e ts
WAVES August 2022
E ntertainment M agazine priceless
Visit Our Award-Winning Restaurant Section P. 34-50
2 W av e s M a g a z i n e | J u ly 2 0 2 2
ountr e
oin The irst AT ountr lu in the State o Te as
hallenging Tennis
Hole ourse
ars ining avilion
Galveston ountr lu Ste art oa Galveston T
w w w. ga l ve s t o n c o u n t r ycl u b . c o m www.wavesgalveston.com
W av e s M a g a z i n e | J u ly 2 0 2 2 3
al est a ati
B ea
s amil e tal
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Free Activities Included *call for details
409-740-1245 4
Waves Magazine | August 2022
ade In
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
August 2022
e ts
August 2022
E ntertainment M agazine priceless
Welcoming Artists • Engaging Audiences • Celebrating History
Fiddler on the Roof
Yamato — The Drummers of Japan
The Midtown Men
In the heart of Galveston's Downtown Cultural
Renée Elise Goldsberry
THEGRAND.COM 409.765.1894
Arts District
Single tickets to ALL performances in the 22-23 season on sale Aug 15!
Visit Our Award-Winning Restaurant Section P. 34-50
READY TO ADVERTISE? 409-789-1160 P. 55
S ee
P.15 for details
D iana’s Bartique & D istrict R ags Clothing brand will hold an exclusive VIP SIP & SHOP EVENT Explore Historic Galveston • Rent a stylish replica Model-T • Drive back to a much simpler place in time
with Thomas Waggoner Page 24
• Rental for a special occasion or wedding • Romantic date night • Carts for sale
Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart.
Visit our home location! 2127 Broadway, Galveston
Waves Magazine | August 2022
a es a a ine s u lis e n l
Waves Magazine | Mike Burke P.O. Box 3343 | Galveston , TX 77552 P: 409-78 9-1 1 6 0
u lis e i Sales i e Mike Burke mburke@ wavesgalveston.com 409-78 9-1 1 6 0 is i u i n e as e Tiffany Bergeron tbergeron@ wavesgalveston.com e u i e C ea i e i e Christopher Bergeron cbergeron@ wavesgalveston.com C n i u s R ichard Henderson, D .V.M. J.A. Bunny Jan & D ean Billy Powell Patrick Lemire Max Conner Tom Valliere Charlie Bresenhan Paul Hager Bob R ohan John Valastro K athy Valastro Holly R oss D r. Tara Wegryn J. Chumley Photography Thomas Waggoner Z ach Tate Lynda Watson Shaye Henderson James Clark Christy Monroe
HAPPY AUGUST 2022, WAVERS! he only thing hotter than the weather is the August issue of Waves Magazine. Our writers and contributors have outdone themselves once again.
This issue is absolutely loaded with information and fun things to see and do in Galveston. We said from the beginning almost five years ago that Waves was going to be primarily an entertainment publication. I can’t thank our writers and contributors enough for the fine ob they do each and every month! You asked for it and you got it. The date has been set. Our next a es S ial a is s e ule e nes a u us in us a
wn a e n l a e a S ewa a e will e a in For the hundreds that attended our last Waves Social Party, you know what a fun time this is. There will be plenty of free parking available. Once again, the super talented Christopher Bergeron and his band Stranded will be performing. ome meet the aves team and be prepared to have a terrific time.
s alwa s C See u a i wn a e n n u us
SOCIAL E ENT Full Bar | Food Served | LIVE Entertainment D oor Prizes | Vendors, Advertisers, General Public W E L C O M E ! Join the Waves team to get an inside look at the publication. Meet the owner, staff, contributors, and advertisors. Great opportunity to mix with the best in the industry, party and have FU N!
n e we WavesGalveston.com Facebook / WavesGalveston Subscriptions Available Waves Magazine P.O. Box 3343 | Galveston , TX 77552 P: 409-78 9-1 1 6 0
Welcoming Artists • Engaging Audiences • Celebrating History
Waves Magazine is produced monthly. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
Waves Magazine | August 2022
M i k e Bu rk e | P u bl i s h er
Fiddler on the Roof
Midtown Tavern - 58 06 Stewart R oad
he Las er nn al eston s Weddin
remier Lu ury ent enue
he Las er
eaturin the all inclusi e weddin wee end pac a e! his eautifully restored c estate with sq ft includes stunnin parlors ama in ar ele ant chapel and or eous rounds! solute
le ance
eser e enue a nificent!
