Home of the annual Col. Charles Goodnight Saints' Roost Museum

On behalf of our fine city, I would like to welcome you to Clarendon. We greet you with great delight, and we hope you find this a great place to call home no matter if you are a new resident or a shortterm visitor. Clarendon is sure to have something of interest for everyone.
We have a lot to be proud of in Clarendon, and we are excited to share it with you. Our newest attraction, the Clarendon Aquatics Center, which opened in 2021, is open six days a week during the summer months from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. This project was made possible by a generous anonymous benefactor, the Clarendon Economic Development Corporation, and the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, as well as several local donors and foundations. With features for all ages to enjoy, we think you will find the aquatic center to be a place for your entire family to celebrate beautiful summer days.
Our community also has many family activities throughout the year, including the Saints' Roost Celebration in July, the Colonel Goodnight Chuckwagon Cookoff in September, our Courthouse Lighting Ceremony and Small Business Saturday in November, and Christmas shopping events at our local merchants in December.
To learn about our community, stop by our Visitor Center at 110 S. Kearney Street at the Mulkey Theatre. There you’ll find the office of the Chamber of Commerce and the Clarendon Economic Development Corporation and people who can help answer any question about our town. The office is open daily Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
The Mulkey itself is a great source of pride. The 1946 theatre serves as a conference center and performance hall in addition to a movie house and features entertainment regularly on Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons.
In addition to an excellent public school system, we are very proud of Clarendon College, which is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. In addition to excellence in academics, the Rodeo
Team and Ranch Horse Team have gained national recognition in recent years.
The Saints’ Roost Museum is an excellent place to spend some time learning about our history. The Board of Directors is now raising funds for a new building project to expand the facilities for additional exhibition space. The museum is open daily Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
We encourage you to visit Prospect Park, which is just south of downtown on Kearney Street and is connected to the new aquatic center by a lighted walking path. It is a beautiful place for family picnics, reunions, birthday parties, or to just let your kids run and play.
We also invite you to visit our numerous historic markers throughout the city and especially encourage you to visit our beautiful 1890 County Courthouse.
Greenbelt Lake, located just north of town, is also something we’re quite proud of. Greenbelt offers fishing, camping and other recreational activities. And we are pleased to have an excellent disc golf course there as well.
We hope you enjoy your stay and find that Clarendon is a great place to live or visit. On behalf of the City Council and all city employees, welcome to Clarendon!
Call 806-874-2259 for details.
In1878, a charismatic preacher led a group of Northern Methodists to the frontier of the Texas Panhandle to settle at the junction of Carroll Creek and the Salt Fork of the Red River. Rev. L.H. Carhart set out to establish a Christian colony built on the values of temperance and education, and he named it Clarendon in honor of his wife, Clara.
As the third settlement in the Panhandle, Clarendon stood apart from the towns of Mobeetie and Tascosa, which were known for saloons and rowdiness. The colony forbade alcohol, built a church as one of its first landmarks, and planned an academy to bring education to the plains. The neighbors said Clarendon
was where the saints roosted. The nickname stuck… Saints’ Roost
Nine years later, the future of the colony came into question when it became apparent that the Ft. Worth & Denver Railroad would miss the town. A vote was taken, and by the fall of 1887 houses, businesses, and people were all making the move six miles south to the present site of “new” Clarendon.
The railroad brought people and commerce; but it also brought new lifestyles with saloons and other “vices.” And yet, the town did not lose sight of its original ambitions, becoming the home of the Panhandle’s first Methodist, Catholic, Episcopal, and
African-American congregations and establishing the area’s first college in 1898.
Donley County eventually re-established prohibition in 1902, and Saints’ Roost again banished alcohol sales until 2013 when voters reversed the 111-year-old tradition.
Today, if you like, you can raise a glass in old Saints’ Roost, but there’s no escaping the town’s original character. With a variety of churches and faith-based services and one of the highest-rated community colleges in the state, Clarendon remains true to its principles and welcomes visitors and newcomers to stay all night… or stay
Construction Began: 1890
Opened: 1891
Restored: 2003
Original Architects: Bulger & Rapp
Restoration Architects: Volz & Associates
Original Contractors: Troutman Brothers
Restoration Contractors: Phoenix One
A Texas Historic Landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Built in the Romanesque Revival style, the Courthouse is unique for being asymmetrical – no two sides are alike.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8 to 5.
Visitors Welcome!
On behalf of the elected officials and employees of Donley County, let me extend a warm welcome to our community.
Donley County is proud to be home to one of the finest county courthouses in the state. Called “The Jewel of the Plains,” it was built in 1890 and restored in 2003. The Courthouse is home to the Judge, County Attorney, and County Treasurer and is venue for the 100th District Judge. It also is the site for the meetings of the County Commissioners.
Visitors are welcome in the oldest functioning courthouse in the Panhandle. The courthouse lawn is the site of the annual Saints’ Roost Celebration on July 6 next summer, and you will want to come by for the Christmas lighting ceremony as well on Saturday,
November 25.
County government is directed by the Commissioners Court, comprised of four Commissioners, elected from each of the four precincts, and the county Judge, elected at large. Generally, Texas counties provide the essential things that make our communities livable: roads and bridges, law enforcement and corrections, a court system to protect our legal rights, secure storage of our important public records and protection against threats to public health and safety.
The Courthouse Annex
houses offices for tax collection, vehicle registration and transfers, and maintaining public records, deeds and birth certificates as well as voter registration and the supervision of elections.
Justice Courts are maintained by the Justices of the Peace with offices in Hedley and in Clarendon.
As provider of public safety, the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for making Donley County one of the safest communities in the area, if not the entire state. And we are
proud to be able to provide 24hour on-duty officers, a rarity
for a community of our size.
Emergency Medical Services are provided by the Associated Ambulance Authority, and we have, without a doubt, the finest emergency personnel in the region. Care is coordinated with tertiary care facilities in Amarillo and helicopter medevac is available when required.
The Volunteer Fire Departments of Clarendon, Howardwick, and Hedley are on call to protect life and property against a variety of threats, including fire; and the Clarendon department has an Dive Team ready to respond locally and to provide assistance area wide. Emergency Preparedness is coordinated through all our efforts, and we stand by, ready to assist.
Donley County is a great place to live, and we are pleased to have you join us.
