CATHOLIC Volume 28 • Number 7 • August 2016
God’’s Mercy Transforms Hearts
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham & Fishers Island, NY
Happy Beneficiaries of the Catholic Foundation
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, celebrates with award recipients.
In this Issue: page
“The ordained carry a message of hope in their hearts.”
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham a & Fishers Island, NY
Established in 1989 and published each month except July.
A message from Most Reverend Michael R. Côte, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, at the July 16, 2016 Diaconate Ordination.
"Que hace el V Encuentro? Da testimonio del amor de Dios y su compasion."
29 page
25 page
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
“I Thirst”
August 2016
31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613 Fax 860.859.1253 Director of Communications/Executive Editor
Michael Strammiello, 860.887.3933
Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294
Mother Teresa as quoted by Henry Fiore Jr., new Superintendent of Diocesan Schools, when speaking of his outlook regarding Catholic education.
The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich and Mother Christina Van Beck, S.C.M.C. Principal, Sacred Heart School, Taftville celebrate with student award recipients.
Cover photo by Michael Arnold
• AUGUST 2016 28 • NUMBER 7
Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933 c Subscriptions
Judy Pappagallo, 860.848.2237 x302 j The Hartford Courant 285, Broad Street, Hartford, CT 060115 Annual Subscription
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Linda Norton sharing the sentiments of all who attended the Bishop’s Blessing of The Fleet in Stonington Borough on July 31.
Advertising Sales
“Everyone was also grateful to the Stonington Police and Fire Departments for their protection and assistance.”
Theological Advisor
“Be Jesus to everyone you meet. And in everyone you meet, see Jesus."
Editorial Office
The words Jesus spoke from the cross adopted as this year's theme at the Steubenville Summer Conference to help bring teens into a deeper relationship with Jesus and His Church.
To all subscribers: The August Four County Catholic is the second issue to be printed in partnership with the Hartford Courant as printer and graphic layout designer. One of the newly built-in cost efficiencies is a slight reduction in the length of the paper. This size adjustment, you will find, also enhances the ease of handling of the paper. We hope you enjoy the new format and the continuing role of the paper, in print and online, to share the vitality of the diocese and our faith. Thank you. The Editorial Team.
Sister Mary Jude Lazarus
Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal
God’’s Mercy Transforms Hearts
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eficiaries Happy Ben tholic Foundation of the Ca
Michael R. Most Reverend
Cote, Bishop of
Norwich, celebrates
with award recipi
Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613 FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 7 August 2016 (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613
Four County
Regaining Confidence and Hope
“Amen, I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
It is my continiuing privilege to participate in a variety of inspiring events celebrating your generous efforts in support of our children and their families. One such memorable gathering was the recent Catholic Foundation Awards Dinner, at which students receive tuition assistance grants, and diocesan schools receive program assistance among other grants awarded. You may have noticed the cover photo, taken that evening, reflecting the joy and gratitude of our young people knowing that their community of faith is so securely behind them. Lately, I have been struck by the stark contrast of the beaming hope on the faces of the young benificiaries of your generosity versus the images of violence that fill the news venues day after day. I have seen the face of hate on TV newscast images, and I have seen the love and hope on the faces of our youth. Love is stronger. His Holiness Pope Francis intuitively knew that this was the time to proclaim a Year of Mercy. As the Holy Father reminds us, “Jesus shows us the merciful patience of God so that we can regain
confidence and hope – always.” That confidence is ever present in the uplifting faces and joyful voices of the children. This is where they, the children, can teach us. Sometimes, when I am visiting one of our elementary schools, as I do regularly, I stop to visit the first grade class. I’ll kid with them that I noticed a “1” on the door, and I’ll ask if that means their class is number one? Well, smiles break out quickly and sometimes even a sports-like chant of “We are number one…we are number one!” Always seems to go well, and always impresses me how close to the surface joy is at that age. How wonderful. During these turbulent times, we will do what we can collectively and individually to steer the world in the direction that the young are naturally blessed to see so much more clearly than adults. We can work at staying informed; vote as faithful citizens and believers in Christian values and the sanctity of each human life; and pray for enlightened world leadership. What we can most certainly do is to preserve and honor human life and believe steadfastly in the inherent goodness of the young. It should be encouraging to all of us that we are actively doing so much for the young and for families within the diocese
and even beyond, as, for example, with our outreach to the children of Haiti. Our schools, from elementary through secondary, are providing our students a sound education as well as instilling character, faith and a sense of service and respect for others. Our warmest welcome goes out to new Superintendent of Diocesan Schools, Henry Fiore Jr., who now assumes the leadership role in carrying on the Catholic school tradition of educating the whole child. Our prayers and best wishes go out every day to all the pastors, principals, teachers, boards, parents, sponsors, students, alumni and support staff who encourage the self-confidence and hope of our next generation of caring and responsible Catholics and citizens of this great Country under God. Diocesan initiated activities for teens is increasing as we become more involved in national and international programs and local diocesan programs. The recently celebrated World Youth Day in Krakow and locally at St. Mary Church in Portland typifies the increasing energy behind youth activiities, many encouraged by the Diocesan Youth Council and the Office of Faith Events. Further focusing on the young, Catholic
Matthew 18:3
Charities is right there “providing help, creating hope” for families through the adoption process and by offering so many family support services. Your support of these efforts helps lift the lives of our young people and prepares them to show the world that love is stronger than hate. To show the world that family is and always will be the building block of an enduring society. To show the world that educating the mind and nurchering the spirit will provide the strength of character to overcome the negative and will let love prevail. Thanks to your caring sacrifice for the young, they will surely recognize in their time the truth of the Holy Father’s wisdom that: “God’s mercy can make even the driest land become a garden…let us be renewed by God’s mercy, let us be loved by Jesus, let us enable the power of his love to transform our lives.” Sincerely yours in Christ’s love and joy,
Bishop Michael R. Cote
Recuperar La Confianza Y La Esperanza “Amén, en verdad les digo, que si no cambian y no son como niños, no entraran en el reino de los cielos.” Mateo 18:3
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Es un privilegio continuo el asistir a
una variedad de eventos inspiradores que celebran sus generosos esfuerzos en apoyo a nuestros niños y a sus familias.
Una de estas reuniones memorables fue la reciente Cena de Premios de la Fundación Católica, en el que los estudiantes
reciben subvenciones de asistencia para matrícula, y las escuelas diocesanas reciben asistencia de programa entre otras Continued on page 4
August 2016
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Four County
Our DIOCESE Continued from page 3
Recuperar La Confianza Y La Esperanza
subvenciones concedidas. Usted puede haber notado la foto de la portada de este ejemplar, tomada esa noche, reflejando la alegría y el agradecimiento de nuestros jóvenes que saben que su comunidad de fe está firme apoyándolos. Últimamente, me ha llamado la atención el contraste de la esperanza radiante en los rostros de los jóvenes beneficiarios por su generosidad y buena voluntad frente a las imágenes de violencia que llenan las sedes de noticias día tras día. He visto la cara de odio en las imágenes de emisión de televisión, y he visto el amor y la esperanza en las caras de nuestra juventud. El amor es más fuerte. Su Santidad el Papa Francisco intuitivamente sabía que este era el momento de proclamar un Año de la Misericordia. Como el Santo Padre nos recuerda, “Jesús nos muestra la paciencia misericordiosa de Dios para que podamos recuperar la confianza y la esperanza-siempre”. Esa confianza está siempre presente en las caras alegres y voces que elevan los niños. Aquí es donde, los niños, nos pueden enseñar. A veces, cuando estoy visitando una de nuestras escuelas primarias, como hago habitualmente, paro a visitar la clase de primer grado. Bromeo con ellos cuando veo un “1” en la puerta, y les pregunto si eso significa que ¿su
clase es la número uno? Bueno, sonrisas rompen rápidamente y, a veces incluso un canto de deportes como el de “¡Somos la número uno…somos la número uno!” Siempre parecen estar bien, y siempre me impresiona ver cuán cerca de la superficie está la alegría a esa edad. ¡Que maravilloso! Durante estos tiempos turbulentos, vamos a hacer lo que colectiva e individualmente podemos hacer para dirigir el mundo en el sentido de los jóvenes que son, naturalmente, bendecidos de ver mucho más claramente que los adultos. Podemos trabajar al mantenernos informados; votar como ciudadanos y creyentes en los valores cristianos fieles y la santidad de cada vida humana; orar por el iluminado liderazgo mundial; dejar que la fe guie el camino. Una cosa que sin duda podemos hacer es preservar y respetar la vida humana y creer firmemente en la bondad inherente de los jóvenes. Debe ser alentador para todos nosotros que estamos haciendo tanto por los jóvenes y por las familias de forma activa tanto dentro de la diócesis e incluso más allá, como, por ejemplo, con nuestro alcance a los niños de Haití. Nuestras escuelas, desde la primaria hasta la secundaria, están proporcionando a nuestros estudiantes una educación sólida, así como carácter, fe y el sentido
de servicio e inculcar el respeto por los demás. Nuestra más cordial bienvenida a nuestro Superintendente de Escuelas Diocesanas, Henry Fiore Jr., quien asumirá el papel de liderazgo en la realización de la educación integral del niño en la tradición de la escuela católica. Nuestras oraciones y mejores deseos van todos los días para todos los sacerdotes, directores, maestros, comités, padres, patrocinadores, estudiantes, ex alumnos y personal de apoyo que fomentan la confianza en sí mismos y la esperanza de nuestra próxima generación de católicos y ciudadanos solidarios y responsables de este gran país bajo la guía de Dios. Las actividades diocesanas promovidas para los adolescentes y la organización de programas diocesanos locales van en aumento a medida que se involucran más en programas Nacionales e Internacionales. El recientemente celebrado Día Mundial de la Juventud en Cracovia y aquí, en la Iglesia Saint Mary en Portland unifica la energía aumentando actividades juveniles, muchos alentados por el Consejo de la Juventud Diocesana y la Oficina de Eventos de Fe. Además de centrarse en los jóvenes Caridad Católica está justo allí “prestando ayuda, creando esperanza” para las familias a través del proceso de adopción y tantos servicios de apoyo familiar. Su apoyo a estos esfuerzos de ayuda
a levantar la vida de nuestros jóvenes los prepara para mostrar al mundo que el amor es más fuerte que el odio. Para mostrar al mundo que la familia es y será siempre la piedra angular de una sociedad duradera. Para mostrar al mundo que la educación de la mente y el alimento del espíritu proporcionará la fuerza de carácter para superar los efectos negativos y dejar que prevalezca el amor. Gracias a su cuidado y su sacrificio por los jóvenes, seguramente reconoce en su tiempo la verdad de la sabiduría del Santo Padre: “La misericordia de Dios puede hacer que incluso que la tierra más seca se convierta en un jardín…vamos a ser renovados por la misericordia de Dios, vamos a ser amados por Jesús, vamos a habilitar la fuerza de su amor para transformar nuestras vidas.” Atentamente en el amor y la alegría de Cristo,
Michael R. Cote Obispo de Norwich
More than a Blessing of the Fleet By Linda Norton
August 2016
St. Mary in Stonington Borough celebrated its 63rd annual Blessing of the Fleet on July 31st.
