A publication of Fountain of Life Church
cover story:
Walking through struggle
The Life Magazine is published quarterly by Fountain of Life Church in Elizabeth City, NC. Editor in Chief/Hans Hess * Editor, Communications Director/Tiffany Harris * Editor, Layout Designer, Graphic Designer/Kristina Granstaff * Writers/Hans Hess, Jackie Davenport, Jessica Baldwin, Tiffany Harris. Proofreaders/Brenda Harris, Tina Kirkland, Tiffany Harris, Christy Wells, Kristina Granstaff, Chase Granstaff
8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM
God’s GiftS to Man How Spiritual Gifts in Church Reach the Lost
Spiritual Gifts in the Local Church
ne of the biggest questions I wrestle with as a pastor is, “How can we have the fullness of the Spirit’s power and manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in our services and still reach those who are outside of church, who have never been exposed to such things?” Many pastors determine not to allow manifestations of the Spirit in their services because they think the unchurched will not understand them and be frightened away from church. I understand their concern. My heart burns for the lost, and I want to see as
By: Pastor Hans Hess
many people receive Christ as I can in the lifespan that God has given me. I want nothing to hinder people from coming to know Christ. Yet, when I read Scripture, I do not see this contradiction.
Spiritual Gifts: Ministries and Manifestations B.E. Underwood wrote a book titled, Spiritual Gifts: Ministries and Manifestations. In this book, he separated manifestation gifts (1 Corinthians 12) from ministry gifts (Ephesians 4). The ministry gifts are those gifts that God has placed in the body as offices - gifts that Christians embody as a role (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers). The manifestation gifts are those gifts that can manifest in any believer’s life as the Lord wills: 1 Corinthians 12:8-10- To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. (NIV) The word for “gifts” in this passage is charismata. This term simply means, "gifts of grace." The source of these manifestation gifts is the Spirit- "by the same Spirit…" In Ephesians four, the source of those gifts is Christ, and the term used there for “gifts” is domata, not charismata. In the first letter to the Corinthians, it is obvious that the Corinthians had encountered the Spirit. They had an experience with the Spirit and that experience became the basis for the spiritual gifts to operate. For one to flow in the manifestation gifts one must have had an experience with the Spirit. One of my theological mentors confirms this by saying, “Any vital information concerning the gifts of the spirit, the pneumatic charismata, presupposes a participation in them.” 1 Some argue that there should be no use of the charismatic gifts today, because they have passed away. In light of what
1. 2.
Page 4, 5, 6 and 7 Photos from revival at Fountain of Life. All photos by Paige Old and Lindsay Roode Photography
I said above, could it be that many churches are not open to the displays of the Spirit, because they have never had a significant encounter with the Holy Spirit? If we believe in the Scriptures and believe that God is the same today as He was in Bible days, we should want the manifestation of the Spirit in our churches. In fact, “the church cannot be fully or freely the church without the presence and operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” 2
God’s Self-manifestation When someone expresses a gift of the Spirit, we must remember that this expression is a manifestation of God among us. The gifts are an immediate self-expression of God through individuals who have yielded themselves to Him. Some have criticized the manifestation of the gifts because of the lifestyle of a certain person exercising the gifts. Some have criticized the manifestation of the gifts because of the sensational or emotional way in which some individuals behave. My response to these objections is simple. Firstly, God has chosen to use people to manifest His gifts. People are fallible and imperfect just like people were in the Corinthian church. Secondly, people need to be taught to exercise spiritual gifts under the authority of the church leadership and in the spirit of humility and love.
J. Rodman Williams, Renewal Theology Vol. 2 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990) 326. Ibid, 327.
We will always be well prepared, teach the Bible, and be sensitive to the needs and concerns of the unbelievers, but we will not bridle the moving of God’s Spirit.
