2 minute read
Dress Code
but are not limited to, prohibiting or limiting contact by, the reassignment of, or the temporary suspension or removal of the person accused of harassment or sexual misconduct. 3. Confidentiality During Investigation. Foxcroft will make every effort to keep confidential the names of accused persons and complainants except to the extent that the release of such information is necessary for an investigation or for Foxcroft to fulfill its obligations under this policy or the law. Confidentiality is important to ensure an objective investigation, to protect the privacy of the complainant and to protect persons against whom an erroneous allegation may have been made. Foxcroft will also strongly counsel and encourage individuals involved in any complaint to keep the information confidential. C. Retaliation Prohibited. Retaliation against any individual who reports an incident of harassment or sexual misconduct is prohibited, and Foxcroft will take strong responsive action if retaliation occurs. D. Investigative Findings and Decision. At the conclusion of an investigation, the investigator will determine whether the claims are substantiated and report his/her findings to the Head of School, who will determine the appropriate actions, if any, including whether additional investigation is warranted. E. Consequences. If a claim of harassment or sexual misconduct against an employee is substantiated, the consequences will be determined in accordance with the School’s personnel policies. If a claim of harassment or sexual misconduct against a student is substantiated, the School may impose such consequences as it deems appropriate, and the Head of School will decide whether a written report of the investigation and findings will become part of the student’s education record maintained in a file in the Head of
School’s Office.
The dress code of Foxcroft Academy is taken very seriously as it supports the mission of the school. It is the Academy’s strong belief that the dress code will prepare students for life after high school, create an atmosphere that eliminates distractions from achieving the mission, and promote pride in one’s self and school. If there is a family that is in a situation that cannot financially support their FA student to meet this standard, Foxcroft Academy will provide the necessary assistance.
FA’s dress code is based upon the concept of “business casual,
” which means a neat and clean appearance. A student will be allowed to wear: pants and jeans (without rips that show skin more than 4 inches above the top of the kneecap), shorts, skirts and dresses that are an appropriate length (not to exceed 4 inches above the top of the kneecap), shirts with collars, appropriate T-Shirts, blouses and shirts that completely cover the torso front and back up to the armpit (in essence the body is covered from 4 inches above the knee to armpit level with straps at least 2 inches wide on the shoulder with no cleavage showing). Tight, form fitting clothing may be worn under appropriate shirts and skirts but cannot be worn independently.