And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a caretaker”
So God made a Farmer.
God said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board”
So God made a Farmer.
“I need somebody with arms strong enough to rustle a calf and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild; somebody to call hogs, tame cantankerous machinery, come home hungry, have to wait lunch until his wife’s done feeding visiting ladies, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon -- and mean it”
So God made a Farmer.
God said, “I need somebody willing to sit up all night with a newborn colt, and watch it die, then dry his eyes and say, ‘Maybe next year.’ I need somebody who can shape an ax handle from a persimmon sprout, shoe a horse with a hunk of car tire, who can make harness out of haywire, feed sacks and shoe scraps; who, planting time and harvest season, will finish his forty-hour week by Tuesday noon, and then pain’n from tractor back, put in another seventy-two hours”
So God made a Farmer.
God had to have somebody willing to ride the ruts at double speed to get the hay in ahead of the rain clouds, and yet stop in mid-field and race to help when he sees the first smoke from a neighbor’s place
So God made a Farmer.
God said, “I need somebody strong enough to clear trees and heave bails, yet gentle enough to tame lambs and wean pigs and tend the pink-combed pullets, who will stop his mower for an hour to splint the broken leg of a meadow lark.” It had to be somebody who’d plow deep and straight and not cut corners; somebody to seed, weed, feed, breed and rake and disc and plow and plant and tie the fleece and strain the milk and replenish the self-feeder and finish a hard week’s work with a five-mile drive to church; somebody who would bale a family together with the soft strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh, and then sigh, and then reply, with smiling eyes, when his son says that he wants to spend his life “doing what dad does”
So God made a Farmer.
Meet the staff
Farmer 2 Farmer 2 FARMER 3
Leigh ann maynard
katherine hutchinson gracen parker alexandria feagin
Publisher Editor Sales Bookkeeping
Farmer 3 Farmer 3 Home Branch Ranch The only ranch in South Carolina that has a registered Texas Longhorn 4823 Home Branch Rd Manning, SC 29102 803.983.0816
Growing summer squash
Summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) is a warm-season crop that grows best at average temperatures between 65 and 75 °F. Squash seeds do not germinate well in cold soil. In the spring, do not plant this crop until after the last chance of frost has passed, and the soil temperature is 60 ºF, 4-inches below the surface.
Squash plants can be planted from seed or transplants. For more information on growing transplants see fact sheet HGIC 1259, Starting Seeds Indoors. Plant squash in full sun in rows spaced 3 feet apart. Plant the seeds ½ inch deep and 4 to 6 inches apart in the row. When the seedlings are in the one to two true-leaf stage, thin the plants to 12 to 15 inches apart, selecting the most vigorous ones. Squash transplants should be placed 15 inches apart at planting time.
Squash can also be planted in hills. Rows should be spaced 4 to 6 feet apart, with hills 3 to 4 feet apart within the row. Place two or three seeds in each hill.
Squash may be grown on black polyethylene mulch. To plant the squash seed, punch a small hole in the plastic and plant. Black polyethylene mulch warms the soil faster in the spring and conserves soil moisture, which usually will result in an earlier harvest. Other advantages of this type of mulch are weed control and reduction of fruit rot. Install a drip irrigation underneath the black polyethylene mulch to provide a uniform supply of water. Use the black mulch only for the spring crop. If the fall crop is grown on polyethylene mulch, paint the mulch white in order to reflect heat.
For early squash, use a row cover either alone or in combination with black plastic mulch. The row cover can be either clear polyethylene sheeting supported by wire hoops or one of the spun bonded polyester materials that need no support above the developing plants. For example, a light to medium weight spun-bonded polypropylene will provide 4 degrees of frost protection down to 28º F. Remove these materials before the temperatures get above 75 °F as high temperature under the row covers may inhibit the growth of the plant.
Farmer 4 Farmer 4
Recommended Cultivars
Summer squash includes yellow (straight and crookneck), zucchini and scallop. Some varieties have a bush-type of growth instead of the vining habit, which is useful in small gardens.
Cultivars recommended for home gardens in South Carolina are:
Yellow Straightneck – Early Prolific, Cosmos, Multipik, Saffron, Seneca Prolific, Slick Pik® YS 26, Superpik
Yellow Crookneck – Destiny II, Dixie, Early Summer, Gentry, Gold Star, Golden Summer, Supersett, Yellow Crookneck, Zephyr Hybrid (a cross between a crookneck, delicata, and acorn squash)
Zucchini – Black Beauty, Eight Ball, Elite, Embassy, Senator, Spineless Beauty
Scallop – Early White Bush, Jaune et Verte, Peter Pan, Sunburst Fertilizing
A soil test is always the best method of determining the fertilization needs of the crop. Information on soil testing is available in HGIC 1652, Soil Testing. Follow the results of a soil test to maintain a soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5 and optimal fertility levels. If a soil test has not been taken, make a preplant application of 5-10-10 fertilizer at 3 pounds per 100 square feet. Sidedress before the vines start to develop using 34-0-0 at 1 pound per 100 feet of row or calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) at 2 pounds per 100 feet of row. More frequent sidedressing may be required if the garden is sandy or if leaching rains occur. Do not overfertilize with nitrogen because this en-
We are with you from start to finish. From soil sampling and custom application to providing for your crop protection needs.
Kingstree, SC - 843-382-3661
Operations Manager:
Jamie Brown - (843) 687-2498
Austin Pollard - (843) 372-2453
Jay Morris - (843)372-9273
Lee Moore - (843) 401-8091
Hemingway, SC - 843-558-3512
Manager: Jamey Abrams - (843) 372-9478
RADIATE contains two different plant growth regulators (PGRs) - IBA and kinetin - that synergistically stimulate early and improved root development. In addition, RADIATE contains a mixture of vitamins that aid in successful transplanting and plant growth.
Dyna-Gro helps farmers select the perfect crop seed for their growing conditions. You get local recommendations for your area, with advice you can trust. Dyna-Gro offers corn, soybeans, wheat and more.
Farmer 5 Farmer 5
"If You Ate Today, Thank a Farmer"
courages excess vine growth and reduces fruit growth.
Water the garden to provide a uniform moisture supply to the crop. The garden should be watered in the morning so the foliage is dry before dark. Water the garden sufficiently to moisten the soil to a depth of 6 inches. Light watering will encourage shallow rooting of the plants. The critical period for moisture is during fruit set and fruit development.