Hedley Lions Club Chicken BBQ Hedley School Park, 6 p.m.
Clarendon College 125th
Anniversary Celebration
Vera Dial Dickey Library. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Saints' Roost Shindig
Dinner, music, and dancing at the Saints' Roost Museum. 6 p.m.
Col. Charles Goodnight
Chuckwagon Cookoff
Saints’ Roost Museum Grounds. Live entertainment and Trade Show. Gates open at 10 a.m., Meal served at 1 p.m.
Love on the Titanic - Mystery Dinner
Dinner and entertainment. Mulkey Theatre at 6 p.m.
Hot Rods to Harleys Fun Run Motorcycles and other vehicles welcome. 8 a.m. at Saints' Roost Museum
Hedley Cotton Festival
Bingo, Parade, Barbecue and more!
BOOMTOWN! Texas Comedies
Performance at the Mulkey Theatre. Tickets available at MulkeyTheatre.com
Donley County Health Fair
Bairfield Activity Center • 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 874-2141 for details.
Halloween Celebration Downtown Clarendon • Shopping & Scarecrow Contest • Carnival Trunk or Treat Fun @ 6 p.m. • FREE movie @ 7:30 p.m.
Agriculture Literacy Day Donley County Activity Center • AgriLife Extension hosts area school kids to learn about ag. • 9 a.m.
Howardwick Halloween
McMorries Park • Trick or Treating and more • 6:00 p.m. • Call 874-2222 for details.
Small Business Saturday & Christmas in Clarendon
Savings at local merchants, activities downtown. Sales details posted one week prior in the Holiday Gift Guide on ClarendonLive.com and event details on ClarendonTx.com. See pages 27 and 28.
Christmas Lighting Celebration
Donley County Courthouse
Santa Claus, 5 p.m.; Caroling and Lighting, 6 p.m.
The Polar Express Event Mulkey Theatre • 6:00 p.m. See page 26 for full details!
Saints' Roost Museum
Christmas Party
Food, Live Music, and Dancing. Visit SaintsRoostMuseum.com.
Donley County Junior Livestock Show & Sale.
Donley County Activity Center. Call for details, 806-874-2141.
For updated listings of events, call 806-874-2421 or visit ClarendonTX.com.
There's a new restaurant in downtown after the Clarendon Economic Development Corporation approved an agreement earlier this year.
Ricardo Santillan, owner of REFZ Sports Bar & Grill of Guymon, Okla., opened a second location in the former Clarendon Steakhouse building at US 287 and Kearney Street this fall.
“I’m excited to bring REFZ to Clarendon, to become part of the community, and to bring new jobs to the community,” Santillan said.
The new business is expected to create 25 to 30 new jobs, and Santillan says he looks forward to working with the school and other organizations with donations
and activities.
REFZ will provide a fun atmosphere with great food and great service, lots of TVs, and good music, Santillan said. The Guymon location is known for its wings, appetizers, fajitas, and steaks, and Santillan said he plans to feature the same varied menu in Clarendon.
Santillan is from Guymon originally and has operated REFZ there for 5½ years. Last year, he purchased rental properties in Clarendon; and while working on those properties, he realized that eating options were limited.
“I figured since I’m already invested here, let’s open a restaurant and give people a good time and
another place to eat,” he said. “I have people who already work for me who will run it, and I’ll be here a while also.”
Once the restaurant is open, Santillan says the business will be open on Sundays and will also be available for catering. He is grateful to the CEDC for the opportunity to come to Clarendon and provide a new service for people here and visitors to the city.
“The CEDC has made this possible for us, and I’m grateful for them trusting us to make this happen,” he said. “It feels good that they have let me be a part of this, and you can tell they want what is best for the community. They’ve worked with me on everything for the last several
CEDC President Brandon Frausto said a downtown restaurant has been an economic development goal for a long time.
“This is something we’ve been working toward and has been a priority for our board,” Frausto said. “It’s a great opportunity for Ricardo and for the community of Clarendon. It’s a win-win that will have a positive impact. People have longed for this.”
The Clarendon EDC purchased the old steakhouse building in 2015 after it was heavily damaged by an automobile and has made significant investments in the building with the intent of recruting a restaurant.
Big changes are happening on Clarendon’s historic Kearney Street as a grant-funded Downtown Revitalization project wraps up this fall.
The city was awarded a $350,000 grant by the Texas Department of Agriculture in 2022 to improve sidewalks, ramping, and lighting on Kearney Street in the 100 block downtown. The city is providing matching funds of $63,100 for total project of $413,100. The Clarendon Economic Development Corporation is also providing funds to the project to upgrade the new street lights with banner brackets.
The grant has been administered by the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission with OJD Engineering preparing the plans for the project. Carter Sand & Gravel of Pampa has been the project contractor.
The project began on the west side of the street and the intersection of First and Kearney with sidewalks being replaced approximately 100 feet at a time, starting at the Antro Plaza site and proceeding south past the Mulkey Theatre to the new REFZ Sports Bar & Grill. Work then moved to
the east side of the street.
Trees at Herring Bank had to be removed during the work as they were lifting and cracking the old sidewalks and leaving them in place would eventually damage the new sidewalks.
Ramping is already in place at the south end of the block, new ramps have been installed mid-block on each side, and one other ramp will be installed on the north end of the east side of the street. Due to the height of the sidewalk at the Antro Plaza, no ramp was installed at that corner. Ramping for that area along First Street will be the focus of a future project.
Four ornamental street lights are being installed on each side of the street, and low steps are part of the entire sidewalk profile for easier use by pedestrians.
Due to the limited funds of the grant, the city chose to start with the 100 block of Kearney Street. An application is in progress for a second grant to do the 200 block with plans to do the 300 block after that.
The 100 block was chosen because it has the most historic buildings downtown with at least five structures dating back to the 1890s and
because of the revitalization efforts already in place there, particularly at the Mulkey and the new REFZ.
Also, the CEDC, working with a public advisory committee, is moving forward with the development of the former Antro Hotel site to create a downtown outdoor event space for musical performances, craft fairs, festivals, parties, and other activities.
The Antro Plaza will utilize the surviving walls of the 1927 hotel, and proposed plans call for the development of restrooms, an outdoor stage, a dance area, picnic and/or seating areas, and restoration of the old Antro neon sign.
