Four County Catholic October 2017

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CATHOL CATHOLIC Volume 29 • Number 9 • OCTOBER 2017

Our faith calls us to action

Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

May God unite us in peace and respect for each other and all life

R e s p e ct

L i f e

M o n th

Respect Life Month The month of October is Respect Life Month. You and I are to be witnesses that life is beautiful from the first moment of conception to natural death. Pope St. John Paul II said in the Gospel of Life that “The Gospel of life is for the whole of human society. To be actively pro-life is to contribute to the renewal of society through the promotion of the common good. It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all the other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop.” Thank you for all you do for life in the Diocese of Norwich. With the comfort of hope and healing possible through the great mercy of God, Bishop Michael R. Cote


Editor’s Note


A note of thanks and appreciation to the Bartholomew County, Indiana, Right to Life organization for their respect life campaign that inspired the cover of this month’s Four County Catholic.

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In This Issue

“Love knows no disability.”

Andrea Hoisl capturing the spirit of the first Pontifical Mass for the Diocesan Partnership on Disability, focusing on the beauty and wide variety of gifts given to us by God.

“Going to school to get a good education is the best opportunity for me to succeed in life. I want to be a doctor.” 2nd grader, Karima Pierre, a grateful recipient of Diocese of

Norwich Outreach to Haiti tuition support. In Haiti, only 15% of children have access to public education.


“Rosa Maria y Jorge ambos coinciden en que reciben la mayor alegria al server a otros y ayudan a contribuir al plan de Dios para salvar los matrimonios.” Hispanic Ministry volunteers, Jorge and RosaMaria

No matter what the darkness, it will never overcome the light. His Eminence Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, President USCCB

The Diocese of Norwich family prayerfully joins Bishop Joseph A. Pepe of the Las Vegas Diocese in this time of grief for the unthinkable loss of life on that night of horror at the concert in Las Vegas. Bishop Pepe spoke for all when sharing how “Our hearts go out to everyone. We are praying for those injured, those who have lost their lives, for the medical personnel and first responders who with bravery and self-sacrifice helped so many. We are also very heartened by the stories of all who helped each other in this time of crisis. As the Gospel reminds us, we are called to be modern day Good Samaritans. We continue to pray for all in Las Vegas and around the world whose lives are shattered by the events of daily violence. We pray for healing and for an end to violence.” We are with you, Bishop Pepe. We are one family in Christ.

Lemus, recognize the joy of serving others and helping to contribute to God’s plan to save marriages.

Bishop Michael R. Cote





The devastating storms that struck Texas, Louisiana, the Caribbean, Florida, Puerto Rico, and most recently the wildfires in California have impacted all our lives. We mourn the loss of precious life. We feel the pain of displaced families. We are still hurting as a Nation in the aftermath of the widespread catastrophe, even as we also struggle in the aftershock of the incomprehensible tragedy in Las Vegas. We pray and gather hope for healing and the strength to persevere and recover. We feel the bond of being one family with all affected. At a time in our society when despicable outbreaks of inhumanity and prejudice have been a grave national concern, the outpouring of neighbor loving neighbor in the face of disaster calls to us in a loud voice. Could there be a more deeply hopeful sign than when lives are in danger, respect for life and the love we have for each other overcomes racial bias and the politics of division? Rescuers of all races and ethnicities risked their lives in the disasters we have endured to save strangers not of the same background and heritage. Disasters never come at a good time. Their lessons, however, can awaken us to the existence of hope and to the irrepressible power of love - “to love our neighbor as we love our self.” Luke 10:27. The selfless acts of courage and compassion in a time of crisis help us to realize that the conversation and path forward should be as often about the hope for interracial harmony through love as it is about hate and distrust. We know as faithful followers of Christ that racism is a grievous sin that divides the human family. It is completely incompatible with God’s design for us to live in equality of opportunity and dignity as brothers and sisters. Before Charlottesville, you will recall, there

was Charleston. There, in June of 2015, innocent parishioners of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church were murdered in a heinous racial attack. Then United States Conference of Catholic Bishops President, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, described the sin of racism in the following condemning terms that apply today as then: “Racism is not merely one sin among many; it is a radical evil that denies the creation of a redeemed world. To struggle against it, demands an equally radical transformation.” The civil and legislative progress to alleviate racial inequality has, among its landmark moments, the Declaration of Independence itself which acknowledges that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...” The Constitution set long-term goals that, though still a struggle, are progressing. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 forever marks one of the most significant steps forward. Recognizing the enormity of the work yet to be done, we should also recognize the enormous potential of this wonderfully diverse nation to realize its full greatness. The key to full realization of the ideals expressed in the Constitution is not, however, solely a matter of civil law and legislation. It is in the personal transformation of the heart. Fellow bishop, Most Reverend Curtis J. Guillory, Bishop of Beaumont, Texas, has spoken often on this subject: “The law does not change hearts. The Church today is being called upon to change hearts with the Word of God, the social teachings of the Church and programs geared toward understanding and respect for the privilege of difference.” The “privilege of difference” is a powerfully hopeful descriptor for how the strength of diversity will lead us to live in harmony with God’s design.

From a political and legislative vantage-point, the USCCB is on constant alert and quick to call Congress’ attention to the social justice principles of the faith community and the collective good. We as faithful citizens have the opportunity in our free society to be heard as well. We are all responsible for our society and must find personal ways to contribute, sometimes on a one-to-one basis, to a more fair and just society. We can do this by doing our part to welcome the stranger to our parish or neighborhood, by teaching love and fairness for all to our children, by having a genuine social conscious as business and community leaders. Conversion of the heart changes people; and we can then change society. Being indifferent is not being part of the solution. Confident in the Lord, let us actively be engaged in the struggle and together celebrate diversity as a privilege -- the “privilege of difference.” On behalf of the diocesan family and our active ministries who every day help those most in need among us, I extend our support to Bishop George V. Murry, newly appointed Chair of the USCCB ad hoc Committee Against Racism. Bishop Murry is asking us all to come together in the love of Christ. In the Bishop’s words, “Through Jesus’ example of love and mercy, we are called to be a better people....I am hopeful we can find lasting solutions and common ground where racism will no longer find a place in our hearts or in our society.” We thank God who made us all in his likeness. We are one family under God. Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop Michael R. Cote


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


One Family

With Irrepressible Hope to Live in Harmony with God’s Design





Que La Fé Muestre El Camino



La tormenta devastadora que azotó a Texas y a los estados vecinos ha impactado todas nuestras vidas. Lloramos la pérdida de vidas preciadas. Sentimos el dolor de las familias desplazadas. Como nación estamos sufriendo las secuelas y la réplica de la catástrofe. Oramos y recobramos la esperanza para sanar y la fuerza para perseverar y recuperarnos. Sentimos el vínculo de ser una familia con todos los afectados. Queremos ayudar.


