FALL 2022
Jim Pursley
CONTENTS 12 Austin County Fair
40 Jim Pursley
48 Football Moms
8 Mommy Moments 12 AC Poised for Progress 20 Fall Gardening 26 Dangers of Vaping 56 Fall Makeup
PUBLISHER Amy Lieb EDITOR Karen Lopez ASSISTANT EDITOR Cole McNanna WRITERS Roxanne Avery Carrie Ward Amanda Luksha Holly Galvan Posey Nancy Naron Elizabeth Beard Jessica Gordon Steven Jackson PHOTOS/SUBMITTED COPY Getty Images Amanda Luksha Family Features Cole McNanna City of Sealy City of Bellville CONTACT info@austincountyinsider.com 281-731-2999
63 Womanhood in Early Texas 6
Copyright © 2022 by Across The Board Media LLC Austin County Insider. All rights reserved. This publication or any portion there of may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
Exercise while you drive!
I travel a lot for work. When I say a lot, I mean almost every week I am in another part of Texas. I don’t mind the drive, but I am often achy and sore from sitting too long, or I have gained 10 lbs. over a couple of weeks’ time because of inactivity. I have found, over the years, that the only way for me to stay in shape and healthy is to do exercises while driving. In no way do I mean to take your eyes off the road or your hands off the wheel. Here are 5 exercises you can do without harm to yourself or others. As a side note, these are great to do at your desk! Forearm Squeeze: Squeeze the steering wheel in your hand for 1-2 seconds, and release for a second. Repeat 15 times and aim for 2 sets of this activity. Cheek Clinch: Simply clench your glutes for a count of 8 and repeat 8 times. Inner Thigh Squeeze: Simply squeeze your thighs together for a count of 8 and repeat 8 times. Mini Crunches: Sit up straight in your seat. Engage your core and imagine pulling it towards your spine. Tighten your abs as hard as possible, hold for a count of 8, and release. Take a deep breath and crunch again. Repeat 10 times. Shoulder Raises: Without taking either hand off the steering wheel, simply lift your shoulders to your neck, tightening your shoulders and neck muscles as much as possible. Repeat 30 times. Ease tension when you’re done by rolling your neck from side to side to stretch those muscles out.
Keep Calm & Exercise On - Karen Lopez *Exercises courtesy of AlisonsNotebook.com
G N I P M CA H MOMMY T I W S N I S U M O M E N T S CO My kids are boys and my sisters’ kids are boys, we had stress going into this first camping trip together. Five kids and four adults does not sound like a lot but the youngest is two years old and the oldest is 11. With the range of ages, we already knew that we need plenty of snacks, juices, and water but also lots of activities. We decided the lake was the perfect place. Water, sun, and plenty of room to run around and burn off their energy, we were set. One of the most entertaining events was the boys all believing the outdoors was their bathroom and every time we turned around one of them was marking their territory on a tree, a stump, or even a few times just in the middle of the grassy area for the RV neighbors to see. Packing was the least stressful part because honestly, we knew all we really needed was swim clothes, something to sleep in, towels and sunblock. Sunblock was a major necessity because it was sunny and over 95 degrees every day. How do you sleep nine people comfortably into an RV? Easier than I thought it would be. My boys shared the top bunk. We shared the bottom bunk. Younger boys were on the pull-out couch and my sister and her husband had their bed. We brought the boat l and every time the boys were on it, they had an absolute blast. Going fast and jumping over small waves, stopping to fish, and exploring the various types of beaches were their favorite because they got to play.
They built sandcastles, dams and rivers to flow back into the lake. With their life jackets on they jumped into the water and swam around. I would say jump but they would do more cannonballs than anything. They tried to splash me and my sister because we did not want the lake water in our hair. Their facial expressions when they jumped were entertaining. Their faces would go from them getting excited to nervous and unsure and then loving it. This was what we witnessed for about an hour while the adults floated in tubes. We planned our food menu well for the trip. My sister took over the two dinners and I planned breakfast and lunch. The kids were all happy and full of tasty food and not junk food. We had plenty of juices and water to keep them hydrated. We brought a small television to watch outside while they atte, which was a winner with them as well. After so much excitement and running around, it was the best wayy to relax and eat. Family activities are always fun, especially with our own kids who are growing up so fast. Wattch my kids grow up and be around their cousins is a blessing. I was always with my cousins as a kid, and we did the family gettogethers frequently. This first cousin’s trip, where they got to go fishing, boating, swimming, annd camp ping, was a big success. We left Sunday exhausted and ready to be home, but the memories will alwayss be witth us. We are planning more trips together because they don’t stay little for long.
Take a driv i e through Austin Count iv n y and alongside the revit nt i alizat it a ion of historical at homes and buildings you’ll see new resident n ial and commercial construction and nt development n indicat nt a ing a liv at i ely iv l communit ly i y that it a is sup at u port up r ing progress while rt managing growt w h. wt Start r ing at rt a the nort r hern end of the count rt n y, Bellville is exp nt x ecting a potent xp n ial new nt development n of more than 400 homes. On the out nt u side of Bellville, 60 addit ut i ional acres it recent n ly nt l sold indicat a ing the development at n of more homes in the fu nt fut uture. “Bellville is just start r ing to see growt rt w h. To prevent wt n overext nt x ending the cit xt i y’s it infr f astructure, we’re taking steps to provide the ut fr u ilit i ies to sup it u port up r new resident rt n s nt and businesses, including the building of a new wat a er well,” said Bellville Cit at i y it Administrat a or Shaw at a n Jackson. aw Unlike Sealy l ’s recent ly n commercial exp nt x ansion, Jackson said Bellville doesn’t exp xp x ect xp the same infl f ux of manufa fl f cturing comp fa m anies in the fo mp f reseeab a le fu ab fut uture. However, Bellville’s liv i ely iv l downt ly n own squ nt q are cont qu n inues it nt i s run of economic prosperit i y. The it count n y seat nt a is a thriv at i ing comb iv m inat mb a ion of estab at a lished businesses and an at ab a mosphere encouraging new business. Jackson said that a the Bellville Economic Development at n nt Corp r orat rp a ion (EDC) and the Bellville Chamb at m er of Commerce cont mb n inue to sup nt u port up r the rt local economic growt w h and beau wt aut au utifi f cat fi a ion of the cit at i y including the purchase of new it light h s downt ht n own and the renovat nt a ion of sidewalks through a recent at n ly nt l aw a arded grant n . nt Wallis is poised to welcome new resident n s wit nt i h several deals fo it f r large parcels of land in various stages of closing or building ap a proval. In ant n icip nt i at ip a ion of new Wallisit i es, it the EDC is working to provide the resources to at a tract the conv n eniences that nv a people at depend on and exp x ect such as childcare, restau xp a rant au n s and a variety of shops. nt 13