The church was nearly at full capacity as cross bearer, Chris Koretski, altar servers Benjamin and William Fyke, and the 4th degree Knights of Columbus Color Corps led The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, the Very Rev. Dennis M. Perkins (pastor of St. Mary, St. Michael, and St. Thomas More), and Pastor Emeritus (St. Mary) Msgr. Richard P. LaRocque, into the sanctuary. The choir led the faithful in a
processional hymn with words apropos for the occasion: “O Hear us when we raise our pleas for those in peril on the sea”. The sea was what this day was about, or more specifically, it was about the fishermen who work, and sometimes have died, on the perilous sea.
The fishing trade and the faithful generations that have embraced it have influenced Stonington’s history and culture. Stonington’s fishing families have treasured memories of their loved ones. Rita Castodio, 80, remembers how her father dedicated his life to fishing and what it meant to him. She is grateful that this tradition continues, and credits Georgia, whose father lost his life at sea,
and Mike Crowley (chairpersons) for their work in keeping this tradition going. In his homily, Bishop Cote acknowledged local fishermen: “We remember those who lost their lives at sea and remember those who provide food for us today”. He reminded us that our eternal home is Heaven. “Life is a precious gift, but it
doesn’t end here – it is only a preparation for a greater gift from God”. The names of deceased fishermen were chanted Continued on page 12
Four County
Two Permanent Deacons Ordained For The Diocese With Great Joy!
ust three weeks after ordaining four new priests for the Diocese of Norwich, on Saturday morning July 16th at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich we had a gathering of approximately 600 people to witness Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich ordain two men to the Permanent Diaconate for service here in the diocese. It truly was a morning of great joy and excitement for all involved. Deacon Ben Locasto from Saint Andrew Parish in Colchester and Deacon Octavio Flores from Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Middletown both had traveled a long and winding road to this very moving, life changing event in their lives. With
their families present and many priests, deacons, friends and parishioners, the two candidates experienced the joy and grace of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the Ordination. Both men have been steadfast in their response to God’s Call to serve with charity at the behest of the Bishop of Norwich. It was a beautiful celebration in which Deacon Ben’s and Deacon Octavio’s wives took part. Both wives proclaimed one of the readings during the liturgy of the Word, and then together after the ordination rite had concluded, also brought forward the Offertory Gifts for the celebration of the Eucharist. Following the Mass of Ordination to
the Permanent Diaconate, the excitement and joy overflowed as many gathered and shared a wonderful reception in the Cathedral hall where family, parishioners, and other guests were able to visit with both of the new deacons for the diocese. More of the details and photos of the event follow on pages 16-17. This has been a unique few weeks for the diocese in that Bishop Cote has had the opportunity to ordain a total of six men to serve here in the diocese for many years to come. All of this is happening first and foremost because of the prayers of so many of you from around the diocese. Thank you for your efforts in prayer.
Please keep praying and begging the Harvest Master to continue to send our diocese good men willing to sacrifice their lives to serve others as both permanent deacons and priests. God has never stopped calling men to serve in these capacities. With so many messages flooding people’s lives today, extra attention continues to be needed in all our lives to truly hear the voice of God speaking to us. Please come and join us as we continue praying for an increase of vocations at our next Monthly Eucharistic Holy Hour on Thursday, August 25th at St. Thomas Moore Church in North Stonington from 6 – 7pm. Hope to see you there!
Rejoice in Hope Day of Recollection
Evening of Recollection on the Argia
September 8, 2016 With Father Tom Hoar
Day of Recollection September 9, 2016 With Deacon Art Miller
K of C Afternoon of Recollection
Set some time aside for Him, book your retreat today!
(860) 536-0565
September 11, 2016 With Father Paul Walker, OP
Alanon Woman’s
September 16-18, 2016 With Sr. Linda Fisher
Woman’s Weekend September 23-25 2016 With Fran Karpiej, OFS.
August 2016
God invites us in the midst of the noise and distractions we face every day to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him.
Four County
A Day of Reflection at St. Mary of the Visitation Church
Submitted by Mary Burnett ather Michael Giannitelli of St. Mary of the Visitation Church in Clinton recently held a Day of Reflection in Visitation Hall. His subject was the Spirituality of ordinary time. Father Michael covered the Liturgical Cycle, the colors associated with each cycle and their significance. His emphasis was on Ordinary Time, the longest season in the five-season cycle. Father Michael spoke about how our daily lives are filled with ordinary time that can be spiritual and bring us closer to God by being conscious of our routine.
In this cycle, the Church is focused on the first thirty years of Jesus’ life. These were His routine ordinary public years lived in an extraordinary way. He was a carpenter. His friends were fishermen. He preached. He taught. He healed. In our lifetime, Mother Teresa may be the best example of using ordinary time in an extraordinary way. Eighty people participated in the two part conference which ended at 1:00pm after a luncheon that was filled with very lively discussions and leaving all proud to be Catholic.
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for August
That volunteers may give themselves generously to the service of the needy.
Introvigne August 2016
Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT
The World Needs Heroes. All young people have that deep desire to do something remarkable, to be someone remarkable. A light for those in darkness. Share the light of Christ. Answer the call. Let’s talk...
Have you considered the call? Father Greg Galvin Father860-887-9294 Greg Galvin 860-887-9294
Office of Vocations • Diocese of Norwich, CT • Office of Vocations • Diocese of Norwich, CT •
Shrine of Divine Mercy Stockbridge, MA
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 Come in the Spirit of Pilgrimage
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Four County
St. Mary Chapel Mausoleum in Norwich A Peaceful and Holy Resting Place
By Michael Strammiello Also to be considered is the freedom from the details and costs of vaults, monuments, markers, decoration and maintenance. I did ask the question about in-ground burial expense versus mausoleum and was informed that the costs are comparable. Additionally, there are niche spaces available for those families choosing cremation. I also found it interesting to learn that the mausoleum has been constructed of steel, reinforced concrete, bronze, glass and granite. It is not only a beautifully designed building, but built appropriately to last. Unofficially, there
An inspiring response to the growing popularity of above ground entombment The Chapel Mausoleum provides loved ones and friends indoor visitation in a peaceful and holy setting. All within a faithfully maintained Catholic cemetery. As people of faith, our burial places share an important meaning for us, since they are sacred places ...
....A reminder of the eternal love, fellowship and faith that we share. Call 860-887-1019 to learn more about a distinguished and cost comparable alternative ďŹ nal resting place for individuals, couples or families.
is still a generous number of available crypts for coffins and niches for urns. Some of the crypts have a capacity of four coffins. The four statues inside the facility and the two on the exterior add to the serene and holy atmosphere -- as does the impeccably maintained surrounding St. Mary Cemetery. Eternal rest in a Catholic cemetery such as St. Mary reinforces the teaching of our faith that death is not the end; it is simply the natural passageway to everlasting life. Standing in the quiet distinguished presence of the Chapel Mausoleum with sunlight from
the skylights above warming the room, I was inspired. Very glad I had the opportunity to see and better understand this magnificent facility.
