Four County Catholic December 2018

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CATHOLIC Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel MATTHEW 1:23




In This Issue



December 2018




“What is most important in my life is God, my family and friends.”




Established in 1989 and published each month except July.

– Jeanne Anie, Outreach to Haiti student

“During these seasons of Advent and Christmas, let us all be reminded of Our Blessed Mother, in her surrender to God’s will, her unending faith, her service to others, and most importantly, for giving birth to the Lamb of God who brings peace on earth for those who follow Him” – Henry Fiore, Superintendent of Schools.



“People in this world will let you down because we are all human and imperfect , but God will never let you down because He is divine!” – John Angotti, music missionary speaking at Youth Explosion

On the Cover

Mother of Life Our Lady of Guadalupe by artist and pro-life activist Nellie Edwards. Her work can be found at

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal

Discover more at


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich



31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

Fax 860.859.1253


Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281


Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933 THEOLOGICAL ADVISOR

Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V.



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Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613

FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 11 December (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.




“Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means “God is with us.”

May the spirit of this holy season fill your hearts with joy and your homes with peace! Christmas celebrates the great truth sent by the Father, “the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” (John 1:14) From generation to generation, we remember the events of that holy night and we celebrate His Nativity. Recounting Jesus’ Birth, we rejoice in our Churches, in our families, and in our communities. At the coldest, darkest time of the whole year, God’s love warms our hearts and illuminates our journey in this world.

The message and meaning of Christmas can be lost in the noise heaped upon us by our secular culture’s message of consumerism; by an ever-growing divide in our political discourse regarding contentious issues of the day; and yes, even by some church leaders whose actions, or, in some cases, inactions have caused pain to many of our brothers and sisters. It is in these uncertain times, that our feelings of anxiousness and loss can grip our lives, leaving us vulnerable to despair. It is important for us to remember that the world is mostly good. Why? Because we, as followers of the Risen Lord, can experience and share the birth of Christ not just on December 25th but every second of every day. We give birth to the Lord when we share the Love of Christ.

The darkness of humanity’s evil can be overcome by the light cast by Jesus’ birth. We are reminded in the first reading from the Christmas Mass at Dawn of the words of the prophet Isaiah

– They shall be called “The Holy People, The Redeemed of the LORD.” (Isaiah 62:12) Earlier this year, Pope Francis gifted us with his Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad). In it he encourages each one of us to be Holy. We are frequently tempted to think that holiness is only for those who can withdraw from ordinary affairs to spend much time in prayer. That is not the case. We can be holy by laboring with integrity and skill in the service of our brothers and sisters, by living out our commitments with joy and working for the common good. Christmas teaches us of the generosity of God and how generous we must be to one another. Generous with our time, our good fortune, but most of all our forgiveness. Merry Christmas! May your New Year be filled with the abundant blessings of the newborn Savior and may you embrace each day as an opportunity to welcome Christ with joy in your hearts, ever increasing in holiness.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Bishop of Norwich

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D.

December 2018

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,


Matthew 1:23





“He quí, la virgen concebirá y dará a luz un hijo, y le pondrán por nombre Emmanuel, que significa: Dios-con-nosotros.” Mateo 1:23

December 2018


Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


¡Que el espíritu de esta temporada santa llene sus corazones de alegría y sus hogares de paz! La Navidad celebra la gran verdad enviada por el Padre: “El Verbo se hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros” (Juan 1:14). Celebramos la Natividad de generación en generación y recordamos los eventos de esa noche santa. Al relatar el nacimiento de Jesús, nos regocijamos, en nuestras Iglesias, en nuestras familias y en nuestras comunidades. El amor de Dios enciende nuestros corazones en el tiempo más frío y oscuro de todo el año, e ilumina nuestro recorrido en este mundo.

El mensaje y el significado de la Navidad pueden perderse en el bullicio que nos rodea con el mensaje del consumismo en nuestra cultura secular; por una división cada vez mayor en nuestro discurso político con respecto a los asuntos polémicos del día; y sí, incluso por algunos líderes de la iglesia cuyas acciones, o, en algunos casos, las inacciones han causado dolor a muchos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas.

Es, en estos tiempos inciertos, que nuestros sentimientos de ansiedad y pérdida pueden apoderarse de nuestras vidas, dejándonos vulnerables a la desesperación. Es importante que recordemos que el mundo es bueno en su mayoría. ¿Por qué? Porque nosotros, como seguidores del Señor Resucitado, podemos experimentar y compartir el nacimiento de Cristo no solo el 25 de diciembre sino cada segundo de cada día. Cuando compartimos el amor de Cristo damos nacimiento al Señor.

del profeta Isaías: se los llamará “Pueblo Santo”,” Redimidos por el SEÑOR”. (Isaías 62:12) A principios de este año, el Papa Francisco nos regaló su Exhortación Apostólica, Gaudete et Exsultate (Alégraos y regocijaos). En ello, nos anima a cada uno de nosotros a ser santos. Con frecuencia nos sentimos tentados a pensar que la santidad es solo para aquellos que pueden retirarse de los asuntos ordinarios y pasar mucho tiempo en la oración. Ese no es el caso. Podemos ser santos al trabajar con integridad y habilidad al servicio de nuestros hermanos y hermanas, al cumplir nuestros compromisos con alegría y al trabajar por el bien común. La Navidad nos enseña la generosidad de Dios y lo generosos que debemos ser los unos con los otros. Generosos con nuestro tiempo, nuestras riquezas, pero sobre todo con nuestro perdón. ¡Feliz Navidad! Que su Año Nuevo se llene con las abundantes bendiciones del salvador recién nacido y que acepte cada día como una oportunidad para recibir a Cristo con alegría en sus corazones, siempre creciendo en la santidad. Atentamente en Cristo,