Cultural Practices
A common problem with summer squash is blossom-end rot. The main symptom is a dark-colored dry rot of the blossom end of the fruit. Blossom-end rot is caused by a lack of
calcium in the developing fruit. It may be an indication that calcium is lacking in the soil or that the plant does not have the ability to take up adequate amounts of calcium from the soil. The following measures will help prevent blossom-end rot: Test the soil and apply the recommended amount of lime before planting. Mulch with 2 to 3 inches of materials such as grass clippings, pine straw and leaves. Mulching prevents rapid soil drying and allows roots to take up available calcium efficiently.
Do not overfertilize plants with nitrogen or potash. Excessive amounts of these nutrients depress
the uptake of calcium.
Water plants during extended dry periods. Add organic matter to the soil. This will help “loosen” clay soils and will improve the water holding capacity of sandy soils. In either soil, organic matter will increase plant uptake of water and calcium.
Grow squash in raised beds to improve drainage. (Do not grow squash in raised beds in the sandy Central region.)
Squash have separate male and female flowers on the same plant, and pollen must be transferred from the male flowers to the female flowers by bees. Poor pollination can result in improperly shaped fruit. Observe plants closely when blooming begins to determine if bees are present. Use insecticides and fungicides late in the evening to prevent killing bees.
Summer squash can be harvested about 55 days after planting. For optimum quality, harvest while fruits are tender and still have a shiny or glossy appearance. When growing conditions are favorable, harvest the crop daily or every other day. Harvest crookneck and straightneck varieties when fruit is 1½ to 2 inches in diameter. Harvest zucchini when fruit is 7 to 8 inches long and scallop types when they are 3 to 4 inches in diameter.
Farmer 7 Farmer 7 C&A Carpet RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 803.774.0001 office 803.774.0004 fax 990 S. Pike West Sumter, SC 29150
About Palmetto Yacht
We asked Palmetto Yacht a series of questions about their business. The questions and answers are below.
1. Palmetto Yacht Management is the premier marine transport company on the east coast. Premier can be defined as first in importance, order, or position; what makes PYM premier in the marine transportation industry?
Our years of experience combined with an incredibly strong brand that is upheld by our entire team with every delivery and interaction we have with our customers. We provide a service that far exceeds transport! We have a custom fleet of power units (Trucks) and trailers that allow us to service from the largest to the smallest boats for transport. This custom equipment combined with our unique transport model gives us an advantage over our competitors in many ways.
2. Over the past year, Palmetto Yacht Management has featured vessels in several shows up and down the east coast, including the New York Boat Show and the Miami International Boat Show. What has been the most significant benefit of these shows, and do you have plans to return in 2023?
These events continue to expand our client base, allow us to meet with existing clients and continue to display our brand which makes us premier. We were the premier transportation company for the Miami International Boat show, we were able to move almost 25% of the vessels to the inside show. We look to continue that growth into 2023, 2024 and beyond and the pleasure craft industry continues to grow. Our new site in Clarendon County will assist us in facilitating that growth without being limited by our property boundaries.
3. Palmetto Yacht Management has been actively hiring CDL drivers all year; what makes PYM a great employer? What is the number one reason CDL drivers should participate in the marine transportation indus-
The Palmetto experience goes well beyond simple employment and transportation. We welcome new members before day 1 with a customized training program and follow that up with even more training that is hand’s on by our driver trainer. All of this training and providing them an experience with our Brand is what sets us apart from everyone else. We offer several insurance options, 401K with a company match and the opportunity to be a part of transporting the highest quality vessels available on the market.
4. In March this year, Palmetto Yacht Management welcomed a new COO to their team, Mr. Daniel
Farmer 8 Farmer 8 Morrow Farms We Crack & Shell Pecans 803-972-0903 2450 Liberty Hill Road Summerton, SC 29148 FARMER 7 BEFORE AFTER (803) 460-8291 Manning • SC YOUR PREFERRED BOATDEALER 846•659•2628 TURBEVILLE, SC SOUTHSIDEOUTDOORS.COM Stop in today and let our seasoned sales staff help with all your shopping needs.
Cox. Beyond his mechanical engineering education and extensive business management experience, what made Mr. Cox an excellent fit for the job?
Daniel came to Palmetto with experience from other industries, that gave him an advantage in learning the Palmetto process and applying his experience is processes and business management. Those skill sets have allowed him to grow our business significantly in the last year. Daniel has a sixth sense when it comes to his team, he knows what to say and what to do, to bring out the best in each of them. He is the type of C.O.O. that gets to know every person who steps foot on the property, regardless of their title.
5. Palmetto Yacht has had a lot of new customers this year, many of whom had yet to transport their boat over land previously. Why would you recommend transporting via ground over water?
There are many additional variables and costs are required for long distance water transport. The system we have designed for land transports provides the customer with a controlled, informed and safe transport of their vessel. We ensure communication to the customer at every step of the transport process. They are aware before we arrive, and well before we deliver and each step through the process.
6. During May of this year, Palmetto Yacht Management was involved in shipping boats to the Formula 1 races in Miami, Florida. ESPN broadcasted the race and the vessels transported by PYM. What was the most challenging or rewarding part of participating in a race like this? Do you all plan to ship to any big races in the coming year?
The coordination required to move a vessel of that size in Miami was an incredible feat in itself. We have the experience and the team it requires to do so on a daily basis. To be requested to assist in creating the Monaco experience in Miami for F1 was humbling but allowed our team to shine both in the planning, preparation and execution. To move a vessel 60 feet in length and 16 feet wide through a major city required the best of the best!
7. This year was huge for PYM on social media. What would you say has been the greatest advantage and disadvantage of garnering notoriety on social media?
I wouldn't say we have any disadvantages other than not having the social media presence in the past. The advantages of social media usage are endless. We are able to reach new followers daily and show the side of the business that many people never see. We are also able to show the impact that simple actions can do to support the community and how easily a community can come
Farmer 9 Farmer 9
803-495-2391 3000 Plowden Mill Road Alcolu, SC 29001
Brunson Nursery and Design
together for an event such as Toys for Tots.
together for an event such as Toys for Tots.
more philanthropic efforts to Clarendon County.
more philanthropic efforts to Clarendon County.
together for an event such as Toys for Tots.
8. Palmetto Yacht Management has transported boats for the likes of Tom Brady and Disney’s CEO, Bob Chapek. What is an essential part of working with people who are considered famous?
8. Palmetto Yacht Management has transported boats for the likes of Tom Brady and Disney’s CEO, Bob Chapek. What is an essential part of working with people who are considered famous?
8. Palmetto Yacht Management has transported boats for the likes of Tom Brady and Disney’s CEO, Bob Chapek. What is an essential part of working with people who are considered famous?
Our service is world class. We have a very diverse clientele all of which expect the best service and communication. We treat each client with the same level of professionalism and service, in the end that is what sets us apart and makes Palmetto World Class.