The Road to Revitalization Revitalization of downtown has been a long range goal of both the city and the CEDC. Starting in 2008, the CEDC has offered grants to property owners in the Central Business District to rehabilitate storefronts, and more than $32,000 of EDC funds have been invested since that time.
In 2016, the vision of a revitalized downtown Clarendon received its first public viewing with plans that were prepared
as part of an agreement between the CEDC and Texas Tech University’s College of Architecture.
Tech faculty and students performed laser scans of buildings along Kearney and Sully streets between First and Fourth Streets. Those detailed measurements and images were then paired with historic photos of Clarendon, and students created new drawings of what a rehabilitated and revitalized Clarendon could look like with the year 1927 as a baseline.
The $17,000 project was used as the basis for the CEDC's Historic Façade Grant Program guidelines, which was approved in 2018. Applications for the historic and traditional facade grant programs are available online at ClarendonTX.com/facadegrants.
In 2019, the CEDC re-opened the 1946 Mulkey Theatre after a $1 million renovation; and in 2021, the city opened the Clarendon Aquatics Center on the south end of Kearney Street at cost of $2.7 million thanks to generous private donations, a Texas Parks & Wildlife Department grant and the use of city and CEDC funds.
Since 1995, the Saints’ Roost Museum has paid tribute to the legendary Panhandle cattleman Col. Charles Goodnight with a cookoff in his honor on the fourth Saturday in September. Over the last two decades, the museum fundraiser has grown to be considered as one of the best Chuckwagon cookoffs in the nation, receiving the 2014 Event Award from the American Chuck Wagon Association.
When the colonel bolted a food box and folding table to the rear of a surplus army wagon in 1866, he probably never dreamed the impact his “Chuck” wagon would have throughout the West.
The invention became commonplace on cattle drives and ranches everywhere, serving not only as a kitchen but also a post office, parlor, hospital, store room, and cowboy social center.
Every year, the Col. Charles Goodnight Chuckwagon Cookoff hosts more than a dozen cooking teams working on authentic wagons who go head-to-head to battle for cash prizes and bragging rights at one of the nation’s premier cookoffs.
Join us Saturday, September 23, 2023, for our next celebration of the Old West, which is gone but never forgotten.
Housed in the 1910 Adair Hospital, the Saints’ Roost Museum preserves the heritage of Donley County and the Texas Panhandle. Exhibits include Native American artifacts and a focus on pioneer life with a special emphasis on philanthropist and JA Ranch founder Cornelia Adair, trailblazer Col. Charles Goodnight, and Western artist H.D. Bugbee. The Museum is also the home of transportation exhibits in the restored 1887 Ft. Worth & Denver City Railroad Depot. SaintsRoostMuseum.com 806.874.2746 • TAKE HWY. 70 SOUTH OPEN: Tues. - Sat. • 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. FREE ADMISSION!
SUN. SCHOOL: 10:30 A.M.
SUN.: 10:30 A.M. • SUN. LIFE GROUP: 4:30
P.M. • WED.: 6:30 P.M.
US 287 E • 874-3156 • REV. SETH SHIPMAN
SUN. SERVICE: 10:30 A.M.
SUN. EVENING: 7 P.M.• WED.: 7 P.M.
416 S. KEARNEY • 874-2007
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:30 A.M. • WED.: 5 P.M.
300 S. CARHART • 874-2495
FM 2162 • 874-0963
BUGBEE AVE. • 874-3833
720 E. MONTGOMERY • 205-1149
REV. # 874-2078
SUN. SERVICES: 3 P.M. • WED.: 7 P.M.
12120 US 287 • 874-5020
301 S. PARKS ST. • 874-2511
SUN. SERVICE: 11:15 A.M.
623 W. FOURTH • 806-290-5328
SUN. SERVICE: 11:00 A.M.
210 N. MAIN ST. • 856-5980
Our family has been part of this community for generations. We’ve seen countless changes, but one thing will always remain the same – our commitment to helping friends and neighbors.
Unlike large, corporate funeral homes, we are family owned and operated – providing a shoulder to lean on and a special place to celebrate life. We hope you’ll turn to our family in your time of need.
401 S. Kearney Street
Clarendon, Texas
Available for after-hours parties. Rent $125 per hour. (seasonal)
Bairfield Activity Center
206 Regents Drive, Clarendon, Texas
Indoor facility with restrooms and food serving area (no kitchen facilities). Tables and chairs to seat 300. Rent $125 per day for non-profit; $200 per day for profit. Not available for private use or family parties.
Harned Sisters Fine Arts Center
1122 College Drive
Clarendon, Texas
Indoor facility with restrooms, backstage dressing rooms, theatre lighting and sound. Auditorium seating for 600. Rent $125 per day for non-profit; $200 per day for profit. Not available for private use or family parties.
Livestock & Equine Center
3280 US Hwy 287
Clarendon, Texas
Two arenas each 140’ x 250’ – one outdoor and one indoor. The facilities include roping chutes in each arena as well as four bucking chutes. Indoor facilities include bathrooms and concession area. Deposit $100 per day. Rent $250 per day.
Clarendon College also has classrooms available for small meetings. Call 874-3571 for more information.
Club House
100 Porter Drive
Howardwick, Texas
Indoor facility with restrooms, full kitchen, and bar service available. Rent $200 per day for members; $400 per day for non-members.
Swimming Pool (seasonal)
100 Porter Drive
Howardwick, Texas
117 W. Fourth Clarendon, Texas Indoor meeting facility with restrooms
and full kitchen. Seating and tables for 75 people. Call for rental rates.
100 N. Ayers Street, Clarendon, Texas
Indoor facility with full kitchen and restrooms. Tables and chairs for 150. Deposit $150. Rent $100 per day.
COEA Outdoor Arena
w/ Open Air Dance Slab
100 N. Ayers, Clarendon, Texas
Outdoor rodeo arena with chutes, pens, and stands. Restroom and concession facilities. Dance slab with bandstand. Call for rental details.
4430 Hwy 70 N., Clarendon, Texas
Indoor meeting facility with restrooms and full kitchen. Seating and tables for 250. Approximately 7,500 square feet available. Rent $200 per day for non-profit; $300 per day for profit.