Susan Sedensky new Director of Human Resources and Compliance with Catholic Charities
usan Sedensky has assumed the new role as Director of Human Resources and Compliance with Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich. Susan will be responsible for employee relations, recruitment, staff development and training, employee and volunteer orientation, and ensuring agency compliance with state and federal regulations. For the past nine years, Susan served as the Director of Adoption Programs for Catholic Charities. Susan began her professional career in employment law as an editor for the FSU College of Law, Center for Employment Relations and Law. She also represented AFSCME union members in contract and labor disputes, and later worked as an attorney for a Bridgeport-based law firm that specialized in labor and employment law. Susan moved to the Diocese in 1994 and joined St Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish, where she taught CCD and served as a Eucharistic Minister. Susan was a member and former chair of the Diocese of Norwich Commission on Women. Although Susan has assumed a new role, she will continue to support and subsequently manage the Adoption Program for Catholic Charities.
August 2016
ntombment in mausoleums has been gradually gaining popularity. In St. Mary Catholic Cemetery in Norwich, there is a beautifully maintained mausoleum that offers above ground burial in a peaceful and out-of-the elements setting. Recently, I had the opportunity to visit with the diocesan cemetery ministry. I learned that an alternative to a ground burial is entombment in a mausoleum. Among the benefits I could appreciate is the opportunity for family and friends to visit the deceased burial site in a private, indoor, secure and well-lighted building.
Thursday-Saturday September 8-10
Sunday, September 25
St. Joseph’s Fall Festival
Blue Mass
Fall Festival 2016 begins on Thursday from 9am4pm, with the yard sale, family clothing closet and several other activities. On Friday, from 9am-8pm and Saturday, from 9am-7pm. In addition to the yard sale and family closet, there will be baked goods from the "Ovens of Occum", games, silent auction, books, CDs, DVDs, and food provided by Ray’s Catering. Breakfast sandwiches provided all 3 days. Friday night is fish & chips and much more. Major raffle drawing begins at 7pm. on Saturday. Always plenty of free parking. Rain or shine all 3 days.
26th annual Blue Mass to honor our finest men and women who protect and serve our communities. Mass will be held at 10:15am at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. The posthumous honorary chair of this Mass is Trooper Russell A. Bagshaw.
Sunday, September 11
Educators Mass
21st Annual Diocesan Mass for those dedicated to education. Public, parochial, and private educators, active and retired, and all support staff of all faiths. All are invited to attend 8:45am at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich.
Monday, September 12
Bible in the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mary Seminar Father Victor Chaker is presenting a seminar on the Bible in the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mary at St. Mary Star of the Sea, 10 Huntington Street, New London. 12 weeks beginning September 12. Each session will be presented twice: Monday morning’s from10am.-12pm. and Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. in the Star of the Sea Room (Assumption Hall). A donation of $20.00 is suggested to cover the cost of materials. Ample parking is available. For more information, please call the rectory at 860-447-1431.
Friday-Sunday, September 30 – October 2
Divine Will and Divine Mercy: The Great Signs of Our Times Come hear the Good News of the coming Reign of God's Will within each of us and within the world September 30, 2016 - October 2, 2016 (Friday 4:30pm to Sunday 12:00pm.) St. Thomas Seminary, 467 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield. $225(includes overnight accommodations, meals and retreat), $150 (includes meals only and retreat) Father Robert Young (OFM) - Retreat Master will explore how the Will of God is essentially tied to the Mercy of God in a particular way through the Devotion to Divine Mercy made known through St. Faustina Kowalska, a contemporary of Luisa Piccarretta, the "Little Daughter of the Divine Will". Sharing the Gift of the Divine Will for almost 20 years. - Host of the Radio Maria program "The Will of God in the Life and Writings of Luisa Piccarreta" on the international Catholic network for over 6 years Commissioned by Pope Francis as a "Missionary of Mercy" for the Jubilee of Mercy this year. For more information and to reserve a place, please call (860) 872-9294. Please reserve soon as space is limited.
Tuesday, September 20
August 2016
Annual Diocesan Mass of Remembrance
A Mass in memory of children who have died from stillbirths, miscarriages or abortions whether recently or years ago. The Mass of Remembrance is an opportunity for families to recognize the gift of life and the loss of the life of their children. Bishop Michael R. Cote will be the main celebrant at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich at 6pm. Refreshments will be served following the Mass. For more information, call the Catholic Family Services Office at 860-848-2237, Ext. 306.
Wednesday, September 7th
Television Mass
Celebrant – Father Tom Griffin At 10:00am Channel 11 WCCT Comcast Channel 20 WTXX Charter
Four County
”If you then, with all your sins, know how to give good gifts to your children (because you love them so much), how much more, will the Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit (Life in the Spirit Seminar) to THOSE WHO ASK HIM!”~ John 11:3
Mass of Healing and Hope
Mondays, at 2pm August 22, September 12 & 26 Individual Prayer for each attending Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich
Unbound Prayer Ministry
Saturday, August 27 at 10am Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich Call for an appointment
7 Week “Life in the Spirit Seminar Wednesday, August 24- October 5 Two sessions each Wednesday 2-3:30pm and 7-8:30pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich
These exciting talks each week 1. God’s Personal Love for you 2. Salvation 3. New Life 4. Personal gifts for you 5. Gift of the Holy Spirit 6. Growth 7. Transformation
Four County
Father Joseph F. Whalen, M.S. July 14, 1923 – August 8, 2016
West Hartford – Reverend Joseph F. Whalen, M.S., formerly Parochial Vicar, St. James Church, Danielson, Diocese of Norwich, from June 1991 to June 1998, died on August 8, 2016 at St. Mary’s Home in West Hartford, Connecticut. He had previously resided as Senior Priest in Residence at St. James Church in Danielson. Father Whalen, born in Quincy MA, was ordained September 9, 1989 by Most Reverend Alfred Hughes, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston at the National Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette, Ipswich, MA. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.
Defending Our Religious Liberty As you assess the Presidential candidates for the United States, review their positions on safeguarding our first amendment right to religious freedom. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the federal health care mandate by calling U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445, and your elected representatives. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom. If you have called, call again, our representatives need to listen to us.
The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:
Clergy Appointments
Reverend Roger J. Lamoureux, O.M.I., from Pastor Saint Mary Church, Willimantic, and Defender of the Bond, Diocesan Tribunal, to Retirement. Effective: July 21, 2016. Very Reverend Laurence LaPointe, from Pastor, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham, to Pastor, Saint Mary Parish, Willimantic, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham. Effective: July 22, 2016. Reverend Juan Angel Aguirre Palacio , from Parochial Vicar, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon, Windham, to Parochial Vicar at Saint Mary Parish, Willimantic, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham. Effective: July 25, 2016. Reverend George Richards, from Parochial Vicar, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, Sagrado Corazon, Windham, and Associate Judicial Vicar, to Parochial Vicar at Saint Mary Parish, Willimantic, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham, and Associate Judicial Vicar. Effective: July 25, 2016. Deacon Lawrence Goodwin, from Deacon, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham, to Deacon, Saint Mary Parish, Willimantic, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham. Effective: July 25, 2016. Deacon Felipe Silva, from Deacon, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham, to Deacon, Saint Mary Parish, Willimantic, Saint Joseph Parish, Willimantic, and Sagrado Corazon Parish, Windham. Effective: July 25, 2016.
Pope Francis @Pontifex • Recent Tweet
Let us remember the elderly and the sick who in the summer months are often more alone and can be in difficulty.
August 2016
In Tribute
Four County
Academy of the HOLY FAMILY
Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour:
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August 2016
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Four County
Mary-Jo McLaughlin, Catholic Family Services
arried couples, would you like to hear more about ways to enrich and deepen your relationship, and discover practical insights to living a joyfilled marriage in today’s hectic and busy world? Then you will want to attend “Celebrate Marriage” a one-day enrichment on Saturday, September 17 at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Storrs, on the University of Connecticut campus. The enrichment is co-sponsored by the Diocesan Catholic Family Services Office and Connecticut World Wide Marriage Encounter. It is geared for couples of all ages and years married. The goal of Celebrate Marriage is to offer couples who are trying to live a committed, faith-filled marriage, concrete guidance and support. Many of today’s couples may be struggling to find joy in their marriage due to financial pressures, hectic schedules, two career households, parenting demands or health issues. This enrichment will give couples positive reinforcement and help them to look at the strengths in their marriage
while learning new tools to keep them tuned in to one another. A series of presentations by three married couples will focus on communication, listening, spirituality, sexuality and the importance of making time for one another and God each day. Participants will have time for personal reflection and sharing. The day will begin with the first presentation at 9 A.M. and end by 3:30 P.M. The cost is $30 and includes a workbook and lunch. Registration is required and can be done by contacting the Catholic Family Services Office at 860-8482237, Ext. 306. Or, send your first names (husband and wife), last name, address and telephone number with fee made payable to the Diocese of Norwich to: Catholic Family Services Office, 199 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360. The deadline for registering it Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016. Come away for a day and refresh your marriage by focusing on the most important person in your life – your spouse. Celebrate Marriage will reenergize your relationship, deepen your faith, and help you build a stronger marital and family foundation.
