Urif fy13 annual report issuu

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university of rhode island foundation annual report

the uri foundation 2013 annual report contents Message From the Foundation Leadership. . . . . . 2 Message From the University President. . . . . . . . . 3 Krilling it in Antarctica: Student Mary Kane. . . . . . . . . . 4 Rx for Success: Student Jessica Sandoval . . . 5 Skating on Solid Ice: Student A.J. Chua . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Paying it Forward: Young Alum Kolman Soe . . . . 8 The Ed & Judy Golden Humanitarian Fund: Making a Bigger Splash . . . . . 9 The George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience: Record Gift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Anna Fascitelli Fitness and Wellness Center: High-Tech for Health and Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Bruce S. Sherman Trading Room: Ten Years. . . . 14

cover: The impact of our donors’ generosity is represented in the photos on the cover (clockwise from top left): College of Pharmacy students, including Jessica Sandoval, benefit from donor-funded scholarships; the university community as a whole, represented here by Rhody the Ram, is lifted by donor support; students benefit from the recently opened Anna Fascitelli Fitness and Wellness Center, thanks to generous private gifts; extraordinary opportunities are made available to student scholarship recipients like Mary Kane; the Bruce S. Sherman Trading Room celebrates a decade on campus; the Elterich Family Scholarship has made student AJ Chua’s college dreams possible; neuroscience discoveries are on the horizon thanks to a historic gift made by Tom and Cathy Ryan; URI’s swim team finds success in the pool with donor support.

URI Foundation Executive Board. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Financial Report 2013 . . . . . . 17 The URI Endowment. . . . . . . . 18 Fundraising Highlights . . . . . 19 Excellence Awards . . . . . . . . . 20 Ways to Give. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1892 Society Members . . . . . 22 Annual Report on Giving. . . . 24

annual report fy2013 y


the university of rhode island foundation

Message from foundation leadership Dear Friends:


his past year, like the others before it, provided many opportunities for URI to shine brightly and to demonstrate its impact, whether it be on the state’s economy, on the business community or in the more

specific area of neurodegenerative disease, among others. A recently released economic impact study, commissioned by the URI Foundation, highlighted the significant contributions URI makes to the state, by detailing the effects of the $726 million in statewide economic activity gen-

Thomas J. Silvia ’83

Michael J. Smith

erated by the University in 2012. The report notes that every state dollar invested in the University generates nearly $6.70 in statewide economic activity.

Whether it’s through providing employment, attracting out-of-state spending or assisting in the startup of several new companies engaged in the commercialization of University research, URI is proving itself to be a valuable contributor to the economic vitality of our state. The University’s role in economic development will be further enhanced as a result of the recent launch of the new URI Business Engagement Center located on the Kingston Campus. The Center, supported by the URI Foundation, was created to help industry access the University’s vast resources. It will play a key role in providing businesses with sponsored research opportunities, licensing information, students for internships or careers, customized workforce training and skills development plans, and other important services that can help support business growth. The recent and historic $15 million gift by URI alumnus Tom Ryan ’75 and his wife, Cathy, will also be impactful by creating the George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neurosciences at the University. The Institute will capitalize on URI’s recently established Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program and will focus on discovering

Your faith in URI and your continued support of this institution makes an important and measurable impact.

new therapies and preventative approaches to combat neurodegenerative diseases and disorders. This generous gift is also significant in that it demonstrates the faith our alumni have in URI and its ability to make a true impact, as well as their confidence in the University’s leadership. Your faith in URI and your continued support of this institution also makes an important and measurable impact. Private support is creating a margin of difference at URI and is providing the ability to fund opportunities to enhance the academic experience for all. We thank you for your important role in URI’s success! Sincerely,


y the uri foundation

Thomas J. Silvia ’83

Michael J. Smith

Chairman, Executive Board


URI Foundation

URI Foundation

the university of rhode island

Message from the University President Dear Friends:


mpact is an appropriate and timely theme for this year’s report on philanthropy at the University of Rhode Island. The impact that you, our alumni and friends, have upon the state’s land-grant institution for

higher education is nothing short of remarkable. The most recent example is the recently announced $15 million gift from alumnus Thomas M. Ryan ’75 and his wife, Cathy, to establish the George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience. The gift is not for a physical building or a lab. Rather, it is an investment in a vision.

The impact that you, our alumni and friends, have upon the state’s land-grant institution for higher education is nothing short of remarkable. With this transformational gift, URI will capitalize on the groundbreaking work within our Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, focusing on the discovery of new therapies and preventative approaches to combat devastating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, ALS, and epilepsy. The Ryan’s philanthropy will help us to bridge multiple levels of opportunities for URI’s research enterprise, the biomedical and clinical sectors of Rhode Island’s economy, patients, families and caregivers, and society. Their gift will create a rich, dynamic research environment and elevate the visibility of our interdisciplinary programs, further bolstering the University’s efforts to attract additional research funding. This is a proud moment for the University of Rhode Island family. We are grateful to Tom and Cathy, not just for their financial support and generosity, but also for their ongoing commitment and loyalty. Their faith in this institution is heartening and inspiring to all of us, especially the women and men whose work will be so significantly strengthened by the Ryan’s legacy. All gifts — no matter what size — have the potential to transform a community. As champions of collaboration, innovation, and excellence, our faculty, students, and alumni make a tremendous difference to this ever-growing, ever-changing institution. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for all you do for URI.


David M. Dooley, Ph.D.


University of Rhode Island

annual report fy2013 y


gso alumni fellowship

Krilling it in Antarctica ot everyone can look at krill, the shrimp-


About two inches in length, the krill represents

like crustacean found in all the world’s

a giant-sized link in the food chain in the Antarctic

oceans, and get excited. But that’s exactly

ecosystem. Krill feed on phytoplankton and, in turn,

what happened when Mary Kane took an under-

they are the main staple for animals, especially baleen

graduate zoology class at University of California


Santa Cruz and volunteered in the lab.

Without krill, most life forms in Antarctic would

“I became enthusiastic about krill and their eco-

disappear. Concerns about population declines due,

logical roles in the environment, so much so that if

in part, to ice loss caused by global warming keep the

I missed a few days in the lab, I started to miss the

krill under scientists’ watchful eyes.

krill,” says the 23-year-old San Jose native.

Antarctica may be

After earning her bachelor’s degree, she followed

the driest, emptiest, and

her passion to URI’s Graduate School of Oceanogra-

coldest place on earth,

phy (GSO). Due to her outstanding academic record,

but Mary was in her el-

she was awarded a $14,000 GSO Alumni Fellowship

ement. Using a newly

to support her first year’s studies.

developed GSO under-

What a krilling year it was. The highlight came

water video system and

“I am very grateful for…the amazing opportunities I have been afforded at URI.”

late last spring when Mary joined a team of URI/

her knowledge of 3D imaging, Mary collected hours

GSO and University of Massachusetts Boston scien-

of footage of krill at various depths in the water. “The

tists on a month-long research cruise to the Antarctic

camera system worked amazingly well,” she says.

winter aboard the U.S. ice breaker Nathaniel B.

The second year doctoral student will now spend

Palmer. The expedition, led by GSO Oceanographer

time analyzing the footage alongside Associate Pro-

Edward Durbin, set out to investigate Antarctic krill,

fessor of Oceanography Susanne Menden-Deuer, her

Euphausia superba.

advisor and a co-principle investigator on the Antarctic cruise. In addition to krill, the ocean-loving graduate student enjoys bad krill jokes, puns, and wordplay: You’re very krilly (silly). Don’t be krill (cruel). “Mostly, I like bad puns. I’m from a family of bad punners,” she says. Mary is more serious when she expresses her gratitude to the many donors who made her scholarship possible: “I am very grateful for their generosity and for the amazing opportunities I have been afforded at URI.”


y the uri foundation

the gregory and claire wilcox family scholarship

Rx for success: Study, work and

a helping hand


essica Sandoval decided she wanted to become a pharmacist in high school. “Pharmacy is special because you get to help out a community,” says the 21-year-old who grew up in East Providence. “It’s medications that save peoples’ lives and I definitely wanted to be part of that. I knew URI’s College of Pharmacy had an

amazing program. Even the pharmacists at my local pharmacy had many great things to say about it.” Now in her fourth year of the six year Pharm.D. program, Jessica takes a series of science classes to understand the complexity of the biochemical mechanisms of drugs, medication’s therapeutic roles, side effects, interactions and much more. The budding pharmacist has maintained a high grade point average despite struggling financially each year. “It hasn’t been easy,” she says. “My mom is a single mom who works part time and is searching to find a second job. I work two jobs while in school. This year I’m an

“This (scholarship) help has meant so much to me and my mother. I would have had to take out more loans without it. I am very grateful.” assistant in the University’s Office of Greek Affairs and I waitress at a couple of local restaurants to make enough money to support myself. Rite Aid Pharmacy recently offered me a paid internship. I will spend weekends working at a store, shadowing a pharmacist, and learning more about the profession.” Jessica also pays for memberships in the professional pharmacy sorority, Lambda Kappa Sigma, and the social sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha. Both organizations have enriched her college experience, she says. This year Jessica’s financial burden was lightened when she received a $9,000 Gregory and Claire Wilcox Family Scholarship. “This help has meant so much to me and my mother. I would have had to take out more loans without it. I am very grateful,” she says. Brian J. Quilliam, associate dean for student and academic affairs, comments: “Jessica was chosen to receive the very generous scholarship, only recently created at URI, because of her strong academic performance and her campus involvement. She demonstrates a very strong work ethic and a desire to positively influence the lives of others.” Jessica will graduate in 2016. “In just a few years, I will hold that Pharm.D degree in my hand and will have accomplished everything that I set out to do,” she says. “I look forward to a day when, much like the Wilcox family, I will be able to help a student on his or her journey through the College of Pharmacy.” annual report fy2013 y



y the uri foundation

the elterich family scholarship

Skating on solid ice


ugustus (A.J.) Chua loves ice hockey. He began playing it when he was 10 while growing up in San Diego, California. He honed his skills in Brentwood, New Hampshire, where

he and his mom moved when he was 15. He even took two years off after high school in hopes of playing college hockey. That kind determination has paid off in the rink and the classroom at URI. A.J. was selected for his league’s All-Rookie Team and is one of the team’s top scorers. He also completed his freshmen year last spring belonging to two national honor societies. He majors in supply chain management, the oversight of a network of processes that begins with the conception of a product to the time it reaches the customer. It’s an exciting new major within the College of Business, and URI’s program is ranked among the best in the nation.

“I don’t know if staying in school would have been a realistic option without the incredible generosity of the Elterich Family Scholarship.” “Honestly, I picked the major because of the growing demand for it in the job market. But as I learn more about the industry and what I will be doing, I become more and more excited about having a career in the field,” he said. Despite his successes, A.J. has had a tough year. His mom, who works at a local Wal-Mart, was diagnosed with breast cancer in January, treated with chemotherapy, and is in the process of paying off medical bills. Thankfully, the outlook for her full recovery is bright. “I don’t know if staying in school would have been a realistic option without the incredible generosity of the Elterich Family Scholarship,” he said. He credits ice hockey for keeping him relaxed during stressful times in life and school. “Our team has a special bond.” Before he came to URI, A.J. interned at Bauer Hockey, considered the world’s leading designer, developer, manufacturer and marketer of ice hockey equipment. The company has asked him back each time he returns home. “My ultimate dream,” said the ice skater with a wide grin, “is to work for Bauer Hockey.” annual report fy2013 y


the daniel j. & blanche r. murray family endowed scholarship

Paying it forward


omlan Soe grew up in squalid refugee camps in Africa — an experience that would keep most away from the continent forever. But Soe went back to Uganda not long ago to help people in dire need: poor women trying to start small businesses. The goal of his trip was to help make women economically independent so they can lift themselves out of poverty. “Women don’t just need handouts,’’ says Soe, of Narragansett. “They need knowledge about how to start and run businesses so they’re successful. They need guidance to help themselves and their children.’’ Soe says it’s crucial to help women in Uganda, one of the poorest nations in the world, with 38 percent of the population living on less than $1.25 a day. Northern Uganda has been ravaged by civil unrest since the 1980s, leaving thousands dead — mostly men.

“I am the first in my family to graduate from college, and that would not have been possible without the generous scholarship support I received.” Women must fend for themselves. “I want to bring a different perspective about Africa to the world,’’ says Soe. “I want people to know that Africa is a continent to partner with and that if you work with Africans we can all solve these issues of poverty, hunger, and disease.’’ Soe’s life is about forgiveness and giving back. Born in Liberia, he spent his first three years on earth in the Western African country, living on a farm with his parents and nine siblings. That idyllic life came to an end when a bloody civil war broke out in the early 1990s, forcing the family to flee to a refugee camp in the Ivory Coast. Soe, who graduated from URI with honors last May, is applying to graduate schools at the London School of Economics, Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Georgetown and Johns Hopkins. He hopes to earn a doctorate in public policy and international relations and return to Liberia some day to make the country whole again. Soe is also thankful for the private scholarship support he received from URI donors, including from the Daniel J. & Blanche R. Murray Family Endowed Scholarship. “I am very thankful to them for enabling me to take an important step towards my dream. I am the first in my family to graduate from college, and that would not have been possible without the generous scholarship support I received. I am very proud and I’m extremely thankful for the opportunity that changed my life.” He is also motivated to help others as he has been helped. Soe has established a scholarship, with his own money, to pay for a Liberian child to attend school. “Someone helped me get on the right path,’’ he says. “Now I want to save a kid’s life.’’


y the uri foundation

the ed & judy golden humanitarian fund

Making a bigger splash


he URI Women’s Swimming and Diving Team is making a bigger splash nowadays in NCAA Division I competition. “Four years ago, we placed tenth out of ten. Two years ago, we were fifth out of ten. This year, we’re motivated and off to a great start,” explains Head Coach Michael “Mick” Westkott.

The team practices 20 hours a week, including two workouts from 5:45 to 7:00 a.m. The season runs September through February. Chaya Zabludoff, of Rancho Palos Verdes, California won the 2013 Atlantic 10 Conference Championship in the 500-yard freestyle and set a conference record in the 200 freestyle. “I’m so happy here. My teammates

“I love being in the water, completely submerged and temporarily separated from the demands outside.”

how to coach each swimmer and diver to make sure she achieves her personal goals. They sometimes believe in us more than we believe in ourselves,” says are like sisters to me,” says Chaya, a communications major with a concentration in music. “The best part of swimming is racing. You can see all your hard work pay off at meets.”

Jessica Andruzzi, a finalist at the 2013 Atlantic 10s. Coach Westkott says Ed Golden also plays a role in the team’s success. The Ed & Judy Golden Humanitarian

Emily Thomesen of Cromwell, Connecticut holds four

Fund provides private funding to support the swim team.

school varsity records, two individuals and two relays. “I

“I’m able to use the money across the program, whether for

love being in the water, completely submerged and tempo-

equipment, a training trip, or where there is a need. It truly

rarily separated from the demands outside,” says the biol-

benefits everyone on the team.”

ogy and pharmaceutical science double major who main-

Ed Golden, the legendary head swimming coach at

tains a near-perfect GPA despite her demanding schedule.

Cranston East High School during the mid-60s and one

Her academic success isn’t the exception — the team has

of the most well-known and respected figures in Rhode

earned the College Swimming Coaches Association of

Island swimming, and his late wife, Judy ’62, created the

America’s Team Scholar All-American Honor for the past

endowed fund at URI because of their love of the sport.

14 consecutive years.

Golden was honored by URI several years ago, and the Ed

The team credits coaches Westkott, Anthony Randall, and Lindsay Moore for their success. “They know exactly

& Judy Golden Invitational swim meet is hosted each year at URI. annual report fy2013 y


the george & anne ryan institute for neuroscience

Record gift will support

advances in neurosciences


n November 14, 2013, Tom and Cathy Ryan, with the support of the entire Ryan family, announced an unprecedented $15 million private donation to establish the George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience at URI, memorializing Tom’s father who died in 2004 from

a stroke and resulting Alzheimer’s disease, and his late mother, whose health declined while caring for his father. This is the largest private charitable gift in the University’s history. “When you look at what’s happening around the world with ALS, autism, epilepsy, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, it’s truly an epidemic,” said Ryan, who retired as CEO and Chairman of CVS Caremark two years ago. “As the population ages, not only in the U.S., but globally, it’s going to get worse.” In fact, with more than 600 known types of neurological disorders, the World Health Organization estimates that one in three Americans is likely to suffer from a neurological disorder. Alzheimer’s alone costs the United States as much as $200 billion per year in direct and indirect health care expenses. “On a personal level, my dad retired at a young age, was extremely healthy, rock-solid, kind of a bigger than life guy — and he had a stroke and then subsequent Alzheimer’s. I saw what it did to him, what it did to my mother, and our family.

Tom and Cathy Ryan with URI President David Dooley.

