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enhanced by specialist technology, maths and computing status Welcome to the last edition of Education Extra for the Academic Year 2009-2010. Through this termly magazine we showcase and celebrate the huge variety of activities undertaken by students and staff and their achievements. We have enjoyed a very busy and hugely varied summer term. New events have entered the school calendar – Songs from the Musicals Evening, House Drama Competition – as well as the traditional and unique event of a whole school Sports Day that has such a special place in the life of the school. Many other activities have taken place as you will see and I want to pay tribute to the extraordinary energy and enthusiasm of the staff at the school without whose efforts none of these activities would take place. We have also just received news that we are to be recommended for re-designation as a specialist school. This brings in much needed extra funding to the school and the impact of this specialist technology funding is felt in all areas in the school. I hope you enjoy reading Education Extra and celebrate our students‘ achievements with us. I hope also that you will keep it safe somewhere as a record of your child‘s time at Woodlands. Thank you for your continuing support for all we try to do to make sure that our students are happy and successful here. Mr Brady

SCOTT CHAPMAN WINS NATIONAL ENTERPRISE COMPETITION Scott impressed some of the UK‟s leading business brains to be crowned winner of the „Make Your Mark with a Tenner 2010‟ Competition. Scott beat off strong competition to claim his prize. The Competition, run by Enterprise UK, gives participants £10 and one month to turn their creative and enterprising ideas into businesses that make money and make a difference. Scott, 11, won the Outstanding Individual Award, which was presented to him by Oli Barrett, founder of the Make Your Mark with a Tenner competition. The award is given to the individual that the judges felt had demonstrated the most drive, determination and creativity. Commenting on Scott‟s performance, Oli Barrett said: “Scott sums up what Make Your Mark with a Tenner is all about. He had a great idea, he wasn‟t afraid to take risks, he kept going in the face of adversity, he made money and he made a difference. When you meet him you know he‟s one to watch and I wish him luck, whatever adventures await.” Scott came up with the idea of writing a personalised poem and using it to produce Mother‟s Day cards which he designed and produced at home. He then sold the cards to family, friends, teachers before approaching his local Sainsbury‟s supermarket where he was allowed to sell the cards in store. He made a total of £537.51 from his original £10. The Big Lottery Fund enabled thousands more students to get involved, with around 28,000 students taking part.

SKI TRIP 2010 Once again, Woodlands students and staff travelled down to Sauze D‟Oulx in Italy for the annual ski trip. The snow and weather was excellent, and all pupils were impeccably behaved and a credit to each other, their families and the school. As usual, we have races on the last day, and the results are below. Well done to everyone who travelled to Italy this year. Beginners Intermediate Advanced

Robbie and Nani‟s Group Ferrucio‟s Group Andrea‟s Group

ames Whittington (7R2) Mikey Wild (10O1) Dominic Phillips (11R1)

29.56 secs. 28.72 secs. 27.15 secs


A number of Woodlands staff and students took part in this year’s Race for Life. The Woodlands on-line fundraising page raised just under £300. Many thanks to everyone who supported such a worthy cause by offering sponsorship funds. Here’s to next year ladies!


p.2 July 2010

AIR AMBULANCE Luke Elson-Handley

Charity Day on Friday 9 July, was used to remember the sad loss of Luke Elson-Handley. Luke, only a week after his seventh birthday, sadly lost his life in a tragic road accident last half term. Luke was attended to at the scene by Doctors and Paramedics from the Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance before being air lifted to North Staffordshire hospital. Luke was the only son of Ms Elson, one of our Food Technology teachers who also sustained life threatening injuries. Ms Elson was taken to The Royal Derby Hospital. Fortunately, after emergency surgery and two weeks in Intensive Care, Ms Elson is on the road to recovery. Luke was very proud of his Mum‟s new teaching post and many Woodlands pupils met him during the times he spent in school. Ms Elson would like to thank each and every pupil, parent, Governor and Woodlands staff member who have offered their kind thoughts and best wishes. We are extremely fortunate to have on our doorstep, one of the most advanced Air Ambulances in the Country. From its base at East Midlands Airport the G-MEDS helicopter is airborne within forty five seconds of taking the emergency call. Our Air Ambulance is one of only a few in the country that carries Doctors to the scene of incidents in order that casualties can be treated in the vital „golden hour‟. Travelling at speeds in excess of 180mph, G-MEDS is on site within minutes and has attended over 2000 incident since taking over from County Ambulance in 2008. Our Air Ambulance receives no Government funding and is solely reliant on charitable donations from individuals and local businesses. The service covers an immense area : from Kinder Scout in the North, Rutland in the East and Market Harborough in the South. With the M1 running through the middle of the area, there‟s little wonder that the services of GMEDS is called upon so frequently. Assemblies were held a couple of weeks ago to remember Luke and to raise the profile and awareness of our Air Ambulance service. Friday saw a non-uniform day where pupils gave a minimum of £1 to the Air Ambulance Charity. Pupils were asked to remember the reason behind the day and further donations were actively encouraged. Any further donations should be made direct to the school office and we can help Ms Elson reach her donation target of £5000 for the service we hope we will never need!

WOODLANDS VISIT TO THE AIR AMBULANCE As part of our Charity Day on Friday 9 July, a group of students representing each House, were invited to visit the Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance, which is based at East Midlands Airport. During the visit the group which included John Howard, Sophie Emms, Emily Stewart, Eric Robinson and Harry Hough, were given an insight into how the service operated and how it was totally supported by charitable donations. The average cost per mission is around £1000 and the annual basic running cost of the service is over £1.5 million. Currently the service is only able to operate in daylight hours due to the restrictive leasing costs of flying at night, DLRAA aims to become the first service in the UK to operate 24 hours per day. DLRAA‟s primary response area is the 2,100 square miles of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland, and it serves in excess of 1.4 million people. We had hoped to be able to have a look round the Helicopter, but unfortunately it was called out to attend the scene of an incident in Leicestershire. Many thanks to Dianne Dinsdale for helping to organise the visit.