En un momento en que las despreciables manifestaciones de inhumanidad y prejuicio en nuestra sociedad han sido una grave preocupación nacional, nos ha llamado en voz alta, el derramamiento de amor al prójimo ante el desastre. ¿Podría haber un signo más profundamente esperanzado que cuando las vidas están en peligro y el prójimo en aflicción, el respeto por la vida y el amor que tenemos los unos por otros superan los prejuicios raciales y las políticas de división de clases? Rescatistas de todas las razas y pueblos estaban en esos barcos arriesgando sus vidas en aguas impetuosas para salvar a extraños que no tenían los mismos antecedentes y descendencia. Los desastres nunca llegan en un buen momento. Sin embargo, sus lecciones, pueden despertarnos a la existencia de la esperanza y al insuperable poder del amor - “amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos”. Lucas 10:27. ¿Este momento valiente en el tiempo extingue los males del prejuicio racial? No lo hace. Sin embargo, podría, ayudarnos a darnos cuenta que la conversación y el camino hacia adelante a menudo deberían ser sobre la esperanza de la armonía interracial a través del amor, ya que el odio repugnante es el que alimenta la furia racial. Sabemos como fieles seguidores de Cristo que el racismo es un pecado grave que divide a la familia humana. Es completamente incompatible con el designio de Dios para vivir en igualdad de oportunidades y dignidad como hermanos y hermanas. Antes de Charlottesville, usted recordará, había Charleston. Allí, en junio del 2015, inocentes parroquianos de Emanuel una Iglesia

Una familia

Metodista Episcopal Africana fueron asesinados en un ataque racial atroz. El entonces presidente de la Conferencia de los Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, el Arzobispo Joseph E. Kurtz, describió el pecado del racismo en los siguientes términos de condena que hoy se aplican: “El racismo no es sólo un pecado entre muchos, sino un mal radical que niega la creación de un mundo redimido ... Para luchar contra él, exige una transformación igualmente radical ... “ Para aliviar la desigualdad racial, el progreso civil y legislativo tiene, entre sus momentos emblemáticos, la propia Constitución de los Estados Unidos que reconoce que “sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes por sí mismas, que todos los hombres son creados iguales, que son dotados por su Creador con ciertos derechos inalienables ... “La Constitución estableció metas a largo plazo que, aunque aún no cumplidas, están progresando. La Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 marca uno de los pasos más significativos hacia el futuro. Reconociendo la enormidad de la obra aún por hacer, también debemos reconocer el enorme potencial de esta nación maravillosamente diversa para realizar su plenitud. Sin embargo, la clave para la plena realización de los ideales expresados en la Constitución no es, sólo una cuestión de derecho civil y de legislación. Está en la transformación personal del corazón. El obispo Curtis J. Guillory, Obispo de Beaumont, Texas, ha hablado a menudo sobre este tema: “La ley no cambia los corazones. La Iglesia hoy está siendo llamada a cambiar los corazones con la Palabra de Dios, las enseñanzas sociales de la Iglesia y programas orientados a la comprensión y el respeto por el privilegio de la diferencia “. El “privilegio de la diferencia” es un descriptor poderosamente esperanzador de cómo la fuerza de la diversidad nos llevará a vivir en armonía con el diseño de Dios. Desde un punto de vista político y legislativo, la USCCB (por sus siglas en inglés) está en constante alerta y rápida para llamar la atención del Congreso

a los principios de justicia social de la comunidad de fe y el bien colectivo. Nosotros como ciudadanos fieles en nuestra sociedad libre también tenemos la oportunidad de ser escuchados. Todos somos responsables de nuestra sociedad y debemos encontrar maneras personales de contribuir, a veces de manera individual, a una sociedad más justa. Podemos hacer esto haciendo nuestra parte al dar la bienvenida al extranjero en nuestra parroquia o vecindario, enseñando a nuestros niños amor para todos, teniendo una conciencia social genuina como líderes empresariales, enseñando en nuestras escuelas justicia y justicia para todos. La conversión del corazón cambia a la gente, y entonces podemos cambiar la sociedad. Ser indiferente no es ser parte de la solución. Confiados en el Señor, participemos activamente en la lucha y celebremos juntos la diversidad como un privilegio - el “privilegio de la diferencia”. En nombre de la familia diocesana y de nuestros ministerios activos que cada día ayudan a los más necesitados entre nosotros, extiendo nuestro apoyo al Obispo George V. Murry, recientemente nombrado Presidente del Comité Ad Hoc contra el Racismo de la USCCB (por sus siglas en inglés) El Obispo Murry nos está pidiendo a todos que nos unamos en el amor de Cristo. En palabras del Obispo, “A través del ejemplo de amor y misericordia de Jesús, estamos llamados a ser mejores personas ... Tengo la esperanza de que podamos encontrar soluciones duraderas y un terreno común donde el racismo ya no encuentre un lugar en nuestros corazones o en nuestra sociedad.” Damos gracias a Dios que nos hizo a todos a su semejanza. Somos una familia bajo Dios. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo,

Michael R. Cote Obispo de Norwich

Our DIOCESE Mr. Larry Barile First year Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

Mr. Michael Castiblanco 3rd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Emmitsburg, Maryland

Deacon Ronald Blank Fourth year -Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

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MR. Michael Bovino Second year - Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.

We pray for men to answer the call to be instruments of God’s grace as priests of Jesus Christ. Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations

Please join us at the upcoming Deacon Frank Gilbert Fourth year - Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.





Holy Hour for Vocations

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour:

November 16, Christ the King, Old Lyme 6-7pm

December 14, St. Mary, Putnam 6-7pm Monthly Holy Hour for Priestly Vocations, November 16th at Christ the King Church in Old Lyme at 6pm. This is a great time to join with Bishop Cote in prayer for the future priests of our diocese. Mr. Normand Laflamme First year - Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland

Finally, please continue to pray for our work with FOCUS at UCONN, that it will continue to produce holy young adults on fire with the Joy of the Gospel!

Mr. Jacob Ramos Second year - Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.

Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program UCONN/Storrs



Fa ith Ca


As the school year has now been underway for just over a month, let’s take this opportunity to remind you to please continue to pray for all our seminarians and possible future candidates. Available at each Eucharistic Perpetual Chapel in the diocese and every parish is our postcard to seminarians, which lets them know you’re praying for them regularly. Each year, they always bring to my attention how truly grateful they are each time they receive one of these cards. They often comment that the cards come “just at the right time”!




Mr. Dharen Brochero UnderGrad/ Philosophy Major Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Emmitsburg, Maryland

Part of bringing the Joy of the Gospel to God’s people is to keep you updated with our seminarians. It is truly with great joy that we have nine men who are presently now in seminary studies. Deacon Ron Blank and Deacon Frank Gilbert will hopefully be ordained to the priesthood June 30, 2018. Michael Castiblanco will hopefully be ordained a transitional deacon for the diocese next spring. We have five seminarians studying together at Mount St. Mary Seminary and three at Pope St. John XXIII in Weston MA. We are glad to have Ruben Garcia Sanchez also back with us from Medellin Colombia. Ruben is presently studying English at UCONN while living at St. Bridget of Kildare parish in Moodus.


The recognition that God is calling all of us to continue the work He began so long ago is a constant reminder that I always find myself personally going back to. As Disciples of Christ, each one of us needs to renew regularly in ourselves our personal openness to becoming better instruments and examples of God’s love for others. This is all summed up in the document that this gathering of Catholic leaders was called together to consider and respond to, Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel, by Pope Francis. Please continue to pray as we begin the process of bringing this message to the

Diocese of Norwich.



his past summer I had the opportunity to assist in representing our diocese at the National Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Orlando Florida. The invitation itself was humbling. The evidence of unity expressed by those invited to present to the delegates and the joy and the hope regarding what the Church has done and is doing, was tangible. There was a great awareness that there is still so much more that needs to be done, so much more growth, so much more unity to be built, in every ministry, every parish, every diocese and ultimately interiorly in each daughter and son of God. The reality of what each one of us is being asked to do as part of God’s family, as members being sent forth every day, every week, and every month is exciting.





Wedding Anniversary Mass


Photos by Wayne Gignac

A Celebration of Love 57 Couples from Across the Diocese Renew Their Marriage Commitment


alter and Anna Karrenberg of St. Andrew Parish in Colchester celebrated 70 years of marriage. They were one of 57 couples who renewed their marriage commitment at the Silver and Gold Wedding Anniversary Mass on September 17th at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. “I hope we make it that long”, said Karen Cregeur of St. John Parish in Uncasville, to Thomas, her husband of 25 years. He optimistically added, “It’s awesome . . .we can probably make 60 years AND with modern medicine there’s no telling how long this could go.” The Mass, celebrated by Bishop Michael R. Cote was followed by a reception in the Cathedral hall for all the couples along with families and friends.