The economic costs are one thing, but the personal, emotional costs are another. It steals memories. It saddles caregivers. I saw my mom’s health go down. I had colleagues at CVS pass away from ALS. So it hit close to home for us and — once we did

the due diligence and saw what was going on at URI — it was a natural fit.“ And it was a natural fit. The stars had aligned for Ryan, a 1975 URI alumnus, and his alma mater. In 2011, expressing its strong commitment to brain-disease research, the University launched the graduate Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program (INP), with more than 30 faculty in 10 departments and six colleges, including biology, pharmacy, engineering, psychology, communicative disorders, chemistry, and more. “I shared with Tom that ‘with a significant investment on your part, you could in essence accelerate the University’s progress in this area dramatically…this one gift could catapult URI to a position of national prominence in neuroscience research and education,’” URI President Dave Dooley said. “I think Tom found that to be an appealing concept, brimming with potential.” The George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience at URI will focus its research, teaching, and outreach on neurodegenerative diseases. Drawing on the expertise of INP faculty and researchers, the Ryan Institute will serve as the coordinating hub for URI’s neuroscience research and educational activities, and will bring even greater funding and focus to these issues. An additional bonus of this gift: Leveraging URI’s research strengths in pharmacology/drug discovery, neuroengineering, and neuropsychology, the Institute will stimulate cooperation among other institutions in


y the uri foundation

Rhode Island. These include the well-established neuroscience program at Brown University, the basic research programs of the Brown Institute for Brain Science, the newly formed Norman Prince Neurosciences Institute at Rhode Island Hospital that focuses on clinical neuroscience, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and other regional and national entities working to develop and deliver treatments for central nervous system disorders. “As CEO of CVS Caremark, Tom was acutely aware that neurodegenerative disease or neurological disorders were an increasingly and rapidly expanding health care problem for the United States and globally,” said Dooley. “As

“It’s just the right thing to do, and we think it’s going to make a difference; not only for URI, but for the state, and, ultimately, for society.”

people age and as the numbers of patients expand dramatically, the incidence of disorders around neurodegenerative diseases, neurological degeneration for example, become more common and more difficult to treat. We really need some breakthroughs in this area — from the point of therapeutics — how you treat it, how you diagnose it early enough to actually be effective in your treatments, and how to take steps to minimize the incidence, that is preventive,” he added. “It’s just the right thing to do, and we think it’s going to make a difference; not only for URI, but for the state, and, ultimately, for society,” said Ryan. For expanded coverage of the Ryan gift and the George & Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience, please visit www.uri. edu/quadangles/features/brain-power/.

annual report fy2013 y


“To give back to URI, honor my mother and underscore our family’s commitment to education is a unique opportunity.” Beth and Mike Fascitelli


y the uri foundation

the anna fascitelli fitness and wellness center

Going high-tech for student health and wellness


niversity of Rhode Island students who utilize the new Anna Fascitelli Fitness and Wellness Center might be overwhelmed by the stunning look, feel, and yes, sound of the newest facility on campus. They won’t be alone. Donors, state and University dignitaries and student leaders were on hand this

past fall to tour the facility and cut the ribbon to formally open the $11 million, 33,202 square-foot center, which is designed to promote the health and well being of students in a safe, high-tech and inviting spa-like environment. The project was supported in part by $1 million private donation from Michael Fascitelli, a 1978 graduate of the University and former chief executive officer of Vornado Realty Trust, a commercial real estate firm in New York, and his wife Beth, and a $1 million gift from Bank of America. The center is named in honor of Fascitelli’s late mother, Anna. “We are so grateful to the Fascitellis and Bank of America for their generosity and commitment to make this Center a reality for our students,” URI President David Dooley said. “Facilities like this are central to our efforts to create dynamic neighborhoods that allow our students to grow academically, physically, emotionally and socially. We continue to strive to build an inclusive, engaged community, and there is no better benchmark than this modern, full-service center that will promote healthy lifestyles.” URI senior marketing major Paul Knott, director of Marketing and Recruitment for the Student Senate, said the center

is more than just a gym. “It is a center that provides students with a respite from our studies, allowing us to let off steam, while maintaining our health,” Knott said. “Students can also work on building their physical and social skills through the supportive and varied group exercise classes, many of them offered for free. Additionally, the center provides a positive environment for students to meet and work out, while still remaining within the hub of campus.” “To give back to URI, honor my mother and underscore our family’s commitment to education is a unique opportunity,” Michael Fascitelli said at the time of his commitment. “College is a time to develop as a person. With the new wellness center, URI students will be better prepared to build fuller lives for themselves and their communities.” “The new state of the art fitness and wellness center will help URI students keep their bodies healthy while they exercise their minds in the classroom,” said Bill Hatfield, Rhode Island president, Bank of America. “This renovation will bring worldclass facilities closer to students and staff.” The two-floor Fascitelli Center is located in what was once the Roger Williams Dining Center, which opened in 1969, but was closed when the University opened Hope Commons as the largest dining center in 2007. The six-year-old Hope Commons dining center and the new fitness center, which are directly across from each other on Butterfield Road, complement each other perfectly. “We are very grateful to our donors for recognizing this important need at URI and actively supporting our efforts to fulfill it on behalf of the student body. The generosity of both the Fascitellis and Bank of America is truly remarkable,” said Mike Smith, president of the URI Foundation. “We are very fortunate to count them among our supporters.” annual report fy2013 y


the bruce s. sherman trading room

trade secrets ten years of the E

Sherman trading room

mployers value internships more than GPA. That is a key finding of a 2012 Marketplace and The Chronicle of Higher Education survey. Respondents reported that they have little time to train recent graduates. Hiring managers seek candidates with relevant work experience. Echoing that sentiment is Bruce Sherman ’69, a URI College of Business Administration graduate. “There’s no substitute for hands-on experience,” he said. To expose students to financial markets, Sherman, then-CEO and CIO of Legg Mason, donated $250,000 to URI in 2003 to fund and establish the Bruce S. Sherman Trading Room located in Ballantine Hall. Celebrating its tenth year in 2013, the trading room enables students to obtain real-time news coverage to analyze key financial information. Using tools such as Thomson ONE, a leading financial analysis database, students navigate the same technology found at major stock

A significant number of COBA students, including those participating in the Ram Fund, utilize the Sherman Trading Room under the tutelage of Professor Peter DaDalt on a very frequent basis, and consider it a great asset.

exchanges to research and analyze equities and simulate stock trades. Those students involved in managing the Ram Fund, URI’s real-money investment fund, engage in actual trading, and they have proven

to be quite savvy. Averaging a 9.5% return annually since 2003, they outperformed The Standard & Poor’s 500. “The S & P has a slightly different mix with larger stocks, but the small-cap index averaged 9% in the same period,” said Peter DaDalt, professor of finance decision science, who has taught the Ram Fund course. For Finance major Bryan Poston ’14, success with the Ram Fund led to an internship with Fidelity Investments. “I met a recruiter when the Ram Fund participants made their presentation to Fidelity professionals, and I joined Pyramis Global Advisors, a Fidelity Asset Management organization.” He analyzed trends in the institutional market, and his performance may lead to full-time employment. Fidelity’s recruiting process for recent college graduates is under way, and hiring managers are considering his credentials. “The trading room is invaluable. In every interview, I’m asked about the Ram Fund, and interviewers say, ‘You’ve actually done parts of this job,’” Poston said.


y the uri foundation

Dean Mark Higgins shares Poston’s conviction. “Bruce and Cynthia Sherman’s gift has had a profound impact on Ram Fund students. They always tell me that the trading room and the Ram Fund were the highlights of their academic experience. The Bruce Sherman trading room gives students access to the tools needed to secure jobs in this competitive marketplace.” Lessons learned in the trading room also help students pass the first level of the Chartered Financial Analyst exam. “The room’s resources represent the applied side of the Finance curriculum — where theory marries practice,” said Professor Emeritus Dennis McLeavey. “Students who pass the first level while in college enjoy enhanced job prospects.” “The trading room is a great asset for the College, and the Ram Fund is a

“Bruce and Cynthia Sherman’s gift has had a profound impact on Ram Fund students. They always tell me that the trading room and the Ram Fund were the highlights of their academic experience.”

critical program for Finance students,” said Professor DaDalt. “Both the Ram Fund and the room exist because of alumni — one of URI’s biggest assets.” Sherman is pleased that his gift has delivered results over the past decade. “If the renovated Ballantine Hall continues to be the center of the continually improving College of Business Administration, and if the trading room is a small part of that, then I’m grateful that I made a small contribution to a university that did great things for me.”

annual report fy2013 y


the university of rhode island foundation

Executive Board



ex officio members

Thomas J. Silvia ’83

Lorne A. Adrain ’76 Geraldine M. Barber ’70 Richard E. Beaupre ’62 Mark P. Charron ’77 Paul M. Cafoni ’70 Karina Montilla Edmonds Michael D. Fascitelli ’78 James A. Hopkins ’62 Senator Paul V. Jabour Phillip Kydd ’81 Margaret S. Leinen ’80 Carol J. Makovich ’75 Daniel J. Pendergast, Jr. ’59 Thomas M. Ryan ’75 Cynthia Davis Sculco ’65 Charles H. Wharton ’67 Laureen L. White ’81 Raymond M. Williams ’87 Alan G. Zartarian ’69

David M. Dooley, PhD

vice chair Margo L. Cook ’86

treasurer Peter J. Miniati III, Esq. ’85

secretary Laura H. Cunningham ’77


y the uri foundation

president, university of rhode island

Eva-Marie Mancuso ’82 chairman, rhode island board of education

Louise H. Thorson ’85 president, uri alumni association

foundation staff Michael J. Smith president

Merelise A. Hitte director of finance

Meredith Drozd executive assistant to the president

the university of rhode island foundation

Financial Report 2013 for the year ended june 30, 2013

consolidated statement of activities

statement of financial position

revenues, gains and other support


Contributions Net total investment returns Contractual payments from URI Other income Total revenues, gains and other support

$12,206,181 10,291,390 2,974,000 835,669 $26,307,240


Total assets

university support: Academic support Athletics and club sports Buildings and equipment Library Community outreach Research support Scholarships, fellowships, loans and awards Other programs and event support Alumni Association Total University support

$3,283,779 1,565,822 3,287,157 131,632 1,552,673 584,821 1,733,113 173,931 478,988 12,791,916

foundation support: Administrative expenses Development expenses Investment expenses Total Foundation support

945,624 3,999,956 660,373 5,605,953

Total expenses

Cash and cash equivalents $5,782,222 Prepaid expenses 21,851 Pledges receivable, net 2,576,891 Investments, at market value 125,176,057 Building, equipment, furniture and fixtures, net 1,736,416 Charitable remainder unitrusts 606,315 Other assets, net 75,240 $135,974,992

liabilities and net assets liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Gift annuity payable Total liabilities net assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets

$2,105,883 728,645 2,834,528 7,660,265 50,952,650 74,527,549 133,140,464 $135,974,992


net assets Changes in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year

$7,909,371 125,231,093 $133,140,464

annual report fy2013 y


the university of rhode island foundation

The URI Endowment and Fundraising


he URI Foundation manages the University’s endowment with great care and fiscal prudence in order to provide a consistent, perpetual source of funding supporting URI students, faculty, programs and facilities. We invest our General Endowment Fund, (GEF) which includes more than 1,000 individually named

funds, with the overall objective of generating a consistent income stream for distribution to the University in accordance with our donor’s wishes, while protecting and growing the endowment’s principal value. A portion of the endowment’s earnings and appreciation is typically reinvested into the GEF each year.

y portfolio value

The spending rate associated with the endowment is set each year by the URI Foundation Executive Board. For fiscal year 2013, the rate was 4.5%,

dollars in millions 110 100


97.3* 85.0

90 80

tribution of $2.7 million for use in the current academic year. The endowment distribution represents just one portion of private-


philanthropically derived funds that impacted the university during the fiscal year 2013. The Foundation also makes available to the University for

30 20

spending, all expendable (non-endowed) gifts received within the year. In

10 0

addition, $4.3 million in new gifts earmarked as endowment gifts, were 2009





fiscal year

y annual endowment distribution disbursements in millions 3.5 3.0


million. The market value for the General Endowment Fund (GEF) for the past five years is represented in the graph at top left. The graph at lower left represents the total amount of endowmentgenerated funds disbursed to the University each year, based on the GEF’s spending policy, for the five-year period fy09–fy13.


y annualized return


2.5 2.0

also received and invested for future impact. As of June 30, 2013, the University’s GEF had a market value of $103

*This value, previously reported at $101.3 millon, has been adjusted to reflect the payment for the annual distribution to the University and Foundation management fees.


management fee (1.5%). The spending rate calculation for the 2013 fiscal year, based on the market value as of December 31, 2011 resulted in a dis-


70 60 50 40

including both the university distribution (3.0 %) and the Foundation’s


on investment

The annualized return on the University’s

1.5 1.0

endowment portfolio, as of June 30, 2013, was

0.5 0.0

0* 2009





fiscal year

as of june 30, 2013

2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +11.3% 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –3.3% 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +22.1%

11.3%. The annualized returns for the past

2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +13.7%

five years, using the June 30 point-in-time

2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –15.1%

date for comparison, are as shown at right.

Data for last five years ending June 30

*Due to severe economic conditions affecting the value of the endowment, a disbursement was not made in 2010.

Please note that in an effort to provide a more robust description of individual endowment funds, URI’s full Endowment Fund List can now be found on our website, www.urifoundation.org/endowmentfunds.


y the uri foundation

Activity: 2013 Report y fundraising highlights

During the fiscal year 2013, $17.6 million in private support was raised, including pledges, gifts and new planned giving commitments, up from $17.2 million last year. y total gift activity

support all of URI’s colleges and athletics, the Fund for URI, the President’s 21st Century Fund for Excellence, club sports, Greek life and more.

1,600 E Just over 1,600 first time donors to URI in fy13 contributed

These gifts supported or will major program areas, including

Fundraising Figures

dollars in millions 20 15



at URI touches students, faculty, programs and facilities across all our campuses and contributes to enhancing the overall University

$1.3 million.

236 E A total of 236 gifts were matched with the gift match value nearing $265,000.


The impact of philanthropy

gifts collectively valued at over

2,377 E The College of Arts and


Sciences, the college with the most alumni, was the college with the

0 2012


fiscal year

most donors in fy13 at 2,377; while College of Business Administration graduates donated the most in

community. Over 10,423 alumni and friends contributed to URI during the fiscal year. Approximately 68% of all gifts received were from alumni while friends of the university, parents of current students,

dollars, at nearly $1.5 million.

1935 E URI’s oldest alumni donor in fy13 was from the College

faculty and staff and other donors, also generously supported the

of Engineering, Class of 1935.

University of Rhode Island.

1976 E The class with the largest

y giving by category

number of donors was the Class of

 Annual Giving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.78%

1976. This was also the class with the

 Athletic Giving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.29%

largest dollar value donated in fy12,

 Capital Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.26%

at over $800,000.

 Endowed Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.99%

50 E Gifts were received from all

 Non-Endowed Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.67%

50 states in the U.S., with the largest number of gifts contributed by

y asset allocation as of june 30, 2013



Rhode Island alumni, followed by Massachusetts, Connecticut,

US Equity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.1%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%

New York and New Jersey.

Global US Equity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%

845 E The number of gifts made

Emerging Markets Equity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.8%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Marketable Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.7%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25% Inflation Hedging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15% Deflation Hedging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15% As is customary with many universities across the country, a one-time fee is deducted from all gifts to provide essential support to the University’s overall development activities.

online using the URI Foundation’s secure online giving page totaled 845, with a value of over $255,000 in fy13.

annual report fy2013 y


the university of rhode island foundation

Excellence Award Honorees 2013

Kenneth Sisson, Paula McGlasson, Peter August, David Dooley, Darlene Golomb and Mike Smith.


our outstanding University employees, representing a variety of colleges and departments on campus, were honored as University of Rhode Island Foundation 2013 Excellence Award recipients. The awards were presented this year as part of a university-wide celebration of excellence hosted by University President David M. Dooley,

featuring award recipients from the URI Foundation as well as those honored by the University’s Division of Research and Economic Development. The 2013 URI Foundation specific awards, which have been awarded annually to URI community members since 1970, were presented to Paula McGlasson, Chair, URI Theatre Department, 2013 Teaching Excellence Award; Peter August, Professor, Natural Resource Science, 2013 Scholarly Excellence Award; Kenneth Sisson, Assistant Director, Enrollment Services, 2013 Administrative Excellence Award; Darlene Golomb, Building Superintendent, Facilities Services, 2013 Staff Excellence Award. The URI Foundation Excellence awards were established in 1970 as a means of acknowledging members of the University’s staff or faculty who perform above and beyond their responsibilities to enhance the objectives of a particular department as well as URI as a whole. Since their inception, nearly 175 individuals have received the highly regarded awards in one of four categories: teaching, scholarly, staff and administrative. “We are proud to recognize these committed professionals, for the impact their dedication and efforts have on the entire university community,” said URI Foundation President Mike Smith. To learn more about the 2013 winners, the URI Foundation’s Excellence Awards program in general, or nomination details, please visit urifoundation.org.


y the uri foundation

creating a legacy

Ways to give to the University


n order to advance its mission and continue providing funding for students, faculty and programs, the University of Rhode Island counts on the support of its dedicated and generous alumni and friends. Your gifts help provide scholarships and fellowships for the bright and deserving, attract scholars to our classrooms and laboratories, support vital

research and contribute to the enhancement of our facilities across all four campuses. As your generosity benefits others, it can benefit you as well. Depending upon your individual situation, you may receive a charitable income tax deduction and eliminate or reduce capital gains taxes. At the same time, it is possible to secure a lifetime income through a number of gift options. In any case, through any type of gift, the URI Foundation stands ready to assist you in aligning your philanthropic goals with the needs of the University. y outright gifts: Gifts of cash, securities or other prop-

y bequests and other planned gifts: Planned

erty can be used to support students, faculty and programs

gifts, including bequests, are gift arrangements made to

across all disciplines and areas of interest.

provide support to URI, while offering specific tax advan-

y gift pledges: Gift pledges represent your intent to give a gift to benefit URI over time. The gift pledge option provides you with an opportunity to make regular payments over a period of several years. y matching gifts: Thousands of U.S. companies have programs that match charitable gifts made by employees. Gifts are matched or even multiplied, depending on the policy of the individual company, for an even greater impact on the University. The URI Foundation’s website provides a search component to help you determine if your

tages to the donor. There are a number of options available that could maximize your giving potential while creating a legacy for generations to come, including: • Charitable gift annuities • Deferred gift annuities • Charitable remainder trusts • Appreciated securities • Life insurance • Real estate and/or personal property • Retirement assets

company participates. For more information, please visit www.matchinggifts.com/uri for more information. y gifts to the endowment: A gift creating or contributing to a named endowment demonstrates your longterm commitment to supporting URI and serves as a permanent legacy, providing critical and continued support to the people and programs of your choice. An endowment is a fund that is maintained in perpetuity — with a portion of the interest earned on the endowment used for the purposes specified by the donor. The principal value of the fund is preserved and grown over time. y memorial gifts: Many donors choose to make a gift to URI in the memory of a friend, colleague or loved one. For more information, contact the URI Foundation at 401.874.7900 or email foundation@uri.edu.

annual report fy2013 y


1892 society

the university of rhode island foundation

1892 Society Members The 1892 Society was founded nearly 30 years ago to honor those alumni and friends who inform us that they have provided for the University in their estate plans. This list reflects all 1892 Society members through June 30, 2013.