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY! (ICE!) We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our closest family or friends. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. There are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign. The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency). ICE1 Dad-John ICE2 Wife-Sarah The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which number to call. Its common practise these days for emergency services to look for the ―ICE contact‖ so let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile phones today!

p.3 July 2010

Woodlands Art and Technology Review 2010 The Art and Technology Departments held their annual celebration of work by Key Stage 3 and 4 students on 14th and 15th June. Two very pleasant evenings were spent sipping wine , looking at the work and listening to the live music courtesy of our Music Department. Who needs the Royal Academy! The quality of the work continues to be of a very high standard which reflects the high degree to which students have applied themsel ves to these ve r y demanding courses. We have seen an increase in three dimensional work this year and this is a trend we are keen to continue next year.


The school held a ‘mock’ election in the run up to the General Election on 6 May. This was open to the whole school and four candidates came forward who, as part of their campaigns, were brave enough to stand in front of the whole school in assemblies to outline the policies that they would pursue if they were in power. The candidates stood up in front of all of the students and staff in assemblies, and gave a two minute speech, but they all acquitted themselves very well. We even had a question time type of event one lunchtime during the election campaign. On election day, the whole school was able to vote: Liberal Democrats (83 votes) English Democrats (152 votes) Conservative Party (92 votes) Labour Party (252 votes) All students did exceptionally well, especially the younger candidates who ‘battled’ with the older students in quite a serious arena.

HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT TRIP FOR POLITICAL JOURNALISM COMPETITION WINNERS Ms Kennedy, as teacher in charge of PSHCE, arrange the inspirational trip to the Houses of Parliament for our enthusiastic Year 8 students. The students who won a place on this trip worked hard to win the Political Journalism Competition held in the Spring Term. The trip was a fantastic rewarding day for the students and it was a rare opportunity to actually see how this country’s political system worked. The access given to the students, allowed them to see the House of Commons and House of Lords in session and to hear arguments and debates taking place, which was very exciting. p.4 July2010

WOODLANDS BADMINTON MEDAL WINNERS Following a fantastic days badminton, Woodlands Key stage 3 girls came away with the Bronze medal for 3rd place in the final of the Center Parcs National Schools Badminton Championships. The team had won through to the finals after winning the Derbyshire round and then going on to win the regional round at Nottingham University. The team was coached by Emma Bailey, a Year 11 pupil and made up of Emily Bitton, Katie Wright, Hannah Bailey and Sophie Robinson, who all battled hard on the day. The girls were presented with their medals by Olympic Silver Medalist Gail Emms and former European Champion Donna Kellogg, who had been at Center Parcs throughout the day, watching the action. With over 1,600 schools entering the tournament and over 22,000 children taking part, the Center Parcs National Schools Championships is one of the biggest school tournaments in the country. A fantastic result for the girls and the school!

JARED PARKINSON was offered a place in the England XV team, who played and beat Belgium 54-0 at Wellington College, Berkshire. WELL DONE AMY ALLEN Back in April, Amy was one of 30 students in a Gifted and Talented Choir, who sang at Derby Cathedral. Amy also sang a solo at the Cathedral WELL DONE AMY !

VICTOR AND VICTRIX LUDORUM AWARDS WINNERS Matt Rothan Matt Jarvis Steve Fitzjohn, Amie Lawrence Emily Young and Charlotte Ireland

CONGRATULATIONS TO LUCY PEGG Lucy was nominated for Young Volunteer of the Year by her Football Club. On Tuesday 11 May Lucy was told that she had won this for Derbyshire. If Lucy gets through to the next stage for England she will be going to Wembley. FINGERS CROSSED LUCY!

Year 7 learned about the Earth Hour Initiative, run globally by the WWF. Woodlands School was the only secondary school in the City of Derby who signed up to support Earth Hour, and the Year 7 students showed their appreciation of the planet, and how it can be managed sustainably through a variety of activities, culminating in them producing an Earth Hour pledge, where they wrote a list of things they would try to do in order to save on wasteful energy use. This included turning off lights when leaving a room, walking where possible, having showers rather than baths, and remembering to take chargers out of sockets after they have been used. Pledges were displayed in the Geography department classrooms.

Geography Dream Team, Summer Term 2010 is: Josh Hong , Sophie Colbourne , Chloe Linkin , Raymond Tranter , Ben Cooper , David Butler , Adrian Lee , Truman Brain , Rhianna Lee , Jessica Brady , Jack Cripps , Kripa Sanghani , Matt Powell , Jordan Hughson, Laura McKechnie , Samantha Wathall

p.5 July 2010


The Cedar Charity reps recently represented their House by conducting assemblies for the rest of the school on the topic of Fair Trade. They are hoping to lead the way in making Woodlands a ‘Fair Trade School’, and to do so they must encourage students from other Houses to help to set up a student focused Steering Group. Lots of students have already expressed an interest in getting involved, and the whole process should take a year to get together. Well done Cedar Charity reps! We are so impressed by your commitment.

Rebecca Pannett (11C2) was awarded ‘The Cedar Award’


Chris Manning Libby Weeks


Emily Stewart Victoria Hair


10C1 10C2

Tom Wilkinson George Armstrong


10C1 10C2

Alex Bennett Jemma Whittingham, Lauren Pearce, Alastair Jackson and Ryan Hancock


Megan Mousley

Cross Country winners

10C1 Work Experience Leavers 7C2 Charity Bake Sale students

Year 8 Hockey House winners

10C2 Work Experience Leavers Chloe Linkens First Cedar Platinum Winner

p.6 July 2010

Year 10 Cedar Award Megan Mousley

2010 END OF YEAR MAPLE HOUSE AWARDS Year 10 Shields for Best Over-all Boy and Girl These shields were awarded based on the pupils‟ effort grades, punctuality, attendance, house points and their commitment to the school and extra-curricular activities.

Nikhil Venkatesh 10M1, and Sarah Bacon 10M1 Key Stage 3 Cups for Excellence Once again, the criteria for winning these new House Cups were based on the pupils‟ effort grades, punctuality, attendance, house points and their commitment to the school and extra-curricular activities.