La oscuridad del mal de la humanidad puede ser vencida por la luz Reverendísimo Michael R. Cote, D.D. que brilla por el nacimiento de Jesús. En la primera lectura de la Misa de madrugada en la Navidad se nos recuerda de las palabras Obispo de Norwich

We Can Help

Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar: 1-800-624-7407

The Nativity Scene Family Activity: This is the event in which the entire family shares setting up the Christmas manger. Mary and Joseph should be far off traveling and their approach to Bethlehem can be adjusted daily. Older children can make life-size Nativity models, carve them, cut them out from cardboard, or set up pre-made figurines. The creative ideas are without limit. Make sure to place the Nativity scene where many can admire the childrens efforts to give God glory.

at the Cathedral of St. Patrick Christmas Eve:

4pm Vigil Mass, Midnight Mass Christmas Music begins at 11:30PM

Christmas Day 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am 5pm


Podemos Ayudar

Christmas Mass Times

December 2018

To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call: 1-800-624-7407



December 2018


MR. Michael Bovino 3rd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD


Mr. Normand Laflamme 2nd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Larry Barile 2nd Year Theology Pope St. John XXIII Weston, Massachusetts

Mr. Jacob Ramos 2nd YearTheology Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, MD

December Musings

Mr. Dharen Brochero Under Graduate, Philosophical Major Studies Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations “Can you believe it?” I’m borrowing the words of famous baseball broadcaster Joe Castiglione, to describe just how fast things seem to be happening. Seminarians, Mike Bovino and Jacob Ramos received candidacy and Larry Barile was installed as a Lector at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary. The diocesan family mourned the loss of Bishop Cote’s mother, Margaret Alma Cote, who passed away on Sunday November 4th and Larry Barile’s brother, Rick on Monday November 5th after a long battle with cancer. Please remember both families in your prayers. Parishes have hung the “giving tree tags” for the seminarians, and the Advent gift card drive has begun, as we are journey towards the Christmas season. Thank you, for

your kindness and thoughtfulness towards our seminarians. We will be gathering with Bishop Cote along with those who have shown interest in considering a possible vocation to the diocesan priesthood. As a diocese, we pray for more priestly and consecrated religious life vocations for our diocese and for the whole Church. Join us this advent season on December 13th, 5 – 7pm at Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry for the monthly Holy Hour for Vocations led by Bishop Cote. Please bring your family and help prepare the hearts of those Christ is calling to serve his Church into the future. Yearly, I meet with students from UCONN who participate in the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) at either their


Disciple training convention or the National SEEK convention. I will be participating in SEEK2019 in Indianapolis. Which FOCUS is expecting a gathering of 20,000 college students. Please pray for each of the students attending and for Father John Antonelle, pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas and myself as we journey spiritually through the sacraments with those Christ is calling. As we prepare to move into 2019 continue to pray to the Harvest Master to send true laborers to work in our Diocese. Have a blessed Advent and a Merry Christmas season.

for Vocations

Mr. Julian Cuervo 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

If you would like to know more about SEEK2019, go to FOCUS. com.

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour

Holy Hour

MR. ALEXANDER PANDOLFE 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD


5-7pm Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry 5pm Quiet prayer and visitation with the Relic of St. John Vianney

Mr. Eric Hosmer 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD


6pm. St. Joseph, Willimantic

Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program UCONN, Storrs, CT

Visitation of Major Relic St. Jean Vianney Monthly Holy Hour for Vocations December 13

The Shrine of Ars, France, has entrusted to the Knights of Columbus the major relic of St. Jean Vianney’s incorrupt heart for a national tour in the U.S., from November 2018 through early June 2019. The Knights of Columbus welcome this special opportunity to offer for veneration a major relic of the patron of parish priests, whose holiness and integrity is a model for clergy and laity alike.


Pope Francis @Pontifex This Christmas may we be consistent in living the Gospel, welcoming Jesus into the center of our lives.

Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT


December 2018

A time of quiet visitation and prayer with the relic will begin at 5PM, followed by our Monthly Holy Hour for Vocations and an opportunity to venerate/ touch the reliquary holding the relic.


The Diocese has been blessed with the opportunity through the Knights of Columbus, to host the major relic of St. Jean Vianney at 5pm on December 13, at the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Gales Ferry.


Standing Together to Build the Future Office of Communications

December 2018


By Kathy Gaito


The Office of Communications ministry is the public’s window into the Diocese, spanning Middlesex, New London, Tolland, and Windham counties in Connecticut, in addition to Fishers Island, New York. Disseminating pertinent information throughout this region is one of the key focuses of the Communications Office. “It is important to keep all people within our Diocese connected and wellinformed,” Wayne Gignac stated. Wayne was appointed by Bishop Cote as Editor of the Four County Catholic (FCC) and Director of Communications after the retirement of Michael Strammiello. He, along with Meredith Morrison,

Meredith Morrison – “I’ve had the privilege of working for the Diocese for 11 years. Producing the Four County Catholic has become a passion for me, giving me an opportunity to reach out to thousands of people and share the good news of the Gospel. In the process, it has become deeply personal for me, it’s very satisfying.”

Sales and Production Manager for the FCC, handle the daily operations of the office. Press relations, public relations and evangelization are three fundamental missions that are part of Wayne and Meredith’s work day. Press relations involve being accessible to media outlets and offering insight on current issues. As a public relations resource, the Communications Office fields various inquiries, providing prompt answers and direction. Through print (Four County Catholic), online ( and CT/), and coordination of the TV

Mass program in partnership with the Hartford Archdiocese, the Communications Office utilizes these platforms to share our Catholic faith. The Four County Catholic newspaper, launched in 1989, remains the flagship communication vehicle of the Diocese. Wayne feels people view the Four County Catholic as “a lifeline…a way to stay connected to the Diocese and their faith.” Each issue features news on national and local levels, keeping its print and online readership growing at 45,000.