Joan L. Abar ’52 Mae B. Adams ’42 Andrew H. Aitken ’67 Larry Aker ’64 Renate Aker Louise C. Aldrich Robert H. Aldrich Sr. ’46 Marcia T. Allen ’72 Henry H. Anderson Jr. Judith L. Anderson Roberta H. Anderson ’65 Harry Anjoorian ’65 Leon R. Audette ’65 James V. Aukerman Karin Aukerman Bette A. Ayoub Philip A. Ayoub ’62


y the uri foundation

Sherman B. Bailey ’41 Marilyn Baker ’76 Judith E. Bates ’74 Gussie W. Baxt Geraldine W. Beagle ’01 Robert M. Beagle ’12 Noel T. Bellesheim ’91 Beverly C. Benson ’61 Pauline N. Berkow ’71 Everett Berlinsky ’44 Charles M. Billmyer ’50 Lorraine E. Bloomquist ’66 Alfred V. Boaro ’60 Mary K. Bond ’43 Nancy K. Bond ’70 Joan G. Bonomi ’69 Richard J. Bonomi

Bradford R. Boss ’55 Wesley C. Bray Jr. ’58 Edward W. Brewster ’58 Corey W. Briggs ’80 Deborah G. Brown ’79 David G. Browning ’58 Frederick J. Buchsbaum ’68 Karen Buchsbaum Charlene K. Butler ’79 Robert S. Butler ’63 William E. Byrnes ’80 Thomas J. Caldarone Jr. ’50 Lucille W. Cameron ’64 Bruce D. Campbell ’62 Dianne K. Card ’69 Wesley R. Card ’70 Allan Cargill ’59

Patricia B. Carlson ’68 Robert L. Carothers Richard S. Carvalho ’58 John E. Chiaverini ’47 Mary Christian-Madden Edmund D. Cianciarulo Jr. ’64 Natalie T. Cianciarulo ’64 Deborah R. Cicero ’68 J. S. Cobb ’70 Jeffrey G. Cokin ’70 Howard M. Coleman ’51 Karen S. Congdon ’73 Robert W. Cooper Jr. ’56 David J. Correira ’84 Jan S. Crandall Robert L. Crandall ’57 Mark S. Cruise ’81

1892 society

Edwin E. Cull Jr. ’50 Francis A. Currier ’50† Frank T. Curtin Lynn R. Curtin Estelle G. Dale ’44† Brian K. Dallaire ’80 Peter P. D’Amico ’64 Suzanne Daniels James F. Davey ’58 Mary Davison-Price ’84 Marilyn P. Day ’65 Helen F. Dayton ’47 Nancy d’Estang Maureen M. Devine ’89 Owen B. Devine Jr. ’86 Mary Louise Robertson Dickenson ’45 Louis T. DiFazio ’64 Monica M. DiFazio Janice E. DiLorenzo ’70 Elizabeth J. DiMaggio ’73 Michael A. Dimaggio ’79 Kevin Doherty Bernice A. Durfee ’49 Wayne K. Durfee ’50 Carolyn C. Eastwood ’64 Jane C. Ebbs ’35 Paul E. Eichin ’61 Albert W. Emery ’50 Adele G. Espo ’46 Alfred Factor ’56 Antonio W. Faella ’51 Elizabeth P. Faella ’67 Levia V. Farmer ’35 Victor J. Farmer ’64 Joseph P. Feroce ’65 Suzanne D. Field ’80 Thomas A. Field ’81 Judith A. Fillmore Douglas O. Fisher ’71 Constance P. Fitzelle ’72 George T. Fitzelle ’84 Greg Flentje James C. Forte ’76 Nancy S. Forte ’77 Jane A. Fortin ’54 Robert J. Fortin ’52 Richard D. Gale ’45 Maryanne A. Galuska ’63 Shirley A. Gerrior ’89 George A. Gilbert Jr. ’50 Francis L. Gilman ’43 Gloria M. Giusti ’51 Mindy D. Goldsborough ’76 Fred N. Goodrich ’60 Nicholas Gorham ’83 Nathaniel B. Gouse ’40 Cheryl Greenfeld Teverow ’76 Elinor K. Groeneveld John G. Haddad ’75 Benjamin J. Hadsell Jr. ’68 Susan L. Hammen-Winn ’89 Peter Hammerschlag ’70

† deceased

Marion F. Hanna ’58 Jay W. Harford ’61 Marilyn M. Harlin Marie F. Harper ’80 Jacqueline V. Hartert ’72 W. Michael Havener Patricia A. Helms Charles A. Hirsch ’57 Marianne Holmes ’75 James A. Hopkins ’62 Jane M. Hopkins ’58† Florence A. Horenstein ’42 Roberta M. Humble ’68 Alan G. Hunter ’55 R. Carolyn Hunter ’56 Jean M. Hutchinson ’53 David W. Jacobs ’67 Jeffrey E. Jarrett Ruth K. Jarrett ’81 Richard D. Jendzejec ’68 Robert E. Johnson Jr. ’78 F. Curtis Johnston ’54 Stephen Jonas ’64 Kathleen C. Joyal ’83 Jonathan V. Kalander ’82 Evelyn S. Kennedy ’69 Thomas J. Keogh ’61 Carolyn F. Kiess ’68 Frederick C. Kilguss Jr. ’59 Heidi Kirk Duffy David M. Klein ’68 Richard J. Klenkel ’82 Nancy M. Kline ’73 Kenneth E. Knox ’70 Raymond V. Kusiak ’56 Frederick J. Lakeway ’59 Karen F. Lamorge ’73 Frank Laurito ’59 David B. Lea Jr. ’59 Hazel B. Lease ’63 Eleanor R. Lemaire Charles J. Lemoine ’71 Gabriele Lemoine James W. Leslie ’52 Stephen V. Letcher Nancy D. Letteney-Silver ’54 Louis R. Leveillee ’67 Barry Levine Ellen Brill Levine ’66 Joyce S. Lilly ’75 Ruth A. Lindsey ’43 Patricia E. Lombardi ’63† Carolyn G. Longolucco ’61 Beverly F. Lucas ’48 Peter E. Madden ’61 Victor J. Maggioli ’53 Domenic J. Mainelli ’48 Carol J. Makovich ’75 Barbara Mandell Don Mann ’58 Stanley Markowitz ’51 James E. Masterson ’49 Joseph S. Matose IV ’86

Cynthia A. Mauch ’75 Donald E. McCreight ’88 Sandy S. McCreight ’73 Albert P. Mcginn ’64 Robert P. McKenna Jane A. Mclamarrah ’77 Charlotte F. Mee ’51 Bernadette Meisenheimer James Meisenheimer ’67 Peter F. Merenda Mary J. Miller ’63 Shirley N. Mintz ’36 Joseph A. Mollica ’62 Hope M. Moore ’71 James D. Moore ’88 Eleanor G. Morris ’38 Francesco P. Morsilli ’53 Janet K. Munroe ’46 Martha W. Murphy ’80 Florence L. Murray Henry J. Nardone Sr. ’43 Violet K. Ohanasian ’48 Thomas P. Olean ’50 E. Catherine Passarelli ’44 Leslie A. Peltier ’70 Raymond J. Peltier ’57 Constantinos Perdikakis ’75 Louise Perl ’80 Anthony C. Perry ’55 Klaus Peter Ann T. Petrella Nancy A. Potter John V. Powell ’71 Elizabeth C. Preti ’43 Robert F. Preti David Price ’83 Helene S. Pritchard ’48 Gwenneth Rae Donna-Jean W. Rainville ’69 Donald Rankin Jane B. Rankin Mary S. Ravin ’44 Nicholas P. Ray ’97 H. Milton Read Jr. ’54 Nancy N. Read ’56 A. Laurice Reid Patrice L. Reid ’86 Linda Rendine Richard D. Rendine ’58 Jayne E. Richmond Norene M. Rickson ’68 Andrew S. Rinde ’64 Douglas K. Ritter ’74 Gerald O. Rivet ’79 Madeleine O. Robinson ’80 William P. Robinson III ’67 James Roehm Neil W. Ross ’62 Steven A. Ross ’67 Anna O. Rotondo ’51 Beatrice B. Rubenstein ’41† Edmund S. Rumowicz ’57

James D. Rylands ’66 Richard S. Sabatelli ’77 Vincent F. Sabatini ’65 Frances C. Sadler ’75 Linda H. Saks ’56 Hallie G. Sammartino-Di Schino ’84 Vincent A. Sarni ’49 Valerie J. Saunders Francis J. Schilling Helen I. Schilling ’54 Marilyn M. Schwab ’71 Lorraine Schwartz ’83 Dallas L. Sharp III ’54 Susan R. Sharp ’53 David P. Sherman ’64 Peter A. Shocket ’62 Janice B. Sieburth ’72 Peter W. Simonds ’70 William Simonson ’69 Clay V. Sink ’95 Barbara B. Slater ’58 Barbara L. Sokoloff ’64 Kenneth J. Sousa ’03 Sydney A. Spink ’58 Arthur J. Spivack Linda K. Stanich ’72 Dennis E. Stark Edward C. Stebbins Jr. ’62 Jean F. Stebbins ’64 Marjorie A. Stein ’67 Douglas A. Stephens Wayne I. Sternberger ’76 Cheryl A. Stoukides ’85 John A. Stoukides ’85 Frederick S. Strickhart ’70 Beatriz D. Struck John S. Struck ’74 Elaine D. Sullivan ’75 Kenneth G. Taylor ’43 Bernard J. Teubert Jr. ’60 Joshua Teverow John H. Tietjen ’66 Patrick M. Toscano ’49 Norma C. Tower ’50 Manuel J. Vales IV ’88 Richard G. Vangermeersch ’64 Rita A. Verespy F. Randy Vogenberg ’75 Edward T. Votta ’80 Timothy C. Ward ’73 Raymond W. Warren ’37 Kenneth J. Weber ’68 Patricia B. Weeden ’48 Janis C. Weinstein-Dietz ’71 Michael Weiss ’62 Alton W. Wiley ’51 Edwin K. Wiley ’60 David R. Wilkes ’43 Donna E. Wilson ’62 Robert M. Wilson ’62 Deborah K. Zastocki ’74 Bruce G. Zimmerman ’51

annual report fy2013 y


the university of rhode island foundation

Annual Report on Giving 2013


he URI Foundation, on behalf of the University of Rhode Island, extends its sincere appreciation and gratitude to each and every one of the benefactors, both alumni and friends alike, who contributed charitable gifts to URI in the fiscal year 2013. Space limitations constrain us from listing each and every gift to the University. Though your gift of any

amount is truly valued, we are only able to include those recorded at $250 or above for the fiscal year 2013 in this publication. All gifts to the University of Rhode Island should be made payable and mailed to the URIF, PO Box 1700, Kingston, RI 02881. The URI Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation designated by the University to manage its en-

dowment and raise and administer private gifts that support the pursuit of excellence in teaching and research. Donors have the option of requesting anonymity in making their gifts. Care has been taken to make this listing as accurate as possible. If you would like to report an error or omission, or would like to make an inquiry regarding your gift during fiscal year 2013 ( July 1, 2012–June 30, 2013) please email the Foundation at foundation@uri.edu or call 401.874.2145. We apologize in advance for any inaccuracies contained in this report.


y the uri foundation

president’s circle platinum: $100,000 and above

Natalie D. Brown, Estate of ’38 † Niovi Constantinides Spiros Constantinides Jonathan Fain Rosalie Fain Richard J. Harrington ’73 Janice M. Paton, Estate of ’76 † Barbara L. Tate, Estate of † president’s circle gold: $50,000 to $99,999

Karen S. Cofoni Paul M. Cofoni ’70 Steven E. Elterich ’72 John J. Murray III ’70 Marybelle Musco Sebastian P. Musco Christine A. Nowak, Estate of ’82 Cynthia D. Sculco ’65 Thomas P. Sculco Henry D. Sharpe Jr. Peggy B. Sharpe Alfred J. Verrecchia ’67 Geraldine Verrecchia president’s circle silver: $25,000 to $49,999

William Achtmeyer Robert J. Alvine ’88 Barbara J. Bassi Peter A. Bassi ’70 Robert E. Bisson ’76 Marlen S. Bodden Dianne K. Card ’69 Wesley R. Card ’70 Shannon E. Chandley ’83 Margo L. Cook ’86 William J. Cummings ’71 Eleanor H. Dain ’86 Joel A. Dain David A. Duffy H. Jack Feibelman Robert J. Fitch ’70 Howard S. Frank ’62 Mary Frank Mary D. Higgins ’67 Robert J. Higgins ’67 Heidi Kirk Duffy Louis J. Kirschenbaum Susan S. Kirschenbaum ’76 Domenic J. Mainelli ’48 Nancy Mckinstry Roch ’80 Joseph L. McNulty, Estate of ’53 Seetharama L. Narasimhan Veda Narasimhan ’84 Benjamin W. Navarro ’84

† deceased

Donna R. Ross ’02 Mark A. Ross ’64 Thomas J. Silvia ’83 Alan R. Spachman ’69 Florence M. Spachman John H. Visneuski Jr. ’70 Charles H. Wharton ’67 Joy H. Wharton ’74 president’s circle bronze: $10,000 to $24,999

Edward Avedisian David A. Bengtson ’74 Charles M. Billmyer ’50 Richard J. Bornstein ’71 Steven A. Bouley ’80 Elizabeth S. Brown Joseph P. Burghardt ’78 Thomas D. Cerio III ’76 Doreen Clappin James P. Clappin ’80 Carol N. Crandall ’69 Leslie H. Crandall ’69 Paul A. Croce ’62 Laura H. Cunningham ’77 Stephen M. Cunningham ’76 Donald E. Davis Ernest A. Di Gregorio Jr. Donald B. Dinger ’58 Alfredo R. Esparza Diana R. Esparza Barbara K. Fagan ’61 Frank J. Fagan ’61 Diane C. Fannon ’74 S. Kent Fannon ’74 Donald F. Farley ’65 Sander Gates Shirley T. Gulvin ’57 Jay W. Harford ’61 Paul J. Hastings ’84 Carole E. Heaton William G. Hunt ’48 Kenneth J. Hylander ’80 Virginia F. Hylander ’78 John W. King David Korn ’73 Lucie Maranda ’87 Ernest Mario ’63 Anastasia H. Marty ’60 Helen J. Mederer Barbara Messinger, Estate of ’50 † Michael M. Morrow ’77 John M. Nystrom ’67 Susan D. Penders Thomas V. Penders Helene S. Pritchard ’48 Henry M. Rines ’85 Jan E. Rines ’78 Herman H. Rose ’70 Martin H. Sadd Victor R. Santoro

Anthony Savio Rose Savio Richard J. Shapiro Bruce S. Sherman ’69 Cynthia L. Sherman Albert Z. Soforenko ’54 Pamela M. Thye Thomas A. Turano ’71 Rhonda C. Wilson Candice D. Wroe ’73 Thomas Wroe Jr. ’72 Yvonne H. Yare ’44 Anthony A. Zona ’81 edwards roundtable: $5,000 to $9,999

Stephen E. Adams ’85 Robert K. Andren ’66 Joseph F. Army ’86 James V. Aukerman Karin Aukerman Judith A. Ayotte Robert C. Ayotte ’59 Geraldine M. Barber ’70 Gregory P. Barber Gussie W. Baxt Marie L. Bender-Lee Susan W. Berti ’83 Dorothy J. Bertolacini Ralph J. Bertolacini ’49 Karen E. Blakeley ’83 Robert B. Blakeley ’82 Alan W. Blazar ’75 Marcia M. Blazar Kenneth A. Bradley ’81 Donald Breen Jr. ’75 David J. Buckanavage ’80 Randolph K. Byers Jr. Jeffrey D. Caldwell ’76 Neil E. Casey ’65 Paul B. Chace ’90 Jaime E. Chamorro ’03 Mark P. Charron ’77 Sharon S. Chisholm ’68 Thomas J. Chisholm ’68 Robert G. Day Rosemary Day Karen A. DeSimone Robert A. DiMuccio Wendy P. Field ’74 Judith A. Fillmore Arthur F. Fiorenzano ’74 Charles H. Geny Barry M. Gertz ’76 Sandra J. Gertz ’86 Morton Goldman, Estate of ’42 † Barbara J. Goldstein ’78 Jane Grenier ’74 Marianne Holmes ’75 Colleen Hurst Jeffrey J. Ingram ’80 Alexander G. Ivanov ’92

Donna L. Ivanov ’92 Jeffrey E. Jarrett Ruth K. Jarrett ’81 Donald Jonas Karen W. Jordan Ronald P. Jordan ’76 Lynda S. Joseph ’64 Alfred G. Killilea Roberta S. King David M. Klein ’68 Kenneth E. Knox ’70 R. Wayne Knox ’72 Donald P. Lan ’74 Arlene S. Landesberg ’59 Melvin M. Landesberg ’58 John S. Landi Ronald T. Lee Jeanmarie Leonard ’86 Matthew J. Leonard ’88 Michelle D. Manelis ’92 Stephen E. Manelis ’91 Ronald D. Margolin George T. Marshall ’76 Anthony R. Masso ’63 Lucy Mathieu Raymond M. Mathieu ’69 Marshall C. McClean ’64 Brendan E. McCorry ’92 Cahil McGovern ’02 Maureen K. McGovern W. Lynn McKinney Lori J. Merola ’83 Richard W. Moore ’49 William Museler Frederick J. Newton III ’78 Susan L. Oertle ’73 Helen Olney Martin J. Payton Jr. ’58 Eleanor M. Perfetto ’80 F. Noel Perry ’74 Christine M. Pfeiffer ’79 Nancy A. Potter Herbert Rakatansky Carl R. Reetz ’64 Alice C. Reinhardt ’76 Frederick W. Reinhardt Jr. ’57 Leonard A. Reinhart ’77 Linda Rendine Richard D. Rendine ’58 Elaine M. Riley ’68 James E. Riley ’66 Anthony J. Risica ’78 Lynn M. Risica Cathy H. Ryan Thomas M. Ryan ’75 Alan L. Saabye ’64 Barbara M. Saabye ’65 Richard S. Sabatelli ’77 Udo O. Schroff Raymond Sepe Jr. Barbara L. Sokoloff ’64 Sherry J. Soloff Ann M. Spruill ’76

annual report fy2013 y


Cheryl A. Stoukides ’85 John A. Stoukides ’85 Beatriz D. Struck John S. Struck ’74 Ted Tedesco ’56 Michael Testa Jr. ’63 Julie K. Twomey ’91 Kevin J. Twomey ’92 Robert A. Viera Grace M. Vincent Robert K. Vincent ’75 Francis C. Ward ’84 David J. Weiner ’62 Alan G. Zartarian ’69 Marilyn C. Zartarian ’70 Bruce G. Zimmerman ’51 davis society: $2,500 to $4,999

Henry H. Anderson Jr. Sona Aronian Mary D. Augustiny ’62 Lynn Baker-Dooley Bradford R. Boss ’55 Wesley C. Bray Jr. ’58 Antonio B. Braz ’83 Matthew T. Calestino ’94 Mary Campbell Norman A. Campbell ’57 Constance Carroll Richard J. Carroll ’74 Chih-Wu Chang ’76 Pei-Tei L. Chang ’76 Gregory R. Cianfarani ’92 Heidi L. Cianfarani ’92 Lori E. Ciccomascolo Deborah A. Ciolfi ’80 Todd A. Cocca ’88 John D. Conforti ’77 Michelle Cove John F. Crook ’71 Matthew R. Cullina Frances D’Agostino James J. D’Agostino ’74 Brian K. Dallaire ’80 Deborah A. Dallaire Joseph T. Dealteris Annie S. DeGroot Cynthia M. Deysher ’78 Guy N. DiBiasio ’60 Marie C. DiBiasio ’61 Peter M. DiCristofaro ’75 Louis T. DiFazio ’64 Monica M. DiFazio David M. Dooley Roman Dudas Frederick A. Ekstrand Sharon M. Embrey ’72 James K. Farrell ’80 Barry S. Fitch Gail P. Frechette ’72 Paul D. Frechette ’72


y the uri foundation

Geoffrey D. Gibbs Francis L. Gilman ’43 George Graboys ’92 Lois Graboys Carol W. Grandin John M. Grandin Stephen M. Greenlee ’82 John Grossomanides ’84 Richard L. Hamblin ’58 David W. Hann ’70 Dale G. Harrington ’58 Helena K. Harrison ’60 William L. Harrison ’57 Kathryn Hennessey Ann Higgins Mark M. Higgins Dennis C. Hilliard ’80 Louise D. Hilliard ’82 Kenneth Hogberg Willa L. Hogberg ’61 Geoffrey V. Hopper ’76 Judith S. Hopper ’74 Florence A. Hornstein ’42 Timothy H. Hosking Russell D. Ide ’70 Deborah A. Imondi ’83 Bernadette F. Jabour ’73 Clare T. Jabour Diana N. Jackson Francine Jackson ’92 Leland B. Jackson Rosalie Jalbert ’08 Lawrence I. Kahn ’71 Saul Kaplan ’79 Susan H. Kaplan ’78 Kimberly A. Kershaw ’88 Howard L. Konicov ’84 Margaret L. Lamb Thomas J. Lamb Jr. ’74 Jeffrey S. Lang ’78 Cyrus Leech Gabriel Lengyel Barbara M. Long John V. Long ’89 Joseph T. MacAndrew Elaine C. Mack ’58 Stephen J. Mack ’58 James E. Marble Jr. ’55 Joseph W. Marriott ’59 Mary Ann Marriott David J. Martirano ’91 Jennifer B. Martirano ’91 Lois V. Mason ’62 William B. Mason Joseph L. Masso ’59 Sonja A. Masso ’76 John J. McConaghy III ’99 Betty McGivney ’91 Mark C. McGivney ’89 Francois Menard ’88 Suzanne Michaud Peter J. Miniati III ’85 Sandra M. Miniati ’85