Our service is world class. We have a very diverse clientele all of which expect the best service and communication. We treat each client with the same level of professionalism and service, in the end that is what sets us apart and makes Palmetto World Class.
Our service is world class. We have a very diverse clientele all of which expect the best service and communication. We treat each client with the same level of professionalism and service, in the end that is what sets us apart and makes Palmetto World Class.
9. A blood drive was held at PYM’s home office in November. The Toys for Tots fundraiser was another big charity event for Palmetto Yacht Management this year. We spoke previously about PYM becoming a home base for the fundraiser in 2023. Why would a marine transport company be concerned with philanthropy? Do you have any other charitable plans for the future?
9. A blood drive was held at PYM’s home office in November. The Toys for Tots fundraiser was another big charity event for Palmetto Yacht Management this year. We spoke previously about PYM becoming a home base for the fundraiser in 2023. Why would a marine transport company be concerned with philanthropy? Do you have any other charitable plans for the future?
9. A blood drive was held at PYM’s home office in November. The Toys for Tots fundraiser was another big charity event for Palmetto Yacht Management this year. We spoke previously about PYM becoming a home base for the fundraiser in 2023. Why would a marine transport company be concerned with philanthropy? Do you have any other charitable plans for the future?
Giving back to the community is what we all should be doing, regardless of the industry. We see the Clarendon community where Palmetto has grown and will continue to grow as we expand to our new site. Being involved in the various charities in the area helps us to show our support for a community that has been a contributor to our growth. We have plans in 2023 to be more involved and are partnering with other industries to bring
Giving back to the community is what we all should be doing, regardless of the industry. We see the Clarendon community as where Palmetto has grown and will continue to grow as we expand to our new site. Being involved in the various charities in the area helps us to show our support for a community that has been a contributor to our growth. We have plans in 2023 to be more involved and are partnering with other industries to bring
Giving back to the community is what we all should be doing, regardless of the industry. We see the Clarendon community as where Palmetto has grown and will continue to grow as we expand to our new site. Being involved in the various charities in the area helps us to show our support for a community that has been a contributor to our growth. We have plans in 2023 to be more involved and are partnering with other industries to bring
more philanthropic efforts to Clarendon County.
10. What is the biggest thing that Palmetto Yacht Management has coming in 2023? OR What is one message Palmetto Yacht Management wishes to share with Clarendon County?
10. What is the biggest thing that Palmetto Yacht Management has coming in 2023? OR What is one message Palmetto Yacht Management wishes to share with Clarendon County?
10. What is the biggest thing that Palmetto Yacht Management has coming in 2023? OR What is one message Palmetto Yacht Management wishes to share with Clarendon County?
We are here to grow and expand our business to involve more of Clarendon’s community. We have a unique service and brand that has grown and we see exponential growth in the future that we wish to share in the Clarendon County area.
We are here to grow and expand our business to involve more of Clarendon’s community. We have a unique service and brand that has grown and we see exponential growth in the future that we wish to share in the Clarendon County area.
We are here to grow and expand our business to involve more of Clarendon’s community. We have a unique service and brand that has grown and we see exponential growth in the future that we wish to share in the Clarendon County area.
Farmer 10 OWNER: CHRIS OWENS 843-389-1800 WE OFFER A WIDE VARIETY OF REPAIR SERVICES FOR YOUR GAS OR DIESEL VEHICLES 204 EAST HWY. 378 BYPASS SCRANTON, SC 29561 Farmer 10 Farmer 10 OWNER: CHRIS OWENS 843-389-1800 WE OFFER A WIDE VARIETY OF REPAIR SERVICES FOR YOUR GAS OR DIESEL VEHICLES 204 EAST HWY. 378 BYPASS SCRANTON, SC 29561 NICHOLSON AUCTION CO. 2065 W. Hwy 378 Pamplico, SC 29583 Contact Us: Specializing in farm equipment -Estate Auctions -Business Liquidations -Equipment Appraisals Office Phone: 843-687-4128 Wayne: 843-687-0307 Matt: 843-687-0772 Tyler: 843-933-1178
Farmer 10 Farmer 10 OWNER: CHRIS OWENS 843-389-1800 WE OFFER A WIDE VARIETY OF REPAIR SERVICES FOR YOUR GAS OR DIESEL VEHICLES 204 EAST HWY. 378 BYPASS SCRANTON, SC 29561 NICHOLSON AUCTION CO. 2065 W. Hwy 378 Pamplico, SC 29583 Contact Us: Specializing in farm equipment -Estate Auctions -Business Liquidations -Equipment Appraisals Office Phone: 843-687-4128 Wayne: 843-687-0307 Matt: 843-687-0772 Tyler: 843-933-1178
Farmer 10 Farmer 10 OWNER: CHRIS OWENS 843-389-1800 WE OFFER A WIDE VARIETY OF REPAIR SERVICES FOR YOUR GAS OR DIESEL VEHICLES 204 EAST HWY. 378 BYPASS SCRANTON, SC 29561 NICHOLSON AUCTION CO. 2065 W. Hwy 378 Pamplico, SC 29583 Contact Us: Specializing in farm equipment -Estate Auctions -Business Liquidations -Equipment Appraisals Office Phone: 843-687-4128 Wayne: 843-687-0307 Matt: 843-687-0772 Tyler: 843-933-1178
Farmer 11 Farmer 11
Richburg Farms: faith, family, and farming
30 years ago Mr. David Richburg, with the help of his wife Mrs. Linda of 38 years, established Richburg Farms. From the time David was 10 years old his father taught him the ropes of farming and after many years of experience, he took over the family business. Over the years David, his family, and his helpful team have perfected the art of growing fresh produce. Richburg Farms consists of 200 acres filled with strawberries, corn, soybeans, tomatoes, and the most beautiful flowers in the county. For nine months out of the year Richburg Market is open and prepared with vibrant produce for our community. In the past the farm has also influence children and adults of all ages by allowing field trips to the farm, sharing knowledge, laughter, and lasting memories. When interviewed David stated, “Everything I have, my family, my farm, and my team, I
Farmer 12 Farmer 12 Richburg Farms 4553 Paxville Hwy. Manning, SC 803-473-4844
Farmer 13 Farmer 13 FB Farms Office: 843-659-4308
I owe to my faith in our Lord.” Family, friendship, faith, dedication, and the standards Richburg Farms upholds are what truly set this small farm apart from the rest. It is time our community gives back to this family owned and operated farm. Don’t forget to shop local for your produce and support David and Linda Richburg as they have served Clarendon for the past three decades.
