A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR........................ PAGE 3
STAFF SPOTIFY PLAYLIST.....................................PAGE 4
BENEDICT COLLEGE.............................................PAGES 5-6
CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ........................................PAGES 7-8
PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE................................... PAGES 9-10
WESTERN CAROLINA UNIERSITY....................... PAGES 13-14
WOFFORD COLLEGE.............................................PAGES 15-16
RESOURCE OFFICE............................................... PAGES 17-18
STAFF SPOTLIGHT: KEN ALIENTO..................... PAGES 19-20
GIRLS GETAWAY.................................................... PAGE 21
VARKEN WARS ...................................................... PAGE 22
NEW YEARS CONFERENCE.................................. PAGE 23
LEADERSHIP PROJECT......................................... PAGE 24
L.E.A.D. UPDATES.................................................. PAGE 25
CROSS-CULTURAL PROJECT.............................. PAGE 26
DIVERSITY SPOTLIGHT ....................................... PAGE 28
LIFE UPDATES ...................................................... PAGE 29
SOCIAL MEDIA....................................................... PAGE 30
STAFF DIRECTORY................................................ PAGES 31-34
Thank you for reading our annual Campus Outreach Magazine! It really does take a village to reach this next generation of college students. The ministry summarized in this magazine would not be possible without individuals, families, churches and businesses like you. I pray that you all will be encouraged to continue to earnestly pray for us and be encouraged to sacrificially give so that our world and country would change one college student at a time!
One of our themes has been discipleship: one person investing their life into someone younger in the faith. Paul tells his disciple Timothy, “what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). Paul is modeling discipleship for us. He’s been investing his life into Timothy over the years and is instructing Timothy to go and do the same thing to others. The goal is that Timothy would invest his life into those that would go and do the same thing into those that would go and do the same thing. It’s a process that’s never supposed to stop! These men got their example from Jesus himself. Jesus clearly laid his strategy out to his disciples at the very beginning of his ministry, “And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19).
As you read through this magazine, you’ll see three areas of discipleship. The first area is among our staff team. You’ll especially note that we have a large number of individuals on our team that have served with CO less than 3 years. It has been a special focus of ours to be intentional about investing in these younger staff. We’ve held training throughout the year as well as provided close discipleship relationships with the goal of helping our staff walk with Jesus, live healthy holistic lives, and become effective ministers of the Gospel.
A second area is on the college campus. You’ll see in this magazine many pictures of students attending big events and groups getting together. In the midst of this, I hope you don’t miss what’s underneath the surface. True discipleship is going on. The real value of our ministry is that our staff are investing their lives deeply into a smaller group of students that are learning how to do this in others. Robert Coleman in his book The Master Plan of Evangelism says this, “Preaching to the masses, although necessary, will never suffice in the work of preparing leaders for evangelism. Nor can occasional prayer meetings and training classes do this job. Building men and women is not that easy. It requires constant personal attention, much like a father gives to his children. This is something that no organization or class can ever do. Children are not raised by proxy. The example of Jesus would teach us that
it can be done only by persons staying close to those whom they seek to lead.” A core value of our ministry is “life on life.” We pray that both staff and students would leave our ministry with a conviction to be “close to those whom they seek to lead.” This is how we measure the success of our ministry. Event numbers are great, but the true measure of our success is the amount of students that are reproducing their lives into the lives of others. Coleman again says, “We need a new measure of success for churches. The current one seems to be that a church is successful if it is increasing in numbers… Rather than asking the question, “Are we growing?” we need to ask, “Are our members leading people to Christ? and “Are they successfully helping new converts grow into mature believers?”
As you look through this magazine you’ll see all the kids in the pictures. We have a lot of children on our staff team! This is the third area of discipleship that is always going on. It would be a shame if students get the best of our time and our families get the leftovers. Would you pray for the families on our staff team as we seek to invest not only in our staff and students, but in our marriages and children? I recently studied ministry to children, adolescents and families in a seminary class, and one thing that struck me was how studies show parental influence on their children has not declined but stayed the same. Parents are able to pass their faith on to their children just as much today as in previous generations. The importance is “parental warmth,” which is described as warm, affirming and respectful. Children who see and experience genuine care and love from their parents have an easier time receiving the care and love of God through Jesus Christ, while those whose parents are cold or harsh find themselves closing themselves off from the gospel” (A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry: McGarry). We are striving to be physical and spiritual parents that pass along our faith to the next generation because of our authentic and warm faith in Jesus.
Think back on your life with Jesus. Think about all the individuals that God has used to mature you in the faith. God’s intent is never that the Gospel would go to us and stop with us. The gospel is meant to go to us and then through us into others. Who is one individual you can invest your life into this next year so that they might go and do the same thing to someone else? Join us as we seek another year of discipleship! Would God get the praise as we all seek to leverage our lives for his glory!
Thank you for partnering with Campus Outreach Columbia!
Campus Staff:
I got involved with CO after my friends told me about it. My friend group had spent an entire day together, and then they got up to leave and said “We have Bible study”. I grew up in the church and went to Bible study every week, and at that moment I realized that I had not been trying to find somewhere to keep a relationship with God. All of us decided to go and try it out. Some of us stayed while others never came back, and the ones who never came back are no longer in our friend group. I didn’t experience much change, but the few changes that have occurred in my life since becoming a part of Campus Outreach have worked for me and the greater good of my life. I have had friends ask me to help them with praying, and I am definitely still learning but we learn together. I am currently trying to get into the habit of reading my Bible
Year two of ministry at Benedict College has been one for the books. The Lord has developed and enhanced the community of CO Benedict so much since the last school year; God is at work on this campus. There have been many encouraging stories from this past school year, although two in particular bring me so much joy. Both stories involve students coming to know the Lord and desiring a personal relationship with Him.