Richard A. Minot ’75 Patricia A. Monti ’61 Keith M. Moore ’74 Michael P. Morgan ’70 Janet K. Munroe ’46 Brian E. O’Malley James E. O’Reilly II ’72 Lois M. Pazienza ’71 Carol E. Pendergast Daniel J. Pendergast Jr. ’59 Edward A. Pernaveau ’52 Brian M. Philbin ’70 Charles E. Pierce Christopher Pilkington Jeffrey C. Potter ’90 Karen A. Powers ’99 John R. Proctor ’65 Sarah B. Richardson Vincent C. Rose Jr. ’52 Judith S. Saulnier ’61 Philip J. Saulnier ’62 Marc J. Seifer ’70 Franklin W. Simon ’50 Cheryl A. Smith ’81 Audrey Sokoloff Richard A. Stansfield ’63 Jane M. Stich ’62 Ann K. Throop Richard G. Vangermeersch ’64 Donald J. Vasta ’81 James S. Vergari ’02 Rachel M. Vergari ’02 Paula G. Viau ’69 F. Randy Vogenberg ’75 Robert A. Weygand ’71 Mary B. Wiley ’86 Samuel T. Wiley ’84 Richard S. Wilkes ’79 Henry W. Winkleman ’66 Christopher J. Wolfe ’91 Elena Zour ’85 watson council: $1,000 to $2,499

David J. Abdinoor ’70 Charles J. Abizaid ’86 Kenneth L. Abrams ’78 Jonathan S. Allen ’77 Lea Allen Antonio A. Almeida Jr. ’59 Alfred P. Alvarez ’58 I. Maureen Alvarez ’59 Rose Amaral Dana H. Anderson ’76 Richard E. Anderson ’51 Alfred Armstrong ’48 Evelyn M. Armstrong James M. Ayars ’85 Judith B. Babcock ’72 William P. Babcock ’68 Ronald C. Baird Constance T. Baker ’86 Edward T. Baker Jr. ’58

Gary A. Baker ’88 Jesse R. Baker ’96 Pamela A. Baker Maxon G. Balmforth ’95 William G. Barber Jr. ’55 Ann M. Barrett ’75 John W. Barrett ’72 Michael A. Battey ’74 Susan M. Battey Stephen A. Beatrice ’84 Richard E. Beaupre ’62 Jacquelyn Beckenbach ’78 Mark E. Beckenbach ’75 Edward D. Bednarcik ’80 Paula J. Bednarcik Carl H. Benker II ’69 Valerie J. Benker ’68 Douglas C. Bennet ’77 Joan P. Bennet ’78 Everett Berlinsky ’44 Janet L. Bertwell ’73 Donald B. Bibeault ’63 Linda E. Bireley ’85 Richard W. Bixby ’58 Thomas P. Blaszkowski ’69 John B. Blount ’50 Frank J. Bogart ’63 Jo A. Bogart ’64 Mary K. Bond ’43 Stephanie Bossenberger Mary E. Bottella-Knickle ’98 Joceline M. Boucher ’91 Stephanie L. Bounds ’05 Richard A. Boutilier ’78 Mirghavamaddin Bozorgmir ’81 Corey W. Briggs ’80 Donna Briggs Andrew L. Brill Barbara E. Brittingham David E. Brook ’62 Winifred E. Brownell Frederick W. Burgess ’78 Michael P. Cafaro ’80 Robert J. Caffrey ’70 Maria V. Caliri ’86 Bruce D. Campbell ’62 Henry G. Caniglia ’58 David R. Carchedi ’79 Elizabeth G. Carey ’54 Allan Cargill ’59 Hilary M. Carlson ’71 Kurt Carlson ’70 Mary F. Carmody ’82 Robert L. Carothers Margaret A. Carr Marianne Casey ’59 Mary D. Cassidy Fuzhong Chen Gary J. Chevalier ’87 Melissa L. Chevalier ’94 Hubertus Christ Mary E. Cloud Jill Cohen ’98

Jason W. Cohenour ’84 Jeffrey G. Cokin ’70 Elizabeth A. Coleman Colleen Considine Gary W. Considine ’77 Karen E. Conti ’79 Richard M. Conti ’83 Franklyn T. Cook ’63 John L. Cookinham III ’63 John W. Corbishley Sr. † Bruce H. Corliss ’74 Teresa L. Corliss ’75 David J. Correira ’84 Nancy E. Costantino ’67 Constantine N. Costianes Gerard J. Cote ’74 † Carole M. Cotter ’98 Joan I. Cronin ’91 Patrick J. Cronin ’91 Mark D’Andrea Terry L. Darland Gerald R. Davis Jeffrey W. Davis ’82 Karen M. Davis ’82 Helen F. Dayton ’47 Peter F. DeBlasio ’70 Susan L. DeBlasio Gerald L. Deroy ’71 Richard J. DeSista ’76 Ruth DeSutter William E. Dewhirst ’77 Michael K. Dexter ’83 Nikhilesh Dholakia Ruby R. Dholakia Steven A. DiOrio Grace M. Donnelly ’52 Karen Dougan Thomas R. Dougan Mary Beth E. Downey ’79 Richard M. Dubois ’58 Ronald W. Dubois Emma C. Durazzo Bernice A. Durfee ’49 Wayne K. Durfee ’50 Kathleen F. Dwyer ’54 Michael J. Eatough ’91 Mary S. Eddy ’87 Joanne Eichinger William H. Eigen III ’90 Joy G. Emery Anna K. Emilsdottir Christopher R. Ensor ’07 Nancy M. Epright Carol C. Epstein Kenneth A. Epstein ’69 William B. Euler Antonio W. Faella ’51 Elizabeth P. Faella ’67 George T. Farley ’66 Patrick P. Fee Daniel J. Ferguson ’80 Elizabeth C. Ferguson ’82 James W. Fester

† deceased

James F. Findlay Eric V. Finkenstadt ’74 Joan M. Finucci ’61 Enid A. Flaherty Grace T. Flanagan ’56 Thomas D. Flanagan ’56 Arline A. Fleming ’74 Terence R. Fleming ’74 Michael T. Flynn ’81 Daniel C. Fogarty ’80 Cheryl A. Foster Robert R. Fournier ’76 Jennifer A. Francis Christopher M. Frelick Robert D. Fusaro ’69 Joseph A. Gabrey III ’86 Evelyn H. Gates ’54 Robert B. Gates ’50 Marianne Gattinella ’79 George J. Geisser Jr. ’48 Virginia C. Geisser ’49 Philip E. Genereux ’93 James S. George ’70 Sandra M. Gertz Vera I. Gierke Christine A. Gill Thomas P. Gill Lawrence T. Ginsberg ’80 Susan G. Ginsberg ’80 Jillian L. Giornelli Raymond A. Giornelli ’56 Walter B. Giraitis ’93 Robert M. Giramma ’82 Barbara T. Gledhill ’55 John W. Gledhill Jr. ’55 Joseph R. Graf ’88

Linda Graf ’88 Trevor Graham Douglas R. Grant ’79 George L. Gray ’63 Suzanne Gulbransen ’85 Thomas C. Gulbransen ’82 William B. Hall ’81 Audrey B. Hallberg ’61 Howard V. Hallberg ’64 Debra B. Harbin ’92 June Hartford-Alley ’57 Margaret R. Hayes-Cote Thomas A. Heaney Jr. ’81 Wendy E. Heaney ’83 Eric D. Hedison ’71 George L. Helsens ’56 Charles Henderson III Cathy B. Herbert ’68 David R. Heskett Harold Hitchen Jr. ’63 Joanne V. Hologgitas ’82 Michael P. Hoopis ’72 James A. Hopkins ’62 Jane M. Hopkins ’58 George Horridge Maureen Horridge ’03 Marjorie A. Houston ’70 Alan G. Hunter ’55 R. Carolyn Hunter ’56 Carolyn S. Hurdis ’63 Karen J. Iannucci ’86 Paul V. Jabour ’78 Vincent F. Jabour ’82 Morphis A. Jamiel ’43 † Kenneth C. Johnson ’63 Julie M. Jones ’03

Michael V. Jordan ’02 Dayle F. Joseph ’75 Ronald P. Joseph ’67 Robert Karczewski ’79 Jay A. Katz ’64 Anita L. Kaufman Donald G. Kaufman ’62 Andrew M. Kay ’88 William J. Keddie ’59 Evelyn S. Kennedy ’69 George H. Kenson ’72 Lori C. Keough ’82 Raymond J. Keough ’94 Razib Khaund Carolyn F. Kiess ’68 Samuel C. Kinder ’62 Ava B. Kleinman Bruce M. Kleinman ’75 Nancy M. Kline ’73 H. Norman Knickle ’90 Harold N. Knickle Frances C. Koerting ’81 Walter S. Koerting ’81 Richard H. Krupski ’80 Irene F. Landsberg ’63 Victor Landsberg ’63 Amey W. Larrat ’82 E. Paul Larrat ’82 Michael T. Ledbetter ’78 Margaret G. Leeson Robert Leeson Jr. Margaret S. Leinen ’80 Gerry W. Leonard ’63 Judith E. Leonard ’63 Barbara M. Leonard, Estate of † Karol K. Leuzarder

annual report fy2013 y


Pauline R. Levasseur ’80 Charles F. Levy ’81 Nancy E. Levy ’66 Paul G. Levy Juan Lins-Morstadt Edward R. Lodge Jr. ’67 Maureen E. Lodge ’68 Bonnie Lombardi Hugh Lombardi Stephen M. Lombardi ’74 Dorla J. Long ’74 Richard W. Lord ’59 Barbara F. Luebke Nancy A. Lundgren ’54 Raymond G. Lundgren Jr. ’54 Daniel C. Lutz ’94 Colleen M. Macalino Edward J. Mack Sr. Eric J. Mack ’79 William A. MacKinlay ’69 Paul Maguire William C. Mainor ’01 Carol J. Makovich ’75 Matthew Malachowski ’06 Judith M. Marth ’92 William Marth James E. Masterson ’49 Antonio Mastrostefano Jr. ’62 Yvette Mastrostefano Kimberly G. Mather ’00 Thomas N. Mather Robert W. Matje ’62 Dean Maxwell ’73 Pamela E. Maxwell ’71 Terri L. Maxwell ’82 Thomas F. Maxwell ’71 Richard A. Mayoh ’64 George F. McAuliffe Jr. ’90 James R. McCall ’50 Barbara A. McCartin Brian J. McCartin ’77 Carolyn A. McGillivray ’92 Marc A. McGiveney ’92 Mary M. McLaughlin John W. Mcnally ’84 Peter F. Merenda John W. Miner ’63 Mary S. Miner ’63 Susan A. Mooradian ’79 Jean S. Moran ’75 Paul P. Moran ’77 Paul M. Moretti ’78 Patricia J. Morokoff Paula D. Morrissey Kevin S. Munroe Margaret C. Munroe E. Fae Murphy ’51 Ira E. Murphy Jr. ’51 John M. Murphy Terrence F. Murphy ’65 Roger A. Nadeau ’74 Ardashes Nahabedian ’51 David Nathanson ’90


y the uri foundation

Cathleen Naughton Nathaniel J. Nazareth Sr. ’55 Karl K. Ng ’97 Stanson G. Nimiroski ’65 Timothy G. Noble Lindell C. Northup ’68 William J. Northup ’64 Patricia L. O’Connell ’67 Thomas W. O’Connell ’68 Kathleen P. O’Donnell-White ’90 Laurie A. Onanian Lauren A. O’Neil Carol A. Opiekun ’76 Henry P. Opiekun ’71 Mary Padbury Janice W. Pepe Edward N. Peters ’67 John C. Peterson ’74 Lynne S. Peterson ’73 Doreen C. Petrella John Petrella Jr. ’68 Gary R. Petterson ’76 Lynn M. Pezzullo ’91 Carol G. Picard ’72 Paul R. Picard ’71 Richard J. Pieranunzi ’63 Robert W. Plante ’69 Kathleen A. Pointek ’73 David L. Pollack ’56 Linda S. Pollack ’59 Jeffrey S. Potter ’92 Sandra M. Procopio ’70 Richard A. Proulx ’84 Kenneth J. Quinlan Jr. ’73 Beverly M. Ragosta-Burgess ’76 Steven R. Ramp ’86 H. Milton Read Jr. ’54 Nancy N. Read ’56 Patrice L. Reid ’86 Michael A. Rice Carol A. Richards Jayne E. Richmond Nathaniel D. Robinson Jr. ’63 Thurston T. Robinson ’49 Christopher d. Roosevelt Jeffrey S. Rosen ’83 Lynne M. Rosen ’86 Douglas M. Rosie ’51 Jeffrey A. Ross ’75 Richard J. Rowey ’58 Richard R. Roy ’72 Douglas J. Rubinstein ’68 Linda A. Rubinstein Jean A. Russell ’73 Paul D. Russell ’71 Alan Sadler Norman C. Saute ’49 Brian Sawchuk ’71 Susan E. Sawchuk ’71 Michael H. Schuster ’72 Terry E. Schuster Geraldine D. Sepe ’71 Paul A. Sepe ’70

Dallas L. Sharp III ’54 Susan R. Sharp ’53 David E. Silver ’75 William F. Silvia ’55 Danny R. Simard ’79 Beth A. Simmons ’75 Ann B. Simonds Katherine E. Sipala Michael Sipala ’74 Betty C. Slocum ’49 John L. Slocum ’50 Gail G. Smith ’90 Matthew G. Smith Michael J. Smith Philip G. Smith ’72 Elizabeth R. Socha ’68 Ernest M. Socha ’50 Peilin Song ’95 Jennifer S. Spatz Mark J. Spatz ’93 Paul E. Stanzler Milton Stanzler, Estate of ’41 † Wayne I. Sternberger ’76 Sylvia S. Strauss ’56 Anne A. Stulik ’76 Edward J. Stulik ’76 Diane Sullivan Maureen N. Sullivan ’57 Stephen J. Sullivan Sr. Timothy J. Sullivan ’70 M. Beverly Swan ’63 Morton J. Sweeney ’53 Brian C. Sweenor ’90 Judith M. Swift ’68 Jim Taricani David E. Tetreault ’63 Virginia G. Thomas Polly M. Timken ’74 Michael L. Trebisacci ’72 Robert Trotta ’80 Claude H. Trottier ’60 Janice L. Trottier ’63 Nancy A. Tucker ’81 Daniel W. Urish ’79 Rita J. Valentino ’75 Gary P. Van Dyk ’77 Stephen J. Vatcher ’85 H. Roger Vennewald Josephine Vennewald Stephen A. Verrecchia ’77 Michael J. Vickers ’87 Kristin Volk Richard H. Volk Sr. ’49 John Wardle ’78 Lynn V. Wardle ’91 Peter T. Waterman ’62 Cynthia Weisbord ’80 Robert G. Weisbord Carlos J. Wesley David P. Whalley ’77 Debra L. Whalley ’79 Cassia R. White ’96 Laureen L. White ’81

Matthew D. White ’97 Allison M. Wilk Walter L. Wilk Jr. ’88 Jack C. Wilson ’75 Maureen E. Wilson Michele M. Wood ’88 Stephen C. Wood Shiao-Li Yang ’85 Sze-Cheng Yang Yiping Yao ’95 washburn associates: $500 to $999

Linda A. Acciardo ’77 Bryan H. Ackler Douglas M. Adams ’80 Patricia K. Adams ’53 Helen N. Aiello ’69 Andrew H. Aitken ’67 David E. Aldrich ’73 James J. Algina ’71 Stephen J. Allen ’76 Lincoln C. Almond ’59 Marilyn A. Almond ’58 Daniel Altman ’58 Mark Amaral ’90 Nina M. Amaral ’95 Suzan M. Amoruso ’70 Constantine Anagnostopoulos ’76 Eleni S. Anagnostopoulos Amelia K. Andreoni ’73 Robert J. Andreoni ’75 Jill H. Andy ’86 Edith S. Anthony ’57 Joseph M. Anthony Jr. ’55 Harriet M. Armbruster John R. Arruda ’79 Jodi L. Ashmun ’01 Norman S. Ashworth Audree L. Auxford-Luz ’83 Amy R. Baerlein ’76 Thomas J. Baerlein ’74 Brendon S. Bailey Jr. ’67 Cynthia M. Bailey ’79 Jonathan W. Bailey ’79 Bonnie L. Baker ’73 Daniel Baran Jacqueline R. Baran ’68 Barbara A. Barber Paul E. Barber ’43 James P. Barr ’71 Banice C. Bazar ’51 Beverly Bazar Geraldine W. Beagle ’01 Robert M. Beagle ’12 David M. Beaver ’80 Noel T. Bellesheim ’91 Beverly C. Benson ’61 Shirley W. Bentley ’52 Ana C. Berard ’89 Dennis J. Berard ’86 Stephen P. Berardinelli Sr. ’62 Dawn E. Bergantino ’94 † deceased

John T. Bestoso ’74 Peter R. Betzer ’72 Susan B. Betzer ’73 Cynthia Blanthorne Matthew M. Bodah ’88 Brenda B. Bolster Raymond J. Bolster II ’75 Robert M. Boyar ’68 Garrett A. Bozylinsky Patrick T. Brady ’70 John L. Breguet ’70 Steven R. Bronstein ’64 Delano J. Brooks ’82 Barbara J. Brusini ’92 Helen D. Buchanan Anita R. Buckley ’78 Cyril H. Buckley Jr. ’77 Jeffrey Buckley Paul J. Bueno De Mesquita Bruce H. Bumpus ’64 Sally F. Burke ’60 Cecilia L. Caldwell ’81 Frank Caprio John R. Cardosa Jr. ’60 Paola A. Carts Steven F. Carvalho ’94 Alberto Casaretto Daniel C. Cataldo ’82 Dorothy N. Chatham J. Clement Cicilline ’67 Christopher D. Coccio ’90 Denise M. Coccio Christine M. Collins ’90 Christopher J. Collins ’89 Brian F. Cooper ’78 Inge B. Corless ’67 Celine H. Corrigan ’79 Daniel G. Corrigan ’79 John P. Cosgrove ’84 Sharon A. Cotter Timothy J. Cotter ’84 Roger L. Coutu ’74 Alexander J. Couture ’95 David B. Coyne David E. Crandall ’75 Mark E. Crevier ’72 Sandra C. Crevier ’72 Dorothy P. Crossley ’48 Michael D’Ambra Sr. Judith Danforth Murray S. Danforth Glenn Darden Mary Lou Dauray ’62 Mark A. Davis ’83 Frederick C. Dawson ’65 Adrien E. Deberghes Jr. ’89 Kristen P. Deberghes ’89 Anne F. DelSantoRavenscroft ’82 Leo W. DeRouin Jr. ’84 Arthur H. Deschane ’77 David A. DeVecchis ’75 Karen C. DiFazio ’88