The Unchurched and Spiritual Gifts Paul’s addresses this issue in 1 Corinthians 14: 1 Corinthians 14:22-25- Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is not for unbelievers but for believers. So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and inquirers or unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your mind? But if an unbeliever or an inquirer comes in while everyone is prophesying, they are convicted of sin and are brought under judgment by all, as the secrets of their hearts are laid bare. So they will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, ‘God is really among you!’ In this passage, Paul is arguing for the orderly use of spiritual gifts in a church setting. He is encouraging the church to prophesy (which is speaking in one’s own language by the inspiration of the Spirit) rather than speaking in tongues (which is speaking in an unknown language by the inspiration of the Spirit) while meeting together. Paul’s argument goes like this: when one speaks prophetically, everyone can understand because he speaks in the common language; when one speaks in tongues, no one understands because that person is speaking to God and not to men. So, when gathered together in a congregational meeting, speaking prophecy is better. Does this mean that Paul condemned the use of speaking in tongues publicly? Absolutely not! Notice these verses in the very same chapter: •For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them;
they utter mysteries by the Spirit (verse 2). •Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church (verse 4). •I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy (verse 5). •So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding (verse 15). •I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you (verse 18). •Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers;
When one from the outside comes in and hears a believer speaking in tongues (which is a manifestation of God), that manifestation becomes a sign for the unbeliever. A sign of what? A sign that God is in the room! Notice verses 24-25, But if an unbeliever or an inquirer comes in while everyone is prophesying, they are convicted of sin and are brought under judgment by all, as the secrets of their hearts are laid bare. So they will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, ‘God is really among you!’ Remember, prophecy is a gift of the Spirit as well. Paul is saying when people prophesy under the power of the Spirit, the “unbelievers” or “inquirers” will hear and be convicted of their sin. They will have the secrets of their hearts laid bare. Why? Maybe because those prophesying under the direction of the Spirit are receiving revelation about the unbelievers who have come in. Or, maybe those unbelievers in the congregation sense that they are in God’s presence and fall under conviction.
prophecy, however, is not for unbelievers but for believers (verse 22). •Therefore, my brothers and sisters, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues (verse 39). Both prophecy and tongues, in this passage, are spiritual gifts. The scenario Paul has described was representative of the other churches in this era. If I'm correct, the early churches met together and had many manifestations of spiritual gifts. In fact, the Corinthians were having so much going on that Paul had to write this letter to bring order to the worship service! Paul says several things that help us understand the power of spiritual gifts in reaching the lost. In verse 22, he said, “Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers.” Did you see that?
Notice the thing that brings the unbeliever to his knees, it is not a great sermon or a great song but it is the manifestation of the Spirit. The manifestation of the Spirit causes him to fall down and say, “God is among you!” It is my conclusion that we should absolutely have manifestations of spiritual gifts in our church services. It is also my conclusion that the manifestation of the gifts are not a turn-off to the lost but, in fact, aid in bringing the lost to God. It is true, though, that sometimes people are carnal and try to make a show of the spiritual gifts. It is also true that some churches have little or no order when it comes to manifestations of the Spirit. Yet, with proper teaching, proper authority and order, and given an opportunity, the manifestations of spiritual gifts in a church can be life-giving and the most powerful tool of evangelism we have ever witnessed. This year, in 2017, I am determined to make more room for the Spirit in our meetings. We will always be well prepared, teach the Bible, and be sensitive to the needs and concerns of the unbelievers, but we will not bridle the moving of God’s Spirit. This is what this generation desperately needs and is searching for!
A conversation with Ted Shuttlesworth about ministry and spiritual gifts By: Tiffany Harris
ed Shuttlesworth first came to Fountain of Life in January 2016. Immediately, as he spoke at the 9 a.m. service, God moved in miraculous ways. God spoke through him with words of knowledge in such a clear and specific way many had never witnessed before. By the third service of the day at 6 p.m., the sanctuary seating filled to maximum capacity. News spread fast about the miracles and healings from the morning services. Some came for a healing or a miracle and some came to see if it was real or not. No matter the reason, it became evident that people were amazed at God’s outpouring. Since those revival services, Fountain of Life hosted Ted Shuttlesworth again in January 2017. This time, I talked with him about the miraculous ways God has used spiritual gifts throughout his ministry. When Ted Shuttlesworth was seven, he experienced a supernatural encounter. He stood in a field behind his parent’s home. Suddenly, the air grew very still and the Lord came to him and spoke to him audibly. He told Shuttlesworth that when he was older and before Jesus came back again He would use him. Shuttlesworth would know what people needed and would be used with gifts of healing and the working of miracles to touch people’s lives. At 14, he saw a vision at youth camp. In the vision, he saw himself older and preaching to a crowd of dark-skinned people. In his teenage mind (during the 60’s and 70’s) he thought God was calling him to be a missionary in Africa. The speaker at the camp said, “God’s giving someone right now a vision of yourself preaching.” Shuttlesworth went down to the altar remembering what God told him at age seven. An older man sitting in the front row sat next to him and repeated to him everything God showed him in his vision. Shuttlesworth bowed his head. When he looked up to talk to him, the man was gone. Shuttlesworth looked down the aisle, but he had vanished. He never saw him again in his life.
