Welcome to Jefferson, Texas, the Bed and Breakfast Capital of Texas! On behalf of the City of Jefferson, its citizens and all the residents of Marion County, I want to welcome and thank you for choosing to spend some of your time with us. I hope you enjoy your time in our town and the surrounding area.
There is no better place to spend the Holidays - or to get in the Holiday Spirit than in Jefferson. The fall is packed with activities from Ghosts to Christmas parades, and holiday tour homes, so there’s something for everyone!
If you’re a frequent traveler to Jefferson, welcome back! If you’re
planning your first visit, rest assured, there are things to fit every desire while you’re here – from quiet, romantic getaways, to weekends full of celebration, Jefferson has it all. Either way though, we’ll treat you like family and we welcome you to become part of ours.
Let our Visitor’s Center know how they can help make your visit memorable. We look forward to seeing you!
Rob BakerEvery Friday and Saturday in October: Shady Lady’s Witches Dance Come join us for unique, fun performance by the “Shady Ladies” doing their Witches Dance! 6:30 p.m. at Made In The Shade Courtyard, 118 Henderson St, 903-665-8966. Free Event - all Donations are greatly appreciated and will benefit Shriners Hospital for ChildrenShreveport
October 13-15: East Texas Burn Run Hosted by The Phoenix Organization of Jefferson, Brother’s Keepers Motorcycle Club. Music provided by Rockhouse Productions. For over 30 years this annual Motorcycle Rally benefiting Camp I’m Still Me in Waskom, Texas. Enjoy bikes, vendors and live music in downtown. Phoenix Organization, 107
W. Austin St., jeffersonburnbenefit@yahoo.comOctober 19-21 “Sitting Up With the Dead” Revisited Learn about Victorian Mourning Funeral Customs and support the Jefferson Historic Society and Museum! When death occurred in the olden days, the family would stop the clocks in the house, cover the mirrors, and turn family photographs to the wall. Why? Well, come learn all about it. Get tickets in advance, Jefferson Historical Museum, 223 Austin St., Jefferson.
October 20-21 22nd Texas Bigfoot Conference Join cryptozoologists and enthusiasts as they look at the history, investigations and experiences surrounding the search for Bigfoot. Established in 2001 as the original annual Bigfoot Conference in Texas by the Tex -
Continued On Page 11...
• Unique Gifts Crosses, Hats, Frames, Ornaments & Nutcrackers for Military, Fire, Police, EMS, Doctor, Nurse & More! Collegiate Gift Items, Tea Sets & Dolls! Handmade Baby & Lap Quilts, Historical Jefferson Afghans, Western Items, Seasonal Flags, Texas Spices, Unique Salt & Pepper Shakers, Knives, Tin Signs, Texas Décor, Biker Gifts, Tyler Candles, Wedding & Annivesary Gifts!
• Classy
...Continued From Page 9
as Bigfoot Research Center, the event offers speakers, presentations, and special screenings in the Bigfoot Capital of Texas. Jefferson Tourism & Visitors Center, 305 E. Austin Street. www.texasbigfoot. com
October 22: 33rd Annual Taste of Jefferson NOON-3p Downtown Austin street will be closed off, tables and chairs will be set up, stroll, enjoy the music and indulge in some outdoor dining as you sample some of the wonderful food from each of our participating restaurants. Marion County Chamber of Commerce, 903-665-2672
November 4: History, Haunts and Legends. A fun event for people who enjoy history, mystery, the unexplained , and
things that go bump in the night. Lectures, special guest, vendors, book signings, authors, paranormal teams, night time tours and investigations. Call for tickets and information 903-601-3375. www.facebook.com/Historic-JeffersonGhost-Walk-Tour-117395498306571
November 25 Jefferson Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting The Parade will begin downtown and travel through Jefferson, ending at Lions Park for the “Enchanted Forest” Tree Lighting Ceremony that welcomes the Christmas Season. Come and be inspired as 100+ beautifully decorated Christmas trees, sponsored by various businesses and individuals in Jefferson, light up and ring in the Holidays. Gather with family and friends for Christmas Carol singing, Entertainment, and the Grand Finale lighting of the Christmas Trees. Then children may
Continued On Page 34...
East Texas Burn Run also known as Jefferson Burn Benefit is “Continuing The Ride For Burn Survivors” on October 1314, 2023. The 11th Annual East Texas Burn Run teams up both the Phoenix Organization of Jefferson and Brothers’ Keepers Motorcycle Club. Your past support and attendance has allowed us to nearly double our annual contribution to the Percy R. Johnson Burn Foundation and “Camp I’m Still Me.”
Don’t miss out on Kids Zone, bike games, bike show, poker run, live bands, and a live auction, drawing for the 2023 Harley Davidson Motorcycle and much more. Fun for the whole family!
Registration begins Friday, October 13, at 11 am. This year on Friday, Boo will be visiting and with an additional $15 donation you can go on the “Ride with Boo”
from 4pm to 6pm.
Saturday, October 14, registration begins at 8 am. First, bike out for Poker Run at 9 am and last bike in at 2 pm.