Robert M. Difilippo ’86 Christopher M. DiMaio ’62 William J. Dimarco ’64 Keri S. Dogan ’94 George W. Dombi Francis J. Donovan ’68 Jerrold N. Dorfman ’72 Theresa A. Downey ’93 John R. Duhamel Matthew J. Dunham ’09 Lisa A. Durland ’82 Roy A. Eckloff Jr. ’78 David M. Eifler ’05 Brooks B. Ellwood ’74 Jacqueline A. Ericson ’79 Karl F. Ericson Elwood J. Euart ’73 Michael T. Fagan ’76 Bahman Fakhimi ’83 Lisa G. Falcone ’84 Stephen J. Falcone ’83 John C. Fandetti III ’82 Ralph P. Fargnoli Jr. ’81 Bruce W. Felmly ’69 Susan F. Felmly ’69 John W. Fenny ’65 Mark C. Fermi ’99 Joseph P. Feroce ’65 Louis T. Fiore ’65 Janice Fiske Philippe P. Fontaine ’59 Ervin G. Forbes Jr. ’64 James C. Forte ’76 Nancy S. Forte ’77 Jodi L. Fournier ’82 Philip J. Fox ’67 Mark A. Fredette ’84 Cynthia L. Fricke ’83 Charles B. Frost ’71 Joan H. Frost ’73 Frances A. Galvin ’63 Deborah C. Gardner ’74 Ross D. Gardner ’73 Susan Garet Anne W. Garnett ’85 Joseph C. Gausditis ’94 Liana Gausditis David M. Gilden Megan Glasheen ’87 Daniel L. Glazier Peter K. Goodwin ’72 Colleen M. Gouveia ’98 Dennis K. Graham Rebecca Graham Robert Greenberg ’71 Michael R. Grilli ’61 John D. Hackett John D. Hall ’87 Laurence P. Hall ’76 Vickie S. Hall ’82 Phyllis E. Hanna Jean F. Hannon ’77 Patrick J. Hannon ’77

David G. Hanuschak ’81 Susan M. Hanuschak ’81 Paul E. Hargraves ’63 Lisa L. Harlow Mark L. Harnois ’84 Suzanne Harnois John Haronian ’58 Ted H. Harrington Vernon A. Harvey ’47 Robert C. Healey ’59 Claire P. Hebert ’63 George H. Hebert ’62 Ralph V. Hedberg ’39 Glenn P. Hellewell ’97 Kathleen M. Hendry ’73 Harry E. Hill III Maureen A. Hobson ’74 Maureen R. Hogan Robert R. Holcombe ’89 Charles E. Horne III ’64 Marcus J. Hossack ’93 Edward R. Houde ’81 Elizabeth A. Houde ’96 John I. Howell III Thomas Hsu ’72 Claire C. Iacobucci ’82 Thomas J. Iacobucci ’84 Kathryn L. Johnson Susan R. Johnson ’81 Anne B. Jordan ’69 Richard R. Jordan ’68 Kathleen C. Joyal ’83 Richard F. Kane ’56 Chuhong H. Kang Sungja Kang ’89 Deborah S. Katz ’76 Herbert N. Katz ’62 Leonard B. Katzman ’85 Virginia S. Kenney ’49 Sandra M. Ketrow Janet M. Kilguss ’72 Ronald H. Kirby ’63 Claudia G. Kost ’77 Carol Kroepfl Eric P. Kroepfl ’86 James L. Ladewig Amar K. Lahiri ’73 James F. Lambert ’72 John G. Laramee ’82 Khristine S. Lariviere ’96 Leo J. Lariviere ’96 Eric M. LaRose William H. Lauder ’88 Stephen E. Lavallee ’87 Barbara J. Lawless ’63 William F. Lawless ’63 Patricia G. Lawrence David C. Leduc ’88 J. Michael Lennon ’69 Wesley C. Lessard ’02 Barry Levine Ellen Brill Levine ’66 Kimberly B. Levine

Lindsey L. Levine ’85 Jody L. Lewis Judith F. Lewis ’63 Peter B. Lewis ’63 Dean D. Libutti ’95 Julie K. Lindberg ’62 Joan C. Lins-Morstadt ’88 Alan H. Litwin Joseph T. Liu Julie-Ann M. Lombardi Randall B. Lowe ’70 Beverly F. Lucas ’48 James J. Luz ’80 William C. Maaia Stephen J. Macdonald ’86 Peter R. MacDougall ’61 Carol L. MacNaught ’77 Kenneth L. MacNaught ’74 James M. Manni ’83 Tracey D. Manni David L. Martin ’68 George W. Martin ’43 Kenneth B. Martin ’81 Mary M. Martin ’80 Emile F. Martineau ’91 Peter L. Marzetta ’77 Constance P. Marzilli ’57 Vincent Marzilli ’47 Joseph P. Matoney Jr. Merton L. Matthews ’50 Cynthia A. Mauch ’75 Barbara S. McCrady ’76 Dennis D. McCrady ’74 James F. McDonald ’90 Everett E. McEwen ’54 Richard G. McLaughlin ’52 Paul K. McNamara Sr. Joseph W. Migneault ’57 Donald R. Miller ’78 Vicky Miller Theresa A. Molloy ’86 Donna M. Monaghan George F. Monaghan Jr. ’01 Deborah J. Mongeau ’73 Diane C. Montone ’76 William T. Montone ’74 David H. Moore ’81 Stephen M. Moore ’76 Karen M. Morisseau ’83 Philippe H. Morisseau ’83 Susan W. Morrison ’83 Thomas S. Mulligan ’88 John K. Mulvey ’61 Jennifer S. Munkelwitz ’89 Robert A. Munkelwitz ’87 Robert T. Nangle ’82 Patricia A. Nardone ’80 James E. Needham ’50 Peter J. Needham Harold A. Nomer Andrew E. Nota ’87 Michele A. Nota ’87 Christopher P. Nunes ’76

annual report fy2013 y


Thomas M. Oakes Sonia C. O’Connor ’97 Barbara J. O’Donnell ’96 Leo E. O’Donnell ’63 Joseph A. O’Hearn III ’91 Douglas E. Opdyke ’77 John L. Parente ’83 Sandra G. Parrillo ’93 Michael A. Patalano ’69 Robert E. Pearson ’59 Marvin M. Pelser ’71 Sharon J. Pelser ’71 Sandra R. Pendlebury ’74 Gregory S. Perry ’88 JoAnn Pettinicchio ’69 Angela V. Piacitelli ’63 Robert E. Piacitelli Sr. ’62 Joseph W. Popinski ’67 Brian L. Porto ’74 Michael A. Powers ’72 Kathryn A. Pramuk-Mari ’79 Mary Prestininzi Vito Priore Patrick F. Quinn ’79 Marie D. Radoccia ’58 Anthony J. Rafanelli ’78 John M. Rainaldi ’89 Richard R. Rainville ’91 Balaji Ramakrishnan ’89 C. Frank Rampone ’50 Dorothy A. Rampone Clinton E. Ramsden ’66 Dorothy S. Rasco ’81 Elton Rayack Jean R. Rayack ’60 Jhodi R. Redlich ’81 Cynthia A. Reinker John Reinker Anthony N. Ricci ’74 Deidra K. Ricci ’86 Michael J. Ricci ’80 Donna B. Rich ’63 J. Barry Rigby ’60 † Peter A. Rizzi ’51 Arthur S. Robbins ’94 Judith Robbins James H. Rock ’73 Elizabeth M. Rolando ’84 Steven A. Ross ’67 Ronald G. Routhier ’76 Larry H. Rubin ’83 Amanda K. Ryan ’81 David M. Ryan Sally J. Ryan ’68 Bonnie A. Saccucci ’81 Michael A. Saccucci ’78 Carl R. Sadler Thomas Salimeno Jr. ’49 Lionel R. Savaria ’86 Nancy L. Sceery ’82 Richard H. Sceery ’82 J. Robert Schachner ’60 Nancy W. Schachner


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Gerald N. Schaffer ’67 Rebecca Schiff Dara G. Schniederjans Charles D. Schock ’47 Marilyn M. Schwab ’71 Claire D. Schwarzbach ’99 Henry R. Schwarzbach Henry D. Sharpe Jr. Peggy B. Sharpe Carla G. Shaw ’82 Fran P. Sheppard Sally H. Sherman Samuel R. Shugar Shirley P. Shugar Diana W. Smith ’49 Robert O. Smith ’50 Susan B. Smith ’65 Virginia L. Snider ’75 Kristin A. Soforenko ’89 Nancy H. Sorensen ’52 Judith L. Spaziano ’64 Robert T. Spaziano ’63 Lakshman Srinivasan ’83 John R. St Hilaire ’94 Ernest E. St Louis ’50 Chester I. Staats ’60 Jordan S. Stanzler Patricia D. Steere M. Robert Stepanian ’62 Bryan P. Stephan ’63 Eileen Suarez Donald P. Sullivan ’71 Mary C. Sullivan ’94 W. Michael Sullivan ’75 Barbara K. Sullivan-Watts Mary Beth Swindell ’89 James M. Tackach ’87 Jennifer Tarka Michael S. Tarka ’95 Paula J. Testa ’94 Helmut J. Thielsch Jr. ’86 Margaret A. Thomas ’73 Scott Thomas John F. Thompson Patricia A. Thompson ’76 Patricia D. Thompson ’69 John A. Tiso ’75 Herbert C. Tobin Gregory A. Tracey ’88 Karen R. Tracey Chris P. Tsokos ’61 John F. Turcotte ’92 Kristen E. Turcotte ’95 Benjamin W. Tuthill ’04 Herbert M. Tuttle ’64 Janet B. Tysse ’74 Patricia L. Verhulst ’78 Dorothy M. Verrecchia ’98 Thomas A. Verrecchia ’41 Anna M. Virzi ’79 Dorothy Wahl ’81 Robert C. Wakefield ’50 Martin E. Waldman

Michael A. Walsh ’80 Naomi C. Warchol ’93 Robert F. Warchol Barbara G. Wasserspring ’69 Fredric R. Wasserspring ’68 D. Randolph Watts Frank J. Weber Renee T. Wojciechowski ’94 Steven J. Wojciechowski ’93 Michael P. Zambelli Robert J. Zartarian ’71 Herman B. Zimmerman ’72 woodward club: $250 to $499

Judith Abate Joseph A. Adams ’82 Scott V. Adams ’96 Lorne A. Adrain ’76 William A. Alker ’70 Peter E. Allen ’64 Robert C. Allen ’68 Ronald G. Allen ’69 Margaret L. Amaral Cynthia I. Anderson ’73 William L. Anderson ’73 A. Joseph Antos Leslie B. Antos ’83 William T. Apgar ’63 Thomas E. Archer ’73 Gordon R. Archibald ’52 Ronald Arntz Lee Ashcraft ’72 John P. A’Vant ’86 Edward M. Avarista Elizabeth Ayer ’80 Donald J. Azzolini Elizabeth S. Banks ’74 Bruce R. Barrett ’73 Debra A. Barrett ’76 Linda A. Barrett ’73 Stephanie M. Barter ’92 Barbara C. Baum ’49 Christopher Baxter Diane Baxter Louise Beattie ’71 Bruce A. Beauchamp ’58 Stephen J. Beil ’10 Roland D. Benjamin ’67 Clyde D. Bennett ’51 Kelly A. Bennett Ruth N. Bennett ’51 Suzann E. Benson Linda M. Bergemann ’75 Mark J. Bernasconi ’80 William A. Berndt Jr. ’48 Sheila Black Grubman Daniel R. Bliss ’98 Jack Bolnick ’69 Susan Bolnick Lawrence D. Bonoff Jonathan Bookman Louise A. Bookman ’71

Paul S. Boorujy ’58 Lise L. Bosman ’84 Roswell S. Bosworth Jr. ’49 Kenneth P. Bowden ’75 Anne E. Bowen ’61 John C. Boyle ’72 Anne M. Bozzi ’70 Edward G. Bozzi Jr. ’68 Carol H. Bradley ’61 E. Tremain Bradley Jr. ’62 Iheanyi Brandy Edward R. Bray ’73 Leo J. Brennan ’61 Susan J. Brouwer ’83 Dugald J. Brown ’77 Robert J. Brugman Sarah-Anne M. Bruno ’01 Raymond F. Bruzzese ’80 Susan M. Bryan ’75 Dongsheng Bu ’00 Muriel H. Buckley ’53 Peter D. Buckley ’54 Laurie J. Burger ’76 Philipp H. Burroughs ’67 Elizabeth G. Burt ’79 Steven P. Burt ’79 Eric L. Butler ’86 John K. Callaghan ’80 Lucille W. Cameron ’64 Caitlin Capparelle ’10 Henry J. Capuano ’59 Constance G. Carey ’82 Nancy A. Carey Paul M. Carey ’74 Steven N. Carey ’83 Kathryn B. Carlson ’58 Patricia B. Carlson ’68 Roger N. Carlsten ’66 Judith B. Carpenter Mario Casinelli Jr. ’53 Mark Y. Castro ’83 Brenda Centracchio James A. Centracchio ’69 Harry E. Cerino ’67 Gregg A. Cerveny ’92 Donald L. Champagne ’66 George H. Champlin ’71 Paul R. Cheever ’52 David H. Chen ’61 Howard K. Chin ’77 Caroline R. Cimochowski ’68 John W. Civic ’77 Sarah A. Civic ’02 Joseph F. Clark ’66 Sarah C. Clark ’64 Joshua D. Clements ’02 Christopher T. Cobb ’72 Kathleen M. Cobb Matthew F. Coglianese ’76 Frances D. Cohen ’79 Joel A. Cohen ’60 Joseph H. Cohen Suzanne D. Cohen

† deceased

Gloria M. Comiskey ’44 Joseph V. Comiskey ’48 Anthony A. Coniglio ’82 Diane M. Coniglio ’82 Dorothy S. Connolly ’55 Deborah H. Cooney Denise A. Coppa ’72 Michael F. Coppa Neil A. Corkery Susan M. Costello ’68 Louis B. Cotton ’63 William F. Cowen Jr. ’48 Kathleen Croteau ’73 Richard L. Croteau ’74 Nancy B. Crutchfield ’48 Matthew D. Curley ’83 Peter W. Cusick ’85 Thomas M. D’Abrosca ’83 Alisa A. D’Agostino ’04 Pamela K. Dahlberg Roy B. Daiell ’72 Joseph V. D’Almeida ’77 Thomas S. D’Ambra ’63 Barbara A. Daniels ’83 Nancy F. Danvers Deborah A. Danzi Joseph DaSilva ’94 Philip S. Datseris Linda Davidson Geoffrey T. Davis ’78 Donald H. DeHayes Lisa D. Denaut Catherine Desjardins Paul J. Desjardins ’72 Marilyn C. Devoe ’77 Mary Louise Robertson Dickenson ’45 L. Allen Divoll Jr. ’70 Susan G. Donat ’76 Michael B. Downing Rikhi J. D’Souza ’78 Louise V. Dusablon ’64 H. David Duxbury ’80 Susan S. Dyckman ’77 Mary Lou Dyer ’72 Pauline U. Dyson Richard C. Easterbrooks ’59 Megan Elias ’12 Patricia A. Elliot ’83 Esther Emard ’82 Edward J. Emilianowicz ’79 Judith D. Emilianowicz ’80 Anne Marie Enderby ’76 Thomas W. Enderby ’76 John M. Engel ’76 Andrew Engilis Sr. ’50 Evelyn V. Epright Robert M. Ernstoff ’64 Richard P. Eudicone ’66 Stephen D. Eustis ’78 Candace M. Faber ’71 David W. Fallis Daniel P. Feheley

Gordon B. Fiddes ’56 Marilyn L. Fiddes ’56 Amy C. Filson ’88 Lisa Fiore ’77 Helen A. Fiske ’80 Patrick Flatley Karl W. Flessa Patti G. Folsom ’72 Lawrence D. Foster ’74 Thomas Francis Angella M. Franklin ’98 Christopher L. Franklin Sr. ’88 Diane L. Franklin ’78 Barbara M. Friedman ’66 Mark R. Friedman ’66 Sanford L. Friedman ’86 Jeffrey M. Fuller ’78 Donna M. Gagnon ’84 Paul M. Gagnon ’83 Paul W. Gallahue ’90 Mary-Lois V. Galloway ’67 Thomas A. Galloway Dawn T. Gallucci ’86 Robert E. Gallucci ’85 Michael L. Gannon ’77 Susan B. Gannon Donald R. Gauvin ’69 Constance T. Gelfuso ’92 Deborah S. Gerstenblatt Joel K. Gerstenblatt ’73 Kathleen B. Gianquitti ’71 Raymond Gianquitti Katherine S. Gibeault ’65 Victor A. Gibeault ’63 Katherine M. Gibson ’68 Mark Gilbert Nancy L. Gillespie David M. Gitlitz Michael H. Goldberg ’74 Paula S. Goldberg ’75 Michelle C. Goldman ’77 John T. Goltman ’74 Rose D. Goltman ’66 Julie J. Goulet ’74 James Green Jr. ’51 David M. Greenberg Cheryl Greenfeld Teverow ’76 Beverly B. Greig ’60 William Grosvenor III ’87 James F. Hanley ’69 August R. Hansen ’70 Maureen A. Harbour Christopher B. Harper ’78 Marie F. Harper ’80 Valerie L. Harper ’80 Barbara K. Hart ’85 Joseph P. Hart Jr. ’85 John P. Hartley ’79 Paula A. Hartley Leonard R. Hathaway ’62 Margaret L. Hathaway ’63 Jeanne M. Hawes ’53 Richard W. Hawes ’53

Robert A. Hazle ’79 Charlene A. Heffernan ’80 Martin S. Hellewell ’58 Sybil G. Henry ’67 Nancie H. Herbold ’67 Peter D. Herstein ’76 Leung K. Heung ’71 Robert A. Hicks ’71 John C. Higgins Jr. David L. Hilderley Laura J. Hilderley ’77 James A. Hilton Sr. ’83 Kristine M. Hinds ’05 Susan B. Hirschbein-Bodnar Howard M. Holstein ’68 Rita G. Holstein ’70 Anne S. Honer ’81 Ann Hood ’78 Stephanie L. Hoogasian Diane M. Horm Hope J. Houston ’75 Alice A. Howe ’09 Robert J. Howe ’67 John I. Howell Jr. Roberta M. Humble ’68 Anne L. Hume William J. Hunt ’72 Kenneth J. Irwin ’88 Joseph C. Jalbert ’54 Robert H. James ’63 Robert A. Jamieson ’65 David E. Janes ’57 William L. Jasper ’75 Andrew N. Jeffrey ’79 Mari N. Jensen Brian C. Jepson ’05 Kathryn J. Jervis ’87 Paul G. Johnson ’42 Susan C. Johnson ’81 Stephen Jonas ’64 Rita B. Jones ’50 William R. Jones ’51 Alice K. Juda ’83 Lawrence Juda Elizabeth B. Kalunian ’59 Richard B. Kalunian ’59 John Kampner ’63 Virginia D. Kannenberg ’71 Jeffrey S. Karnes ’80 Alan L. Katz Girard H. Keeler ’73 Hali R. Keeler ’74 David J. Kelleher ’63 Laura M. Kenerson ’73 Orville B. Kenerson ’71 Diana M. Kennett ’83 M. Thelma Kenyon ’44 Diane E. Kern ’84 James A. Kern ’84 Brian G. Kerr ’84 Janice A. Kieffer ’76 Doehee L. Kim ’91 Joan S. King ’48