We will ma e your day all you dreamed it would e i e tar th treet
al eston
atin e as
Weddin Wire 55
d isor www las erinn com Waves Magazine | August 2022
ET Corner
Galveston’s Wildlife: The Fab Five
s la n d v is ito r s ar e f or t unat e t o enj oy s om e un i q u e a n i m a l s ig h tin g s n o t av ai l abl e aw ay f r om t he gul f . Ga l ve sto n i s a n u r b a n c e n te r s ur r ounded by a t hr i v i ng c oas t al e co syste m . I
c h o s e fr o m th e m any s pec i es of c r eat ur es one m a y e n co u n te r to n a me my fa v o r i t e f i v e s pec i es of ani m al s t o be o n th e lo o k o u t fo r wh e n out on t he w at er w ay s . T h e e a s ie s t o f the f i v e t o s ee i s t he
el i a n. On m o st
d a y s wh e n c r o s si ng t he c aus ew ay ont o t he i s l and , g r o u p s o f p e lic a n s will b e s oar i ng i n V f or m at i ons . T hey l o o k e ffo r tl e ss ta k in g a d v a n ta g e of t he t her m al s i n t he heat of th e d a y. Th e se ma g n ific e n t b ir d s w er e i n danger of ex t i nc t i on i n th e 1 9 6 0 s a n d 1 9 7 0 s d u e the har m f ul eff ec t s of t he i ns ec t i ci d e D D T. F o r tu n a te ly, D D T w as banned i n t he U S and bi r ds si n ce h a ve ma d e a tr e me n d ous c om ebac k . T hes e bi r ds c an b e o b se r ve d d iv in g fo r th e ir m eal s s om et i m es f r om as hi gh as 6 5 fe e t. Afte r a s u c c e s s fu l c a tc h s eagul l s w i l l t r y t o s t eal t he fi sh r i g h t o u t o f th e ir mo u th s . We hav e a heal t hy popul at i on numb e r i n g i n th e th o u s a n d s a r o u n d G al v es t on, s o t hey ar e eas y to sp o t. Th e
sea e S
n ill i s a r e si d e n t o f o ur marshes on the
b a y si d e o f th e i sl a n d . Th e y a r e so m e ti m es referred to as Ga l ve sto n fl a m i n g o s a l th o u g h th e y a r e a n unrelated species. Th e sp o o n b i l l ’s b r i g h t p i n k co l o r s a r e a ssociated with su b sta n ce s i n th e sh r i m p a n d cr u sta ce a n s in their diets. If fe d a n a r ti fi ci a l d i e t, th e y e ve n tu a l l y w i l l turn white. To spot a r o se a te , d r i ve o n th e b a ck r o a d s a r o u n d marshes or the sta te p a r k a n d yo u w i l l fi n d th e se b i r d s w ading, using their sp o o n b e a ks to g r a b fo o d o ff th e sa n d i n shallow waters.
Waves Magazine | August
b a i ts i n cl u d e l i ve sh r i m p , fi n g e r mullet and crab. If yo u a r e l u cky e n o u g h to h o o k- up with one of these g u ys th e b a ttl e w i l l b e o n . Fi sh will appreciate you fo r ca tch a n d r e l e a se . Fi n a l l y, th e
la n i
le n s e
in i s
Ga l ve sto n ’s m o st fa m o u s m a m mal species. Social g r o u p s o r p o d s o f d o l p h i n s m a ke their year-round h o m e a r o u n d Ga l ve sto n a n d th e adjacent ship ch a n n e l s. To ch e ck o u t th e se marine mammals a si g h tse e i n g b o a t e xcu r si o n w ill afford the best e
i l e S ea u l e h a s i n r e ce n t ye a r s
been a c om m on s i ght i ng s w i m m i n g a r o u n d th e j e tti e s on our eas t end. I t i s m os t l i k e l y to b e si g h te d d u r i n g a f i s hi ng t r i p r at her t han off t he b e a ch . K e m p ’s R i dl ey s ar e t he s m al l es t s pec i e s o f se a tu r tl e s i n th e w or l d but s t i l l c an w ei gh up t o o n e h u n d r e d p o u n d s. O nc e near ex t i nc t i on t hey hav e r e co ve r e d th a n ks
o p p o r tu n i ty to se e th e m u p cl o s e. O ur local dolphins w i l l o fte n b r e a ch , j u m p i n g co m pletely out of the w a te r a n d sp i n n i n g . Th e y w i l l “ surf” the waves made b y th e l a r g e r sh i p s tr a ve l i n g to and from Houston in th e ch a n n e l . Al th o u g h n o t e n d a ngered, laws protect a l l m a r i n e m a m m a l s fr o m h u m a n harassment. People ca n w a tch fr o m a d i sta n ce b u t do not attempt to i n te r a ct w i th th e m .