“(The EDC) has fu f nds. We’re ready d to help dy l business owners. We can help lp l wit lp i h grant it n s nt f r paint fo n nting, cleaning, and other renovat a ions,” said Cecilia Allice, the President at n of the nt Wallis EDC. In 2020, the Wallis EDC worked in part r nership rt i wit ip i h Texas A&M Univ it i ersit iv i y Texas it Target Communit i ies Program (TXTC) to develop a vision of Wallis’ fu it fut uture. The Texas A&M program giv i es real-life iv f exp fe x erience to these second-year cit xp i y planning student it n s nt who designed six fu fut uture depictions of Wallis. The EDC chose one rendering based on the colors of the “Coca-Cola Building” off ffi ff ficially l known as the Brandt ly d Building. dt Through ongoing and fu fut uture renovat a ions of the downt at n own strip nt i , the EDC is working to ip bring this vision to realit i y. it Along Wallis’s downt n own strip nt i resident ip n s will soon see a new event nt n space in the “Cocant Cola Building” which has stood emp m ty fo mp f r years. An insurance agency, a commercial emp m anada kit mp i chen fo it f r cat a ering and a barb at r er shop will also move int rb n o this historically nt l ly charming area of Wallis. Allice said the maj a or challenge when recruit aj i ing new businesses to the strip it i is ip parking. When Stat a ate Highway a 36 was exp ay x anded the parking in fr xp f ont n of the buildings nt was lost. The EDC is on it i though. “We’re working on a grant n nt to creat a e parking using an easement at n on 2nd street to nt creat a e two sections of parking. Once 2nd street is done, we’ll try at rry to do the same on 1st street,” Allice said. A wedding venue will soon open off f FM 1093 and a plan fo ff f r townhomes off f Columb ff m us mb Road is being discussed wit iith the cit i y. it 14
“A lot of land has changed hands recent n ly nt l including 900 acres across fr f om Brazos High School,” said Allice. “We’re hoping to welcome new homes and resident n s and are nt working to help l businesses make the downt lp n own strip nt i the destinat ip a ion it at i once was.” Common ground fo f r both Wallis and Sealy l is Allen’s Creek Reserv ly r oir. Aft rv f er more than ft f ur decades of speculat fo a ion as to when the reserv at r oir would be constructed and fi rv f lled, the Cit i y of Houston sold it it i s 70 percent n of it nt i s ownership i to the Brazos Riv ip i er Aut iv u horit ut i y it making way a fo ay f r the init i ial stages of the proj it o ect to fi oj f nally l begin. However, as report ly r ed rt in The Sealy l News, construction is not imminent ly n and won’t begin fo nt f r years due to the f deral permit fe i ting requ it q ired. The reserv qu r oir remains a bright rv h light ht h to many ht n land and ny business owners hoping to see a posit i iv it i e economic and env n ironment nv n al imp nt m act fr mp f om the reserv r oir. rv The Cit i y of Sealy it l is exp ly x eriencing a boom in resident xp n ial and commercial development nt n nt which led to a 120-day a development ay n morat nt a orium passed by the Sealy at l Cit ly i y Council in it August of 2021 and ext x ended fo xt f r an addit i ional 180 day it a s in Decemb ay m er 2021 wit mb i h an it addit i ional 180-day it a ext ay x ension exp xt x ected to pass at xp a the June 7, 2022, Cit i y Council it meeting. The morat a orium is meant at n to preserv nt r e wat rv a er well and sewage ut at u ilit i ies fo it f r current n nt resident n s and tax nt axp ax xpay a ers by addressing wat a er tap at a connection issues while a new $1.8 ap million wat a er well is being constructed in downt at n own Sealy nt l adj ly d acent dj n to the Sealy nt l ly Historical Park. The Ordinance does allow the cit i y to ap it a prove tap a s fo ap f r cert r ain lowrt imp m act development mp n s, which has allowed proj nt o ects to move fo oj f rward wit i hout it u negat ut a iv at i ely l ly aff ffe ff fecting current n resident nt n s and businesses. nt 15
The U.S. demand fo f r housing is ever present n in Sealy nt l and is being met wit ly i h both singleit and mult l i-fa lt f mily fa l development ly n s across town. nt More than 220 new ap a art r ment rt n s hav nt a e been built av l in mult lt l i-fa lt f mily fa l development ly n s including nt The Retreat a , Harv at r est Moon Ap rv A art r ment rt n s and Sealy nt l Oaks Ap ly A art r ment rt n s. Evly nt l n Court ly r rt Condominiums off f Schmidt ff d Road recent dt n ly nt l comp m leted the fi mp f rst of fo f ur-unit i buildings, it which will total 16 unit i s at it a comp m letion. mp Over the past three years, new single-fa f mily fa l development ly n s hav nt a e start av r ed springing up rt u around Sealy l and will sup ly u ply up l more than 1,000 new homes to the area. They include ly Dove Landing and Westward Point n e Sub nt u div ub i ision both off iv f FM 3013, Hunt ff n ers Crossing on nt FM 2187, Riv i erwood Village on Eagle Lake Road, Cane Crossing on FM 3538 and iv Rexv x ille Road, and Bullinger Creek on Sens Road. xv Sealy l ’s ongoing commercial development ly n is creat nt a ing job opport at r unit rt i ies in a variety of it industries. Wit i h the groundb it d reaking of Hendrix Industries on FM 2538 and FM 3013 in db Decemb m er 2021, Sealy mb l became the fu ly fut uture home to Texas’ fi f rst and only l qu ly q art r z rt manufa f cturing plant fa n , which exp nt x ects to emp xp m loy between 130 and 150 skilled workers. mp Stat a e Highway at a 36 cont ay n inues to at nt a tract new businesses wit i h the lat it a est being a fi at fiv ive-unit i it retail shopping cent n er and nat nt a ional retailer Aut at u oZone Aut ut u o Part ut r s. Hailiang Copper rt Texas Inc. is exp x anding it xp i s inv n estment nv n in Sealy nt l by adding a new 500,000 squ ly q are-fo qu f ot fo f cilit fa i y to the 200-acre fo it f rmer BAE Systems fa f cilit i y. it 16
Sealy l ’s downt ly n own cont nt n inues it nt i s revit i alizat it a ion wit at i h remodeled historical buildings now it home to the new Wolfp f ack Bar & Grill, The Twisted Willow’s new locat fp a ion, the new at Sealy l Flower Stat ly a ion and more. Eye-cat at a ching murals are also popping up at u to giv i e new iv life f to Sealy fe l ’s downt ly n own. nt The Cit i y of Sealy it l , wit ly i h sup it u port up r fr rt f om the Rotary r Club ry u of Austin Count ub n y, is installing a nt new fr f isbee golf course at a Jacqu q eline A. Cry qu r an Memorial Park. Soon Sealy ry l will ly welcome RV R ers to the Sealy l RV ly R Park consisting of 40 concrete sit i es sit it i uat it a ed around an at eight h -acre lake. ht Perhap a s the most visib ap i le exp ib x ansion in Sealy xp l is the reconfi ly f gurat fi a ion of all Int at n erstat nt a e 10 at f ont fr n age roads fr nt f om east of FM 3538 to the Brazos Riv i er and the widening of the iv int n erstat nt a e fr at f om two lanes in each direction to three lanes throughout u a 10-mile stretch. ut The proj o ect, which is scheduled to fi oj f nish lat a er this summer or early at l fa ly f ll, will imp m rove mp safe f ty, and fu fe f rt r her promote economic development n locally nt l . ly The signifi f cant fi n progress visib nt i le around the area is truly ib l built ly l on the roots Austin lt Count n y was fo nt f unded on as the home to many n Texas fi ny f rsts including Stephen F. Austin’s fi f rst settlement n , the fi nt f rst English school in Texas, and the fi f rst Texas newspap a er, to name a fe ap f w. In keeping wit i h it it i s history r , Austin Count ry n y cont nt n inues to nt evolve and grow to serv r e it rv i s resident n s. nt
Spring arrived and garden-lovers across the state made their way to nurseries and garden centers to satiate their planting fever. While the long, hot summer may quash many an enthusiast, fall gardens offer a fresh opportunity for splendid surroundings. “Fall is the best time of year for gardening,” said Marian Cates, owner of Bellflower Garden Center in Bellville. “The rapid growth of spring has slowed, and the heat stress has hopefully abated. The roots of the plants can enjoy an opportunity to establish themselves while the moderate daytime temperatures allow for top growth and blooms.” As long as temperatures remain above 40 degrees, plants' roots continue to grow. In much of the state, that provides an extended and advantageous growing season. “For me, a fall garden is an opportunity to use what the year has taught me,” said Cates. “I can approach the project with renewed energy brought about by the first hint of a cool breeze, taking advantage of the chance to express myself with the palette provided by flowers and foliage.”