27th Annual

Red Mass

“Choose Christ. Bring your faith with you wherever you go. Do not be afraid to apply your Sunday ethics to your Tuesday decisions”, said Bishop Mark O’Connell, JCD, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston Sunday, October 1st at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich. He went on to say, “If you aren’t using your Catholic faith for your decisions, what are you using instead?” The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:

Diocesan Appointment

Very Reverend Mark Curesky, OFM Conv. Vicar for Consecrated Life

Clergy Appointments

Reverend Bijoy Joseph, CST, new to the Diocese, to Saint Luke Parish, Ellington, Parochial Vicar. Reverend Patrick Martin, from Duty Outside the Diocese to Retirement. Reverend Marek Masnicki, Renewal of appointment as Pastor of Saint Andrew Parish, Colchester, and Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, Lebanon. Monsignor Robert L. Brown , Chancellor

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Fa ith Cal





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At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.”


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Thousands of people from across Poland traveled to their country’s border Saturday (October 7th), forming a human chain around the country, and prayed the Rosary “to save Poland and the world.” “The rosary is a powerful weapon in the fight against evil,” the official website for the event explains. “Therefore, we believe that if the rosary is prayed by about a million Poles on the borders of the country, it may not only change the course of events, but open hearts of our compatriots to the grace of God.”


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Love Knows No Disability

What an illusion it is when people today shut their eyes in the face of sickness and disability! They fail to understand the real meaning of life, which also has to do with accepting suffering and limitations. The way we experience illness and disability is an index of the love we are ready to offer. –Pope Francis By Andrea Hoisl





s Pope Francis continues to remind us of the Gospel call of inclusion and love, the Office of Faith Events sponsored the first Pontifical Mass for the Diocesan Partnership on Disability on September 30th. People from across the diocese with physical, intellectual and mental health disabilities, as well as their families, friends, caregivers, co-workers, support staff and health care professionals, were invited to the Mass to come together and worship at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. The Mass was a joyful celebration of life that focused on the beauty and variety of all the gifts given to us by God. Bishop Michael R. Cote was the main celebrant and Father Mark O’Donnell, Pastor of St. Joseph Church, New London, was the homilist. The homily focused on the many ways we can learn from one another as fellow human beings. It also reminded everyone present

that all life has dignity and purpose because we are created in God’s image. The Mass was signed for the hearing impaired, and prayer cards given out at Mass were also available in braille for the visually impaired. Following the Mass, there was a reception in the Parish Hall that included a presentation by the Office of Faith Events, and kicked off the new One Heart Ministry beginning this fall under the direction of this office. The presentation included a slide show put together by the Pontifical Mass planning committee, highlighting the gifts and talents of all of God’s people. The One Heart Ministry is a partnership on disability for individuals and the people who assist them in their daily lives to come together for faith and fellowship. The group will meet once a month and have the opportunity to pray, socialize and work together on a service project making heart pins that will be distributed to different groups of people, at different stages of life, to

let them know someone cares. Every heart will have a prayer attached so the recipient knows the group is praying for them. It’s a gift from “Our heart to yours!” Some of the groups that the pins will be distributed to include the disabled, veterans, the elderly, patients in hospice, the bereaved and parents with a child in a hospital neonatal unit. The heart not only lets people know that someone cares, it also symbolizes the hope that we hold as Catholics that God’s love accompanies us through every challenge. To become involved in this ministry, please contact the Office of Faith Events at 860-848-2237, ext. 304, or faithevents@norwichdiocese. net. All are welcome! Steven Smith, MYARC Moderator with At the reception, Karen Caise, a Xavier High School graduate member of the planning committee, Ian Coyne. (photo by Linda Norton) summed up the purpose of this new ministry: “We all have different paths to walk in this life - different children, expect that all will be treated journeys. All people deserve the with respect, offered encouragement opportunity to reach their individual, and filled with hope.” God-given potential. We, as God’s



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The Road out of Poverty for Haiti’s Youth

By Dan O’Sullivan

utreach has had an education program in Haiti for more than 25 years. Only 15% of children in Haiti receive a free public education. The rest must pay for it, or not go to school. We sponsor children and young adults to attend Haitian schools from Kindergarten through University level. Besides tuition support, Outreach provides tutoring and a computer

lab. Students are also given medical, nutritional, and dental support, as well as, corrective eyewear, as needed. Our goal is not simply to enable children to attend school, but to provide the support they need to be successful in school. The hurdles the children in Haiti face in getting an education are often enormous. In a country where less than 15% of children finish secondary school, 95% of students

in our program pass each year. The state administers national exams at the end of 9th grade, and secondary school (Philo or 13th grade). This exam must be passed to move on in school. This past year, all our students taking the exam passed it. We generally add children to the program at the primary grade levels, and support them as they advance with the most successful ultimately attending university or vocational

school. Currently we have 38 children in the post-secondary level, in many areas of study. We have recently worked at expanding our internship program and have skill-building seminars for our post-secondary students for them for employment when they finish school - which is the ultimate aim of education.

Karima Pierre

Rojerson Inelus

hopes to start 3rd grade. He loves is 7 years old and is being moved up is starting 2nd grade and lives reading, social studies, math and to the 3rd grade. He likes to read. “I with her mom. “I like reading. My French. “After I lost my father, thank you in the name of Almighty teacher tells stories and makes us going to school was very difficult, God for your sponsorship - it will allaugh! Going to school to get a good but thanks to your support I will low me to stay in school to be helpful education is the best opportunity for keep going to school easily, so I to my family and society.” His father me to succeed in my life. I want to thank you once more.” He hopes if has died this year. be doctor.” he studies very hard, to become a “doctor, God’s servant.” All the children say, “Thanks to your support I will keep going to school!”

Post Secondary Students Fields of Study n Business n Medicane and Nursing n Engineering

Jesula Joseph

is starting 4th grade. “I study a lot and I always get my homework done. This school year I worked so hard, studied so much, that I didn’t have any time to have fun with friends. “She prays for good health and a life without the problems of getting enough food and a permanent home for her family of 7.

Annual Cost of Sponsorship Any donation is greatly $425 Primary School Student appreciated! $500 Secondary School Student We welcome all support! $800 Technical School Student $2,000 University Student


Moise Museau


Here are a few of the many children, just entering our program, for which we are seeking sponsors



“Our Faith Calls Us to Action”

Volunteers – Jorge and RosaMaria Lemus The theme for the 2017 ACA is “Our Faith Calls US to ACTION”. Each month we feature someone who supports our Diocesan Ministries by following this motto.

By Kathy Gaito





hen Jorge and RosaMaria Lemus were asked about why they volunteer, where they volunteer and what volunteering means to them, one main area of focus prevalent in all of their answers was… “Building a faith community!” Volunteering and bringing people together is important to Mr. and Mrs. Lemus because as they stated, “It’s very important for us to share the blessings that we have received from God in our marriage and our family. It’s also a great way to make new friends and to build a community.” Parishioners at St. Mary Star of the Sea parish, New London, RosaMaria and Jorge work with the Diocesan Director of Hispanic Ministry, Sister Mary Jude Lazarus, SCMC, helping minister to couples and families. “We have been volunteering with the Hispanic Ministry for about 20 years. It is wonderful to see how couples revive their love and commitment after participating in the weekend

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention That human trafficking, the modern form of slavery, may be eradicated.