“Celebrate Mar�iage” The Diocesan Catholic Family Services Office, in conjunction with Connecticut World Wide Marriage Encounter, is sponsoring a day of enrichment for married couples of all ages and years married.
Saturday, September 17, 2016, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish 46 No. Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT (on the University of Connecticut Campus) Escape from worldly pressures, commitments and worries for a few hours and focus on the most important person in your life – your spouse! This day will re-energize your marriage and deepen your faith! Discover practical insights to living a joy-filled marriage in today’s world. Couple fee - $30.00: Includes workbook and lunch. Registration required. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Registration form due Tuesday, September 6, 2016 Names (Husband & Wife): ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Telephone No. __________________________________________________ Send registration form and fee made payable to Diocese of Norwich to: Catholic Family Services Office, 199 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360 Any questions, call 860-848-2237 Ext. 306 or email at
August 2016
Celebrate Marriage
A Day of Enrichment for Mar�ied Couples
Four County
Our DIOCESE Ocean County
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Continued from page 4
More than a Blessing of the Fleet
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2x6 ImmaculataRetreat August16FCC_Main 8/10/2016 9:39 AM Page 1
Immaculata RetReat House A Ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 289 Windham Road, Rte. 32 Willimantic, Connecticut
Married Couples Weekend
Friday-Sunday, September 23 - 25, 2016 Come spend a quiet, intimate time wih your spouse, exploring issues of Christian Marriage through discussion, activities and reflections. Use this alone time to “fine tune” your marriage and appreciate God’s plan for you. Facilitated by three married couples whose rich experience will bring new depths of understanding and acceptance of one another. Arrival begins Friday 5:30pm. Friday dinner at 6:00pm. Offering is $360.00 per couple.
August 2016
Spiritual Direction
For all who want to examine and strengthen their relationship with God, we offer one-on-one personal counselling. Free will offering accepted according to ability to give. Suggested: $20-$50 per hour. Contact Immaculata front desk
To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484 E-mail:
during the Prayers of the Faithful, and two fishermen, John Rita and Peter Bessette brought up the gifts during Mass. After Mass, a parade marched throughout the Borough and when passing the church, it gathered the clergy, with the addition of Father Christopher Feeney, Parochial Vicar (St. Mary, St. Michael, St. Thomas More). The parade featured a float with a large statue of St. Peter - fisherman, apostle, and our first pope. Other segments included bagpipes, Our Lady of Fatima Society, St. Michael School children, Rancho Folclorico Coracoes Lusiadas, Westbrook Junior Fife and Drum Corp, local dignitaries, some whimsy with children dressed as a fleet of small boats,
a gang of exuberant pirates, and more! The Westerly Band played the National Anthem at the town dock. Peggy Krupinski, Chuck Fellows and Peter Bessette laid wreaths at a monument dedicated to the 37 fishermen who perished at sea. Bishop Cote read a prayer for deceased fishermen, blessed the fleet and then the clergy joined him on the Neptune, as they went out to sea where they placed a memorial anchor-shaped wreath upon the water. The day ended with delicious food, games, and music provided by “The Country Misfits”. Everyone was also grateful to the Stonington Police and Fire Departments for their protection and assistance.
Four County
By Mary Ellen Mahoney
ust in time to beat the rain, nearly 200 children and adults gathered at the Holiday Inn in Norwich on the evening of June 23rd for The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese
CATHOLIC and much more. We are able to meet needs and offer hope because of your support and generosity! Thank you!” Additionally, $99,750.00 was awarded to 193 diocesan elementary students with the average tuition assistance
and the William F. Jr. and Flora L. O’Neil Scholarship, awarded to both Sam Davis and James Adams, were established to provide financial assistance to students at St. Bernard School in Uncasville. The Reverend Richard B. Roughan
for Catholic school students within our Diocese.
This year’s Seton Scholarship Dinner will be held on Sunday evening, October 30th at 4 pm at the Mystic Marriott and will honor the following awardees: Mr.
Over 3.4 Million Dollars given by Catholic Foundation In 16 Years To Help Local Students And Ministries
of Norwich’s annual awards dinner. The ballroom was complete with decorations, crayons and coloring books and 2 large tables filled with donated raffle items for the kids. The faces of close to 80 children lit up as they smiled and laughed, enjoying being with their families and principals for this end of the year tradition.
award totaling $516.83. This tuition assistance is always greatly appreciated by school principals and families alike. Doris Messina, principal of St. Michael School, Pawcatuck, was very appreciative of the assistance received from the Catholic Foundation each year, “As a small Catholic School with limited resources, the grant money from the Catholic Foundation is very beneficial to us. The tuition grants help us to make a quality Catholic education accessible to families who wish to provide this for their children, and the grant money will allow us to provide up to date language art books for our middle school students. We are grateful for this assistance from the Catholic Foundation.” Another $37,102.00 was presented to diocesan secondary schools. Scholarship funds that were distributed included the Reverend Richard Roughan Scholarship, The Eric B. Evans Scholarship, and the William F. Jr. and Flora L. O’Neil Scholarship. The Eric B. Evans Scholarship, awarded to Sarah Forrester
Scholarships are awarded yearly to both a current college student and an incoming college freshman in the amount of $5,000 each. This year’s recipients were Mackenzie Crump, an incoming freshman at Keene State College and Amy Karlberg, a junior at Southern Connecticut State University. In order to qualify for the Roughan Scholarship, students must be active members of St. Paul Parish in Waterford. The Foundation’s oldest endowment is the Bishop Daniel A. Hart Fund for the Homeless. Bishop Hart was well known for his support of the poor and disadvantaged. As a result of the “Response of Faith” Campaign which he initiated, the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich was established.
More than $28,000 of the money distributed was raised through the 2015 Seton Scholarship Awards Dinner. First begun 6 years ago, the Seton Scholarship Dinner, has raised over $205,524 in tuition assistance funds for the Foundation. All of the funds generated by this scholarship event go directly toward tuition assistance
Bishop Cote and Angela Arnold also took the opportunity to recognize Dr. Edward Shine, retiring Superintendent of Schools, who joined them on stage with all the students in attendance. Bishop Cote expressed his great appreciation to Dr. Shine for his work with the Diocesan schools since his tenure began 3 and a half years ago. Dr. Shine retired on June 30th and Mr. Henry Fiore, of Westerly, former principal of Saint Pius X High School there, assumed the position of Superintendent of Schools, as of July 1st.
The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich is a nonprofit corporation, organized to provide endowments for the Diocese of Norwich and its parishes, schools, agencies and organizations. The foundation encourages Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provides for the investment of those assets and distributes the income according to the Gospel and the wishes of the donors. Endowments through the Foundation are a means to greater financial stability and growth for our Diocese and its entities. To date, 21 endowment funds have been established within the Foundation. The Foundation’s most recent endowment, the Margaret L. Keller Catholic Continued on page 14
August 2016
For the past 16 years, since its first awards gathering was held in the auditorium of St. Patrick Cathedral, the Catholic Foundation has been making awards and grants to support the missions of the Diocese. This year, on behalf of the Catholic Foundation, Bishop Michael R. Cote, D.D. and Angela Arnold, its Executive Director, distributed a total of $290,788.00 to grant applicants from Diocesan ministries, schools, programs, and parishes throughout the four counties that comprise the Diocese – Middlesex, New London, Tolland and Windham. $98,017.00 in grant money was given to beneficiaries of the Foundation’s restricted endowments. In addition, another $55,919.00 was distributed among a variety of Diocesan ministries that serve those in need regardless of religious affiliation. Ron Krom, Director of St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown, was thankful for the support of the Foundation: “At St. Vincent de Paul Middletown, about 92 cents out of every dollar goes into direct services and programs, i.e., support and care for the poor and most vulnerable of our community. Our expenses are bare bones, but it is always a struggle to find enough revenue to make budget. The Catholic Foundation is our partner to help us to do all that we do: meals, groceries, emergency assistance, supportive housing,
Bill Russell, recently retired Diocesan Finance Officer, Mother Mary David Riquier, principal, Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic and Attorney Michael E. Driscoll representing the law firm of Brown Jacobson PC. More information about the Seton Scholarship Dinner is available at the Office of Development’s pages on the Diocese of Norwich website.