115 E. Fourth, Clarendon, Texas Indoor facility with restrooms and full kitchen. Tables and chairs for 100. Rent $100.
111 Main Street, Hedley, Texas. Call for details, 806-856-0143
Junction of Rick Husband Blvd. and Columbia Drive. Full Kitchen, Indoor and outdoor seating, and restrooms. $100 per day. Reserve entire park for $50 deposit.
Call for details, 806-874-2222.
108 Kearney, Clarendon, Texas. Auditorium seating for 240 and stage with theatre lighting and sound. Class reunions, birthday parties, dances, and dinner seating up to 60 people. Call 806-874-2421.
4091 County Road 24, Hedley, Texas Indoor venue for weddings, showers, reunions, corporate retreats, and other events. Visit RowePointRanch.com for gallery and more information.
Hwy 70 North, Clarendon, Texas Operating drive-in movie theatre available for private parties and private showings. For additions or corrections, contact The Clarendon Enterprise at 874-2259.
Best Western Red River Inn
902 W. 2nd, Clarendon
Western Skies Motel
800 W. 2nd, Clarendon
Finch Ranch Lodge
Bed & Breakfast
3400 County Rd. 23
Saints’ Roost Cottage
BSB (Bed, Supper, Breakfast)
620 E. 4th, Clarendon
Camper Corral RV Park
3500 East Hwy 287
East of Clarendon
JD RV Park
Hwy 70 South, Clarendon
Greenbelt RV Hook-Ups
806-874-5111 (summer)
806-874-3650 (winter)
Hwy. 70 North
Watson’s RV Park
2990 West Hwy 287
West of Clarendon
Golden Jewel RV Park 806-277-9736
East US 287 & Thurman
Additional listings on AirBnB. For additions or corrections, call The Clarendon Enterprise at 874-2259.
Linda M. Naylor Real Estate
506 Blair Street, Hedley LMNaylorRealEstate.com
Chas. S Middleton & Son — Clint Robinson, Agent 806-786-3730
Rafter R Realty
600 S. Tyler, Ste 2100, Amarillo RafterRRealty.com
USA Land & Ranch LLC
2300 N. Western St. Amarillo USALandRanch.com
Whitaker Real Estate 806-356-6100
4600 I-40 West, Ste. 101 Amarillo, Texas whitakerrealestate.com
Fletcher Properties 806-681-9079 / 806-681-9024
Billie Shaffer 806-874-3287
Jimmy Riley 806-678-1825
Austin Adams 806-205-0199
Tommy Hill 806-576-9321
June Davis 806-382-6083
Harper Rentals 806-359-1199
Odima Investments 806-874-0100
Ricardo Santillan 405-880-0408
John Briggs 806-881-9619
Clarendon Housing Authority 806-874-2458
Hedley Community Development 806-856-9838
Christmas in Clarendon during with a weekend full of activities November 24-26, 2023.
Starting on Black Friday, November 24, and continuing Saturday, November 25, local merchants will have sales running throughout the weekend. Check out the specials advertised in The Clarendon Enterprise’s Holiday Gift Guide available that week at ClarendonLive.com.
The Clarendon Chamber of Commerce will support the weekend with promotions and the opportunity for shoppers to win Clarendon Cash. Santa Claus will also be making an appearance at the Mulkey Theatre, and the Mulkey will be open for entertainment that day. Visit ClarendonTX. com for updates on holiday shopping promotions from the
Saturday night will also feature the annual Courthouse Christmas Lighting at the 1890 Donley County Courthouse. Volunteers spend several weeks preparing for the event, which includes placing decorations and thousands of lights on the courthouse square. Santa arrives on the square at 5:00 and the lighting ceremony takes place at 6:00.
The holiday fun continues Sunday evening, November 26, at 6:00 with a special showing of The Polar Express, complete with elves, Santa Claus, and hot chocolate. Wear your pajamas and get ready to get on board with this holiday classic. Admission for this event is a donation to the Donley County Community Fund.
City Hall
313 S. Sully Street
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What’s new? The city finished a grant-funded Downtown Revitalization Project in the 100 block of S. Kearney Street this fall. A second grant application is underway now to fund improvements in the 200 block. The city is also working on street improvements on the east side of town
Population: 1,877
Established: 1878
Incorporated: 1901
Location: At the junction of US Hwy. 287 and State Hwy. 70 and 18 miles south of Interstate
40. Sixty miles southeast of Amarillo.
City Administrator: Brian Barboza
City Secretary: Machiel Covey
Public Works Director: John Molder
Municipal Judge: Richard Green
Elected Officials
Mayor: Jacob Fangman
City Council: Aldermen Larry Jeffers (mayor pro-tem), Terri Floyd, John Lockhart, Eulaine McIntosh and Tommy Hill.
Meetings: Second Thursdays at City Hall at 7 p.m.
Website: CityofClarendonTx.com
2022 Tax Rates: Property Tax:$0.607285 per $100 valuation
Sales Tax: 2% Clarendon Volunteer
Fire Department Location: 119 S. Sully Street
Fire Chief: Jeremy Powell
Airport: Smiley Johnson Municipal Airport / Bass Field
Located 2 miles SE of city on County Road 13. Runway: 4,495 feet. Lease space available for new hangers. Contact City Hall.
Library: Gabbie Betts Burton Memorial Library HarringtonLC.org/ Burton 217 S. Kearney Street. 806-874-3685 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Librarian: Jerri Ann Shields
The Burton Library serves as a payment center for electric, cable and satellite services as well as several credit cards. Meeting space for small groups is available, and some scheduled services available here include state immunizations.
Parks: Prospect Park, three blocks south of US 287 on Kearney Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets. Features include picnic tables, a covered pavilion, barbecue grills, swings, slides, climbers, and the handicapped accessible Lions Club Chance Mark Jones Memorial Playground. A public restroom is available to be opened for special events. Contact City Hall.
The City of Clarendon also provides a lighted walking trail from the park to the Clarendon Aquatic Center and the Central Business Dis-
trict. In cooperation with the school, baseball and softball fields are adjacent to Prospect Park, and public tennis and basketball courts are on the school campus at Fifth and Allen Streets.
Trash / Recycling
Metal and appliances along with construction and demolition debris, limbs and grass clippings can be taken to the Citizens Convenience Center at 400 W. Front Street (next to the grain elevator) during the hours of 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. Temporary Dumpster and roll-off container services are also available locally. Call City Hall for info.