Robert S. Kirk ’71 Barbara G. Klitz ’76 Thomas S. Klitz ’80 Katherine L. Knowlton ’02 Donald G. Kohlhafer ’79 Omprakash H. Kothari Joseph F. Kraus ’84 Robert A. Kubica ’04 Gary W. Kullberg ’63 Audrey E. Kydd ’04 Phillip Kydd ’81 Frank T. Landolfi ’86 Paul J. Langhan ’72 Kristi L. Lappen ’78 Scott R. Larson ’72 Jennifer A. Legare ’09 Clifford D. Leitao ’62 Marion R. Leitao ’63 Angela V. Lepore ’70 John F. Leslie Jr. ’51 Robert J. Letteri ’75 Joy A. Lewis Michael S. Liberman ’82 Joann C. Lisberger Frank J. Lisi ’78 Michael J. Lobdell ’96 Sarah T. Lobdell ’96 Rainer Lohmann John R. Lombard Jr. ’86 Brian D. Lord ’02 John G. Lord Lyndsey E. Lord ’02 William F. Lucker Jr. ’59 Steven J. Lukasiewicz ’76 Cynthia A. Lunghofer ’98 Dennis M. Lunghofer Michelle W. Maggio Deborah J. Magiera ’87

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Leo Mainelli ’58 Lita A. Mainelli Deeptendu Majumder ’87 Kurt L. Malmgren ’63 Louise R. Mandel-Mandelman ’68 Cynthia H. Maran ’63 R. Timothy Maran ’63 Andrew W. Marcoux ’72 George W. Marrah ’59 Susan C. Martin ’62 Ronald Massa ’66 Sheila A. Masson ’63 Dennis P. Mc Guire ’00 Nina S. McCarthy ’79 Patrick M. McCarthy ’79 Harry B. McCarty ’84 Lois M. McClave ’78 Maureen T. McConaghy Sarah C. McDevitt ’84 Aaron J. McGarry ’92 Susan P. Mcguirl ’85 Ian L. McKechnie ’58 Sean P. McKenna ’98 Peter J. McKone ’49 Terrence J. McLoughlin ’77 Peter O. McVay Justin R. Merhar Marsha G. Metcalf ’85 Leonard J. Metz ’55 Sylvia Metz Henry S. Meyers ’67 Robert B. Millard Jr. ’77 Joan A. Mills ’73 Dawn Mirone-Bartz ’85 Thomas H. Mitchell ’81 David B. Monaghan Jr. ’69 E. Barbara Monaghan ’65 Kendall Moore Frederick M. Moorhouse Jr. ’65 Thomas J. Moreau ’84 Joseph G. Morello Mary E. Moriarty ’85 Danielle Morrissey ’86 Walter B. Moskwa ’79 Joanne R. Mundorf Norbert Mundorf Richard S. Murnick ’90 Susan M. Murnick ’90 Stephen I. Murphy ’80 Blanche R. Murray ’41 William T. Murray Jr. ’49 Steven H. Musen ’68 F. A. Myrin II ’73 Samuel M. Namath ’54 Gordon E. Napier ’51 Carl M. Napolitano ’63 Janice G. Napolitano ’65 Christopher Natale ’82 Darlene E. Nester ’84 Walter J. Nester ’83 Kelly J. Nevins ’90 David R. Newman ’81 John B. Newman Jr. ’70


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Linda R. Newman ’70 Robert D. Newton ’67 Paul C. Nicholson Jr. Christopher C. Noll ’80 Norman C. Nye Jr. ’87 Denise M. O’Brien ’85 Joyce K. O’Brien Paul A. O’Brien ’81 Kathleen D. Obrist ’73 Otto H. Obrist ’75 Robert V. Ogrodnik ’59 Violet K. Ohanasian ’48 Edward P. O’Keefe ’78 Beth Olmstead Arnold M. Olshan ’69 Michael W. O’Malley Gerard F. O’Neil Pamela C. Osborn ’77 Samuel P. Palmisano ’79 Gail D. Palumbo John J. Palumbo Sr. ’76 Gregory E. Paquette ’74 Patricia A. Paquette ’75 Jerry W. Paquin ’73 Peter L. Paquin ’65 Henry A. Passarelli Jr. ’54 Christopher S. Pearson ’95 Laurie A. Pechulis ’91 Matthew J. Pechulis ’91 Donald R. Peck ’79 Laurie S. Peck Joan M. Peckham Dina Petrosky ’89 James A. Petrosky Paul C. Petsching ’92 David Pezzullo ’89 John C. Phillips Margaret H. Phillips ’68 Janet Phlegar Doris A. Picard ’60 James Piquette George W. Pirie ’72 Nicholas A. Pisani ’78 Sophia Popovic Charles I. Poret ’67 Eve J. Poret ’68 Nicola Poser Mark S. Povar Michael A. Preston Beatrice S. Prielipp ’62 Alex A. Pszenny ’87 Surendra K. Puri ’71 William D. Pyne ’89 Peter A. Quigley James G. Quinn ’64 Vivian J. Quinn ’82 Vijaya Raghavan ’68 Vincent A. Ragosta ’49 Thomas S. Ramotowski ’03 Maria F. Raposo Andree J. Rathemacher ’95 Joel P. Rawson ’03 Richard Raymond ’84

Joseph M. Redinger ’60 Sharon G. Redinger ’59 Elaine M. Reimels ’68 Gregory F. Reynolds ’66 Caroline R. Ricci ’72 Marcia A. Rich ’74 Philip L. Richardson ’70 Christopher V. Riel ’82 Kristen L. Riley ’94 John C. Rinaldi ’91 Melissa W. Risk ’81 Kenneth E. Roberts ’43 Tobias M. Roberts ’72 Michael B. Robinson ’77 Rosa M. Rocha ’91 James Roehm Bernard J. Rothwell III Burton P. Sackett ’64 James K. Salome ’80 David J. Sameiro ’83 Frances L. Sammons ’68 James I. Sammons III ’70 Douglas A. Sarapin ’66 Noah T. Saxe ’56 Heather C. Scardocci ’91 Zachary D. Schwarzbach ’99 Harold A. Seidler ’77 Susan S. Seidler ’79 Marilyn F. Serra ’67 Ming H. Shao ’76 Ronald E. Shaver ’71 Roberta Shaw-Reeves ’74 David P. Sherman ’64 Jessica Sherwood Robert W. Sherwood ’71 John F. Short ’67 Janice B. Sieburth ’72 Mark D. Siletchnik ’72 Kenneth D. Silvestri ’60 Lori A. Silvestri James T. Skelly ’73 Virginia F. Skelly ’74 Margaret M. Skenyon ’75 Erika Sloan Susan S. Smith ’68 Richard F. Sola ’94 Linda L. Somes ’65 Diane Sorrentino Kevin A. Spendley ’81 Diane M. St Laurent ’86 Kit Staton David E. Steele ’65 Matthew P. Stein Denise L. Stetson ’75 Peter L. Stetson ’76 Barbara U. Stillwell ’71 Raymond J. Stillwell ’69 Donald L. Strouse Ronald Subourne ’74 Eileen T. Suhrhoff Amy C. Sullivan ’94 Elaine D. Sullivan ’75 John L. Sullivan Jr. ’39

Susan G. Sundlun J. Craig Swanson ’76 Mark W. Swistak Sr. ’67 Wendy L. Tait Alfred J. Tella ’55 Charles W. Terry ’57 Jennifer M. Theroux Sherrie M. Thompson ’76 Barbara G. Thornton ’71 William A. Thornton III ’72 Louise H. Thorson ’85 Bruce E. Thunberg ’69 Robert C. Thunell ’76 Richard E. Tibbetts ’65 John H. Tietjen ’66 Timothy W. Tolford ’79 James E. Tonra Jr. ’84 Gail G. Tortolani ’70 John Towers Margaret B. Towers ’88 Anh Tran ’73 Nicholas Trent Mark J. Tseytlin ’97 Andrew J. Tucker ’69 Linda A. Tucker ’83 Joseph C. Tumidajski ’72 Christopher P. Turley ’84 Richard V. Turnbull ’76 Gail A. Tyler ’98 Gerry S. Tyler Carol K. Ulmschneider ’63 Ronald W. Ulmschneider ’63 Chathuarveedu K. Unni ’77 Charles B. Valois ’85 Samuel E. Vederman ’91 Rita A. Verespy Ralph R. Veseli ’83 Adolph E. Vezza ’80 Robert A. Vierling ’74 Robert J. Vincent Bruce M. Vinokur ’72 Ursula VonFluegge Mary Voytek ’85 Chelsea T. Wald Lawrence K. Wang ’67 Mu-Hao S. Wang ’68 Donald M. Watson ’79 Patricia B. Weeden ’48 Carl Weinberg ’69 Lisa R. Weinberg ’89 Judith S. Weisman ’69 Robert E. Wells ’59 William M. White ’77 Greg S. Whitehead ’78 Paul H. Whitney Deborah F. Winograd ’70 Steven P. Woehleke ’75 Tara I. Wolcott ’94 Arlene B. Wolf-Hicks ’70 Christopher Wosencroft ’97 Donna-Jean F. Wosencroft ’72 Kathleen A. Wright ’05 Raymond M. Wright

W. Redwood Wright ’65 Barbara M. Wroblewski ’01 Cynthia D. Yemma Ellen W. Yoder ’77 James A. Yoder ’74 Mark C. Zacheis ’80 Constance Zack ’76 Beverly A. Zartarian ’76 Helen M. Zartarian ’52 Mark S. Zartarian ’76 Thomas R. Zorabedian ’74

gifts from corporations and organizations 1661 Inn & Hotel Manisses 4 Imprint A. Quick Tire Service of Wakefield R.I. A. Roberts Pools Inc. AAA Southern New England AARP Abbott Laboratories ABC Financial Services Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics ACR Refrigeration Inc. Activus Solutions Acushnet Co. Advanced Thermal Solutions Inc. Aetna Foundation Affiliated Insurance Managers Ahold Financial Services AIFS Study Abroad Airport Taxi Inc. Al Cerrones Harris Auto Sales Inc. Albert D. & Valerie J. Saunders CRUT Albertson’s Inc. Alex and Ani, Inc. All That Matters Allstate Insurance Company Aloha Pet & Bird Hospital Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Alpha Rho Alumni Association of TKE American Association of University Professors American Biltrite Charitable Trust American Family Life Assurance Co. America’s Charities America’s Sales Agency Amgen Corp. Amica Mutual Insurance Co. AMTROL Incorporated Anchor Subaru Anvil International Inc. Aon Risk Services Inc. of R.I.

Apex Payroll Apple American Group Applied Science Associates Inc. Arbor & Company PC Arcor Epoxy Inc. Aria Spa & Club Arrest-A-Pest Inc. Association of the U.S. Army/RI Asterion Inc. AT&T Audubon Society of Rhode Island Aurora Civic Association AvalonBay Communities Inc. Aventis B&B Steel B. Carson Enterprises Inc. Bagelz Banco BHD Bank of America Bank of New York BankNewport BankRI Barbara Harris Attorney at Law The Barber Family Foundation Barrington Garden Club Barrington Print & Copy LLC Bartlett Tree Foundation Inc. BASF Corporation Basil’s of Narragansett Batchelor, Frechette, McCrory, Michael Battelle Memorial Institute Baxt Fund Bayer Cropscience LP Bazar Group, Inc. Bellevue Wine & Spirits Belmont Marketplace Beneficent Congregational Church Bengtson & Jestings LLP Berkshire Heavy Haulers Inc. Bernard Osher Foundation Beta Gamma Sigma Inc. Bethel Inn Resort Big New England Football Clinic Billy & Ashley Streiter Scholarship Biltmore Hotel Blazing Editions Publishing Co. Block Island Ferry Blue Cross & Blue Shield of R.I. Blum Shapiro Bobby G’s Pub Body Kneads, Inc. Body Mechanix Physical Therapy Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmacy Boeing Company Bomb Squad Baseball Company Inc.

Bonnet Liquors Book Barn Boon Street Barber Shop Boston Celtics Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket BP Bradford Boss Arena Branch Floor Covering Inc. The Breachway Grill Brickley’s Ice Cream Bristol County Water Authority Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Brown & Associates LLC Bruce & Cynthia Sherman Foundation Bryant Associates Inc. B-Town Electric Buckley Heating and Cooling Burgess Landscape & Bee Co. Burns & Levinson LLP The Business Avionix Company LLC Button Hole Golf Course C&H Plastics, Inc. C.A. Pretzer Associates Inc. Cabot Creamery Coop Calcagni Associates LLC Caliber Infosolutions Inc. Canadian Bureau for International Education The Canfield House Cape Canaveral Scientific Inc. Cape Cod Turf Managers Association Cardi Corporation Cardi’s Furniture Store Carl M. Lindberg Family Foundation Carlson Family Foundation Inc. Carnegie Corp. of New York Carousel Industries of North America Carpionato Properties Carrara Dayian PC The Castiglioni Restaurant Group Castle Hill Inn Gateway Catarina’s Italian Village Cathleen Naughton Associates Cayer Caccia LLP CBIZ Tofias & Mayer Hoffman McCann PC Center For Health Centreville Bank Champlin Foundations Chapter B. PEO Charles Pagella Trust ChevronTexaco Childrens Dentistry of Westerly LLC Chiropractic Associates LLC Chubb & Son Inc. Cifra, Gibson & Dougan LLP

CIGNA Cisco Systems Foundation Citizens Bank Clariant Corp. Clean Care of New England Inc. Clorox Company Foundation Club Managers Association of America Coast Guard House Restaurant Coastal Medical Inc. Coastway Community Bank Coca-Cola Co. Colgate-Palmolive Co. Colorado Mountain Express Columbus Foundation Commonwealth Cares Community Health Charities The Community Mutual Charitable Foundation Compass Management LLC Compassion Veterinary Services Compuclaim Con Edison Co. Confucius Institute Headquarters Constellation Continental AG Cool Beans Cafe Corning Incorporated Corrigan Financial Inc. Cortland Place Health Center Inc. Courageous Sailing Center Coventry Auto Body Inc. Coventry Compu-Systems Inc. Coventry Lumber Covidien CRDN of Rhode Island and Eastern Connecticut Crosswynds Traders Crystal Lake Golf Club CT Quilt Works Cucina Twist Cush Inc. CVS Caremark Corporation CVS Charitable Trust Inc. D3Logic Dave’s Coffee LLC Dave’s Marketplace David Barnes Development, Inc. David Edwin Parker Trust Davis Educational Foundation DB Mobility Logistics AG Dealteris Associates Inc. Dell Delta AirLines Delta Building Services Corp. Delta Dental of Rhode Island Denali Wakefield LLC The de Ramel Foundation Design/Build Geotechnical Destination Marketing Association International Devaney Auto Sales & Service

annual report fy2013 y


Dick’s Sporting Goods Dimeo Construction Co. DiPrete Engineering Association Inc. DLR Consulting & Marketing Inc. Dockside Scoops LLC Dome Publishing Company Inc. Dominion Foundation Dorothy M. Cunningham & Associates Double Diamond Ski Shop Douglas Wine & Spirits Dow Chemical Corporation Dowding Foundation Drill Masters Eldorado Tool Inc. Drilling Dynamics LLC Dun Roman LLC Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Donuts Center DuPont Durkee Brown Viveiros & Werenfels Durkin Cottage Realty East Beach Oyster Co. East Side Realty Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Eaton & Torrenzano LLP Eaton Charitable Fund Eaton Vance Corp. Egyptian Cultural & Education Bureau Electro Standards Laboratory Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Elite Commercial Elite Physical Therapy Inc. Emmanuel College Engineering Resource Recruiters Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company of Rhode Island Environmental Packaging International Eric S. Studley & Associates Inc. Eric Scott Associates LLC Ernst & Young Essex Newbury North Contracting Corp. Estate of John B. Simeone Estate of Armar A. Strauss Estate of John and Gertrude Thoman Every Tuesday Club Exelon Corporation Exxon/Mobil Foundation ExxonMobil Exploration Company Eye Center of Clark Inc. Faith Hill Farm Family Pizza Restaurant LLC


y the uri foundation

Fay Law Associates Federal Hill Gazette Feibelman Family Fenny Engineering Co. Ferolbink Farms Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Foundation Fidelity Investments Fiduciary Trust Co. Fiore & Asmussen Inc. First Home Mortgage Corporation First Star Inc. Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar Flood Mazda FM Global Foot & Ankle Institute of New England Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc. Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy Four Zero One Paint/ Construction LLC Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Frontline Foods Inc. G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation Peter M. & Mildred J. Galanti Foundation The Gamm Theatre Garden Village Condominium Association Gartner Inc. Gary A. Ensor Law Firm Gates Insurance Agency Inc. Geaber’s Liquors Inc. GEICO Co. Gelston House Restaurant & Inn Gemini Resources, LLC Gen-Care, Inc. GenCorp Insurance Group General Electric Co. Gentes & Associates APC Geocomp Corporation George’s of Galilee Georgia Stone Industries, Inc. Gereboff & Gelade Attorneys at Law German Academic Exchange Service Gerry Enterprises Inc. Gilbane Building Company GlaxoSmithKline GlobalGiving Foundation Goethe-Institut Boston Golfers Warehouse Golftec Rhode Island Goodrich Corp. Goodspeed Musicals Google Gordon R. Archibald Inc. Gradco, LLC

The Grantham Foundation Green Valley Country Club Inc. Greenbrier Outdoor Living & Lawncare Greenvale Vineyards Greenwood Credit Union Greenwood Inn Grimshaw-Gudewicz Memorial Charitable Trust GTECH Corporation Guardian Life Insurance Company GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. H. Winfield & Phyllis Tucker Family Foundation Hach Scientific Foundation Hamel Waxler Allen & Collins Hanover Insurance Company Hasbro, Inc. Hassenfeld Foundation Hayward Baker Inc. HCL Collection Solutions LLC Healey Chevrolet Inc. Helical Drilling Inc. Henry E. Davis Trust Herb Tobin Consulting Hewlett-Packard Co. Hexagon Metrology Inc. Hingham Middle School Activity Fund HI–S Kingstown (South Kingstown Hotel Association) Hobson & Coutu Ltd. The Home Depot USA Honor Frost Foundation Horizon Beverage Co. Hudson Companies Hyatt Regency IBM Corp. Identity Theft 911 LLC Illumina The Implementation Group Inc. Impreglon Imugen Inc. Independent Insurance Agents of Rhode Island Inman Tourgee & Williamson Integrated Management Solutions Inc. Interbuild Inc. Inter-Fraternity Council ISPOR J. & J. Technologies Inc. J.R.’s Plaques & Displays Jack McNulty Associates Jamestown Community Piano Association The Jae Group Inc. Jamestown Golf Course Jamtyl Investments LLC Java Madness Jefferson Dental Associates, Ltd. Jewish Alliance