A sophomore student from Los Angeles, Elijah Black, professed faith this spring. He’s been involved with the ministry since the very beginning, as a freshman during our launching semester on campus (Fall 2021). After attending many Bible studies and having a lot of quality time with the guy leaders on our team, Eli decided to follow Jesus. Our team had been praying for Eli’s salvation from the moment he started coming around. Praise God, for He is good! Similar to Eli’s story is Shakalya Morrow’s story of salvation.
Shaklaya is a senior who will be graduating at the end of 2023. She’s from Monroe, NC. Shakayla started to come around the CO community in the Fall of 2022 through the encouragement of her boyfriend and has been coming around ever since. She became a Christian at the end of the Fall 2022 semester and is currently a part of my small missional community group, a discipleship-making team. Moreover, while discipling and leading Shakalya, I’ve seen her desire to learn more about the Lord and His word. I’ve even seen her confidence grow within herself and as a leader.
I was involved with CO because of my roommate’s anime shirt. It was hilarious and exciting for a Christian group to know about anime. That is what made me join. Being with CO has changed certain aspects of my life, like the time I spend on Thursday nights, which is meant for Bible Study and meeting new people. So many people have joined CO, and it is great to see the new faces and everyone’s different ideas on the Bible.
I tried reading the Bible not just to read but to understand. I grew up being told what was in the Bible but never got the chance to comprehend the Bible on my own. The help from the staff has opened my eyes and helped me follow the path to God.
I grew closer to God through bi-weekly individual meetings where we looked through the Bible and talked about it. Devin answered any questions or concerns I had, and he was honest; he did not try to say I was wrong. Instead, he wanted to understand why I thought that way and how he could help. Every talk, meeting, and time spent with everyone at CO was a big help in my walk with Christ.
That students at Benedict involved in Campus Outreach would be compelled by Christ to share their lives and the gospel with other students on campus.
Campus Staff:
Landon Tucker | Campus Director
Betsy Tucker
Ali Hawkins
Blake Ward
Brittainy Crisp
Brynlee Surface
Chris Amond
Sarah Amond
Beginning with my freshman year at Clemson, Campus Outreach re-defined what it meant for me to be a faithful follower of Jesus, and provided me with practical ways to help me know more of Him, such as Bible study methods and tools to share the gospel with others.
One of my favorite parts about the ministry is the emphasis on life-on-life discipleship through missional community groups. Being involved in a group like this changed the way I approached doing ministry, helped me build meaningful, lifelong friendships, and ignited a call to reach the campus through evangelism and relationship building. Having the opportunity to be discipled by a Campus Outreach staff member and be a part of a Missional Community group taught me what it means to not only be a follower of Jesus in college, but for the rest of my life.
I signed up for a ride to church early in my freshman year, and a girl named Charis Goodroe (Formerly Charis Dorman) picked me up. I came to Clemson wanting to be in a campus ministry, and the fact that a senior was pursuing me and so many other students genuinely wanted to know me was very intentional. It made Campus Outreach stand out.
The Lord has been very kind in using CO to teach me what it means to be a college student on mission. I’m in the nursing program, and there is a lot of pressure to spend all my time and energy on school. I have the privilege of being a student and worshiping the Lord in that capacity, but God has me here to leverage my life for the kingdom. He is the reason I am here.
Every day, I get to step into the good works He has prepared for me. Realizing this has radically changed how I spend my time – I prioritize being in Christian community, seek out discipleship opportunities, and ultimately live in the pursuit of knowing more of God. He is worthy of my WHOLE life and of ALL my time.
God kindly allowed me to become friends with a student named Madi while another student, Charis, was leading Madi her freshman year. As Charis graduated, I had the joy of inviting Madi into a Missional Community group I was leading this year, and it has been so joyful.
Madi deeply desires to be shaped by the truth of scripture, and for her life to reflect her Savior and the call of a believer. Getting to be a sister in Christ to her; walking daily towards Jesus for our lives has been a gift for my heart. Madi has wrestled with God in honesty and humility and has such genuine joy in getting to love people with the hope and prayer of them knowing Christ as their Savior. The first week of school, Madi and her friend Kaitlyn asked if they could start a Bible study. Within a month our new friend Mikayla had received salvation as God brought her to life! It has been incredible to grow next to Madi and the other students here at Clemson. The personal desire to know and delight in God and heart cry to see souls won has built a beautiful community.
Our younger students are seeing their older friends make the Lord the foundation of their lives and are doing the same. Mikayla went to our Leadership Project this summer, along with several others from their small group of friends, and getting to watch them all choosing more of Christ for the rest of their lives is the greatest joy! I’m so thankful for students like Madi who let me learn about the Lord with them.
That the staff and students would be compelled by Christ’s love and no longer live for themselves but for Him who died and was raised.
Campus Staff:
Seth Ledford | Campus Director
Elizabeth Ledford
Jonathan Strickland
Logan Strickland
This past year has had a lot of challenges and trials in it, and I have found so much godly community in Campus Outreach that has really pushed me to pursue the Lord in challenging times. This past year the community that I have at Campus Outreach has really been my rock and one of the main reasons that I have focused on Christ and not returned to my old ways.
My community in CO has really taught me what it looks like to respond to challenges in a Christ-like way, and that has been something that I have really been learning how to do more and more. Honestly, after the year that I have had, I do not know where I would be if I did not have my community in CO by my side. I am so thankful for the community that I have found in CO.