At 21, Shuttlesworth travelled to Kingston, Jamaica for ministry. As he looked around, the exact vision he saw at 14 came to life before him. “It was a wonderful feeling knowing I was in the perfect will of God,” he says. Since then, Ted Shuttlesworth has traveled as an evangelist preaching at churches like FOL and holding large evangelistic tent meetings in inner cities. Though God uses him in miraculous ways, he says his primary purpose (and the primary purpose for the miracles) is to see people saved. He recounted a few memorable instances for me. During their ministry, Shuttlesworth and his wife travelled to The Bronx, NY. He prayed for a child that had no bones in her legs. One could take her legs and twist them around they were so malleable. He picked the girl up and heard a song in his spirit that he knew as a child called, “I’m walking up the King’s Highway.” He took her by the hands and started holding her up and walking with her. She was like a baby in his arms while he walked to her mother and back to where he was standing several times. While he was almost dragging her back and forth to her mom, he sang the song he heard. The third or fourth time he walked, the girl took a step. He saw something form in her legs. By the fourth time he could see her legs getting firm. Then, she ran to her mother, and her mother picked her up and started crying. Everybody under the outdoor camp meeting tent that night went wild. There were about 2,000 people. For the next 15 minutes, they let the girl walk and run up and down the platform. Ted Shuttlesworth’s mentor, Evangelist R.W. Shambock said he hadn’t seen that type of miracle since the 1950’s while witnessing one of Evangelist A.A. Allen’s tent meetings. Shambock also mentioned that A.A. Allen sang the same song Shuttlesworth heard in his spirit and sang that night. Another notable miracle the Shuttlesworths witnessed, happened to a woman named Donna Lee. A forklift cut
Photos from tent meetings and revivals with Ted Shuttlesworth. Photos retrieved from Facebook or taken by Paige Old.
her foot off, and the doctor reattached it placing eight pins in her ankles. She was wearing a Velcro boot. “Her foot was like a purple blob,” Shuttlesworth’s wife Bonnie says. She had no ankle. The doctors were prepared to cut the foot off, because she had gangrene. Ted Shuttlesworth anointed her ankle with oil and felt anklebones grow out. She jumped up and ran around the church. The Shuttlesworths have seen eyes grow into empty sockets, ears form from flat, smooth skin, and more. Although not the norm in many churches in America, the gifts of the Spirit are biblical and available to anyone who believes (not just evangelists and pastors). Ted Shuttlesworth stresses that anyone can operate in any of the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12. In church services, he sees the gifts manifest according to the need present. “The Greek word for ‘gifts’ means ‘things’ of the spirit which gives it a broader meaning than just gifts,” he says. The Bible talks about nine spiritual gifts: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Out of these nine gifts only one is for us personally – the gift of faith. The rest are for others. The gift of faith or “special faith” is the gift that helps people come to believe in Jesus initially and keeps people from losing their faith. John 2:23 says, “Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name.” Not all believed in his name when they saw the miracles
just as not all believe today when they see miracles. The book of Corinthians encourages Christians to learn about these gifts. “To lack knowledge of these areas allows spiritual death to come in and destroy,” says Shuttlesworth. If you are wondering about spiritual gifts, read what the Bible says about them. Read how Jesus performed miracles. Then read in John 14:12 where Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” Do not let misconceptions about spiritual gifts or the moving of the Holy Spirit intimidate you. Learn more! Some resources Ted Shuttlesworth suggests: 1. Gifts of the Spirit By: Gordon Lindsay, Founder of Christ for the Nations 2. The Holy Spirit and His Gifts By: Kenneth Hagin, renowned charismatic preacher 3. Questions and Answers on Spiritual Gifts By: Howard Carter, founder of the Assemblies of God denomination 4. Books, CDs, and DVDs by: Ted Shuttlesworth Available at tedshuttleworth.com
or a mother, there is nothing worse than seeing her child sick. Except, unknowingly believing he is healthy then finding out he is not. The journey that Alan and Kathy Meads went on with their son, Eric, was not one any of them could have seen coming, but it was a journey that strengthened their family and their faith.