Cost to Dump: Citizens of Clarendon may dump tree limbs and grass clippings free of charge. Most metals can also be dumped free of charge. Other minimum charges are defined by Ordinance as
Pick-up or Car load: $9
Two-Wheel Trailer load: $18
Stock Trailer load: $37.50
Large Trailer load: $52.50
Appliances w/ compressor: $22.50
Tree Limbs: Free for residents. $30 Commercial. $15 non-resident. Dump Truck load: $75 Mattress: $20
Utilities: See page 44. Clarendon Housing Authority 103 E. Fourth Street 806-874-2458
Donley County Senior Citizens Center 115 E. Fourth Street 806-874-2665
Open Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meals On Wheels service available in Clarendon and Howardwick.
US Post Office 101 W. Fourth Clarendon, TX 79226 Phone: 806-874-3353.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
I. First Assembly of God
J. First Baptist Church
K. First Christian Church
L. First Presbyterian Church
M. First United Methodist Church
N. Jesus Name Apostolic Church
O. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
P. St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church
Q. St. Mary’s Catholic Church
R. St. Stephen’s Baptist Church
S. True Church of God in Christ
T. The Gathering
U. Citizens Cemetery
V. Catholic Cemetery W. Odd Fellows Cemetery
It’smy pleasure to extend a warm welcome from the City of Hedley, home of the Hedley Owls, population 280. We may be small, but we are proud!
Our Annual Chicken Barbecue dinner in September and our annual Cotton Festival in October are popular events every fall that have been long-standing traditions of our community.
We have a great school. We are a district A1 school, and we are very proud to announce that our school received an 'A' for Exemplary Performance by the Texas Education Agency for 2022. For excitement, we watch our six-man football team on Thursday and Friday nights and then later basketball of course. We have a great athletic program. We have three active churches in our community, and our senior citizens center serves lunch during the week days.
Hedley is the home of Moffitt’s Hardware store, one of the oldest in
Texas. If you're looking for a place to reminisce, this is the place to hang out. And you can't forget to stop by Monroe's Peach Ranch just outside of town on US 287 for some of the best watermelon you will ever eat and more!
So, whether you are living in Hedley, just passing through, or looking for a place to relocate, I think you will find Hedley is a warm, friendly town with a bright future.
For more than 60 years, one of Donley County’s greatest traditions has been the annual Cotton Festival held the second weekend of October in Hedley.
Several community groups work together to make the festival happen each year, and students at Hedley High School also play a big part in making the event successful.
Annual events associated with the Cotton Festival include the Chili & Stew Supper at the Hedley Lioness Club and the Lions Club’s annual barbecue dinner.
As games, vendors, and other activities go on all around downtown, one of the busiest parts of the
celebration is the annual Bingo contests held by Hedley High School’s One Act Play group. The Bingo games start on Friday night and continue all day Saturday with donated prizes both big and small being given away to those who hold the luckiest cards.
The Cotton Festival Parade is also a favorite feature and is led by the veterans who are members of Hedley’s Adamson-Lane Chapter of the American Legion.
The event draws to a close Saturday evening with raffle drawings being held, including the traditional drawing for a bale of cotton donated by Donley County Gin.
City Hall
109 Main Street
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon.
What’s new?
City officials continue to work toward goals of cleaning up properties and developing more park improvements for the citizens to enjoy.
Population: 280
Established: 1907
Incorporated: 1915
Location: Hedley is located on US Hwy. 287 at the junction of State Hwy. 203 about 13 miles southeast of Clarendon.
Elected Officials
Mayor Carrie Butler
Board of Aldermen: Clayton Beagle, Trisha Chambless, Jennifer Floyd, Aaron Hanes and Alicia Hanes.
Meetings: Second Thursdays at 7 p.m.
2022 Tax Rate: $0.392726
Sales tax: 1%
Hedley Volunteer Fire Dept.
104 W. Railroad
Fire Chief: Neal Koetting, Assistant Chief Ethan Naylor
Parks: Hedley School Park, picnic tables, playground equipment. Public tennis courts available.
Trash / Recycling
Metal bin on Railroad Street and recycling of oil is behind City Hall at no charge. City trash trailer is available for larger items or loads. Call City Hall for details.
Utilities: See page 44.
Hedley Community Development Corporation
(Local Housing Authority)
108 W. Second, Hedley, TX 79237
Hedley Senior Citizens Center
806-856-0143, 111 Main Street
8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Home delivered meals available. US Post Office, 200 N. Main Hedley, TX 79237
Counter Hours: Monday-Friday, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Postmaster: Sharon Graves
Overlooking Lake Greenbelt, the Clarendon Country Club offers one of the nicest 18-hole golf courses on the Rolling Plains. Just seven miles north of Clarendon on Hwy. 70, the club is located at 100 Porter Drive in Howardwick.
The course is open every day except Tuesday, and scrambles and tournaments are scheduled year round.
Green fees on week days are $14 ($13 for seniors). Weekend green fees are $16 ($15 for seniors). Golf carts are available for rent for nine holes at a rate of $11 for singles or $14 for doubles. Carts can also be rented for the 18-hole rates of $16 for singles or $20 for doubles.
A Friday special offers
For more information, call the Pro Shop at 806-874-2166.
City Hall
245 Rick Husband Blvd.
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
What’s new? New playground equipment is available at McMorries Memorial Park, and a putting green has also been added to the park for a nice way for kids and adults to relax. A variety of Airbnb locations are open in Howardwick so visitors can stay and play in the Lakeside City.
Population: 370
Location: Howardwick is on State Hwy. 70 seven miles north of Clarendon and 11 miles south of Interstate 40.
City of Howardwick Vol. Fire Dept. 247 Rick Husband Blvd.
Fire Chief: Richard Like
Asst. Chief: Eddie Chavira
Established: Sherwood Shores, 1968
Incorporated: Howardwick, 1971
City Secretary: Sandy Lynn Childress
City Secretary Trainee: Cydney D'Costa
Elected Officials
Mayor: Tony Clemishire
Board of Aldermen: Terry Barnes, Mayor Pro Tem Del Essary, Mary Grady, Jada Murray, and Johnny Floyd.
Meetings: Second Tuesdays at 6 p.m.