Cultivate Color and Balance Perennials offer a vast choice for year after year of color and texture, and there are a variety of Texas favorites. The sun-loving plumbago is a fast grower with blue flowers that appear nearly year-round. It’s spreading habit makes it an excellent ground cover. Esperanza can grow to an average of six feet and its trumpet-shaped, bright yellow flowers are a favorite among hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Lantana area easy growers that will quickly fill a space and brighten the garden with tightly clustered blooms, while salvia’s upright spikes add height and color. Have a shady spot that needs a little something? Hostas will thrive in little to moderate sunlight and enhance the space with lush foliage. Bougainvillea love the shorter days of the fall and will bloom heaviest then, packing a huge color punch. Mallow hibiscus will command attention with blooms nearly the size of a dinner plate. The selection is almost endless. Cool weather annuals such as snapdragons, pansies, violas and stock offer fastgrowing color to take your garden through the winter. For structure and evergreen foliage, consider planting shrubs to anchor your landscape. Trees are the perfect selection for fall planting and provide their benefits for generations.
Homegrown Goodness Whether you are on the heels of a successful spring garden or starting from scratch, there’s no reason the coming months can’t provide a bounty of herbs and vegetables. “We are very fortunate, here in Texas, to be able to have a fall garden,” said Texas Master Gardener Pete Smith. “You can start as early as July. You really can create a great one, so make plans now and decide what you want to plant. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service recommends transplants, when possible, rather than seed for fall crops. The larger the transplant, the faster the root system will spread and the sooner the plants will produce. Tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, onions, cauliflower, and many kinds of peppers are good choices, as are root vegetables like beets and turnips. Lettuce and spinach planted in the fall will taste their best when mature. Winter squash planted in the summer will be ready for fall harvest. October is a great month to begin growing parsley and cilantro, and hardy rosemary will thrive, even in sub-par soil if there is good drainage, and it smells amazing. Grow what you enjoy and savor the straight-from-the-garden flavors. Trust the Process As long as what you are planting is suited for where and when you want it to grow, there is no wrong choice. Grow what you like. Gardens are never a one-size-fits-all endeavor. They are a personal journey – a tangible, creative outlet with benefits beyond the aesthetic. Marian Cates says her decades of experience as both a grower and nursery owner have taught her an invaluable lesson. “Because a garden is always changing, you must accept that your work as the gardener is ongoing. Don’t fall into the trap of seeking the perfect state or you run the risk of turning a gratifying activity into an endless job. Will yourself to enjoy all phases of your garden. At the end of the day spent gardening, learn to sit back with a nice full glass of something and toast yourself for a job well done and look forward to the changes that await you with the sunrise.”
Every year in the U.S., more than 480,0 000 people die from tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, making it the leading cause of preventable death in our country. Tragically, each day thousands of kids pick up a tobacco product for the first time. We all know the link between smoking and cardiovascular disease, between smoking and cancer and that nearly every organ in our body is harmed. The sooner you quit, the quicker your body can rebound and repair itself. With 7 of 10 smokers saying they want to quit, it is easy to understand why many turn to vaping, also known as electronic or e-cigarettes which came onto the market in 2007. But research suggests cigarettes and vaping may be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. Initially thought to be less dangerous than traditional smoking, vaping was seen as a way to ease the transition from traditional cigarettes to not smoking at all. But new research shows that is not true.
While e-cigarettes don’t produce tar, they still contain nicotine, a toxic substance and primary agent in regular cigarettes and e-cigarettes that is a highly addictive chemical. Nicotine causes a crave to smoke and withdrawal symptoms if the craving is ignored. It is particularly dangerous to young people because of nicotine's effect on key brain receptors. Clinical studies in laboratory rats have shown that chronic nicotine exposure during adolescence can diminish cognitive functions like reduced attention span and enhanced impulsivity during adulthood. Adolescent rats exposed to nicotine showed altered long-term emotional responses including enhanced anxiety and fear and could result in a depression-like state during adulthood. A study of university students found that e-cigarette use was significantly associated with higher levels of problematic alcohol and illicit substance use and higher likelihood of drug use. E-cigarette use was also significantly associated with poorer self-esteem and greater impulsivity and that those who used e-cigarettes were more likely to have a history of ADHD, PTSD, gambling disorder and anxiety. Nicotine can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, flow of blood to the heart and a narrowing of the arteries (vessels that carry blood). Nicotine may also contribute to the hardening of the arterial walls which in turn can lead to a heart attack.
E-cigarettes heat nicotine (extracted from tobacco), flavorings and other chemicals to create an aerosol that is inhaled. Regular tobacco cigarettes contain 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic. While we don’t know exactly what chemicals are in e-cigarettes, “There’s almost no doubt that vaping exposes you to fewer toxic chemicals than smoking traditional cigarettes,” says Michael Blaha, M.D., M.P.H., Director of clinical research at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease. “People need to understand that e-cigarettes are potentially dangerous to your health,” says Blaha. “Emerging data suggests links to chronic lung disease and asthma, as well as associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking with cardiovascular disease. You’re exposing yourself to all kinds of chemicals that we don’t yet understand and that are probably not safe.” “What’s worse,” says Blaha, “is that many e-cigarette users get even more nicotine than they would from a combustible tobacco product: Users can buy extra-strength cartridges, which have a higher concentration of nicotine, or increase the e-cigarette’s voltage to get a greater hit of the substance.” In February 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported an outbreak of lung injuries and deaths associated with vaping. The CDC confirmed 2,807 cases of e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury (EVALI) and 68 deaths attributed to it. “These cases appear to predominantly affect people who modify their vaping devices or use black market modified e-liquids. This is especially true for vaping products containing THC,” explains Blaha. In 2019 a study was conducted by the Mayo Clinic on 17 patients with vaping-related lung issues. They found that the injuries resembled “exposures to toxic chemical fumes, poisonous gases and toxic agents.” Further, the CDC identified vitamin E acetate as a chemical of concern among people with EVALI. Vitamin E acetate is a thickening agent often used in THC vaping products and was found in all lung fluid samples of EVALI patients examined by the CDC.