In September of 1998 Eric was in the second or third grade at Weeksville Elementary. His teacher noticed that he was having difficulty reading the board and complaining of headaches, so she called Kathy to suggest that she take him to the eye doctor. While at the eye appointment, the doctor noticed there was swelling on Eric’s optical nerves. He stopped the appointment and told Kathy to take Eric to the emergency room immediately. Although Kathy didn’t understand what was going on, and her husband Alan was not with her (he was trying to get things ready at home since there was a hurricane expected to make landfall soon), she took Eric to the emergency room at Albemarle Hospital. The hospital staff performed a CT scan expecting
Above: Kathy Meads posing with her son Eric Meads. Photo by Paige Old. Left: Eric Meads' scars from surgery. Photo by Paige Old.
to find a brain tumor. They sent the test results to the neurologist at the hospital who discovered that Eric suffered from Aqueductal Stenosis, a condition that he had unknowingly since birth. They sent Eric’s case, because of his age, to Children’s Hospital of King’s Daughters (CHKD). The brain is made up of several aqueducts that allow cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) to flow. One of those ducts is called the aqueduct of Sylvius. Aqueductal stenosis, in very simple terms, is when the aqueduct of Sylvius becomes blocked and does not allow the CFS to flow. When the fluid cannot flow properly, a buildup occurs and results in increased pressure on the brain. The resulting pressure on the brain can lead to brain damage, physical problems, or even death. A person can have aqueductal stenosis for years without it being detected. In Eric’s situation, the ducts were too small to allow the CFS to flow at the rate it needed to. The buildup of fluid caused pressure being put on Eric’s optical nerves resulting in the headaches he was experiencing. The neurosurgeon who first saw Eric told Kathy it was a miracle the condition was detected, because the swelling at that point was so small. He even suggested that Kathy go back and thank the eye doctor for finding it. When asked what could have happened had it not been caught in time, Kathy was told that Eric could have died. Eric underwent surgery to insert a shunt into his brain to allow the CSF to flow. The shunt was then connected to a catheter that would go down Eric’s neck and into his stomach permanently. Kathy says others can sometimes see the tube if Eric turns and tilts his head a certain way. Following surgery and recovery, all seemed to be going well until January 2000 when the shunt failed. Kathy says they thought Eric just had the flu but the shunt clogged and needed to be replaced immediately. If the shunt wasn’t replaced, Eric faced fatal consequences. Eric went through a second surgery to replace the shunt. Things began to go back to normal for about six months until the second shunt stopped working due to material failure. The shunt itself went bad and Eric faced a third surgery. Life went back to normal for a while after the surgery until Eric began to complain of headaches and stomach pains. Kathy immediately thought of the shunt and called the neurosurgeon but was told Eric probably had a virus. Unfortunately, Eric ended up
Page 12, Eric Meads goes through surgery as a boy. Photos by Alan and Kathy Meads. Page 13, Eric Meads and family on his wedding day. Photos retrieved from Facebook
back in the emergency room only to find that he had developed an infection in his stomach from the third surgery. The infection spread through the catheter in his stomach up to the new shunt. Thankfully, the shunt stopped the infection from entering Eric’s bloodstream or CSF, but Eric still needed another surgery. Of all the surgeries, this one would be the worst. Due to the problems that caused him to need more surgery, Eric was unable to go home for 28 days. He stayed so long at the hospital that tutors came to help him keep up-to-date with school. Because of the infection, doctors could not simply replace the shunt and catheter immediately and Eric remained immobile during that time. In fact, doctors instructed him to lay down without lowering his head below his body or rasing it above his body, so he would neither lose fluid nor drown his brain with fluid. They used a line level on a string to make sure his head did not tilt too far to one side. Eventually, his vision started to fail because the pressure on his optic nerve was so intense. He could not see properly or watch television. Eric became depressed. It was at that point that Alan and Kathy decided that even if Eric died they would still remain faithful to God. Kathy says, “The whole way through this situation we never, ever forgot God. We prayed, 'God, you’re in charge. Whatever it is, You take care of it and we’ll trust You.'" When they were finally able to leave the hospital and go home, Kathy says one of the things everyone asked her was how she was able to handle the stress of the disease and the multiple surgeries. Almost 20 years later, her answer remains the same today: “Whatever happens you have to realize it is God’s call and He’s the one that makes things work. He’s the one with His hand on Eric. He’s the one who knows why.” Kathy encourages everyone to talk to
