Four County Catholic August 2021

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United in Faith


Bless this fleet and all who serve.

In This Issue page


“It is with a heavy heart, and out of deep concern for the Diocese and you the faithful, that I regrettably share with you the following information, which is probably the most important news that I have had to deliver in my 18 years as the shepherd of the Diocese of Norwich.” Opening paragraph of letter from Bishop Michael R. Cote to parishioners informing them that the Diocese has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Reorganization.

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich



25 Otis Street, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

Fax 860.859.1253




Detailed answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Chapter 11 Reorganization by the Diocese. Please visit for the latest information.

Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281


Meredith Vernott, 860.887.3933 SENIOR WRITER/SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER

Ryan Blessing, 860.887.3933 THEOLOGICAL ADVISOR

Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294



“I wanted to reinforce to our children that God is present in even the messiest of situations. Our children need to be reminded of God’s unconditional love and mercy – His greatest gifts to us all.”


Andrea Hoisl on the reason why she authored her book, “Matthew, God, and the Corona Virus.



The Hartford Courant, 285 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 060115 EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING DEADLINES Deadline for advertising and editorial is the first Monday of the previous month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. POSTMASTER - SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Four County Catholic, 25 Otis Street, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Four County Catholic Issue 7, AUGUUST (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 25 Otis Street, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.

ON THE COVER The 68th Blessing of the Fleet took place in Stonington Borough on July 25th. Pictures and article are on page 16. A gallery of photos can be found at

© Copyright 2021, Diocese of Norwich. All rights reserved. No content may be reproduced without expressed consent.

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To report inappropriate conduct of any kind by a Diocesan Bishop please contact or call 1-800-276-1562 To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance for victims, please call: The Diocesan Reporting Line @ 1-800-624-7407

Para reportar una conducta inapropiada de cualquier tipo por parte de un obispo diocesano, por favor contacte o llame al 1-800-276-1562 Para reportar contacto inapropiado de cualquier tipo por medio de un representante de la Diócesis de Norwich o para asistencia a víctimas, por favor llame a La Línea de Reportaje de la Diócesis de Norwich 1-800-624-7407

If the incident involves a minor (persons under the age of 18), you must also call: State of CT Department of Children and Families Care Line 1-800-842-2288 -OR –State of NY Child Protective Services 1-800-635-1522

Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18-59 should be reported to: Connecticut Department of Developmental Services - AID Division for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 1-844-878-8923

Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 60 and over should be reported to: Connecticut Department of Social Services for the Elderly 1-888-385-4225

Si el incidente involucra a un menor (personas menores de 18 años), también debe llamar a Departamento de Niños y Familias de CT 1-800-842-2288 -O-Servicios de Protección de Niños del Estado de NY 1-800-635-1522.

Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 18-59 años de edad deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios al Desarrollo del Estado de Connecticut-División de Ayuda para Personas con Incapacidad Intelectual 1-844-878-8923.

Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 60 años de edad o más deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios Sociales Para Ancianos de Connecticut 1-888-385-4225.




Delivered at the beginning of the Fear is often the default state of human pandemic, he compared us to the nature, especially when it comes to the disciples in the boat in Mark’s Gospel – unknown. Whether spoken by angels, “afraid and lost . . . caught off guard by or the Lord Himself, God, through His an unexpected and turbulent storm.” The Word, assures us countless times to not Gospel informs us that Jesus is sleeping the entire time in the stern of the boat. be afraid. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It has been echoed throughout the history of the Church as exemplified by Pope Saint John Paul II throughout his pontificate as well as locally by my dear predecessor, Bishop Daniel Hart, whose motto was “Do Not Be Afraid.”

Most recently it was the focus of the Holy Father, Pope Francis’ message to the world when he meditated on the calming of the storm during the prayer service on the steps of Saint Peter’s Basilica in his March 2020 Urbi et Orbi address.

He is with them, as He is with us.

Understanding that you have many questions, we are dedicating space in this issue of the Four County Catholic as well as the diocesan website, to answer them.

The Holy Father reminds us of the need to invite Jesus into the boats of our lives, handing over our fears to Him so that He can conquer them. We cannot go wrong by placing our trust and faith in Him.

Upon awaking, Jesus calms the waters and then turns to the disciples and asks, May God’s blessing come down upon “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” us and help us remain united in faith, Like the disciples in the boat, we may comforted by the words under the image be fearful of the unknown. Last month, of Divine Mercy, “Jesus, I trust in You.” I announced the decision by the diocese to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy You are all in my prayers. reorganization. While there are still Sincerely yours in Christ, unknowns, let me assure you that the practice of our Catholic faith and our mission to serve others will continue. Most Reverend Michael R. Cote Bishop of Norwich



“Be Not Afraid”








“No Tenga Miedo”

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

nos comparó con los discípulos en el barco del Evangelio de Marcos: “asustados y perdidos. . . sorprendidos por una tormenta inesperada y turbulenta.” El Evangelio nos informa que Jesús estaba durmiendo todo el tiempo en la popa de la barca.

Esto ha tenido eco a lo largo de la historia de la Iglesia, como lo ejemplificó el Papa San Juan Pablo II a lo largo de su pontificado, así como a nivel local por mi querido antecesor, el Obispo Daniel Hart, cuyo lema era “No tenga miedo”.

Él estaba con ellos, como está con nosotros.

Recientemente, este fue el tema central del Santo Padre, Papa Francisco en su mensaje al mundo cuando meditó sobre la calma de la tormenta durante el servicio de oración en las escaleras de la Basílica de San Pedro en su discurso Urbi et Orbi de marzo de 2020.

Podemos tener miedo de lo desconocido, como los discípulos en el barco. El mes pasado, anuncié la decisión de la diócesis de solicitar la reorganización por bancarrota del Capítulo 11. Si bien todavía hay incógnitas, permítanme asegurarles que la práctica de nuestra fe católica y nuestra misión de servir a los

El miedo es un defecto de la naturaleza humana, especialmente cuando se trata de lo desconocido. Ya sea dicho por los ángeles o por el Señor mismo, Dios nos asegura innumerables veces, a través de Su Palabra, que no debemos tener miedo.

Entregado al comienzo de la pandemia,

demás continuará. Sabiendo que tienen muchas preguntas, estamos dedicando espacio en este ejemplar de Four County Catholic, así como en el sitio web diocesano, para responderlas.

El Santo Padre nos recuerda la necesidad de invitar a Jesús a los barcos de nuestra vida, entregándole nuestros miedos Jesús, al despertar calma las aguas y para que pueda vencerlos. No podemos luego se vuelve hacia los discípulos y les equivocarnos al poner nuestra confianza pregunta: “¿Por qué tienen miedo? ¿No y fe en Él. tienen fe? Que la bendición de Dios descienda

sobre nosotros y nos ayude a permanecer unidos en la fe, consolados por las palabras bajo la imagen de la Divina Misericordia: “Jesús, en Ti confío”. Todos están en mis oraciones. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo,

Michael R. Cote Obispo de Norwich

Vocations Corner Pastoral Assignment

By Fr. Jonathan Ficara


remember meeting Father Greg Galvin for the first time over lunch at Willington Pizza. It was October of 2007. I was a senior at UConn and Fr. Greg had just been named vocations director for the Diocese of Norwich.