Natalya Murden 8M2 , and Harry Hough 9M2 Best Form Award (AKA The Wilson Winners!) This Cup was awarded to the form who we felt were the best all-rounders in terms of uniform, punctuality, attendance, house points, charity fund-raising and their overall commitment to school.

8M2 and Form Tutor Miss Smith Form Tutor Awards Form Tutors nominated the following pupils for all-round excellence

7M1 7M2 8M1 8M2

Joseph Boyes and Naomi Dinmore Harry Selfe and Frances Spink Peter De Rosa and Natasha Tolley Jack Cripps and Amy Rogers

9M1 9M2 10M1 10M2

Charlie Bridges and Laura Hughes Aimee Jepson and Matthew Powell Alistair Ogiste and Kerryn Wyatt Laura McKechnie and Joseph Middleton

100% Attendance for 2009 / 2010 7M1 Joseph Boyes, Georgina Doherty 7M2 Jack Campbell-Smith, Harry Selfe, Alex Winter 8M1 Eliot Blurton-Walker 9M2 Jessica Page

Excellent Attendance for 2009 / 2010 7M1 James Barrett, Victoria Bennett, Chloe Collins, Naomi Dinmore, Ross Hickie, Michael Horsley, Sophie Lord, George Middleton, Georgina Poulter, Justin Robinson, Jacob Smith, Benjamin Young 7M2 Jonathan Davies, Lara Harrison, Jacob Knibbs, Romana Mihalovicova, Frances Spink, Kathryn Varney, William Woodward 8M1 Luke Butcher, Peter De Rosa, Phoebe Farnsworth, Kieran Preston, Stephen Rollings 8M2 Jack Cripps, Elizabeth Edwards, Michael Klym, Natalya Murden, Matthew Northedge, Katharine Woodward 9M1 Gavin Goring, Calum Poulter, Robert Scott, Benjamin Smith, Israr Young 9M2 Harry Hough, Sophie Payne, Elliott Ptak, Kyle Rodgers, Samantha Whitby 10M1 Leah Ball, Ryan Dronfield, David Johnson, Philip Nowak, Nikhil Venkatesh, Amy Williams, Kerryn Wyatt 10M2 Mitchell Blackwell, Jacaranda Brain, Jordan Brandon, Matt Deeley, Alice Little, Anthony Murphy, Charlotte Thomas

100% Punctuality for 2009 / 2010 7M1 James Barrett, Victoria Bennett, Madison Bertalan, Joseph Boyes, Connor Collett, Chloe Collins, Danita Dahal, Ross Hickie, Sophie Lord, Georgina Poulter, Justin Robinson, Jacob, Smith, Emily Souter, Matthew Tolley, Raymond Tranter, Zach Whitehall, Benjamin Young 7M2 Hasan Faizan, Amelia Murphy, Harry Selfe, Kathryn Varney, George Wellard, Alex Winter, Jack Wright 8M1 Laura Attenborough, Luke Butcher, Phoebe Farnsworth, Benjamin Hamilton, Coral Hibberd, Jordan-Leigh Margett, Bonnie McAndrew, Samuel Silcock, Natasha Tolley, Tobias Williams 8M2 Sarah Bolstridge, Grace Butler, Jack Cripps, Annabelle Hough, Amy Rogers, Ashley Slater 9M1 Joshua Bolt, Jack Bowness, Charlie Bridges, Abigail Dobson, Laura Hughes, Oliver Purves, Robert Scott 9M2 Kate Aldridge, Harry Hough, Aimee Jepson, Jessica Page, Matthew Powell, Kyle Rodgers, Gemma Totman, Samantha Whitby 10M1 Beth Gerred-Ponsford, Mamatha Kartha, Charlotte Lambert, Nikhil Venkatesh, Amy Williams, Kerryn Wyatt 10M2 Jacaranda Brain, Anthony Murphy, Julia Park

Well done to all of the above. You are a credit to Maple House and fantastic role models to others. We are immensely proud of you all. Mrs Wilson – Head of House and Mrs Burnett – Assistant Head of House p.7 July 2010

TECHNOLOGY Newsletter enhanced by specialist technology, maths and computing status Welcome again to the Technology Newsletter section of this Education Extra. It has again been a very busy and exciting year with a wide variety of activities taking place ranging from year 8 students being involved in a whole week of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities to welcoming Y6 students to design based problem solving activity on their Induction Day. One of our major achievements this term is that we have just been re-designated a Specialist Technology College. Under the current regulations schools are required to apply for re-designation every three years and we are therefore delighted that all our achievement have been rewarded with another three years. We aim to continue to develop education provision at Woodlands and raise standards for all students. If you have anything that you feel you could support us with please do not hesitate to contact me at the school. My email address is p.bailey@woodlands.derby.sch.uk

Mr Bailey, Assistant Headteacher BUDDY SCIENCE AT PORTWAY JUNIOR SCHOOL Once again, our 6th Formers did us proud! A group of Year 12 scientists taught a lesson to the Year 6‘s at Portway School. The Year 6‘s thoroughly enjoyed experiencing what science lessons are like at Woodlands, and they especially enjoyed watching some of our 6th Formers getting covered in Coca-Cola during the Coke and Mentos fountain.

During STEM Week, Year 8 students produced some amazing pieces of art, based on our theme of looking at the earth from space, based on NASA satellite images. Art work included paintings, collage work, and papier mache representations of images such as Mount Etna, The Andes, Ganges River Delta and Lake Amadeus in Australia’s Northern territory. There was over 200 entries, and the art work was judged by Mr Bailey, and the winners were: David Butler, Polly Wilkinson, Helena Lee and Amy Larcombe.