retreats,” RosaMaria and Jorge offered. They both agree that they receive the most joy from “serving others and helping to contribute to God’s plan to save marriages.” The retreats and events offered by Hispanic Ministry seem to leave a lasting impression on the attendees. RosaMaria and Jorge stated, “It’s wonderful to see couples and individuals involved in the parish life after participating on a weekend retreat or other activities sponsored by the Hispanic Ministry.” RosaMaria and Jorge are also helping with the V Encuentro – a five-week program that prepares participants to “…go out to proclaim the Joy of the Gospel as Missionary Disciples: witnesses of God’s Love” (March 2017 Four County Catholic: The Diocese of Norwich Moves Forward with V Encuentro, by Sister Mary Jude, SCMC). Participating in this initiative is a way for them to continue their work toward building a faith community. “I worked as group facilitator in St. Mary Star of the Sea. In addition, I’m working with Sister Mary Jude as Co-chair of the Diocesan planning committee, known as EDAVE (Equipo Diocesano al V Encuentro). My husband is also a member of this group. We are currently working on organizing the Diocesan Encuentro, an all-day event when representatives from the parishes with Hispanic Ministry will come together to discern how the Diocese can better support the parishes in becoming missionary

parishes. Bishop Cote will be in attendance. This event will be held in October,” RosaMaria mentioned. Volunteering has allowed this couple to connect with more people in their parish and surrounding community. “We are able to participate in different events, meet new people and cooperate as much as possible to build a faith community,” Mr. and Mrs. Lemus said in agreement. There isn’t a better way to end this article than restating how it began. To use the words of Jorge and RosaMaria, “to build a faith community” you need a place to start. Mr. and Mrs. Lemus have chosen volunteering with a diocesan ministry to be that beginning base. From there, the hope is others will see how Jorge and RosaMaria have assisted in setting the ground work and more people will come forward to help

build upon the ‘good works’ that have already been accomplished, leading to a steadfast ‘faith community’ throughout the Diocese of Norwich and beyond. Thank you, Jorge and RosaMaria Lemus, from all of us here at the Diocese of Norwich for your volunteerism. You are truly appreciated! Volunteers are vital to our ministries that are supported by the time, talent and treasures of people in our Diocese. Your support and the support of others allow our ministries to continue their service to our community. Thank you for hearing and responding to: “Our Faith Calls Us To Action”!


“Nuestra fe nos llama a la acción”!

Voluntarios – Jorge y Rosa María Lemus que reciben la mayor alegría al “servir a otros y ayudan a contribuir al plan de Dios para salvar los matrimonios”. Los retiros y eventos ofrecidos por el Ministerio Hispano parecen dejar una impresión duradera en los asistentes. Rosa María y Jorge declararon: “Es maravilloso ver a parejas e individuos involucrados en la vida parroquial después de participar en un retiro de fin de semana u otras actividades patrocinadas por el Ministerio Hispano”. Rosa María y Jorge también están ayudando con el V Encuentro - un programa de cinco semanas que prepara a los participantes a “... salir a proclamar el gozo del Evangelio como discípulos misioneros: testigos del amor de Dios” (La Diócesis de Norwich avanza con el V Encuentro, por la Hermana Mary Jude, SCMC: Marzo 2017 Four County Catholic). Participar en esta iniciativa es una manera para que ellos continúen su trabajo hacia la construcción de una comunidad de fe. Rosa María mencionó,”Trabajé como facilitadora de grupo en Santa María Estrella del Mar. Además, estoy trabajando con la

Hermana Jude como Copresidenta del Comité Diocesano de Planificación, conocido como EDAVE (Equipo Diocesano al V Encuentro). Mi marido también es miembro de este grupo. Actualmente estamos trabajando en la organización del Encuentro Diocesano, un evento de todo el día en el que representantes de las parroquias del Ministerio Hispano se reunirán para discernir cómo la Diócesis puede apoyar mejor a las parroquias en convertirse en parroquias misioneras. El Obispo Cote estará presente. Este evento se llevará a cabo en octubre. El voluntariado ha permitido a esta pareja conectarse con más personas en su parroquia y la comunidad circundante. “Podemos participar en diferentes eventos, conocer gente nueva y cooperar lo mejor posible para construir una comunidad de fe”, dijeron de acuerdo el Sr. y la Sra. Lemus. No hay una mejor manera de terminar este artículo que reiniciar cómo comenzó. Para usar las palabras de Jorge y Rosa María, “para construir una comunidad de fe” se necesita un lugar para empezar. Para ser esa base inicial el Sr. y la Sra. Lemus han escogido ser voluntarios con un ministerio diocesano. A partir de ahí, la esperanza es que otros vean cómo Jorge y Rosa María han ayudado a establecer el terreno de trabajo y más personas se presenten para ayudar a construir sobre “buenas obras” lo que ya se ha logrado, llevando una “comunidad de fe” firme a lo largo de la Diócesis de Norwich y más allá.

Jorge and RosaMaria Lemus

Gracias, Jorge and RosaMaria LeDe parte de todos nosotros aquí en la Diócesis de Norwich gracias Jorge y Rosa María Lemus por su voluntariado. ¡Ustedes son verdaderamente apreciados! Los voluntarios son vitales para nuestros ministerios que son apoyados por tiempo, talento y dinero de las personas en nuestra Diócesis. Su apoyo y el apoyo de otros permiten a nuestros ministerios continuar su servicio a nuestra comunidad. Gracias por escuchar y responder a: “Nuestra fe nos llama a la acción”!



uando se les preguntó a Jorge y a Rosa María Lemus por qué son voluntarios, y qué significaba para ellos el voluntariado, una de las principales áreas de interés que prevalecían en todas sus respuestas era “Construir una comunidad de fe”. Ser voluntarios y acercar a la gente es importante para el Sr. y la Sra. Lemus porque como ellos declararon, “Es muy importante para nosotros compartir las bendiciones que hemos recibido de Dios en nuestro matrimonio y en nuestra familia. Es también una forma de hacer nuevos amigos y de construir una comunidad. “ Rosa María y Jorge, feligreses de la parroquia Santa María Estrella del Mar en New London, CT, trabajan con la Directora Diocesana del Ministerio Hispano, la Hermana Mary Jude Lazarus, SCMC, ayudando a parejas y a familias. “Hemos estado trabajando como voluntarios en el Ministerio Hispano por 20 años. Es maravilloso ver cómo las parejas reavivan su amor y su compromiso después de participar en los retiros de fin de semana “, ofrecidos por Rosa María y Jorge. Ambos coinciden en


Por Kathy Gaito

El tema de la Campaña Católica Anual 2017 es “Nuestra Fe NOS Llama a la ACCIÓN”. Siguiendo este lema cada mes presentaremos a alguien que apoye a nuestros Ministerios Diocesanos.







Friday – Sunday October 27-29

Queen of Heaven: Mary’s Battle for You

Beginning Experience Weekend

7-8:30pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Learn the story of Mary’s life beginning before the dawn of time and extending into today. Facilitated by Mona Anne Niedbala and Father Peter Langevin. Program materials provided, including access to online videos. Please call the Cathedral at 860-889-8441 to register.

Are you widowed, separated or divorced and want help resolving the pain of losing the relationship? Held at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield. $235 for the weekend and includes food, lodging, materials and a follow-up event. For more information, contact Victoria at 860993-2384 or Maureen at 860-285-8685 or visit www.beginningexperience. org/connecticut

Wednesday October 18 Webinar- Enjoying our Faith Making Faith Fun. Give kids a reason to come to Church, give adults perspective on enjoying our faith. 7pm webinar. Participate in education, ways to integrate fun in faith life, evangelize youth, and share ideas with colleagues. Email Liza to register at

Saturday October 21 How to Have the Best Liturgical Music in your Parish 9-12:30pm at St. Matthias Parish, East Lyme. Tom Kendzia will share his ideas on how to make the best use of parish musical resources All are welcome. Cost $10. Register at: or call: 860-848-2237x302 and pay at the door.

Sunday October 29 8th Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner The Seton Scholarship Dinner honors individuals who have made significant contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese. All proceeds benefit Diocesan elementary school students in the form of tuition assistance. Held at The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station, Haddam from 4-8pm. For information on honorees and tickets, please call Kathy Gaito at (860) 886-1928, ext. 15 or email kgaito@




Wednesdays October 18 & 25

Fa ith Ca

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December 13, 2017 Father Ray Introvigine

At 10:00am

Channel 11 WCCT Comcast Channel 20 WTXX Charter Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.


“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Sunday November 5 26th Annual Red, White & Blue Mass 10:15am at the Cathedral of St. Patrick.