Deacon Jacob Ramos

3rd Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Dharen Brochero

3rd Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Ruben Garcia Sanchez

3rd Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

We met to discuss my vocational discernment. I had finally decided, with the help of my hometown pastor, to pursue seminary studies and to begin the process of discerning a priestly vocation with the Diocese of Norwich. I don’t remember what we ate that day. I do, however, remember Fr. Greg asking me many questions. He was kind and considerate, open and understanding. I was happy to share with him my story and the ways in which I felt the Lord was leading me on the path of a priestly vocation. In my heart, I knew that this was what the Lord was calling me to do and I sensed that he recognized this in me as well. He seemed very prayerful and trusting in God’s plan for me. From that day forward, Fr. Greg graciously accompanied me on my journey of six-and-a-half years to priesthood. I’m forever grateful for his support and encouragement during those years. I know I am not the only priest to feel this way. There are many priests and seminarians who would say the same thing. A vocations director has many responsibilities. He is asked to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the diocese. He is asked to

Alexander Pandolfe

2nd Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

meet with potential candidates such as myself and accompany them as they discern God’s will for their lives. He is asked to be an advocate for seminarians during their seminary experience. Fr. Greg did all this and more for 14 years, and he did so with joy. As the new vocations director, I hope to continue this good work that Fr. Greg began. I look back on his years of service in this role and I cannot help but think of the lasting effect he has had on this diocese and all of us. I think of his and Bishop Cote’s efforts to cultivate a culture of prayer within the diocese for vocations to priesthood and religious life. With the monthly Eucharistic holy hours for vocations in the parishes throughout our diocese and weekly holy hours for vocations that Fr. Greg started at UConn, we’ve been praying to the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers. Thank you, Father Greg. Thank you for your service to this diocese as vocations director. I hope to be as kind and considerate, open and understanding to all future candidates as you were to me. I hope to recognize in them the active presence of God and to encourage them to trust in the Lord’s plan for their lives. Above all, I hope to be an effective witness of faith and the Lord’s gratuitous love for us. May God bless you abundantly in your ministry as you now pastor the people of God at St. Philip’s in Ashford.

Julian Cuervo

4th Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Eric Hosmer

2nd Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Mark Johnson

1st Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD


Holy Hour

for Vocations

August 19 – 6pm St. Peter, Higganum September 16 – St. Matthew, Tolland October 21 – Sagrado Corazon, Windham November 18 – St. Paul, Waterford December 16 – Most Holy Trinity, Pomfret


“Thank You, Father Greg”

Deacon Larry Barile

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour


Diocese of Norwich


Office of the Bishop 201 Broadway Norwich, Connecticut 06360 (860) 887-9294


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is with a heavy heart, and out of deep concern for the Diocese and you the faithful, that I regrettably share with you the following information, which is probably the most important news that I have had to deliver in my 18 years as the shepherd of the Diocese of Norwich. On July 15th, the Diocese of Norwich filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy and reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The decision to file for bankruptcy relief was difficult and only taken after two years of careful deliberation and prayer. With nearly 60 lawsuits filed against the Diocese relating to abuse alleged to have occurred at the Mount Saint John School – a former ministry of the Diocese and residential school in Deep River to which students were sent, tuitions paid, and annual audits performed by the State of Connecticut – it became clear that the Diocese could not continue to carry out its spiritual, charitable, and educational missions while also bearing the potential costs of litigation associated with these cases. By filing for bankruptcy relief, the Diocese is seeking to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for everyone involved. That is because the bankruptcy court will centralize all litigation and oversee a settlement that ensures that all survivors are included and treated fairly. Individual private litigation could deplete the Diocese’s funds with the first case, leaving other survivors without any possibility of compensation. Ours is not the first Diocese to experience a reorganization. Our advisors tell me that more than 30 diocesan, archdiocesan, and religious institutions, both large and small have had to take this action in order to fairly compensate victims of abuse while also continuing to carry out the spiritual, charitable, and educational mission of the Church. While seeking to restructure, Diocesan operations and ministries will continue without interruption. We have worked closely with legal and financial advisors to plan for payment of all post-bankruptcy financial obligations, and to fund normal operations and services during this restructuring process. All employees will continue to be paid their normal wages. Benefit programs will also continue, uninterrupted. Our vendors will be paid for all goods and services and ordinary operations will continue. We know that most people experience the life of the Church through their parish, so it is important to note that the good work of our parishes and Catholic schools will continue. Because the parishes, schools, and cemeteries within the geographic area of the Diocese are separate legal entities, they are not included in the Diocese’s Chapter 11 filing, although because of its bankruptcy filing, the Diocese will presently have fewer financial resources to help schools and parishes.

The practice of our Catholic faith and administration of the Sacraments will not be affected by this legal filing. However, the Diocese will certainly need to prioritize the charitable missions that are essential to our Diocese and parishioners – the work of the Church must continue. If we can reach a settlement with those persons suing the Diocese, any settlement will be determined based on the assets of the Diocese. Your weekly and monthly offertory gift to your parish will continue to be used to fund your individual parish. Our financial and legal advisors are maximizing the availability of insurance coverage, real estate assets and investment proceeds. It is important to note that in bankruptcy, all assets of the Diocese are part of the court record and therefore publicly available and the process is completely transparent. All public information relating to the filing can be found on a dedicated Chapter 11 website, which can be found by clicking on the Chapter 11 icon found on the diocesan website at For the Diocese, fair and equitable treatment for survivors of sexual abuse has always been a priority. That is why we created the Office for Safe Environments, instituted mandatory Abuse Prevention Training programs, published the identities of clergy against whom there are allegations of substance, and continue to provide victim assistance. The Diocese has also settled other abuse claims over the years which has greatly depleted our financial assets leaving us with fewer resources and coverage to be able to defend or settle abuse cases. Over the past two years, our financial and legal advisors have studied our situation and concluded that a Chapter 11 filing was the only way to ensure an equitable settlement for abuse survivors, help us manage litigation expenses, and carry out our essential mission and ministries. We will work diligently with all survivors, creditors, and ministries to maintain open communication while we work toward a settlement and a restructuring plan that includes a comprehensive resolution for survivors. As we pursue our restructuring efforts, and work to resolve the claims of victims of abuse, I ask every Catholic in our Diocese to embrace the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ and His Divine Mercy, to help others carry their crosses, especially survivors of sexual abuse. All of us, as members of the faithful, are called to find strength in the Word of God and the Sacraments as well as to live Christ’s spirit of humility, charity, compassion, sensitivity, and courage. I am praying for all of you and your families and particularly for the survivors of sexual abuse. I also pray that the Diocese can emerge from this bankruptcy proceeding stronger, having resolved these issues with dignity, fairness, and compassion for all those who have suffered, and that this process can be a significant step towards healing.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