2023 Tax Rates: Property: $0.366301 per $100 valuation
Sales: 1.25%
Parks: McMorries Memorial Park at the junction of Rick Husband Boulevard and Columbia Drive. Features include picnic tables, a covered pavilion, barbecue grills, and playground equipment. A newly remodeled community building with a covered patio area is available for rent at the park for reunions, birthday parties, and other events. Call City Hall for information.
Trash Trash Dumpsters one block west of City Hall. Bagged household trash only.
Utilities: See page 44.
US Postal Service
Howardwick, TX 79226
Mail is delivered through the Clarendon Post Office. A mail room at Howardwick City Hall is open 24/7.
As Mayor of Howardwick, I would like to personally invite you to our "Little City with a Big Heart"!
If you haven’t been, we encourage you to stay and play in Howardwick. Currently we have three great Airbnb’s to choose from and lots of activities to keep you and your friends and family entertained.
Come join us at our annual HoeDown, Christmas for Kids, Halloween, Easter or any of our family friendly events!
Situated on Greenbelt Lake, in our community you can enjoy fishing and boating. We also have the Clarendon Country Club where you can take a dip in their beautiful remodeled pool, play a round of golf or just enjoy a meal at the Grill.
Our park has lots for the kids to enjoy with plenty of covered seating areas. You can also rent our newly remodeled community center for your special occasions.While there, try out our new putting green!
Sunrise Convenient Store open for all your needs and our new eatery Deacon’s Roost is also a great treat!
Howardwick welcomes you!
Your friends are waiting for you!
Population: 3,258
Organized: 1881
County Seat: Clarendon
Commissioners Court: County Courthouse, Second Mondays at 9 a.m.
Total 2022 Tax Rate: $0.549644 per $100 valuation.
Courthouse & Annex: 300 S. Sully, Clarendon
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Clerk’s Office: 806-874-3436
Treasurer’s Office: 806-874-2328
County Attorney: 806-874-0216
County Judge: 806-874-3625
County Assessor: 806-874-2193
Sheriff’s Office & Jail: Call 911 for Emergencies 301 S. Jefferson, Clarendon
AgriLife Extension Office 806-874-2141
Donley Co. Activity Center 4430 Hwy. 70 North Clarendon, Texas 79226
Justice of the Peace Precincts 1&2 314 S. Sully St. Clarendon, Texas 79226 806-874-2016
Justice of the Peace Precincts 3&4 201 N. Main St. Hedley, Texas 79237 806-856-5914
Donley Appraisal District 806-874-2744
304 S. Kearney Street
Clarendon, Texas 79226
Trash / Recycling:
Residents from the non-incorporated areas of Donley County may use the county transfer station located on County Road T. The station is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. In addition to household trash, the station takes metals and oil for recycling.
Cost to Dump: FREE
SINCE 1924, the Clarendon Chamber of Commerce has worked to promote the development of Clarendon and Donley County. Any individual, business, or organization who is eligible and invited to apply for membership.
The Clarendon Visitor Center: The Chamber, in cooperation with the Clarendon Economic Development Corp., helps operate the city’s official visitor center located inside the historic Mulkey Theatre. The Visitor Center is open daily, Monday-Friday, and serves to welcome visitors and provide information about Clarendon and Donley County.
Ribbon Cuttings: Chamber members may request an official Ribbon Cutting to celebrate opening a new business or new location, remodeling their facilities, or a change of ownership.
: One Chamber member employee is recognized by the Chamber each month as the Employee of the Month. Nominations are accepted throughout the year.
Promotion: Chamber members have the opportunity and are encouraged to display their business cards and brochures at the Visitor Center for easy access by newcomers to our city. The Chamber also shares information about Chamber members on social media.
Networking: The Chamber hosts several social opportunities during the year to allow current and potential Chamber members the opportunity to get to know each other and share ideas over refreshments in a relaxed setting.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CHAMBER and the benefits of membership, call or come by the Clarendon Visitor Center. 110
Situated along State Hwy. 70 about five miles north of Clarendon and 13 miles south of Interstate 40. Entrances on the north and south sides of the dam. Entry permits required. Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times.
Filter Plant
4610 Hwy 70 North Lakeside Marina
4699 County Road 11 (South Lake Entrance)
Open Daily 8-5 (Closed for season after first freeze.)
For more than fifty years, Lake Greenbelt has provided drinking water for area communities and served as a center of recreation for tens of thousands of local and regional anglers and water sports enthusiasts.
As the single biggest ongoing tourist attraction in Donley County, Greenbelt is a major employer and contributor to the community and has built a reputation as a family friendly destination for fishing, boating, camping, and other outdoor activities.
The groundwork that eventually led to Lake Greenbelt was laid in 1950 when compact was signed between Donley, Armstrong, and Collingsworth county representatives. Attending that first meeting were C. B. (Cap) Morris and J. R. Porter, Ray J. Noblitt, W. Carroll Knorpp and W. S. Whaley.
Although the member communities changed over time, work moved steadily forward. On April 14, 1954, a bill was introduced before the 53rd Legislature, and Gov. Allen Shivers signed the Act creating the Greenbelt Municipal and Industrial Water Authority.
On March 29, 1966, contracts for the dam, filtration plant and pipeline were let. Construction price was $3,685,635.96, broken down into $1,795,514.06 for the dam; $624,941, filtration plant, and $1,230,180.90, pipeline. A month later, groundbreaking ceremonies were held.
Two years later, Lake Greenbelt opened with a five-day celebration that began on Wednesday, May 29, 1968.
President: Phillip Self, Childress
Directors: Walt Knorpp, Clarendon; Stacy Henry, Crowell; Leon Ward, Hedley; and Van R. White, Quanah.
MEETINGS Third Tuesdays every other month at 11 a.m. (Location rotates among member cities.)
Daily - $5 per person (15 and over). $5 per boat.
Annual - $50. (Permits run January 1 – December 31)
RV Hook-ups - $18 / night (includes water and electric). 55 spots available.
Dogs must be on a leash.
Kincaid Park: Take south entrance. 25 RV hook-ups available. Covered pavilion with water, 18-hole disc golf course, playground, barbecue grills, picnic tables, sand volleyball. Restrooms available.