The Communications Office is also expanding the online dynamic. A recent redesign of the Website offers a more ministry focused and user-friendly experience. Plans are in the works to increase the social media presence to encourage interactive communications with parishioners and visitors. The Communications Office is currently staffed by two individuals wearing multiple hats. On any given day they face numerous challenges in their roles. When asked: “What makes you come to work every day?” …they answered:

Wayne Gignac – “Like all the ministries in the Diocese, the work we do in Communications is a labor of love. Being able to ‘rejoice in the good of others’, using the tools available, allows us to carry on the mission of Christ. And isn’t that what we are called to do?”

Thank you, Office of Communications for “Standing Together to Build the Future”! 2018

Diocese of Norwich

Annual Catholic Appeal

For information on the Annual Catholic Appeal and how you can help support the ministries in the Diocese please visit or call 860-886-1928.

Catholic Foundation Grows with Addition of Two New Endowments By Mary Ellen Mahoney


Upon his death, it was Reverend A r c h a m b a u l t ’s wish that his estate be used to help his beloved friends and neighbors and as a result, The Reverend Richard Archambault Endowment was born. Reverend Monsignor Henry Archambault, Richard’s brother, expressed his joy in the creation of his brother’s endowment, “Establishment of this endowment feels very appropriate since Richard dedicated half his life to serving the poor in Northeast Connecticut. This endowment is a wonderful way to carry on Richard’s memory forever, serving the people he loved so dearly.” Monsignor Archambault plans to include the endowment in his own testamentary plans, stating “Through future donations to this endowment from others as well as from my own estate when I pass, and my name is added to the endowment, I hope that this endowment will grow and be able to help even more people.” Also, Liza Roach and her father, Robert N. Roach, Jr (Nick) through their family owned business. The Chemical Company, located in Jamestown, Rhode Island established the Roach Family Endowment Fund this past September. Liza is the Youth and Young Adult Minister in

the Office of Faith Events. The Roach Family Endowment is for the benefit of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation to deepen and enrich the faith lives of the young people of the Diocese of Norwich. Nick Roach was very happy to open this new endowment to nurture children’s faith formation stating, “Children without faith live life with a glass that is half empty. Bringing faith into their lives gives them the support of faith throughout life to make their glass half full. Knowing of Christ’s love is a wonderful and consoling thing.” Liza Roach feels that that the endowment is of great

benefit because, “There are so many ways the money can enhance the catechetical leaders with programing to form our children and youth as well as directly aiding the funding of religious formation in parishes. Religious Education does not just happen in Catholic Schools and this fund makes sure to take care of the needs of educators, children, and youth in parishes.” Anyone interested in donating to either of these two endowments or learning more about establishing an endowment may contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Director of Development, at or 860- 886-1928, ext. 13.

PLEASE HELP THIS HOLIDAY SEASON “We love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love.” - Saint Vincent de Paul

Donations are welcomed and always needed! St. Vincent de Paul Middletown


St.Vincent de Paul Place Norwich 860-889-7374


The Reverend Richard Archambault Endowment was established to benefit St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich to provide residents of the greater Putnam areas with assistance and support. Reverend Archambault served the Diocese of Norwich for 63 years. Most recently, he was Chaplain of the Holy Spirit Provincial House in Putnam and Director of Project Northeast an organization dedicated to providing food, clothing and household assistance to individuals and families in Connecticut’s Northeast corner. For 41 years, Father Richard Archambault ran Project Northeast with the assistance

of Sister Eleanor Baldoni, D.H.S.

December 2018


enerous and kind people continue to look to endowments in the Catholic Foundation as a great way to support their favorite Diocesan ministry in a substantial and lasting way. The Catholic Foundation’s 28th and 29th endowments were recently established.



Norwich DiocesaN cemeteries At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.”

December 2018


(Preface - Christian Death IV)


saiNt mary cemetery

Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465

saiNt mary & st. Joseph cemetery Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019

all hallows cemetery

Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019

sacreD heart cemetery

Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019

sacreD heart cemetery

Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019



Father Ray Introvigne

At 10:00am

Channel 11, WCCT Comcast Channel 20, WTXX Charter

The Catholic Parishes of Ledyard & Groton

Invite you to a six part DVD series

presented by Dr. Tim Gray of the Augustine Institute on LECTIO – PRAYER. Dr. Gray’s presentations & his participant guide provide a clear, comprehensive explanation of the LECTIO method of personal & small group PRAYER as a way to deepen your relationship with God. Presentations will be on Wednesday evenings at 7pm

DEC 12, 19 & JAN 2

in the rectory meeting room at Our Lady of Lourdes (1650 Rte 12, Gales Ferry - across from CVS)

For more information and to reserve your seat please contact the parish secretary 860-464-7251 / secretary There is a $20 fee (payable in advance or at the initial session) for the Participant Study Guide, used during the presentations and for personal practice of the LECTIO method of PRAYER during the periods between presentations.

saiNt patrick cemetery

Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019

resurrectioN cemetery

Route 145, Westbrook • 860-443-3465

Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360


Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.


Diocesan “In the sixth month, the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee, called Nazareth, to a Virgin whose name was Mary…Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God. You will conceive and bear a son, and You shall name Him Jesus (which means ‘God is with us’), He will be great and will be called ‘Son of the Most High’…He will rule over the house of Jacob FOREVER, and of His Kingdom there will be NO end!” John 15:11-14

Announcements On this day, Jesus, the Saviour is born of the Virgin Mary. The Crib makes us see the “sign” which God has given us: “a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger” (Lk 2:12). Like the shepherds of Bethlehem, may we too set out to see this sign, this event which is renewed yearly in the Church.