Jewish Communal Fund Jim Dimarino’s Golf Shop Jims Dock Inc. John E. Fogarty Foundation John F. Stafford Insurance Agency Inc. John Hancock John Parker Trust John Ruggiero’s Auto Body Inc. Johnson & Johnson The Jones Group Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle JustGive K.D. Silvestri DMD Inc. Kahn Litwin Renza & Co. Ltd. Kam Biotech LLC Kape Insurance Agency Inc. Katie Decubellis Memorial Foundation Kelly-Oster School of Irish Dance Kenneth J. Hathaway D.O., Inc. Kindred Healthcare, Inc. Kingston Chamber Music Festival Kingston Fire District Kingston Pizza Koffler Bornstein Family Foundation KPMG Kurt Wicks Insurance L. Douglas Nolan Foundation La Spot Three Inc. Lafayette Life Foundation Inc. Lancelot Restaurant Land Works LLC LaPorte & Associates LLC Launch Trampoline Park, LLC Law Office of Paul V. Jabour Law Offices of Dennis S. Baluch Law Offices Of Maurene Souza Lawson’s Pharmacy Inc. LCJ & Associates, LLC Ledoux, Petruska & Company Inc. Leonardi Aray Architects Leone Law LLC Lickety Splits Lifescan Inc. Lifespan Lily’s at Little Rest Bed & Breakfast Local 528 Council 94 Lockheed Martin Corporation The Lobster Doc Lonza Walkersville Inc. LSJ Consulting Inc. Lucky Stripe Lanes Luke Charitable Foundation Luxe Fitness Madison Consulting Group LLC Mario Family Foundation Marriott Corp. Marsh & McLennan Management Co. Martineau Davis & Associates PC Mass Mutual Life Massey, M. Dorothy Trust

Mastors and Servant Ltd. Matrex Exhibits Matunuck Oyster Farm Max Kade Foundation Inc. McGraw-Hill Inc. McKesson Corporation McLaughlin & Moran Inc. MeadWestvaco Foundation Medical Associates of Rhode Island Inc. MedImmune LLC Mercatus3 LLC Merck Company Meridian Printing Co. Inc. MetLife Metro One Loss Prevention Services Group Inc. Michael S. Kroian Memorial Scholarship Fund Microsoft Corporation Millennium Inc. Miller Design Build & Construction The Mills Tavern Miriam Hospital Miriam Weyker Trust MJC Energy Consulting Modine Monahan’s Clam Shack Mondelez International Inc. Monsanto Company Montauk Seatood Grill Morgan Stanley Mount Snow Mozzarella’s Grill & Bar MRT Company Inc. Mudville Pub Munroe Enterprises, LLC The Murphy Family Foundation Mutual of America Mylan Laboratories Inc. Mystic Marinelife Aquarium Nardolillo Funeral Home Inc. Narragansett Accessories Co. Narragansett Brewing Company Narragansett Flag Company Narragansett Lions Club Narragansett Police Benevolent Narragansett Rubbish Removal, Inc. Nassberg Diabetes Association, P.A. National Grid National Guard Association of Rhode Island National Philanthropic Trust National Turfgrass Federation Inc. Nationwide Life Insurance Company Navigant Credit Union Neal-Schuman Foundation

Nellie Mae Education Foundation Inc. Neptune Benson Neptune House New England Council of Hospital Pharmacists Inc. New England Farm & Garden New England Grows Inc. New England Institute of Technology New England Pest Control New England Printing Corporation New Hampshire Boring Inc. New Hampshire Motor Speedway New Pig Newport Federal Savings Bank Newport Harbor Hotel & Marina Newport Hospitality Newport Polo, Inc. Newport Vineyards & Winery NFL Films Nickerson Tree & Landscape Service LLC Nisso America Inc. NKI Enterprises Inc. Nokia Nordson Corporation Norman & Rosalie Fain Family Foundation North Family Trust North Kingstown Rentals Inc. North Site Realty Partners LP Northeast Utilities Foundation Northeastern University Police Association Northrop Grumman Corporation Northwestern Mutual Novo Nordisk Inc. Nuclear Advancement Corporation Nuveen Investments, LLC Oak Barn of Ashburn Inc. Oak Harbour Donuts Inc. Oakland Grove Health Care Oakley Services Ocean Pharmacy Charlestown Inc. Ocean State Charities Trust Ocean State Job Lot Ocean State Job Lot Charitable Foundation Ocean State Theater Co. Oceana Restaurant OceanGate Foundation Oceanside at the Pier Olympic Physical Therapy Omega Medical Research OMNOVA Solutions Foundation On the Water LLC OneBeacon Insurance

Ore House Restaurant OTB Lax Inc. Oxnard Pharmacy Oyster River Petroleum Inc. Packings & Insulations Corporation Pancho O’Malleys Restaurant Panera Bread Pare Engineering Corporation Parker Hannifin Foundation The Parthenon Group PartnerRe U.S. Partners In Philanthropy LLC Partridge Snow & Hahn Paul & Gloria Boorujy Foundation Inc. Pawtucket Red Sox Paxton Van Lines Inc. Payette Associates Inc. Pazzo’s Pizzeria PDQ Cleaning Peck Rock Associates Inc. Pelly’s Place Pepsi Bottling Group The Perry Group, LLC Petro Petroleum Equipment Service of New Hampshire LLC Pew Institute for Ocean Science Pfizer Incorporated Pharmacists Mutual Companies PhilipMorrisUSA Phillips Post Road Realty Inc. Phreds Drug Inc. Phyllis M. Chaput Trust Pickseed Companies Group Pier Fuel Inc. Piez Family Fund Pioneer Investments Piretti Real Estate

Pitney Bowes Inc. Plumb Inc. Porter Machine Inc. PPL Corporation Premier Subaru Preservation Society of Newport Presser Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers Prince Charitable Trusts Principal Financial Group Foundation Priority Payments Systems LLC Procter & Gamble Co. ProMounds, Inc. Prospect Hill Foundation Inc. Proteus Industries Inc. Providence Bruins Hockey Club Providence Children’s Museum The Providence Engineering Society Providence Journal Providence Performing Arts Prudential Financial Prudential Gammons Realty LLC PSE&G Pure Seed Testing Inc. Purple Cow Co. Purvis Systems, Inc. Qualcomm Inc. Quidnessett Country Club Inc. Quonset Development Corporation R&R Gymnastics Inc. The Rainville Golf Classic R. Keough Construction Inc. R.B. Howes & Co. Inc. Rhode Island Wild Plant Society Inc. Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation

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Raposo Bus Company Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Raytheon Reserve Officers Association/ US Dept. of R.I. Residential Properties Ress Family Foundation Revens-Gates Insurance Inc. Rhode Island Association for Health Physical Education & Recreation Rhode Island Association for Justice Rhode Island Blood Center Rhode Island Brotherhood of Correctional Officers Rhode Island Foundation Rhode Island Fruit Growers Association Rhode Island Labor History Society Rhode Island International Film Festival Rhode Island Monthly Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association Inc. Rhode Island Philharmonic Rhode Island Property Advisory Co. Rhode Island State Employees Credit Union Rhode Island Volleyball Inc. Richard & Jean Harrington Charitable Foundation Richardson Instruments Inc. Richmond Country Club Inc. Ride Inc. Rite Aid Corporation Rite-Solutions, Inc. River Bend Athletic Club Riverview Signs & Graphics RMK Sportswear LLC Roger Williams Park Zoo Rolling Green Corp. Ronald C. Jalbert Scholarship Fund Ronald J. Resmini Ltd. Law Offices Roots Lacrosse LLC Rose Hill Golf Club Ross-Simons of Warwick Inc. Rotary Club of North Kingstown Roth Investor Relations Inc. Routhier Foundation Rugby Realty LLC Ruggiero Properties Russell Morin Fine Catering Rxinsider Ltd. Ryan Center S.A.I.L. Associates Inc. South County Orthopedics & Physical Therapy


y the uri foundation

Saint Mary’s College of California Salcone Engineering Associates Inc. Saliba Inc. Salon Balayage Salon Sante Salt Ponds Coalition Saluti Cahn & Company LLC Samuel Kinder & Brother Inc. SanDisk Corporation Savastano Enterprises Save The Bay The Caitlyn Rose Savio Foundation Inc. Schimenti Construction Company Schneider Electric IT Corporation School Clinical & Consulting Services Schroff Technologies International, Inc. Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Schwabby’s Wine & Spirits Inc. Schwartz Family Foundation Science Applications International Corp. ScoDen LLC Score Satellite Sports The Scotts Co. & Subsidiaries Sensata Technologies Inc. Sentinel Limosine & Coach Seven Moons Restaurant Shadow Farm Condominium Association Sharpe Family Foundation Shell Oil Companies SHG Planning Inc. Shiv Akash LLC Short-n-Sweet Shove Insurance Inc. Sigma Theta Tau Inc– Delta Upsilon Silver Tides Smithfield Chiropractic Smithfield Diesel Inc. Smoke Clean of New England Sogkonate Garden Club Solvo Biotechnology South County Garden Club of Rhode Island South County Hospital South Kingstown School Dept. Spain Restaurant Speedcraft Volkswagen Inc. SSOE St. Joseph Hospital Stanley Black & Decker Manufacturing Inc. Stanley Works Starkweather & Shepley Inc.

Starmar Foundation Starview Construction Statewide Plumbing & Heating Co. Inc. Steere Engineering Inc. Stephen Sullivan Inc. Steven P. Carr Trust Stop & Shop Supermarket Co. STP Affinity Solutions, Inc. Straetz Foundation Strausman Family Fund, Inc. Styles to Suit Suffolk Construction Co. Inc. Sun Coat Painting Contractors Sunovion Swarovski North America Limited Swing Rite LLC Syngenta Takeda Pharmaceuticals Tase-Rite Company Inc. Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Teknor Apex Co. Telaka Foundation Inc. Temple University Tender Care Kennels Inc. Tensar International Corporation TerraCycle Inc. Texas Instruments Inc. Textron Incorporated Therapeutic Massage by Michaele Thomas & Cynthia Sculco Foundation Tiff Advisory Services Tikoian Corporation Tile Pro Plus Inc. Tire Pros TJX Companies Inc. TLC Mini Storage TMI Top Shell LLC Toray Plastics America Inc. The Town Dock Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America Inc. Travelers Foundation Tri-Mack Corporation Trimix Foundation Tri-Power Sales & Service Inc. Trout Unlimited Troy, Pires & Allen True Enterprises Inc. The Tux Shoppe TYCO International Ltd. U.S. Bank Corporation UBS UBS Foundation USA United Natural Foods United Technologies Corp. United Way

University Neurology Inc. University of Rhode Island UnumProvident Up The Creek Restaurant Updikes Newtowne Coffee Roasting Company URI Alumni Association URI Blue Line Club URI Bookstore URI Chaplains Association URI Dining Services URI Foundation URI Health Services URI Professional Staff Association Utility Workers Union of America 359 V.P. Ferrarini Associates Inc. Van Beuren Charitable Foundation, Inc. Van Meeteren Foundation Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Venture Assistance Vera J. Clark Trust Verizon Communications Viking Hotel Viking Tours of Newport Village Haven Restaurant Vineyard Vines Wade Research Inc. Wakefield Books Walgreens Wal-Mart Warren D. Fitzgerald PhD & Associates PA Warren Electric Corp. Washington Trust Charitable Foundation Washington Trust Company Watch Hill Fire District WaterFire Providence Waters Corporation Waterson Terminal Services LLC Wayland Square Fine Wine Weavers Guild of Rhode Island Inc. Weekapaug Foundation For Conservation Weigh And Measure LLC Weinberg, Carl & Co. LLP Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Wes’ Smoked Foods Inc. West Bay Family YMCA Westerly Community Credit Union Westfield Manor Apartments Westport Rivers Vineyard & Winery The White Family Foundation Wilcox Tavern

Wildwood Nurseries Inc. Wind Engineering Institute of Korea Windfall Shellfish LLC Wine & Spirits Retail Inc. Wireless Sensor Technologies LLC Wisehart Inc. Women’s Transportation Seminar of Rhode Island Woodard & Curran Woodchuck Cider Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council Woonsocket Rotary Club World Trophies Co. Inc. Wroe Family Charitable Fund Xenotech Xerox Corporation Xtreme Technologies Group LLC Yahoo Inc. Yarlas, Kaplan, Santilli & Moran Ltd. Your Neighborhood Theatre Zart Realtors ZF Friedrichshafen AG

gifts to athletics keaney society: $10,000 and above

Robert J. Alvine ’88 Michael K. Andreozzi ’88 Amy E. Andreozzi Geraldine M. Barber ’70 Gregory P. Barber Banice C. Bazar ’51 Beverly Bazar Robert B. Benoit Jeffrey R. Cammans Kathleen L. Cammans Frank N. Caruso ’67 Margaret D. Clark ’71 Noah G. Clark ’72 John E. DeCubellis Jr. ’82 Margaret R. DeCubellis Edward B. Deutsch ’68 Nancy C. Deutsch Diane L. Dowd Donna K. Drago Joseph Drago III Anthony Fiore Christine F. Fiore ’91 Arthur F. Fiorenzano ’74 Joseph A. Genzardi ’83 Linda A. Gilheeney Edward Golden Joseph R. Graf ’88 Linda Graf ’88 Richard J. Harrington ’73 Alan G. Hassenfeld

Amy Recine Haughey ’85 Kevin Haughey William Hogan Robert V. Lallo ’66 Virginia Lallo ’83 Michael P. Plunkett H. Douglas Randall III ’72 Lorraine W. Randall ’78 Anthony J. Rose Jr. ’54 Cathy H. Ryan Thomas M. Ryan ’75 Matthew Somberg Amy Somberg Haig C. Tapalian ’61 Bernard A. Taradash golden ram society: $5,000 to $9,999

Debra L. Abilheira ’77 Manuel B. Abilheira ’65 Milan E. Adams III ’83 Susan G. Adams ’83 Edward D. Bednarcik ’80 Paula J. Bednarcik Karen E. Blakeley ’83 Robert B. Blakeley ’82 Wilma H. Briggs Gustin L. Buonaiuto ’53 Winnie J. Buonaiuto Thomas M. Cataldo ’71 Shannon E. Chandley ’83 Dimitra H. Cobleigh ’74 Richard E. Cobleigh David V. Crocker Deborah Ann Crocker ’78 Thomas J. Drury ’74 Timothy R. Drury Donald N. Dupuis ’75 Patricia A. Dupuis ’75 Lawrence R. Ferreira Thomas J. Ford ’87 Keith A. Gibbs ’73 Pamela M. Gibbs Janet Hoder ’89 Robert J. Hoder ’62 Linda V. Hofman Robert L. Hofman Marianne Holmes ’75 Alan Hubbard Deborah A. Hubbard ’81 Karen E. Kinch ’70 Lowell W. Kinch Kenneth E. Knox ’70 Harold A. Koussa ’69 Robert K. Leonard Wesley C. Lessard ’02 Carl B. Lisa Sr. ’64 Maryann Lisa Jonathan A. Lurgio ’98 Candace B. McNally Frank W. McNally Richard W. Moore ’49

Jennifer P. Murphy ’98 Joseph T. Murphy ’98 J. Wendy Nelson ’67 Robert S. Nelson Sr. ’67 John M. Parente ’85 Linda C. Parente ’86 Louise R. Pearson Carol E. Pendergast Daniel J. Pendergast Jr. ’59 Linda Rendine Richard D. Rendine ’58 John E. Ritacco ’76 Thomas J. Silvia ’83 Neil N. Somberg ’71 Bradford E. Southworth ’59 Corinne Southworth Diane Sullivan Stephen J. Sullivan Sr. David J. Wallace ’76 Victoria H. Wallace ’82 Beverly O. Wicks ’73 Kurt R. Wicks ’71 Heather L. Wims ’96 Elisabeth A. Wybraniec ’90 Alan G. Zartarian ’69 David G. Zartarian ’67 Marilyn C. Zartarian ’70 silver ram society: $2,500 to $4,999

Blair J. Barbieri ’61 Doreen Barbieri Joseph Behl Susan C. Behl M. Christine Benoit ’74 Susan J. Bergen Thomas L. Bergen Cyndy L. Bjorn Thorr D. Bjorn Dale E. Brown ’61 Dennis K. Brown ’67 Guy Carbone ’86 Edmund D. Cianciarulo Jr. ’64 Natalie T. Cianciarulo ’64 Richard M. Cobleigh Ronald A. Colantonio ’93 Robert L. Considine ’60 Barbara J. Falconer Margaret M. Foreman Joseph G. Formicola Jr. ’69 Brandon Giordano ’92 Bruce D. Gouin ’74 Mary A. Gray ’52 Walter J. Gray ’87 Eric D. Hedison ’71 Todd M. Hemenway ’97 Alexander G. Ivanov ’92 Donna L. Ivanov ’92 Kenneth N. Kermes Susan P. Kermes Harold J. Kisner ’76 Judith H. Kohlsaat ’57

Peter F. Kohlsaat ’57 Carl C. Koussa ’73 Nancy A. Lundgren ’54 Raymond G. Lundgren Jr. ’54 David J. Maron ’82 Tracey W. Maron ’82 Kenneth B. Martin ’81 Mary M. Martin ’80 John V. Martinelli ’79 Ardashes Nahabedian ’51 Carolyn M. Nally ’90 John M. Nelson ’79 James W. Norman ’57 Roberta H. Norman ’59 Stephen Page Donald E. Paiva ’70 Donald C. Palazini ’89 Henrique T. Pedro ’76 Joseph F. Penza Jr. ’69 Donna Potter ’73 Anthony N. Ricci ’74 Jerry A. Sahagian Marcia L. Sahagian ’71 Thomas Salimeno Jr. ’49 Stuart L. Sharoff Merilyn G. Sicard Raymond J. Sicard Jr. ’68 John M. Silva ’81 Charles S. Soloveitzik ’72 Mark W. Swistak Jr. ’96 Charlene A. Terino ’68 Robert P. Terino ’68 Janice L. Violante Robert R. Voccia ’06 Michael T. Wallor ’70 Bret D. Werner ’93 Scott J. Whatmough ’82 Greg S. Whitehead ’78 Mary Ellen Wilson ’77 Bruce A. Wolpert ’75 Marlene F. Wolpert Robert J. Zartarian ’71 athletic director’s society: $1,000 to $2,499