i n par t t o a pr ogr am i n t he 1 98 0 s ca l l e d H e a d sta r t. E ac h y ear appr ox i m at el y 1 500 h a tch l i n g s w e r e t r ans por t ed t o G al v es t on and ra i se d i n th e N a ti o n a l M ar i ne F i s her i es Lab unt i l t hey w e r e o n e ye a r o l d . At a y ear of age, t he y oung t ur t l e s w e r e l a r g e e n o u g h t o pr ot ec t t hem s el v es f r om m a n y p r e d a to r s. Th e y w er e t agged and r el eas ed i nt o th e Gu l f. M a n y o f t hes e t ur t l es gr ew up and ev entu a l l y r e tu r n e d to Tex as beac hes t o l ay t hei r egg s. Th e a d u l t tu r tl e s ar e beaut i f ul t o w at c h c r ui s i ng a r o u n d fi sh i n g b o a ts near t he j et t i es . T he
Th e r e a r e so m a n y a m a zi n g a n imals that call Ga l ve sto n w a te r s th e i r h o m e , so many more than
i s o u r m o st n o te w o r th y
s por t f i s h t hat i s c om m on ar ound th e i sl a n d . Its nam e c om es f r om a gl i s t eni ng co p p e r - r e d co l o r. Th e
th e fi ve I h a ve l i ste d h e r e ! So go out to our beaches a n d b a ys a n d ca tch a g l i m p se of nature’s bountiful si g h ts.
l ar ge bl ac k s pot on t he t ai l m ake s th i s fi sh e a sy to i dent i f y. T he f i s h pr ef er s f eedi ng i n sh a l l o w b a ysi d e w at er s or i n t he s ur f on t he bea ch si d e . Fa vo r i te
en e s n
Galveston Veterinary Clinic 21 08 6 1 st Street Galveston, TX 77551
Waves Magazine | August
• Affordable tuition and a quality education • Knowledgeable instructors and support staff • Eligible local high school graduates who attend GC can receive Universal Access tuition assistance of up to $5,476
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Explore Historic Galveston • Rent a stylish replica Model-T • Drive back to a much simpler place in time • Rental for a special occasion or wedding • Romantic date night • Carts for sale
Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart. Visit our home location! 2127 Broadway, Galveston
CarriageHausRentals.com www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Bunny’s C ’C oo ki n
i and happy hot August. Actually, Bunny has gotten
used to it. But anyway, on with the recipe of the
heat and continue cooking, stirring occasionally until the tomatoes
month. I had a Waver react to my July article about
are translucent or 220 degrees on a candy thermometer. D iscard
what to do with your abundance of tomatoes. She sent me this
Bring all ingredients to a rolling boil; reduce to medium
the ginger root and cinnamon stick.
great recipe about how to use tomatoes to make Jam/ Preserves. Even though tomatoes are about shot, due to the heat, please
make note of this recipe and enjoy.
1 / 4-inch headspace. Cover at once with metal lids, and screw
Q uickly ladle preserves into hot sterilized jars, leaving
bands tight. Process preserves in a boiling-water bath for 1 5
F a v o r i t e To m a t o P r e s e r v e s
Yield: 5 pints I know some of you are canners. Some aren’t. I actually did this, a miracle, and it’s delicious.