Four County
Invigorating the Faith of Men in the Parish
By: Ken Santopietro, Director, Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference
At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.” (PREFACE - CHRISTIAN DEATH IV)
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August 2016
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s a lay person, I recognized that the Holy Spirit has been guiding and embracing the Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference efforts. When we provide men a once-a-year spiritual experience, they return to their parish families invigorated, and ready to “carry the torch toward building up the kingdom.” When men attend the CCMC, they realize it’s a place where they can wear a crucifix outside their shirt and boldly embrace their Catholic identity. As the day progresses, the men talk more and more with each other about their desire to live out our faith more fully. Over the years, many priests have told me they have heard confessions sometime from
men who have not been to the Sacrament of Reconciliation decades. Pastors should use the CCMC to gather and encourage active men of their parish and uplift their spirituality. The cost is only $40 for the day, which includes lunch and Mass. I ask all men who have attended the CCMC in the past to do one simple thing: personally invite someone in your parish to attend the conference with you this year. I respectfully ask all people involved in parish life to share this information with your men’s group, the Knights, the Legion of Mary, etc. and your parish council leadership. Save the date, October 22, 2016, and visit www. for details and tickets.
Continued from page 13
Over 3.4 Million Dollars given by Catholic Foundation in 16 years to help local students and ministries Charities Heritage Endowment Fund was established this past March by Jacqueline Keller, former Diocesan Communications Director, in memory of her mother. This endowment benefits Catholic Charities and aims to assist single mothers pursue their education in order to break the cycle of poverty. Since its inception, the Catholic Foundation has awarded over $3.4 million in grant and scholarship assistance within the Diocese. The Catholic Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which includes Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, D.D.,Bishop of Norwich, Rev. Msgr. Leszek T. Janik, J.C.L.,VG, Rev. Msgr. Robert L. Brown, Robert E. Miller, Ph.D., Robert Reed, John Boland, Carol A. Cieslukowski, Jeremiah J. Lowney, D.D.S., M.S., M.P.H., Michael McCormack, Robert Staley, Mother Mary David Riquier, Tom Kasprzak ,
Tara Whitehead and Angela V. Arnold. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote recognized the years of service of two retiring Board members, Carol Cieslukowski and Michael McCormack by presenting them each with an appreciation clock. Both Miss Cieslukowski and Mr. McCormack joined the Board in 2006. The Executive Director of The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich is Angela V. Arnold and it is led by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Chairman and Dr. Robert Miller, President. Those interested in establishing an endowment or needing more information on the Foundation may contact either Angela V. Arnold or Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager-Major Gifts at 860-886-1928 or by e-mail dod@ or memahoney@, respectively.
Four County
11th Annual Catholic Charities Golf Tournament
By: Christine Jackel, Development Coordinator
The New London Advisory Board,
under the leadership of Ralph Monaco, who is also a new member of the Catholic Charities Board of Directors, have worked hard each year to make the tournament “bigger and better” than the one before. The cost per golfer is $175; this includes green fees, golf cart, lunch, and awards/dinner. You can register online at our website Registration on the day of the tournament begins at 10:00am, lunch is at 11:30am., and shot gun start at 1:00pm. The day ends with dinner and awards at 6:00 PM.
Catholic Charities is extremely pleased
An opportunity to gather together to pray that our students, parents and educators will deepen their shared appreciation and respect for the gift of learning.
21st Annual
Diocesan Mass for Those Dedicated to Education Public, parochial and private educators, active and retired, and all support staff of all faiths are invited to attend.
Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 8:45 a.m. Cathedral of Saint Patrick 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT Please join us for a reception in the auditorium of the Cathedral following the Mass.
with the number of sponsorships received so far for this year’s golf tournament! We are most honored to have the support of Ken Capano and Shop Rite stores, as the $6,000 Platinum Sponsor. We have two $3,500 Gold Sponsors this year, a supporter for many years, the law firm of Conway, Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco, P.C., and the Knights of Columbus as a new Gold Sponsor. Backus Hospital has once again show their support as a $2,500 Silver Sponsor, and we have a new business partner, RAD Consulting, as a $1,200 Bronze Sponsor. We continue to receive support from many parishes and businesses as $200 Tee Sponsors. Our Catholic Charities new Executive Director, Ed Tessman, is looking forward to his first golf tournament and says “events like these are critical to our success. Not only do they help Catholic Charities carry out its mission, but it gives us a chance to spend an enjoyable day out on the golf course with Bishop Cote.“
There are several sponsorship levels available; we hope you will consider supporting Catholic Charities Golf Tournament in this very special year as we celebrate “95 years of Providing Help & Creating Hope.” MJ Sullivan Automotive is once again donating a car to the person who gets a hole-in-one, on the designated hole the day of the tournament. This could be the year someone wins that beautiful car!
If you are interested in golfing, being a sponsor or making a donation to help local families and individuals in need, please contact Christine Jackel via e-mail or call 860886-1928 x12.
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We hope you will consider being part of and supporting this special event, as we celebrate our 11th anniversary of the tournament and 95 years of providing social services throughout Eastern Connecticut. Hope to see you there!
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August 2016
he 11th Annua Catholic Charities Golf Tournament will take place on Wednesday, September 21st at Fox Hopyard Golf Club in East Haddam CT. We are looking forward to another great turnout, hopefully nice weather, the opportunity to play on one of the top golf courses in Connecticut, a fun day of joining Bishop Cote, who plays in the tournament every year, and of course the reason we all come together, to raise money for Catholic Charities!
“The Ordained Carry a Mes
August 2106
By Linda Norton, FCC Contrib
he faithful entered the Holy Door of M at The Cathedral of Patrick on July 16 joyful anticipation of what was - the ordination to the diaconat Benedict LoCasto and Mr. Oct Flores! The Most Reverend Mi R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, le entrance procession included th of Columbus, seminarians, dea and concelebrants Monsignor L T. Janik, V.G., Monsignor Rob Brown, Chancellor, Monsignor Rosaforte, Very Rev. Dennis M and many diocesan priests. Aft processional hymn, greeting, a Penitential Rite, Mrs. Rachel L read the first reading and respo psalm “Go out to all the world, the Good News”, Mrs. Laura F the second reading in Spanish. Bishop Cote imparted a spec
Four County
ssage of Hope in Their Hearts”
through Mercy f St. 6th in s to come te of Mr. tavio ichael ead the he Knights acons Leszek bert L. r Anthony M. Perkins ter the and LoCasto onsorial , and tell Flores read
blessing on the congregation with the Book of the Gospels and then Deacon Michael Puscas, Director of Permanent Deacon Personnel for the Diocese, proclaimed the Gospel. The diaconate candidates, who were seated in the sanctuary, were invited to come forward. Father Galvin, Diocesan Director of Priestly Vocations, officially presented them to the Bishop as being worthy of the diaconate. During his homily, Bishop Cote congratulated the candidates for their perseverance during the five year diaconate preparation process while they continued their professional, church, and family responsibilities. The Bishop said “Your good will and dedication will serve you well as deacons”. He urged them to be generous with their gifts, and thanked the Very Rev. Dennis M. Perkins and Deacon Michael Puscas for the leadership assistance they
provided during the process. Bishop Cote reminded the candidates that “the only way to glory in God’s kingdom is through the path of Christ, which is the path of the cross” and that the “ordained carry a message of hope in their hearts”. Bishop Cote also commented that the laying on of hands will be a turning point in their lives and will change them forever. Following the homily, Bishop Cote led the Promise of the Elect, asking the candidates six questions, each responding with “I do”. The Litany of Supplication was sung by the choir and the entire assembly while the candidates lay prostrate in the sanctuary. The candidates stood and Bishop Cote imparted the Laying on of Hands and the Prayer of Ordination. The investiture of the stole and dalmatic was done by the Very Rev. Laurence A. M. LaPointe and Rev. Michael C. Giannitelli, followed by
the reception of the Book of the Gospels. Mass continued with the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and recessional hymn, “Go Make of All Disciples”. (Music Director, Douglas Green) Originally from Puebla, Mexico, Deacon Flores is a member of St. Francis of Assisi parish in Middletown. He and his wife, Laura, have two children. He is a doctor of Spanish Applied Linguistics and a professor at Wesleyan University. As a child he wanted to be a missionary priest in Asia with the Missions of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Years later, a Mexican priest he knew from childhood mentioned that he’d be a good deacon and told him he had been praying for him for many years. Deacon Flores was happy that five relatives from Mexico were able to attend his ordination, including his twin sister! He explained that through his vocation he would like to help bring
people closer to the sacraments and to vocations of their own. Initially a New Yorker, Deacon LoCasto, is a member of St. Andrew’s parish in Colchester. He and his wife, Rachel, have two grown children and five grandchildren. He is a clinical social worker, spiritual director, and Director of Distance Learning and Online Education with the Pontifical College Josephinum. He initially considered entering the seminary when he was in grammar school. However, it wasn’t until twenty five years ago, when he was the Assistant Vice President and Director of MetLife’s Employee Assistance Program in New York, that he met a deacon who sparked his interest in the diaconate. Deacon LoCasto mentioned that he is looking forward to “finally fulfilling God’s mission” and “I hope I have the strength and the courage for whatever God wills.”