On the 6th August, Woodlands hosted its annual Primary Induction day, where Year 6 pupils from our feeder schools spent the day in typical Year 7 lessons. In Technology lessons, teams worked on “Project Eggbert”, a design and make project with a competitive edge. After colliding with a meteor, spacecraft Apollo 334 has to make an emergency landing on planet Zorb. With the help of the teams, Commander Eggbert designed and built a device to land himself (an egg!), safely on the surface of the moon 2 metres below the landing craft. Staff and pupils thoroughly enjoyed the project. Year 6 pupils commented that they look forward to more Technology projects when they arrive in September. p.8 July 2010

PROGRESS TOWARDS THE ECO-SCHOOL AWARD Using and improving the school environment—Two of the on -going projects the school has been actively working on over the year have been biodiversity and school grounds. The development of the school garden has continued with a group of dedicated pupils maintaining the plants in the pots (funded by the PFTA), the plants in and around the pond and bog garden, and the flower borders. They have renewed plant displays during the year in the raised beds which were built by Mr Sanders, and there is continuing work on the area of crazy pavement. The garden pond has the most immense diversity of organisms which has provided the Science department with an invaluable teaching resource. Small groups have been able to take part in pond dipping activities during the summer term and pupils in Year 9 and 10 have been able to use the habitat to complete one of their GCSE coursework tasks. During the year the pupils planted 150 trees a further 30 metre section of hedgerow along the edge of the meadow. Woodlands school is one of only 65 schools in the country that has been awarded a grant of £550 from The Tree Council, for tree planting in the school grounds in 2010. These trees will be planted to enhance the environment in and around the Sports development during the Tree Council‟s National Tree Week in November. Woodlands Meadow is flourishing with a increasing diversity of wildlife. This continues to be an invaluable resource in Science and this year has been used in Year 12 Biology in an A Level practical assessment, inGCSE Science coursework tasks and also in the Ecology topic in Year 8 Science. The meadow provides stimulus for other areas of the curriculum, and has been used for landscape painting in Art (Year 7) and in English inspiring poetry (Year 9) and creative writing (Year 7) Thank you to all pupils and staff who have shown an interest and helped with activities during the year, including Chairperson Sally Bonsall, 6th Form members John Howard and Kirsty Wolff, Josh Davies (9C1) (Secretary) and Euan Crispin (9C2). THE MEADOW by Georgia Ingle Right: Georgia Ingle The hot rays burn my back as I sit here on the dry, cracked ground Miles of Red Campion flowers are spread and surrounded by huge oak trees. Yellow fields glisten in the distance where one lonely leafless tree stands. The smell of freshly cut grass lingers in the air. As I breathe in, warmness fills my lungs and I watch the clouds drift by in the sky. In the distance, cars drive by down the road but with no noise to be heard. Lifeless buildings stand scattered from one another and there are no animals in sight. Just the cool breeze blazing sun and new flowers springing into life. Peace flows through the trees with the silence and calm comes to anyone watching. The school‟s Eco committee is trying to increase awareness and have established an ECO-code as a result of completing a questionnaire of pupil perception on environmental issues in the school. Left: Henry Davies, Secretary of ECO Committee with Tree o‘ Clock Certificate

Euan Crispin (9C2) received the Year 9 Science award for his achievement in Science and for his continuous dedication and commitment to improving the school environment.

WELL DONE EUAN ! p.9 July 2010

OAK HOUSE Live, Laugh, Learn and Grow BRONZE AWARDS 8O2 Ellis Eyre, Jamie Foley O‘Neill, Jake Wesselingh 9O1 Emily Bitton 9O2 Chloe Hall-Luke 10O2 Becky Hall SILVER AWARDS 7O1 Hugh Harman, Jana Psenkova 7O2 Lewis Blackwell, Joshua Fraser, Tom Keane 8O1 Jess Brady, Ben Cooper 8O2 Portia Badach, Michael Fomison, Rebecca Rose 9O1 Nancy Booley, Phil Campbell, Marco Chan, Phoebe Hallas, Dan Hong, Tom Lacey, Elizabeth O‘Key 9O2 William Burton, Matthew Hart, Jago Harman, James Lancer 10O2 Charlie Hudson GOLD AWARDS 7O1 Norbert Blak, Miles Byrne, Elsie Granthier, Amy Mokawana, Jeff Richardson 7O2 Lochlan Charles-Clennell, Florence Phillips, Dominic Whitehall 8O1 Lucy Buckley, Cai Bailey, Sam Beresford, Harry McCabe, Isobel McParland, Ben Slater, Hannah Waterfield 8O2 Patti Byrne 9O1 Phoebe Cook, Louise Earith, Eilish Mackinnon 9O2 Georgina Orme, Sophie Smith 10O1 Sophie Emms, Georgia Harris 10O2 Sam Cheney, Emily Pollitt PLATINUM AWARDS 7O1 Josh Greasley 8O1 Grace O‘Hare, Adrian Lee, Sian Summers 9O1 Matthew King

YEAR 11 LEAVERS DAY Winner of the ‗Smith Shield‘ - Edward Chester (11O1)

Winner of the ‗Brailsford Shield‘ - Andrew Lee (11O2)

Congratulations to Edward and Andrew for winning this years special shield awards. These awards are given for excellence in school including attendance, punctuality, uniform, reliability, extra-curricular activities, charity work and service to the school.

CONGRATULATIONS to the students below: 100% Punctuality James Attfield Cai Bailey Hannah Bailey Rosie Bailey Heather Bennett Jake Brady Samuel Burgess Emma Butler Miles Byrne Patti Byrne Elizabeth Chandler Adam Cheney Tonesha Derbyshire Shanara Dorsett Katie Else Sophie Emms EmilyFairbrother Emma Fenton James Foley O‘Neill Michael Fomison Emily Foss Benjamin Foster Abigail Godridge Elsie Granthier Joshua Greasley Matthew Greasley Madeline Green Fiona Hair Jago Harman Matthew Hart Samantha Harvey Owen Hathaway Charlotte Howard James Howe Anisa Hussain Robert Hyde Eve Jones Isobel Lamb Adrian Lee Amy Leeson Callum Mann Imogen McMorrow Grace O‘Hare