Ingredients • 5 pounds small, firm tomatoes, peeled and cored (I just sliced
So, till September........stay cool!
tomatoes) • 8 cups sugar • 3 lemons thinly sliced; seeds removed • 3 (1 / 8 -inch-thick) slices ginger root • 1 (3-inch) stick cinnamon • 1 / 4 teaspoon cumin • 1 / 4 teaspoon cayenne pepper ground or flakes (according to your heat preference) • ¼
teaspoon salt
D irections Se
Place tomatoes in a large D utch
oven and sprinkle with sugar. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Waves Magazine | August
B unn y
www.gerriempey.com 409.789.1672
SHOP | SIP | SOCIALIZE With a variety of delicious drink options, plus tons of adorable clothes and accessories, you’re sure to want to stay a while! 2425 Strand | Suite 100 | Galveston (409) 974-4205
IG/FB: dianasbartique
iana s a i ue n e S an an is i a s Cl in an will l an e lusi e
us a
u us
• Store will be closed and doors open just for us as we arrive to a red carpet and paparazzi to start. SIP, Mingle, and Shop specials while listening to Party Time D j tunes. • Meet D iana from D iana' s Bartique and D arla Murray from D istrict R ags Clothing line. • Photographer will be there to catch the moments. Next, watch a short and sweet fashion show highlighting something for everyone! Our very own Sylvia Gonzalez Woods will be on the runway! • affles and uction at the end. D on' t forget your Swag Bag on the way out! Looking forward to this olden vent that benefits exas lks hildren Services Inc. 2425 Strand | Suite 100 | Galveston www.wavesgalveston.com
RE/MAX Leading Edge 3616 7 Mile Rd | Galveston, TX | 77554 Waves Magazine | August
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Waves Magazine | August
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Waves Magazine | August
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Waves Magazine | August
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S hedule an online esti ate 4 www oastalser i es al eston o fa e oo oastalfloorin andho ereno ation www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | August 2022
S a e wne
en e s n i
S ia
S al es
Your Mighty Microbiome
id you know your body is home to trillions of tiny organisms? No worries -- those “bugs” are supposed to be there! Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microscopic living things are referred
to as microorganisms, or microbes, for short. We, humans, are primarily microbes, over 1 00 trillion of them. Microbes outnumber our human cells ten to one. The majority live in our gut, particularly in the large intestine. Your
foods that will keep you and your gut happy are honey, dark chocolate, apples,
microbiome is closely tied to your health in ways you might not expect. And re-
bananas, berries, mango, and sweet potatoes.
searchers are studying how it might improve health from head to toe. R esearch i i s
suggests that your microbiome makeup and potential disturbances have links to
asthma, cancer, celiac disease, diabetes, heart disease, malnutrition, multiple
Probiotics are chock-full of live bacteria that will help ensure your gut is populat-
sclerosis, and obesity.
ed by mostly the good types of microbes. You can get a good probiotic supplement at your local health food store; however, ask your doctor what strains of cultures are best for you and the condition you are trying to treat.
T h e r e A r e W a y s Y o u C a n En s u r e T h a t Y o u H a v e A
H a p p y A n d H e a l t h y M i c r o b i o me
! i
a e Su e
ni i i s
If probiotics are your gut’s best friend, then antibiotics are your gut’s worst
e e a les
specially the leafy green ones egetables are loaded with fibers, which can-
enemy! Antibiotics work by wiping out any and all bacteria, which makes them
not be digested by people but are consumed by the good bacteria in your gut.
very effective for treating illnesses but very bad for your microbiome. The anti-
It has been observed that people who follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
biotic cannot recognize the difference between good gut bacteria and harmful
are less likely to grow disease-causing bacteria. Some great examples of vege-
bacteria. They work on a ‘ kill now ask questions later’ model. Try to buy meat
tables that feed your microbes are leeks, onions, asparagus, broccoli, spinach,
products that were raised without antibiotics. If you must take an antibiotic, take
and artichokes.
a probiotic daily for the duration of your prescription to help replenish your gut bacteria.
u Su a
You’re sweet enough already! Fast digesting sugars, known as monosaccha-
n ie a
S u es
e i i s
rides, are digested so quickly that your little microbes don’t get a chance to take
robiotics are beneficial bacteria, and prebiotics are food for these bacteria and
a bite out of them! If you eat too many simple sugars too regularly, you run the
your microbiome! Prebiotics that should be staples in your home kitchen include
risk of literally starving your microbiome to death. Additionally, hungry microbes
whole grains, apples, leeks, onions, garlic, cocoa extracts, bananas, asparagus,
will resort to munching away at the lining of your intestine, which can lead to
nuts, seeds, red wine extracts, root vegetables, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and
inflammation. eep an eye on sugar levels in things like smoothies, nut butters,
green tea extracts.