Before coming to PC this past fall, the staff team was praying fervently for connections to be built on the football team, and the Lord really came through. Over my short time on the campus, God has put me in a position to develop relationships with nearly ten of the young men on the football team—some of them being Christians who share a desire to share Christ with their teammates!
This past spring semester, I was afforded the opportunity to disciple two of these young men in particular through the avenue of an intentional Missional Community small group. Through this group, we explored how we relate to God as His children, and how we can share our faith with friends, classmates, and teammates in our day to day lives! We asked God for connections to this specific affinity group where we had no connections beforehand, and He provided in abundance! What a great God we serve who provides and seeks to make His Name known in every tribe!
I got involved with Campus Outreach through a friend. We were talking one day and somehow we started talking about CO and he invited me to a meeting. At first I was a little nervous to go, but I was also excited because I had been looking to grow closer to God. After attending my first meeting I was excited about how welcoming everyone was. I was also happy about how many people were there that also wanted to grow in their relationship with God. I started to spend more time doing Bible studies with staff members and even other students. This helped me to change from living the typical college student lifestyle which was something that I was struggling with. I am so thankful that God allowed me the chance to be introduced to Campus Outreach and everyone in it.
That our staff team and students would have an overflowing spiritual life that would pour out to students around us.
Campus Staff:
Seth Orr | Campus Director
Lauren Orr
Josie Bedenbaugh
Nathan Kirkman
Chloe Kirkman
One of the first days on campus we held a “pancake bar” outside Capstone (freshman dorm). We made pancakes and had a lot of different toppings free of charge for the students. We met a TON of people and developed a lot of relationships with freshmen through that event. It was such a fun way to meet new students and for them to feel cared for! Being able to serve the students in that way was such an easy win for us and helped students to feel welcomed around us! Events like these enabled us to build new relationships, and since then, we have now been able to share the Gospel with some of those who came to those events.
How did you two get involved with Campus Outreach?
KIRA I met Malory Sanders the summer before starting my freshman year of college, and she was the first person to show me the gospel. After that encounter, she connected me with staff women at UofSC. When I met Alana the first week of college, I invited her to go to a cookout and there she met Katie Orr who was on staff at the time, and from that moment, we stayed connected with Campus Outreach.
Why did you all decide to start a Bible Study this year, and who did you invite?
ALANA We decided to start the Bible Study during the fall semester, because we knew the Lord was drawing us to open our home to women of color to hear the Gospel and participate in community with other believers that look like them.
Coming back to campus in the fall, we committed to spending time on campus each week meeting girls with the intention of cultivating relationships, as well as inviting them to our Bible Study. We spent a tremendous time in prayer before going out and intentionally thought about the uniqueness of each girl’s story that we encountered. Ultimately, we invited as many girls as we met to our Bible Study.
Tell us about something encouraging that has happened in your groups:
KIRA Something super encouraging has been having girls be excited to join our Bible Study and us having the chance to teach them OIA, a method of interpreting scripture, when they’ve never actually studied their Bible before. A lot of the girls in the Bible study grew up in a context around the church but never were individually pursued and taught how to have a relationship with the Lord. So, for the Lord to give us the chance to teach these girls has been super encouraging.
What gets you most excited about what God has in store for you?
ALANA I am most excited for the way the Lord has already grown in me the desire to seek the “unseen.” While my time in college has focused on women who look like me, I look forward to the way the Lord will continue to grow my heart towards other ethnic minorities to share the truth of the Gospel that the Lord has intentionally created them and wants a relationship with them. I trust the Lord will continue to teach me the beauty of creating community centered around His glory.
That our staff team would find utter contentment and joy in Christ alone, and that they would each be able to identify and plug into fruitful pockets of ministry (affinity groups).
Jackie Watkins
Matt Brown
Faith Brown
Lexi Thornton | Contingent
I got involved with CO because I was looking for a Christian organization coming into college and was asking people about a good one to join, and someone told me about CO. My time in CO has massively impacted my life! It has gotten me more involved in campus life while changing my perspective about the reason that God may have put me on this campus. I am not simply here to attend classes and get a degree; I’m here to share the gospel and the love of Christ to lost souls. The way I spend my time on campus has also changed. I was originally commuting to campus when I first started coming to CO. After spending more time in this ministry and having my perspective changed, I decided to move on campus so that I could be more involved in the mission of CO by spending time with people and doing things like going to coffee, having lunch, and building a relationship with them and then sharing the Gospel with them or helping them grow in their faith. I have had the privilege of getting to go to several CO events like conference and LP and grow my faith in so many ways that I never could have without being involved with this ministry. I have also gotten to witness several people accept Christ and begin their journey in their faith through this ministry, and that’s what has impacted me most and makes me keep wanting to live life on mission.
My first semester on staff was a whirlwind of new experiences, stepping out of my comfort zone, and a lot of growth! I did not know what to expect going into my first semester, but I certainly didn’t think it would push me as much as it did. I really had to step outside of my comfort zone by starting conversations with strangers and trying to meet new people every day. I had to rely on the Lord to sustain me as it felt so new and, at times, draining. The Lord was gracious and grew me in learning to place my identity more within Him. It was scary to put myself out there to new people when I did not know what their responses would be or how I would be perceived. Doing this for the first time, I did not feel equipped and struggled with doubting myself. However, knowing that my identity is fully in Christ allowed me to walk out in freedom while trying all of these new things. I felt like I had to rely on the Lord more than ever, as I know I could not accomplish these things without His strength and Spirit.