Excerpt from Pope Francis’s 2015 Christmas message

Masses of Healing and Hope 2nd and 4th Monday’s, 2pm December 10th ONLY January 14 & 28 2019 Spiritual Renewal Center

Prayer and Discernment Board Monday, December,10 11am. Spiritual Renewal Center

Merry Christmas-Thank you Jesus!

MIDNIGHT MASS at The Cathedral of St. Patrick Streaming live on Tune in early for Christmas Carols Airing on WICH 1310AM and WCTY 97.7FM

“I (Jesus) came that you (your name) may have LIFE (healing, deliverance, peace) and have it to the FULLEST!” John 10:16

Healing Mass and Healing Service

Sunday, December 30 St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 870 Farmington Ave., West Hartford. Mass 1-2pm, Healing Service 2-4pm Prayer Teams, Individual Prayer & Anointing

Life in the Spirit Retreat Weekend

Friday, January 18, 7pm - Sunday, January 20 (lunch) My Father’s Retreat Center, Moodus, To register/$150: 860-873-1906 or www.myfather’ Snow Date-February 1-3 Presented by Fr. Ray Introvigne & Judith Hughes

Spiritual Renewal Services

Spiritual Renewal Center 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702

Independently Owned and Operated Since 1881

Steve Bennardo

Owner/Funeral Director 433 Main Street, Danielson, CT

25 Main Street, Central Village, CT




Every Tuesday, 2pm Spiritual Renewal Center

December 2018

Weekly Prayer Meetings


Love Serves

Merciful Saviour Gift Shop

December 2018


Family-owned and operated Christian Gift Shop dedicated to the Blessed Mother, and sharing the joy of our Lord and our faith


By Mother Christina

“Love Serves” is the motto of Sacred Heart School in Taftville, a school that our Sisters have staffed since its beginning in 1888. One of our alumni is Tim Jencks, Taftville Fire Chief, graduating from Sacred Heart School in 1984. He embodies “Love Serves” in his adult life as a firefighter and first responder, personally having responded to over 10,000 emergency calls during his years as a Taftville firefighter. During Catholic Schools Week in

We have Advent and Christmas items that will keep the tradition of Christ in Christmas! 392 South Main Street, Colchester

November, Chief Jencks shared with the student body how the qualities of faith, kindness, responsibility and respect were cultivated in his young life during his years at Sacred Heart School and how he embodies them in his adult life. He shared how influential the Sisters have been and the impact they have made. Chief Jencks serves with love and is passing on that joy in serving to future generations!


Store Hours: Mon-Wed 10-5, Thurs & Fri 10-6, Sat 10-3


Popes Prayer Intention:

That people, who are involved in the service and transmission of faith, may find, in their dialogue with culture, a language suited to the conditions of the present time


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Sponsored by the Sponsored by the Diocese ofofNorwich Dioces Norwich

December 2018

Seminarians Michael Bovino (left) and Jacob Ramos (right) marked an emotional moment and important step toward ordination when they formally became candidates for ordained ministry during the rite of Admission to Candidacy celebrated during a Mass Sunday, November 16th. The Rite of Candidacy is the public act where they, after completing their prerequisites and believing themselves to be called by God to Holy Orders, request admittance to the course of study and formation that leads to ordination. The Church acknowledges their intention and accepts them as candidates for possible ordination. They are pictured here following the Mass with Most Reverend Mark E. Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore (center left) and Monsignor Andrew R. Baker, (center right) Rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. Please keep all seminarians in your prayers.


Seminarians Mark a Milestone


EDUCATION The Road out of Poverty for Haiti’s Youth


December 2018


By Marie Farrell


utreach to Haiti has had an education sponsorship program in Haiti for more than 25 years. Only 15% of children in Haiti receive a free public education. The rest must pay for it, or not go to school. At Outreach we believe our Education Program is the most powerful tool to create opportunity and overcome poverty. Outreach sponsors over 200 students including 40 young adults who attend university or vocational schools. In addition to tuition support, students in our program receive annual medical, dental, nutritional care, and corrective eyewear, as needed. Outreach provides tutoring and a

Post-Secondary Students Fields of Study • • • •

Business Medicine and Nursing Engineering Computer Science

computer lab, seminars on life skills and other topics and an internship/job readiness program for older students. Our goal is not simply to enable children to attend school, but to provide the assistance they need to be successful in school. The hurdles children in Haiti face in getting an education are often enormous. In a country where less than 15% of children finish secondary school, 95% of students in our program pass each year. The state administers national exams at the end of 9th grade, and secondary school (13th grade). These exams must be passed to move on in school. This past year, all our students taking these exams passed!


We generally add children to the program at the primary grade levels. The most successful students ultimately attend university or vocational school. Currently we have 32 children in the post-secondary level, in many areas of study. We are working at expanding our internship program and skills building seminars for our post-secondary students to better position them to get employment when they finish school - which is the ultimate aim of the education. Their parents’ greatest hope is their children’s success in getting a better job. (continued onto next page)

$475 Primary School Student $550 Secondary School Student $850 Technical School Student $2,000 University Student Any donation is greatly appreciated! We welcome all support!

Christmas in Poland

November 17, 2018 to February 3, 2019 1 State Street, New Haven Open 10-5 daily 203-865-0400 Gift shop Free admission & parking Schools & groups welcome


Here are some of the children in our program Who Still Need sponsors:

Jeanne Anie is 6 years old, in 2nd grade and loves mathematics! “My favorite day was when the principal applauded me! What is most important in my life is God, my family and friends.” It is difficult since her father is out-ofwork and her mother’s secretarial work pays very little to support her family of 5.

