Bringing Home the Families

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RECEPTIONIST Poplar Bluff Realty, Inc. has been locally owned & operated since 2005 and is proud to be the area’s real estate leader year after year. With agents in Poplar Bluff, Doniphan, Piedmont, Van Buren, Branson, St. Louis and Lake Ozark we are positioned to help with any of your real estate needs across the state. Call us to assist you, your family or friends. We certainly appreciate your referrals! 1800 N. WESTWOOD BLVD. , POPLAR BLUFF, MO 63901 573.785.0350
thinking of selling homeyour ? 1800 N. Westwood Blvd. • Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.785.7600 CARLA HICKS 573.714.2803 LIST WITH

E xpl or e




the River. That means when summer hits, we spend our free time there u are kayaking, boating, or jet skiing, here are reminders to keep you and

O ur F a mily's Home is on the Rive r. Tha t me a ns whe n summe r hits, we spe nd our f re e time the re a s a f a mily. Whe the r you a re ka ya king , boa ting , or je t skiing , he re a re re minde rs to ke e p you a nd your f a mily sa f e .

I ns p e c t i o n

Before getting on the water, inspect your boat and equipment. Ensure you have everything required in good working order. Make sure you balance your boat and not overload it.

Be f ore g e tting on the wa te r, inspe c t your boa t a nd e quipme nt. E nsure you ha ve e ve rything re quire d in g ood working orde r. Ma ke sure you ba la nc e your boa t a nd not ove rloa d it.

Life Jacket (PFD)

L i f e J a c k e t (PF D)

Always have a well-fitting, correct style life jacket and require the same for all passengers. Read the label for the U.S. Coast Guard approval.

Alwa ys ha ve a we ll- f itting , c orre c t style lif e ja c ke t a nd re quire the sa me f or a ll pa sse ng e rs. Re a d the la be l f or the U. S . C oa st G ua rd a pprova l.

Be Weather-Wise

B e W e a t he r - W i s e

Always check local weather conditions before departure. While on the water carefully observe changing weather to make adjustments.

Alwa ys c he c k loc a l we a the r c onditions be f ore de pa rture . While on the wa te r c a re f ully obse rve c ha ng ing we a the r to ma ke a djustme nts.

Stay Hydrated

S t a y Hy d r a t e d

Do not operate a boat while under the influence of alcohol

Do not ope ra te a boa t while unde r the inf lue nc e of a lc ohol

Furthermore, make sure to bring plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day.

F urthe rmore , ma ke sure to bring ple nty of wa te r to sta y hydra te d throug hout the da y.


C o m m u ni c a t e

Try to take at least one way to communicate with you. Tell someone not with you where you are going and when you plan to returm

Try ta ke a t le a st one wa y c ommunic a te with you. Te ll some one with you whe re you a re g oing a nd whe n you pla n to re turn.

ne Sales

573 776 3129

S a l e sperson Office 573.785.7600 Office 573.785.0350 5 73 . 776 . 3 1 2 9 S a l e s person 5 73 71 8 0 5 2 0
Ronnie Cline, Jr. Ronnie Cline, III

As a resident for over 40 years in Poplar Bluff I love helping clients find their little piece of Southeast Missouri. This is where my family lives, works, and plays. I am a lifelong Butler County resident and proud member of the Poplar Bluff community. Although I have had many accomplishments in my real estate career my proudest are my family and friends. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time outdoors playing golf and soaking up the sun on the Current River with my kiddos and Doodles.

Whether you are buying or selling, I understand the process can often be challenging and complicated. I will focus on taking the pressure off you, so you can make a clear and concise decision throughout the process. I joined Poplar Bluff Realty, Inc. in April of 2015 to pursue a career in Real Estate. As a member of Missouri Realtor Association, I currently serve as MLS Director for Three Rivers Board of Realtors.

Serving on several board of directors, networking groups, and charitable committees, I am able to reach many diverse spheres of influence to gain my overall goal of selling real estate.

Clients choose to work with me for my full service firm, ethics, experience, and expertise. I have consistently shown the ability to satisfy clients in the buying and selling of their home.

Ultimately a “successful sale” is my main goal and to utilize my expertise to make that happen for you.

