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“The most important shot in golf is the next one.”
Ben Hogan

Amateur Golf Week
Jantar | Dinner

Pa rfait de Fígado de Galinha com Compota de Cebola e Crumble de Avelã
C hicken Liver Parfait with Onion Compote and Hazelnut Crumble
Linguado Recheado com Mousse de Camarão, servido com Espargos Brancos, Puré de Cenoura e Molho de Cenoura e Coco
Limpa Palato
Lom bo de Porco Corado e Bochecha
Estufada, servido com Dumpling de Batata, Couve Estufada, Puré de Aipo e Castanha Caramelizado e Molho de Alho
S ole Stuffed with Shrimp Mousse, served with White Asparagus, Carrot Purée and a Carrot and Coconut Sauce
Palate Cleanser
Ro asted Pork Loin and Braised Cheek, served with Potato Dumpling, Braised Cabbage, Caramelised Celeriac and Chestnut Purée and a Garlic Sauce
Mo usse de 3 Chocolates, servido com Gelado de Baunilha
Triple C hocolate Mousse, served with Vanilla Ice Cream
Coffee with Petit Fours
C afé com Petit Fours