God and allow His peace to rule in their hearts no matter what happens. Kathy looks back on the time of Eric’s operations and sees how the hand of God sustained her. “If I hadn’t had God, I would have never made it. I know God has His hand on everything and He is in control. I’ve watched God take care of the big things, so I no longer worry over the little things.” Kathy can also see how things changed as a result of their ordeal. Following Eric’s illness, the family grew closer. They no longer took each other for granted. They began to pray more with each other, and they also learned to forgive each other and not hold grudges. Each day continues to be a testimony to God’s protection and strength. Though he permanently wears what Kathy calls “candy cane scars” on the back of his head from the multiple surgeries, Eric’s condition is stable. The scars are a constant reminder of God’s grace and protection and they also offer opportunities for Eric to tell others about his amazing journey. He is now married and heavily involved in the Nazarene Church of Elizabeth City. He is the Youth Director and oversees the Sunday School program. When Satan tried to steal his life, God intervened and propelled him into ministry. Alan and Kathy Meads still attend Fountain of Life Church. Alan is the Administrative Pastor at FOL and Kathy serves in Kidstown Children’s Ministry. Twenty years later, they still remember how God alerted them about Eric’s unknown condition and guided them through multiple failed medical procedures. More importantly, they learned how to walk through hard times trusting God for healing, provision, and joy.
By: Jessica Baldwin
arried in May of 2005, all was picture-perfect as Jason and Kim Gibbs started their life together.
Jason, a country boy, was born in Camden County, NC. Kim, a smart, blond-haired girl from Currituck County. During his youth, Jason did not attend church. His parents divorced when he was six- years-old and he was back and forth between homes. He drank alcohol and partied as a teenager and young adult, but God radically changed his life. “I got saved October 16, 1998,” Jason remembers; he was 23. He no longer wanted to go to the bars, but instead desired to go “revival hopping.” “Being in church, hearing the word and seeing the miracles happen” is what he loved to do. He even experienced seeing demons being cast out of a woman when attending a tent revival. A couple of years after becoming a Christian, God brought a lady into Jason’s life. Kim gave her heart to the Lord during the fall of 2000. She met him shortly after when she began attending Riddle Pentecostal Holiness Church, Jason’s home church. Within a year of dating, they knew God brought them together. “I knew that this was the man that God created for me,” Kim says. To honor the wishes of Kim’s parents, they waited until she finished college before they were married. “We dated four-and-a-half years,” She reminisces. Jason and Kim were married a little over a year when Jason started having health issues. “So what spawned it was a bought of vertigo,” he says. “I had vertigo one time; it made me sick!” According to an article by the Mayo Clinic Staff, vertigo is “… dizziness that creates the false sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving.” Jason was “down for a week” with vertigo in 2006. The symptoms became so bad that he could not eat, walk, or work. “I went to an ear, nose, and throat doctor.” Jason continues, “He said I had vertigo. He gave me some medication and it went away … he said I had fluid on my inner ear.” Jason was thankful that he was feeling better, and as time passed, he grew excited to learn that he and his wife were going to have a baby boy. They had been married almost two years when it happened again. During the first part of February 2007, “I had another bought of vertigo,” Jason says. “So I went to the
Page 14 and 15, Jason Gibbs posing with wife and kids. Photos by Paige Old.