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Mass for Those Dedicated to Education Primary Obligation

The Mass was dedicated to Bishop Michael R. Cote, the main Celebrant of the Mass, for the holy and meaningful nature of his service to the Lord. Each year this special Mass is held to honor teachers, administrators and support staff from private, parochial and public schools of all faiths from across the Four Counties that comprise the Diocese of Norwich. Reverend Peter Langevin, Parochial Vicar of the Cathedral of St. Patrick, was the homilist. Father Peter, ordained a little over a year ago, is a former teacher and school administrator whose last post, before heading off to the seminary, was at Xavier High School, where he was Dean of Faculty Formation.

“ Those called to the formal work of education as teachers, administrators, and support staff have an even greater responsibility in this regard as they endeavor, together with parents, to guide and form our young people – to help them to navigate the often difficult and stormy waters of life in our world today, to discern right from wrong, to grow in knowledge and virtue but above all to recognize how they are loved by God so that they in turn can share that love they have received with their neighbor.”

Following the homily, Bishop Cote led the congregation in the commissioning prayer. “We are a people set apart and called to proclaim God who has called us out of darkness into light. Let us rededicate ourselves to our mission as parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff in education, confirming and strengthening each other’s efforts in our common commitment and shared ministry.”

Father Peter Langevin, Parochial Vicar of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, delivering a powerful message to those Dedicated to Education. Father Peter went on to say, “True love is what enables us to keep the Commandments . . . LOVE is at the very foundation of our formation as Christian disciples – it must motivate everything we do. Our primary obligation in the education of future generations of young people therefore is to teach them how to love as well!”

One of the challenges that parents and teachers face today is seeking what is truly good for one another and being willing to do what it takes for that good to be realized. That sometimes isn’t easy cautioned Father Peter. “Sadly, there are so few today who are willing to speak the truth in love, especially when the message is unpopular or goes against the

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, Principal of St. John School – Announcing the General Intercessions. The Memorial Book which bears the inscription of names of deceased educators and support staff who were remembered in this Mass can be seen in the foreground.


prevailing social convention. It is an important part of living in community and a vital way in which we can help hold one another accountable to the call of our Baptism.”

“Education, particularly of young people, has been an essential part of the mission of evangelization, entrusted to the Church by the Lord Jesus since the beginning. Each one of us, as his disciples, shares in this mission by virtue of our baptism.” So began homilist Father Peter Langevin at the 22nd Annual Diocesan Mass for Those Dedicated to Education, held Sunday, September 10th at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich.


By Wayne Gignac

– Teach Students How to Love



Blue Mass 2017 Celebration of Faith and Heroes

Articles and photos by Linda Norton





n any typical day across the United States, law enforcement officers hug their spouses, children, and pets goodbye as they leave for work. Perhaps more than occasionally, one of the people involved in the goodbyes is thinking “please let me come home at the end of the day” or “Oh God, please keep him/her safe today”. We live in times when being in the law enforcement field is more dangerous than ever. The need for daily prayer is crucial.

blessing upon them for their service to the Church and law enforcement. Law enforcement personnel were a noticeable part of the Mass serving as lectors, readers. extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, servers, gift bearers and honor guard. This year’s homilist was Deacon

Christopher Deskus who in addition Officer Richard Cable, his wife Norwich Officer Avery Marsh Heather, and their Children, with narcotics K9 Officer Luther. to parish ministry, is also the Catholic Chaplain for the Connecticut Noah, Audrey, Brandon & Anna.

Our Diocese officially honored those officers who put their lives on the line on a daily basis by holding the 27th Annual Blue Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday, September 24th. The tone was celebratory but solemn, and remembrances were offered for officers who are no longer with us. The Mass program listed the names of one hundred United States law enforcement professionals who lost their lives in 2017. Of those listed, fifteen were canine officers. Joining our Bishop, clergy, and the cathedral parishioners at their weekly Sunday 10:30 Mass were representatives from state, local, federal, correction, motor vehicle, and special enforcement agencies, as well as judicial marshals, the Knights of Columbus, friends, family of law enforcement, the Department of Correction Pipes and Drums, and the Cathedral choir.

Prior to Mass, Monsignor Rosaforte, Rector of the Cathedral welcomed everyone. Lieutenant Matthew Galante of the New London Police

Cantor, Carol Mailhot, leads the congregation in song. Department, led the assembly in praying a special Officer’s Prayer which read in part: “You have blessed those of us within the law enforcement family with the holy and honorable task of bringing order to the earth from the chaos of everyday evil…. allow us to continue to do our work on earth to the glory of Your Everlasting Name.” Reveille was played and then

the entrance procession commenced. Bishop Michael R. Cote, presided at the Mass, along with Monsignor Brown, and concelebrants Monsignor Rosaforte, and Fathers Bruno, Feeney, and Langevin. Bishop Cote welcomed everyone and thanked the Committee Chair and co-Chair, Chief Louis J. Fusaro, Jr. and Chief Patrick Daley, for their work and asked God’s

Department of Corrections and Diocesan Director of Prison Ministry. During his homily, Deacon Deskus commented that the law enforcement field has gotten more difficult over the last couple of years and talked about the toll this can take on officers. He encouraged officers to take care of their health, to make use of beneficial support services available to them, as well as the support of family, friends, and their faith communities - the ultimate support being that of our loving God.He encouraged them to stay especially close to Jesus in the Eucharist and reminded them to keep a healthy perspective, and to remember that while carrying out their work they must also try to love the people they serve as God does. After the Eucharistic prayer and the reception of Holy Communion, and just prior to Bishop Cote’s final blessing and dismissal, the National Anthem was sung, The Recessional Hymn was “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. Following the Mass, a reception was held in the Cathedral hall which was catered by St. Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich.







“But I say to you (your name), LOVE your enemies and PRAY for those who persecute you, that you may be called ‘children of your Heavenly Father,’ for He makes His sun shine on the bad and the good, and causes the rain to fall on the just and unjust!” Matthew 5:44-45

7 - Week Life in the Spirit Seminar Begins Wednesday, October 11 St. Mary Church, Portland. 7:30 – 9pm Healing Mass and Healing Service Friday, October 20 St. Francis of Assisi, Middletown. 7pm. Prayer Teams, Individual Prayer & Anointing Masses of Healing and Hope Mondays, October 9 & 23 Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich. 2pm. Unbound (Freedom) Conference Saturday, October 28 Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich. 9-5pm. Call 860-887-0702 to register Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, October 29 St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 872 Farmington Ave., West Hartford Mass 1-2pm, Healing Service 2-4pm. Prayer Teams & Anointing. Television Mass Wednesday, November 1 Channel 11 - WCCT – Comcast Channel 20 – WTXX - Charter

Spiritual Renewal Services

11 Bath Street • Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702

Spiritual Renewal Celebrates 40 Years of Service By Judith Hughes For 40 years the Spiritual Renewal Ministry has lived its mission to help others on their journey with an emphasis on developing a closer relationship with Jesus, a desire to pray more, a love of scripture, deeper appreciation of Sacraments and baptism of the Holy Spirit. The ministry has offered the diocese many ways to connect with the spirit including healing courses which helped others to learn how to pray for healing such as the Linn Healing Course and the Christian Healing Course, a 3-year program. The Little Rock Bible Study has been presented to over 500 people across the Diocese. Days of Renewal were held 2 or 3 times a year. Presenters would teach on many varied topics. Prayer groups have helped people to gather to praise the Lord and learn and use the gifts and Charisms of the Holy Spirit. In all, 74 parish missions have been held with the Life in the Spirit Seminar. From the beginning, Spiritual Renewal felt a need for a board to help pray and give input where the Spirit was leading Renewal. It was called the Prayer and Discernment Board which still meets once a month (pictured above). A one-day Confirmation Retreat was developed to help confirmands better understand the Charisms, gifts and actions of the Holy Spirit. It has been well received by our young people over the years. We have organized Spiritual Pilgrimages to Italy, the Holy Land Oberammergau and our most recent pilgrimage to Fatima, Spain and Lourdes. We were touched to see these holy places. Masses of Healing and Hope are of-

Prayer and Discernment Board members: Robert Nucci, Ann Maire Osowski, Joe Osowski Nancy Delaney, Barbara Peirolo, Judith Hughes and Father Ray Introvigine.

fered in Parishes with prayer teams available to pray. Unbound Prayer Ministry taught to us by Neal Lozano from Heart of the Father Ministries has been offered for the last 8 years. This is not all we do or have done. There is much more. This is a ministry of people called by God to help others on their spiritual journey. A special thanks to Bishop Reilly, Bishop Hart and Bishop Cote, for their support and encouragement throughout the years. Over the last forty years we have tried to be obedient to the Holy Spirit in leading this ministry. Spiritual Renewal would not have had the positive impact, for so many, were it not for the Annual Catholic Appeal and our faithful volunteers who have shared their time, talents and treasures. For this we are ever thankful and grateful.