Nenitha is in 4th grade. She is the only child of a police officer LEILA ANN and a nurse. She likes FERNANDO reading and math and Leila Anne is in 2nd wants to study hard, so Fernandois 8 years grade and lives with she too can become a old and is being moved her parents and baby nurse. up to the 4th grade. He sister. She loves likes mathematics! “I reading and drawing. am so happy to be a She says “Family, part of the sponsorship friends and education program! Education are most important in and Church will help my life.” me in life.” His parents are street vendors.

The children say,

“Thanks to your support I will keep going to school!”

LISA Lisa is 8 years old and does so well in school that she is exempted from the end of the year exams! She has some of the highest scores we’ve seen in mathematics and already knows she wants to study accounting.



Kelly Ander is starting 1st grade and lives with his mom, dad and two younger siblings. “Going to school was hard to begin and I cried but I like it now and to get a good education is important. I want to be doctor.”


December 2018




27th Annual

By Marie Wynn

December 2018



16 6

undreds gathered at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, to honor our service men and women during the 27th Annual Red, White and Blue Mass. A sea of uniformed military personnel, active and retired, reservists, veterans and auxiliaries stood in respect as the Color Guard marched into the Cathedral in Silence. The annual celebration is in thanksgiving to ALL who serve in our Military Forces, and in memory of all who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich was the celebrant, welcoming all the branches of service that were represented,” We thank God for all military personnel and pray for all service men and women, especially those who serve in harm’s way” Very Reverend Brian J Converse delivered the homily.





The Bishop Flanagan Ministry Center in Norwich is seeking a Part-time Receptionist/Administrative Assistant. “Beautiful Things For Children”

Get Ready for First Communion Dress Sale! All In-Stock Dresses!

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On the bridge, downtown Mystic


December 2018




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Ellington Church Undertakes Steeple Reconstruction

Originally built mainly of wood, the structure was covered in aluminum siding in the 1990s to stop deteriorations that were already taking place. In recent months the steeple has developed several leaks. Other issues discovered in a recent inspection include detached siding in some areas

of the steeple, deterioration of the steel frame, angle plates that need to be replaced and welded, deteriorated aluminum siding and louvers that must be removed.

Meanwhile, the carillon has also been temporarily disconnected while steeple reconstruction is under way but will be reinstalled once the work has been completed.

The original bronze bell that for many years summoned the parishioners to church is also damaged and has not sounded since the 1990s, when it was replaced with an electronic carillon system. As part of the renovation the bell had to be removed from the steeple belfry but because of its damaged condition it could not be rehung in the new steeple. Rather than dispose of it, the Building Committee decided to place it on a concrete base adjacent to the church to honor its significance in the church’s history.

Reconstructing the fifty-foothigh steeple is a complicated project. Demolition of the damaged steeple began in October. Of paramount importance is replacing the current materials with durable long-lasting quality materials. Valley Restoration LLC has been hired to do the work. The parish community, will be actively contributing their time, talent and treasure to insure the success of this project.


Ocean Avenue 12 Ocean12 Avenue New London, New London, CT CT 443-1871 443-1871

48 Grand Street Street 48 Grand Niantic, CT Niantic, CT 739-6112 739-6112


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112

December 2018

St. Luke Church, Ellington stands at the west end of the town green and has been the home parish to Catholics in Ellington and northwest Vernon for 56 years. Although the building has undergone several major renovations, including the addition of a parish center, the steeple itself has been mostly untouched and is now in urgent need of repair and reconstruction.


By Ellen O’Shaughnessy


| FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC | December 2018


Week One:

Prayers at the Advent Wreath

The first candle is lit, and the prayer for the first week is said. Leader: Let us pray. Stir up Thy might, we beg Thee, O Lord, and come, so that we may escape through Thy protection and be saved by Thy help from the dangers that threaten us because of our sins. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Week Two:

Two candles are lit on the second Sunday and allowed to burn as before. The prayer for the week is: Leader: Let us pray. O Lord, stir up our hearts that we may prepare for Thy only begotten Son, that through His coming we may be made worthy to serve Thee with pure souls. Through the same Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Week Three:

Three candles, including the rose candle, are lit on Gaudete, the third Sunday, and during that week. The following prayer is said: Leader: Let us pray. We humbly beg Thee, O Lord, to listen to our prayers; and by the grace of Thy coming bring light into our darkened minds. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Week Four:

All four candles are lit on the fourth Sunday and allowed to burn as before. The prayer said the fourth week is:: Leader: Let us pray. Stir up Thy might, we pray Thee, O Lord, and come; rescue us through Thy great strength so that salvation, which has been hindered by our sins, may be hastened by the grace of Thy gentle mercy. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Visit for Advent Reflections

th th


Merry Christmas good work that we do.

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th ANNIVERSARY SPONSOR THANK YOU YOU TO TO OUR OUR 95 95th THANK ANNIVERSARY SPONSOR Stephen and Patricia Coan Stephen and Patricia Coan

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THANK YOU YOU TO TO OUR OUR GALA GALA SPONSORS SPONSORS THANK To those those that that purchased purchased aa ticket, ticket, donated donated or or purchased purchased aa Michael and and Angela Angela Arnold Arnold To Michael Catholic Charities is currently silent auction item, purchased a Flame of Remembrance, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tessman collecting new silent auction item, purchased a Flame of Remembrance, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tessman or simply made made donation to CatholicCharities Charities; thank thank Mr. and and Mrs. Kenneth Capano, Sr. for children and unwrapped or Capano, gift cards simply aa donation Catholic Charities; Mr. Kenneth Sr. Ed or Tessman and the staff at to Catholic you! Ms. Jacqueline Keller you! Jacqueline agesMs. 1-15 untilKeller December 7th Ms. Christine Jackel Catholic Charities Locations 7KH HYHQLQJ VLJQLILHG D ´1HZ %HJLQQLQJµ IRU &DWKROLF Mr.can Everest Brustolon off at our Norwich All donations be dropped Charities and could not have been possible without your Chelsea Groton Bank location, 331 Main Street, Norwich Norwich (Main Office) Willimantic Middletown New London support. Dime Bank 860-889-8346 ext 266 331 Main Street 88 Jackson Street 151 Broad Street 28 Huntington Street ´,W was an amazing night and celebration, allowing860-346-0060 Catholic Charities to honor those in our community who support our organization through their 860-889-8346 860-423-7065 860-443-5328 20 20 hard word and unselfish dedication. We are truly blessed.µ said Edward J. Tessman, Executive Director 331 Main Street, Norwich, Connecticut 06360 / 860.889.8346 /