same ear, nose, and throat specialist.” This time, the doctor sent Jason to get an MRI. He went through several tests as the doctor tried to rule out Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the inner ear. He could not eat, his head ached, and he vomited from the motion sickness. He was sick for two weeks this time. He felt the effects of the vertigo for a month, but Jason felt determined to overcome the sickness. He received prayer from his pastor and other Christian friends for the vertigo. Jason knew that God was a healer, because he saw people healed in the many revival and church services he attended as a new Christian. One Wednesday night at church, youth leaders and students gathered around Jason to pray for him. Jason believed the scripture in James 5:14 that says, “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” He also recalled Romans 8:31: “… If God be for us, who can be against us?” That night at church, Kim’s aunt prophesized that God had healed Jason, but he still felt sick. Two days later, the doctor received the results from the MRI. He called Jason on Friday and asked him to come into his office in Norfolk, VA. Kim remained at work since Jason’s brother was able to drive him to the appointment. During this office visit, the doctor explained to Jason that the MRI revealed a brain tumor
on his right temporal lobe. He called Kim and told her that they diagnosed him with a brain tumor and sent him to get another MRI. Jason felt unaffected by the news, but his wife felt emotional. Kim says, “He was not upset; I was upset.” At the time, Kim was around 12 weeks pregnant with their first child, and could not understand why Jason was not concerned. At this point, Jason started a fast. “I decided I was going to fast and pray about this thing. So, I started – my goal was 21 days.” He told Kim, “God’s either going to heal me here or heal me there.” For him, the battle was a spiritual one. He repeatedly listened to "Praise you in This Storm" by Casting Crowns and praised God throughout the song. “I took everything to God in prayer. I was determined I was going to praise him regardless if he healed me or not,” Jason says. About six months before Jason was diagnosed with a brain tumor his friend died of cancer. He and his friend shared many similarities. His friend’s wife was pregnant when he was diagnosed with cancer, but Jason’s friend only lived long enough to hold his newborn baby once before he died from the cancer. The enemy tried to torment Jason by suggesting he, too, would die after holding his firstborn only once. Every time Jason had a headache, he battled in his mind the whispers of the enemy. But, Kim knew that God had big plans for him. “Satan doesn’t get to determine who lives and dies,” she says. The enemy was relentless, but Jason proclaimed the words of Jesus: “Get thee behind me Satan.” “I remember when I got the call,” He says. He was sitting in his truck waiting to go inside of the barbershop when the doctor called with the results of the second MRI. It was difficult for the doctor to explain, but the tumor had disappeared. Miraculously, God healed him. “The devil is determined; you just have to be more determined than him,” Jason says. As he sat inside of his vehicle, Jason cried as he praised God. A feeling of relief saturated him as he told the Devil he was a lair. “I knew he was a liar,” he says recalling that afternoon. “It was a boost in faith and believing that God can heal.” Despite Jason's fearful prognosis, he believed God's Word about healing. He chose to act in faith and stood firm despite his physical symptoms. And, it worked. Today, Jason and Kim enjoy raising their boys, Carson and Trent, and watching them grow up as godly young men who also believe God in times of trouble. Jason is still tumor-free.
hen God speaks we must not hesitate to carry out His divine instructions. It is called LIVING BY FAITH.