1800 N. Westwood Blvd. • Poplar Bluff 573.785.7600 Let me help you or someone you know make their real estate goals a reality. Poplar Bluff Realty, Inc. “We’re Bringing Families Home” Traci Barbour - Salesperson - 573.718.8859
BUY • SELL • AUCTION NEW LOCATION PADUCAH KENTUCKY 3557 PARK PLAZA RD., PADUCAH, KY 42001 270.534.5993 1800 N. WESTWOOD BLVD., POPLAR BLUFF, MO 63901 573.785.0350 AGENTS SERVING THE STATE OF MISSOURI & KENTUCKY NATHAN MAURER BROKER/OFFICER AUCTIONEER / SALESPERSON 573.683.1449 BROKER/ASSOCIATE 573.718.6399 ALEX SACHS SALESPERSON 636.697.7074 BEN ASHCRAFT SALESPERSON 870.404.3343 BREE SNOW BROKER/SALESPERSON 270.309.3037 FARM & LAND SPECIALIST, LLC 1800 N. Westwood Blvd. Poplar Bluff, MO 573.785.0350 3557 Park Plaza Rd., Paducah, KY 270-534-5993 1800 N. Westwood Blvd. Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.785.7600 Summer Summer is the perfect time to put your home on the market. Call today to start the process! GREG WISEMAN SALESPERSON 573.772-2394
Call me today to find your place. THINGS TO DO IN OUR AREA SALESPERSON 573.429.3243 Ph: 573.785.7600 F: 573.785.7169 1800 N. Westwood Blvd. - Poplar Bluff “A picture says a thousand words.” -
ALLOW ME TO HELP YOU GET TO WHERE YOU WANT TO GO! • Relocation - Licensed in the state of Missouri, I can assist you in finding your new home. • First Home Buyers - Professional and considerate of your housing needs is my priority. • Downsizing - A larger home may have served you well earlier in life, but now what? Call me today to schedule a consultation to discuss your current housing needs!
Fred R. Barnard Van Buren Sunrise Mingo Wildlife Refuge Butler County Fair Railroad Museum Wappapello Trails Butterfly House - Wappapello Redman Creek TRC Rocky Raider
1800 N. Westwood Blvd., • Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.785.7600 GINA DUCKETT CELL | 573.776.4475 SALESPERSON Your Real Estate Professional Working Hard For You. Experienced • Trusted • Dedicated
QUENTIN DUFF, GRI Broker/Salesperson 573.776.0008 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? LET’S WORK TOGETHER! Buying or selling a home can be a stressful process if you don’t have the right real estate agent. You can rely on me to provide you with the compassion, dedication and experience to make the process as enjoyable and stress free as possible for you and your family. I am determined to find you the right home or sell your existing home for the best price. 351 Wellington Dr., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 $267,000 573.785.7600 BUILD TO SUIT SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
ERATED OWNE LOCALLY L A N D @ P B R E A L T Y I N C . C O M PE ED OCALLY est. 2005 T H E A R E A ' S R E A L E S T A T E L E A D E R BROKER-OFFICER “THE LOFT” is your destination spot while staying in Doniphan! The spacious open floor plan includes all the amenities for a comfortable stay - no matter how long that may be! “The Loft” comfortably sleeps 6-8, boasts a deck, private entrance and plenty of paved parking for your vehicles and boats. The convenient location near Current River, restaurants and the quaint Downtown shopping square make “The Loft” the perfect place to stay. 304 E. Hwy. Street, Doniphan, MO NADIA YATES 417.598.8213
DONIPHAN LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL AROUND DONIPHAN, GIVE ME A CALL. The market is strong! “THE LOFT” IN DONIPHAN Located in the PB Realty Building, opened in the Spring of 2022. The Loft comfortably sleeps 8 and includes all the amenities needed for your stay. The convenient location near Current River, restaurants and the quaint downtown shopping square makes The Loft the perfect place to stay during your next visit to Doniphan. Scan to book We can offer a quick cash closing if your home is in need of repairs. 304 EAST HIGHWAY STREET DONIPHAN, MISSOURI 573.996.5153 573.707.4172 BEN CRAIG SALESPERSON WE BUY HOUSES

Deep Roots in Ripley County

As far back as I can remember, Ripley County and Doniphan, Missouri have been a huge part of my life.