protein bars, salad dressings, and even in a gut favorite, yogurt! Some sweet
Waves Magazine | August 2022
en e
e u
ien l
e i ness S u i
Fermented foods are another great source of probiotics. The crowd favorite is
Your microbes feel that if they’re working hard to keep you healthy, then you
yogurt. However, if you’re going to be eating much yogurt, make sure it is plain!
should be working hard too! The microbiomes of physically active people are
Several other options are a great source of good bacteria. K ombucha is becom-
healthier and more diverse. Even walking for 30 minutes a day could impact
ing a very popular source of probiotics. You can also eat pickles, kimchee, and
your gut health and help these little microbes continue to ensure that your
kefir to get enough live cultures to keep your gut healthy and happy.
stress levels are managed, and your mental health stays intact.
e e
a e i e
u sel
Aside from the fact that these days, many meat brands are known for raising
Say ‘ no’ more often, explore meditation, mindfulness, or yoga. Establishing
their livestock with antibiotics, which is detrimental to your gut, there have been
balance in your life will support your mental and emotional health and optimize
several studies that show healthier microbiomes in vegetarians. A vegetarian’s
your gut and overall health. Stress can negatively affect your microbiome, and
gut, for example, will have a significantly smaller number of disease causing
you need a healthy microbiome to help you manage your stressors.
bacteria that an omnivore’s gut. However, it is still unclear whether this is due to the lack of meat or that vegetarians and plant-based individuals consume much
The gut microbiome is a new frontier in health and wellness. Scientists are still
more fiber than the average person.
learning about its importance. R esearch so far reveals that taking care of our gut microbiome is integral to a healthy lifestyle. Microbes have a big job to do
e in
n u
es s S
inside our bodies, so help the little guys out!
Studies have shown that people with erratic sleeping patterns risk disrupting
y H
their microbiome and developing inflammatory diseases. ry to ensure you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. S a e
en e s n
al es
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Learn powerful, science-based mind body medicine techniques to help improve the quality of your life...for the rest of your life!
Tai Chi Easy / Qigong Series Tai Chi and Qigong is mind body medicine using the power of breath and movement to renew and energize the body. Easy to learn with extraordinary benefits.
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Manage Stress and Anxiety Improve Sleep Reduce Pain Increase Balance and Flexibility Restore and Rejuvenate Improves Fitness and Wellness
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Contact: Sidney Tregre (409) 392-1013
Sa u a
Sa u a Sun a
atur a
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e u ar
u us u us
ho in a
e i an e essi n a lass le an lass enwa e inne wa e e n i ues u ni u e inens Sil e i i i es uil s ewel
issi n a l Sa u a S in n lu es e ula us a s e ula u s Sa u a Sun a
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C un sen e
ai un s S u ile e as
ee a in
in s nsi e
n a i n WWW.HOUSTONGLASSCL UB. O RG an an C ai an www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Thomas Waggoner ot
i ke Early wooden nickels usually had either an Indian head or bison on one or both sides in homage to the “buffalo” nickel when the wooden nickel began gaining popularity as a novelty item. The wooden nickel was a division of the Elbee Co. In 1 995, it was purchased and renamed the Old Time Wooden Nickel Co. This was done by wooden nickel enthusiast Herb Horning. Fu n Fa c t : D u r i n g h i s l i f e t i m e ,
A Waver sent me this picture. Her “Galveston Wooden Nickel” from 1 96 3! What the what? Is that thing for real? What on earth is its history? Let’s find out!
h e a m a s s e d o v e r 1 .5 m illio n c o lle c ta b le to k e n s , s o m e o f w h ic h w e r e o n d is p la y a t a m u s e u m a t h is f a c t o r y ’s l o c a t i o n . Fu n Fa c t : H e a l s o c r e a t e d t h e “ W o r ld ’s L a r g e s t W o o d e n N ic k e l,” w h ic h is 5 .5 in c h e s th ic k , 1 3 fe e t, 4 in c h e s ta ll
i le is The nickel itself is named for the percentage of nickel used to mint the coin, 25 percent in addition to 75
a n d w e ig h s 2 ,5 0 0 p o u n d s , w h ic h s ta n d s o u ts id e th e fa c to r y .
