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Seasonal Readings

Seasonal Readings

by Richard Renner

My whole life and career as a children’s performer has been me trying to stay in a childlike frame of mind. With more than thirty-five years of childish behavior in mind, here are some tips for doing that. You decide which ones work for you.

Stay curious. Check out the bugs on the sidewalk. Postpone judgment and just wonder.

Trying to make something? Drop the first thought, and go for the second... or third. Go to the point of the absurd. Kids do this all the time: how else does a Barney doll become a space invader at a Barbie hotel on the moon?

Sing out loud and make up your own words. In show biz, it’s more important to SELL a song than to SING it. Be a star in your own show.

Don’t eat what you don’t like. When did broccoli become okay? And when did we decide coffee tastes good? Trust your gut, and your tongue.

Sit on the floor instead of a chair. But first, make sure you can get back up.

Why walk when you can skip? If you can’t skip, just hop for a moment.

7. Laugh hard every chance you get. Giggle a lot, too. If you wet yourself, even better.

All these tips can be summarized in this: make time to play! When you make play your priority you will overlook differences in your playmates. Kids don’t care what you look like as long as you play with them.

Life is too mysterious, don’t take it serious.

Richard Renner is a long-time performing artist and producer of the Lawrence Busker Festival. He is also the director for the City Play Corps, a new nonprofit that makes pop up adventure playgrounds where kids are in charge of every decision made.

The Flemming’s

Seasonal Essentials

Tyler and Marne Flemming, with kids Gus (5) and Rex (3), are always in motion. By day, Tyler is the GIS manager for Douglas County and Marne is a school counselor at Southwest Middle School. When not at work, they do their best to keep up with Gus and Rex.

photos by Amber Yoshida

1. Bike rides on the levee trail. Our oldest, Gus, loves to ride on the tag-along attached to my bike now that he can reach the pedals, and Rex enjoys riding in the bike trailer and holding all the snacks.

2. Walking to our favorite neighborhood parks. Some of our favorites include South Park, the park at the East Lawrence Rec Center, and Burroughs Creek Park, especially once the splash pad is on for the summer!

3. Scootering on the Burroughs Trail. This trail is so kid friendly, with tons of shade and water fountains along the way.

4. Ice Cream at Sylas and Maddy’s. Our boys’ favorite is the Cookie Monster in a sprinkle cone (but don’t ask them to share)!

5. Saturday morning soccer at YSC. Get there early to avoid the crazy traffic!

6. Shopping at the Farmers’ Market. We love stocking up on fresh produce and the boys always seem to find a snack or two.

7. Happy Hour (kid friendly!) on Lawrence Beer Company’s patio. Bring a soccer ball for the green space and make sure to try the pretzel bites!

8. Slinging Marne Made wares across town. There are tons of great pop-ups in the spring at different coffee shops, stores, and venues across town. Usually one weekend a month you can find me and my small jewelry business popped up selling my handmade accessories. Check me out on Instagram: @Marne. Made.

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