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A country transformed

argument against the miracle; it was simply too big to explain in any other way.

Fewer people are aware of the even greater miracle that resulted from Our Lady’s visit to the shepherd children of Fatima: the transformation of Portugal. At the time of the apparition, Portugal was beset by atheism, Freemasonry and anti-Catholicism; these forces had conspired to squash the messages given by the visionaries. It was a bleak time to be Catholic in that nation. But that would soon change.


FATHER JEFFREY ELLIS serves as parochial vicar of St. Michael parish.He has a particular devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.

Nowhere is her maternal protection over us more evident than in the numerous visits from heaven that she has made. Each apparition of Our Lady demonstrates that the Queen of the Universe loves us and will do all that she can to aid us and bring us to her Son.

Many people know about the marvelous visit of Mary to Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, beginning in May and culminating in October with the great miracle of the sun, where an estimated 70,000 Portuguese men and women marveled as the sun “danced” in the sky. Never before, and never since, have so many witnesses reported such a grand wonder. To this day, doubters cannot offer any compelling

On May 13, 1931, the bishops of Portugal came to Fatima to solemnly consecrate their nation to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. Although this had not explicitly been requested by Our Lady at Fatima, it was a beautiful sign of confidence that our mother would protect a people entrusted to her. No one could have predicted the amazing results that followed.

Firstly, Portugal was spared from the scourge of war. In the mid-1930s, Spain erupted into civil war, and communism was poised to gain its first stronghold in Western Europe. Neighboring Portugal seemed on the verge of getting dragged into the conflict for years, but Our Lady, protecting the nation entrusted to her, prevented the war from reaching its borders.

Even more miraculous was the nation’s involvement with the Second World War: Portugal actually remained neutral. The Portuguese were able to avoid the horrors of the war, providing some support to U.S. and British forces, without antagonizing Spain and its Fascist government. Mother Mary swooped in to spare the people of Portugal from the consequences of two separate devastating wars, as well as protecting them from the scourge of communism.

There was also an incredible turnaround in the political fortunes of Portugal. A strong Catholic prime minister was elected in 1932 who championed marriage and protected the family. Under his leadership, Catholic marriages increased tremendously. He did not seek to institute Catholicism as the state religion, but he promoted the Church’s influence in social services and charitable work. After years of anti-Catholic governmental leaders, the Church was able to serve the people more thoroughly and with greater moral authority.

Additionally, there was a complete renewal of Catholic life throughout the nation. Religious orders flourished, and the number of consecrated vocations increased fourfold. Priestly ordinations increased as well. Catholic radio and a Catholic press were introduced. The faith flourished among the people of Portugal, and seeing all the changes that she had brought to their land since her coming, they spread devotion to her throughout the world. In 1942, the bishops of Portugal, recognizing the amazing conversion brought about by Mother Mary after their consecration of the nation to her, wrote, “Anybody who would have closed his eyes 25 years ago and opened them now would no longer recognize Portugal, so vast is the transformation worked by the modest and invisible factor of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima. Really, Our Lady wishes to save Portugal.”

It is always critical to remember that the Blessed Mother’s appearances on earth are not just bedtime stories or fun curiosities. She is our mother, and she loves us. She wants us always to come to love her Son more, and to repent of whatever sins and imperfections we have. An encounter with Jesus should be transformative, and a visit by His Holy Mother should be no less so. Her apparitions to us can change not only individuals, but entire nations, as she demonstrated through Fatima. She is our perfect mother!

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