July 15, 2021

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote Bishop of Norwich


• Why is the Diocese seeking reorganization under Chapter 11 now? The Diocese has been named in numerous sexual abuse

lawsuits pending against Mount St. John, an historic but now closed, Catholic residential school for boys in need of care, seeking damages in amounts greater than the Diocese has the capacity to pay. Litigation costs and settlements will exceed many millions of dollars. The Diocese does not have the resources or available insurance or other coverage to address these claims fairly and equitably on a one-by-one basis. By filing for relief under chapter 11, the Diocese will be able to more fairly and proportionately address the claims asserted by all asserted survivors of abuse. If the Diocese did not file for bankruptcy relief, the first survivor to obtain a judgment against the Diocese could possibly receive all available funds, leaving little to no assets available for payment to or otherwise care for other survivors. Survivors who obtain later judgments against the Diocese would likely receive nothing, and the Diocese would be left with insufficient resources to address the claims of the remaining survivors. Moreover, the lengthy state court process will inevitably delay justice for and any payment to survivors, effectively and unnecessarily prolonging their pain and suffering. An important aspect of Chapter 11 is that the filing “automatically stays (puts a hold)” on all civil

actions, judgments, collection activities and related actions by claimants. The automatic stay provides the Diocese with the time needed to negotiate reasonable settlements with abuse survivors, as well as key creditors, and to prepare a disclosure statement and reorganization plan. The plan details how assets available for distribution will be used to address claims, which will be submitted to the Bankruptcy Court, creditors and survivors for voting and approval. • Who made this decision to file for reorganization under Chapter 11? The decision to file for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code is never an easy one. Bishop Cote thought about and prayed for guidance for what would be in the best interest of the Diocese, the survivors, and of course, the Diocese’s creditors. Finally, with the advice and approval of the College of Consultors and the Diocesan Finance Council, and input from its attorneys and financial advisors, the Diocese elected to file its bankruptcy petition. • What is the Diocese’s total liability? The Diocese is being sued in numerous abuse claims arising out of Mount St. John and has certain bank and other trade related debt. Until the Bankruptcy Court sets a deadline by which all

creditors and survivors must file a proof of claim, and those claims are reviewed, the Diocese will not know the precise amount of debt and claims it must address. • Does the Diocese have insurance? Yes. The Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America provides coverage for covered claims asserted against the Diocese. However, the Diocese has determined that the coverage is inadequate to compensate survivors. • How long will the Diocese be in Chapter 11? The Diocese has asked its lawyers and financial advisors to work hard to assist the Diocese to confirm a plan and emerge from bankruptcy as soon as possible. However, other diocesan cases have lasted years, and the length of the bankruptcy case often depends on the ability of the various parties to reach agreement. The more litigious a bankruptcy case is, the more Diocese funds will have to be used to pay for the costs of the bankruptcy (which effectively depletes creditor and survivor recoveries) and the longer it takes to resolve and emerge from bankruptcy. • Is the bankruptcy a way for the Diocese to minimize its financial responsibilities to the survivors? No. The bankruptcy process requires financial and legal


• What is Chapter 11? “Chapter 11” is a chapter of the United States Bankruptcy Code which allows a company or entity, including nonprofit and charitable or religious organizations like the Diocese (which has legal claims against it that it does not have the means to pay), to financially and legally reorganize under the supervision of the United States Bankruptcy Court. The process provides the organization (in this case the Diocese) with an opportunity to fairly and equitably address the holders of claims and to emerge in a reorganized structure with a “fresh start”. A bankruptcy filing under chapter 11 immediately stops all efforts by those with claims to collect debts and puts a hold on legal actions against the entity. A Chapter 11 filing is for entities seeking to reorganize, not liquidate. Under Chapter 11, the entity in bankruptcy, like the Diocese, is able to continue normal operations, provide employees with salaries and benefits, and pay its post-bankruptcy obligations as they come due. For a more detailed explanation of chapter 11 bankruptcy, please see https://

(continued on Page 8)





transparency. All documents filed in a Chapter 11 are publicly available, including information about the Diocese’s assets, operations, borrowing, insurance coverage, investments, pension obligations and expenses. Survivors and their advisors will have access to the Diocese’s financial assets and the full picture of the Diocese’s legal obligations and liabilities. The Diocese intends to be able to compensate the survivors of abuse as equitably as possible while continuing its charitable missions.


• What happens to the lawsuits that have been filed against the Diocese? Immediately effective as of the Chapter 11 filing, the Bankruptcy Code’s “automatic stay” freezes all civil litigation against the Diocese. The Diocese plans on working with all survivors, within the Chapter 11 process, to finalize a settlement of their claims. The claims and settlement will be part of the Diocese’s plan of reorganization and must be approved by the Bankruptcy Court before the Diocese can emerge from bankruptcy, and before it becomes binding on the Diocese, survivors, or diocesan creditors. Once the plan of reorganization is approved, that will end the litigation. • Does the Diocese have enough money to continue operating? The Diocese believes its current and future liquidity should be sufficient to fund normal operations and services during the restructuring process. Vendors should be paid for all goods and services after the filing, and transactions that occur in the ordinary course of business should continue as before. Employees will be paid their

normal wages, and health and benefits programs will continue uninterrupted. • What entities are included in and impacted by the Chapter 11 filing? Only the Diocese itself is included in the filing. Parishes, cemetery corporations, Catholic schools and religious orders within the Diocese are not included in the filing. The Diocese is a distinct religious corporation from the Parishes, some of which include Catholic schools as part of their missions. Parishes, elementary schools, and high schools are separate legal entities from the Diocese and are not filing Chapter 11. The Chapter 11 filing is not expected to have a direct impact on the day-to-day operations of our schools or parishes. The continued employment, salaries, and benefits of the school employees also should not be impacted by this filing. Charitable entities such as Catholic Charities are similarly separate legal entities. The ministries and operations of parishes and entities, such as our Catholic Charities agencies, should not be directly affected by the Diocese’s Chapter 11 proceeding. • How will the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy impact Diocesan priests, deacons, and seminarians? The Diocese’s filing should have no impact on our priests, deacons, and seminarians. • Will the Diocese be laying any employees off as a result of restructuring and reorganization? While we cannot predict with one-hundred percent certainty that there will be no reductions in staff, that is not our intention.

• Will the Diocese be able to pay employees as usual as it reorganizes? Yes, the Diocese anticipates paying employees and retiree benefits in the ordinary course of business. • Will retired priests and employees still receive their pensions and benefits? Yes, the Diocese will continue to pay retiree benefits. • Will the gifts placed in the Offertory go to pay for this bankruptcy or Diocese debts? Your weekly and monthly offertory gift to your parish will continue to be used to fund your individual parish. The celebration of Sacraments and regular parish life will be unaffected by this financial process to resolve claims. • I made a large gift to the Diocese for a specific cause. Is that money protected? Yes. Restricted gifts and funds are protected under law and cannot be used to settle claims. Restricted gifts can only be used for the purpose for which they were given. You may want to speak to your attorney about how to make a restricted gift to the Diocese.

Information regarding the Diocese’s bankruptcy: • The Diocese filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Connecticut. The Court’s address is United States Bankruptcy Court, Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building, 450 Main Street, 7th Floor, Hartford, CT 06103 (https://ctb.uscourts. gov). • The Bankruptcy Judge handling the case is the Hon. James J. Tancredi, United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Connecticut, Hartford Division. • If you have additional questions regarding chapter 11 or would like to make a claim, please call the bankruptcy information line at (855) 654-0902 or visit https://

• Will my gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal be used to pay legal settlements? No. Gifts are made to the ACA to support specific ministries and programs and we intend to use the funds for those purposes. • Will the ACA operate in the same way during reorganization? Yes.