One of my first experiences evangelizing was when I was invited to come to a Bible study with a couple of my friends and a new girl they had invited to join them. I sat down and we jumped right into reading the Word. At some point, the next thing I knew, one of my friends suggested I share the bridge with the new girl. It was my very first time sharing the bridge and I felt so nervous, but when I asked her where she thinks she might stand, she responded with so much humility saying she thinks she stands on the man’s side. It was a shock to me and the other girls sitting with me. We talked further into what that meant and one of the senior girls asked her a day or so later to make a pros and cons list about having a relationship with God. She said “I couldn’t think of any cons,” and gave her life to Christ. She and I are the closest of friends now, and I have been so blessed to get to live life on life with her and help her grow in her relationship with Him.
”Pray that our students would be burdened for the non-believers on campus and for staff to develop a deep Gospel identity this year on campus while ministering.
Campus Staff:
Michael Harpe | Campus Director
Kiersten Harpe
Alycia Wynn
Daniel Funderburk
One of the most rewarding relationships I’ve experienced during my first year on staff has been with a freshman named Garett! Garett and I connected very early on in the fall semester. He was initially very hesitant towards our more spiritual events or even reading the Bible, due to him not growing up in a religious household. Through many relational connections, including our Fall Men’s Event, Varken Wars, Garett began to see the community of Campus Outreach at Wofford. He was drawn in by it and began to attend our Weekly Large Groups and eventually even our Co-Ed Bible Study. Going into Wofford’s January term, I actually had the opportunity to give Garett his first Bible, and we’ve gotten to read together, with renewed excitement, nearly every day during this January term! Garett is counting the costs of what it means to follow Christ as he grows to truly understand the Gospel! Join me in praying for his salvation!
On the first day of classes last year, my friend and I visited freshmen girls’ dorm rooms. The objective was to meet new people and invite them to a CO event, in the hopes that girls would show up. Sterling was one of the last girls we met, and when she came to the event the next week, I was so excited! After months of praying, reading the Bible with her, and challenging her about faith, Sterling became a Christian. I have been so encouraged by her because she illustrates everyday what it’s like to have a desire to walk with God. She is so thoughtful in her faith and eager to learn more about God and navigate life walking with Him. Sterling coming to faith isn’t something I thought would happen as soon as it did, or at all. This shows that an act of faithfulness can play a part in changing someone’s eternity. Although many people contributed to Sterling’s faith, God ultimately deserves all the praise. Sterling’s story shows how powerful and intentional God is, and that nothing is too difficult for Him. I cannot wait to see how Sterling continues to grow and I’m excited to do ministry alongside her!
When I first came to college and was invited to a CO event with games and ice cream, I was in denial that it was a religious organization. I thought, “No way it’s religious. I wouldn’t go to something like that! Campus Outreach is just an organization for reaching out to freshmen!” I remember then going to the first large group meeting and calling my mom after saying, “I can just hang out with these people and do fun stuff like the Girl’s Getaway, but I don’t have to go to Bible study or believe in God to be in CO.” I was so wrong. Even up until the night of the first Bible study, I was telling myself and my friends I wasn’t going to go. If it hadn’t been for Alycia walking up to me as I was eating dinner 30 minutes before the study, I wouldn’t have gone in. I remember feeling a sense of power as I was trying to debunk God’s word during the Bible study. I asked questions like, “How do we know God is perfect, if we are sinners and therefore have no concept of perfect?” I still don’t think I would’ve pursued God and continued to go to Bible studies if it weren’t for Alycia and Cabel inviting me to a private Bible study to talk in-depth about the bridge diagram. With each study and moment I spent surrounding myself with believers, I started to feel God working in me. It became comforting to pray to Him and read His Word. I looked for answers to doubts I had that were holding me back from fully living a life with God. I’m not always happy, but my life is filled with more joy than ever before. Every day, I grow as a Christian. Even on my off days, it is comforting to know that God pursued me when I needed him most, and now I am pursuing a life with Him.
For the leaders in our ministry to engage their friends and new students with the Gospel and that God would save some. Also that God would build a spiritual community of students that is contagious on campus and draw students to see the love of Christ through it.
Alyssa Trail
Aaron Hicks
Ken Aliento
Ryan Miller
Catherine Miller
Working with the office staff as an intern has helped me to have a better, more biblical understanding of ministry. I think it can be very easy to view ministry through the narrow lens of talking with students, having Bible studies, or sharing the gospel. While it certainly is that, there are so many opportunities, and there is so much freedom in how we, and Campus Outreach, minister to others. Getting to see behind the scenes in the office has helped to reshape my views of ministry, allowing me to find more understanding and more joy in the work that I do.
While the internship was a great opportunity to gain experience outside of the classroom, it also helped me to see my strengths and weaknesses. It provided valuable insights and has helped me to discern what I enjoy doing and what I struggle to accomplish. The time before graduation can be, and has been, stressful, and the fear of what’s next never seems to be too far away. But, God has been faithful in drawing me closer to him in the uncertainty, and I am confident that whatever I do, He will be with me. Learning that has made all the difference.
How has working with the office team influenced your view of ministry? In working with the office team this semester, I learned a little about the blessing that it is to steward communication for God’s glory. It may not be as shiny as grassroots ministry per se, but that’s not what it’s about at all! As believers, we are called to be stewards of God’s gifts, which to the believer is the gospel and our individual gifts that make us unique. So, to see that played out in an office setting was cool because a lot of the logistical, media, and behind-the-scenes work is critical for staff members to be on the campus and run events so that students can hear and believe the gospel! So all-in-all, it broadened my horizons of what ministry looks like in different contexts.