All tickets are $25 for the whole event.
Please join Christian Motorcycle Association on Sunday, October 15th, for a wonderful Church service at 10 am.
Join friends and family for the “Annual Taste of Jefferson” as we showcase samples of all our local restaurant’s favorite meals accompanied with live music. New this year will be Artisans at Work. Enjoy learning about the styles and methods of our local skilled artisans. Children’s entertainment will include face painting and small crafts.
This lovely afternoon in October you will not want to miss! It is one of the most talked about events the Chamber coordinates all year. It is the Taste of Jefferson!
Downtown is once again transformed into a street filled with local food provided by restaurants, cafes, hotels and even some other businesses in the area. Advance purchase is recommended. Taste all of the cuisine prepared, and then vote on your favorite dishes. This is your chance to sample many restaurants in Jefferson and Marion County. Austin Street is closed to traffic, allowing you to relax while walking in the streets and enjoying the beautiful fall day, listening to great music and spending time with family and friends.
Not only are the businesses dishing out food for you to try they are also vying for the position of the “Best of Jefferson”. Pick up a plate and a ballot at the booth, after you’ve tried all the dishes you get to be the judge!
Sponsored by the Marion County Chamber of Commerce, the event takes place from 12-3p.m. Sunday October 22, 2023, in downtown Jefferson.
Tickets this year are “Carnival Style” so you buy what you want the day of the event. There are no advance ticket sales.
For more information contact the Marion County Chamber office, 903-665- 2672, or via their website, www.marioncountychamber.org
Jefferson’s Shady Ladies Dancing Witches will dance for a good cause when they take up their brooms each Friday and Saturday night throughout the month of October.
Beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 6, the Shady Ladies Dancing Witches will show off their spooky dance moves as they raise money for the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Shreveport.
This will be the fifth year for the Ladies to dance. Previously, the dancing witches have raised funds for causes including the Lions Club and other local non-profits..
All ages are welcome to the free shows and donations are voluntary. Guests are invited to bring a lawn chair or blanket. To ensure space for a seat in the courtyard, reservations can be made in advance for the shows by calling Made In the Shade at 903-665-8966.
They dance every Friday and Saturday in October at 6:30 & 7 p.m. at Made in the Shade, 118 E. Henderson Street.
The ladies are all local to the Jefferson area and are various volunteers, club members, residents, and business owners. The are not actual witches, nor do to the practice witchcraft in any form. They come together to take advantage of the Halloween spirit in Jefferson in October to dance and raise money for Shriners. Last year they raise $8,200.
Historic Jefferson is a delightful getaway any time of the year, but if you love Christmas, then a visit to Jefferson should be on your bucket list.
The Christmas holidays in Jefferson begin with an old-fashioned parade that starts downtown and travels through Jefferson, ending at Lions Park for the “Enchanted Forest” Tree Lighting Ceremony that welcomes the Christmas Season.
Come and be inspired as 100+ beautifully decorated Christmas trees and wreaths, sponsored by various businesses and individuals in Jefferson, light up and ring in the Holidays.
Gather with family and friends for
Christmas carol singing, entertainment, and the grand finale lighting of the Christmas Trees. Children may visit Santa after he arrives with the parade atop the Fire Engine. Santa loves Jefferson so much he is known to make guest appearances at some of our downtown shops.
A not to miss event is the 40th Annual Candlelight Tour of Homes. Enjoy the lavishly decorated historic homes decked out with fresh greenery, candlelight, and docents in period costume.
Some of our downtown merchants will host open houses, wassail walks, and special Christmas events.
For all of Jefferson’s holiday activities, please go to www.visitjeffersontexas.com. We hope to see you in historic Jefferson!
304 N. Walnut Street
In October of 1860, James B. Dotson purchased land on the corner of Walnut and Henderson streets from Allen Urquhart for construction of The Dotson Home Place for his wife L.V. (Lucy VanDuzen Culberson) Dotson and their infant daughter Lula.
The Dotson Home Place is a simple hipped roof structure with a central hall floor plan typical of early Texas Greek Revival architecture. The home maintains the original doors, windows and siding complete with square nail construction.
The den of the home has the original floors and ceiling, as well as a pass-through fireplace that has been updated.
In 2021, the current owners added a carriage house and bricked courtyard that compliment new gardens on the property.
114 N. Marshall Street
In a town of mostly historic homes, the unique and multi-colored Steamboat Inn stands out as a symbol for preserving the best of the region’s vintage homes while simultaneously offering modern comforts.
In theme, style and décor, the Steamboat Inn honors Jefferson’s riverboat past from the 1800’s. The colorful inn was built in 1992 incorporating salvaged materials and antiques from historic homes in the area. Owners Lana and Alex Mushik have re-created the quaint, historic look of a stately home from a bygone era.
