fulfill a promise to myself,” O’Gorman said, “and I was able to do it at such a bargain.”
Dean Ron Jordan, continued from page 2
Q. Have you received any major “lead” gifts towards the building project?
Tom and Cathy Ryan have generously given a $1 million gift for the building, and have provided a challenge grant for student scholarships that allows individual alumni to create permanent
named endowments leveraging matching funds from the Ryans. The Ryan Challenge has helped people dig a little deeper than they otherwise might. In terms of the building fund, it always helps to have a large, industry-recognized lead donor; Tom and Cathy have been very generous to the University for a long time.
Can you tell us more about the gift that Joyce Luzzi, widow of Louis Luzzi, the second dean of the College of Pharmacy announced at the Gala? Joyce announced that her family would donate $500 for every year that Lou was an alumnus of the College. This amounts to a $25,000 pledge. Lou received his BS in Pharmacy in 1959 from URI, and his MS in 1962. Ultimately he became the longest-serving dean, leading the College for 23 years–from 1978 - 2001. He was a fundraising giant through the enormous number of relationships he had developed with many of our most successful alumni. His efforts over the years resulted in support for students, faculty, graduate students, and pharmacy programs. The Luzzi gift will support the Future Fund and our new facility.
Q. Could you share how the innovation
of the new College of Pharmacy Building will impact the Pharmacy programs? The new facility will provide a tremendous number of opportunities for the College of Pharmacy. One of our goals is to continue to increase Pharm. D. program enrollment, which has been steadily in-demand. We also plan to launch a new four-year degree program that leads to pharmaceutical research and work in the pharmaceutical industry in the areas of sales, marketing, or management. The ability to increase our capacity will also have profound effects on URI’s competitiveness in terms of our research reputation. It will allow us to expand our research and development efforts and will afford us the opportunity to increase graduate student enrollment. On a more global level, our increased research efforts and enhanced enrollment will positively impact the economy and labor force development in our state and beyond. For more information on the College of Pharmacy including the building Future Fund visit
Dean Ron Jordan Page 7
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Make a Match… Did you know that nearly 600 companies, including the small sampling listed below, match employee charitable contributions? You may be able to double or even triple the value of your gift to URI by completing a matching gift form, available from your company’s personnel office.
Save the Date In gratitude for your generous support of the University in 2008 All donors who made a gift at the $1,000+ level will be honored at the Annual Donor Recognition Brunch Saturday, October 4, 2008 at the Ryan Center at 11:00 a.m. The brunch will be followed by the URI vs. Brown football game at 1 p.m. at Meade Stadium on
the Kingston Campus.
If you’ve already sent in your matching gift form, like the 547 alumni and friends who took advantage of this tremendous opportunity so far in 2008, thank you! The value of those employer matches alone, not including the original alumni/friend gift, exceeded $253,000. If you have not sent in a matching gift form, please consider doing so and send it to: The URI Foundation, 79 Upper College Road, Kingston, RI 02881. 3M AT&T Amgen Bank of America Boeing Bristol-Meyers Squibb CIGNA Cisco Systems Citizens Bank Colgate-Palmolive Cytec Industries Daimler Chrysler Deutsche Bank DuPont Electric Boat Ernst & Young Fidelity Investments
Ford Motor GTECH General Dynamics Georgia Pacific Goldman Sachs Halliburton Hartford Insurance Hasbro IBM Ingersoll-Rand Johnson & Johnson Johnson Controls KPMG Kimberly-Clark Lockheed Martin McNeil Labs Morgan Stanley
Gifts should be mailed to: URI Foundation 79 Upper College Road Kingston, RI 02881
540 Gifts Made to URI
have been matched by employers so far in 2008 The Value of Those Gift Matches is over $253,000 New York Life National Grid Pfizer Pitney Bowes PPG Industries Qualcomm Raytheon Roche Diagnostics Ryder System Sikorsky Aircraft Stop & Shop Supermarket Texaco Incorporated Thomson Reuters Unilever HPC United Defense Wachovia Zurich-American Insurance Group
Or Give Online:
To make a gift that will have an immediate impact at URI you may give online by visiting Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage
Rhode Ways is published three times annually to showcase philanthropy and demonstrate the impact of private giving at the University of Rhode Island as well as to report on other URI Foundation activities. It is supplemented by an annual report published the fourth quarter of the calendar year. For more information, or if you have comments, please contact Tracey Manni, managing editor, at 401.874.2145 or For ways to support URI and information about the current Making A Difference campaign, please visit executive editor: Glen R. Kerkian Contributors: M. E. Reilly-McGreen, Danielle Henderson, John Pantalone ’71, Sharon A. DeLuca ’85 Photography: Nora Lewis, Travis Roberts ’06 Design & pRINTING: Images Design Company, Wakefield, RI
URI FOUNDATION 79 Upper College Road, Kingston, RI 02881-2023
Providence, RI Permit No. 3091