7O1 8O1 7O1 7O1 7O2 7O2 7O2 8O1 7O1 8O2 7O2 7O2 8O1 10O2 8O1 10O1 10O1 10O1 8O2 8O2 8O2 8O2 9O2 7O1 7O1 10O1 7O1 10O1 9O2 9O2 7O1 8O1 7O2 7O2 7O2 8O2 7O2 8O1 8O1 8O1 10O2 8O2 8O1

100% Attendance Joseph Adkin James Attfield Cai Bailey Rosie Bailey Sarah Barrett Matthew Bird Jake Brady James Bubb Sebastian Bubb Georgia Bull Philip Campbell Adam Cheney Louise Earith Sophie Emms Emma Fenton Michael Fomison Joshua Greasley Matthew Greasley Fiona Hair Joshua Hardy Samantha Harvey Charlotte Howard Charles Hudson Robert Hyde Francis Jenkins Isobel Lamb Adrian Lee Teererai Mandishona Joe Morris Sam O‘Gara Grace O‘Hare Kudzaise Paraffin Samuel Pearce Mathew Rothan Robbie Smith Thomas Spink Amy Tunley Chloe Wagstaff Joseph Wilber Natasha Wood

VICTOR / VICTRIX LUDORUM AWARDS (Totals from a maximum of 5 events)

10O1 7O1 8O1 7O1 9O1 10O1 7O2 7O1 10O1 8O2 9O1 7O2 9O1 10O1 10O1 8O2 7O1 10O1 10O1 9O1 7O1 7O2 10O2 8O2 8O1 8O1 8O1 10O2 10O2 7O2 8O1 9O1 10O1 10O2 7O1 9O2 8O1 7O2 8O2 8O1

Year 8 Sports Day Results

Year 9 Sports Day Results

Emily Foss, Javelin P Hinds, 100m Harry McCabe, 1500m Rebecca Rose, High Jump Louise Wright, 800m 2nd Portia Badach, 100m Rebecca Rose, 200m Jake Wesselingh, Shot 3rd Portia Badach, High Jump Alistair Noon, 400m Alistair Noon, 800m Sian Summers, 1500m Jake Wesselingh, 100m

Emily Bitton, 800m final Nancy Booley, High Jump William Burton, 100m Matthew Hart, Javelin Nick Muscat, Discuss Tom Spink, 1500m Katie Wright, 200m Katie Wright, Long Jump 2nd Sarah Barrett, 1500m Emily Bitten, Long Jump Nancy Booley, 200m Matthew Hart, Shot Kim Hoskins, 100m Marcus Mawson, Javelin Nick Muscatt, High Jump Dianne Woods, Shot 3rd William Burton, 400m Kim Hoskins, Long Jump Abigail Godridge, 100m Harry Hall, Discuss Lydia Hyde, Shot Adam Mather, 800m Chelsea Taylor, Javelin


Year 10 Sports Day Results 1st Megan Ablott, 200m Katie Buckley, Javelin Charlie Hudson, 400m Amy Lawrence, 300m Amy Lawrence, 800m Amy Lawrence, High Jump 2nd Megan Ablott, 300m Teererai Mandishona, Shot, Sam Pearce, Discuss Kylie Zawada, 100m final 3rd Shanara Dorsett, Discuss Sam Pearce, Javelin Matthew Rothan, 400m

OAK SPORTS DAY HEADLINES 622.5 points Year 7 1ST 599.5 points Year 8 4TH 677.5 points Year 9 1ST 608.0 points Year 10 2ND ADDING ALL THE TOTALS TOGETHER WOULD GIVE AN OVERALL SCORE: 1ST , OAK HOUSE, 2507.5 POINTS

VICTOR 1st MATT ROTHAN, Oak, 50 points VICTRIX 1st AMIE LAWRENCE, Oak, 48 points


Year 7 Sports Day Results 1st Josh Fraser, High Jump Josh Greasley, 200m Josh Greasley, Shot Abbie Pearce, 200m Sam Rayner, Javelin Jeff Richardson, Shot Frances Spink, 1500m 2nd N Blak, 100m Josh Fraser, 400m Sammy Harvey, 800m Sam Rayner, 200m 3rd Hannah Barber, High Jump James Howe, 200m Tori Stewart, 200m D Whitall, 100m

p.10 July 2010

Rowan House 9R1 - Connor Beard, David Fitzjohn, Joe Harper, Lydia Heron, Kaan Mehmet, Daisy Stevenson 9R2 - David Holding, Bethany Lawrence, Abigail Moorcroft, Sanjit Samra, Zoe Smith, Ryan Tomlinson, Rory Toms 10R2 Stephen Fitzjohn 7R1 - Ellen Brierley, Duncan Calder, Will Coyle, Archie Croke, Aaron Curd, Joe Fletcher, Jamie Laird, Winona Martell-Brown, Mattias Mourer-Purnell, Lucy Pegg, Lewis Reed, Anna-Liese Silber, Harry Smith, Lucy Walker 7R2Kieran Barker, Lucy Beardmore, Chloe Birkinshaw, Tobias Bown, Jack Finnegan, Tia Gibson, Rowen Hedley, Leomie Jones, Theo Lawless-Jones, Natascha Moorcroft, Josh Mosley, Chris Paige, Brad Richardson, Alastair Stewart, Jessica Wagstaff, Shaun Williams 8R1 - Charlotte Bates, Melissa Birkenshaw, Callum Dowling, Isobel Hall, Petra Palieskova, Nancy Penny, Eric Robinson, Olivia Ross, Josh Thompson 8R2 - Jack Burgess, Natalie Coe, Emily Cokayne, Jenny Haynes, Cameron Lee, Eleanor Padgham, Jessie Robinson, Kerry-Leigh Sharp 9R1 James Fleay 9R2 - Georgia Ingle 10R2 - Emily Brook, Charlotte Ireland, Mica Morrison, Sam Sargeant, Emily Young 11R1 - Ellen Fox, Vanessa Lee, Kirsten Lovell 7R1 - Amy Allen, Lucy Bates, Jack Eales, Rachel Ludzik, Megan Payne, Molly Penny 7R2 - Tasnia Ahmed, Sophie Cottam, Yasmin Duly, Kate Elliott 8R1 - Molly Brook, Jack Carter, Kathleen Harty, Natasha Marples 8R2 - Luke Charlston, Mia Lewis, Ryan Pumfrey, Adam Webster, Lucy Young 9R2 - Louise Berry 10R2 - Dan Ludzik Year 7 – Jack Eales 7R1 225HPs Platinum Year 8 – Luke Charlston 8R2 263HPs Platinum Year 9 – Georgia Ingle 9R2 166HPs Gold Year 10 – Dan Ludzik 10R2 172HPs Platinum Year 11 – Ellen Fox 11R1 128HPs Gold Year 10 Award: Charlotte Ireland KS3 Citizenship Award: Lucy Pegg KS3 Academic Award: Alix Jan Smith. Near Perfect Attendance 7R1 - Archie Croke, James Ince, Lucy Pegg 7R2 - Reece Turner 8R1 - Jack Carter, Isobel Hall, Tanisha Linnington 8R2 - Jack Burgess, Luke Charlston 9R1 - Kaan Mehmet, Dan Soggi, Daisy Stevenson, Harry Stewart, Calum Calder 10R1 Joe McCaul, Sophie Lane 10R2 - Joe Ball, Sam Garcia, Mica Morrison, Tom Penny, Alistair Wolff, Emily 100% Attendance 7R2 - Kieran Barker, Jack Finnegan, 8R1 - James McMillan 8R2 - Natalie Coe, Jessie Robinson 9R1 - Ellie McMillan 9R2 - Jack France 10R1 - Luke McNeilly 10R2 Charlotte Ireland Excellence Cup Winners Alistair Stewart 7R2 - Natalie Coe 8R1 p.11 July 2010