Summers on the family farm, Camp Meeting in the old Church of God tabernacle, and learning to drive on an old Ford Powermaster tractor.

I remember telling a cousin one time that neither of us had any excuses for the mistakes we’d made considering our heritage.

My grandparents were some of the most Godly people I’ve ever known. And they passed it down to my parents.

I hope I can pass some of that on down to my daughter, step-daughters, and grandchildren.

So when I am at work at PB Realty, I’m not selling houses. I’m selling my hometown.

It’s a community I am very proud to live in, work in, worship in, serve in, and raise my family in.

I hope you love it as much as I do. If not, call me. Let’s talk. Let me introduce you to my hometown. 573.776.4026 GARY FEATHERSTON BROKER/SALESPERSON 304 East Hwy. Street, Doniphan 573.996.5153 Gary
PB Realty Bldg. 304 E. Hwy. St. Doniphan 6:30 - 11:00 a.m. Walk In’s Welcome or Call Haley at 573.208.3474 PB Realty Bldg. - 304 E. Hwy. St., Doniphan
RICK BRITTINGHAM 718.7786 TRACI BARBOUR 718.8859 KURT KNODELL 718.6399 718.3020 STEPHANIE KNOPPE 429.8441 RONNIE CLINE JR. 776.3129 SARA PULLIAM PB WEST 2875 Tucker Rd., Suite 5 573.712.2593 CLEARWATER 311 Piedmont Ave. 573.223.2769 BRANSON 111 E. Main St. 417.544.0528 DOWNTOWN PB 400 Vine Street 573.712.2863 DONIPHAN 304 E Highway St. 573.996.5153 MADISON RUSSOM 727.3457 CHANCE WHITEHEAD 429-8279 BILL DEE 776.0196 DOUG KELLY 660.341.6619 LUCY WHEELER 429.3243 CHARLENA DORRIS 718.3207 BRENDA HOLMES 707.0741 GREG WISEMEN 772.2394 CODY ADAMS 300.3235 CHRISTEN KINSEY 429.6454 LIBBY CLARK 429.0303 SHAWN ADAMS 714.5973 OPERATED OWNED LOCALLY est. 20 05 MAIN OFFICE 1800 N. Westwood Blvd 573.785.7600
JACKIE ROBISON Office Manager NATHAN MAURER Broker-Officer CHERYL WILSON Closing Agent CHELSEY KING Receptionist MALLORY ROBERTSON Executive Assistant BEN CRAIG 707.4172 PATRICK KRISHNA 429.2073 GARY FEATHERSTON 776.4026 STEVE JOHNSON 429.3685 NICK LIMPERT KAREN CHAMBERLAIN 380.9540 TAMMY BAILIFF 714.3093 417.231.1515 776.5284 ERIC ARNOLD 429.0758 PAUL ARNOLD 776.0078 NADIA YATES 417.598.8213 SABRINA HURST 429.4747 HEATHER HAHN 305.4051 DEZAREE PULLIAM 714.9204 KELSEY KETTWIG 573.707.0002 RYAN BRITTINGHAM 718.6594 BILLY YATES 615.479.0627 CARLA HICKS 714.2803 AREA’S WE ARE THE LEADER


This year I turned 60 years old, and it got me to thinking that I’m getting up there in age. I have never let any birthday make me think I’m getting old. I have always said age is just a number, however #60 has been a little different. I realized that life on this earth is short, so I had better enjoy it as long as I can. With that being said, my grandchildren are what keep me young at heart. I get to experience things through their eyes and their perspective. When my family asked me what I wanted to do to celebrate my 60th birthday, I surprised them all by saying a family trip to Disney World! My family made Disney a reality for the eight of us. I was blessed watching my two 2 year-old grandchildren see the magic all around them.

No matter your age, take advantage of your short time here on earth to enjoy what matters - your loved ones! Don’t put off doing today what you might not be able to do tomorrow. Remember - age is only a number.