May you have 9 5 the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of HisCatholic loveCharities at Christmas Catholic Charities would like like to to thank thank everyone everyone who who would attended our 95 95 Anniversary Anniversary Gala Gala and and supported supported the the andattended always. our good work that we do.

December 2018

ProvidingDelivering Help, Creating Hope


Sacred Heart School, Groton

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Phone: 860-887-1757

Gail Kingston, Principal

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Staff Danielson, CT CT 25 Church ord Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

David Sizemore, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.

December 2018


My Dear Friends,


During the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas, in addition to preparing our students’ hearts for the coming of Our Savior and His humble birth, our thoughts turn also to Our Blessed Mother, the first Christian. Our Lady was told by the Angel Gabriel that she was going to have a baby who would be the Savior of the world. She was also told that Her cousin, Elizabeth was with child. The first thing Mary did was accept God’s will, despite the overwhelming thoughts of what could happen to Her. This is a lesson for all of us. Accept whatever God wills for us, having faith that He will provide. This is an important lesson which is reinforced with frequency in our Catholic schools. Next, she traveled a distance while pregnant to visit Elizabeth, who was much older. This was not an easy or short trek, but she did it. Service to others was second nature to Mary. This is a prime example of putting our faith in action, another lesson reinforced in our schools, especially in our various service projects. As we all know, the Baby Jesus was not born in a luxurious maternity suite, or a hospital, or even in His own town. Mary and Joseph put all their faith in God, who directed them to a humble stable, where the King of Kings was born. Without complaint, Mary nurtured her Son in the company of animals and shepherds whom she did not even know. Fast forward to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry as an adult. The last quoted biblical words of Mary to the wine steward at the wedding in Cana were “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5) This statement is the core of what we instill in our students in the Diocese of Norwich Catholic schools. Jesus could have come to us in any form, but God’s will was for Him to be born in all humility as a little baby in a manger. This alone is a lesson for our students: the simple things in life are the most valuable. Even His main message, to love God and our neighbor, was simple in context yet profound in meaning. This is why our ministry is so important. During these seasons of Advent and Christmas, let us all be reminded of Our Blessed Mother, in her surrender to God’s will, her unending faith, her service to others, and most importantly, for giving birth to the Lamb of God who brings peace on earth for those who follow Him. May Our Blessed Mother continue to nurture us, through her intercession with her Son, so that we always will remain true Christian role models for our children. Have a wonderful peace-filled Advent and Christmas Season. With Gratitude Always, Henry Fiore, Jr. Superintendent of Schools St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

Sharon Briere , Principal

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849

St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

St. Joseph School, New London Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

St. Bernard School, Uncasville “A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

Saint Bernard Junior Ring Mass By Shari Marderness

From the Saint Bernard Family to Your Family…

Bishop Michael R. Cote hands Sophia Duhig her class ring.

May your Christmas be Blessed and your New Year filled with Peace and Joy.

Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President

1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735

December 2018

Saint Bernard School • Grades 6–12 • 1593 Norwich-NL Tpke • Uncasville, CT 06382

(L to R): Bella McClure, Victoria Hannaford, Adelina Marcille, Grace Reilly, Taina Quinones, Carly Potts, and Caroline Codner Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic


On November 1st, The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, celebrated the Junior Ring Mass with the Saint Bernard School community. He blessed the class rings and other symbols belonging to members of the Class of 2020. Following Mass, students and their families celebrated at a reception in the gym.


| FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC | December 2018


Bishop Cote presentes the St. Timothy Award to Ethan Tessman


By Andrea Hoisl

nternationally renowned ‘Music Missionary’ John Angotti provided inspirational music and faith witness for hundreds of Diocesan youth gathered at this year’s Youth Explosion at St. Bernard High School in Montville.

With his melodious voice and message, Angotti sang and spoke to the youth about the importance of having an intimate relationship with God throughout their lives. “People in this world will let you down because we are all human and imperfect, but God will never let you down because He is divine,” he said.

“His message was simple, yet so profound. He encouraged the youth to speak to God through prayer and only ask Him one question – what

A Spiritual Eruption for All

do You want me to do with my life? This is a question most of them had never thought of asking God,” said Liza Roach, Youth and Young Adult coordinator for the Diocese.

The inspiring start to the day was followed by a presentation from renowned Speaker and Retreat Leader Robert Fiducia. His personal story-telling style and high energy presentation communicated the purpose and meaning of our Catholic traditions in the ever-changing world that we live in. He incorporated games as well as technology and media to drive home his message. “We get mad at technology because it’s too slow or malfunctions at times, when we should be in awe and wonder of all that it can do and does for us on a daily basis,” Fiducia noted. He stressed that at times we

Bishop Cote presents the St.Timothy Award to Marco Kouatly

may feel empty and alone despite all we have because only God can fill the void we feel in our hearts and in our lives. The youth and adults in attendance listened and participated in numerous interactive games that Fiducia and Roach planned, culminating with Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael R. Cote and several diocesan priests. Following Mass, Bishop Cote presented the St. Timothy Award to two Diocesan high-school students who have demonstrated good standing in the community, school and in their parish. Recipients of the award must exemplify the threefold purpose of the award: good moral values, Christian service and Catholic leadership. This year’s recipients were Ethan Tessman

from St. Mary Church, Clinton, and Marco Kouatly from St. Thomas Aquinas, Storrs. Both students have been involved in parish, diocesan, school and community youth programs and services throughout their high school years

After a full day of faith and fun, Youth Explosion closed with a mini-concert involving all the students and adults present. “I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got here today, but I was so glad to have the opportunity to listen to the speakers. They gave me so much to think about and everyone who was at Youth Explosion was really nice and welcoming. It was a good day,” said student participant Tyler McNamara.