Sandy Beach: Take north entrance. 30 RV hook-ups available. Covered pavilions with water, covered picnic tables, barbecue grills, sand volleyball, playground. Portable toilets available.
movies • live performances concerts • public meetings conferences • private parties
Regular Movie Times: Friday & Saturday @ 7:30 and Sunday @ 2:00 CHECK MULKEYTHEATRE.COM FOR UPDATED LISTINGS or call 806-874-SHOW.
After more than ten years of work, the Mulkey Theatre re-opened in 2019 to thrill movie goers again and provide a local venue for concerts, performing arts, dances, public meetings, and conferences.
The 1946 streamline moderne style theatre has a fresh new look, and its
modern LED and neon lighting creates an inviting glow in downtown Clarendon at night.
Today's Mulkey Theatre features digital projection equipment, a new screen, stage lights, and a modern sound system. New seats provide theatre attendees the most comfortable experience possible,
and those watching performances from the balcony can enjoy premium recliner seating and accommodations.
To learn more about upcoming movies or activities at the Mulkey Theatre or to book your birthday party or event, call 806-874-SHOW.
WATER AND SEWER –Contact City Hall. Payments can be made at City Hall, or mailed to the city at PO Box 1089, Clarendon, TX 79226, or paid online at www.CityofClarendonTX.com.
ELECTRIC – Southwestern Electric Power Co. Customer service and new connections, 800-723-7430. Report outages, 866-223-8508. Payments can be made locally at Burton Memorial Library.
NATURAL GAS – GreenLight Gas: 806-447-1377. Payments can be mailed to PO Box 1072, Wellington, TX 79095; delivered in person to the office at 712 9th Street, Wellington, Texas; or made online at GreenLightGas.org
TELEPHONE LANDLINES –Windstream Communication, 855-575-7625. Payments can be made locally at Burton Memorial Library.
CABLE TELEVISION – SuddenLink Communications. Call 844-790-7475. Payments can be made locally at Burton Memorial Library.
AMA-TechTel, 806-322-2222; AW Broadband, 806-4120888; SuddenLink Communciations, 844-790-7475; Kinetic/ Windstream, 855-575-7625; and Wi-Power, 877-877-6861.
WATER AND SEWER – Contact City Hall, 806-856-5241.
ELECTRIC – Southwestern Electric Power Co. Customer service and new connections, 800-723-7430. Report outages, 866-223-8508.
NATURAL GAS – GreenLight Gas: 806-447-1377. Payments can be mailed to PO Box 1072, Wellington, TX 79095, or delivered in person to the office at 712 9th Street, Wellington, Texas.
TELEPHONE LANDLINES –Windstream Communication, 855-575-7625.
INTERNET PROVIDERS –AMA-TechTel, 806-322-2222; SuddenLink Communciations, 844-790-7475; Kinetic/Windstream, 855-575-7625; and Wi-Power, 877-877-6861.
WATER – Red River Water Authority, 940-723-8697.
ELECTRIC – Greenbelt Electric Coop., 800-527-3082.
TELEPHONE LANDLINES –Windstream Communication, 855-575-7625
INTERNET PROVIDERS –Kinetic/Windstream, 855-5757625; and Wi-Power, 877877-6861.
ELECTRIC – Greenbelt Electric Coop., 800-527-3082. Southwestern Electric Power Co. , 800-723-7430.
TELEPHONE LANDLINES –Windstream Communication, 855-575-7625
PROPANE GAS – West Texas Gas, 806-874-2151
Dependable electricity for your lifestyle. You might not think about it, but as an electric co-op member it’s something you can count on every day. That’s comforting to know, because nowadays electricity is essential to energizing our lives and keeping us connected more than ever before. And that’s a powerful thing.
Visitors to the Saints’ Roost Museum or the nearby Charles Goodnight Historical Center in Goodnight will notice both those locations are marked by 22-foot tall steel arrows painted in the traditional colors of the Comanches.
Those sculptures by Charles A. Smith are just two among dozens of similar arrows across 52 counties in the Panhandle and South Plains installed to honor historical sites, events, and artifacts in museums that link this region to the Native Americans who last roamed this area. It is named after Quanah Parker to recognize his role as the chief of the Comanche people.
The markers in Clarendon and Goodnight highlight the historic relationship between Quanah Parker and Col. Charles Goodnight, and the Native American artifacts and Red River Wars exhibits in the Museum as well as memorializing the presence of native people in this area. To learn more, visit www.quanahparkertrail.com.
Clarendon Family Medicine
One Medical Drive, Clarendon, Texas
Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday.
Provides: General family medicine, state immunizations, basic X-rays and lab tests, and limited urgent care. Medicare and Medicaid accepted. One medical doctor, two physician’s assistants, and one nurse practitioner.
Clarendon Dental Associates
Five Medical Drive, Clarendon, Texas
Open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursdays
Provides: Full service general dentistry including orthodontics, implantology, endodontics, and more.
Associated Ambulance Authority
For Emergencies, Call 911
(Non-Emergencies 806-874-2233)
Three Medical Drive, Clarendon, Texas
Provides: 24/7 emergency response for all of Donley County with three licensed ambulances, six full-time and one parttime paramedics and 11 additional medics as needed. Offers classes in CPR, First Aid, and EMT training. Associated Ambulance Authority is a service of the Donley County Hospital District and paid for, in part, by local taxes.
Donley County Hospital District
Three Medical Drive
Clarendon, Texas
Provides: Countywide ambulance service (see above) and indigent care for qualified applicants.
Donley County Senior Citizens
115 E. Fourth, Clarendon, Texas
Provides: Hot lunches at affordable prices on weekdays, wellness and entertainment programs for seniors and others,
and Meals on Wheels service in Clarendon and Howardwick.
Sky Fitness
312 S. Kearney Street, Clarendon, Texas
Modern indoor fitness center with secure entry 24/7/365. Call for membership information.
Rhinehart Eldercare
216 E. Fourth, Clarendon, Texas
Mike's Pharmacy
US 287 West, Clarendon, Texas
Other Local Services: Home health services and hospice services are also available. Call the Visitor Center for information, 806-874-2421.
The Clarendon EDC is proud to welcome
to historic Kearney Street!
The Clarendon EDC has led the way in Downtown Revitalization efforts with more than $1.9 million invested in the Central Business District since 2008.