David J. Abdinoor ’70 Ward Abusamra ’77 Nate G. Algiere ’86 Rhonda T. Algiere ’86 Lorraine W. Anderson Lynn Baker-Dooley James R. Baldwin Michael P. Baligian ’95 David Barnes William F. Baxter ’61 Fred W. Bayha Jeffrey K. Boghossian ’76 Kurt A. Brockwell ’90 Delano J. Brooks ’82 Karen L. Brooks ’83 Celia M. Brown ’66 Donald M. Brown ’60

annual report fy2013 y


Alvin B. Buffington ’96 Angelo M. Butera Alfred N. Calvino ’92 Jo-Ann A. Calvino John N. Calvino ’64 Scott A. Campbell ’77 Bonnie L. Caputo Steven K. Caputo Dianne K. Card ’69 Wesley R. Card ’70 Nancy A. Carey Paul M. Carey ’74 Richard A. Caruolo ’90 Patricia E. Casey ’86 Terence O. Casey ’85 David P. Casucci ’77 Annette J. Cataldo ’85 Helene G. Chase ’72 Joel S. Chase ’72 Diana P. Chester ’70 Richard W. Chester ’69 Thomas F. Choiniere Evelyn M. Cofone ’94 Stephen R. Cofone ’81 Donald R. Colarulli ’68 Judith A. Colarulli Mark A. Coppes Steven J. Crandall Gerald W. Curtis ’85 Joel A. Dain Christine H. Darnold Steven A. DeAngelis ’80 Annette M. DeSilva ’81 John Desposito Richard C. DiStasio Sean D. Donegan ’94 David M. Dooley Donna M. Dubord Roger Dubord Jr. ’69 Richard J. Duggan Laurie D. Durfee James P. Durkin Rebecca H. Durkin ’86 Thomas E. Ehrhardt ’86 Dale E. Fearing ’75 Brenda Ferraiolo Michael Ferraiolo Rosemary T. Ferrigno William D. Finnegan Jayne E. Fowler Kenneth R. Fowler Janet S. Fradin ’57 Paul M. Fradin ’51 Gail P. Frechette ’72 Paul D. Frechette ’72 Raymond P. Freitas ’59 Carrie A. Gangl ’99 Lillian Gates ’84 Peter H. Gates ’81 Deborah S. Gerstenblatt Joel K. Gerstenblatt ’73 Barry M. Gertz ’76 Sandra J. Gertz ’86


y the uri foundation

D. Gordon Gibson ’89 Lawrence T. Ginsberg ’80 Susan G. Ginsberg ’80 Francis C. Golet Susan G. Golet ’76 Cheryl Greenfeld Teverow ’76 John S. Greenhalgh Robert S. Griffin ’71 Elaine B. Guimond ’69 Robert W. Guimond ’61 Kimberly Hadley Robert G. Hadley Jr. ’91 Robert W. Halstead ’72 Kenneth J. Hathaway ’68 Gloria D. Heisler ’71 Vincent P. Hey ’72 Gordon D. Hiatt ’73 Gregg S. Hoffmann ’94 Steven W. Holland ’93 Sharon K. Hollay Andrea M. Hopkins ’68 Mark E. Hopkins ’67 Donald C. Horne ’92 Lisa R. Horne ’01 William D. Horne ’68 Anthony S. Horton ’80 Donald K. Horton ’71 Judith M. Horton Robert F. Howard Jr. ’85 Alice A. Howe ’09 William G. Hunt ’48 Nancy K. Iacobucci ’66 Robert L. Iacobucci ’67 Philip A. Ierardi Jr. John E. Jackson Valerie L. Jackson Krista A. Janigian ’85 Richard D. Jendzejec ’68 Francis R. Kapusinsky ’63 Eileen R. Kennedy † Lori C. Keough ’82 Raymond J. Keough ’94 Gary W. Kullberg ’63 Michael F. Lauder ’88 William H. Lauder ’88 Eleanor R. Lemaire Gary W. Ley ’04 Joseph A. Lombardo Jr. ’71 Maria R. Lombardo ’76 Barbara M. Long John V. Long ’89 Leonard L. Lopes Barbara F. Luebke David A. Macari Kathleen A. Mahoney ’83 Katherine A. Marshall ’73 Raymond J. Marshall ’73 Dorothy D. Martiesian ’68 Terrance S. Martiesian ’66 Eugene F. Martin ’70 Joseph F. Matthews ’80 Linda B. Matthews ’80 Edward M. Mazze

Sharon S. Mazze Karla L. Mc Dermott ’99 Michael J. Mc Dermott ’96 George F. McAuliffe Jr. ’90 Donald M. McNiece Paul R. Miller ’65 Thomas J. Moakley Diane C. Montone ’76 William T. Montone ’74 Robert J. Moretti ’73 Ann H. Morris Charles E. Morris Jr. ’55 Blanche R. Murray ’41 John J. Murray III ’70 Donna R. Nardone ’88 Karen A. Nelson John J. Norton James L. O’Hara ’72 Ronald S. Ohsberg ’86 Nancy A. Olson ’78 Lori R. O’Neil ’83 Antonia Perdikakis Constantinos Perdikakis ’75 Nicholas A. Pisani ’78 John V. Priore ’87 Shiela I. Priore Colleen A. Procopio Fortunato Procopio Ralph F. Racca ’70 Carolyn Ramsdell B. Michael Rauh ’81 Stephan G. Ravo ’71 H. Milton Read Jr. ’54 Nancy N. Read ’56 Edgar A. Reed ’56 Ellen M. Reynolds ’91 Barney F. Rinaldi ’83 Jo-Anne K. Rishton ’88 Timothy M. Rishton ’88 James H. Rock ’73 Eric A. Rose Lori H. Rosewell ’76 Robert S. Russell ’75 Judith S. Saulnier ’61 Philip J. Saulnier ’62 Brian Scanlon Alan D. Schwartz Claire D. Schwarzbach ’99 Henry R. Schwarzbach Turner C. Scott Jocelyn M. Sherman ’00 Peter H. Sherman Jr. ’97 Julie Q. Smith Michael E. Smith ’82 Michael J. Smith Robert S. Soderlund Jr. ’84 Stacy A. Soderlund ’84 John J. Spagnolo ’72 J. Michael Squatrito Jr. ’87 Dana Stephenson Gordon Stewart Beatriz D. Struck John S. Struck ’74

Christine H. Sullivan ’75 Dennis B. Sullivan ’71 Donald P. Sullivan ’71 Donald V. Sullivan ’68 Timothy J. Sullivan ’70 Brian C. Sweenor ’90 Mary B. Szrom ’65 Christopher P. Tasca ’76 Amy D. Terceiro ’90 Gerald E. Terceiro ’91 David B. Tetreault ’85 Jane R. Therrien ’55 Richard G. Therrien Jeffrey R. Tkacs ’72 Mary Sue Tkacs Joseph P. Trainer Gregory G. Troy ’77 David F. Twombly ’71 Gail A. Twombly Carol K. Ulmschneider ’63 Ronald W. Ulmschneider ’63 Karen F. Velleco ’85 Peter J. Velleco III ’83 Richard J. Vigliotti ’91 John T. Walsh Robert E. Wells ’59 Thomas H. Wheeler ’65 Bruce K. Whitehead ’78 Pamela E. Whitehead ’79 Donna M. Williams ’05 Hugh Williams Scott K. Williams George H. Young III Margaret A. Zarazan coach society: $500 to $999

Margaret L. Amaral Dan R. Baldelli ’82 Roberta Benjamin Natalie E. Benkovich ’91 Douglas C. Bennet ’77 Joan P. Bennet ’78 Douglass Bjorn Wally Bjorn Anne M. Bozzi ’70 Edward G. Bozzi Jr. ’68 John A. Bozzi William T. Brady ’82 Angela L. Bryan ’99 Eugene V. Bucci Jr. ’86 Wendy Bucci ’87 Natale P. Calamis Mary F. Carmody ’82 Bradley F. Carson ’98 Ronald F. Cascione ’73 Susan M. Casey Robert R. Chace Jr. ’72 Margaret Churchville Robert B. Churchville Doreen Clappin James P. Clappin ’80

† deceased

Karen S. Cofoni Paul M. Cofoni ’70 Margo L. Cook ’86 Jane L. Copeland ’94 John A. Copeland Jr. Jason M. Coppa ’10 Douglas W. Coutts Tammy A. Coutts ’91 Allen C. Cullion Jr. Carolann Cullion John J. Cunningham ’75 Patricia C. Cunningham ’76 Frances D’Agostino James J. D’Agostino ’74 Julie A. Davis-Gerard Cheryl A. Dexter ’74 Anthony J. DiMaggio ’86 Robert G. DiSpirito Sr. ’53 Richard J. Doino Dennis J. Duffy ’80 Kathleen Y. Duffy ’80 Mary S. Eddy ’87 Peter C. Ewing ’65 Antonio W. Faella ’51 Elizabeth P. Faella ’67 Christopher E. Fay ’85 Joshua D. Feinstein ’98 Lauren D. Feinstein ’98 Daniel J. Ferguson ’80 Elizabeth C. Ferguson ’82 Clyde S. Fish ’78 Mark D. Fisher ’83 Ruth A. Fisher ’83 Joseph B. Fitzgerald Paul Fitzgerald ’57 Arline A. Fleming ’74 Terence R. Fleming ’74 Ashley L. Flynn ’07 Kyle D. Flynn ’07 Jean E. Forbes ’72 Michael J. Forbes ’72 Andrea C. Forte Robert E. Forte D. Joseph Fulford Jr. ’78 Kathleen C. Goulding ’77 Michael E. Griffin ’87 William R. Guglietta ’82 James M. Gutkowski ’81 Nancylee Harris Thomas W. Heald Jeffry Hines Jason M. Holt ’87 Susan P. Holt ’87 Jonathan J. Houston ’73 Pamela M. Houston ’73 Elizabeth J. Johnson ’87 William A. Johnson ’72 J. Michael Kennedy ’79 Kevin J. Kennedy ’90 Susan L. Krohner ’67 Thomas E. Krohner ’67 David L. Krugman ’80 Audrey E. Kydd ’04

† deceased

Phillip Kydd ’81 Marc M. Lacroix ’87 Edward J. Lechak ’78 Audrey R. Licht ’77 Dale M. Ligi John C. Lucas ’91 Raymond W. Lyons Eric J. Mack ’79 Mark H. Mainelli ’82 Eric A. Majewski ’99 Rita M. Marcoux ’84 Anne M. McArdle ’80 Timothy E. McArdle ’80 Michael McCampbell Joseph W. McKeeman ’82 Marguerite J. McKeeman ’83 Brenda M. McNally Gregg-Allen A. Medeiros ’96 Michael W. Medeiros ’82 Mary H. Milam Kenneth L. Munroe ’93 James R. Muse ’87 Andrew E. Nota ’87 Michele A. Nota ’87 Elaine M. Obradovich Laurie A. Onanian Jason M. Peckham Vincent R. Petronio ’74 E. Winfield Platt ’85

Anthony J. Rafanelli ’78 James H. Readyhough ’77 Patricia N. Readyhough ’81 Alice C. Reinhardt ’76 Frederick W. Reinhardt Jr. ’57 Kimberly A. Rose ’78 Jerry Rosenband ’73 Donna R. Ross ’02 James B. Ross ’88 Mark A. Ross ’64 John J. Santillo ’83 Kathleen W. Santillo ’82 Susan M. Seman Arthur L. Sherman ’50 Douglas H. Sherman Jr. ’86 Jeanne R. Sherman ’74 Judith A. Sherman ’84 David R. Stenhouse ’55 Phyllis A. Stenhouse ’58 John E. Sundberg ’82 Michael J. Tanke ’11 Richard C. Tennant Sharon T. Tennant Neil H. Thorp ’61 James G. Tsagaroulis ’06 Richard V. Turnbull ’76 Michael W. Westkott Jerry Wolstencroft ’77 Andrew G. Yosinoff ’70

Kathleen Zabbo Brian G. Zartarian ’03 Ralph P. Zednik ’94 Tammy Zolnowsky captain society: $250 to $499

Kenneth L. Abrams ’78 Joseph A. Adams ’82 Michelle M. Aghdam Alfred P. Alvarez ’58 I. Maureen Alvarez ’59 Brian C. Anderson ’01 Carol Anderson ’62 Donald L. Anderson Megan E. Anderson ’07 Kathleen D. Ashley ’76 Thomas J. Ashley ’76 Thomas A. Aubee ’83 Anahid R. Avedesian-Sardelli ’86 Milan T. Azar ’78 John A. Bahl ’72 Roland D. Benjamin ’67 Edwin L. Bowers Linda E. Bowers ’78 Marian P. Bowers ’66 William A. Bowers III ’68 Edward J. Brazil Jr. ’72

annual report fy2013 y


Gregory D. Burke MaryJane Butler ’80 Mary Campbell Norman A. Campbell ’57 Frank Caprio John D. Carlone ’83 Bruce R. Carson ’78 Vincent A. Ceraso Jr. ’99 Bruce A. Charleson ’85 Robert H. Chevalier Jamie G. Cohen Karen E. Conti ’79 Richard M. Conti ’83 John G. Crankshaw ’56 † Edward L. Cronan Jr. ’72 Mary-Ellen M. Cronan ’73 Matthew D. Curley ’83 Anthony Delfaro Anthony F. Demarco ’65 Paul M. DePace ’66 Donald B. Dinger ’58 Sean M. Donovan ’93 Gary P. D’Orsi ’77 Donna L. Doutre Gregory C. Doutre Philip W. Ebner Caroline M. Edwards George M. Escobar ’73 Peter M. Evangelista ’80 Gerald D. Favreau ’85 Thomas Feeley Deborah A. Fenyak J. R. Fenyak Joseph P. Feroce ’65 Jean T. Ferrari Michael J. Ferrari Cecelia A. Ferro ’66 Richard L. Ferro ’64 Reginald E. Gadrow Jr. ’52 Frank J. Gallucci Patti J. Gentes David F. Gilbert Ann S. Gizzi ’69 Ralph J. Gizzi ’72 Mervin H. Goldman William A. Goldman Jonathan D. Gould ’96 Michelle A. Gould ’96 James R. Hallene Pamela A. Hallene Caroline M. Herberger Kathryn L. Hines ’12 Robert Hudak

Marion A. Humphrey ’82 Robert J. Humphrey ’61 Catherine M. Inglese Paul V. Jabour ’78 David A. Jamison ’02 Jacqueline K. Johnson Timothy Justice ’72 Caroline T. Kaull ’66 Donald N. Kaull ’67 Karen K. Keshishian Jeffrey R. Kilmer ’08 David M. Kirpas ’91 David M. Klein ’68 Eric J. Kless ’03 Frances C. Koerting ’81 Walter S. Koerting ’81 Jeffrey R. Kuhn ’07 Shane E. Laisle ’04 Monson S. Lane Renald L. Langlois Erin M. Larosa ’01 Paul T. Larosa ’98 Lorraine LeBel Lynn LeValley ’88 Thomas R. Levesque ’03 James A. Lilley Gerald D. Lynch ’71 Linda R. MacLeod ’59 Wallace N. MacLeod ’59 Stephen J. Majkut ’75 John J. Manning III ’83 Natalie A. Manning ’86 Donna K. May ’69 Frank A. May ’70 Kathleen McGinnis-Majkut ’75 Kevin T. McGinniss Dennis McGovern ’65 Brendan P. McKeever ’98 Daniel R. Mello ’72 Alexandra Mendoza Aquiles F. Mendoza Richard A. Miklitsch Denise C. Miller ’81 Kevin M. Miller Jane C. Miraval ’79 John A. Miraval ’78 John F. Moll Vlatka G. Moll Marilyn A. Moskol ’64 Robert A. Moskol ’64 Christine Mulcahey ’73 Joanna C. Mulholland Michael J. Murphy

Michele A. Murphy Kevin M. Murray Harold M. Najarian ’72 Patricia L. Najarian ’73 Carol J. Nonis ’74 George S. Nonis ’71 David R. Nordstrom ’94 Brian Palazzo Julie E. Pearce ’97 Todd W. Pearce ’96 Kathleen A. Pointek ’73 James S. Pollock Jr. ’82 James W. Pound ’73 Patrick Raggio ’70 Richard Raggio ’69 Robert T. Rudkin Wayne F. Russo Arnold A. Sarazen Jr. Michael M. Sarkesian ’53 Christopher L. Scotti ’88 Deborah K. Shaw ’92 Mark A. Sherman ’84 Barbara J. Smith ’67 Bruce K. Smith ’67 Peter J. Smith Eric Snyder Richard W. Snyder David B. Soforenko ’87 Christopher P. Stelma ’11 Mark T. Stolte ’07 James F. Stone Susan C. Stone Mark W. Swistak Sr. ’67 Trueson J. Tarinelli Charles L. Toscano ’68 Jane G. Treat ’76 Scott C. Tsagarakis ’80 Cynthia L. Vanner ’83 John F. Vanner ’77 Dorothy M. Verrecchia ’98 Thomas A. Verrecchia ’41 Roger F. Wakeman Joseph N. Waller ’69 James A. Warren ’58 Charles H. Wharton ’67 Joy H. Wharton ’74 Maureen R. White Stephen R. White ’76 Theodore J. Wienclaw Grace Woodward Beverly A. Zartarian ’76 Mark S. Zartarian ’76

PLEASE NOTE: Effort has been taken to ensure that the information included in this annual report is factual and correct; however, errors or omissions may still have occurred. Please accept our apologies and contact foundation@uri.edu or call 401.874.2145 to report any inaccuracies. All gifts to the University should be made payable and mailed to the URIF, PO Box 1700, Kingston, RI 02881. The Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation designated by the University to manage its endowment portfolio and raise and administer private charitable gifts that support the mission of the University. Donors have the option of requesting anonymity in making their gifts.


y the uri foundation

new endowments For a complete listing of all of the University’s endowed funds, please visit www.urifoundation. org/endowmentfunds. Christine Anne Nowak Scholarship Endowment Cynthia & Thomas Sculco Endowed Nursing Scholarship Elaine Moretti Riley Homecare Advantage Endowment Irving Rubin Endowment Janice M. Paton Endowed Scholarship Fund John Calestino & Naoma Corvese Cytopathology Memorial Scholarship John Simeone Endowment Marlen Bodden Annual Lecture in Africana Natale Jabour Nursing Scholarship Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Endowment Robert J. Alvine/Premier Subaru/Kia Scholarship Sarah E. Castagna & Robert L. Tapley Scholarship Spiros M. & Niovi Constantinides Endowment United Natural Foods Inc. Endowed Fund for URI Art Students

perpetual president’s club Mary K. Bond ’43 Gustin L. Buonaiuto ’53 Robert W. Cooper Jr. ’56 Ralph S. Daniels Jr. ’67 Gregory W. Dimartino ’69 Alexis DiMartino-Luther ’68 Alfred F. Goldstein ’66 Kathleen M. Hicks ’58 Peter J. Hicks III ’55 Maureen L. Hurd ’57 Janet K. Munroe ’46 Elizabeth R. Newton ’33 J. Albert Newton ’35 Albert C. Ormiston ’69 H. Douglas Randall III ’72 Lorraine W. Randall ’78 Anthony J. Rose Jr. ’54 Mary P. Sammataro ’41 Barbara P. Smith ’47 Richard A. Soderberg ’49 Richard Violette ’62 David R. Wilkes ’43

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foundation@uri.edu 401.874.7900 | 877.874.4555 fax 401.874.5524

how to give All gifts to the University should be made payable and mailed to the URI Foundation, P. O. Box 1700, Kingston, RI 02881, or make your online gift at urifoundation.edu.


“The that you, our alumni and friends, have upon the state’s land-grant institution for higher education is nothing short of

z david m. dooley, uri president

annual report Credits Executive Editor: Michael J. Smith

Managing Editor: Tracey A. Manni

Contributing Writers: Linda Acciardo ’77 Dave Lavallee ’79 Maria V. Caliri ’86, M.B.A. ’92, Tracey A. Manni Jan Wenzel ’97 Ericka Tavares ’88 Elizabeth Rau

Contributing Photographers: Joe Giblin Nora Lewis Ronald. A. Levesque Tracey A. Manni URI Athletics Donor provided



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