How have you grown in your relationship with God through this internship? This semester has actually been a tad brutal on my walk with the Lord regarding doubt and specific mental health struggles, so if you were to look at concrete ways the Lord has grown me through it, it may not be blatant. One role I did have in the internship though was creating newsletter content for Clemson’s staff team, which brought some cool moments of just getting to step back and see the Lord work through the vessel of CO. It wasn’t anything crazy… I was just taking pictures of events and happenings within the ministry and typing a little blurb about them, but it was really cool being able to look back and see very specific moments the Lord was drawing people near to himself through our efforts!
How has this impacted your thoughts on your future vocation? Three things that CO preaches pretty regularly are growth, team, and mission. In essence, they are general pursuits that can encourage health and flourishing for any believer, regardless of the season of life. Is this going to grow me in fellowship with the Lord? Do I have a team around me to love/encourage/challenge me as I am in this season? Is all of this putting me in a place to live out the Great Commission that the Lord has commanded me as his follower? Hearing this consistently made weighing future options not necessarily easy, but simpler. So, with that in mind, I would love to be a part of CO staff if that is what the Lord has for me because I know that it is going to put me in a place to know him and be the hands and feet of his gospel in a lost world. If not, I know what to look for in another job/pursuit!
Internships with the Campus Outreach Resource Office are a significant way to provide students with the opportunity to gain awareness of giftings, passions, and desires in life. For His mission, God has given us evangelists as well as administrators. However, over the years, it seems that students are not aware that God uses those with administrative gifts. An internship with the Resource Office gives students an opportunity to see firsthand that their God-given gifts can be used to pave the way for future students to hear the Gospel from campus staff!
That the office staff would each have thriving walks with the Lord while also having multiple opportunities to share the Gospel with students.
When/How did you get started in photography/graphic design? In high school, I used to borrow DSLR cameras from friends or family members for events I was going to such as family parties and proms. I just sort of figured out how to use one on my own but with the help of Google and YouTube. It wasn’t until later in college when I bought my first personal camera. I took pictures at CO events, formals, etc. That’s when I discovered my enjoyment in taking photos. When my friends found out I took pictures, they started asking me to take their graduation photos. I took 30 grad sessions during the first 4 months of covid! That eventually led to other gigs such as engagement photos and weddings.
As far as graphics, my first experience with digital graphics was when I used Adobe Photoshop for a school project when I was 12. Soon after, I also learned how to use Adobe Illustrator. Both of them were selftaught with help from Google and YouTube again. I’ve always loved making things aesthetically pleasing, and I think that’s what led me to photography and graphics.
How did you get involved with Campus Outreach?
I got involved with Campus Outreach because of a staff person who boldly asked for my number and started inviting me to CO events. This staff person is Landon Tucker, and it happened during my first week as a freshman at Clemson University. I was skeptical in the beginning until I came to a few of the CO events and I actually enjoyed the people. Eventually, I joined a small group and my walk with Christ grew immensely through reading of the Bible, praying and doing life in community. I was involved with CO all 4 years of college. I’m so thankful for that because looking back at it now, I see how God had orchestrated things to happen when I wasn’t even looking to get involved in a college ministry.
What influenced you to come on staff?
Two things: I wanted to serve in ministry in whatever capacity for the rest of my life and help replicate my CO experience to the next generation of college students. Well hold on, actually I wasn’t looking into full-time ministry initially until God changed my heart my last semester in college, and that’s when I decided to come on staff with CO for a few years. I think it made sense to do it on a full-time basis for a few years because it will benefit my long-term goal of doing ministry for a lifetime. And on top of that, I get to be a part of replicating what I experienced in college to more students.
However, one thing I did not expect through these past few years of serving on staff is how much God was going to grow me. He has shown me so much more of His grace, and I am forever thankful for that.
How would you describe your role with CO / what types of things do you work on and do on a weekly basis to a yearly basis?
My answer to this question typically begins with “I’m like a SwissTool.” Basically, I love problem solving, and I get to do all kinds of things from the creative side of things all the way to the technical side. My role revolves around “how can I serve our staff of 40 and advance our mission on the campus?”
As far as what I get to work on a weekly or yearly basis, we have large events throughout the year, and most of my time is dedicated to planning and executing those events in hopes of creating an environment where students get to experience Jesus and grow in their faith. These tasks involve graphic design, photography/videography, website development, coding, and more. I also try to meet with 1 or 2 students every year at the USC campus.
What do you love about doing your role/ photography with CO- how do you see it making a difference? / How have you seen your gifts of photography and graphics make a difference for the kingdom through Campus Outreach?
There are three things I love about my role: graphics, photography and coding. I’ve seen those gifts benefit our mission at Campus Outreach in so many ways. In photography, I get to capture precious memories for our staff, students, and supporters to look back to and see how the Lord has been faithful. In graphics, I get to create content that not only helps our ministry look professional but is also pleasing to those who are attending our events and website visitors. And in coding, I’ve seen our organization run more efficiently and effectively. We’ve been able to save a lot of time by automating a few tedious tasks.
SIMMS WEAVER // CLEMSON FRESHMAN // When they told us about the trip, I was skeptical at first because I didn’t know the people in CO very well yet and I was intimidated to be staying with people I barely knew or had never met, but then I realized that’s exactly why I should go. I felt the Lord really telling me that Girls Getaway could be my chance to connect with some other women in CO, so I decided to go.
Fast forward to Girls Getaway, within about an hour of leaving school to get to Charlotte (where we were going for the weekend), myself and the girls in my car were already connecting with one another and feeling comfortable with each other. This wasn’t something I felt like I had experienced so quickly before, so I got really excited to spend time with them that weekend.