East Hwy. Street, Doniphan, Misouri
Broker / Salesperson

PB Realty West is located in the heart of Poplar Bluff’s convenient and rapidly growing commercial district at Kanell Blvd. and Shelby Rd. The West Branch has experienced professional agents who are eager to assist with all of your Real Estate needs. Whether you are in the market to Buy, Sell or Lease any type of property, call or stop by and put one of our agents to work for you!

The Area’s Real Estate Leader





can be a stressful


❏ Mow the lawn

❏ Add colorful plants

❏ Trim trees and shrubs

❏ Pressure wash walkways & driveway

❏ Remove any cobwebs and nests

❏ Remove weeds and add fresh mulch

❏ Add a new, fresh doormat

❏ Clean the patio furniture

❏ Remove driveway stains

❏ Wash windows

❏ Clean and repair gutters

❏ Ensure lights are working and bright

❏ Make sure doorbell is working


❏ Remove magnets from the fridge

❏ Deep clean all appliances

❏ Ensure all appliances are working

❏ Wash all cabinet fronts

❏ Declutter / organize pantry

❏ Fresh flowers / bowl of fruit as decor


❏ Organize any shleves and cabinets

❏ Clean all surfaces

❏ Wipe down the washer and dryer

❏ Put all clothing away


❏ Re-caulk sinks, tub & shower

❏ Remove any rust and mildew

❏ Place fresh rugs and towels

❏ Clean or replace shower curtain

❏ Clean the grout

❏ Clean the toilet bowls

❏ Ensure the toilet operates properly

❏ Ensure sinks/tubs/showers drain

❏ Check the exhaust fan

❏ Remove any soap residue

❏ Check water pressure at all fixtures


❏ Clean and freshen seating areas

❏ Hide or organize TV / cable wires

❏ Dust / clean coffee and side tables


❏ Rearrange furniture to look spacious

❏ Declutter and organize closets

❏ Dust furniture and light fixtures

❏ Launder sheets and bed covers

❏ Clean windows


❏ Wash floors

❏ Organize to create space

❏ Clean window covers / shades

❏ Vacuum / clean flooring

❏ Make the bed with fresh / new bedding if necessary


❏ Cover any exposed wiring

❏ Ensure the garage door is working


❏ Remove personal photos

❏ Clean floors, baseboards, trim

❏ Eliminate / neutralize odors

❏ Clean filters and vents

❏ Organize & declutter every room

❏ Organize & declutter every closet

❏ Dust furniture and light fixtures

❏ Rearrange furniture to look spacious

❏ Limit knick-knacks & figurines

❏ Reduce or add house plants

❏ Avoid using sparys, scented candles, and plug-in air freshners

❏ Keep any valuables either locked up or stored off-site

2875 Tucker Road, Suite 5 - Poplar Bluff, MO 573.712.2593
your home
process. This check-list will keep you on track and get you the best possible result. The goal is to get you the most money out of your home sale, in the least amount of time.
Amy McLean Broker/Salesperson

Stephanie Knoppe


Stephanie Knoppe is a highly sought-after real estate agent in Poplar Bluff with a track record of helping her clients make their dream of owning a home a reality. She has gained a reputation for her expertise in the local housing market, her unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, and her attention to detail.

Stephanie’s clients often praise her for her ability to make the home buying or selling process as smooth and stress-free as possible, thanks to her attention to detail and ensuring that all necessary paperwork is taken care of promptly.

Stephanie’s success in the real estate industry can be attributed not only to her expertise but also to her passion for serving the community. She is an active member of the Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce and is involved in local charities and philanthropic organizations. This dedication to serving her community has earned her the admiration and trust of many of her clients, who value her not just as an agent but also as a valuable member of the community.

As with any public figure, opinions on Stephanie Knoppe vary among different people. Some people praise her for her expertise and ability to negotiate the best deals for her clients, while others have criticized her for being overly aggressive and pushy in her approach.

However, it’s important to note that the majority of Stephanie’s clients have spoken highly of her, with many praising her approachable demeanor, excellent communication, and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure their satisfaction.

Stephanie’s passion for real estate began at a young ago when she fixated on home renovation shows and began buying, renovating, and renting homes. From there, her passion took over, and she became a licensed agent in 2012, serving Poplar Bluff, MO, and the surrounding areas.