All the materials used to build the Steamboat Inn came from four period homes located in Jefferson and Marshall. Those homes were built between 1850 and 1872 and were eventually demolished or damaged. Some of their materials were salvaged for re-use. The elegant stained glass windows in the dining room came from the historic “Pride House” in Jefferson, which caught fire and was severely burned. Visitors to the Steamboat Inn today can still see some cracks on the glass from the heat. This only adds to the Steamboat Inn’s charm and unique blend of old and new.
109 W. Henderson Street
The Terry-McKinnon house, located in the downtown historic district, was built in 1880 by one of Jefferson’s leading cotton brokers, S.D Rainey. The two-story Victorian style home contains the original coal-burning fireplaces, the original heartof-pine flooring and grand staircase.
The home is Victorian style and features 14-foot ceilings, heart-of-pine flooring and Victorian antiques. The floor plan of the house includes eight rooms. The kitchen is in its original location, but beautifully renovated and updated with modern touches, all while retaining the homes Victorian charm. The home was one of the first houses in Jefferson to have coal burning fireplaces. In the front parlors, two fireplaces have cast iron mantles and six of the remaining rooms have wooden mantles. The beaded walls in the dining room are original to the house. A walnut banister original to the house, is part of a magnificent staircase.
The home was built with no bathrooms or closets. The original water well, for the house remains under the kitchen floor and there is a water cistern in the backyard.
210 W. Austin Street
Named for the Greek Goddess of speed and built to Jay Gould’s specifications by the Pullman Company in 1886, the car is 88 feet long, 11 feet wide and built of wood. All the fittings inside and outside the car are solid brass. It was built to accommodate 6 passengers and includes sleeping quarters for the porter. There are bathroom facilities for each of the four staterooms. The car includes a lounge, dining room, four staterooms, butler’s pantry and kitchen. The interior is finished in mahogany throughout with the exception of the staterooms, which are Ceylonese Satinwood.
The car generated its own electricity and a mighty boiler churned out hot water for steam heat.
There are many stories and legends that surround the Gould Car and its original owner, Jay Gould. One of the favorite tales in Jefferson is that of Mr. Gould coming to Jefferson to acquire a right of way for his railroad. The city officials of the era told him his railroad was not needed because we were a port city.
A u s t i n S t r e e t , J e f f e r s o n , T X 7 5 6 5 7 b e t w e e n P o l k a n d V a l e
S - $ 1 E A C H
T i c k e t s c a n o n l y b e p u r c h a s e d t h e d a y o f a t t h e C h a m b e r B o o t h .
P r i c e o f f o o d i t e m s w i l l b e d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e i n d i v i d u a l f o o d s e r v i c e v e n d o r s .
T i c k e t s w i l l b e u s e d t o p u r c h a s e a l l i t e m s .
...Continued from Page 11
visit with Santa after he arrives with the parade atop the Fire Engine. 6-8 pm.
November 30 41st Annual Candlelight Christmas Tours. See later in this issue.
December 1-2, 7-9: Jefferson Candlelight Tour of Homes® Experience the warmth of an old-fashioned Christmas during the Annual Candlelight Tour of Homes in charming historic Jefferson, Texas. View lavish Historic Homes in the soft glow of candlelight. The fragrance of fresh fir trees, each glittering with tinsel, ribbon, and sparkling glass balls, wafts through rooms filled with
sumptuous holiday decorations. Women in lovely hooped gowns and gentlemen in top hats and tails describe each home’s origins and finery. Thursday, November 30 and December 7, 3-7 pm; December 1-2 and 8-9, 4-8 pm. Tickets can be purchased online jeffersoncandlelight.com or at Candlelight Headquarters the weekends of the event, Marion County Courthouse Annex, 116 W. Austin, Thursday 1-6 pm, Friday and Saturday 1-8p
December 30 Auntie Skinner’s New Year’s Eve Party. Granted, it’s a day early, but why not? Celebrate with live music and ring in the New Year an extra day!
Jefferson IS the Bigfoot Capital of Texas.
Join this annual event in downtown Jefferson to learn all about the legendary beat that prowls the world.
Guest speakers include Mireya Mayor, Daryl Colyer, Sybilla Irwin, Matt Pruitt, Shelly Covington-Montana and Ashlen Brown.
According to the Texas Bigfoot Research Center, there has been a long history of sightings in the state of Texas. One of the first in the history books is the strange case of the “The Wild Woman Of The Navidad.” This is a story that was recounted in the Legends of Texas published by the Texas Folklore Society in 1924. The creature was described as covered with short brown
hair and was very fast. She eluded capture because the horses were so afraid of the strange creature that they could not be urged within reach.
East Texas, where the majority of the reported sightings of Bigfoot occur in the state, boasts of nearly 12 million acres of forestland.
In the Port Jefferson History and Nature Center there is a large Bigfoot at the entrance to the river front trail. What most people don’t know is the area between the entrance and the train bridge is known as “Bigfoot Alley”. If you look real hard and hunt hard you will find 4 more Bigfoots hiding among the thickets.
For more information, find them on Facebook!
Find a treasure or looking for a nick-knack? Jefferson shops have you covered! Courtesy of City of Jefferson–for more information www.visitjeffersontexas.com or 903-665-3733.