Philippians 4:13
Farmer 14 Farmer 14
YOUR PREFERRED BOATDEALER 846•659•2628 TURBEVILLE, SC SOUTHSIDEOUTDOORS.COM Stop in today and let our seasoned sales staff help with all your shopping needs. PAGE 13 - INSIDE THE HUDDLE
6 P eterson M asonry 803.410.9180 No job too big or too small “brick work at its best” Shavar Peterson license bonded & Fully insured W WALTON COUNTERTOPS Granite - Quartz - Solid Surface - Laminate Sumter’s PREMIER countertop fabricator of quality stone, quartz and solid surface. (803) 775-2080 • 145 S. Harvin St. • Sumter
ter with Pilgrim’s Pride is not particularly fair. Since they take on all the overhead costs, one bad flock could financially set back a grower for the year. Most growers live flock to flock.
The Clarendon County Sheriff’s Office began looking for the saboteur immediately, working with the theory that it was likely a disgruntled employee of Pilgrim’s Pride. The suspect knew how the houses operated and knew what temperatures would kill the birds. “This person isn’t just off the street and out there flipping switches.” There was a real fear among growers that they’d be the next target.
Brunson Nursery
At the time, growers told the newspaper about getting quotes for security systems. Those that had already been hit, like Coker, wished they had the systems before the destruction. “I needed to do it,” Coker recalls, “if I had it then, I might be a lot better off.” Other growers were sleeping with their shotguns in the chicken houses, “scared to death.” “We all are. We’ve never seen anything like it.”
Sheriff, was pushing hard for the magistrate to deny bond to Lowery. “I do believe the farms in Sumter, Clarendon and surrounding areas would be at risk if he were to be let out. I have every reason to believe that he would do this again.” Garrett divulged that Lowery was a main suspect from the beginning of the investigation. “He had a vendetta against this company,” Garrett said. “But in the process, he hurt our farmers in Clarendon and Sumter counties. They are the ones who have paid the price.” Looking back at the late Sheriff’s past interviews, it’s clear that he was worried about and cared for the growers in his county. “You’re talking about the loss off 320,000 birds. It was serious business, as far as we were concerned.”
“My mother started landscaping and hauling plants here from Summerville and Charleston,” said current owner of Brunson Nursery, Paula Bishop. “My dad soon retired from his job as a salesman and started rooting, cuttings, and selling plants.”
When you walk onto Brunson Nursery, located at 3000 Plowden Mill Road in Alcolu, you are instantly transported to a world close to a rainforest. You are surrounded with many plants, trees, flowers and bushes of all kinds.
Finally, on April 8, 2015, a suspect had been arrested. James Laverne Lowery, from Gable, SC, was a former grower. He had lost his contract with Pilgrim’s Pride for not maintaining his chicken houses to their standards. Lowery’s cell phone records were the key piece of evidence, verifying that he was at the chicken houses during each attack. Lowery was charged with eight counts of second-degree burglary and four counts of malicious injury to animals or property.
Randy Garrett, the Clarendon County
The growers were relieved to have a suspect in custody. Two weeks later, that relief would become grave disappointment as all the charges against Lowery were dropped. During the preliminary hearing, Clarendon County Magistrate Judge Percy Harvin, the same judge who gave the warrant for Lowery’s arrest, explained that he felt authorities did not have enough probable cause to maintain a case against Lowery. In May of the same year, a Sumter magistrate judge decided that charges there of malicious injury to personal property and second-degree burglary would also be dropped. “We go before the judge. We present a motive and our evidence. And he says it’s enough and gives us a warrant to arrest him. Two weeks later, he dismisses it for lack of evidence,” a frustrated Garrett recalled. “It’s the
But the nursery is more than just plants. There are many other treasures from hats to home decor, small tolls, clothes and more.
Brunson Nursery has been in operation over fifty years. Bishop said, “We sell mostly plants, shrubs and trees for landscaping as well as hardy perennials. I am a landscape designer and have been drawing plans for years, it’s so easy to have good plants to show clients as we go over the plans.”
Call or come see the luscious plants for yourself at Brunson Nursery.
Harvin explained that authorities could still pursue the charges before a grand jury. “Just because I’ve thrown these charges out at this level, that doesn’t mean the Solicitor’s Office can’t directly present them to a grand jury for an indictment.” The buck was officially passed.
After Lowery was released, Third Circuit Solicitor Ernest Finney III, told news outlets that he would present charges against Lowery to grand juries in each jurisdiction as early as June of that year. That never happened.
Four years later, in 2019, Coker, Garrett, and Finney were featured on Netflix’s Rotten, a documentary series that uncovers crimes and corruption in the American
Farmer 15 Farmer 15 13 FARMER 2 2037 Summerton Hwy. Summerton, SC • (803) 478-8808 Flowers Farm Roger Flowers Jr. Partner 803-309-2644 Roger Flowers Sr. (Bubba) 803-309-2644 Revolationary by modern productions, but rudimantary in terms of products uses. This is a game changer and perhaps will change the way the modern world will think of lubrication. This product is not just to be used for maintaining equipment, it must be thought of as a necessary application to further the invested life of a piece of equipment or machinery. Investment well beyond the expected live years of the tangible good, but investment in workforce, training and technology. Science behind MRP Randy Garrett, the Clarendon County dence,” a frustrated Garrett Farmer 13 • Timber Sales • Appraisals • Forest Management • Land Acquisition consulting foresters and associates, LLC
same evidence.”
How farmers and growers can adapt to meet emerging demands
The decline of tobacco farming
“Tobacco is the only industry that produces products to make huge profits and at the same time damage the health and kill their consumers.” –Margaret Chan, former DirectorGeneral of the World Health Organization
struggled to keep up. Between 1961 and 2020, US tobacco production decreased by 81%, and smoking rates declined by over 66% over the same period.
At a time in American history, smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products was a popular pastime activity. Over 40% of American adults smoked cigarettes in 1965. During the same year, the United States was the largest tobacco producer in the world. It hasn’t been a secret how bad tobacco use is for your health for a long time. However, with the rise in the popularity of vaping and e-cigarettes, fewer Americans are smoking tobacco than ever. Those who haven’t adopted the habit of vaping have quit smoking all together due to increased advertising and information regarding the toll it takes on your health. With the factors mentioned and other countries continuing to enter the market, the American tobacco industry has
The world is ever-changing, and those changes include consumer preferences. Identifying what consumers want is a challenge for any business, and farmers and growers are no exception. Food trends come and go, but identifying key segments of the population and catering to their needs and interests can help farmers and grow- ers meet consumer demand and increase profits.
million Baby Boomers in the United States, and Statistics Canada reports that this influential demograph- ic, which includes individuals born between 1946 and 1965, makes up nearly 30 percent of the Canadian population.
