2 minute read
Dinner withJesus
A ladies’ night out
MARIANNE NICHOLAS is the administrative assistant for the Office of Faith Events. She is an artist and she and her husband have two sons.

The Norwich Diocesan Women’s Conference Committee is putting a fresh face on this year’s event. The newly imagined conference, entitled “Dinner with Jesus,” will change format and location this year to be an inspirational evening out at 6 p.m. on March 22 at the historic Inn at Middletown, Connecticut. Bring your sisters, daughters, friends and fellow parishioners to be inspired and fed in a deep and meaningful way.
Returning keynote speaker will be author Julianne Stanz Julianne is currently the director of discipleship and parish life for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and is a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization. Julianne was the keynote speaker and loved by all for the Norwich Diocesan Women’s Conference in 2020 for the first virtual event due to the pandemic. This year, Stanz will finally join us in person with her humble knowledge and charm to elaborate on her book, Start with Jesus, while a sit-down dinner is enjoyed by all.
The evening will also celebrate the third recipient of the annual Our Lady Queen of Hope Award. The award, which began in 2020, is given to a woman who has been nominated by her community and is of strong faith, living out a commitment of Catholic values, spiritual leadership and a spirit of love and service to the Church. The recipient receives $200 to the charity of her choice, a framed award signed by Bishop Cote, a Mass said for her at her home parish and her name added to a plaque that hangs in the diocesan offices.
Adding to the fun of the evening, in addition to the annual basket raffle that has always accompanied the conference, there will be a silent auction. Among the many items up for grabs is a beautifully framed print of the Blessed Mother by artist Robert Pinnette. We hope that women of all ages from around the diocese will come together with us for this very special event. Seating is limited, so don’t delay in reserving your space. To register, please visit the diocesan website, NorwichDiocese.org, or contact the Office of Faith Events with questions and concerns at 860.848.2237.
Down From the Cross
Consider how, after Our Lord had died, He was taken down from the cross by two of His disciples, Joseph and Nicodemus, and placed in the arms of His afflicted Mother. She received Him with unutterable tenderness and pressed Him close to her bosom. (Pause)
Jesus, touch the minds, hearts and spirits of those You call to serve the people of God. Fill them with the assurance of our Blessed Mother’s love and care for them, especially as they grow to embrace their vocations. Enable them to respond to Your call to bring Your redeeming presence to a world grieving, fearful and hungry for Your Truth through prayer and service.