Bohn’s Gift Shoppe / Blackburn
Factory Outlet 108 E Lafayette St, 214-232-6031
Calavera Leather & Cigar Co & Calavera Home Store( Handmade Leather “Goods, Premium Cigars & Curated Gifts For Men)” 110-2 N Walnut St. 979-3041922 City Drug Co. 109 W Lafayette St 903-665-2521
Cross Threads Thrift Store 213 W. Broadway; Mon-Thurs 9-5; Fri 9-4 903-601-4425
Embears Vintage Charm 218 N Polk St, 903-918-5790
Estates Sales Antique Store 207 N Polk St
Foodie Tasting Room, 114 W. Lafayette St, 903-471-0440
The Front Porch (Unique Home & Personal Items)/Bigfoot Cigar Co. 303 N Polk St 361-788-3369
GiGi’s Antiques & Collectibles 216 N Polk St 903-601-5019
Gold Leaf Antique Mall 122 N Polk St 903-665-2882
Jefferson Antique Mall 224 N Walnut St 903-665-8852
Jefferson General Store 113 E Austin St 903-665-8481
Lafleur Couture (Holistic Wellness & Beauty Products) Polk St. 903-930-5060
Lazy Draft (Farmhouse Décor, Western Wear, More) 115 N Polk St 903-215-8140
Made In The Shade Boutique 118 E Henderson St 903-665-8966
Myer’s Antique Co. 129 N Walnut St 903-578-1553 Or 903-5781556
Nutty’s -Fresh Milled Peanut But-
ter 123 Polk St 903-664-7021
Old Mill Antiques 210 E Austin 903-665-8601
Old Store, The / Fudge Factory 123 N Walnut 903-665-3562
Old Vault,The - Antiques & Collectibles 215 N Polk 903-601-4428
Port Jefferson Coffee Roasters (Small Batch Wood Fired Roaster) Whole Beans/Ground/Pods 116 W Lafayette St. 903-263-8976
Port Jefferson Outpost (Fudge, Gifts) 220 N Polk St 903-665-8881
Polk Street Antiques 226 N Polk St. 903-665-8282
River Rose (Boutique/ Home Décor) 200 W Austin St 903-4070445
River City Bazaar & Flea Market 607 B N. Polk St 903-918-5612
Ron Atwood Gallery (Art) 226 N Polk St 318-548-9379
Roy’s Rails & Rides (Model Train Accessories) 602 N Polk St 903742-9449
Sheality (Boutique) 118 N Polk St 903-471-9674
Texas Treasures Antiques & Gift Shop 214 N Polk St 903-6653757
Three Rivers Antiques 116 N Walnut St 903-665-8721
Walnut Street Market Antiques 121 N Walnut St 903-665-8864
Willow Tree, The (Premiere Boutique) 211 N Polk St 903-6014515
Yesteryear Gift Shop & Classy Glitz Boutique 102 S Polk St 903-665-8692
Ya Ya’s (Resale Children’s Clothes, Toys & More) 612 N Polk St903665-0076
Dollar General 206 N Walcott St
Family Dollar Store 808 N Walcott St 903-665-6770
Bicycle Rental@ Kennedy Manor
“217 W Lafayette St, 903-6650772”
Golf Cart, Kayak & Canoe Rental
@ Made In The Shade “118 E Henderson St, 903-665-8966”
Golf Cart Rental @ Roy’s Rails
“602 N Polk St, 903-742-9449”
Jefferson Flower Market 903-6015030 112 W Lafayette St
Allay Day Spa 903 -601-1431 110 N Vale St
Salon Rouge Spa (Full Service Spa & Beauty Salon) 903-9305060 318 N Polk St
Hair Adise 903-665-7423 201 W Broadway St
Jefferson Nails & Spa (Massage Also)_903-665-8661 120 N Polk
Nadine’s Beauty Shop 903-6653121 403 E Broadway St
Vale Studio (Nails And Lashes) 903-578-0614 116 N Vale St
Planning an event in Jefferson? Want to have a group meeting or corporate retreat? Jefferson has a variety of locations and sizes for your needs. Courtesy of City of Jefferson–for more information www.visitjeffersontexas.com or 903-665-3733.
1852 on Austin 124 E. Austin. (903) 601-4457.
Auntie Skinner’s Riverboat Club and Restaurant 107 W. Austin. 903.665.7121.
Black Swan, 210 W. Austin, 903 665 7023
Bulldog Pizza 603 E. Broadway. 903.665.9499.
The Carriage House, 401 N. Polk, 903 665 9411
City of Jefferson Convention & Visitors Building, 305 E. Austin, 903 665 3733
Collins Academy 500 East Broadway. 903.665.2900
Diamond Don Event Center, 1602 Tx 49, 866-398-2038
Enoch’s Wine & Coffee House 116 N Polk. 903.918.8208
Excelsior Hotel Ballroom & Courtyard, 211 W. Austin, 903 665 2513
Haywood House Restaurant and Cocktail Bar, 202 S Market. 903601-4070
Jefferson Carnegie Library Ballroom, 301 W. Lafayette, 903 665 8911
Jefferson Community Center, 501 Haywood St, (903) 665-6500.