Christmas Prayer


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December 2018




sweet Child of Bethlehem, grant that we may share with all our hearts in this profound mystery of Christmas. Put into the hearts of men and women this peace for which they sometimes seek so desperately and which you alone can give to them. Help them to know one another better, and to live as brothers and sisters, children of the same Father. Reveal to them also your beauty, holiness and purity. Awaken in their hearts love and gratitude for your infinite goodness. Join them all together in your love. And give us your heavenly peace.



Consider Becoming a Lay Carmelite Who are Lay Carmelites?

to live the tive spirit of actice of prayer ne Office and s the other charism— d service.

December 2018

here are many ities. In the y Carmelites n of two t Observance: st Pure Heart Groton, ities within in Middletown, , Shelton, New members r further act Suzanne oordinator, at com.


Where Can I Find a Lay Carmelite Community Near me? Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, Groton 69 Groton Long Point Road Meets: 3rd Sat, 10 am-12 pm

Holy Face of Jesus, Middletown St. Francis of Assisi, 10 Elm Street Meets: 4th Sun., 1-3:30 pm

Immaculate Heart, Wethersfield

St. Therese, Waterbury Immaculate Conception Basilica, West Main St. Meets: 3rd Tues.

Mystical Rose, Shelton St. Lawrence Church Parish Center, 505 Shelton Ave. Meets: 2nd Thurs., 6:30-9 pm

St. Joseph, Danbury 8 Robinson Avenue Meets: 1st Sat., 10:30 am

Sacred Heart Church, 56 Hartford Ave. Meets: 4th Wed., 6-9 pm

For further information, please contact: Suzanne Henderson, Regional Coordinator |

Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. Embracing Service. Living Faith. | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |


part of the he Carmelite rnational public the purpose of an perfection. iving the e (Ancient) the Blessed Carmel under er itself.

An Education You Can Believe In.


i with

A Lay Carmelite must be a Catholic 18 or older fully participating in the sacramental life of the Church. They are called to live more deeply their baptismal promises. The Lay Carmelite follows the mission of Carmel - which is also the mission of the Church to transform the secular world according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through the Carmelite charism and dedication to prayer, community and service. Most importantly, being a Lay Carmelite is not just a devotion added to life; it is a way of life—a vocation!


Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese.

St. John Paul II Regional Catholic School 87 South Main Street / Middletown, CT 06457 Telephone: 860-347-2978 /

Four County


By Mary Ellen Mahoney

ow many times have you heard people complain about the end of the year and how By Mary Ellen Mahoney busy they are? From Thanksgiving onward, many feel overwhelmed ow many times have with the you responsibilities and heard people busyness ofcomplain the season. aboutAs themuch end as everyoneofloves Christmas the year and how and busy From New they Year,are? there areThanksgiving a good portion onward, many feel overwhelmed of people who feel rushed to just with the responsibilities and get through it all. This is very, very busyness of the season. As much as sad. Not only the yearand endNew filled everyone loves is Christmas with time to joyously celebrate Year’s, there are a good portion of being who withfeel ourrushed families and people to just get the through it all. This is very, very sad. birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Not only is yearend filled with Christ, but it also provides us with time to joyously celebrate the opportunity to takebeing stock of with our families and the birth of our year as it concludes. Amidst our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all itofalso theprovides activities, Masses but us with the and gatherings, toittake is stock worthwhile to opportunity of our year as it concludes. Amidst all oftime the of carve out some quiet activities, reflection.Masses and gatherings,


it is worthwhile to carve out some

on Your Year

We need to make this time part of our year-end routine because it allows us to really appreciate how we as people have progressed quiet time ofthe reflection. know we through year. I When many of you are reading this we saying quietly review our year, will to yourselves, “Time for me to relax remember many wonderful events, and reflect? Ha!” special We need totransitions, make this timeamazing part accomplishments, well as the of our yearend routineasbecause itsadder allows us to really events in appreciate life, loss and how we as people have disappointment. But progressed in them all, through year. When we willthe see, if we takewethe time to quietly review our year, we will quiet ourselves, the loveevents, of Jesus remember many wonderful Christthe support He gave us to special transitions, amazing achieve the good and asdeal accomplishments, as well the with sadder events in life, loss and the bad. Once we have been able disappointment. in them to consider theBut events of all, the we past will see, if we take the time to quiet year, it is also useful to take an ourselves, the love of Jesus Christinventory financial health. the support of Heour gave us to achieve

adjust your budget accordingly? Have you supported your favorite charity by donating your time and talent or provided monetary Have you been able to meet your to support to the organization expenses with or do you needyou carry out itsease mission? Have to reevaluate and perhaps adjust found these involvements to be your budge accordingly? Have you worthwhile do charity you want to supported yourand favorite become more involved, perhaps by donating your time and talent orbyprovided monetaryfor support to volunteering a ministry the organization to carry out its or making a planned gift to your mission? Have found these Parish or the you Diocese? We cannot involvements to be worthwhile even to make plans for our and do begin you want to become more future until we evaluate our involved, perhaps by volunteeringpast. Wea need to prioritize goals and for ministry or makingour a planned gift to your Parish or the Diocese? determine how our time, talent and We cannotcan evenbest begin to make treasure allow us toplans meet for our future until we evaluate our our goals. All of this begins within past. We need to prioritize our goals thedetermine quiet of contemplation. and how our time, talent

