W her e k now ledge is pow er s i n c e
FA 1
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“ Foxcrof t ha s ma d e m e a global citizen.”
“It’s about achieving the best you can achieve, meeting new people, and having an experience that is priceless.” H o l d Yo u r s el f to t h e
At FA, we believe that knowledge is
experience new things, and ultimately
H i g h e s t S ta n d a r d .
power. We foster a tradition of hard
build a strong foundation for a rewarding
work, respect, and accountability.
life—personally and professionally.
At FA, you will challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone,
“There are so many amazing opportunities. It makes you really excited to go to class everyday.”
E x pa n d yo u r H o r i zo n s .
FA’s challenging curriculum allows
curricular offerings including AP
F o l l o w y o u r Pass i o n s .
you to develop your known interests
courses, math and science, humanities,
while exploring new horizons in a safe,
visual and performing arts, technical
supportive environment. Students
education, four world language tracks,
enjoy an ever-expanding range of
and a vibrant ESL program.
“The iPad opens up a whole new world of understanding.” FA
“The iPad is like a virtual textbook, but it’s a million times better.” Ta p y o u r F u l l P o t e n t i a l .
FA is committed to preparing students
Students passionate about digital arts
Ha r n e ss t h e P o w e r
to succeed in an increasingly tech-driven
can choose from a range of courses
o f T e c h n o l o g y.
educational landscape and was the first
including filmmaking, photography,
high school in the state of Maine to
and applied media production.
provide an iPad to each and every student.
L e a r n W i t h t h e B e s t.
Faculty excellence is the core of the
supportive community of teachers,
FA experience, and the teaching does
counselors, coaches, and dorm
not stop when the day’s final bell rings.
parents will help you reach your
Regardless of where you come from or
greatest potential.
what your interests are, our highly-
“FA has given me so many opportunities. I’m never bored.”
“The students know that the community is behind them and react positively to it.”
Co m pe te to B eco m e a
FA’s commitment to excellence
than their share of state titles and
Champion. Learn the
extends beyond the classroom to
sportsmanship awards.
Va l u e o f S p o r t s m a n s h i p.
the finest playing fields in the region, where our 23 varsity athletic teams have combined to win more
J o i n a C r e at i v e Co m m u n i t y.
At FA, we place great value on creative
traveling, cheerleading, athletics, or the
E x p r e ss Yo u r s el f.
expression and help provide the necessary
great outdoors, we will challenge you to
tools for our students to explore their full
defy boundaries and expand your skills.
creative potential. Whether your passion
Academically, socially, and recreationally,
is for acting, music, fine arts, cooking,
opportunities to engage are endless.
“I feel welcome. That’s why I came to Foxcrof t.”
“I have formed amazing friendships with students from Germany, Spain, China, Korea, and so on — it has given me so many different perspectives from all parts of the world.” D i s c o v e r W h at i t M e a n s
The FA experience unlocks the unique
least 10 countries represented in our
t o B e a G l o ba l C i t i z e n .
potential of every student, transforming
student body every year, we are proud
each one into an actively-engaged
to call ourselves a global community.
citizen with the skills to thrive in a rapidly-changing world. With at
Ma k e Y o u r s e l f at H o m e .
Our caring and dedicated residential life
acres, campus facilities blend classic with
Ma k e L i f e l o n g F r i e n d s .
staff promotes a culture of accountability,
contemporary architecture and include
independence, and self-reliance, enabling
four modern residence halls, five playing
boarding students to flourish within our
fields, four tennis courts, a basketball
beautiful campus setting. Located on 125
court, and a main academic complex.
“Maine is a really great place to find yourself.� FA
“This community has helped me grow and mature and become more connected. I feel that giving back is the right thing to do.” B elo n g to a
When you come to FA, you’re not just
giving to others and demonstrate the
T i g h t- K n i t C o m m u n i t y.
enrolling in a school—you’re joining
concept of community stewardship,
a community. Students at FA believe
ideas that are integral to the fulfillment
in giving back. Varied experiences in
of FA’s mission.
community service teach and model
E xplo re th e P ower o f
FA is situated in a picturesque region of
and Acadia National Park. From
P o ss i b i l i t y T h i n k i n g .
Maine and enjoys four distinct seasons.
hiking and ice climbing to white
Students enjoy easy access to natural
water rafting and wilderness
treasures including Baxter State Park,
excursions, the FA experience is
Moosehead Lake, Mount Borestone,
filled with activity and adventure.
“Coming from a huge city to Dover-Foxcroft has helped me understand just how beautiful the world can be.�
foxcroft aca demy 975 West Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine 04426 USA +1 (207) 564-8351
Learn more: foxcroftacademy.org | admissions@foxcroftacademy.org twitter.com/foxcroftacademy | facebook.com/foxcroftacademy FA 34