Despite its steady decline in popularity, tobacco production, mainly small-scale family-owned farms, was riding a wave of success well into the 90s. One 1998 study by the Appalachian Regional Commission estimated that a 3-acre family-operated tobacco farm could net $6,000 annually, the equivalent of $9,200 today. This network of farms was mainly due to a federal New Deal-era supply management program that aided in stabilizing tobacco prices, preventing oversupply, and supporting smallerscale farmers. This system restricted tobacco production through quotas that farmers either owned or leased. The program also ensured that quotas would not be leased across county lines.
Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers may no longer be the largest living adult generation, a distinc- tion that the U.S. Census Bureau reports now belongs to Millennials. However, there are still more than 71
When the system was implemented, production cuts supplanted many tenant farmers. Black farmers faced discrimination by county governments that allocated quotas as well. The quota system also created significant barriers to entry. The program saw as much as 33% to 50% of all quotas owned by retired farmers who leased them
Such figures underscore how lucrative it can be for farmers and growers to cater to the Baby Boomer demographic. Many Baby Boomers have reached an age where their doctors have recommended certain foods to reduce their risk for problems associated with aging, such as heart disease. The Mayo Clinic reports that whole grains are great sources of fiber that can help regulate blood pressure and heart health. Many seniors are urged to
Farmer 16 Farmer 16 Farmer 5 KINGSTREE AUCTION COMPANY Located at Brown Brothers Warehouse 679 N. Williamsburg County Hwy. Kingstree, SC 29556 • 843-687-7465 SCAL #491 SCAFL #3967
5 Farmer
Farmer 17 Farmer 17 Call today for a tailored Farm Policy 40 N MILL ST • MANNING • 803-433-0060 Bruce McNair 803-460-2167 • 4695 Sumter Hwy. Alcolu, SC 803-505-8735 Specializing in the outfitting of new and used commercial poultry and turkey houses.
Farmer 18 Farmer 18 Keeping the lights on for the farmers in the South! 1-800-922-1604 •
W.R. SIMPSON farms
Although tobacco corporations were not on board with the program, it helped farmers to control supply and maintain better prices. It is widely believed that the program is responsible for the strength of the tobacco market that lasted into the early 21st century. Tobacco corporations did tolerate the program to please farmers, who grew to be important allies as public opinion of tobacco drew more and more negativity. With that said, corporations such as Phillip Morris, one of the largest tobacco companies in the US, laid the groundwork to elude the program by investing in overseas production as early as the 1960s. Price pressure from low-cost international tobacco farms furthered the decline of the US tobacco export markets as domestic demand declined over the years. American farmers felt pressure to compete globally, grow substantially, and lower prices while tobacco corporations consolidated throughout the 1990s. These pressures and some changes to the quota program began driving farm consolidation in the late 90s. When the Bush administration completely repealed the quota system in 2004, small farmers were almost entirely wiped off the map.
To put things in perspective, roughly 80,000 active tobacco farms were thriving in the US in 2002, and a mere 4,268 were left by 2015.
Farmer 19 Farmer 19
est. 1994 homebranch, sc 803.473.2885 • 2526 Wr simpson rd GAMBLE FAMILY FARMS AND SEED CLEANERS 5300 Black River Rd • New Zion 803-473-7601 FARMER 13 ALL ABOUT DOGS ALL ABOUT DOGS Oak III Farms • 803.478.6163 GROWER
Oak III Farms has grown at the hands of three generations, and has been in business for 45 years. Oak III Farms produces a variety of greens, soy, corn, wheat, greens beans and sweet potatoes on about 4,000 acres.
Farmer 20 Farmer 20 (843) 496-0703 BRUSH HOGGING UNDER BRUSH CUTTING DITCH AND POND BANK CLEARING ATV, HORSE, AND NATURE TRAIL CLEARING DRIVEWAY REPAIR FIELD MOWING/CLEARING OVERGROWN VEGETATION CLEARING/THINNING OTHER TRACTOR/TRACK STEER NEEDS GO WITH A COMPANY YOU CAN DEPEND ON It Is Our Mission To Provide Affordable, Efficient, Personalized Service That Far Exceeds Our Client’s Expectations. We Believe That Going Above And Beyond The Standard Is What Makes Our Company Successful. Most Importantly, Good, Honest Work Is What Has Given Us A Trusted Name In Our Local Community.
The termination of the federal tobacco quotas program has likely had the most considerable impact on the rapid decline of tobacco farming. The significant decrease in public demand and consumption played a part as well. While the rate of regression in tobacco farming can be seen as a win for the health of Americans, the economy and many career farmers have suffered. Unfortunately, many farming industries need help with the increased fuel, fertilizer, and chemicals costs, as well as uncertainty in maintaining contracts with manufacturers and distributors.
Farmer 21 Farmer 21 PALMETTO BRUSH CONTROL AND DIRT WORKS Owner: Jay Lowder 1623 Mahon Road • Manning, SC 803-473-0646
FB Farms: lasting generations
From one generation to the next. That’s how farming for the Floyd brothers has been their entire lives. MD, Larry, and Therman established their LLC for FB Farms in 1999. After many years of farming, Larry Floyd retired and his son Zach Floyd has carried out his father’s work. In MD Floyd’s words, “Farming has been a part of the Floyd family for decades. It is our livelihood.”
“I began farming when I was big enough to walk and pull weeds,” remembers MD Floyd, who has been farming for the past fifty-five years. FB Farm consists of 2,500 acres filled with corn, soybeans, peanuts, and some wheat. All the crops are sold to S.C. Integrators which keep the products local. MD has trucks and does some business in Clarendon County but they also work with corporate to send the crops out of the county but the crops stay in South Carolina.
The entire family is involved in activities within
Spotlight: Town of Paxville
Although small in size, Paxville is big in opportunity. Town Hall meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month. Paxville is home to a park for recreational purposes. There is a Family Dollar for any last minute items so you do not have drive to town. There is an organic farm located in Paxville as well. It is a quiet place for those looking for rest and peace.
Farmer 22 Farmer 22 Your family’s auto dealership since 1926 452 N. Brooks Street • Manning, SC (803) 433-2535 • 1 (800) 968-9934
Farmer 23 Farmer 23
the farm. MD said, “My wife is retired now but she has always fed me, cleaned my clothes and kept me decent looking to go out.”
the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Food that has to travel further is often picked well before it is ready, ripening on the way to stores or other vendors.