Fa ith Ca







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By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Christ calls believers to welcome migrants and refugees “with arms wide open, ready to give a sincere, affectionate, enveloping embrace,” Pope Francis said, launching the “Share the Journey” campaign of Catholic Charities around the world. Christians’ embrace of people

fleeing war or poverty should be “a bit like the colonnade of St. Peter’s Square, which represents the mother church who embraces all in sharing a common journey,” the Holy Father said at the end of his weekly general audience Sept. 27th. With hundreds of refugees and migrants present in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis said the Catholic Charities’ staff and volunteers who assist them are “a sign of a church that seeks to be open, inclusive and welcoming.” “Share the Journey” is a two-year campaign sponsored by Caritas

Internationalis, the global network of national Catholic charities -- including the U.S. Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Charities USA -- to promote encounters between people on the move and people living in the countries they are leaving, passing through or arriving in. Philippine Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, president of Caritas Internationalis, told Catholic News Service, “’Share the Journey’ is an affirmation that everyone wants and needs someone to share his or her journey through life.” “A small gesture like extending one’s arm to somebody else -- it means a lot,” he said. “I reach out and if a person feels alone and isolated, my reaching out is a gesture of solidarity. If I reach out and that person is wounded, it could be a sign of healing. If I reach out and the person is lost, it could mean an offer of guidance. If I reach out and the person feels like nobody cares, then it will be a sign of welcome.” In his ministry in the Philippines and traveling around the world for Caritas, Cardinal Tagle said he has come to realize that “we don’t need to do great, extraordinary, extravagant things to make a difference in the lives of people.” Rather, he said, “small gestures, ordinary gestures, when done with sincerity, with the light of human understanding, with the fire

of love can do One key poi campaign, Ca help Catholic to get to know refugee crisis or refugee in “Fear comes Lasting impre experience of sharing even migrant or ref Sister Norma Missionaries the Journey i us as church, walk with and the immigran opportunity to they are not a “We are sayi want you to k with you and His Holiness “to support th expression of brothers and s such initiative tries to be ope

urney “To our Church, this campaign is an embodiment of the Biblical command to love our neighbor.”

o extraordinary things.” int of the “Share the Journey” ardinal Tagle also said, is to cs and others take positive steps w the truth about the current s and to actually meet a migrant person. s first from the unknown,” essions can come from the f meeting, talking to and a moment of the journey with a fugee, the cardinal said. a Pimentel, a member of the of Jesus, added that “Share is the opportunity for all of as the people of God, to d be part of that journey that nts are going through. It is an o tell migrants and refugees alone.” ing, we are with you and we know that we will always be care for you.” s Pope Francis encouraged all his praiseworthy initiative as an f our solidarity with our many sisters in need,” adding that es “are a sign of a Church that Hani and Yaldiz Hanou and their 3 children Darin-18, Kamber-17, Mohamed -12 pictured with a few of the more en, inclusive and welcoming.” than 65 volunteers of the Ecumenical Committee that assisted the Hanou family- Syrian Refugees from Aleppo. Three Old Lyme churches — Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, and St. Ann’s Episcopal Church — co-sponsored the Hamou family through IRIS- Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services in New Haven.


Pope Francis





Grieving the Loss of a Loved one

14 Club Road Windham, CT 06280 860.456.1107

Playwright Oscar Wilde wrote:

“Where there is sorrow there is holy ground.” If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, come find a place of holy ground to remember departed loved ones at one of two upcoming workshops entitled: Praying Your Goodbyes.




By Mary-Jo McLaughlin



he workshop will give participants suggestions on how to navigate the upcoming holidays, discover who they are now that their loved one is gone and ways to grow through the experience of their loss. It will be offered on two separate dates at two different sites in the diocese. The first will be Saturday, November 4 from 11-1:30pm at St. Joseph Parish Hall, Willimantic; and the second will take place Sunday, November 19 from 1:304pm at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Middletown. Both workshops will include opportunities for participants to explore ways to experience healing through journaling, poetry writing, music, and prayer. There will also be a panel discussion among people who have experienced various losses

on how they found God through their loss. Deacon Peter Gill from Notre Dame Church in Durham and St. Colman’s Church in Middlefield is working with the Diocesan Catholic Family Services Office to present this workshop. Deacon Gill has extensive experience working with the grieving and leading bereavement support groups. The workshop will conclude with a prayer service and reflection on: “How God Can Transform Our Sorrow into a Faithfilled Future.” There is no cost for either workshop, but registration is required. For more information or to register for one of the two dates, contact Mary-Jo McLaughlin at the Catholic Family Services Office, 860-848-2237, ext. 306 or email

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Fa ith Ca

s ll








Church Craft Fairs and Bazaars

Friday- Saturday, November 3-4 Christmas Bazaar St. Luke’s, Ellington. Friday, 5-8pm, Saturday, 9-2pm. Crafts, country store, attic treasures, gift baskets, children’s activities, & bake goods.

Saturday, November 4 Sleigh Bells Fair St Pius X, Middletown. 10-7pm. White elephant, arts & crafts, plants, kid’s booths, tea cup raffle, baked goods & refreshments.

Saturday, November 4 Saint Theresa’s Harvest Fair St. Sebastian’s Church, Middletown. 9-2pm. Fresh seasonal vegetables; a chocolatier; handmade jewelry & accessories; freshly baked breads; a cookie walk; butter braid breads, & more. Doughnuts, coffee & lunch will be available.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry. 9-7pm. Handcrafted items, basket raffle, Christmas decorations, baked goods, religious articles, jewelry & delicious food.

Saturday, November 4 Fall Harvest Craft Fair St Stephen’s Parish, Quinebaug. 9-4pm. Crafts only

Saturday-Sunday, November 4-5 Christmas Bazaar Notre Dame Church, Durham. Saturday, 9-1pm & Sunday, 9-12pm. The raffle will be drawn at noon.

Friday-Saturday, November 10-11 Christmas Bazaar St. Bernard’s Rockville. 10-2 both days. Hot lunch available daily. Baked goods, rosettes, attic treasures, crafts, books, toys, jewelry & Christmas items.

Saturday, November 11 Festival of Angels Fair St. Francis of Assisi, Middletown. 9-3pm. Homemade baked goods, farmer’s market, Grandma’s attic, and a variety of vendors. Tea cup raffle featuring a grand prize 55” smart LED TV. Breakfast and lunch available

Friday-Saturday, November 17-18 Frosty Village Bazaar St. Matthew Church, Tolland. Friday 6-9:30pm & Saturday 9:30- 2:30pm.

Friday-Saturday, November 17-18 Candlelight Christmas Fair St. Peter Church, Higganum. “Twas the Night Before” - Friday, 5-8pm. Adults only: wine, cheese and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Saturday’s Raffles, jewelry, baked goods, antiques, crafts, quilt & wreaths. Coffee, pastries & lunch.

Saturday, November 18 Harvest Fair Saint John the Evangelist, Uncasville. 9-3pm. Crafts, bake sale, baskets, refreshments & luncheon items.