The Jeffersonian Institute, 120 E. Austin, 903 665 2567 or 903 733 1035
Kellyville Community Center 130 Kelly Park Rd. 903.665.2421
The KnightLight Tavern & Olde World Restaurant 202 N. Walnut, 903.665.8546.
Want to kick back and listen to great music during your stay? Or maybe planning a trip around music? Jefferson sets the stage. Courtesy of City of Jefferson–for more information www.visitjeffersontexas.com or 903-665-3733.
Every Thursday and Friday October-December, Jennifer McMullen 6pm at McGarity’s
Every Saturday October-December
Amelia Blake 6pm McGarity’s
October 1
Bill Blankenship 11am - 2pm at 1852 on Austin
October 6
Lady Chaz and the Tramps 8-10pm – at 1852 on Austin
October 8
Amelia Garner 11am - 2pm – at 1852 on Austin
October 10
Rewind 9p at Auntie Skinner’s
October 13
During the Burn Benefit lots of live music is going on, including:
6-7:30p City Limits on outdoor stage
7:30-9p Loosey Anna at Auntie Skinner’s
8-9:30p Chasing Benjamin’s on outdoor stage
9:30-1a Dusty Rose Band at Auntie Skinner’s
10-11:30p Jessica Peacock and Birds of a Feather on Outdoor stage
October 14
11:30a-1p Colton Hagler acoustic set at Auntie Skinner’s
1:30-3p Rick Brown Band on Outdoor Stage
1:30-3p Kim Donnette acoustic set at Auntie Skinner’s
3:30-6p Live Auction Fundraiser for Jefferson Burn Benefit
3:45-5:30p The Crowd at Auntie Skinner’s
6:15-7:45p Southern Soul at Auntie Skinner’s
6:30-9p Vinyl Juke Box on Outdoor stage
8:30-10:30p Captain Joe Band at Auntie Skinner’s
8-10 pm Sarah Hobbs at 1852 on Austin
11p-1a White Trash Wannabees at Auntie Skinner’s
October 21
The Sultans 8p-10 pm 1852 on Austin
Colton Hagler 9p at Auntie Skinner’s
October 22
Peyton Pierce 11a-2p at 1852 on Austin Brunch
October 27
Identity Crisis 8-10 pm at 1852 on Austin
October 28
Flashback 8p-10pm at 1852 on Austin
Birds of a Feather 9p at Auntie Skinner’s Annual Monster Bash
November 4
Dusty Rose 9p at Auntie Skinner’s Sultans 8-10p at 1852 on Austin
November 11
Loosey Anna 9p at Auntie Skinner’s
November 12
Marshall Symphony 3p at Presbyterian Church
November 18
Southern Soul Band 9p at Auntie Skinner’s
Chris Cain at 1852 on Austin
November 25
Family Karaoke 7-11p at Auntie Skinner’s Raven at 1852 on Austin
December 2
Marshall Symphony Brass Quintet 7p at Christ Episcopal Church
Teazur 9p at Auntie Skinner’s The Sultans at 1852 on Austin
December 9
Rewind 9p at Auntie Skinner’s Annual Toys for Tots Drive
Flashback at 1852 on Austin
December 16
SDA Choir in Concert with Charles Gilbert & Kermit Polling 11am at SDA Church - Berea
Marshall Symphony Strings Ensemble 7p at Christ Episcopal Church
The Sultans at 1852 on Austin
Sarah Hobbs 9p at Auntie Skinner’s
December 23
Charles Gilbert & Kermit Polling concert 6p at Presbyterian Church
Birds of a Feather 9p Auntie Skinner’s Christmas Themed Party
Raven at 1852 on Austin
December 30
NYE Family Karaoke at Auntie Skinner’s TBD
December 31
White Trash Wannabees 9p Auntie Skinner’s NYE Party
The Sultans at 1852 on Austin (903) 736-4403
Courtesy of City of Jefferson–for more detailed information www.visitjeffersontexas.com or 903-665-3733
House Of The Seasons Historic Home Tour – 409 S. Alley Daily @ 11 Am ($15 Per Person) *By Appointment* (903) 665-8000 www.houseoftheseasons.com
Singleton’s Virginia Cross Historic Home Tour 401 Soda St. Saturdays @ 1 Pm ($7 Per Person) Call For Additional Dates & Times (903) 665-3938 Www.virginiacross.com
Historic Tours Of Jefferson 217 W Lafayette St. (903) 665-0359 1 Hour
Historic/Scenic Trolley Tours: Time Varies. Call for Reservations
Bayou Boat Tours Thursday – Monday 200 Bayou St., Jefferson, 903665-2222, Facebook: Turning Basin
Riverboat Tours
Jefferson Carriage Rides And Tours By Sacred Spur Carriage Company 111 E Austin St. (903) 790-2693 Or (903) 504-2715
Fri & Sat - 3-9pm; Sun – By Appointment.