percent copper. R epresenting the denomination of 5
e is
cents, the nickel was first minted in 1 8 6 6 , and eventu-
In 1 933, Blaine, Washington issued round wood-
ally replaced the precious 5-cent coin, the half dime.
en coins when their bank failed. These were the
The Coinage Act of 1 8 73 ceased production of the half
first issues of wooden money in the U S. Several
dime, which was the original denomination as prescribed in the Mint Act
other places mostly in the
of 1 792. Fu n Fa c t : Fo r s e v e n y e a r s , t h e r e w e r e t w o 5 - c e n t c o i n s i n
pacific northwest issued
c ir c u la tio n .
wooden money after that.
n ian ea
u al
Fu n Fa c t : W a s h i n g t o n a l s o p r o d u c e d s e v e r a l
i el
Buffalo nickels are what most of us think of when
o th e r w o o d e n c o in s .
someone says ‘ an old nickel’. The Buffalo nickel or Indian Head nickel is a copper and nickel five-cent piece that was struck by the U nited States Mint from 1 91 3 to 1 938 . It was designed by sculptor James Earle Fraser. Fu n Fa c t : A s p a r t o f a d r i v e t o b e a u t i f y th e c o in a g e , fiv e d e n o m in a tio n s o f U S c o in s r e c e iv e d n e w d e s ig n s b e tw e e n 1 9 0 7 a n d 1 9 0 9 .
are now scarce but were once abundant, especially in the 1 930s, though they may date back as far as the 1 8 8 0s. They were usually commemorative, printed by the people throwing fairs or festivals, or by organizations like banks and boy scout troops, and distributed to the masses. Fu n Fa c t : S o m e t i m e s y o u c o u l d r e d e e m t h e m f o r a
Chicago is believed to be the first place to use wooden money pieces as souvenirs. Several issues were made - all round. Some are the size of a silver dollar and others are about three inches in diameter. Binghamton, New York was one of first places to embrace the concept of a new use for wooden nickels - a combination of advertising for civic to be used to enhance civic celebrations such as centennials through the mid 1 930’s. Fu n Fa c t : M a n y t o w n s c r e a t e d t h e s e w o o d e n c o i n s , m o s t h a d e x p ir a tio n d a te s a n d s e r ia l n u m b e r s w r itte n o n th e m a s to n o t c a u s e a s u r p lu s o f w o o d e n c o in s in th e m a r k e t a s w e ll a s to d is c o u r a g e fo r g e r ie s . is i u e s
d r in k . Waves Magazine | August 2022
celebrations and providing souvenirs of the celebration. Wood continued
Wooden nickels soon became novelty coins. They
en Cu en
ws a w
en ni el
l s ai
e n i es
Galveston and wooden nickels go down in history! I hope this answers our readers’ questions about wooden nickels.
Now the wooden nickel is used as an inexpensive souvenir or commemorative item to remember an event in history. Many wooden nickels
Waver’s, enjoy the Fun in the Sun! Stay hydrated! I look forward to next
have been printed with images of political
month and discovering new Fun Facts for everyone!
figures and slogans as part of their campaign Below you can see a wooden nickel for President Ford, celebrating his presidency. Fu n Fa c t : M u s e u m c u r a to r s a n d a r c h iv is ts s tr e s s th e im p o r ta n c e o f p u ttin g a d a te o n ite m s to r e c o r d its p la c e in h is to r y . Can one still buy custom printed wooden nickels? You bet. The Texas-based Old Time Wooden Nickel Co., and that is the company’s actual name, will still complete an order for you. The Old Time Wooden Nickel Company has been producing wooden nickels in San Antonio, Texas for over 6 0 years, making them one of the oldest manufacturers of custom printed wooden nickels in the U nited States. Fu n Fa c t : T h e p h r a s e , “ d o n ’ t t a k e a n y w o o d e n n i c k e l s ” m e a n s d o
Thomas Waggoner
n o t p e r m it y o u r s e lf to b e c h e a te d o r d u p e d ; d o n o t b e n a iv e .