By Father Brian Maxwell


or most of us, the world we live in today is not the world we grew up in. Our culture has advanced from pushing God to the sidelines, to now becoming ever more anti-Christian. Our spiritual battle for the protection of the defenseless is facing more and more threats and attacks. Standing up for Life, against a fierce opponent, Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider has become increasingly difficult. The future of our civilization depends upon Christians living out our faith publicly. And this is why we pray for an end to abortion outside our region’s Planned Parenthood facility. You can help bring God back into the public square by joining in with our Diocesan brothers and sisters and peacefully praying in front of the Norwich Planned Parenthood abortion facility during our 40 Day Campaign, September 22nd to October 31st. But we don’t need to wait until this fall, we can begin right now. Petitioning for an end to abortion ought to be an included intention in our daily prayers. We launch this year’s campaign with a Pro-Life Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick on Tuesday, September

21st, at 7 PM. Look for parish announcements in the coming weeks for your parish’s adopted day and sign-up and call your parish office to get in touch with your parish’s Pro-Life representative. Please consider expressing your interest in further helping organize your parish’s participation. Visit our website at - Norwichdiocese. org/40daysforlife Our public prayerful presence shows our compassion toward those who may find themselves in a very stressful situation. 40 Days participation is also about Praying for the Changing of Mother’s Hearts and Minds - TO CHOOSE LIFE! Together, we can stand-up and pray for our world to return to the ideals in which we grew up, where the beauty, dignity, and sanctity of every human life had been, and forever should be - Valued and Protected! Thank you, God Bless and we hope to see you soon, praying out on the sidewalk, at 12 Case Street, in Norwich.


40 Days For Life Begins September 21st with a Pro-Life Mass at the Cathedral



By Mary Ellen Mahoney


s our 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal, “One Faith, One Family” continues to move closer to its goal, we want to thank each of our donors who have committed to support the more than 25 ministries and programs of the diocese that receive financial sustenance from the ACA. We know that many people continue to experience hardship due to the pandemic and some are still suffering the effects of COVID-19. Despite these challenges, many of our parishioners have made sacrifices while continuing to make generous donations to this year’s ACA.


We are happy to report we have received a total of $2,353,793 in gifts and pledges. Many of these pledges will be paid overtime and completed by the close of 2021.


With a goal of $2.7 million, we are approximately $346,000 shy of reaching it. Amazingly, the ACA has done this well with only 16.83% of our parishioners donating. While we understand that many people are still unable to give, we would ask those who have the means, but have not yet done so, to contact our office to make a gift or pledge. You may call our ACA Campaign Manager, Heather Harris, directly

Independently Owned and Operated Since 1881

Steve Bennardo

Owner/Funeral Director 433 Main Street, Danielson, CT

25 Main Street, Central Village, CT




at (860) 886-1928 ext. 111 or go online to make your gift at NorwichDioceseDevelopment. org/annual-catholic-appeal. Please remember that even the smallest gifts do add up and if everyone participates with what they are able to give, we will reach our goal of assisting our diocesan ministries and programs to carry out their missions.

to be the hands, voice and heart of Christ every day, I know that each of you is also doing your part to live the life Jesus intends for us, doing big and small acts of kindness. Whether it be donating to the ACA, phoning a lonely friend, making a meal for a neighbor in need or praying for those who are feeling spiritually challenged, each of us can do our part to make our community better. Greater than any gift of money is the gift of each of you. We are so very thankful for your prayers and support.

I hope you enjoy some time for relaxation and family gatherings this summer. It is certainly wonderful to be with our friends and family again and we thank God for helping all of us to persevere with faith, hope and love While our ACA supported during this past year. programs and ministries work hard

St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Community

Celebrate the Year of Saint Joseph Dinner, Entertainment & Auction

Langley’s Restaurant 28 Lamphere Rd., Waterford CT September 12, 2021, at 5:00PM

Dinner Menu Includes: Assorted cheese and crackers and vegetable crudité with cucumber dip Appetizer • Salad • Potato Seasonal Vegetable • Dessert Choice of Entrée: Salmon • Prime Rib • Chicken Piccata Coffee • Tea • Soft Drinks

August 4th

September 1st

Father Ray Introvigne

Father Brian Maxwell

10 AM Channel 11, WCCT • Channel 20, WTXX • Channel 59, WCTX

Cost $35 per person, tax and gratuity included. Please remit reservation, with entrée choice and payment to: St. Joseph Church 37 Squire St., New London, CT 06320 (Or you may put your reservation in the Church collection basket)

Reservations due by September 3, 2021


Nominations, which are open to all husband and wife couples regardless of religious affiliation, may be submitted through Sept. 10. They may be submitted online at longestmarriedcouple. or mailed to Dick and Diane Baumbach, 1332 Deer Trail, Rockledge, FL 32955 or by calling (321) 652-8262.

Also include a contact phone or e-mail address of the individual nominating the couple. As a matter of safety and protection, the nominators of the winning couples are initially contacted and not the actual winners. The national and individual state winners will be recognized in October. The state winners will receive a special certificate of achievement from the WWME movement.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter has offered weekend experiences, either in person or virtually, for When nominating a couple, couples and priests for more please include their names, than 50 years and is considered wedding date and the city and the original faith-based marriage state where they currently reside. enrichment program.

For more information on the project, call Mary-Jo McLaughlin at the Catholic Family Services Office at (860) 848-2237, ext. 312.

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orldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) is sponsoring its 11th annual search for the longest married couple in the United States.

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112



By Gina Foster


hope this summer has given you the opportunity to safely attend birthday parties, baptisms, weddings, graduations and picnics with friends and family. Many of us have waited quite a while to visit with our parents, grandparents and loved ones.


My husband, daughter and I were finally able to safely spend time with his grandparents this summer. We are all fully vaccinated and were truly blessed to celebrate their 75th diamond wedding anniversary together.


The love and devotion Nathaniel (Pops) and Dolores (Mems) have for each other and their family is infinite. Devotion is defined as love, loyalty or enthusiasm for a person, activity or cause.

ACA supporters for helping our ministries fulfill the needs of others.

supported ministries with their good works as “One Faith, One Family.” Saint Joseph Living Center’s mission is to provide quality healthcare to residents in a spirit of compassion, love, and service, consistent with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.This ACA supported ministry was established in 1988 in charming Windham. The ministry offers short-term rehabilitation, skilled nursing and end-of-life care. While the community is a Catholic faithbased healthcare facility, Saint Joseph Living Center admits residents of all backgrounds.