August 2016
Four County
Hispanic Ministry moves forward with the V National Encuentro By Sister Mary Jude Lazerus, S.C.M.C. In response to the growing interest in the mission and progress of the V Encuentro, I have collected the most asked questions and provided feedback:
What is the purpose of the V Encuentro? • To bear witness to God’s love and compassion • To develop leaders as missionary disciples • To promote best practices in ministry.
How does it do it?
• Through missionary action, reaching out to and accompanying those on the margins • Consultation and pastoral responses.
Why engage in this missionary activity? • Our baptismal call to mission and holiness • Our responsibility to build up the community.
What is the expected impact nation-wide? • 5,000+ parishes engaged • 175+ dioceses participating • 1,000,000+ people in the margins reached • 100+ Catholic organizations participating • Millions of leaders engaged
In the facilitation and promotion of this national event, teams are formed on the national, regional, diocesan and parish levels. In the Diocese of Norwich we are currently at the stage of putting together the parish teams that will guide the process in the parishes. By September 15th, parishes with Hispanic Ministry will submit to the diocesan team the list of their parish teams. These teams will be trained in October; promotion in the parishes will take place in November, December and January; and participation in this transforming missionary experience will take place during Lent, 2017.
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Four County
El Ministerio Hispano sigue Adelante con el V Encuentro Nacional
¿Qué hace el V Encuentro?
• Da testimonio del amor de Dios y su compasión • Desarrolla el liderazgo como discípulos misioneros • Promueve las mejores prácticas en ministerios
¿Cómo lo hace?
• A través de acción misionera en las periferias • Consulta y respuesta pastoral • Acompañamiento
¿Por qué lo hace?
• Nuestro llamado bautismal a la misión y santidad • Para construír comunidad • Somos corresponsables de los dones de Dios
¿Cuál será el impacto?
• Más de 5,000 parroquias participando • Más de 175 diócesis participando
• Alcance a más de 1,000,000 personas en las periferias • Surgimiento de 20,000 lideres • Más de 100 organizaciones Católicas impactadas • Millones de líderes comprometidos Para facilitar y promover este evento nacional, se forman equipos a nivel nacional, regional, diocesano y parroquial. En la Diócesis de Norwich estamos en la etapa de formar los equipos parroquiales que van a guiar el proceso en esas parroquias con el Ministerio Hispano. Para el 15 de Septiembre dichas parroquias van a entregar al equipo diocesano la lista de su equipo. El entrenamiento de los equipos será en Octubre, la promoción del evento en las parroquias, en los meses de Noviembre, Diciembre y Enero. La participación en esta experiencia misionera transformadora será en la Cuaresma del 2017.
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August 2016
¿Qué es el V Encuentro? Es la Iglesia en misión.
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August 2016
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Four County
LITURGY NOTES Sister Elissa Rinere, C.P., J.C.D.
Office of Worship
A New Saint • Mother Teresa of Calcutta
n September 4, 2016, now Blessed Teresa of Calcutta will be canonized by Pope Francis in a ceremony to be held in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome. Canonization is, in effect, an official statement from the Church that the path of holiness traveled by a particular individual is sound, and the individual is worthy of admiration and veneration throughout the Church. For Mother Teresa, the path of holiness began when she was born in 1910, in the city of Skopje in what was then in the Ottoman Empire, but is now in the
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country of Macedonia. Her baptismal name was Agnes, and her family name was Bojaxhiu. Several biographers tell us that Agnes’ father died when she was just eight years old. Her mother, although struggling to feed her family, was known for having an “open invitation” for the city’s poor to join the family for a meal. In 1928, when she was eighteen years old, Agnes left home and traveled to Dublin, Ireland to join the Sisters of Loreto, also known as the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This religious community had been founded in 1609 by Mary Ward. By the early twentieth century, the Sisters of Loreto had established schools throughout Europe and the East, and also India. As a Sister of Loreto, Agnes took the religious name of Teresa. She was sent to India for part of her training, and then remained there to teach in a school in Calcutta which the Sisters of Loreto made available to some of the poorest children of the city. Sister Teresa, as she was known, taught history and geography, and eventually, in 1944, was appointed to be the school’s principal. With this appointment, in keeping with the custom of the day, she was thereafter known as “Mother” Teresa. Within a few years, Mother Teresa felt she was called, not to teaching, but to direct ministry to the poorest of the poor, whom she saw daily on the streets
of Calcutta. In 1948, she left the Sisters of Loreto in order to undertake this work. Her first step, and a very practical one, was to take a six-month course in basic medical practice. Then, upon the completion of the course, she began the work which would carry her through the rest of her life. Within a year, Mother Teresa had opened a home for the dying destitute of Calcutta. She was known to personally bring the sick from the streets to this home, where they could be cared for and die with dignity. In October 1950, with thirteen companions, Mother Teresa received approval to establish the religious congregation of the Missionaries of Charity. In addition to the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, the Missionaries of Charity make a fourth promise “to give wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor.” Within the next twenty years, Mother Teresa and her sisters established a leper colony, an orphanage, nursing homes and several mobile health clinics. The recipients of the ministry of the Missionaries of Charity were always the poorest of the poor. In 1971, Mother Teresa and some sisters of her community came to New York City and opened a hospice for those suffering from HIV/AIDS. She also spoke
at the 40th anniversary celebration for the United Nations. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of her extraordinary humanitarian work. The Missionaries of Charity continued to flourish, and in 1997, at the time of Mother Teresa’s death, the community numbered over 4000 sisters, and was present in over one hundred countries throughout the world. Today the Order of the Missionaries of Charity consists of divisions or “branches” for active and contemplative sisters, as well as brothers, and since 1984, priests. The Order also incorporates many laity who assist in serving the poor in all countries in which the Missionaries are present. Shortly after the death of Mother Teresa in 1997, Pope John Paul II waived the usual five year waiting period, and the process for her canonization began almost immediately. At the time of her beatification in 2003, a book of her letters was published, Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. The letters were shocking to some because of the insights they provided into Mother Teresa’s spiritual struggles, but to others the letters gave proof of her faith and sanctity. Especially in this Year of Mercy, the extraordinary life of Agnes Bojaxhiu serves as an example to each of us of what a wholehearted response to God’s call can accomplish.
August 2016
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Four County
Vatican goes international in new spokesperson team
VATICAN CITY (AP) — ope Francis named a former Fox TV correspondent, Greg Burke, as his spokesman and tapped a Spanish woman to be the deputy, the first time a woman has held the post. The change is aimed at making the spokesperson's job — long directed at Italy and Italians — more international in focus, and reflects the demographics of the Catholic Church during the first-ever Latin American papacy. "Obviously, Italian is the internal language of the Vatican," Burke said in a phone interview. "But half of the Catholic world population is Spanish-speaking, and if you want to speak to the globe, the language is English." Burke, 56, takes over from the Rev.
Federico Lombardi, 73, a Jesuit like Francis who has been Vatican spokesman for a decade. Burke, who is a member of the conservative Opus Dei movement, in December moved in as Lombardi's deputy after working as a communications adviser in the Vatican's secretariat of state since 2012. His deputy will be Paloma Garcia Ovejero, 40, currently the Vatican correspondent for Spanish broadcaster Cadena Cope of the Spanish bishops' conference. Both, therefore, come into the spokespersons office having been part of the Vatican press corps and aware of the needs of a 24/7 news cycle that seems particularly interested in the Francis pontificate.
The change is part of an overhaul of the Vatican's entire communications operations that has centralized authority under the new
Secretariat for Communications headed by Monsignor Dario Vigano.
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August 2016
860 886-1961
Four County
Our YOUTH Sacred Heart School, Groton
Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611
CATHOLIC Sacred Heart School, Taftville
Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT
Phone: 860-887-1757
St. Edward School, Stafford Springs Mrs. MaryAnne Pelletier, Principal 25 Church St, Stafford Springs, CT Phone: 860-684-2600
St. James School, Danielson
Ms. Monique Almquist, Principal 120 Water St, Danielson, CT Phone: 860-774-3281
Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence. Saint Bernard School Celebrates 60th Anniversary.
August 2016
Submitted by Kimberly S. Hodges
1956 was a pivotal year full of first time events. The United States embarked on a massive public works project, the Interstate Highway system. Prince Rainer of Monaco married Grace Kelly. Elvis Presley had his first hit record “Heartbreak Hotel.” The movie “The Ten Commandments” premiered in the United States. His Holiness Pius XII was the Pope and Saint Bernard High School opened its doors in New London. Under the direction of Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of the Diocese of Norwich and with generous contributions, Saint Bernard High School was established. Father Benedict was the school’s first St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale
Ms. Sharon Briere, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090
individuals who are committed to making the world a better place. In honor of its 60 years, Saint Bernard School will be hosting a yearlong celebration. The first day of school will kick off the year with a birthday cake and ribbon cutting for the new chemistry lab and renovated hallways. On Tuesday, September 13th at 10am, Bishop Cote will celebrate the opening Mass. All alumni, family and community members are invited to attend the Mass. After the Mass, a Tea will be held on the
principal. and was supported by a number of religious and lay teachers. The school opened in 1956 as an all-girls school. Over the years, Saint Bernard High School became co-educational, moved to Uncasville, admitted students in grades 6-12, changed its name to Saint Bernard School and became one of 13 distinguished Xavieran Schools in the nation. As the school grew and changed with the times, the history of academic excellence remained. Saint Bernard School has educated countless students including CEO’s, doctors, lawyers, military, business and civic leaders but more importantly, compassionate St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic
Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479
campus for the alumni and families of the first two graduating classes of 1959 & 1960. To attend the Tea, please contact Ruth Kilburn at 860-848-1271. On October 20th – 23rd, the school will host an art show, open house, bonfire and homecoming activities. A series of events including educational talks are planned for students and the community throughout the year. For more information or to attend upcoming events, please visit our website www.