A report published in 2018 by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine released a report reviewing 800 different studies showing the inhalation of harmful chemicals can cause irreversible lung damage. A study from the University of North Carolina found that the two primary ingredients found in e-cigarettes—propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin—are toxic to cells and that the more ingredients in an e-liquid, the greater the toxicity. E-cigarettes produce a number of dangerous chemicals including acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde. These aldehydes can cause lung disease, as well as cardiovascular disease. E-cigarettes also contain acrolein, an herbicide primarily used to kill weeds. It can cause acute lung injury and COPD and may cause asthma and lung cancer. Both the U.S. Surgeon General has warned about the risks of inhaling secondhand ecigarette emissions, which are created when an e-cigarette user exhales the chemical cocktail created by e-cigarettes. In 2016, the Surgeon General concluded that secondhand emissions contain, "nicotine; ultrafine particles; flavorings such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to serious lung disease; volatile organic compounds such as benzene, which is found in car exhaust; and heavy metals, such as nickel, tin, and lead."
Among youth, e-cigarettes, especially the disposable kind, are more popular than any traditional tobacco product. According to the 2021 National Youth Tobacco Survey, more than 2 million U.S. middle and high school students reported using e-cigarettes in 2021, with more than 8 in 10 of those youth using flavored e-cigarettes. A CDC report says disposable e-cigarette use has increased 1,000% among high school students and 400% among middle school students since 2019. According to Blaha, there are three reasons e-cigarettes may be particularly enticing to young people. First, many teens believe vaping is less harmful than smoking. Second, e-cigarettes have a lower per-use cost than traditional cigarettes. Finally, youths and adults find the lack of smoke appealing. With no smell, e-cigarettes reduce some of the stigma of smoking. “What I find most concerning about the rise of vaping is that people who would’ve never smoked otherwise, especially youth, are taking up the habit,” says Blaha. “It’s one thing if you convert from cigarette smoking to vaping. It’s quite another thing to start up nicotine use with vaping. And, getting hooked on nicotine often leads to using traditional tobacco products down the road.”
Although they’ve been promoted as an aid to help quit smoking, ecigarettes have not received Food and Drug Administration approval as smoking cessation devices. A recent study found that most people who intended to use e-cigarettes to kick the nicotine habit ended up continuing to use traditional and e-cigarettes. In light of the EVALI outbreak, the CDC advises people who use ecigarettes for smoking cessation to weigh the risks and benefits and first consider the use of other FDA-approved smoking cessation options. The safest, most evidence-based cessation strategy should include a combination of counseling, nicotine replacement therapy and/or cessation drugs like varenicline, approved by the FDA. Talk to your doctor about which smoking cessation program or tool is best for you.
“This last we w ekend I we w nt to the Au A stin County t ty Fair Rodeo. Got to sit in box seats (fo f lding chairs fo on the dirt r next rt x to the arena). So, so much fu xt f n! Truthfu f lly fu l , sort ly r of soul cleansing! rt g Not only g! l saw ly a aw REA E L cowb EA w oy wb o s/cowg wgi wg girls (not “wa w nnabees” like wa m self) my f doing wh f) w at they e loved fo ey f r litt t le prize tt money e . I listened to a local high ey g school fr gh f eshman belt out the National An A them - not one person kneeling -- and all hats uncovered. I heard a pra ray ra aye yer acknowl w edgi wl g ng Jesus Christ! I saw gi a people aw of all colors, couples on a date, an elderly l couple ly holding hands wh w ile maneuvering the crowd w , and wd f milies wi fa w th small kids. I saw a countless aw volunteers wo w rking wi w thout pay ay/ ay y/recogn g ition gn making sure the specta t tors had a gr ta g eat time. Oh m , I left my f a bett ft t er man!” tt It wa w s the end of a perfe f ct day fe a . No ay o truer wo w rds hav a e been spoken than those fr av f om a recent att t endee to the Au tt A stin County t Fair. The sigh ty g ts, sounds, laugh gh g ter, and gh conv n ersation fr nv f om the joy oyo oy yous cro owd w put a smile on many n people’s fa ny f ces and keep them com ming back ye y ar aft f er ye ft y ar. Org rga rg ganized in September of 1927 7 as an association to encoura r ge ra g agr g iculture and gr hort r iculture by rt b the exhibition n of liv i estock and fa iv f rm products, the Bellv l ille lv Community t Fair Association had only ty l fi ly fiv ive directors. Small in number, their vision w s one that created an event that has gr wa g own w into the premier event in Au wn A stin County t and ty d one of the best in Texas. Short r ly rt l aft f er its org ft rga rg ganization, the fa f ir change g d its name to the Au ge A stin County t Fair in ty order to encompass the entire co ounty t in its activ ty i ities. Exhibitions included locally iv l ly g own gr w fr wn f uits and vege g ta ge t bles, liv i estock, handmade art iv r icles, and historic art rt r ifa rt f cts. fa Baseball and fo f otball ga g mes we were also play aye ay yed as part r of the Fair activ rt i ities. iv The Wo W rld Wa W r II era r brough ra g t abou gh ut an import rta rt tant change g in the emphasis of the fa ge f ir: to support r the interest of yo rt y uth in n agr g iculture, liv gr i estock, and home economics. The iv local 4-H and High g School Future Farmers of Am gh A erica Chapters bega g n part ga r icipation rt at this time. Even through g Wo gh W rld Wa War II, the fa f ir wa w s a one-day a event. It now spans ay 10 day a s in October each ye ay y ar.