7R1 - Siobhan Concannon, Jack Davidson, Shahnay Golding, Patrick Goodman, James Ince, Courtney Stanley-Martin 7R2 - Dom Engl, Connor Hanlon, Joe Smith, Demeter Stone, Reece Turner, James Whittington 8R1 - Chloe Gadsby, Liam Grace, Matthew HeatonWatts, Helena Lee, Amy Letts, Tanisha Linnington, Patrick McCabe, Ben Preston, Harry Revill, Millie Ward, Callum Wright 8R2 - Soniya Ahmed, Rowan Allsop, Lucy Bates, Jevon Boswell, Elliot Bown, Harry Crew, Callum Hall, Levi Harris, Joe Doyle, Oliver Jones, Erin Kelsey, Nikola Tutkova, Jamie Smith 9R1 Linzi Akinyemi, James Alton, Chloe Briscoe, Cherelle Brown, Lauren Cottam, Callum Cox, Jake GascoyneDay, Katy Herbert, Awais Iqbal, Jack McCaul, Matthew Nichols, Hiten Ruperal, Dan Soggi, Lillie Stevens, Harrison Stewart, Jessie Vickers 9R2 - Charlotte Bladon, Rose Boyes, Calum Calder, Josh Cheney, Bethany Clamp, Summer-Jean Flowers, Jack France, Evelyn Hodgson, Matylda McCormick Sharp, Ed O’Sullivan, Will Painter, Sam Pearson, George Platt, Nicholas Quinby, Jordan Taylor-Powell, Shane Wagstaffe 10R1 - Jess Alton, Lee Astle, Georgina Barker, Oliver Bates, Emily Bell, Molly Christian, Shay Collie, Phil Coyle, Harry Filon, Abbas Iqbal, Moira James-Moore, Matt Jarvis, Sophie Lane, Megan Mayes, Joe McCaul, Luke McNeily, Josh Sowerby, Andrew Page, Charles Revill, Billy Strange, Nick Wilson, Alex York 10R2 - Joe Ball, Annabelle Burns, Harry Clamp, Zarah Eve, Sam Garcia, Ben Greene, Chelsie Harris, Eliot Jan-Smith, Hannah Kirkham, Elisha Lewis, Jack Marsden-Cleveley, Thomas Penny, Nathan Pullen, Jordan Stanley, Bea Tailby, Lucy Wheaton, Mat Williams, Alistair Wolff 11R1 - Elliot Allsop, Dean Beardsley, Josh Chard, Sam Davidson, Megan Evans, Matt Foskett, Chloe Grace, Emily Harper, Oliver Heald, Alex Heaton-Watts, Paige Hudson, Georgina Nichols, Rob Nichols, Bethan Pearson, Dom Phillips, Shreena Ruperal, Leo Salonen, Jamie Sims, Charlotte Tebbutt, Louise Webster, Sean Wesselingh 7R1 - James Ince, Anna-Liese Silber 7R2 - Jack Finnegan, Lucy Beardmore 8R1 - Eric Robinson, Nancy Penny 8R2 - Luke Charlston, Lucy Young 9R1 - Joe Harper, Jessie Vickers 9R2 - Louise Berry, Ed O’Sulivan 10R1 - Kayleigh Murphy, Joe McCaul 10R2 - Charlotte Ireland, Alistair Wolff Perfect Punctuality 7R1 - Lucy Bates, Will Coyle, Jack Eales, James Ince, Jamie Laird, Winona Martell-Brown, Megan Payne, Lucy Pegg, Molly Penny, Lewis Reed, Anna-Liese Silber, Harry Smith, Lucy Walker 7R2 - Lucy Beardmore, Reece Turner, Shaun Williams 8R1 - Alix Jan-Smith, Natasha Marples, Ben Preston 8R2 - Jack Burgess, Luke Charlston, Natalie Coe, Joe Doyle, Adam Webster 9R1 - Callum Cox, Matthew Nichols 9R2 - Louise Berry, Callum Calder, Georgia Ingle 10R1 - Joe McCaul, Kayleigh Murphy 10R2 - Joe Ball, Sam Garcia, Charlotte Ireland, Jordan Stanley, Lucy Wheaton, Alistair Wolff, Emily Young


Congratulations to Ellen Fox (11R1) who has recently gained her Level 1 Netball Coaching Qualification. Ellen is now trained to be an Assistant Coach, either within school or at a local club. Thanks to the School Sports Partnership who funded the ÂŁ150 cost of the course.