· Better for the environment: Food that needn’t travel far before reaching diners’ plates saves roughly 500 gallons of diesel fuel to haul produce a distance of 1,500 miles. This conserves fossil fuels and prevents harmful emissions from entering the atmosphere.
· Supports neighboring farms: Supporting farmto-table restaurants and other eateries keeps business local in two different ways. It not only benefits local restaurants, but it also directly supports neighboring farms, fisheries and other suppliers.
The agricultural business has changed in many ways over the last 55 years. MD and Zach said it seems easier to maintain life now than when the brothers were younger and still learning how to farm. They would swap children for labor with friends and family to maintain their family farm. “The farmers who had only daughters would be super nice to the farmers who had sons because they needed them to work on their farms.”
· Accessibility to seasonal choices: Farm-to-table eating provides a wide variety of in-season foods. This can translate into tastier foods because they are grown
Cultivation has become much more advanced and technological. “There have been so many useful advances in technology especially with the machinery that we use. One in particular is Auto Steer and that is very helpful.” Auto steer is an AutoTrac™ assisted steering system that greatly increases operator productivity by maintaining consistent accuracy and efficiency. Operators remain more alert while they are in the field and are able to focus on implementing settings and varying field conditions.
“Our drone has also been a very useful advancement in farming, it comes in handy when we can’t get another tool to do the job,” said MD Floyd.
Zach elaborated on the uses of the drones. “Drone sprayers allow us to do things other sprayers can not do. If
Farmer 24 Farmer 24 Complete Repair • Custom Tuning 158 N. Main St. Greeleyville (843) 426-4455 Diesel Performance University Crop rainyet below-average have costs store and people fac- Farmer 11 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2022 Ram 1500 Unlimited 2022 Ford Maverick 2022 Chrysler Pacifica 2022 Dodge Challenger SANTEE AUTOMOTIVE 803-590-9199 • 2585 Paxville Highway, Manning, SC 29102 1663 Eastland Ave. Kingstree, SC • (843) 382-2315 • “If we can’t repair it, it can’t be fixed.” PAINT and BODY SHOP 24 Hour Towing
we have corn too high across a ditch bank from another shorter crop and weeds in between in the ditch bank, the drone sprayer handles the job perfectly,” said Zach Floyd. The drone can be used for spraying pesticides as well as water when needed.
MD continued, “Another very valuable advancement in farming is chemical-saving mechanisms that prevent over spraying and we have less waste. It’s called SWAT Control.”
FB Farms has very helpful workers and a leading team of six that ensure their farm growth is positive. Their main crop is soybean as it is on larger acres than the other crops and the farm can sell more of them.
The hardest part of farming is decision-making and the weather. Many times the two go hand in hand as decisions are made based on the weather. Clearly, after generations of farming for the Floyd family, the leading team has learned how to make the best decisions in order to keep their farm successful for decades.
Farmer 25 Farmer 25 Pocotaligo Products SPECIALITY WOOD PALLETS & CRATES Gary C. Lee 1575 Pleasant Grove Road Alcolu, SC 29001 P (803) 513-9286 F (803) 435-2463
The product also makes it possible to track and facili tate obstetrical assistance.
Tech has developed a live stock management system that utilizes sensors, data science and machine learn ing to improve the efficien cy, productivity and sus tainability of modern farm operations. Farmers can utilize Jaguza to perform a host of functions, including monitoring their animals’ health and identifying their livestock.
Farmer 26 Farmer 26 Farmer 8 Starting at $3499 Payments as low as $84.00 120 N. Brooks St. Manning » (803) 473-8337
8 Farmer W WALTON COUNTERTOPS Granite - Quartz - Marble Sumter’s PREMIER countertop fabricator of quality stone, quartz and solid surface. (803) 775-2080 • 145 S. Harvin St. • Sumter Lee Reaves | 803.435.3777 Black River • Fireline Construction & Maintenance • Road Construction & Maintenance • Erosion Control Measures • Vegetative Reduction • Ditch Maintenance • Logging Deck Reclamation Land and Timber Company “Forest And Woodland Services”
Clemson Extension employs Extension agents who work closely with state extension specialists and researchers located on campus and at the various research and education centers located across the state. Your local Extension agents in Clarendon, Sumter and Williamsburg counties provide.expertise in agribusiness, agronomy, food safety, nutrition, horticulture, livestock and forages, forestry and wildlife resources, rural health, water resources, and 4-H and youth development.
Scan here for more info or contact your local Extension o ce
Claredon 803-435-8429
Sumter 803-773-5561
Williamsburg 843-355-6106
The Home and Garden Information Center, a service of Clemson University Cooperative Extension, has extended its hours and added sta to answer more of South Carolinians' questions about landscaping, gardening, plant health, household pests, food safety and nutrition.
You can reach us via phone: 1-888-656-9988, email:, and our website at
The Agricultural Service Laboratory provides analytical testing for:
You can reach us via phone: 864-656-2068, email:, and our website at
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service o ers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.
Planning a garden
Home garden vegetables can be grown abundantly in most areas of South Carolina with proper care. Many who have grown vegetables for the excellent fresh flavor or as a hobby now find home gardening profitable with today’s high food costs.
The number of home vegetable gardeners is steadily increasing in the state. Success or failure of home vegetable production can depend on many things, but some major reasons for failure are negligence, not following the proper instructions, and not keeping up with current vegetable developments.
Planning the Vegetable Garden
When planning a garden, it is important to ask a few basic questions:
Who will be doing the work? Will the garden be a group project with family members or friends who will work willingly through the season to a fall harvest, or will you be handling the hoe alone in between camping and swim-
ming? Remember that a small weed-free garden will produce more than a large, weedy mess. What do you and your family like to eat? Although the pictures in the garden catalog look delicious, there is no value in taking up gardening space with vegetables that no one eats. Make a list of your family’s favorite vegetables, ranked in order of preference. This will be a useful guide in deciding how much of each vegetable to plant. Successive plantings of certain crops, such as beans, can be harvested over a longer period of time and increase your yield. As you plan, list recommended varieties and planting dates. How do you plan to use the produce from your garden? If you plan to can, freeze, dry, or store part of the produce, this will be a factor not only in planning the size of the garden but also in selecting varieties. Some varieties have much better keeping quality than others. Care should be used in choosing the seeds, making sure the varieties you select are adapted to your area and intended use. Finally, how much space is available? How much area can be converted into usable garden space, and how much
Farmer 28 Farmer 28 36 Sunset Dr. Manning 803.433.2118 Local Since Forever Pharmacy 803 433 4312 Deli 803 433 8544
garden do you need? Do not plant more garden than you need.
