Welcome to Dale

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WELCOME to Community Primary School

Foundation Stage

Dear Parents/Carers Now that your child is starting school, there are a number of things that you could do to help make their first school year an enjoyable learning experience. This booklet will hopefully provide you with some basic knowledge of the things that you can do to help your child fly through foundation stage! Remember that children develop at different rates, so don’t worry if your child is taking longer to develop certain skills. It’s like learning to walk, we all did it, and we did it in our own time!

Our day at Dale For the first two weeks, your child will attend school every day for half a day. After the two weeks, your child will attend school full time. When your child starts full time, this is what their day will look like: 8:50am

Your child should be arriving at school


Your child should be in class for registration.


Your child has their lunch and a playtime.


Your child’s afternoon session starts.


End of the day and time to collect your child.

It is important that you arrive on time to

collect your child, as they will be expecting you!

Dale Rules Children are expected to come to school every day unless they are ill. Regular attendance helps your child to learn. If your child needs to see the doctor or dentist, try to make the appointment for after school. Your child will need their P.E kit and book bag in school every day. Your child’s entire uniform, including their P.E kit and bags, will need their name on please. They will bring home a book to share and enjoy. Please make sure you spend some time going through their reading book with them. They will also have a reading record book, in which you can make comments for the teacher.

When your child starts school they will need lots of energy. Most of this will come from their balanced diet. In addition to this they will need lots of rest. The most important meal time of the day is breakfast. Without a good breakfast your child may feel tired and struggle with concentration. It is very important that they have a healthy start to the day. Your child may require up to 12 hours of sleep. To ensure that your child has enough energy for the next day an ideal bedtime would start from 7:30pm. Make bedtime a relaxing part of their daily routine. Create a simple familiar routine. For example; feed, bath, bedtime story and bed and ensure things are kept quiet so children know that day is different to night.

The Early Years Curriculum When your child starts Reception their learning will be lead by the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The Early Years Foundation Stage has seven areas of learning and development. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. The Three Prime areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. Your child would benefit from joining us in September confident in these prime areas.

Prime Area


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

- Self Confidence and Self Awareness

Physical Development

- Moving and Handling

Communication and Language

- Listening and Attention

- Managing Feelings and Behaviour - Making Relationships

- Health and Self Care

- Understanding - Speaking

It would be beneficial if your child can do the following to prepare for school: Dress and undress themselves. This includes being able to put on and take off coat and shoes. Use the toilet independently, including flushing the toilet and washing their hands afterwards. Use a knife and a fork. Recognise their name.

There are then four specific learning areas that we will use as a tool for teaching. Specific Area



- Reading - Writing


- Numbers - Shape, space and measures

Understanding the World

- People and communities - The World - Technology

Expressive Arts

- Exploring and using different materials and media - Being Imaginative

Activity Time To help get your child ready for September, please try the activities below. Give your child a star sticker (in the boxes below) for each activity you complete together! 1. Play ‘I Spy’ together. “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘d’. For example ‘door’. Encourage them to take turns. 2. Share a book together and talk about their favourite page/character. 3. Pass or roll a ball to each other and count to 10. 4. Sing 3 number songs together. Examples: ‘1,2,3,4,5 I just caught a fish alive’, ‘10 green bottles’, ‘5 little speckled frogs’.

Which one is your favourite?

Star 1

Star 2

Star 3

Star 4

The Foundation Staff welcome you and your child

Miss Gotheridge

Miss Deans

Mrs Sullivan

Mrs Ratcliff

Mrs Foster

Mrs James

Mrs Roberts

Mrs Windscheffel

Mrs Akhtar

Mrs Akhtar

Miss Bi

Miss Hardy

Mrs Hussain

Mrs Rai

Created for Dale Community Primary School

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