Over the weekend, I got closer with a few of those girls (I’m even going to be roommates with one of them next semester) and I also got to know some ladies that weren’t in my car. This trip brought great opportunities for conversation and discovering each other’s interests, and allowed fellow followers of Christ to come together. Girls Getaway was a really good, low commitment way for me to get to know the women in CO in a way that just can’t really be done by only attending weekly meetings on Wednesdays. I am so thankful I got to have such an incredible experience and I can’t wait to hopefully go again next semester!
ANDREW HAWKINS // AREA DIRECTOR // Varken Wars is an event we do early in the fall each year where we gather as many students as possible to eat excessive amounts of food, play paintball, basketball, spikeball and any other yard game you can imagine.
A phrase that has always stuck with me is, “relationships move at the speed of trust.” I believe that statement to be true, so the question is how do you build trust? For men I believe the answer to that question is play. Proverbs 17:17 tells us that a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Play simulates adversity; therefore, builds brotherhood. Practically, the reason we do the event is for our staff and student leaders to build friendships with guys they are connected to at the beginning of the school year for the sake of friendship/trust to be built. This allows the gospel to land in the lives of these young men, and it’s proven to be an effective tool for that purpose.
DANIEL GUNN // USC JUNIOR // Varken Wars was a fantastic experience! It was a great time for meeting new people from similar yet different walks of life. The staff that organize Varken Wars are all super nice and very willing to start a conversation. Also, connecting with other students seemed so effortless. Personally, this trip let me disconnect from the stress of school which let me enjoy the friendships I have formed within Campus Outreach. I also got to reconnect with a lot of people I knew from my hometown because of this trip which was a pleasant surprise. I would highly recommend going on this trip to anyone and everyone who can. You will be exhausted at the end, but it will all be totally worth it.
HANNAH RINGLIEN // CLEMSON JUNIOR // New Year’s Conference was a super energizing experience where I had the chance to spend quality time with other students I hadn’t previously known well and learn from so many different speakers. God used conference to help equip me in life on life discipleship, specifically that it can be as simple as inviting someone into your normal, daily life. This emphasized the importance of living in a way that is different from those who don’t know Christ, which encouraged me to continually spend time with God through prayer and reading my Bible.
Another part of the Conference that impacted me was hearing the testimonies of other believers. Hearing how God has worked in and through others’ lives really helped me value my own testimony as a tool to talk about the good news of the gospel.
COREY SEAY // WOFFORD SOPHOMORE // The winter conference was my first experience outside of Spartanburg at a CO event. The theme was Authentic, and through the talks and seminars I learned a lot about what it meant to be an authentic Christian.
The things that stuck out most to me at first were the people and how nice everyone was. It was very easy to get to know other people that were trying to grow closer to God in the same way! The talk that stood out to me the most was the men’s talk and the guy who spoke talked about what it meant to be a biblical man. He explained that we are to follow Jesus’ example of manhood, as he was the perfect man. Men are made to be providers, humble, and ultimately called to be sacrificial for the protection and on behalf of others. Men are called to lead selflessly and grow in maturity. If maturity is our ability to think and look outward, immaturity is the demonstration of looking inward.
CAMPBELL JONES // CLEMSON FRESHMAN // LP was the perfect opportunity to grow in my faith, learn tools to be inspired, and find community that I will have every year at school! I came into LP not knowing anyone which was a little bit scary but by the second day I knew it was going to be great! The girls I lived with ended up being my best friends by the end and I’m so excited to continue to hang out with them in the fall.
During LP, we broke into small groups every day which allowed us to go deeper with each other and really study the Bible slowly. I had never done a Bible study so in-depth, which taught me there is so much to get out of the Bible. I’m excited to continue to do this on my own and make it a routine. I did not grow up around a community so living around a community for three weeks was such an amazing experience. It really taught me that who you surround yourself with, is who you become! I felt so inspired by everyone and wanted to know more and be more like them. I am so excited to have so many people to reach out to and look up to! This trip really taught me so much and I am so grateful for what the Lord has done through it!
MARQUISE PEELE // PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE SENIOR // So I came into LP not as a Christian. I always told myself I’m willing to learn from the other side but I think learning and living are two very different things so I decided to go into LP living as a Christian does. It was hard to sit during talks and training, and not get upset especially when I would hear that God’s justification is right and everything is all according to his plan. I couldn’t agree with that at all because it felt like I was being told all my suffering was in his plan.
I was up one night around 3am and I was thinking to myself reflecting on a question I was asked, “what’s holding you back from believing?” So I listed out my reasons but none of them held up and were just a grudge that I was holding on to. So I then asked myself, “Well, what if I let go and fully live as a Christian?” So I prayed that night that from this day on I would live for God because if he is who he is, earthly problems are not his fault, for we all sin and he just wishes to save us.
LP has taught me that if you are wanting a big change like becoming a Christian to happen, then take pride in the small steps and use patience. The community is wonderful in helping you understand something like that. I’m so glad that I came to LP because I feel reborn as a new brother in Christ.
When you reflect on your college experience, you might have fond memories of rolling out of bed at 7:50 to rush to your 8 am class, but for most students in Lima, Peru, that’s not the case. Here, students live at home, rising as early as 6 or 7 am to make a long commute to campus. While this is a small difference from campus life in the United States, it brings a new set of cultural barriers and challenges to campus ministry which is just one thing the Campus Outreach Lima team has learned since launching early this year.