Saturday, November 18 Sleigh Bells Ring St. Maurice Church, Bolton. 9-3pm. Homemade dolls, jelly baskets, handcrafted ornaments, fresh evergreen baskets, American Girl doll clothes, hand-knit items, Christmas tree skirts, “Take-A-Chance” booth, & homemade baked goods. Santa & Mrs. Claus photos from 10:30-12pm. Lunch available.

Saturday, November 18 Christmas Fair St John the Apostle, Plainfield. 9-3pm in the church hall. Presented by Our Lady of Fatima Guild.

Saturday, November 25 Angels & Elves Christmas Fair St. John School, Old Saybrook. 9-2pm. In the gymnasium. Crafters, raffles, baked goods, breakfast, & lunch.

Saturday, December 2 Fall Festival St. Joseph’s Church, Chester. 8-2pm. Handmade wreaths, swags & cemetery boxes. St. Joseph’s Gift Shop .Food table with jams, breads, soups, cookies & cakes. Santa Claus will visit from 10 -12pm. Dixie Baskets can be won by purchasing tickets.

Saturday, December 2 Christmas Fair Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Essex. 9-3pm. Craft table, lunch, a children’s area for them to purchase gifts, basket raffles and six wonderful items for a silent auction.

Saturday-Sunday December 2-3 Snowflake Fair Sacred Heart Church, Norwichtown. Saturday 9-3pm in the Church Hall and Sunday 8:30-noon. Crafters, raffles, baked goods. Food & drinks available.


St. Andrew Church, Colchester. Friday, 4-8pm & Saturday, 9-2pm. Bake shop, baskets, kid’s corner, Christmas gifts, tea cup auction & more. A turkey dinner will be served Friday at 4pm for seniors, & 5pm for the general public. Dinner is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $5 for children. 3 & under are free.

Saturday, November 4 Guild Christmas Bazaar


Friday- Saturday, November 3-4 Christmas Fair


Our YOUTH Sacred Heart School, Groton

Dr. Gail Kingston, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

Phone: 860-887-1757

St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

Ms. Sharon Briere, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090



Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.


Opening Mass at Saint Bernard School The Opening Mass of the 2017-18 school year was held Thursday, Sept. 14, at Saint Bernard School in Uncasville. Junior Andrew Lemire played his violin as guests entered the lobby to attend the Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. During his homily, the Bishop offered his blessings to St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

students and teachers for a pleasant and successful year ahead. “I also hope that the academic exercise will help you to recognize the gifts and the talents that God has given you, and that you will work hard to develop those gifts to your fullest potential,” he said. “In doing so, you also give glory to Almighty God.” St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich Mrs. Catherine Reed, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849

OUR YOUTH St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, New London

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

From the

Superintendent’s Office… My Dear Friends,

Holy Mar�, I place this cause in your hands.

~ JP ~

Pope Francis @Pontifex

has encountered the Lord.

Diocese of Norwich

Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

There are none that can withstand your power. O Mar� conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Dear young people, do not be afraid of the future! Dare to dream big! Keep joy alive, a sign of a young heart that

Superintendent of Schools

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic

O Most Beautif�l Flower of Mt. Car�el, Fr�itf�l Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessit�. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mar�, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Ear�h, I humbly beseech you f�om the bot�om of my hear� to succor me in my necessit�.

Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson

Mr. Joseph Hanrahan, Headmaster 26 Chase Road, Thompson, CT Phone: 860-923-9565

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735


Henry Fiore, Jr.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mar�


In these recent weeks, the value of Catholic education for our children could not be more apparent. In our schools, faith is ever-present and interwoven into our school day, and is the center of all we do. How do we help children who internalize and worry about natural disasters and the turmoil in our world? How do we help the increasing number of children and teens experiencing anxiety? How do we respond when children ask, “Why did God let this happen?” The answer to all of these questions has to do with our faith and how we instill the faith in our ministry as Catholic educators. We are able to consider the following excerpts reinforcing trust in God from Psalms 46 and 57 respectively: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging...I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed...” Our Catholic schools are havens of peace in today’s society. The atmosphere itself of prayer and spirituality create a calm and safe learning environment. In our Catholic schools, we are able to bring the Scriptures alive. We reinforce that God will get us through all things if we have faith. Faith is the best emotional regulator we can provide for the young men and women under our care. Putting our faith into action and recognizing that globally our sisters and brothers in the midst of disaster or tragedy need our help is a big part of our mission. Social Justice is reinforced very frequently in all of our schools. It is one thing to teach the faith, but teaching about putting our faith into action is equally if not more important. October is also the month of the Rosary. We teach our students to honor Our Lord through Her intercession. To quote Pope Francis, “Our Lady is also the most iconic image of hope. She is close to those who suffer throughout the world, and she provides them the hope to overcome their struggle.” We pray the Rosary accordingly. This is what we do in our ministry. This is why our ministry is so important. Thank you all for your support, especially for your generosity in the collection for our schools. I ask that you always keep our schools and all in our ministry in your prayers so that we may continue to enlighten the children under our care and give them the peace of Our Lord, which will stay with them for the rest of their lives. May Our Lady keep you all under Her protective mantle always,

Urgent Request for Assistance “We love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love.” - Saint Vincent de Paul

As winter approaches, our soup kitchens and pantries are in urgent need of food. Thank You



Saint Vincent de Paul Middletown 860-344-0097


Saint Vincent de Paul Place Norwich 860-889-7374


Norwich, CT (860) 887-7468 New London, CT (860) 701-9171

• Behavioral Health Services provide non-judgmental counseling for depression, substance abuse and addiction.

th ANNIVERSARY SPONSOR Catholic Charities would like to thank everyone who • HelpTHANK YOU TO OUR 95for is provided to develop a plan self-sufficiency, assisting attended our 95th Anniversary Gala and supported the Stephen and Patricia Coan families in need of food, shelter and emergency transportation. good work that we do. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS • Adoption planning program ensures theGALA placement To those that purchased a ticket, donated or purchased a of a child in a loving, committed Michael and Arnold andAngela safe family. silent auction item, purchased a Flame of Remembrance, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tessman or simply made a donation to Catholic Charities; thank…Providing Help, Mr.Creating and Mrs. Kenneth Capano,1921 Sr. Hope Since you! Ms. Jacqueline Keller Ms. Christine Jackel Catholic Charities Locations: 7KH HYHQLQJ VLJQLILHG D ´1HZ %HJLQQLQJµ IRU &DWKROLF Norwich Main Office Willimantic Mr. EverestMiddletown Brustolon New London 151 Broad St. 28 Huntington St. 88 Jackson St. 331 Main St. Charities and could not have been possible without your Chelsea Groton Bank 860.346.0060 860.443.5328 860.423.7065 860.889.8346 support. Dime Bank

´,W was an amazing night and celebration, allowing Catholic Charities to honor those in our community who support our organization through their hard word and unselfish dedication. We are truly blessed.µ said Edward J. Tessman, Executive Director



Providing help and creating hope with your support…


Catholic Charities



Statement of the Catholic Bishops of Connecticut Concerning the Enactment of DACA Legislation



In response to the pending elimination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Catholic Bishops of Connecticut call upon our state’s Congressional delegation to strongly support legislation that would continue this just and humane program.


The DACA program assists many undocumented young people, who were brought to this nation by their parents as children, to become educated and participating members of our society. It assists these young people - approximately 8,000 in Connecticut – to follow their dreams in creating a life for themselves in a country that they have called home since their childhood. They had no voice in the decision that brought them to the United States, but with the DACA program they do have a voice in how they will contribute to the country they have come to know and love. Many of these young people would be torn from the only country they have really known and be sent to countries for which they hold no memories. Many would lose their educational, work and military

service opportunities that would make them contributing members of our society. The resulting deportations would not be consistent with our history as a nation largely of immigrants, nor would it reflect the biblical injunction of the book of Leviticus that “when an alien resides with you in your land, do not mistreat such a one” (Lv. 19:33). The Connecticut Bishops’ Statement on Immigration “To See the Immigrant Through the Eyes of Faith” which was issued in May 2008, continues to represent our concerns.