together! All the good you have done, all the people you have touched, all the love you have given, all of this must be what you and Jesus have the New celebrated! Whatever accomplished All right the good Year bringstogether! your way, now, you have done, all the people you you can pause for a bit, take stock have touched, all the love you have of what has been where given, all of this mustand be praise celebrated! you stand now. Whatever the New Year brings your

way, right now, you can pause for a bit, of what hasleave been and If take you stock would like to a gift praise where you stand now. to the Diocese, a ministry or to If you feel inclined to make a establish an endowment with the gift now before the year ends or Catholic Foundation please contact plan for a gift to be made during Mary the New Ellen Year orMahoney, far into the Executive future, Director Development and please contactofMary Ellen Mahoney, Development ManagerMajor Gifts Major Gifts at memahoney@ atnorwichdiocese. memahoney@norwichdiocese. net or (860) 886net or (860) 886-1928 ext. 14. 1928 ext. 13. Mary Ellen is available to help you the good and deal with the bad. and treasure can best allow us to to make a gift to your Parish, the Andour lastgoals. but not don’t let the Diocese, a Diocesan ministry or to Have beenbeen ableable to meet your meet Onceyou we have to Allleast, of this begins consider eventsease of theorpastdo you within the quiet of contemplation. year end without celebrating what establish an endowment with the expensesthewith year, it is also useful to take an And last but not least, don’t let Catholic Foundation as well. need to reevaluate and perhaps you and Jesus have accomplished inventory of our financial health. the year end without celebrating

The Good News is that Christmas brings the gift of faith, the blessings of hope and the peace of His love.

Thank You For the opportunity to continue to share the news of our faith with you and for your kind and generous response to our recent fundraising appeal. Wishing you every blessing this Christmas and in the New Year.

Your Four County Catholic Team

December 2016 December 2018 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |


Take Time to Reflect TakeonTime to Reflect Your Year


27 19

| FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC | December 2018


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The students of St. Joseph School in New London collected new toys for the children in the care of Norwich Department of Families. Pictured above are 8th graders Nolan Marcille, Emily Hernandez, Anna Kripas, Sam Rodriguez, and kindergarteners Noah Silva and Lorr Etienne.

To place an ad or story in the FEBRUARY Issue: Advertisements and content due Monday JANUARY 7, 2019 Contact Advertising Sales/Production Manager Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933

Candle Light Concert & Compline O


n Sunday, November 18th, the Candle Light Concert was performed by the Golden Soloists and the Norwich Diocesan Choir. A few music selections on the program included Clare de Lune by Claude Debussy and The Prayer of St. Francis by Bradly Ellingboe. Reverend Peter Langevin led those present in Compline following the performance.

December 2018

By Anna Wynn


St. Joseph School

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December 2018


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Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.

~-WG MWP-~

CNA/EWTN News Vatican City-- Growing up in Florida, Rich Varano spent a lot of time making things out of sand with his dad. He never imagined it could turn into his full-time gig – but 30 years later, he cannot imagine doing anything else. He sculpts year-round and has traveled extensively for the work. For the past 17 years he has participated annually in a special sand-sculpting event in the northern Italian beachtown of Jesolo, where professional sand sculptors from around the world create original sculptures of the nativity and other Christian stories for locals and visitors to enjoy during the Christmas season. This year, for the first time, the tradition was also brought to the center of the Catholic Church, in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. “To be surrounded by such history, and art, and beauty, and magnificence, is quite humbling,”

Varano told CNA. Jesolo’s exhibit for 2018 is made up of seven Old Testament scenes, viewed along a winding path. It begins with the creation of Adam and Eve and ends with the focal piece: Christ’s birth. The Vatican Sand Nativity, by contrast, is much larger, comprising about three-quarters of the sand being used in Jesolo to make up just one giant sculpture of Mary, Joseph, the Child Jesus, and an angel. The 52-foot-wide sculpture was unveiled on December 7. He said the idea for a sand nativity at the Vatican started three years ago and took until now to be put into effect. The sculpting alone he estimated to be over 175 total hours of labor. As artistic director and lead sculptor, Varano got to hand-pick his team of three other artists – from Russia, the Czech Republic, and Holland – each of whom, he said, have “incredible skill.”

The design for the sculpture and a plan for its execution were very carefully laid out in advance, and methodically worked through, since they work in stages from top to bottom – and there is no possibility of fixing or changing something above once the work below it has begun. The sand itself, around 700 tons, was shipped from Jesolo to ensure the right quality for sculpting. “These elements of the Bible have always been used as a beacon, as a guiding light for people,” he said, pointing out that with the many challenges and conflicts around the world, these images give him hope “that more and more, as time goes by, we can be as one and have peace.” “The theme and the motif of the nativity is just such a graceful and joyful experience, whether you’re working to create something that reflects it or just experiencing it by seeing it,” he said. “It’s a wonderful

thing and for that we’re very grateful.” Varano said he and the other artists hope their work inspires joy in whoever sees it. “Because we enjoy making it and it’s a blessing to be able to do something you really love and enjoy doing that also brings joy to others. It’s its own reward.” “For me that’s been such a spiritual fulfillment,” he added.

Rich Varano. Credit: Alberto Basile/CNA

December 2018

Sand Nativity scene in the Italian town of Jesolo. Credit/ Town of Jesolo.


American sculptor humbled to bring sand nativity to Vatican




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December 2018


Holiday Season


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