2 minute read

Library Reading

work has been the deciding factor for gaining employment or admission to college. Many scholarships require community service as a part of their criteria.

Foxcroft Academy expects all students in all grades to perform a minimum number of hours of community service each year. Students in the Class of 2026 and beyond are expected to perform 10 hours of service per year, for a total of 40 hours by graduation. Students in the Class of 2025 and earlier can choose between the new requirement (Class of 2026 and beyond) or their prior requirement expecting an incrementally greater amount of service each year (schedule below) requiring a total of 36 hours by graduation, with at least 12 hours in the senior year. Students are responsible for contacting service sites and submitting proof of service performed to their advisors.


Students are expected to perform a minimum number of community service hours each year. The expected amounts of community service per year are:

Grade Expected Community Service Hours

Class of 2025 and earlier Class of 2026 and beyond

Grade 9

6 10

Grade 10

8 10

Grade 11

10 10

Grade 12

12 10

Graduation Requirement

36 total hours with at least 12 in the senior year 40 total hours

The Muriel Philpot Watson Library at Foxcroft Academy provides a vital resource supporting our mission and our academic standards, and the act of reading is integral to the fulfillment of that mission and those standards. Reading is a critical skill necessary for an informed citizenry ready for success beyond Foxcroft Academy, and students who choose a book beyond their coursework demonstrate the ability to be self-directed, lifelong learners and increase their ability to be integrative and informed thinkers. To that end, reading books obtained through the library is a graduation requirement.

All students must demonstrate that they have read at least one self-chosen book per year of enrollment at Foxcroft Academy, approved by the library staff and not part of a course assignment. The library’s collection includes a wide variety of books, and its staff will work with students to ensure that books selected to meet this requirement match the interests and reading levels of our diverse student body. Library staff will also work with students to ensure that books selected to meet this requirement are increasingly challenging, so that students demonstrate progress in their reading abilities during their time at the Academy. Students are responsible for working with the library, selecting and reading a book, then providing clear and effective

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