Excelsior House Hotel & Jay Gould Railcar Tour 211 W. Austin Jay Gould Railcar Tours: Fri & Sat @ 1-3pm Jay Gould Railcar Tour - $5 (903) 6652513 Call To Confirm Tour Times Www.theexcelsiorhouse.com
Jefferson Historical Museum 223
W. Austin Daily 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
R.D. Moses T&P Model Railroad 223 W Austin St. (Located Behind The Jefferson Historical Museum) Monday-Thursday At 11am & At 2pm;
Ages: 6-12 - $3; 13-17 - $4; 18-61yrs - $7; 62+ $5 Friday-Saturday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Sunday 12:30 Pm4:30 Pm (903) 665-2775 Www.
Museum Of Measurement And Time 301 N Polk St. (903) 665-6668 - Sun. 1-5pm, Thurs-Sat. 10am -
5pm, Mon-Wed: By Appt
Gone With The Wind Museum
408 Taylor St. (903) 665-1939 Call For Appointment
Historic Jefferson Railway Please See Website Office/Depot Open: Sat. 11am Historical Day Tours On Saturday 12:30pm, 2:30pm; Location: 400 E Austin St., (866)398-2038 Or (903)742-2041 Www.jeffersonrailway.com Info@Jeffersonrailway. com
Historic Ghost Walk (903) 601-3375
Fri & Sat Night; Meets At The Corner Of Austin & Vale St.; Gather At 7:30pm, Tour Starts At 8pm
The Grove 405 Moseley St,; Known As The Most Haunted House In Texas! Tours: Sat. 2pm & Sun. 11am; Reservations Required. Call To Confirm Tour Times. 903-665-8018; Admission: $8 Www.thegrove-Jefferson.com
Lonesome Dove Drive Thru Safari Drive Thru Outdoor Adventure. Feed And Observe Over 80 Exotic Animals. Also A “Petting Zoo” And Children’s Train! Open Wednesday – Sunday, 10:30am To 4:30 Adults: $16, Children (3-11 Yrs) $10, Children Under 3: Free; Discounts For 1st Responders, Military, And Educators (903) 665-0053 Www.lonesomedovedrivethrusafari.co
Busy B Ranch Wildlife Park 1100 West Prospect Rd, 6 Miles North Of Jefferson. Drive-Thru Safari Adventure. Www.busybranchwildlifepark. com 903-665-4093
Lakeside Park Disc Golf Lake O’the Pines – Just West Of The Spillway; Open 7 Days A Week; Play Free W/ Park Admission; 18-Hole Course
Caddo Lake Bayou Tours Tours Of Scenic & Historic Caddo Lake. Pontoon Boat Tours Available 7 Days A Week, Including Sunrise & Sunset. Guided Fishing Trips. 903-570-2169 Www.caddolakebayoutours.com
Ole’ Jigger’s Caddo Lake Adventures Private Lake Tours – Pontoon (1-15 People) Or Swamp Boat (4 People). 7 Days A Week – Including Sunset Tours 198 W. Sesame St., Karnack, Tx (903)930-6778 Www. olejigger.com
Caddo Lake Guide Service (903) 455-3437 Www.caddolakefishing. com
Captain Ron’s Swamp Tours Pontoon Boat Tours Of Caddo Lake Adults: $25, Seniors: $20, Children: $15 Departs From Big Pine Lodge; 756 Pine Island Rd, Karnack, Tx Call For Appointment - (903) 6793020 Captronswamptours.com/
Mossy Brake Camp
Private Tours On Caddo Lake For In-
dividuals Or Groups Up To 5 People 612-735-7625 Mossybrakecamp. com
Riverbend Outfitters Kayak & Canoe Rentals With Delivery And/Or Pick-Up. Big Cypress Bayou, Caddo Lake, & Lake O’ The Pines Kristi & Jerry Thomas (903)926-0203 Www. riverbendoutfitters.com
Made In The Shade Kayak, Canoe And Golf Cart Rentals With Delivery & Pick-Up, 118 E Henderson St., Jefferson Tx (903) 665- 8966
Roy’s Rails & Rides Golf Cart Rentals – 2 Seater, 4 Seater, And Specialty Carts Available; 602 N Polk St, Jefferson Tx (903) 742-9449
Kennedy Manor Bicycle Rentals: ½ Day- $10, 1 Day-$15, Weekend-$25; 217 W Lafayette St., Jefferson, Tx (903) 665-0359
Courtesy of City of Jefferson–for more detailed information www.visitjeffersontexas.com or 903-665-3733 Hours/days of operation subject to change, call to confirm
Auntie Skinner’s Riverboat Club and Restaurant 107 W. Austin. Mon & Thurs 11a – 8p; Fri 11a-12a Sat 11a – 1a; Sun Noon – 8p; Closed Tues & Wed 903.665.7121. Weekend Live Entertainment.