On Sunday 2 May, Woodlands FC, U13 girls team won the Nottinghamshire Ladies and Girls League Cup for their age group. All of the girls are from school Years 7 & 8, including the following girls from Woodlands School Lucy Pegg (7R1) Lucy Walker (7R1) Grace Baker (7M1) Katharine Woodward (8M2) Annabelle Hough (8M2) Charlotte Bates (8R1) Emily Foss (8O2) and Rebecca Rose (8O2)


p.12 July 2010

YEAR 12’S NEXT STEPS The Year 12 Next Steps programme got off to a great start on Tuesday 15 June with a visit from the University of Nottingham‟s widening participation team. Parents were invited to attend a Higher Education Information Evening where they were taken through the process students will follow when making applications to Universities in September. Three University of Nottingham students provided an excellent insight into the opportunities of University and the way they made decisions about their own next steps during Year 12. The Year 12 students themselves were then given guidance about writing their personal statements during the tutor period session on the following Friday. These events have now begun a programme for the Year 12s over the next few weeks which will look at a range of next steps opportunities available for them from University to employment and other training.

VISIT FROM OXBRIDGE ADMISSIONS TUTORS Woodlands 6th Form was delighted to welcome Dr Richard Partington (The University of Cambridge) and Dr Mark Wormald (Oxford University) to the 6th Form on Thursday 8 June. Year 12 students who are considering making an application to Oxbridge as one of their Higher Education Applications next year, took part in a seminar supporting them in exploring the decision to apply to either Oxford or Cambridge. Oxbridge applications are extremely competitive; the entry requirements for all courses are A*A*A*-AAA at „A‟ Level, and involve an extended process of aptitude tests and submission of essays prior to interviews. The seminar took students through the applications process, whilst an after school session gave their parents the opportunity to ask questions about helping their son / daughter make an application.

HEAD BOY AND GIRL, DEPUTY HEAD BOY AND GIRL, AND PREFECTS We are pleased to announce that the new Head Boy and Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Girl, and Prefects team for 2010/2011 have now been selected and are:

HEAD GIRL Jessica Lewsley

HEAD BOY John Howard




OAK PREFECT Charlotte Rhodes



There were 20 applicants for the posts. Applicants were asked to apply in writing (500 word letter) in response to the job description. 13 shortlisted candidates were then interviewed by Mr Brady, Mr Bailey and Mrs Crooks. All of the students who applied took the process very seriously and should be proud of their achievement. The final decision on who to appoint to the posts was tough, but the students who have been selected really excelled in proving that their experiences and commitment to the school made them the best candidates. Their first job will be to represent the school at the Year 6 Induction day, before launching the Sixth Form Ambassadors scheme in September.

Year 13 Leavers‟ Ball at the Hallmark Hotel Year 13 celebrated the end of their exams and the end of an era at the Hallmark Hotel on Thursday 1 July 2010. The Year 13 Ball was a wonderful occasion marked by relief at reaching at the end of a gruelling few months of exams and an opportunity to celebrate the friendships and memories built up by the students during their time at Woodlands School. The students (and teachers) looked stunning on the night, and everyone had a fantastic time.

p.13 JULY 2010

WOODLANDS SCHOOL GIFTED AND TALENTED SPORTS STUDENTS Hannah Bailey Emily Beric Toby Bown Dominica Buonasorte Connor Collett Caine Doherty Jack Finnegan Ella Fisher Ross Hickie Josh Hong James Howe Molly McGuire Bradley Moore Sam Rayner Ryan Reader Isobel Rudy Frances Spink Alastair Stewart Dominic Whitehall Zack Whitehall Emily Wilby Laura Attenborough Charlotte Bates Jack Carter Michael Fomison Emily Ross Callum Hall Issy Hall Elena Hallam William Haywood Annabelle Hough Hannah Lightbody Katherine Molyneux Alastair Noon Michael Park Kieran Preston Eric Robinson Sophie Robinson Natasha Tolley Toby Williams Emily Bitten Nancy Booley Phoebe Cook Justin de Vos Daniel Hong Kimberley Hosuns Harry Hough Aimee Jepson Andre Johnson Max Johnson Jessica Page Elliott Ptak Katie Wright Harry Clamp Becky Hall Matt Jarvis Luke McNeilly Ben Riggott Matt Rohan Tom Spink Jonny Sturgess Jamie Turner

7O1 7C1 7R2 7C1 7M1 7C1 7R2 7M2 7M1 7C1 7O2 7C1 7C2 7O1 7O2 7C2 7M2 7R2 7O2 7M1 7M2 8M1 8R1 8R1 8O2 8O2 8R2 8R1 8M1 8M1 8M2 8C1 8C2 8O2 8M2 8M1 8R1 8M2 8M1 8M1 9O1 9O1 9O1 9C2 9O1 9O2 9M2 9M2 9C1 9C2 9M2 9M2 9O1 10R2 10O2 10R1 10R1 10C1 10O2 10O2 10M1 10M2

Demi Watkins

10C2 Gymnastics—6th in World in 2008, 2nd in Portugal in 2009 (Attending World trials in Russia in September) 10C1 Derbyshire Cricket (Quarndon Cricket Club) 10R2 Woodlands Hockey Club (left/right wing)