Since then, she has committed herself to making her client’s dreams a reality, and her numbers grow every year. By focusing on each client’s unique needs and managing every detail of the buying and selling process, Stephanie has built a reputation as one of the most dependable and efficient real estate agents in the Poplar Bluff area.

Stephanie Knoppe’s passion for real estate and her desire to help others has propelled her to the top of her industry. Her commitment to every client has earned her a reputation as one of the most dependable and efficient real estate agents in Poplar Bluff. Stephanie can help you find the perfect home, or advise you on the best way to sell yours. Whatever your needs may be Stephanie Knoppe is here to help.

2875 Tucker Rd. #5, Poplar Bluff, MO 573.712.2593

STEPHANIE KNOPPE Broker | Salesperson CELL | 573.429.8441

Going back to school is an exciting time for many! However, let’s be honest, for moms like us, it can be somewhat stressful, sad, and even BUSY! During the summer, my family tends to slow down, allowing us to enjoy each other’s company more. We stay awake later, spend more time outdoors, and simply unwind together. Consequently, our dinner routine might be delayed or not as carefully planned. However, when it’s time to go back to school, our regular schedule resumes, and everything changes. Our evenings become more limited, so we make the best of every minute, particularly during dinner time. This means making dinner more streamlined and prepping ahead.

Here are a few strategies I employ to simplify my weeknight dinners:

1. Plan ahead: Take some time to think about what meals you want to make for the week. Choose recipes that are easy to prepare. If there’s a night I know I’m working late or we have soccer practice or a game, I make that a quicker and simple meal night.

2. One-pot meals: Look for dishes that can be cooked in just one pot or pan, like stir-fries, pasta dishes, or meals you can cook on a baking sheet. This saves time and makes cleanup (the worst part!) easier.

3. Pre-cut and prep ingredients: Save time by using pre-cut vegetables, pre-cooked grains, or meats that are already marinated. Another option is to prepare ingredients ahead of time, like chopping vegetables, so they’re ready to go when it’s time to cook. I love cooking up extra hamburger meat in advance for things like spaghetti or tacos!

4. Use time-saving appliances: Take advantage of appliances like pressure cookers, slow cookers, or air fryers. These can significantly reduce cooking time and allow you to focus on other things while your meal is cooking. My air fryer is my most used kitchen appliance!

5. Make extra for leftovers: Cook larger portions so you have leftovers for the next day or to freeze for future meals. Contrary to my kids’ belief, leftovers never hurt anyone!

Bonus: Keep it simple! You don’t have to make a gourmet meal every night! Sometimes sandwiches are a fun and necessary option.

CHRISTEN KINSEY SALESPERSON CELL | 573.429.6454 2875 TUCKER RD., SUITE 5 • POPLAR BLUFF, MO O: 573.712.2593 F: 573.785.7169 Hope everyone has a great school year!
2875 TUCKER ROAD #5 573.712.2593 1800 N. WESTWOOD BLVD. 573.785.7600 Karen Chamberlain 573.380.9540 • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • FARM & LAND • SALES


am a River Rat from way back!

Being born and raised in the Poplar Bluff area and having a large extended family meant I had aunts, uncles, and cousins all over the region One place we used to hold our family reunions was in Piedmont, MO Well, I got hooked on the whole Clearwater area So much so, that later in life, Karen, my beautiful wife of 33 years, and I decided to buy a piece of property on the Black River near Piedmont and we have never looked back We built a home here, sold our home in Poplar Bluff, MO and have been full time residents of Wayne County for 7 years now

I was raised in a Christian family by devoted, loving parents who taught me to respect and treat folks like I want to be treated. One way I have always counted my blessings is by how many people I can call my friend. I have been truly blessed!

Karen and I raised two wonderful children who have grown into the kind of adults we prayed for. Our daughter and son-in-law have blessed us with two grandbabies (which every PaPa knows takes the word "love" to a whole new level). Our son and his new wife live in Kansas City, and me being a longtime KC Chiefs fan, I am good with that!

Being an avid outdoorsman has made me appreciate the stunning beauty of the Ozarks that I get to live and work in every day.