Congratulations Class of 2016 Graduates! Find out if you have what it takes to be a saint at: Now Accepting applications for the 2017/18 year
St. Michael School, Pawcatuck
Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal
63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084
St. Patrick School, Norwich
Mrs. Catherine Reed, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174
Four County
Our YOUTH St. John School, Old Saybrook
Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849
CATHOLIC St. Joseph School, New London
St. Joseph School, Baltic
St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mrs. Kathleen Pec, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978
Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal
Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720
10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141
Interview With Mr. Henry Fiore Jr. Incoming Diocesan Superintendent Of Schools.
(Q) What will your top priorities be during your first 100 days – and first school year? Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Henry Fiore Jr., Superintendent of Diocesan Schools, to discuss his perspective on his new responsibilities as Superintendent. Following is the full text of my questions and his responses. I would like to take this opportunity, as I did on the occasion of the interview, to welcome him to the Diocese and wish him every success in the vital leadership role he now assumes. Michael Strammiello, FCC Editor
(Q) How has your professional journey
lead you to this opportunity within the diocesan school system? And prepared you?
(A) A good administrator does not rush in and change things unless the situation is dire. In this case, Dr. Shine has been an admirable, intelligent, and well respected superintendent who made the transition extremely easy. My priority for the first 100 days is to help fill all opening positions for principals and teachers, meet with all of the pastors and principals, and familiarize myself with the culture and climate of all schools. I will also be meeting with the superintendents for Catholic schools for New England and at the national level to network and make connections in order to help our diocese even more. For the first year, my plan is to follow Our Holy Father, Pope Francis’ directive to “go out and get our feet dirty”. I would like to visit the schools to meet the teachers, students, and families. I come to serve and offer my assistance.
(Q) What do you see as the longer
term challenges for the diocesan school system?
(A) The longer term challenges for this diocesan school system are no different than in other diocesan systems: enrollment and financing our schools. With the economy and birthrates down, these are difficult times for our schools. Church attendance is not what it was years ago. It is our mission to educate and evangelize despite these challenges, which is why we are currently seeking ways to expand our enrollment and seek alternative funding for our schools.. (Q) Do you feel your language skills
and experience in both Italian and Spanish will help you in your new position?
(A) I believe we need to reach out to all minorities and populations, not any specific nationality. My knowledge of the Spanish language will hopefully help to attract more of the Hispanic population, but we also need to reach out to the Asian population and all nationalities present in our diocese. I have also done extensive work in the Diocese of Providence training teachers and principals in accommodating children with special needs within our realm of staffing and resources for servicing. I
am a parent of a child, Peter, who is on the autism spectrum. His deep faith and structured study skills are direct results of his Catholic education. I have spoken nationally for the National Catholic Education Association on how we can service children with limited resources with the right professional development of staff. I truly believe that we can widen our enrollment net by reaching out to more minorities and special needs children who are in our capability of servicing.
(Q) How would you describe the “advantage” of a Catholic education (A) There are so many advantages of a Catholic education. First and foremost, bringing Jesus, the center of all we do, to the children while providing a solid academic education. In our schools, faith is just not a subject that is taught, but also is lived daily by every employee in every school. You cannot beat the atmosphere of a Catholic school. Discipline problems are minimized due to the fact that in faithbased schools, children learn moral values and the power of prayer at an early age. This spiritual growth continues in our high schools and stays with them for the rest of their lives. Our schools are family based, safe schools where the Holy Spirit is alive and well. I am also a product of the former Immaculate Conception School in Westerly, RI, and my sons Peter and Andrew are products of Catholic schools, Continued on page 26
St. Bernard School, Uncasville
Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271
Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic
Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272
Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson
Mr. Joseph Hanrahan, Headmaster 26 Chase Road, Thompson, CT Phone: 860-923-9565
Mercy High School, Middletown
Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659
Xavier High School, Middletown
Brother Brian Davis, C.F.X, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735
August 2016
(A) God had placed me in the ministry of Catholic education as a principal of three successful Catholic schools in the Diocese of Providence. I have been a Catholic school principal for 21 years and have also worked extensively with the Diocese of Providence Catholic School Office in many capacities. My experiences as a principal and working for the diocese have prepared me well to help the diocesan schools in the Diocese of Norwich.
Four County
Continued from page 25 as will be my third apostle, “Baby James” Fiore.
(Q) How will you be going about meeting the school principals, staff, parents, sponsors, boards, the students themselves – all the stakeholders in the school system? (A) I am a people person and love to meet everyone involved in our schools. Everyone is a stakeholder and an active
participant in the active lives of our schools. I will be visiting all of the schools and their constituents with the goal of working with them for constant improvement and to help market the good things they all are doing. It is important for me to listen to input from everybody. I want to absorb all I can, especially this first year.
(Q) What would be your definition of leadership?
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(A) My style of leadership is being a servant leader. I told all of the principals on the very first day I met them as a group that the only difference between my ministry and theirs is function, not importance. I am here to serve and assist. Jesus is a good role model for me in that respect. You could not ask for a better one!!!
(Q) How do you plan on
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measuring success against objectives over the mid and long term?
(A) Academically, through test scores. Spiritually, through observations and conversations with the constituents and especially the pastors. Financially, through reviewing budgets and working with the schools. (Q) Are you a sports fan? Favorite sport? Favorite book most recently read. Favorite inspirational quote? (A) I am a true baseball fan and am an
avid New York Mets fan. I have engrained the Mets culture in my sons, one of whom, Andrew, presents an on air weekly “Mets report” on our local Westerly radio station WBLQ. My wife, Eileen, is a mezzosoprano and church cantor. She also sings the National Anthem before baseball games here in Norwich at Dodd Stadium for the CT Tigers occasionally, so we have become CT Tigers fans as well; I do not dislike any CT team. The most recent book I read was Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism, written by my good friend, Dr. Barry Prizant. My family and I were blessed to actually be part of the online course from
Simon and Schuster associated with the book. My favorite book of all time is Life of Christ, by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. My favorite inspirational quote is from Blessed Mother Teresa (soon to be a saint in September): "Be Jesus to everyone you meet. And in everyone you meet, see Jesus." I also believe that Bishop Cote’s Motto: "Above All Charity” is very inspiring as well.
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Blessing of the new church sign at St. Mary of the Visitation Church
FCC News Desk n Sunday, July 10th, Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, was invited to St. Mary of the Visitation Church in Clinton to concelebrate Mass with Father Michael Giannitelli and to bless their new Church sign. The new Church sign was an Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project by parishioner Ethan Tessman. After Mass, Monsignor Brown, Father Michael, Ethan Tessman and a crowd of parishioners gathered around the newly installed and landscaped
sign. Monsignor Brown thanked Ethan for his hard work and generosity, giving back to his parish. After some very thoughtful prayers and kind words, Monsignor Brown blessed the new sign with Holy Water as did Father Michael. Much to his surprise, Ethan Tessman was then asked to bless the sign with Holy Water and did so humbly. When asked why he chose this project, Ethan stated, “Most of the scouts that have come before me have done projects that have benefited the Town. I wanted to do something that would benefit my Church and the Church community of St.
Mary’s.” Ethan met with Father Michael and they talked about a number of project possibilities. After several weeks, it was clear that a new Church sign was what Ethan wanted to do. The existing sign was very institutional and did not have a very warm and inviting feeling. Ethan worked with Father Michael on the design and color scheme and ultimately had to present his plan to the Town of Clinton Design Review Board before he could proceed and obtain the necessary permits. Ethan said, “Thankfully, the Design Review Board didn’t change one aspect of the sign. They loved it.” Ethan raised
Four County
the necessary funds for his project through family and friends and through the most generous parishioners of St. Mary of the Visitation Church. With the funds raised, Ethan was able to not only replace the existing Church sign but he was able to replace the parking lot signs as well as purchase a Divine Mercy image for the altar of the Church. Ethan will complete the required paperwork and hopes to sit for his Eagle Scout Board of Review this Fall.