Your devotion has also been evident through your kind and generous gifts to the 2021 For well over a year, residents Annual Catholic Appeal. All and employees have fought this of us, together, assist our ACA very difficult pandemic together. With COVID making it very

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

O Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore to you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication. ~ AJQ ~

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

O Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore to you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication. ~ LP ~

We are so happy to finally gather safely with our loved hard ones and really appreciate f o r those who have cared and been residents and family to be there for our family members together, many caretakers at during such a difficult time. Saint Joseph found themselves Our ACA supported ministries taking on family-figure roles due are certainly blessed to receive to the restrictive visitor policy. your generous assistance. Your “The staff at St. Joseph Living financial support of the 2021 Center put the needs of the Annual Catholic Appeal along residents before their own every with your prayers continue to day of the Covid pandemic,” be extremely important to help Ginny Person, administrator all our ministries carry out their of Saint Joseph Living Center, missions. said. “It has certainly been a To make a monetary contribution difficult journey, one that we are to our 2021 ACA “One Faith, stronger for. We want to thank One Family,” please go online to the residents’ families, our Board NorwichDioceseDevelopment. of Directors, and the community org or contact Heather Harris, for their love and support.” Campaign Manager, at (860) God bless the residents and 886-1928 ext. 111. Thank you so the loyal and hard-working much for your generosity. Stay employees of Saint Joseph Living safe and be well. Center, and God bless you, our

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

O Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore to you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication. ~ NRS ~

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

O Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore to you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication. ~ MM ~

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

O Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore to you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication. ~ PK ~

CATHOLIC CHARITIES CELEBRATES 100 YEARS Providing Help and Creating Hope to Families of All Faiths in Eastern Connecticut By Jacqueline Keller

Our History Continues ... 1930s

The Great Depression and World War II presented new challenges and District Offices were established in Middletown and Norwich. New London District board members were instrumental in establishing the Council of Social Agencies, which evolved into the Community Chest and now the United Way. In New London, services included St. Vincent’s Kitchen that operated from Dec.1933, to May 1934. During that time 8,988 meals were served to destitute men.

World War II caused the disruption of family life. The Bureau was called upon many times to assist servicemen stationed temporarily in the community and to local residents faced with the problems of family separation. After the war, the Bureau continued to work for the preservation of the family and the welfare of children by providing services to unwed mothers, arranging adoptions, and providing foster care.

Mrs. Winifred F. McGuire (1882- 1947) Winifred Foran McGuire was a member of the Crowley Club and Past President of the Connecticut Council of Catholic Women. She helped organize and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Diocesan Bureau of Social Service (Catholic Charities). She lived in New London most of her life, attending St. Mary’s School. She and her husband, Atty. Frank L. McGuire, were parents of five children and fifteen grandchildren. Atty. James C. McGuire of New London, her grandson, contributed valuable historical information and a photograph of his grandmother for this writing. Atty. McGuire is a Trustee of the Ray & Pauline Sullivan Foundation, a prominent contributor to Catholic Charities.









L-R: Ralph Monaco, Bishop Cote, Msgr. Les Janik

By Sally Velcofsky


atholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, experienced a great loss with the passing on July 10, 2021, of Ralph Monaco. Ralph was an attorney in New London with the firm Conway, Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco and he served on Catholic Charities Board of Directors, as well as many other outside organizations, boards and committees.

Ralph began his involvement with Catholic Charities 16 years ago when he was serving on the New London Advisory committee. During his first year on the committee, he created the Catholic Charities

Annual Golf Tournament, which still continues today and is one of the largest fundraising events Catholic Charities holds annually. In 2016, Ralph joined our Board of Directors, where he continued to support Catholic Charities with its mission to help those in need.

I was hired at Catholic Charities in October 2020 to plan their events. This is where I had the good fortune to meet Ralph. They say that people come into your life, sometimes very briefly, for a reason. This is how I feel about Ralph Monaco. He was a wonderful example of a true professional, while letting his

warm heart and calm demeanor shine through. He reminded me that people can have stature and distinction while emanating warmth and goodness. In all our correspondence for the tournament, Ralph ended every email with, “Thank you for all that you do.”

Now, Ralph’s legacy will live on through the Catholic Charities Annual Golf Tournament. Our mission to “Provide Help and Create Hope” is the epitome of what Ralph represented. He will be greatly missed and we will keep him and his family in our prayers.




Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich will host its 16th annual golf tournament on Monday, September 13, 2021 at Great Neck Country Club, Waterford, CT. Registration begins at 11 a.m. Kick off your day with an all-youcan-eat BBQ and an on-site cigar

Please consider participating in this great event. Proceeds from the tournament support Catholic Charities programs and help so many people in need in New Golfers of all levels are welcome. If London, Windham, Tolland and golf is not your game, we have many Middlesex counties. fantastic opportunities to highlight For more information on the your business by donating a raffle event, registration or sponsorships, item or becoming a sponsor, many contact Sally Velcofsky at levels of sponsorship are available 203-556-0115 or e-mail at to suit your budget. roller. Shotgun start at 12:30 p.m., concluding after play with delicious small bites, raffle results and award winners. The price is $175 per player.


“ No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of others” – Charles Dickens


Bless A Tradition The




Photos and story by Ryan Blessing


ishing boats in Stonington’s fleet headed out toward the harbor’s breakwater on Sunday, July 25, after a brief rain shower so the fishermen could complete a tradition that they have observed for decades.

The Blessing of the Fleet remembers local fishermen who have died at sea and honors the vessels -- along with their

captains, owners, crews, and families -- that will go out to sea in the year ahead.

The blessing is the culmination of a weekend of events surrounding it in Stonington Borough. There was a 5K race and walk on Friday in the Borough, followed by a gathering with food and music Saturday at the Portuguese Holy Ghost Society.

The Fishermen’s Mass took place Sunday morning in St. Mary Church in the Borough. The

Very Reverend Dennis Perkins read aloud the names of the 41 members of the Stonington Fishermen Association who died while doing their jobs. He asked for the intercession of St. Peter, patron saint of fishermen.

Following the Mass, Fr. Perkins, and Deacon Jacob Ramos, along with local and state officials, joined the families of fishermen at the fishermen’s memorial, at the end of the pier that is home base to the fleet. Through the whipping winds and a steady downpour, Fr. Perkins said a prayer for the safety of the

fishermen and the important but often dangerous work that they do on the water. The great-grandchildren of George Roderick, who perished at sea, laid wreaths at the fishermen’s memorial. The Mystic Highland Pipe Band was on hand to play “Amazing Grace” and “God Bless America.” After the ceremony, Father Perkins walked the docks blessing each fishing boat with holy water. Then, he and Deacon Ramos joined some of the fishermen and their families on the fishing vessel Heritage, which steamed out past the breakwater. Other boats from the fleet followed in procession.

There, Roderick’s descendants cast a wreath in the shape of a broken anchor, commemorating the deceased local fishermen, into the water. In prior years, the blessing involved a procession from the church to the docks, where a tent was set up and food and refreshments served. However last year’s ceremony was truncated because of COVID-19; this year, a large gathering was not planned, and rain led to a smaller crowd than usual. Organizers hope to bring the full blessing back for 2022.


sing of the F leet



By Susan Wallace


hile many are focused on the current situation in Haiti brought about by the assassination of President Jovenal Moise, we should take heart in the light that shines forth from the work being done by Haitians that glorifies God. In Christ’s message to us in St. Matthew (5:16), “Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” Depending on the gifts God has given each of us, our light shines in many ways.


Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony



State_________ Zip________________________



Name __________________________________

Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti Raffle

Drawing: November 5, 2021 at 12 noon Outreach to Haiti Office 815 Boswell Ave. AUGUST 2021 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC | Norwich, CT 06360

The Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti Ministry reflects God’s love and brings hope to the 60,000 men, women, and children who live in the neighborhood we serve, Christ Roi (Christ the King). Through our dedicated and o You Want compassionate to Win $10,000?staff we help some of God’s poorest children receive medical aid, healthcare Do You

O Holy St Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore to you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication. ~ BM ~

lives. It also was designed to provide an opportunity for our post-secondary students and graduates to give back to their countrymen by sharing their time and talents. They said the experience has been both challenging and rewarding.

McNil chose to help with our literacy program and enthusiastically participates while also helping to lead sessions. He helps participants learn to read and write so that they will have better opportunities. As one Our Staff in Haiti of our staff noted, this program is and food and provide educational young man, McNil. He currently vitally important since it brings opportunities to approximately is in his fourth year of engineering hope to people who wondered if 200 young people who could not school and lets his light shine they had been left behind. by participating in Outreach’s All of this is remarkable afford school without our help. While Haiti has faced more Giving Back Program. This considering the many difficulties than its share of challenges, program was designed by our McNil faced in his life. When he please know there are millions staff in Haiti to help younger was only two years old his dad of Haitians who let their light students, some of our staff, and abandoned him and his mother Do You Want Win is$10,000? shine forth. One of to them an people in the neighborhood to start a new family elsewhere. Outreach scholarship recipient, a acquire the knowledge and His mother did not give up on skills necessary to live better

Outreach to Hai-

For the Love of a Child – Raffle Sponsored by Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti Drawing on November 27, 2020 at noon To Outreach to Haibenefit our ministry in Haiti Outreach to Hai Outreach to HaiDrawing to be held Friday, November 5, 2021 at 12 Noon at Outreach to Haiti Offices 815 Boswell Ave., Norwich, CT Maximum 400 8ckets to be sold

GRAND PRIZE $10,000 Forthe theLove Love a Child – Raffle For ofof a Child – Raffle For the Love of a Child – Raffle

Drawing on November 27, 2020 at noon Drawing on November 27, 2020 at noon Drawing on November 27, 2020 at noon Winner need not be present One (1) Prize to be Awarded

GRAND PRIZE $10,000 st GRAND PRIZE $10,000 1GRAND PRIZE $10,000 Prize: $10,000.00* No. 001 Maximum 400 8ckets to be sold

Dona8on $100

Maximum 400 8ckets to be sold Maximum 400 8ckets to be sold Winner need not be present Winner need not be present Winner need not be present

Price Dona8on $100 applicable taxes *Less Dona8on $100 No. 001 Dona8on $100 No. 001 To get your ticket call Marie at 860-800-3603 or send your check to Outreach to Haiti Outreach to Hai- Raffle Drawing: November 27, 2020 Outreach to Hai- Office 815 Boswell Ave


life; instead, she created a small business selling cosmetics so she could put food on the table to feed her children.

At 11 years old, McNil joined our Education Sponsorship Program, which came at a very good time, since he was getting ready to enter high school and “staying

McNil’s experience of seeing houses collapse before his very eyes during the 2010 earthquake and his love for mathematics inspired him to go to college and major in civil engineering. He passionately believes real change in Haiti will not happen without incorporating a sound construction system.

Even though McNil is very busy at school, he also lets his light shine through his monthly participation in Outreach to Haiti’s Alumni Association, and for the past two years served first as vice president and then secretary. Inspired by his mother, he started his own business last year making jam, cremas, and cocktails.

RIDE TO REBUILD OUTREACH TO HAITI CLINIC 7th Annual Bike Ride for Haiti October 11-15, 2021

Support finishing our new building in Christ Roi (Christ the King) The team will ride 337 miles over 5 days through five of the six New England states. Visit St Patrick’s Cathedral greeted by Bishop Cote, along with other twinned parishes and sites at a beautiful time of the year . Come, bike and join the team for a fabulous ride! Even for a day.

Please donate: call us 860 800-3601 or visit our website or send a check to: Outreach to Haiti, 815 Boswell Ave., Norwich, CT 06360 If we are willing, God lets His Thank you to all who take Christ’s light shine through each of us. message to heart, “Just so, your While many people who do not light must shine before others, live in Haiti may think there is that they may see your good deeds little to be thankful for there right and glorify your heavenly Father.” now, we know better. Haitians Please pray for everyone, but throughout their country, especially for the people of Haiti. especially our staff, shine their light and bring hope to others. We are thankful for them and all of our friends and supporters.

6th Annual

Outreach to Haiti

“For the Love of a Child”

Charity Golf Tournament

Wintonbury Hills Golf Course, Bloomfield, CT September 11, 2021 Sponsorships Available:

Tournaments Sponsorships (2) – $2,500 Other Sponsorships (23) $1000 Carts, Lunch, Dinner Tee Sign Sponsors (18) $150

Check in at 11 AM Lunch at 12 PM Shotgun Start 1 PM Dinner and Reception 6 PM Golf Tournament Price $150 (includes lunch and dinner) Dinner Only $50

Additional Activities: Putting Contest

(winner gets a foursome at Winterberry Hills)

Hole in One 50-50 Hit the Green Closest to the Pin Longest Drive (men and women)


above water” was getting harder for his mother. After enrolling in the program, he gave his very best, worked hard and became a top student.

Sign up at or call 860-800-3601 19



he Legion of Mary is a worldwide Papall y-approved organization of Catholic men and women who offer their services to their pastor to aid him in performing spiritual works in the parish. Members place themselves under the banner of Mary so that with her help, they may develop greater holiness in their lives and spread a deeper devotion to Mary among others. In this way, they further the cause of Christ and His Blessed Mother. Founded in 1921 by Frank Duff, the Legion has grown to more than 3 million active members worldwide. Duff ’s conviction

was that without exception we are all called to be saints and that through the Catholic Faith we have available all the means necessary to attain this. Today, Duff and four other members are on the track to sainthood, and on the way to achieving Duff ’s goal. The Legion of Mary of the Diocese of Norwich has scheduled a Centennial Mass of Celebration on September 18, 2021. Bishop Cote will celebrate the Mass, open to all in our diocese. We will share more information about the Legion, our founders and the Centennial Mass in the weeks to come. Ave Maria, The Legion of Mary Curia


Diocese of Norwich



Monday-Thursday, August 9-12 Online Vacation Bible School

Virtual fun, bible lessons, games, music and more! All children welcome, best suited for rising grades 1-5. $5 per child, or $10 a family. To register contact Liza Roach at 860-848-2237 ext. 305

Tuesday, August 17 Virtual Rachel Rosary

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396

Pray online at 3pm to end abortion and focus on healing for those who have been involved in an abortion. Visit Or Call (415) 655-0001 Access Code: 132 917 2663

Sunday, September 19 Virtual BINGO

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AUGUST 2021 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC | | 54 West Main St. Baltic, CT 860-822-6279

21 Mercy_Visit_FourCountyCathAd_June21_R1.indd 1

4/26/21 11:28 AM

Sacred Heart School, Groton Gail Kingston, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton 860-445-0611

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville 860-887-1757

St. James School, Danielson Linda Marie Joyal, Principal 120 Water St, Danielson 860-774-3281

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849

St. John Paul II School, Middletown Larry Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main Street. Middletown 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal 10 School Hill Road, Baltic 860-822-6141