Austin Street Bistro 117 E. Austin. Gourmet lunch and dinner. A Bistro with a casual flair. Tues–Thurs 11a–8p, Friday & Saturday 11a–9m. Closed Sunday & Monday. 903.665.9700.
Big Cypress Nutrition – 210 N Walnut St Meal Replacement Shakes & Energy Teas. Mon – Fri 7a–4p; Sat–Sun. 9a–5p 903-601-5005
Bulldog Pizza 603 E. Broadway SunThurs 11a–9p. Friday and Saturday 11a–10p. 903.665.9499.
The Carriage House BnB – 401 N Polk St. Fri & Sat. @ 7p. Four Course Dinners by Jessi. Reservations required. 903.665.9511
Don Juan’s Mexican Restaurant 400 S. Walcott. (US Hwy 59). Open Daily 11a–9p 903.665.6407.
Enoch’s Wine Cellar & Coffee House 116 N Polk. Espresso, Cappuccino, Aericano, Latte, & Tea & a wide variety of wines Wed Noon-7p; Thurs.– Sat. Noon – 8p; Sun Noon-5p 903.918-4108
The Hive ,410 N Polk St. Breakfast, Lunch & Coffee’ Fresh Baked Goodies All Day! Mon-Sat, 7a-2p 903-601-4463
Joseph’s Riverport Barbecue 201 N. Polk. Open Wednesday-Thursday 11A-3P; Friday & Saturday 11 A-5 P.. Closed Sun., Mon., Tues 903.665.2341
Kitt’s Kornbread Sandwich & Pie Bar 125 N. Polk. Home of the original “Kornbread” Sandwich, Salads, Soups & Pies. Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11 A – 2:30 P. Closed Tues & Wed 903.665.0505.
Taste of Caddo Café 201 W Austin St. Lunch, Dinner – Daily Specials, Comfort
Foods, & yes, Catfish! Tues-Thurs 11a7a; Fri -Sat 8a-9p; Sun 8a-3p Closed
Mondays 903.601.4446
Red Dirt BBQ, 150 Gray St, 903-6646032
1852 on Austin- 124 E Austin St Lunch: Wed – Sun, 11a- 2p. Dinner: 5-10p; Jazzy Sunday Brunch 10:30A- 2P. Special Live Music Events 903-601-4457
Haywood House Restaurant & Cocktail Bar 202 Market St.; Mon,Tues,Thurs 10:30A-10P, Fri 10:30a-Midnight, Sat 9a-Midnight, Sun 9a-10p, Sat & Sun Brunch 9a-2p. 903-601-4070
Kahn Saloon Hotel / Coffee Shop Specialty Coffees, Cookies, Muffins, Snacks; Sun.- Thurs. 8a -2p; Fri & Sat 8a-8p; 903.601.4434
McGarity’s Restaurant & Saloon – 208 W Dallas St. Lunch & Dinner Menus, Also Vegan & Veg. Menus; Specialty Drinks, Beer, Wine, Cocktails. Open Every Day! Mon – Fri 10:30 A – Midnight; Sat 10:30 A -1 ASun. 10 A-10 P Sun. Brunch served 10 A –2 P903.601.4407
Weekend Live Entertainment.
Port Jefferson Outpost— 220 N. Polk Breakfast, Sandwiches, Soup, & Desserts. Mon. – Fri. 7 A – 5 P; Sat. – Sun. 7A-8P 903.665.8881
Red Bus Cupcakes, 302 N Polk St., English double decker bus. Homemade ice cream and cupcakes, Fri-Sat 11a5p, Sun 1a-4p, 903-466-3768
Roma’s Italian Restaurant – 101 Market St Open Every Day 10:30 A-9 P 903-601-4441
The KnightLight Tavern & Olde World Restaurant -- 202 N. Walnut. Great food, wine, beer, cocktails & music
Tuesday – Friday 5 P – 9 P; Saturday 12noon -9 P 903.665.8546
Huddle House – 549 Walcott (Hwy 59)
Open 24 Hours, Every Day! Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner 903.665.2643
Courtesy of City of Jefferson–for more detailed information www.visitjeffersontexas.com or 903-665-3733 Hours/days of operation subject to change, call to confirm
3 Sister’s Cottages, 214-399-0398, 502 Houston St (Pets Accepted), www.3sisterscottages.com
Azalea Inn, 903-601-3375, 203 E Dixon St, www.azaleainn.net
Benefield House, 903-665-9366, 1009 S. Line St, www.thebenefieldhouse.com
Black Swan, 903-665-7023, 210 W Austin St, www.visittheblackswan. com
Bessie’s Landing, 972-247-3557, 207 S Alley St (Pets Accepted), www. airbnb.com/rooms/17824506
Carriage House, 903-665-9511, 401 N Polk St (Pets Accepted), carriagehousejefferson.com
Claiborne House, 903-665-8800, 312 S Alley St, claibornehousebnb.com
Delta Street Inn, 903-665-2929, 206 E Delta St, www.deltastreetinn.com
Green Gables of Jefferson, 903-4071956, 304 W Lafayette St, greengablesofjefferson.com
House of the Seasons, 903-6658000, 409 S Alley St, www.houseoftheseasons.com
Kennedy Manor, 903-665-0772, 217 W Lafayette St, www.kennedymanor. com
Old Mulberry Inn, 903-6651945, 209 E Jefferson St, www.oldmulberryinn. com
Steamboat Inn, 951-225-5279, 114 N Marshall St (Pets Accepted), steamboatinntx.com
Welsh Lady, 903-665-8678, 307 North Vale, welshladybandb.com