August 2016
Four County
Good Turn Out for World Youth Day Connecticut
August 2016
By Linda Norton
hile pilgrims from around the world were arriving in Krakow, Poland for the international World Youth Day, teens from ten parishes in the Diocese of Norwich and ten parishes from the Archdiocese of Hartford gathered together to celebrate World Youth Day at the Church of St. Mary’s in Portland, CT on July 23rd. As previously announced, Bishop Cote offered to sponsor a World Youth Day event in response to His Holiness Pope Francis’ request that WYD should be celebrated in dioceses around the world for those who could not travel to Krakow. Our World Youth Day Connecticut, with the theme “Bridges of Mercy”, opened with music from the Jerusalem Road Band who led the crowd of over 200 youth and chaperones in spirit-filled songs, complete with audience participation. Following introductory conversations, the opening prayer, led by teens, focused on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and set the tone for the afternoon. Cooper Ray, the keynote speaker from Dallas, talked about the important message of mercy and our faith, interspersed with stories, music, and humor. Cooper quoted Pope Benedict XVI who had said we “were not made for comfort, but for greatness,” and explained that our faith calls us to go against the negative culture we live in, and in doing so we may feel discomfort, or cause discomfort in others. We must be bridges of mercy in a world where many do not know Jesus, and it can
be challenging. Cooper encouraged the youth by quoting Jeremiah (29:11) when the Lord said “I know the plans I have for you -plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Giving practical application to the “Bridges of Mercy” theme, the teens were then organized into activity groups which focused on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The event culminated in a Mass celebrated by Bishop Cote and concelebrated by Father Paul Boudreau, Pastor of St. Mary’s, and Father Kevin Randall. Bishop Cote noted that Father Randall was baptized “here at St. Mary’s” and shared that Father Randall’s vocation was an example of how God “moves us and missions us for the glory of His Church” and that “we never know where our baptism will take us.” He reminded the teens that taking part in this World Youth event with the Holy Father is “an opportunity to reflect on what is happening throughout the world” and reminded the teens that we are all God’s children and should approach God confidently and, like a small child, be “ready to receive God’s goodness”. Many thanks go out to Father Paul Boudreau and the youth ministry crew at St. Mary’s in Portland, CT for opening their church and hearts by hosting this event, and also to Liza Roach, diocesan Youth Minister, Shawnee Baldwin, Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in the Archdiocese of Hartford, and Marge Vanner from the Diocese of Norwich Office of Faith Events.
World Youth Celebration in Krakow Kraków Post:
The International World Youth Day event in Krakow, Poland continued for nearly a week from July 26 through July 31.
His Holiness Pope Francis attended the historic gathering of nearly 3,000,000 young people, and encouraged enduring optimism. He encouraged the youth in attendance and watching virtually to allow their faith to “launch us into an adventure of mercy” – as well as to embrace those they fear, to rise up after failure, and to seek out their elders for wisdom. The Holy Father reminded the young they are not called to "vegetate" in life but to leave a mark in the world. "When we opt for ease and convenience … then we end up paying a high price indeed: We lose our freedom.”
Four County
Steubenville’s Summer Blessings
teens that participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the weekend. The 2,000 participants were welcomed by an enthusiastic, prepared team. Spirit-filled Catholic praise music filled the auditorium on Friday night. Beach balls bounced around the crowd as two jumbotrons displayed the lyrics and live streaming video of the band and crowd. Friday night’s main event, after the dynamic Catholic lay and clergy speakers, was none other than an encounter with Jesus Christ Himself in a moving time of prayerful adoration. On Saturday, the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, presided at the morning Mass. The day’s seminar topics included “Popular Questions about Catholicism”, “The Path to Authentic Life”, and “Life in the Holy Spirit”. One seminar, “Love, Same Sex Attraction, and Tolerance”, drew about 70% of the teens. The speaker explained and clarified our Catholic Church’s teaching on this topic and the teens had a chance to ask questions. This session was so good and timely that it could have filled double the allotted time. Saturday night culminated with another powerful time of prayer and adoration. The teens sang “Holy Spirit you are welcome here, come fill this place, fill this atmosphere”. The Holy Spirit showed up in a gentle and powerful way, touching teens’ hearts and souls. As the conference wrapped up on
Sunday, the teens were encouraged to share the Good News in their home communities and were challenged to be as courageous as the apostles were after Pentecost. The closing Mass was celebrated by Timothy Cardinal Dolan,
Archbishop of New York. (You can Google “Steubenville Conferences 2016 promo video” to get a glimpse of what our teens experienced.)
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August 2016
By Linda Norton his summer, the Franciscan University of Steubenville, in conjunction with Life Teen, sponsored 23 conferences around the country, ministering to over 50,000 teens, including about 160 teens from our diocese. Steubenville conferences help to bring teens into a deeper relationship with Jesus and His Church through inspirational talks, Catholic praise music, the Sacraments, and fellowship. Teens return home to their communities with an enthusiastic desire to grow in faith. Some of our parishes attended the conference at St. John’s University (NYC) in June and some attended the conference at UMASS in July. The diocesan groups going to the conferences were invited to a Steubenville blessing Mass at St. John’s (Old Saybrook) on June 24th presided over by Bishop Cote. We are proud to share that Jill Patten, a youth minister from our diocese, was the conference coordinator for the NYC venue. This writer volunteered at the NYC conference; so this review is based on that particular conference. The conference theme was based on the words Jesus spoke from the cross: “I Thirst”. Teens learned that Jesus thirsts for their souls and they experienced His love and mercy in many ways during the conference. They also became aware of their own thirst for God. This was especially evident by the hundreds of
Four County
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Support Catholic n Educatio
Fatima, Lourdes & Shrines of Spain
Honoring the recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich: M o t h e r M a r y D a v i d R i q u i e r , S . C . M . C . A t t o r n e y M i c h a e l E . D r i s c o l l
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August 2016
Join Deacon Bill McGann and his wife Sheila as we visit Lisbon, Alcobaca, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Burgos, Lourdes, Carcassonne, Barcelona & more.
Land Tour Priced at $1584 per person double occupancy Air from city of choice, 2 night pre stay in Lisbon, gratuities and insurance quoted on request.
For more information and reservations contact Bill Potuchek at 860-887-6481.
A non refundable deposit of $250 per person is required to hold space. Due to the special anniversary celebration in Fatima space is limited.
R e p r e s e n t i n g t h e l a w f i r m o f B r o w n J a c o b s o n , P . C .
M r . W i l l i a m J . R u s s e l l , C . P . A .
S U N D A Y , O C T O B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 A T 4 : 0 0 P M M Y S T I C M A R R I O T T H O T E L 6 2 5 N O R T H R O A D , G R O T O N , C T $ 1 5 0 P E R P E R S O N
$ 5 , 0 0 0 S E T O N S P O N S O R P r e m i u m r e s e r v e d t a b l e f o r 1 0 , f u l l - p a g e p r o g r a m a d $ 2 , 5 0 0 A Q U I N A S S P O N S O R R e s e r v e d t a b l e f o r 1 0 , h a l f - p a g e p r o g r a m a d $ 1 , 5 0 0 N E W M A N S P O N S O R S e a t i n g f o r 4 , q u a r t e r - p a g e p r o g r a m a d
I n d i v i d u a l p r o g r a m a d s a r e a l s o a v a i l a b l e . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a s e c o n t a c t K a t h y G a i t o a t 8 6 0 - 8 8 6 - 1 9 2 8 o r k g a i t o @ n o r w i c h d i o c e s e . n e t W W W . N O R W I C H D I O C E S E D E V E L O P M E N T . O R G
11th Annual Catholic Charities GOLF TOURNAMENT at Fox Hopyard Golf Club, East Haddam, CT Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Registration 10:30 am • Lunch 11:30 am • Shotgun Start 1:00 pm Awards & Hor d’oeuvres 6:00 pm To sponsor or register to golf, visit our website:
For more information or to register, contact: Christine Jackel at 860-886-1928 x12 or
GOLD $3,500
SILVER $2,500
Highest profile on all promotional materials. Name included in all media-related materials. Name and logo as an official sponsor on our website. Highest profile on sponsor board. Name on golf carts. Signage. One foursome included.
High profile on all promotional materials. Name and logo as an official sponsor on our website. High profile on sponsor board. Name on golfer gifts or golf carts. 2 golfers included.
Selective recognition in all promotional materials. Company name on sponsor board. Name and logo as an official sponsor on our website. Recognition on table tents name during meals.
CLOSEST TO THE PIN $350 Company name on sign placed at Closest to the Pin Tee. Company name on the sponsor board.
LONGEST DRIVE $350 Company name on sign placed at the Longest Drive Tee. Company name on sponsor board.
PRACTICE GREEN $350 Company name on sign placed at Practice Green. Company name on sponsor board.
Backus Hospital
BRONZE $1,200 Company name on sponsor board. Name included in all promotional materials. Name and logo as an official sponsor on our website.
TEE SIGN $200 Company name on sign at one of the 18 Tees throughout the day. Company name displayed on sponsor board.
Connect to healthier.™
August 2016
Sponsorship Opportunities
Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal
August 2016
Experience Savings... Experience Brustolon!
Route 1, Mystic • • 860-536-2926
Serving Southeastern Connecticut’s Community for over 67 Years