A CLEAN Home is a SAFE Home
Residential Cleanings | Commercial Cleanings Vacation Rentals and Make Readys
Waves Magazine | August 2022
C r e a t i n g a Yo u t h f u l N e c k
s you age, your skin becomes thinner, especially on the neck. Concealing your neck with clothing like scarfs or turtlenecks is not a practical solution, particularly in Texas with our hot and humid climate. Surgical procedures, though effective, come with extended recovery time, expense, and risk. That is why many people are turning to non-surgical procedures that can rejuvenate thin skin and restore a youthful appearance. We will review a few here.
The platysma is a superficial thin sheet-like muscle that stretches from the jaw-line to the clavicle just below the base of the neck. With aging, the muscle becomes weaker, separates and forms unwanted platysmal bands. Injecting these bands with Botox or X eomin causes the muscle bands to relax and creates a smoother neck. You can expect results to last 3 months or significantly longer as many of my client’s report.
of elastin and collagen which leads to tighter skin. Amazingly, you will continue to see improvement in your skin texture for up to 6 weeks after a single treatment! However, usually a series of 3-4 treatments is performed with an impressive cumulative effect.
ella Almost 2/ 3 of adult’s report that they are bothered by fullness under the chin, the so-called ‘ double chin’. In some, the cause is excess fat which can create an unflattering profile. Treatment for this involves disrupting the membranes of the fat containing cells so that the fat is released and removed from the body. K ybella is an FD A approved treatment for stubborn fat under the chin. It is made of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. K ybella is usually administered in a series of 2-3 treatments, scheduled 4 weeks apart. The total number of treatments can be modified as results are seen.
C n lusi n e a i
Su la i e
e u ina i n
In addition to muscle bands, the skin on the neck can get thin and crepey with reduced collagen and elastin content. Sublative rejuvenation causes selective damage to small areas of skin leaving adjacent skin intact to accelerate the healing process. Sublative therapy stimulates fibroblasts to increase production 26 Waves Magazine | August 2022
So, remember to include your neck and dé colleté in your skin care regime. Apply sunscreen and your skin care products to these areas. If you are not happy with the appearance of your neck, Botox or X eomin, K ybella or Sublative rejuvenation may be reasonable non-surgical options to consider! Have a great day, and I hope you continue to
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@ www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | August 2022
By: Bob Rohan
o an or as e is nown in e as ad o as een ayin t e dd e and sin in in vario s ro s or over 0 years in e as and as o ened or ere a ard i ie e son ar ie Danie s ar ene arter and o n on ey to name a ew o as ayed in ands t at ave a ed o ntry e ends i e an om son ay ri e a reene am i is and Da e atson A on wit son writin o is a so a ta ented artoonist and as a se syndi ated omi stri tit ed u alo Gals e
Waves Magazine | August 2022
omi eat re is a o t two ow ir s ess in ester and onnie eyenne e omi stri was ins ired a ter ayin wit e ays o nty a s and a s a ow ir western ro t at to red t ro e as O a oma and as ar west as o evada o as won e is onsin tate idd e am ions i and as een nominated severa times rom e A ademy o estern Artists or est ow oy artoonist o
an nd
o an on ine at
o rohan o
to read more and o e t is ori ina wor s
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
Begin W
ith The
hen you are beginning a new
blooms will lend a calm and relaxing feel to the garden space. If
garden or garden project, it is
it is a lively, bright, and energetic energy you are looking for, then
vital to begin with the end in mind.
bright colors such as red and yellow will be great choices.
T h e s e q u e s tio n s w ill h e lp d e te r m in e
A garden is an expression of who you are, so design the space
w h a t th e e n d g o a l is :
to fit you. Make it what you want it to be. The key is to give it thought before you start and begin with the end in mind.
What will you grow? •
What kind of light does the space get? •
What kind of soil is present? •
Will it be an ornamental space? •
Will it be a functional space? •
What do you want to feel when you are in that space?