Fall 2023 Enrollment: 1,373 www.ClarendonCollege.edu
President: Tex Buckhaults
Board of Regents: Chairman Tommy Waldrop, Lon Adams, Dr. Guy Ellis, Janice Knorpp, Chris Matthews, Shaun O'Keefe, James Shelton, Carey Wann, and Brittney Word.
Regular meetings: Third Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in Bairfield Activity Center.
Mascot: Bulldogs
Colors: Kelly Green & White
Community college offering general education classes, technical programs, continuing education classes, and workforce development. Locations in Clarendon, Pampa, Childress, and Amarillo.
The students of Clarendon College brought home numerous recognitions during the 2022-2023 academic year. These recognitions included the CC Ranch Horse Team winning the Division II Intercollegiate Ranch & Stock Horse championship, and the CC Men's Rodeo Team winning the College National Finals Rodeo for the second time in the last three years. Additionally, CC cowboy Weston Timberlake won the CNFR national bareback championship this past summer.
CC is celebrating is 125th anniversary this year. For upcoming events, visit ClarendonCollege.edu or call 806-874-3571.
’d like to welcome you to Clarendon College where Our Tradition is Your Success.
This year we are celebrating our quasquicentennial as the Texas Panhandle's first college.
We are excited to recognize 125 years of excellence in education and community growth. We will not only commemorate our rich history and celebrate our past over the next year, but we will also look ahead and celebrate our bright future.
Since the day our doors opened, we’ve had an unwavering belief in an education rooted in values, creativity and intellectual curiosity. We are proud to offer students across the region an opportunity for success close to home.
We are proud of the acheivements our stu-
dents have accomplished recently with national championships for our men's rodeo, ranch horse, and meats judging teams.
Whatever it is you are searching for – general education courses for transfer, a specific career path through one of our Career/Technical Education or Workforce Development programs, or as simple as a course for personal enrichment –we can help you!
Clarendon College offers a wide range of extracurricular activities for our students. Our drama department offers productions each semester and our athletic department fields teams in Volleyball, men’s and women’s Basketball, men’s and women’s Cross Country, Baseball, and Softball.
And of course, Clarendon College is also proud of our national-
ly-known Meats and Livestock Judging program as well as rodeo and ranch horse teams.
You will find our faculty and staff to be supportive of you as you pursue your educational goals and dreams. If you need further information, please stop by one of our campuses in Clarendon, Pampa, Childress, Amarillo, or Shamrock or call us at 1-800-687-9737.
It’s a great day to be a Bulldog!
Locations in Clarendon, Pampa, Childress & Amarillo
Clarendon Consolidated Independent School District
416 W. Allen, Clarendon, Texas
Administration: 806-310-7220
High School: 806 -310-7901
Junior High: 806-310-7655
Elementary: 806-310-7760
On behalf of the Clarendon CISD student body, staff, and board of trustees, it is my distinct honor to welcome you to our family centered community steeped in a rich history that dates back to the late 1870s.
Our goal at CCISD is to add to that history while providing a quality education in a safe, supportive environment where student success in paramount. We want to encourage, empower, and equip all students to achieve their full potential.
get involved and enhance their leadership skills.
Clarendon CISD has a long tradition of excellence in providing students with an educational experience that prepares them to be well-rounded members of the community and to build a successful future.
Clarendon CISD is proud of the continued partnership with Clarendon College and affordable dual credit offerings with support from the PEAK scholarship program.
Class 2A
Enrollment: 420 www.ClarendonISD.net
Superintendent: Jarod Bellar
School Board: President Wayne Hardin, Robin Ellis, Wes Hatley, Donny Howard, Chuck Robertson, Chrisi Tucek, and Mike Word.
Meetings: Second week of the month. Day varies with school activities.
Mascot: Broncos
Colors: Maroon & White
The Lady Bronco and Bronco Basketball, Baseball, and Softball teams advanced in the playoffs in 2023.
The CHS Bronco Band won trophies for concert and sight-reading performances last year, and the CHS One Act Play advanced to the UIL Bi-District Competition with their performance of Rabbit Hole. Three students advanced to the state UIL academic competitions in 2023.
CHS was awarded a grant from CNSPantex to help implement a drone program.
CCISD was awarded an Effective Advising Framework grant in the amount of $215,000 to effectively advise K-12 students and parents regarding postsecondary options including college and career.
The District continues to make safety and security upgrades to facilities.
We strive to provide the best educational experiences and opportunities for every student through high quality instruction and a wide variety of opportunities for students to
Everyday CCISD staff is working to prepare our students for life after a high school diploma. Check the website to see this in action: https://bit. ly/2B11w0L
We take great pride in our community as well as in our past and current students. Once a Broncho, always a Bronco! Welcome to Clarendon.
Sweepstakes Winners in Division 9 of the 2021 and 2022 Texas Press Association Better Newspaper Contests
Hedley Consolidated Independent School District
301 Jones Street
Hedley, Texas 79237
Class A Enrollment: 100
Superintendent: Tracey Bell
School Board: President Dana Bell, Tangela Copelin, Bruce Howard, Shauna Herbert, Michael Metcalf, Troy Monroe, and Carole Ward.
Third Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
Mascot: Owls
Colors: Green & White
To provide a safe and exciting learning environment which instills confidence and self-motivation where students, teachers, parents, and community work together to educate students. In a way that:
*All students will achieve their full educational and social potential.
*Provides a well-balanced and appropriate curriculum for all students.
*Maintains effective and qualified personnel.
*Will encourage parents to be supportive and active in the education of their children.
So that the educational experience provides the opportunity for success and enables them to take control of their lives and be productive citizens.
Welcome to Hedley CISD. Here we recognize that all our children are unique. Each one learns differently, is interested in different subjects, and even different career paths. The district is invested in providing a highquality staff that will help them achieve their full educational potential.
This year we have added some certification programs for our high school students in technology, Ag, and medical fields. Of course, we also offer dual credit courses from Clarendon College as well.
The district is one-to-
one with technology, and to start the year of each student received a new Chromebook.
The teachers, staff, and administrators are invested in the community and are intent on building strong relationships among our families, community members, and committee members to foster growth in all our students. We welcome family members or community members to join our local PTO, Booster Club or even to be part of various district committees.
Hedley CISD is an option for students inside and outside of Hedley,
with transportation available to students living outside of city limits.
If you’re looking for small class sizes along with meaningful, rigorous learning experiences for your child then contact Hedley CISD today!