Additional Planning Hints
Plan the garden on paper first. Draw a map showing the arrangement and spacing of crops. If you wish to keep the garden growing all season, you may need a spring, summer, and fall garden plan. Plan the garden and order seeds by January or February. Some plants may be started indoors as early as January. In your plan, place tall and trellised crops on the north side of the garden so they will not shade the shorter vegetables.
Group plants by the length of the growing period. Plant spring crops together so that later crops can be planted in these areas after the early crops mature. Consider the length of harvest as well as time to maturity. Place perennial crops to the side of the garden where they will not be disturbed by annual tillage. Finally, practice crop rotation. Try not to plant the same vegetable or a related vegetable in the same location year after year.
The garden should be as small as possible to cut down on unnecessary work. In South Carolina, gardens should receive at least six hours of direct sun each day. Leafy vegetables can tolerate partial shade; vegetables that produce fruit, such as peppers and tomatoes, must be
grown in full sun.
Avoid planting your garden close to or beneath trees and shrubs because shade and the competition for nutrients and water may reduce vegetable growth. If a garden must be planted near trees, reserve the sunniest spot for vegetables grown for their fruit or seeds.
Plants grown for their leaves or roots can be grown in partial shade. Because water is required by vegetables, especially during droughty periods, a site within close proximity to the house should be considered; this site is usually located close to an abundant water supply. Also, people are more likely to work in the garden and check for pests when the garden is close to the house.
When soil or landscape space is unavailable, vegetables can be grown in containers. As long as light, water, and soil volume requirements are met, container-grown vegetables can be placed anywhere: sidewalks, patios, window boxes, porches, or balconies. More information on vegetable gardening in containers is available in HGIC 1251, Container Vegetable Gardening.
Sloping areas are satisfactory if managed properly. Contour the rows to the shape of the slope (plant around the hill). Construct terraces if erosion results even with contoured planting.
Auction Number: SCAL #3965F
Address: 1533 McMillan Road Greeleyville, SC 29056 Phone: 843-426-4255
Loyd Farms & Service 5210 Dais Road • Rembert, SC 29128 Owner: Perry Loyd (803) 499-1329 • (803) 468-8978
Gardeners with poorly drained or steeply sloped sites can improve their sites through the use of raised beds. A permanent raised bed can be created with used cross ties, concrete blocks, or similar rot-resistant material. The completed form can then be filled with a mixture of good topsoil and compost. Permanent raised beds are easy to maintain and require less effort to control weeds and overcome poor soil or site problems. Raised beds can be any size, but narrow beds (about 3 to 4 feet wide) will allow the gardener to reach the center of the bed without stepping into the bed.
Season of Planting
The time at which vegetables are planted outdoors depends on the cold hardiness of a particular species or cultivar. Vegetables can be divided into two categories based on temperature requirements: cool-season and warm-season crops.
Cool-season vegetables originated in temperate climates and have their favorable growth period during the cool parts of the year. Cool-season crops grow poorly in the summer heat. Though cool-season crops continue to grow well past the earliest freeze in the fall, they should be started early enough to mature before hard freezes are expected.
Warm-season crops primarily came from subtropical and tropical regions and require warm weather for seed
germination and plant growth. They are injured or killed by freezing temperatures and should not be planted outdoors in the spring without protection or until the danger of freezing temperatures is past. Warm-season crops planted in the summer to mature in the fall should be planted early enough so they can be harvested before the killing freeze in the fall.
To determine when to plant cool- and warmseason vegetables in South Carolina, refer to Table 1. Knowing the number of days required to reach maturity, a gardener could determine the appropriate planting time for seeds and transplants by using the average dates of the first and last freezes in their area.
Piedmont: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, Marlboro, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union, and York Counties.
Coastal Plain: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Clarendon, Colleton, Darlington, Dillon, Dorchester, Florence, Georgetown, Hampton, Horry, Jasper, Lee, Lexington, Marion, Orangeburg, Richland, Sumter, and Williamsburg Counties.
Farmer 30 Farmer 30 GREEN’S LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION MANNING, SC est. 1989 •lawn care • sod • water pump repair • outdoor lighting • driveway installation 803.460.3816 800.237.3307 Farms,LLC S.H. Jackson 6716 Paxville Hwy. 803-460-4884 to Quality Production Dedicated We Work Hard so You Don’t Have To!
Farmer 31 Farmer 31 Henry Lucas Garage & Auto Sales, Inc. 5087 Paxville Hwy. Manning, SC 803-473-7586 Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM Cole’s Carpet & Vinyl Flooring 930 S. Ron McNair Blvd. Lake City, SC 29560 843.389.2746 • 843.389.2747 WE ALSO RENT MINI STORAGE BUILDINGS IN THE LAKE CITY AND SCRANTON AREAS Mike McGee & David McGee P.O. Box 1136 CONSTRUCTION UPLAND Water Sewer Grading Clearing Stumping Storm Drains 803-468-4303 Sumter, SC
Boiled peanuts served with a
If you’re driving down East Boyce Street in Manning on a nice day, you may notice a boiled peanut stand across the street from EZ Go Tire and Towing. This peanut stand is called The Peanut Chef, and it is manned by Kevin Detwiler, who is occasionally joined by his wife or one of his three children. The Peanut Chef is the place to go for quick, polite service and fresh, hot boiled peanuts. Kevin Detwiler was born in Clarendon County and has lived here for most of his life. He and his family began selling boiled peanuts in 2017 as a side business. Detwiler explained that his family was already cooking a lot of boiled peanuts and so they decided to start the stand. They’re now going on their seventh year, and they’ve been setting up shop in Manning for the last two years. The family’s primary focus is on good customer service. Customers are always greeted with a friendly smile and good conversation when they visit The Peanut Chef.
The Peanut Chef has two kinds of peanuts, while supplies last. There are Virginian (jumbo) peanuts and Valencia
Farmer 32 Farmer 32 24 Hour Service Propane • Fuel • Gasoline Serving You Since 1928 Mac Heath Email: Office: 843-374-2214 Fax: 843-374-2010 210 East Main Street Lake City, SC 29560 PO Box 1539 Website: Bobby Castles Cell: 843-676-5867 1260 S. Olanta Hwy Lake City, SC 29560 Office: 843-373-7898
Farmer 33 Farmer 33
A family ran farm
Thomas Elam Lee Farms
13797 Plowden Mill Rd
Alcolu, SC
(red) peanuts. The jumbo peanuts are $6 a bag and the red peanuts are $7 a bag. The peanuts are always hot and straight from the pot.