White Oak Manor, 903-665-8185, 502 E Benners St, www.bedandbreakfastjeffersontx.com
Excelsior Hotel, 903-665-2513, 211 W Austin St, theexcelsiorhouse.com
Executive Inn, 903-665-3700, 200 S Walcott St, executiveinnjefferson. com
Historic Jefferson Hotel, 901-4683551, 124 W Austin St, historicjefferson.com
Historic Kahn Hotel, 903-601-4471, 123 W Austin St, www.kahnsaloon. com
OYO Hotel Jefferson, 903-665-3983, 400 S Walcott St,
Rentals (no breakfast)
A Touch of Grace (queen), airbnb. com/rooms/748736637884146301
A Touch of Grace (king), airbnb.com/ rooms/748736366731000964
Amarula Guesthouse, 202 S Marshall, airbnb.com/ rooms/708909758818058523
Bunkhouse www.airbnb.com/ rooms/675269919875975889
Bayou Riverfront Cottages, 825 Common St, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/553258616166062922
Chez Lafayette Guest Cottage, 469672-7218, 305 W Lafayette St, www. airbnb.com/rooms/51554864
Evergreen Carriage House, 405 E Delta, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/47078571
French Cottages, 808-391-0962, 408 Houston St, www.frenchcottagesjefferson.com
Ga La Chateau, , 212 Austin St, www. airbnb.com/rooms/48105947
Glam Room, 903-930-5060, 318 N Polk St, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/52060426
Hello Sunshine, 207 S Fri-
ou, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/715126487147721382
Iris’s Cottage, 501 E Dixon, airbnb. com/rooms/876878078015666081
Lacewing Creative Retreat for Women, 817-466-6674, 1500 MLK St, www.lacewingretreat.com
La Belle Maison, 903-754-0166, 407 E Jefferson St, www.vbro. com/2342218
Lillie’s Cottage, 505 E Dixon, airbnbcom/rooms/862924411763029322
Mama Dean’s Place, 703-909-5508, 404 E Dixon St, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/30553956
Main Haus, 903-503-3352, 211 S Main St, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/51559023
McGarity’s Upstairs Inn, 903-6650121, 208 W Dallas St, www.airbnb. com/rooms/32900530
McKinley Cottage https:www.airbnb/ rooms/54402881
Nutty’s Camp Jefferson, 903-7520883, 123 N Polk St, www.airbnb. com/rooms/50612044
Retro Bungalow, , 202 E Baker St, www.airbnb.com/rooms/54289094
Sandstone Luxurious Cottage, 317508-5523, 406 E Jefferson St, www. vbro.com/2099169
Sandstone Fantastic Cottage, 317508-5523, 406 E Jefferson St, www. vbro.com/2015139
Sara Jane Cottages, 903-241-0683,
306 W Austin St, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/12874039
Soda Villa, 507 N Soda, airbnb.com/ rooms/841251332891683493
The French Townhouse, , 502 E Walker St, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/22748241
The Magnolias, 903-407-7959, 209 E Broadway St, www.vrbo. com/1404252
503 Lake St, 503 Lake St, www.airbnb.com/rooms/46392550
Sweetest Blessings, 1308 Martin Luther Dr, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/50459543
Villas on Vale, 903-452-1910, 105 S Vale St, www.airbnb.com/ rooms/49140615
Whistlestop Train Car & Cottage, 107 St. John St, airbnb.com/ rooms/747890312852809366
Writer’s Loft, , 112 N Vale St Apt C, airbnb.com/rooms/45277708
Diamond Don’s RV Park, 903-7422041 or 866-398-2038, 1602 State Hwy 49 East, diamonddonempire. com
Jefferson RV Park, 903- 431-0043, 610 E. Broadway St, www.jeffersoniceexpress-rvpark.com
City of Jefferson RV Park, 903-6653922, Located behind the courthouse. No advance reservations
Discover Jefferson & Marion County is a quarterly publication of Marion County Media LLC which also publishes the Jefferson Jimplecute, the 4th Oldest Newspaper in Texas, and the Marion County Herald, an online publication, and the Jefferson Convention and Visitors Bureau.
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Monday: 5 pm - 10 pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 5 pm - 10 pm
Friday: 4 pm - 12 am
Saturday: 12 pm - 12 am
Sunday: 12pm - 10 pm
The Haywood House is an historic venue on a very unique property in Jefferson, Texas. We have a restaurant, a cigar lounge and a music venue all on our property. We are officially open and excited to meet you!
We’re Your Premier Spot