St. Mary – St. Joseph School 35 Valley Street – Willimantic, CT 06226 860-423-8479 •

A Magnet School for Values

• • • • • • •

PreK—3 year olds (3 half days) PreK – 4 year olds full or half days Full day Kindergarten – Gr.8 Before and after school care Weekly Art, P.E., Music, Library, Technology Classes Student to Teacher Ratio: 18:1 Challenging academic program

Trust your child to a Catholic School where faith, knowledge and life meet. Come visit us!

We ask our Congressional delegation to work with members of both major political parties in obtaining the passage of DACA legislation before the six-month grace period provided for in the President’s Executive Order expires. We ask our Catholic brothers and sisters to pray and reflect deeply on this issue and to remember that Christ taught that our “neighbor” is anyone that needs us. We finally ask all the people of Connecticut, no matter what their faith, to support these young immigrants and the passage of DACA legislation.

Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair Archbishop of Hartford

Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano Bishop of Bridgeport

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote Bishop of Norwich

Most Reverend Paul P. Chomnycky Bishop of Ukrainian Diocese of Stamford

◆ Renowned college preparatory boarding school for young men who have not yet realized their potential. ◆ Located in scenic southeastern Connecticut


has successfully implemented high performance standards and, as such, is delivering the highest quality services to all of its stakeholders. Please extend my thanks and appreciation to all of your board and staff who have worked so hard over the past several months to achieve accreditation. You should all take enormous delight to be part of COA’s Community of Excellence.” At the announcement of this news, the staff of Catholic Charities erupted with applause and cheers. Ed thanked his staff for their hard work, dedication and efforts over the last year and a half. Ed stated that this achievement demonstrates the staff’s

Saint Bernard School

INFORMATION SESSIONS Oct 21 • 10am–12pm Nov 9 • 6pm–8pm


You have many choices of where to educate your child. That’s why we would like to invite you to one of our Information Sessions where you can learn about our academic programs, athletics, campus life and see why Saint Bernard School is a place for your child to learn, grow and discover!

commitment to provide the highest quality of care to those we serve. COA accreditation means that Catholic Charities’ programs, services, administration, and management have been rigorously evaluated and meet best practice standards. Achieving accreditation was not easy; it took the agency over a year to complete this challenging process. During that time, COA reviewed all aspects of every program service and administrative aspect of our agency. So why get accredited, you ask? Accreditation demonstrates Catholic Charities’ commitment to quality. Accreditation is regarded as one of the key benchmarks for measuring the quality of an organization. Preparing for accreditation gave Catholic Charities an opportunity to identify its strengths and areas for improvement across all aspects of our business and more importantly within our client facing programs. Accreditation creates distinction among competition. Accreditation will set Catholic Charities apart from other social service providers when competing for grant funding.

It demonstrates the agency’s commitment and dedication to improving outcomes and safety for those they serve. Probably the most important reason for Catholic Charities, is that accreditation drives continuous improvement. Accreditation will demonstrate the agency’s commitment to remaining compliant with industry standards and best practices; containing costs, and practicing quality performance improvement. Ed reminded staff that obtaining accreditation is not the end and that their work is far from over. In fact, their work is just beginning. Accreditation will become part of their daily lives. Bishop Cote, commended Ed on this achievement and thanked Ed for his passion and commitment to the agency and those we serve. Bishop Cote acknowledged and thanked the staff of Catholic Charities for their hard work and pulling together to ensure that the agency is providing the best possible care to those who come to us for Help and Hope.

Saint Bernard School instills the values, traditions and skills that will guide your child through tomorrow! Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation. Saint Bernard School Grades 6–12 1593 Norwich-NL Tpke Uncasville, CT 06382

To RSVP call 860-848-1271 or visit


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871 860-443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112 860-739-6112


FCC News Desk Ed Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, recently shared with his staff some fantastic news. In the presence of Bishop Michael R. Cote, Monsignor Leszek T. Janik and Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Ed read a portion of a letter he received from Mr. Richard Klarberg, President and CEO of COA. “On behalf of the Council on Accreditation (COA), I am delighted to inform you that Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, Inc. has been accredited. Accreditation is a tremendous achievement that demonstrates that your organization has been recognized as a provider that


Congratulations to Catholic Charities for Achieving COA Accreditation





St. Mary- St. Joseph Students Honor First Responders



The St. Mary - St. Joseph School students, faculty, staff, and parents with some of Willimantic’s finest.

By Wayne Gignac

n commemoration of the 16th Anniversary of September 11, 2001, the entire student body (grades Pre-K through 8) along with the Principal Abby Demars, faculty and staff of St. Mary - St. Joseph School in Willimantic, took a walking field trip to the Willimantic Police and Fire Stations. The students presented Thank You cards and goodie baskets

with snacks, bought with money they raised, to show the emergency personnel just how appreciated and loved they are. Following a prayer from Very Reverend Laurence LaPointe and a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives on 9-11-01, the students sang “God Bless America” and “Let There Be Peace On Earth”.

40 Days for Life

By Father Brian Maxwell, Diocesan Liaison


ister Mary Jane and Sister Kateri, Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church in Baltic, CT along with the young women of the Academy of the Holy Family peacefully pray outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Norwich. This tightly knit family of nuns, parents, and teachers, aim to strengthen, and fully develop these young high school women from around the world, preparing them with confidence and resilience to unlock their greatest potential for impacting their future environments. We are thankful that for their participation in our 40 Days For Life Campaign. Do you support life? Please check your local parish bulletin or signup online at


Fa ith Ca

s ll








On behalf of Bishop Cote, the ministries, and those we serve: THANKAnnouncement YOU for your continued support. By putting your faith into action, your donations have helped so many in need. Much, however, remains to be done. Please, if you have not yet contributed to the ACA, consider making your gift before year end.

Diocesan School Office

Catholic Charities

Our Faith Calls US To

Outreach To Haiti

Hispanic Ministry Pro-life

Academy At Mount Saint John

St. Vincent De Paul Middletown

Project Northeast


St. Vincent De Paul Place, Norwich

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a pe



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Priests Retirement

of Nor ese w oc

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Ministry To The Sick

Office Of Vocations

Office Of Development

Office Of Pastoral Planning

Office For Safe Environments

St. Joseph Living Center, Windham

Diocesan Properties and Cemeteries

197 Broadway • Norwich, CT 06360 • 860-886-1928 •


Campus Ministry


Your support will help our ministries to continue to change the lives of the those in need.


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Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

­Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


Editorial Office

31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613 Fax 860.859.1253 Director of Communications/Executive Editor

Michael Strammiello, 860.887.3933

Theological Advisor

Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294

Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar: 1-800-624-7407

Defending Our Religious Liberty “In a diverse society like ours, people will disagree on moral issues. A majority should not be able to impose its way of life on others by using the government to coerce people into violating their consciences. The Catholic Church teaches that religious freedom has to do with immunity from coercion. Immunity from government coercion is a right that all citizens in this Country should enjoy. So in asking for an exemption to the HHS mandate to fully accommodate deeply held moral and religious beliefs, we are simply asking that the government give us the space to fully participate in American life.” -- Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston & President of the USCCB.

Advertising Sales/Production MANAGER

Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933 c SENIOR WRITER

Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281


Judy Pappagallo, 860.848.2237 x302 j Printing/Layout

The Hartford Courant, 285 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 060115 Annual Subscription

FREE to Annual Catholic Appeal contributors and upon request to registered Catholics in the Diocese of Norwich. Editorial & Advertising Deadlines

The deadline for advertising and editorial is the second Monday of the previous month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to or fax to 860.859.1253. Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. © Copyright 2017, Diocese of Norwich. All rights reserved. No content may be reproduced without expressed consent. Periodical Postage paid at Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional offices. Postmaster - Send address changes to:

Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613 FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 9 October (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.


To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call: 1-800-624-7407

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