In n 1957, the number of directors incr reased to 18, and today ay a there are 50 directors, representing the va ty v rious sectors of Au A stin County t . Thes se dedicated men and wo w men are volu unteers and devote many ny n hours duriing the entire ye y ar to ensure the Fair opera ra ly r tes smoothly l and eff ff ly ey ny ffi ficiently l . They e are joined by b many n otthers fr ty f om Au A stin County t wh w o pa art r icipate as members of over tw ty fi tt gi twe wenty t -fi fiv ive committ t ees ra r ngi g ng fr from Ag A Mechanics to the Wi W ne Show. w. w Rec cently ly ta l , the Fair sta t rt r ed a Junior Fair Board to assist in promoting the Fair by rv dw b serv r ing as go g odw dwi will amb bassadors at events and the fa f ir, vo olunteering time and ta t lents on va tt rt v riious committ t ees, and support r ing committ tt t ees and Directors. These indiiv ge rv ividuals age g d 17 to 20 serv r e tw two woye ra y ar terms and are encoura r ge g d to bring ideas and a yo fu y uthfu f l pers spectiv iv ty i e to the Au A stin County t Fair Board of Directors. One of the most popular events of the Fair is the PRC CA-sanctioned rodeo held on CA Thursday a , Friday ay a , and Saturday ay a nigh ay g ts. These bega gh g n in ga n 1971 and are held at the Ko K ert r h rt A ena adj Ar d acent to the Fair Grounds. Championship cow dj wboy wb o s and cowg wgi wg girls part r icipate in rt events such as breaka kaw ka awa way ay roping, g steer wr g, w es stling and bull riding. g g. In addition to the profe f ssional cowb fe w oy wb o s and cowg wgi wg girls, other events are held fo f r Au A stin County t residents to showc ty w ase their rodeo skills. On th wc he fi f nal Saturday a , there is a Calf ay Scra r mble event wh ra w ere Au A stin County t yo ty y uth can catch a calf and use the premium aw awa ward to purchase a heife f r and bring it back to the Fair fo fe f r show the next x ye xt y ar. Recent improvements to the arena by b the Rodeo Committ t ee kee tt ep the fa f cilities safe f and modern. fe In 1972, the fi f rst Nashv h ille entert hv rta rt tainment wa w s brough ght to the fa gh f irg rgr rg grounds and Dav a id av Houston and Wa W nda Jackson perfo f rmed in the rodeo arena to a sta fo t nding-room-only ta l ly crowd w . The addition of the C.W. Bra wd r ndes Entert ra rta rt tainmentt Center allowe w d the Fair to bring we in more musical acts and many n sta ny t rs hav ta a e gr av gra raced the e sta t ge ta g . Ar Art rtists including Gart r h rt Brooks, Ke K nny n Chesney ny e , Brooks and Dunn, The Charliie Daniels Band, and top ta ey t lent f om the Texas country fr r music scene hav ry a e entert av rta rt tained th housands over the past 50 ye y ars. The announcement of entert rta rt tainment fo f r the 2022 Fair wi will ta t ke place at the Shrimp Boil held on July l 22, 2022. ly
The Au A stin County t Fair Pa ty Para r de is another maj a or event each ye aj y ar. Held on the second Thursday a in October, local high ay g school and junior high gh g bands perfo gh f rm along wi fo w th beautifu f lly fu l decora ly r ted fl ra f oa ats fr f om local businesses and org rga rg ganizations that tra rav ra avel fr f om the Au A stin County t Court ty r house to the Fair Grounds. The streets are lined wi rt w th multig nera ge r tional specta ra t tors wh ta who likely l part ly r icipated in the para rt r de and are now wa ra w tching their children and gr gra randch hildren part r icipate. Aw rt Awa wards are gi giv iven to the best entries and they e are coveted through ey g ou gh ut the ye y ar. Af Aft fter the para r de, the carniv ra iva iv val entert rta rt tains those of all age g s. ge The yo y uth of Au A stin County t can part ty r icipate in the Fair by rt b entering one of the liv i estock or iv home economics div i isions iv s. The part r icipants are required to meet minimum eligi rt g bility gi t ty requirements by b att t endin tt ng meetings g , keeping record books, and ra gs r ising their animal under cert rta rt tain gu g idelines.. The exhibits are judge g d by ge b experienced profe f ssionals and fe awa aw ward ds are gi giv iven fo f r placing in each contest. The Championship Driv ive Show provides special needs yo iv y uth in Au A stin County t the ty opport r unity rt t to part ty r icipate fi rt f rst-hand, in a liv i estock show experience. Each exhibitor is iv assign g ed a “buddy gn d ” to assiist in the show ring. dy g Buddies are 4-H and FFA g. F members fr FA f om the Au A stin County t scho ty ools that assist exhibitors wi w th exhibition of the liv i estock iv proj o ects. This gi oj giv ives both th he exhibitors and Buddies a gr g eat experience in sharing time in eventts that they e may ey a not usually ay l part ly r icipate in. rt On the fi f nal Friday a of the Fair, the Yo ay Y uth Au A ction Sale is held fo f r those qualify fyi fy ying wi w th their liv i estock exhibits.. The Country iv r Au ry A ction is held on the fi f nal Saturday a wh ay w ich includes items fr f om the Ho ome Economics exhibits. The 2021 Yo Y uth Au A ction set a record w th $2,3556,802.04 in salles and add-ons, along wi wi w th another $196,000 ra r ised fo f r the scholarship and Junior r Fair Board activ i ities. The support iv r of the Au rt A stin County t ty community t is unmatched ty d in making the Yo Y uth Au A ction one of the best in the Sta t te of ta Texas.
A other level of support An r the Fair provides is aw rt awa wardin ng educational scholarships to gra gr raduating high g school seniors in Au gh A stin County t . The 2022 recipients fr ty f om Bellv l ille, lv Bra r zos, and Sealy ra l High ly g Schools along wi gh w th Faith Ac A adem my wi my w ll receiv i e a record $87,000, iv including our Qu Q een scholarships. The scholarship pro ogr gra ram sta t rt ta r ed in 1991 and since then, the Fair has aw awa warded almost $982,000. As the sch holarships hav a e expanded, so has av their import rta rt tance in the mission of the Au A stin County t Fair. Today ty a , every ay ryt ry ything we w do is measured aga g inst the av ga ava vailability t of fu ty f nds fo f r th he scholarship progr gra gr ram. W thout the support Wi r of the Au rt A stin County t community ty t , th ty he Fair wo w uld not exist as it does today a . The Fair sta ay t nds out as the most prominent eve ta ent in Au A stin County t and many ty n ny g nera ge r tions of Au ra A stin County t residents att ty t end each ye tt year. Gra r ndparents that once ra part r icipated now wa rt w tch their gr gra randkids' show and assist as they e can in the Yo ey Y uth A ction and other events. Many Au n outside events such as class reunions are scheduled ny during the same time, as the att t endees all meet at the Fair and reliv tt i e their past iv experiences. As the Au A stin County t Fair celebra ty r tes its 95th An ra A niv i ersa iv ary r , we w look back at our history r ry and the history r of Au ry A stin County t and we ty w are honored to hav a e been such a vita av t l part ta r of rt the community t . As we ty w look fo f rw rwa ward to the fu f ture, we w are excited to continue to be the preeminent agr g icultura gr r l education, community ra t ga ty g ther ring, g and entert g, rta rt tainment fa f cility t ty f r Au fo A stin County t . Join us and sta ty t rt ta r yo y ur ow wn piece of history wn r . ry