As a pioneering team, our main responsibility is to learn if there is a way to establish a sustainable college ministry in Lima, and that begins with exploring different campuses. Universities in Peru are strictly guarded against outsiders which creates not only a barrier to potential threats but to the gospel as well. By auditing a class at one university, our team has a unique opportunity to be on campus any day of the week which has allowed us to meet students, begin building deeper relationships, and identify cultural and administrative barriers to college ministry. After a month of learning the school and meeting new students, our team has begun to develop deeper friendships with these students, and we hope to have more opportunities to show and share the gospel as time passes.
On top of exploring campus, our team has been focused on learning the culture and context of our host country. Before arrival, we were encouraged to adopt phrases like “expect the unexpected” and “It’s not wrong, it’s different” as we seek to understand and value a culture and place far from the Southeastern US. While the “unexpected” and “different” aspects of a pioneering ministry have been hard to navigate, they have also pointed us back to a God who has already provided far beyond what we could think to ask for.
In our first three months here, the Lord has provided language training, permanent housing, access to a university, and legal residence in the country. We’ve been able to partner with a local church family that has gone out of its way to share cultural insight (and amazing meals) and help us adapt to life in a new place.
Please join us as we continue to ask the Lord to open doors for the gospel on the college campus in Peru. Pray for continued long-term access to a university and favor with faculty members and students. Pray for protection and patience as we continue adapting to a new culture and work through the emotional and physical challenges of living far from home.
Our CCP to Peru was a great opportunity to build relationships and encourage the current Lima staff team, learn about the general and religious culture of the city and universities, and just get to grow in knowledge of what overseas missions look like.
Personally, I have been considering doing CO LEAD for a few years, so when I was presented with the opportunity to go down to Lima on a CCP, it was an easy “yes”! When we arrived in Peru, we were able to explore the city, do fun activities like surfing, meet and talk to students on the University of Lima campus, go to a service at the local church, and my favorite part, spend time with young adults from the church that the staff team has been building relationships with.
This was so incredible because it helped me see that there are real people in other countries living their lives for Christ that have incredible community and hearts to reach the lost, just like mine. My experience was so helpful in teaching me what it takes to be on staff, especially with a pioneering ministry, and get a real vision of what my life could look like if I decide to further pursue college ministry in South America. This trip showed me that God is so much bigger than the US and is doing incredible work all over the world.
My name is Chad Reynolds. I am currently serving as the senior pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Clinton, SC. I am thankful to God that my testimony is one of having faith in Christ from my earliest memories. I cannot really think of a time when I did not believe that I was saved by the grace of God through Jesus. Two of the more significant influences on my early spiritual formation were my grandmothers, who both frequently prayed with me and taught me the Bible. I was also nurtured well in the gospel at the Ebenezer ARP Church, especially during my middle and high school years. That was a time period of significant growth in grace for me together with the other students in our youth ministry. More than a few of those men and women are now faithfully serving Christ and his church as pastors, missionaries, church officers, and ministry leaders.
My wife, Laney, and I have been married since July 1997, after meeting and dating as students at Erskine College. We have three children - Garret (‘01), Eli (‘03), and Keely Ruth (‘13). We all enjoy sports and outdoor activities. I am particularly glad to be near the mountains again!
I worked in textiles for two years after graduating, but left that field in the summer of 1999 to pursue an M.Div. at Erskine Theological Seminary. Laney and I had been volunteering as leaders in our church’s youth group (Covenant PCA in Easley, SC) and we both sensed that ministry was what God was calling me to pursue. After seminary, I served as a pastor in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church for about eighteen years, mostly in Lake Wales, FL. We came to Westminster in the spring of 2021. We were drawn to the people of Westminster because of their obvious love for Christ and their desire to see God glorified in their lives. One of the most significant draws for us was Westminster’s ministries to the students of Presbyterian College (PC).
Westminster has so many connections to Presbyterian College, including members who are alumni, as well as many who are on the PC faculty or staff. Our members’ love for the college and their ministry to the students and PC family as a whole is seen in the numerous ways in which they seek to personally show the gospel in word and deed.
One of those ways is through our partnership with Campus Outreach (for over 25 years!). Our vision for ministry at Westminster aligns closely with CO’s mission to engage college students with the gospel and to develop the next generation of Christ-centered leaders. In my short time here, I have been pleased to hear Westminster members share testimonies of ministry alongside CO staff and students from years past. Others have expressed great joy about students who have gone on to serve the Lord in ministry endeavors, oftentimes maintaining contact with them and supporting them through prayer and financial giving.
As I mentioned before, the ministry to college students was a significant draw for Laney and me to come to Clinton. I have already been blessed as a pastor to be able to minister to and alongside of the CO staff and students in my brief time at Westminster. I have also been the recipient of really good ministry from the CO staff and students as well. Daniel Hill and Brian Trail have been very helpful to me in developing some discipleship initiatives for the people of Westminster. The Ledford’s and Strickland’s (CO campus staff at PC) have also had a significant impact on the early days of my ministry. We are in the same community group together and they have all plugged in as Sunday school teachers, nursery volunteers, and musicians. Their love for Christ and his people is a great encouragement. It is also a real delight for me to have college students worship with us during the school year. Their presence and joyful engagement in our services is very uplifting for the people of Westminster. Hopefully all of this helps to demonstrate that CO and Westminster are growing in grace together to the glory of God. I look forward to many years to come of this growth so that we can continue to show the gospel of Jesus Christ to PC students!
Campus Outreach cares about diversity. I’ve seen it in the way they choose to be intentional in thinking about diversity! One instance I can think of is when I was a student. During my first Leadership Project, weekly we would meet separately as a group of minorities. I am Puerto Rican. These meetings created a safe space for me that I didn’t know I needed. Through continual intentional thought and planning from the leaders, they created a space. I think that’s why the value of diversity is so important: it creates spaces for people that were not originally there. It creates seats at the table for those different from us. Producing in us wider world perspectives, wider hearts to love the “one another’s”. That is why intentional thought is so needed. God cares about diversity.