“The influence of a Catholic educator depends more on what he or she is as a person and the way he or she lives than what they say, and therefore need their own solid formation to prepare for giving witness to the faith.” Pope Francis


St. Joseph School, New London


Marianne Cote, Principle 25 Squire Street, New London 860-442-1720

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck Doris Messina, Principal West Broad St., Pawcatuck 860-599-1084

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich Sharon Stewart, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich 860-889-4174

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic 860-822-9272

Mercy High School, Middletown Alissa DeJonge, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown 860-346-6659

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville 860-848-1271

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown 860-346-7735

Dear Friend, I write to you humbled and with enormous gratitude that Bishop Cote has appointed me to the position of Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Norwich. I have been a school administrator for over 30 years, in the State of Connecticut, as well as a teacher of students with multiple disabilities, elementary classroom teacher of numerous grade levels, religious education teacher and presently, and for the past six years, as an adjunct professor at a Catholic College teaching several special education courses that are required for teacher certification in Connecticut. I truly believe in the servant leader philosophy of leadership and have for my entire career. I am here to serve all , both young and mature. I am looking forward to meeting all the students and working collaboratively with all the schools’ faculties, staff, parents, guardians, administrators, and pastors in the coming school year, for each one of us is truly God’s work of art. May God Bless You and Keep you Safe, Sincerely, Dr. Gail Kingston Superintendent of Schools Diocesan School Office (860) 887-4086

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin” Saint Teresa of Calcutta


Catholic Charities is collecting school supplies and backpacks for children who will be attending school in the fall. If you would like to help a child in need, please drop off items such as pens, folders, pencils, crayons, markers, notebooks, backpacks, rulers, glue sticks, and book covers at one of our Catholic Charities locations -

With your help, Catholic Charities will be able to help families who are torn between paying for utilities and rent or buying school supplies and backpacks for their children.

• 28 Huntington Street, New London • 151 Broad Street, Middletown • 88 Jackson Street, Willimantic

Thank you for your heartfelt support, you truly make a difference in the lives of others!

… s n o i t a l u t Congra

to Saint Bernard’s Class of 2021 Graduates! Saint Bernard School is now accepting applications for the 2022–23 school year. To learn more, or to tour the school, call us today at 860-848-1271. SAINT BERNARD SCHOOL •

Grades 6–12 • 1593 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 • 860-848-1271 Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.

An Education You Can Believe In.

Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. Embracing Service. Living Faith. Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese.



ith the new school year rapidly approaching, Catholic Charities is asking for help in the form of donations of school supplies for those families that can’t afford to buy their own.

St. John Paul II Regional Catholic School 87 South Main Street / Middletown, CT 06457 Telephone: 860-347-2978 / 23

By Mary Ellen Mahoney



he Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich Inc. is pleased to announce the two 2021 recipients of the Rev. Richard F. Roughan Scholarships as Kevin McEntarfer, son of Paul and Elena McEntarfer of Waterford, and Walker Sutman, son of Heston Sutman of Pawcatuck and Elizabeth Walker Sutman of Waterford. Kevin will enter his freshman year at the University of Connecticut, Avery Point, where he plans to study mechanical engineering. Walker is beginning his junior year at Fairfield University, where he is a double major in finance and marketing.

recipients. Reverend Roughan was a longtime pastor at St. Paul Church in Waterford and established the scholarship through his will. In order to be considered, a student must be a member of St. Paul Church and is required to write an essay entitled, “Why My Faith is Important to Me.” Both recipients of this year’s scholarships are very appreciative of their awards.


“Being chosen for this award is very special for my family and I,” Sutman said. “We strive to be good Catholics each and every day, and to have our actions recognized is extremely humbling. There is nothing more Each year, the Foundation selects important than having and keeping two students to receive $5,000 faith.” each as Rev. Roughan Scholarship


Walker Sutman

Kevin McEntarfer “Being selected for this award For more information about is a sincere honor that I will the scholarship or contributing always remember,” McEntarfer to the Catholic Foundation, said. “I am very appreciative of please contact Mary Ellen Father Roughan’s generosity in Mahoney at memahoney@ establishing this scholarship in or call his will.” (860) 886-1928.

Merciful Saviour Gift Shop Come join Andrea Hoisl as she signs copies of her new book Matthew, God, and the Corona Virus on September 18th from 10:30am. – 1:30pm.


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The following students went on the trip: Joseph Aleksey ‘24, Jamie Ayepah ‘22, Niko Anastadiades ‘22, Zach Bulkovitch ‘23, Caleb Capelli ‘24, Thomas Collison ‘24, Pedro Delgado ‘24, Max Diamond ‘23, Cavan Dowler ‘24, Matt Kraus ‘22, Thomas Lemieux ‘24, Nate Lowrey ‘22, Sam Matt ‘23, Chris Michaud ‘22, Vincent Pisani ‘22, Peter Pond ‘24, Tommy Pullman ‘24, Matthew Reardon ‘22, Patrick Rigg ‘22, Mateo Rodriquez ‘24, Alex Sauer ‘22, Julian Sicurella, ‘22, Henry Stearns ‘23, Grady Vogt ’24, Alex Wirtes ’23


Dear God,

Never before have I been granted such an awesome opportunity to serve those children of yours and brothers of mine who are suffering. I am deeply saddened when I think of the things they must go through on a daily basis: finding food, finding a place to sleep, finding protection from the elements, staying safe on the streets, dealing with illness, and the list goes on and on.

By Jeff Otterbein

I feel a deep responsibility to help these people, my equals, to attain and maintain the dignity which we all have been endowed but has been stripped from these people. Even though we might not directly come in contact with them, I want to have the intuition and humility to visualize them while working.

Let me never think I am better, n a rainy Monday morning in June, 25 Xavier High School smarter, or of any more value than students departed for Camden, N.J., for a weeklong service those I will be serving. Most of all I trip. There were 10 rising seniors, five rising juniors and 10 want to see Jesus in Camden, for He rising sophomores. Last year Xavier could not take this trip due to exists everywhere. Let the humility COVID precautions. and love of Christ be ever present Service is a hallmark of the Xavier experience, and what is seen in my heart this week as I work and experienced on a trip such as this -- ranging from the plight alongside my brothers, bringing of people to bonding with fellow students -- is not soon forgotten. glory to your name and bringing This year Xavier asked a few of the participants to share their feelings for social media. This prayer from Sam Matt, ’23, on the about the Kingdom.


first night in Camden set the tone:



they are Catholic but because we are Catholic.

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Young Catholic Professionals Group Seeks Members

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he Office of Faith Events is looking at the possibility of starting a chapter of Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) in the Diocese of Norwich. We are seeking dedicated young adult Catholics from our diocese who would have a vested interest in starting a local YCP. YCP mission is to challenge, train, and inspire young adults working in various professions to work in witness for Christ. YCP brings together young adults and seasoned business professionals in a variety of programs to foster Catholic identity, encourage community and inspire action. If you are interested, please contact Liza Roach at or call (860)848-2237 ex. 305.