An advertisement in the local newspaper looking for a salesperson resulted in a lifetime career for Jim Pursley and earned him the affection and respect of the town. Pursley was hired at Cliff Jones Inc. in August of 1999. After seeing a help wanted ad in The Sealy News, he applied for the RV and trailer position. “I’m not from Sealy, but I feel like I am from here, we’ve lived here since 1999 and this is where we have grown our family,” Pursley said. The Pursleys have four children: Devin, Victoria, Madison and Mallory - as well as one grandson, Bennett. “The experience of living in Sealy/Austin County has been great. It is amazing to me how the community comes together for families that are in need. Just like when my grandson was diagnosed with Leukemia,” he said. Under Pursley’s direction, Cliff Jones expanded to three locations in Sealy, Katy, and Houston. The Katy and Houston locations are no longer open. In 2014 Jones decided he wanted to retire and entered into a buy-sell agreement with Pursley. After accepting the opportunity to return to Cliff Jones as a Managing Partner in 2014, Jones gave Pursley control over the dealership January 1, 2015. The dealership was able to bring Pursley’s goal of becoming the No. 1 Mahindra location in North America to fruition, becoming a Texas Top 35 RV Dealer and Platinum Level Cherokee Dealer. Pursley did not plan on being a business owner but became one through a passion for RVs and tractors. “My favorite type of RV is a fifth wheel, due to the fact of the ease of towing. My favorite tractor is a Mahindra 4540/4550 because it’s a traditional gear-driven tractor with no bells and whistles,” he said. When it comes to the experience of going from employee to owner of Cliff Jones, Pursley said it’s been a big change, but a great change. 41
“If I said the stress level is not there, I’d be telling you a story. 90% of the time, I pretend, in my mind, I just work here, so I can sleep at night. Most people have a big myth that owning a business is easy, but in all reality, that is not the case. I have a bigger responsibility, and 26 families that depend on our business and our success," Pursley said. There is more to owning a business than meets the eye. “For people that think it’s great to be your own boss and to own a business, that is so far from the truth,” he said. “You still have customers to report to, you still have banks to report to, manufacturers to report to, and the list goes on.” Pursley offered the following advice for someone who wishes to own their own business. “Don’t forget who your customer is, and always put yourself in the customer's shoes. View everything from the way the customer would see it, not the way the personnel would see it,” he said. Up early and on to the office. For Pursley, his work-days begin at 5:00 a.m. “The first thing I do is look at emails and new reviews of our business. I’m usually in the office at 7:00 a.m. We have a sales meeting at 8:15. Consistently throughout the day, the management team interacts with each other.” Pursley said. “I leave the dealership at 6:00 p.m. or until the last customer is served. The best part of my day is when I get to personally talk to a customer about purchasing a new RV or tractor.” Pursley is a hands-on business owner and always available to his employees. “We have an open-door policy at the dealership and I welcome any employee in my office, at any time, unless my door is shut,” Pursley explained. Pursley and his family are members of the Life Bridge Community Church in Sealy and involved in various charitable organizations in the community.
“We are involved in the Sealy Christian Food Pantry. We donate the use of the equipment and monetary to the Sealy Community Foundation. We participate in Boo Bash. We are involved in the Austin County Fair and the Austin County Tractor Tech Competition at Brazos ISD. We are also a big supporter to the Colorado County Fair,” he said. The Sealy News runs a Sports page sponsored by Pursley and the Tiger of the Week. “We sponsor the Kid’s Corner in The Sealy News. We are members of the Sealy and Bellville Chamber of Commerce and sponsor many activities at the schools throughout Austin County. Also, we sponsor the Cliff Jones Mahindra Barrel Train that you will see at many local events,” Pursley said. When it comes to why Pursley is so involved with the local community, he has one simple belief. “I am a firm believer that if we support our community and support the families in our community, the families in our community will support our business,” he said. Pusley said that what he loves about living in Sealy the most is the small-town atmosphere and families helping families. “At this point in time, Renee and I never see ourselves living outside of Austin County. We, and our business, are tied to the Austin County community and have no plans of leaving,” he said. The definition of success, according to Pursley: “In my mind, having our employees be successful in their business and their personal life,” he said. “If we help them succeed, I know 100% for sure that I will continue to succeed as well.” When asked if he felt like he had succeeded in life, Pursley said no. “I don’t feel like I have succeeded in life because I should be pushing harder for other locations and other market areas,” he said. Pursley has no retirement plans thus far. “I’m hopeful that it (the business) will stay in the family but open to selling it to an employee, just the way I bought it from (Jones),” Pusley said. In his free time, he enjoys working on his property in Cat Spring. “In closing-remember to stay humble and kind and never forget where you came from,” he said.
Poison Prevention Tips Poisons are all around us, and notably in our homes. The Health Resources and Services Administration says that more than 90 percent of poisonings happen at home with many occurring in the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. The American Association of Poison Control Centers reports that the 55 poison control centers across the United States receive millions of calls every year. Many interactions with poisons can be avoided by implementing smart poison control strategies at home. Choose products with child safety caps The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports nine out of 10 poisoning incidents involving children occur in the home. In 2019, approximately 67,500 children under the age of five ended up in emergency rooms due to unintended poisoning. Parents can protect children by keeping medicines in their original child-safe containers. When buying cleansers, cleaners and detergents, choose products that have strong child-safety lids and seals. Up and away Store cleaning products and cosmetics up high or behind locked cabinet doors. Simply having them out of sight and out of mind can prevent interaction. Use original containers It's tempting to transfer certain cleaning products or chemicals to other bottles or jars for ease of use, but this can be dangerous. People in the home may mistakenly ingest something if it is transferred to a beverage container or something typically used for food storage. Plus, should ingestion occur, you will no longer have the safety label in place. That means you won't have immediate access to safety protocols that can save lives. Avoid sharing meds Never share prescription medicines with other people. Poisoning can occur because medicines are prescribed based on weight and other physical factors. One individual can be seriously impaired by a medication even if it's safe for another person. In addition, drugs can interact with other medicines, including over-the-counter products, further increasing the risk for accidents. Monitor children Supervise children when using any products, as they can be dangerous if not used correctly. These include art supplies, cleaning supplies and even hand sanitizers and soaps. Handle foods properly Foods must be properly stored at the correct temperature and cooked to a safe level. Always wash fresh fruits and vegetables with running water. Never use commercial cleaning products on foods or food packaging. Always wash hands and counters before preparing food. Promptly refrigerate or freeze foods if they will be saved as leftovers, as bacteria can grow quickly at room temperature. Keep the poison hotline number nearby Program the National Poison Help Line number into your cell phone and post it near the landline phone. It is 1-800-222-1222. Promptly call in a poisoning situation for assistance. Poison prevention is an important lesson to review at home and discuss with all household members to avoid potentially fatal injuries.
