4 minute read

Preparing for a season of giving


NICHOLAS is the Administrative Assistant for the Office of Faith Events. She is an artist and she and her husband have two sons.


It seems to me with each passing year, as the holidays approach, more and more people are in a rush to start preparing, decorating and even celebrating. I’m not sure if this is because they want to get things done early so they have time to sit back and actually enjoy the season or if it’s because we keep ourselves so busy it’s hard to leave time for the holidays as they are meant to be celebrated in their due time.

One thing I have craved in my family for the past few years is the ability to slow down and simplify special times; enjoy them for what they are truly meant to be namely, faithfilled family gatherings rich in love and spirit. I can definitely say this is not an easy task to accomplish in a world that values multitasking and living up to unachievable standards. A special new tradition I started with my family that allows us to start being mindful of the holidays, in particular Christmas, in October is through Cross Catholic Outreach. Through Cross Catholic, parishes and individuals fill shoeboxsized gift boxes that children in impoverished countries will receive for Christmas. My two sons love filling the little boxes with as much as they possibly can stuff into them, and I love seeing them consider what items would be truly useful for a child who has nothing. It is an important learning experience for

American children to realize that a child in a poor country would be happy to receive a $1 toothbrush, whereas when asked what they want for Christmas, my children very often say they don’t know … because, truthfully, they already have all they want and need. To me, this is a perfect way to take the building excitement of the Christmas season and put it in check. Think of the less fortunate first.

At this point in December it is already too late to participate in the Boxes of Joy program for 2022. Next year, though, if you want to start preparing for Christmas a little early, instead of going out to shop or decorate for yourself on Nov. 1, I encourage you to find a parish that is participating in Cross Catholic’s Boxes of Joy program. It is a wonderful, selfless way to start sharing and celebrating the Christmas spirit early and a spectacular way to involve children in Catholic outreach. If you don’t


Contact Deacon Ben LoCasto, deaconlocasto@norwichdiocese.net have a parish near you that is participating, go to www. crosscatholic.org and learn how to participate individually or become the leader in your parish.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

It is an important learning experience for American children to realize that a child in a poor country would be happy to receive a one-dollar toothbrush.”

The Church celebrates the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. Have you ever felt starved for comfort? Or in need of a safe place to land? Our Lady of Guadalupe has a spiritual shoulder for all her children to rest on. During an apparition to Saint Juan Diego 491 years ago, she left us a message; “Let not your heart be disturbed”. Our Lady of Guadalupe can be this place of peace and rest for all hearts.



The magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Norwich


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich 860.887.9294

EDITORIAL OFFICE 25 Otis Street, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS/ EXECUTIVE EDITOR Wayne Gignac 860.886.1281 wgignac@norwichdiocese.net

MARKETING/PRODUCTION MANAGER Deacon Benedict LoCasto 860.887.3933 deaconlocasto@norwichdiocese.net

Want to stay local? The opportunity to reach out to the poor in your own town or vicinity is always available at our two local soup kitchens, St. Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich and St. Vincent De Paul Soup Kitchen in Middletown. Both ministries welcome help all year long, as well as donations of food, new clothing items and children’s gifts for Christmas.

If you are stuck rushing to fulfill all your Christmas obligations and it feels stressful and unenjoyable, maybe it’s time to switch up some priorities and look for new meaning in this beautiful season.

The Psalmist writes “I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a child quieted at its mother’s breast; like a child that is quieted is my soul” (Psalm 131). Our Lady of Consolation, Comfort of the Afflicted, Refuge of Sinners, is here with us to be our mother. She appeared in Guadalupe to deliver this message to each of us; “Let not your heart be disturbed…Am I not here who am your Mother?”

During a time of confusion and stress in Saint Juan Diego’s life, Our Lady of Guadalupe came to bring him a message of hope. He was struggling to see beyond his uncle’s illness and even his misunderstanding with the local bishop. Our Lady renewed his sense of hope and gave him reason to see beyond the immediate, temporal struggles by showing him a place for his heart to rest; her own Immaculate Heart.

In the safety of your own heart, take a moment to reach out to your mother now. Let her sit with you, be with you. Let her presence still your heart and allow you to rest.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. PLEASE


SENIOR WRITER/SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Ryan Blessing 860.887.3933 rblessing@norwichdiocese.net

WEB SPECIALIST/WRITER Morgan Martens 860.887.3933 mmartens@norwichdiocese.net


Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294



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