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” My grandfather, Pastor Arville Collins, lived his life entirely by faith. God called him to preach at the tender age of 16. He didn’t hesitate to place his one suit and his Bible in a tin suitcase and walk along a dusty road until a car drove by on which he could hitch a ride. That was the beginning of his 67 years of ministry. He had no fear that God would not provide, as he knew God was his Jehovah-Jireh – the God that looks ahead and provides. Abraham also knew God was his Jehovah-Jireh. In Genesis 12:1-4, the Lord spoke to him to leave his native country, his relatives and his father’s family and go to a land that He would show him. When God spoke Abraham did not give excuses, ask questions, or hesitate. He moved by faith not fear; he was going into uncharted territory on God’s promise. God may be trying to lead you to a place of greater service and anointing. Don’t allow the comfort and security of your present position to cause you to miss God’s plan for your life. When God called Buddy and I into television ministry we had to step out of our comfort zone. In 2000 we were approached by our local Christian station to broadcast our One-On-One program that aired on radio for the past year. We had no training in television as our background was music, marketing, and
Left: Shutterstock, gdefilip
business administration. After we signed the contract with Living Faith Television, we ordered television equipment. It stayed on the front porch of our house for two weeks, because we had no idea how to operate it. We both said God must have a great sense of humor to call two people out of the heart of the Appalachian Mountains into televangelism! We faithfully produced and aired our One on One program with the help of our church family for seven years. In that time we were also traveling and speaking in seminars and conferences throughout the nation. Then we received a call from Christian Television Network asking if we would be interested in airing our program on Direct TV and Dish Network. This would require a leap of faith to air our program on these networks. The words of my grandfather rushed over me, “You must live by faith not by sight.” We moved forward not looking at the circumstances. We didn’t know how; we just knew God spoke, and once again He was stretching us to the next level. For the past nine years our One on One program has aired on CTN in over 40 million homes in the U.S. and in 114 nations around the world every week. We have seen hundreds of miracles, restorations, and souls saved for the Kingdom of God. We are awe-inspired by our Jehovah-Jireh, as He always provides and keeps His promises! Living by faith never allows us time to stay in our comfort zone. Just as Abraham got settled into his promised land the Bible tells us in Genesis 12:10 that a severe famine hit the land of Canaan forcing Abraham to pack up and go to Egypt. Why would God allow a famine in the land where he had been called? This was yet another test of Abraham’s
faith and again he didn’t question God’s leading when facing difficulty. Many of us, when we finally determine to take a step of faith into our destiny, immediately encounter great obstacles and problems; the disciple Peter faced the same obstacle. When Jesus called to him to step out of the boat and walk on the water he did so with great expectation keeping his eyes focused on Jesus. Then when the waves blocked the view of the Master’s face he began to second guess his decision. His lack of confidence in Jesus’ promise caused him to look at his circumstances and he began to sink. Don’t allow your problems to get in the way of your promise. Don’t try to second guess God or His divine timing just trust He is working behind the scenes for your good and His glory! Romans 8:28 says, “We know God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” Everything that happens in our lives is NOT good, but God will turn every circumstance the enemy meant to destroy us around for His glory! In Luke 8:43 the woman with the issue of blood suffered for 12 long years. She had spent all her money on doctors and was not cured. She was isolated, alone, and considered unclean by society. Satan had this daughter of Abraham exactly where he wanted her. When Jesus came to her town she had the choice to stay in her comfort zone and die or step out in radical faith. As she pressed through the crowd, waves of hope and despair rolled over, but reaching out in faith to touch the hem of His garment changed the course of her destiny. Immediately, she was made whole, and 2,000 years later we
Veronica and her husband Buddy McGlothlin lead Dove Song Ministries where they have taught and ministered in churches, on television, in conferences, at marriage seminars and in prisons since 1997.
are still telling her story simply because she made the choice to stretch beyond her emotions and the lies of the enemy. Every step of faith requires us to stay totally focused on God’s Word. If we hesitate and look to the left or the right our minds will become clouded with doubt and unbelief. In order for us to reach our destiny it requires “blind faith.” Blind Bartimaeus in the Bible cried out with desperation for his miracle and Jesus said, “What do you want me to do for you?” With arms outstretched he followed the sound of His voice until he reached Jesus and his miracle. If we will follow His still small voice, we will reach Him and our promise. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. They are plans for good and not of
evil to give you a future and a hope.” God’s dreams and desires for our lives far exceed anything we can think or imagine; all we have to do is follow and obey Him without hesitation. God made a covenant with Abraham and told him He was “EL-SHADDAI” GOD ALMIGHTY. He told him He would make him the father of many nations and his descendants would number more than the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. God fulfilled that promise to Abraham, and He will fulfill every promise He has given us, but we must do our part and follow His divine instructions without hesitation. My grandfather instilled in me that faith is anticipating God will honor His word in every circumstance in our lives. “LIVING BY FAITH” simply means we don’t know how, when, or where, but we TRUST if God said it, He will do it!