Sam Wood Emily Young

Derbyshire Badminton Derby City Gymnastic Club Notts County Football Development Centre (trials) Cheerleading for Derby Diamonds International BMX Racing (Cycle Derby) Derbyshire Orienteering Derby County Football Development Centre (trials) Derbyshire Horseball (Broomfield College) Derbyshire Badminton Derbyshire Junior Badminton Squad Derby Rugby Club (Centre) Derby City Gymnastic Club National Golf Derby Phoenix Swimming Club Swims for Derbyshire (City of Derby Club) Derby Gymnastic Club Swims for Derbyshire (City of Derby Club) Derby Rugby Club (Prop) - A Team (U13) Derby Rugby Club (Full Back) Derby Rugby Club (Fly Half) Ballet (Ripley dance, drama and performing arts) Cheerleading for Derby Diamonds League Football for Woodlands Football Club Derby Boys Football Squad Derby Basketbvall (Trailblazers) League Football for Woodlands Football Club Karate for local district Derby City Gymnastics Club Mickleover Gymnastics Club (Represents Midlands) Derby City Dragons Rugby Club (Rugby Union) Derby Phoenix Swimming Club Woodlands Hockey Club Pentathlete for Derby Athletic Club—represents Derbyshire & Midlands Derby Football (Chesapeake) Rep Derby in International Tournament Derbyshire & Midlands Tennis Nottingham Forest Football Academy, Derbyshire Cricket Derby Rugby FC—East Midlands squad Derbyshire Badminton Derbyshire Satellites County Netball Derby Rugby FC—represents Derbyshire & Midlands Derbyshire Badminton Derby Rowing Club (Junior Inter-Regionals) Derby Rowing Club (Junior Inter-Regionals) Derby Rugby / Cricket Club County Badminton—National ranked County Athletics—800m County Swim Squad (Derby Phoenix Club) Derbyshire Cricket Derby County Academy (Forward) Leicester Tigers Rugby Club (Scrum Half) County Swimming Leicester City Football Academy (Centre / left-mid) Derbyshire Badminton Derbyshire Cricket (Quarndon Cricket Club) National Level Horse Riding Derbyshire Athletics (Derby AC) Derbyshire Cricket (Quarndon Cricket Club) Derbyshire Cricket (Quarndon Cricket Club) Derby West Cross-Country County Swimming County Tennis (3rd) Top 200 in GB National Athletics (Derby AC) multi-events

p.14 July2010

WOODLANDS SCHOOL GIFTED AND TALENTED SPORTS STUDENTS Emma Bailey Matt Foskett Matthew Jones Ellen Fox Bradley Hopkins Megan Hayer Victoria George Jared Parkinson Olivia Roberson Genivieve Tawiah Ryan Wesselingh Sean Qesselingh Dean Cottrill Scott Allkins Jess Collier Jonathan Murney Callum Smith

11O1 11R1 11O1 11R1 11M2 11R1 11O1 11M1 11M2 11C1 11O2 11R1 11C2

Derbyshire Badminton National Sailing Squad Derby Football Academy Derbyshire and Allestree Netball squad Derbyshire Rugby Squad Derbyshire and Allestree Netball Squad Derbyshire and Allestree Netball Squad Derbyshire Rugby Squad English Youth Ballet, Modern—Intermediate Ballet—Grade 6, Tap Grade 5 Derbyshire Netball Squad Midlands swimming—Derventio Excel (200m back) County swimming—Derby Phoenix (100m free) Member of RR Rifle & Pistol Shooting club, fires in Air training corps Rifle Team. Competing in Nat comp Imperial match (Bisley) in July 12C2 County Rugby, Derby RFC 13R1 Midlands and Great Britain Kick-Boxing team 13M2 Derby and Derbyshire Rugby Squad 13O1 Derbyshire Rugby Squad

TOP LINK FESTIVAL Junior Sports Leaders were selected to organise and run a Multi Skill Festival for Year 2 pupils from our feeder Primary Schools. These leaders became the ‗Top Link Team‘ who planned the festival. The event was well attended with Portway Infants, Walter Evans and Lawn Primary taking part. The pupils were led by Junior Sports Leaders in events such as target throw, relays, treasure chest, gold rush, obstacle challenge and movement skills. Pupils enjoyed the event with new activities for them to try. One pupil said that he enjoyed getting to know Leaders from Woodlands School; he said ‗they are not as scary as I thought!‖. Another said that this was ‗amazing‘ and asked if she could come again tomorrow! Thanks to the Junior Sports Leaders for their assistance, they were superb as always! Congratulations to Jamie Turner, Diane Woods and Emily Young, the Top Link Team. It was a great success!

MINI OLYMPICS WEDNESDAY 30 JUNE 2010 Six Young Ambassadors from Derby City, including three from Woodlands, organised a ‗Mini Olympics‘ for our feeder Primary Schools. Each school was given a Country whom they would represent throughout the tournament. These included China, Russia, Australia and Kenya. Markeaton Primary, Portway Juniors, Walter Evans and Lawn School all brought a Year 5 class to the event. Prior to the event, the Young Ambassadors delivered a workshop to all classes on the Olympic / Para Olympic ideals and gave them an insight into the Culture, traditions and sporting history of their chosen Country. The event ran smoothly with the help of our Junior Sports Leaders who officiated the events. All schools worked hard throughout the afternoon on the obstacle relay, sprints, target challenge and small sided games! The results were close: Australia - Lawn 4th China - Markeaton 3rd Russia - Walter Evans 2nd Kenya - Portway 1st Congratulations to all schools taking part. Special thanks go to Sports Leaders. The event would not have been possible without our Young Ambassadors - Charlotte Rhodes, Tom Rothwell and Alistair Wolff. p.15 July 2010

SPORTS DAY RESULTS Thursday 1 July 2010 1st OAK 2nd CEDAR 3rd ROWAN 4th MAPLE

YEAR 7 YEAR 8 House Points House Points OAK 622.5 CEDAR 789.0 ROWAN 616.0 MAPLE 678.0 CEDAR 587.5 ROWAN 608.5 MAPLE 586.0 OAK 599.5


YEAR 9 YEAR 10 House Points House Points OAK 677.5 ROWAN 678.0 CEDAR 648.5 OAK 608.0 MAPLE 546.0 MAPLE 539.0 ROWAN 472.0 CEDAR 481.0

VICTOR AND VICTRIX LUDORUM AWARDS BOYS GOLD Matt Rothan 10O2 50 SILVER Matt Jarvis 10R1 48 BRONZE Steve Fitzjohn 10R2 47 GIRLS GOLD Amie Lawrence 10O2 48 SILVER Emily Young 10R2 43 BRONZE Charlotte Ireland 10R2 34






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