Ama jefarerida coro so fobi Mariama le godo gosta gei Hemei jalacarija coroco fouja Sama fini recina gofolei /The social song/
Man vajag lietus dienu Rûgtu kafiju ar pienu Un viss, ko es vçl jûtu Ïauj no laimes prâtâ jukt! /Kafija ar Pienu/
There’s no more time There’s no more shapes We are put out in the space /Your thing in me/
I arise from dream of thee In the first sveet sleep of night When the winds are breathing blow And stars are shining bright /Dreamboat /
16. 04. Koncerts Tûrkalnç
Skaòu un krâsu spçlç
Fox Lima Izpildîjumâ
Yl2 FL