Whether it is your forever home, recreational property, property, farm & ranch, timber ground or commercial, can help you find it or help you sell it. Put my family to work for your family

Call and ask for Steve Johnson at our Piedmont office or on my cell at 573-42 l sdjohnson617 , I y! j
The Ozarks provide the perfect setting for family man, Steve Johnson, to live and work.
S T E V E J O H N S O S A L E SPERSON 5 7 3 - 4 2 9 - 3 6 8 5 29-3685 or em il at 79@ a oo c m 311 Piedmont Ave. Piedmont, MO 573.223.2769

Poplar Bluff Realty Downtown Office

PB Realty is proud to play a role in the continued re-development of Historic Downtown Poplar Bluff.

Our branch office, located at the corner of Vine and Broadway, is a part of the Commercial Historic District. We officially opened the doors on June 8, 2023 with a Grand Opening and Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting.

The success of PB Realty is attributed to our involvement in the communities we serve. PB Realty is Committed to supporting Downtown Poplar Bluff.

400 Vine Street, Poplar Bluff, Missouri

a premier brokerage DOWNTOWN
PB realty
Broker/Officer Nathan Maurer cuts the ribbon to celebrate the opening of PB Realty’s Downtown Poplar Bluff branch office with agents, family and members of the community.
111 E. Main Street • Branson, MO 65616 417.544.0528 Let this talented team of real estate professionals show you what the Branson area has to offer. Specializing in Lakefront, Residential, Commercial, Farm & Land Real Estate. As PB Realty continues to expand into the future, we are extremely proud to announce the opening of our new offi ce in BRANSON! Located at 111 E. Main Street in the historic downtown district near Branson Landing. “There’s No Business Like Show Business!” BILLY YATES salesperson 615.479.0627 WAYNE MASSENGALE salesperson 417.337.0719 NADIA YATES salesperson 417.598.8213 NANCY YATES salesperson 615.479.0612 NATHAN MAURER broker/officer 573.718.1895 GARRETT MASSENGALE salesperson 417.337.1238
a premier brokerage NOW SERVING LAKE OZARK AND THE SURROUNDING AREA 1709 Current Express Van Buren, MO 63965 Office 573.323.8753 • Lumber • Electrical • Plumbing • Roofing • Flooring • Paint • Appliances • Special Order Items VISIT US FOR ALL YOUR OUTDOOR NEEDS • Camping Supplies • RV Supplies • Hunting Apparel • Stihl • Milwaukee • Dewalt • Fishing • Swimming • Picnic • Gardening WE ARE HERE TO MEET YOUR NEEDS WITH OUR LOCAL ECONOMY IN MIND • CALL US TODAY FOR A COMPETITIVE QUOTE • FREE DELIVERY IN THE SURROUNDING AREA • COMPETITIVE PRICING STEVE CULLISON MANAGER 573.429.6068 STEVE WILKINSON INSIDE SALES 623.203.1801 DAVE WENDLER FLOORING & PAINTING 573.712.8419 ELI DAMEWORTH SALES 573.239.9072 573.718.1895 NATHAN MAURER BROKER/OFFICER 660.341.6619 DOUG KELLY REALTOR 1800 N. Westwood Blvd. Poplar Bluff, MO 573.785.7600 Doniphan 304 E. Hwy St. Doniphan, MO 63935 573.996.5153 West PB 2875 Tucker Rd. Suite #5 Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.712.2593 Downtown PB 400 Vine St. Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.712.2863 Clearwater 311 Piedmont Ave Piedmont, MO 63957 573.223.2769 Branson 111 E. Main St. Branson, MO 65616 417.544.0528 P B R EALTY A PREMIER BROKERAGE Main Office 1800 N. Westwood Blvd. Poplar Buff, Mo 63901 573.785.7600 NATHAN MAURER BROKER/OFFICER AUCTIONEER / SALESPERSON 573.683.1449 BROKER/ASSOCIATE 573.718.6399 ALEX SACHS SALESPERSON 636.697.7074 BEN ASHCRAFT SALESPERSON 870.404.3343 BREE SNOW BROKER/SALESPERSON 270.309.3037 1800 N. Westwood Blvd. Poplar Bluff, MO 573.785.0350 3557 Park Plaza Rd., Paducah, KY 270-534-5993

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