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The Major Events in the Life of Khadija
For easy reference, this is a short chronology of major events in the life of Khadija referred to in the book:
556 - Birth of Khadija
- Marriage with Abu Hala
- Birth of the first son, Hind
- Birth of the second son, Hala
- Abu Hala dies at war and Khadija inherits his fortune.
- Marriage with Atik ibn Abid
- Birth of a daughter, Hind
- Atik ibn Abid dies at war.
- Khadija does not have in mind to marry again and closes the door to all proposals.
- Wealthy tradeswoman Khadija conducts international business in the Roman and Persian Empires as well as the Gassasina, Hira, and Damascus regions.
595 - Khadija is in search of personnel to hire for her trade caravan to Damascus.
- Abu Talib’s proposal to Khadija to recruit Muhammad the Trustworthy to lead the caravan.
- The meeting of Khadija and the Prophet.
- Khadija has her best servant Maysara go on the trade caravan with Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
- Khadija’s cousin Waraqa ibn Nawfal assures her that Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is none other than the awaited Prophet after she reports Maysara’s experiences during the journey of the trade caravan to him.
- Khadija’s close friend Nafisa bint Munya tells Muhammad of her marriage proposal.
596 - Marriage to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him
- Having investigated her husband’s life closely, Khadija invites even his wetnurse Halima to their wedding feast.
598 - Birth of a son, Qasim
600 - Death of Qasim
600 - Birth of a daughter, Zaynab
603 - Birth of a daughter, Ruqayya
605 - Birth of a daughter, Umm Qulthum
608 - Birth of a daughter, Fatima
609 - Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, makes long retreats to a mountain-top cave on the Mount of Light.
610 - The First Revelation in the cave of Hira in the month of Ramadan.
- First congregational Prayer. The Prophet leads the first congregational Prayer with Khadija standing behind him.
- First call to Islam. The Prophet invites his nearest of kin to the faith.
612 - Birth of a son, Abdullah
- Khadija’s exchanges with the Angel Gabriel.
613 - Open invitation to the people of Mecca to join Islam and the first wave of opposition and oppression by the Quraysh
- Abu Lahab’s sons Utba and Utayba give in to the pressures of the Quraysh and break up their marriages with the Prophet’s daughters Ruqayya and Umm Qulthum.
615 - First emigration in Islam. The Prophet’s daughter Ruqayya leaves for Abyssinia with her husband Uthman and a party of Muslims.
616 - Second emigration to Abyssinia
617 - Intense opposition and the years of boycott by the Quraysh
620 - Hakim ibn Hizam’s support of his aunt Khadija sets in motion events leading to the annulling of the boycott.
- Boycott ends
- Year of Sorrow - Prophet’s greatest protector Abu Talib passes away.
- Khadija is unable to attend the funeral as she is on her sick bed
- The departure of Khadija from this world in Mecca.
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