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Sacraments 101 + A.M.D.G. +

Volume 11: Anointing of the Sick


That evening, at sundown, they brought to [Jesus] all who were sick or possessed In the Diocese of Norwich, all with demons. The whole city was gathered together about the door. all clergy, and all religious, ar

This training is also available regardless of whether or not t By Father Michael Bovino Thethrough Diocese of Norwich offers Anyone who has ever experienced illness or sickness before, especially can be used by the Enemy to lead souls away from God despair in different formats. You can t if it’s a chronic illness, could understand the desperation of the crowds or even rejection. presentation, Called to Protec who sought out Jesus in hopes that He might heal them. Illness, we know This great Sacrament of Anointing is yet another defense against the training classes have been po all too well, is one of the unpleasant effects of man’s fall in the Garden. Enemy’s attacks. The specific grace given by it is to be strengthened But more than that, if we’re not attentive to it, the suffering caused by and encouraged “to overcome the difficulties that go this time. As soon as in perso with the condition illness is also something that can lead to self-absorption, despair and of serious illness or the frailty of old age. This grace willisresume. a gift ofPlease the contact th even a rejection of God altogether (Catechism of the Catholic Church, Holy Spirit, who renews trust and faith in God and strengthens enrolled, oragainst for more informat 1501). the temptations of the evil one, the temptation to discouragement and Because of the serious effects that illness and suffering can have on anguish in the face of death” (CCC 1520). our relationship with God, healing played a big part in Jesus’ public ministry. This emphasis on the need for healing is something that has Remember, O most gracious continued throughout the history of the Church. We’ve already looked Virgin Mary, that never at Confession, the Church’s first Sacrament of Healing. So, this month was it known that we’ll look at the second one, Anointing of the Sick. anyone who fled to St. James, in his New Testament letter, describes how this healing thy protection, Sacrament was administered in the early Church: Are any among you implored thy help, sick? Let him call for the presbyters (priests) of the Church and let them and sought thy pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the intercession, was prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and left unaided. if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven (James 5:14-15). Inspired with Our use of the Sacrament of Anointing has developed over the years to this confidence, be understood as a Sacrament reserved to those who are at the point of death, but it has also been affirmed time and time again, that our use of I fly unto thee, O the Sacrament of Anointing “has never failed to beg the Lord that the Virgin of virgin, sick person may recover his health if it be conducive to his salvation” my Mother, to thee (Council of Trent, 909). I come, before thee In the days of the early Church oil was commonly used in the secular I stand sinful and realm for instances of physical combat, including wrestling matches; sorrowful. O Mother of this was because oil made it difficult for one’s opponent to get a strong the Word Incarnate! Despise grip on someone. Thus, the Church applied this meaning to the spiritual not my petitions, but, in thy realm. Oil blessed or consecrated for Sacramental use was used with the Re mercy, hear and answer me. understanding that the grace given through the holy oil made it difficult St. J for the Enemy (Satan) to gain a stronghold on the person. Amen 25 S Since the moments leading up to the time of death can sometimes be filled In thanksgiving with moments of intense suffering and pain, through the Sacrament of New Anointing, the Church has taken great care to aid and protect the dying for petitions granted. Pho during those last difficult moments, especially since pain and suffering EE AUGUST 2021 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |

(Mark 1:32-33).

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Fai t h Sparks By Andrea D. Hoisl




God Journeyed Through Covid with Us

s I sat home day after day in quarantine, I began to think about my blessings. To be perfectly honest, the one that kept popping into my head was how lucky I was not to have young children. I was living in a house filled with 20-somethings – which presented its own challenges – but I did not have young children to accompany me on this scary journey. All I could think about was how do you begin to explain this unprecedented situation to children? What words or descriptive language would help them understand a pandemic? Professionally, our office helped people virtually get through the rough spots. We held online book clubs, rosaries, faith sharing and enrichments and sent out prayers and a Daily Dose of Happiness to keep our adults afloat. We had virtual breakfasts with Catechetical Leaders across

the diocese to encourage and motivate them so they could do the same for the parents in their parishes. It was a never-ending cycle; it seemed like the more we did, the more needed to be done. We were a drop in the proverbial pandemic bucket. I still had a nagging desire to make sense of the senseless for our children. I wanted them to know that God was right beside us, going through it all with us. As a parent and teacher, I wanted to reinforce to our children that God is present in even the messiest of situations. Our children needed to be reminded of God’s unconditional love and mercy – His greatest gifts

to us all. With this in mind, I wrote a children’s story entitled “Matthew, God, and the Corona Virus.” I wrote the story in one evening, hoping to help children understand what God’s love and mercy looks like in the midst of a global pandemic. The story looks at a child’s ordinary life circumstances and how his reality was turned upside down. T h e m a i n character, M a t t h e w, is a little boy who has faith and goes to Church with his family and friends. He is very familiar with God and His love for

all of us. What Matthew does not understand is how the God he knows and loves is letting this pandemic happen. Where is God during the coronavirus? This is a question that many of us adults, as well as kids, have asked. The rest of the circumstances surrounding the publishing of the book all involve divine providence. I never expected the book to make it to publication. As Covid raged on it seemed less likely as more roadblocks appeared. But God is great all the time and in May of this year it was published. My dream of helping children better understand God’s love for them became a reality. As the memories of the pandemic, quarantining and vaccinations start to fade, I pray that “Matthew, God, and the Corona Virus” will be a pleasant reminder of all the blessings that God bestows upon us, especially at difficult times.

As a former teacher at Xavier and current Director of Faith Events, Andrea has dedicated more than 30 years to Catholic education. She is one of three recipients being honored at the 11th Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner taking place November 7th. Tickets are still available. Her book is available at Merciful Saviour Gift Shop, as well as Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Andrea will be signing copies of “Matthew, God, and the Corona Virus” on September 18th from 10:30am-1:30pm at Merciful Saviour Gift Shop in Colchester

Ignite Your Faith.

Visit for additional resources.

Feast of the Assumption August 15, 2021

Saint Brendan the Navigator

Feast of the Assumption Mass 9:30 AM

Sunday, August 15, 2021 Saint Mary

Star of the Sea Church New London

11:00 AM

Procession to

Saint Joseph Church New London

12-3 PM

Celebration Following


Mary, God’s son became your Son and you became both our Mother and the Queen. From your heavenly throne, intercede for your subjects who are daily confronted with life’s trials, Help us to find comfort in our recourse to you and bring us closer to your Divine Son whose glory and honor we proclaim forever. Amen.

Saint Paul Church Waterford

Food Available for Purchase



CATHOLIC Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


September 11th & 12th 2021

Catholic Elementary School Collection

• Meets High Academic Standards • Supports Catholic Faith-Based Values and Morals • Provides Our Students the Opportunity to Grow Academically and Spiritually

Your financial support is essential to sustain all our Catholic elementary schools.


St. Michael School 131 West Broad Street, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084

St. John School 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849

St. Joseph School 10 School Hill Road, Baltic 860-822-6141

Sacred Heart School 15 Hunters Avenue, Taftville 860-887-1757

St. Joseph School 25 Squire Street, New London 860-442-1720

St. James School 120 Water Street, Danielson 860-774-3281

Sacred Heart School 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton 860-445-0611

St. Patrick Cathedral School 211 Broadway, Norwich 860-889-4174

St. John Paul II Regional Catholic School 87 South Main Street, Middletown 860-347-2978

Please contact Gina Foster with any questions. 860-886-1928 ext: 115 or

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