By Jessica Gordon 48
The boys of fall will take to the field soon. The infamous two-a-days will be starting, followed by Midnight Madness, and then we can all let out a whoop because the greatest season of all will kick off under one of the most beautiful sights in Texas…: Friday Night Lights. This will bring the sound of the band playing the fight song and the cheer squad leading the rally cry. It also brings our article about football moms. Quick disclaimer here that I love me some football moms. To be very honest, I am a football mom (rather was, but now I cheer for my friends’ sons with the same zeal). Many of my great friends are football moms. We all know we are crazy. As in capital C crazy, but we laugh at ourselves because we all know not to take ourselves too seriously. There are several types of football moms and you’ll find them (or identify yourself as one of them) in every stadium, along every sideline, from flag football to the NFL…… Shake It Off Mom- This is the mom who understands football is a physical sport and she is in it to win it. A nod to previous generations when a concussion was given the attention of a hangnail, Shake It Off Mom is literally yelling, “Shake it off!” and encouraging the coach to keep the first string in the game no matter what because we have a game to win. (I am going to own this now before my friends see this article. It’s me, I’m Shake It Off Mom.) Bubble Wrap Mom- Bless her worried little heart, this momma doesn’t understand why we can’t just play flag football all the way through high school. She covers her eyes when her player is on the field because she can’t bear to watch the hits and has a concussion eval protocol after every game, even if her guy rode the bench the entire game. Shake It Off Mom fantasizes about tackling Bubble Wrap Mom just to prove to her that you can get tackled and survive to talk about it.
Deafening Mom- Word of advice, don’t sit too close to this mom. Deafening Mom is going to yell at the offense, the defense, the referees, the players, the coaches, and most likely the other team. She’ll call the false start loud enough for the people in the parking lot to hear and before the ref can even throw the flag. She brings her cowbell and sometimes an air horn and will loudly celebrate every touchdown, field goal, and extra point. You have to admire her spirit. Kodak Mom- Kodak Mom literally watches the entire game through her camera lens. Make friends with this woman. You will thank yourself for taking the time to get to know her because let’s face it, your iPhone does not do well with action or long-range pictures. Her camera can zoom to the point that she can tell if the ref has his shoes double tied or not. She may not know how many yards it takes to get the first down, but she gets the best shots, and every team is lucky to have their Kodak Mom. Runway Mom- Runway Mom doesn’t realize that we ONLY wear team colors to football games. Your kid plays for a team with purple and gold jerseys? Guess who has an entire row of purple and gold shirts even though she looks washed out and pale in purple? That’s just the unwritten rule. Football mom uniform is something from the local spirit wear store and a messy bun or ponytail. Runway Mom shows up in blouses, sometimes heels, nails freshly done, and ready for a photo shoot. Once ours even showed up in leather pants. Kodak Mom keeps Runway Mom out of all photos because she’s an embarrassment to our team. Blabbermouth Mom- Unless you want to be the one she is blabbing about at the next game, just avoid Blabbermouth Mom. She thinks she knows everything and doesn’t mind telling what she heard, even if she hasn’t verified it to be true. Sometimes she can be harmless and is sharing school updates or practice schedule changes, but it isn’t worth the trouble of being the next topic of discussion to use her as your info source. Don’t be a Blabbermouth Mom.
Multi-Task Mom- Usually the mom who spends most of her fall in the bleachers at a football game, then drive-thru line for dinner before heading to the stands at the stadium. Multi-Task Mom relies on technology to keep up with life during timeouts and halftime. She sends work emails, schedules three appointments from the sidelines, and orders flowers for her mother-in-law’s birthday - all from her phone. Multi-Task Mom tends to make some of us question if we do enough and once you’ve seen how efficient she is, it’s hard not to get down on yourself for living out of a laundry basket for two weeks. She’s great though and will be quick to take on organizing the team dinner (from her phone of course), without batting an eye, so we all embrace her. Verizon Mom- This is the mom too busy scrolling her social media and responding to texts on her phone to even notice that her kid just sacked the other team’s quarterback. She isn’t legit busy like Multi-Task Mom, she’s just absorbed in her online life and doesn’t know how to be present for her kid. She also texts and drives. She does manage to pull off the team colors and knows how many points a field goal is worth, but you’d be doing her a favor if you accidentally knocked her phone out of her hand. Friends don’t let friends be the Verizon Mom.
F-Bomb Mom- She’s my people, okay she is me. Known for muttering, “WTF” after the offensive line fails to block, she wears a shirt repping the team colors, but it may have dog hair on it from being tossed on the floor where it’s been laying since the community pep rally the night before. The entire family is getting dinner handed to them through a restaurant window because she knows during football season the four food groups are Whataburger, Chik-Fil-A, Dairy Queen, and Sonic. But, no one goes to bed hungry and she knows concession stand RingPops don’t count for dinner for little sisters. F-Bomb Mom will gladly give your kid a ride home from practice and won’t judge you for having mom juice in your Yeti cup (assuming you aren’t driving) because she knows how it is.
Football moms are our own breed. We sit under ruthless, scorching sun in August and shiver under a misting, sleeting rain in November. We have been known to yell, “Hit somebody!” from the stands, but with the next breath find ourselves praying for a player we will never meet as a player on the opposing team is taken off the field hopping on one leg, supported by two coaches. We love our boys of fall and even though the drives are long, the season is short. There’s no better place to be, but under the Friday Night Lights.
Are you looking to add some new products to your makeup bag this fall? Here are some makeup products that will be perfect for Fall 2022. While they vary in price, these products are well worth the cost or can be found for a steal. They can be purchased from your local drug store, Ulta or Sephora.
Tarte's Shape Tape Concealer The concealer is advertised to last for up to 16 hours and provides full coverage look. In reviews, it has been mentioned that the Shape Tape Concealer delivers excellent coverage and is a foundation that is a staple in many makeup bags. Additionally, customers rave about this creaseproof, non-cakey concealer that doesn't cake or settle over time. This product is considered worth the cost of $30 a tube. 56
Estée Lauder's Double Wear Stay-in-Place Foundation There are 56 shades of the Double Wear Stay-in-Place Foundation available to suit various skin tones. This foundation has a matte finish with medium coverage that can be built up to full coverage. With this foundation, you will find that it feels lightweight and blends seamlessly with your skin tone.
e.l.f. Cosmetics Camo CC Cream The Camo CC Cream from e.l.f. Cosmetics has medium-to-full coverage and a color-correcting formula. The cream gives a full-coverage look that looks natural on the skin but also can be built up for fuller coverage. In addition, it also comes in a range of skin tones and has an SPF of 30. .
Benefit Cosmetics's BADgal BANG! Volumizing Mascara When you use this waterproof mascara, you will notice the difference in the length and fullness of your eyelashes. I have found the BADgal BANG! Volumizing Mascara to be very long-lasting. Based on a wide variety of online reviews, it appears that others agree as this mascara is highly rated.
Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner In my opinion, this is the best eyeliner I have ever tried. The Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner is perfect for everyday makeup looks as well as special evening occasions. The shade "Jet Black" is what I use and I find that it does not smudge.
Too Faced Born This Way The Natural Nudes Eye Shadow Palette This eyeshadow palette features 16 shades that feature a great range from fall and winter looks. This is a vibrant and versatile palette for a range of skin tones. Paired with an eyeshadow primer, these colors will last all day. The shadows are highly pigmented and easy to blend and build colors. I would highly recommend adding this palette to your fall makeup bag.