Now on staff, I see how our region fights to view diversity the way God does. We talk about blind spots and how to seek unity on our campuses. We desire our ministry to look the way heaven does!! We are equipped as minority staff through several events throughout the year. These events include our minority staff retreat, Bridge Builders Conference and the Diversity Summit! Creating spaces for us to process the differences of being on staff as a minority and the role that we get to play as bridge builders for minority students. This truly is the heart of God: a diverse ministry that doesn’t look the same.
Regional Director
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: helping them study the Bible.
Seen on pages: 3, 17, 24, 25
Graduated from Furman University
Favorite way to hang out with students: having deep conversations while painting nails.
Seen on pages: 3, 26
Clemson Campus Staff
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: Going on walks together!
Seen on pages: 7, 8
Benedict/USC Area Director
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing basketball.
Seen on pages: 1, 5, 6, 24, 29
Resource Director
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: conversations while running or working out.
Seen on pages: 18, 24
Clemson & Western Area Director
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: hunting and fishing.
Seen on pages: 7, 24
Office Staff: Magazine
Graduated from Furman University
Favorite way to hang out with students: Going on walks at the Riverwalk in Columbia, SC!
Seen on pages: 18, 25
Office Staff: Photography
Graduated from Clemson University
Favorite way to hang out with students: coffee, eating good food, and playing games.
Seen on pages: 17, 19, 20
Office Staff: HR & Event Logistics
Graduated from the University of SC
Favorite way to hang out with students: board game nights!
Seen on pages: 2, 18 , 29
Leadership Team: Womens Ministry
Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill
Favorite way to hang out with students: eating dinner together at my house.
Seen on pages: 2, 25, 29
Office Staff: Finances
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: disc golf, FaB, board games, etc.
Seen on pages: 17, 29
Vaughn Volious Daniel Hill Joni Volious Ali Hawkins Alyssa Trail Lindsay Hill Brian Trail Andrew Hawkins Catherine Miller Ken Aliento Ryan MillerWofford Campus Staff
Graduated from Clemson University
Favorite way to hang out with students: going on walks around campus!
Seen on pages: 15, 16, 26, 30
Wofford Campus Staff
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: studying the Bible together at a coffee shop
Seen on pages: 15, 16
Wofford Campus Staff
Graduated from Clemson University
Favorite way to hang out with students: taking them to a local wrestling show that I enjoy.
Seen on pages: 15, 16
Wofford + PC Area Director
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: ping pong and reading the Bible
Seen on pages: 15, 16, 24
Kiersten Harpe Michael Harpe Alycia Wynn Daniel FunderburkPresbyterian College Campus Director
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing disc golf.
Seen on pages: 9, 10
Presbyterian College Campus Staff
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: baking snacks together for meetings!
Seen on pages: 2, 9, 10
Presbyterian College Campus Staff
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing pool in the campus life building.
Seen on page: 10
Presbyterian College Campus Staff
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: Hanging out and talking around the fire at our different events!
Seen on page: 10
Clemson Campus Staff
Graduated from Bethel University, MN
Favorite way to hang out with students: picnic on Clemson’s Bowman Field.
Seen on pages: 7, 8, 23, 29
Clemson Campus Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing pickleball!
Seen on pages: 7, 8
Office & Benedict Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: Having movie nights at home and then discussing the movie!
Seen on pages: 5, 6, 17, 18
Benedict College Campus Staff
Graduated from Clemson University
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing board games and hanging out on Sundays over a dinner.
Seen on pages: 6, 28, 30
Clemson Campus Staff
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing disc golf.
Seen on pages: 2, 7, 8
Clemson Campus Director
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: praying together and working out.
Seen on pages: 7, 8, 26, 29
Clemson Campus Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: making them coffee at my house!!
Seen on pages: 7, 8, 23, 29
Clemson Campus Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: Going to buy sneakers to resell.
Seen on pages: 6, 7, 8
Clemson Campus Staff
Graduated from Presbyterian College
Favorite way to hang out with students: coffee + thrift store runs!
Seen on pages: 7, 8, 23, 25
Western Carolina Campus Director
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing games or fishing
Seen on pages: 13, 14, 29
Western Carolina Campus Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: having them over to our house for dinner and games.
Seen on pages: 2, 13, 14, 23, 29
Western Carolina Campus Staff
Graduated from the University of SC
Favorite way to hang out with students: walking my dog and getting coffee with them!!
Seen on page: 13
Western Carolina Campus Staff
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: playing football or frisbee.
Seen on pages: 2, 13, 14
UofSC Campus Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: watching the bachelor or picnics on the horseshoe.
Seen on pages: 2, 12, 23, 26, 30
UofSC Campus Staff
Graduated from the University of SC
Favorite way to hang out with students: getting coffee at the coffee shops around campus
Seen on page: 12
Western Carolina Campus Staff
Graduated from Wofford College
Favorite way to hang out with students: getting coffee and chatting!
Seen on pages: 13, 14, 26
UofSC Campus Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: Facebook marketplace adventures!
Seen on pages: 11, 12, 20
UofSC Campus Director
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: pick up basketball and dinner at our house.
Seen on pages: 11, 12, 14, 29
UofSC Campus Staff
Graduated from Western Carolina
Favorite way to hang out with students: sitting around our dining room table, eating good food and hanging in my back yard.
Seen on pages: 2, 12, 29