Detwiler buys green peanuts and the family does the entire cooking process themselves. The peanuts come from a couple of different sources. Detwiler explained, “Early in the spring, most green peanuts are being harvested from Florida. Our South Carolina peanuts usually begin coming in around mid-summer and continue into the fall.”
Detwiler stated his favorite part of running The Peanut Chef. He said, “Without a doubt, the people we serve and interact with at our stand is my favorite part of the business. My main goal every day we open is to provide customers with the best, friendliest experience possible. If someone takes time out of their busy day to stop and visit us, we want to make sure that we provide not only good peanuts, but also great service. Our customers are very important to us. We love getting to know them.” When asked what he likes most about Manning, Detwiler answered, “We like the tradition that is so rich here.”
Boiled peanuts are a very popular tradition in Manning, SC and families like the Detwilers keep that tradition alive by providing the southern delicacy. A person in search of a tasty, salty snack and a nice chat can visit The
Peanut Chef in spring, summer, and most of fall when the weather is pleasant.
Farmer 34 Farmer 34 Cannon Ag Products Cucumber Watermelons Cantaloupe butter beans sweet corn squash 843-659-agsc turbeville 3048 HICKS RD
A staple in the farming community
The Manning Times would like to dedicate the 2023 edition of our agricultural magazine, Farmer, to Mrs. Tonya Dukes Byrd.
Mrs. Tonya is a pillar of our community here in Clarendon County. She started her crop insurance agency, Tonya Byrd Insurance Agency, Inc. in Turbeville almost 25 years ago. When she’s not running her agency, Mrs. Tonya spends her time teaching mathematics at Laurence Manning Academy. She received her degree in Secondary Education Mathematics from Clemson University in December of 1991 and has been teaching ever since. From
pre-algebra to geometry, there are few high school math courses that “Miss Tonya” hasn’t taught in her career. She and her family attend church at Turbeville Southern Methodist, where she does everything she can to help out. She has assisted in organizing Vacation Bible School over the summer for the past 20 years. Naturally an instructor, Mrs. Tonya previously directed the choir for 14 years, as well as the youth choir for four years.
Next to teaching, her greatest passion is working with local farmers in insuring their crops. Tonya Byrd Insurance Agency is family-owned and operated. Mrs. Tonya, her daughter Victoria-Lynn, and her son Rich, work harde to assis farmers in Clarendon County and beyond in protecting their livelihood. Many people are
Farmer 35 Farmer 35 305 E Boyce Street Manning, SC 29102 (803) 435-8807 12 W.R. SIMPSON farms est. 1994 homebranch, sc 803.473.2885 • 2526 Wr simpson rd
unaware of how importan crop insurance is to small family farms. It acts as a vital risk management tool in the practice of farming that allows farmers and ranchers to protect themselves against declines in crop yields or revenue. Crop insurance is divided int two categories, federally subsidized multiple-peril crop insurance and state-regulated private crop insurance. Over $14 million in premiums were written for multiple-peril crops in 2021, and over $1.2 million in premiums were written for private crop insurance that same year. Mrs. Tonya and her team work tirelessly, sometimes up to 14 hours a day during their busier months, to make sure that every task is completed and completed cor
During the school year, Mrs. Tonya teaches high school math courses at Laurence Manning Academy. Some of the courses she teaches there include Advanced Math and SAT prep. Clarendon can rest easy knowing that their children and the future of our county rests in the hands of someone like Mrs. Tonya. Not only is she a great mathematician, she teaches children important values and how to excel in other areas of life outside of school. We share great admiration for her and are thankful that she decided to remain in our county into her adult life. Prior to earning her degree at Clemson University, Mrs. Tonya attended school at East Clarendon. She has been a resident of Turbeville for
Farmer 36 Farmer 36 WARREN we provide any size tanks with delivery for all agricultural, commercial, and residential customers 3703 J W Rhames Rd, Manning, SC 29102 803.473.7547 NEED PROPANE? CAN SUPPLY ANY SIZE PROPANE TANK NEEDED Located in Clarendon County and servicing all surrounding areas 2ndGeneration propane business since 2005 PROPANE 7 North Brooks Street, Manning OFFICE: 803-825-4005 MOBILE: 803-473-0256 Nelson Walker $195,000 PAGE 11 Thursday, Mar 17, 2022 0.75 ACRES | LAKE MARION WATERFRONT 1228 LESESNE DR., MANNING, SC, 29102 DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH AND RECOVERY? Natalie Gray, M.Ed., LPC, MAC, AADC-CS is the Chief Executive Officer of Clarendon Behavioral Health Services in Manning, SC. She entered the Behavioral Health field after a successful 20-year career in Business/Accounting. She has a Bachelors in Business Administration from Southern Wesleyan University and a Masters in Community Counseling from Clemson University. Natalie has worked managing residential and outpatient Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder programs since 2010. She has co-authored a curriculum for family transformation and her passion is working to heal individuals and families affected by substance use and co-occurring disorders. SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS TO US AT MTSCEDITOR@GMAIL.COM AND NATALIE GRAY, CEO OF CLARENDON BEHAVIORAL HEALTH WILL ANSWER THEM IN EACH WEEKS EDITION OF THE MANNING TIMES! 114 South Mill St. | Manning, SC 803-433-4444 TIRE COMPANY INC NO MATTER WHAT YOU DRIVE WE WILL GET YOU THERE
most of her life. We feel very lucky to have her, whether it be teaching or crop insurance, there are few people in Clarendon County who haven’t benefited from her actions. The Manning Times decided to dedicate this edition of Farmer to Mrs. Tonya in hopes that the work she does for our farmers and for our children does not go unnoticed.
We extend a huge thank you to her for all of her efforts in bettering our community, our farms, and our children.
Farmer 37 Farmer 37 301Auto Parts 3302 Starburst Rd. Olanta, SC 29114 (843) 659-5301 (843) 775-5269 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 - 5:30 Everything Automotive Shop bumper-to-bumper quality and value. CALL or VISIT us first for all of your auto part needs! C&A Carpet LLC for efficient. non-antibioticlivestock. foodAdvancements Farmer 8 120agement system also checks 8 843-485-1100 805A N. Longstreet St. Kingstree, SC 29556
Farmer Farmer 38 THINK EROSION CONTROL? Your Complete Erosion Control Solutions Provider | 800.772.2040
Farmer 39 Farmer 39 Tonya Byrd Insurance Agency, Inc. Family owned and operated since 1999 Tonya Byrd, owner and agent 843-659-7663 Victoria-Lynn Byrd, agent 843-550-0043 1017 Dogwood St. Turbeville, SC 29162 Specializing in crop insurance Rich Byrd, agent 843-659-6986