FENTY BEAUTY by Rihanna Stunna Lip Paint Longwear Fluid Lip Color Everyone knows that FENTY BEAUTY products are worth the price tag and this lipstick is the same. My favorite thing about this product is the overall pigment and longevity of the lipstick. Online reviewers give this lipstick high marks for staying on all day, not flaking or drying the lips and raving about the colors. So if you are looking for that perfect red lipstick, give this lipstick a try!
KISS Felt Tip Glue Liner Lash Adhesive It is not unusual for me to wear false eyelashes all the time. Every time a new lash glues hit the market, I always try it out for myself. The moment I tried this lash glue and eyeliner combination, I absolutely fell in love with it. This eyeliner is quick and convenient to use for those who wear eyelashes. I have found the glue in the eyeliner actually to be quite strong and makes my eyelashes stick well.
ColourPop Super Shock Cheek If you are looking for a fantastic highlighter for under $10, look no further than the Super Shock Cheek from ColourPop. This highlighter comes in six different shades and this highlighter goes on smooth and is buildable. A little can go a long way with this product. You can't beat this price.
Urban Decay Cosmetics All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray After creating a makeup look, the final step is to set it with a setting spray to ensure it lasts as long as possible. For a longlasting makeup look that lasts up to 16 hours, apply All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray to foundation, concealer, face makeup and eye makeup. I have found that this setting spray does not cause my skin to break out and it does aid in extending the life of my foundation, giving it a soft, dewy appearance. This is the best setting spray I have ever used.
Insufficient time to exercise often is the biggest obstacle for individuals looking to get in shape. There is no denying that life is busy, but it's not impossible to find time to exercise, particularly when people engage in high intensity interval training, or H.I.I.T. H.I.I.T. incorporates effective movements in a 30-minute exercise routine. The American College of Sports Medicine says that H.I.I.T. has commanded a top spot on popular fitness trends lists since 2014. H.I.I.T. combines resistance training with aerobic exercises to produce a complete workout. How does H.I.I.T. work? The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says H.I.I.T. is a rigorous workout of interval training. It features several rounds that alternate between high-intensity movements followed by shorter periods of lower-intensity exercises. This format enables the workout to increase the heart rate to at least 80 percent of a person's maximum. H.I.I.T. programs are based on interval training first introduced in the 1950s to improve performance of elite Olympic athletes. Examples of H.I.I.T. workouts A person can use H.I.I.T. with any type of cardiovascular workout, whether stair climbing, rowing, running, or jumping rope. Higher intensity portions include working harder than one is used to for spurts of 30 seconds to three minutes, according to WebMD. The times of rest aren't completely rest, just lower intensity. The progress of the workout alternates accordingly. Most people quickly increase their heart rates and work up a sweat, which helps them lose weight and boost metabolism. The post-workout bonus includes burning calories for roughly two hours following an H.I.I.T. regimen. Different types of H.I.I.T. There are two different types of H.I.I.T. Regular H.I.I.T. is recommended for the general public or average gym user. There also is a more intense version, called S.I.T, which stands for Sprint Interval Training. S.I.T is especially intense, so it should only be performed by people who are already well-conditioned, according to Nuffield Health. Who can benefit from H.I.I.T.? Just about anyone medically cleared can utilize H.I.I.T. Since it is vigorous aerobic exercise, individuals must assess their physical condition and health before beginning. The main reason to use H.I.I.T. is to enjoy a timeefficient workout and vary the pace to stay engaged. H.I.I.T. can be done at home or at the gym. In fact, many gyms have specialized H.I.I.T. classes in their group class offerings. H.I.I.T. has become a popular way to get in shape by packing high-intensity movements into a short period of time.
m W oom Wo Womanhood maaannnhhhoooooodd iinn E Eaaarrrlllyy T Teeexxxaaass Early Texas
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What exactly were the lives of women like in the early days of Austin County? It depended a great deal upon the woman’s socioeconomic class and her marital status, and it also depended upon the exact period of time and the level of duress experienced at that time. During the 1800s and early 1900s, books and magazine articles directed toward women clearly instructed women to behave in a traditional feminine manner. A book found in the 1893 Sealy home of Presley Ward Hahn titled “The Perfect Woman,” copyrighted in 1903, states “Woman’s labors and successes, in the various fields and affairs of life, are calling daily for more and more attention. While we admire her in her new role, with her efforts toward success in society, literature, science, politics, and the arts, we must not lose sight of her most divine and sublime mission in life – womanhood and motherhood.” Interestingly, this book was written by Mary R. Melendy, M.D., Ph.D. in 1903, when only four percent of medical doctors were women. In another chapter, Melendy offers “To be a wife in the truest and highest sense of the word is to be the best thing beneath the skies. A woman is to be estimated by the real goodness of her heart, greatness of her soul and the purity and sweetness of her character.” There were a great number of women in our early days who did not have the luxury of focusing so completely on the roles of mother and wife, and many could not always behave with sweetness of character. Oftentimes, women could be found working in fields beside the menfolk, working in businesses serving customers, managing boarding houses, working in newspaper offices, or serving as nurses and teachers. In addition to the traditional responsibilities of caring for the young, the sick and the elderly, cooking, and tending houses and gardens, women often managed the threads that formed the fabric of social life. Women brought culture, education and fun to the sometimes difficult days when this area was first settled. Women were often the organizers of church socials, reading clubs, and dramatic performances in schools and opera houses. Austin County has the distinct honor of claiming the first piano brought to Texas, transported from Germany by a woman named Rosa Kleberg who settled in Cat Spring in 1834. 64
And there were women who used guns to fight Indians and Santa Anna’s army. Most of the people who evacuated Texas during the Runaway Scrape in 1836 were women and children, as most of the men were with Houston’s army. The women gathered livestock and household items and left quickly, in wagons when available, and on foot when necessary. Stephen F. Sparks, a soldier in the Texian Army, told of a woman he encountered during the Runaway Scrape in 1836. Sparks witnessed her taking her children and the family’s cattle east on foot, where she crossed the muddy Brazos River, and then spent much of the night behind stacked bales of cotton, along with the soldiers, holding a gun and prepared to fight Santa Anna’s army. While she was hunkered behind a barricade on the east side of the Brazos River, another woman, Celia Allen, was on the west side of the Brazos. Celia Allen was born a slave and brought to San Felipe in 1830 by her owner, John M. Allen, and his partner Laughlin McLaughlin. Shortly after arriving in San Felipe, John M. Allen chose to grant Celia her freedom after ending his partnership with McLaughlin. Due to McLaughlin’s insistence that Celia Allen belonged to him, legal representation by William B. Travis was required to secure her freedom. When Santa Anna marched into San Felipe, Celia had not yet made it across the Brazos River. The brick bake oven Celia had operated since her arrival was used to secure Santa Anna’s cannons that were fired across the Brazos River. Allen family lore asserts that Celia and her children, Ann, George, and Sam, met Santa Anna when he occupied San Felipe. Societal expectations and gender roles were certainly important in the early days of Austin County. However, in times of great stress, either due to financial circumstances, devastating weather, or when literally fighting for survival, women and men pooled their resources and did whatever was demanded of them in order to thrive in a new land.