There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. The answers are simply what they are, however, those answers will determine what foundational work will be done (such as soil amendments) and what plants will be chosen. Also, if the space is meant for seating or dining, then the measurements for the furniture and space for human traffic need to be known and allocated. Otherwise, you may get the plants in only to realize that you did not leave enough space for the intended furniture and function. Sunlight is a huge factor in what will be grown. U nless you are planning on removing trees or adding shade cloth, the sunlight is
~Holly Ross
a fixed element. If you have full sun, then the plants selected will be shade tolerant. Full sun spaces need plants that love bright, hot, and humid areas. The mood or vibe of the space will be impacted by the natural light and plant choices. Lush greenery with white, blue, or purple 30
Waves Magazine | August 2022
or ore great in or ation go to holl ross o
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Waves Magazine | August
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
BANDELLA – A BAND OF ASTRONAUTS Saturday, August 6, 2022 | 8 PM
Get ready for a performance that’s truly out of this world! What happens when three musicians and former NASA Astronauts team up with a keyboardist and a vocalist? You get Bandella! This unique musical group blends acoustic guitar, flute, stand-up bass and airy vocals for a folksy sound with hints of bluegrass and jazz. Bandella will take you on a musical journey you won’t soon forget!
4 0 9. 76 5. 1 89 4 | TH EG RA ND.COM
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Your time is valuable. Trust Waves Dining
Section to be your personal concierge on the Galveston Dining Circuit. With tips, amenities, features like outdoor seating, pet friendliest places and price points, let us test the WAVES at various Island Restaurants for you!
See you at the table! CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Tom Valliere Charlie Bresenhan
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Advertise Your Restaurant with Waves Magazine in V I B R A N T colors. i e u e
u lis e
u e wa es al es n Ph: 409-78 9-1 1 6 0
PAPA’S pizza
3 6 W av e s M a g a z i n e | J u ly 2 0 2 2
Highlighting Galveston’s Best of the Best Dining Experiences.
Los Patrones
stuffing. This is one of my benchmark dishes for comparing Mexican restaurants and the Los Patrones version is very good.
Fresh Mexican Cuisine
Enchiladas of many varieties and a large selection of chick-
his month we continue our
en dishes share the main menu with fajitas (chicken, shrimp,
foray into locally owned
or seafood) that can be dressed up with various sauces and
neighborhood Mexican
cheese toppings. Pork chops and a really good carne asada
restaurants. Far from the tourist
round out the meat offerings.
areas, locals and knowledgeable visitors flock to these small
The real star here and what sets this restaurant apart from its
places for their flavorful food
peers are the seafood offerings. A full page of their menu is
and bargain prices. Typically open only for breakfast and lunch
devoted to various seafood dishes and combinations. A wide
(there are exceptions), their customers tend to be fiercely loyal.
variety of shrimp prepared with various sauces or simply grilled
Many arguments rage over who has the best burrito, enchiladas,
or fried cannot be beaten. Their Camarones Al Ajo consists of
salsa, Menudo, etc. The simple answer is they are all good and it
pan-grilled shrimp in a homemade garlic butter sauce and will
is a matter of personal taste.
leave you speechless.
One of the most popular and highly regarded of these is the family-owned and operated Los Patrones restaurant. Located in a standalone building at the corner of 49 Street and Broadway Boulevard in Galveston’s midtown area, they offer convenient offstreet parking and relaxed uncrowded dining. Like most of their genre, the restaurant is uncluttered, sparse,
Their fish filets and shrimp cooked in a creamy poblano sauce
and immaculately clean. The service is fast and friendly, and
are not to be missed nor are their fish filets served in the style
their food is delicious. Portions are large and their menu is well
of Cancun or topped with their homemade spinach sauce. When
organized and touches all the bases expected for traditional Tex-
available, their seafood soup is not to be missed!
Mex cuisine. D aily lunch specials and an everyday lunch menu offer real Notable highlights are their deep and rich mole dishes and their
bargains for your midday meal. Especially notable for me is their
stuffed poblano peppers which are available with chicken or beef
chimichanga. This is basically a deep-fried burrito stuffed with
Waves Magazine | August 2022
your choice of meat and served with a rancheros sauce or melted cheese. It is both filling and delicious.
e a i n
Tuesday Through Saturday 9:30 Am To 9:00 Pm Sunday 9:30 Am To 3:00 Pm
Nacho plates are heaped high and available in several varieties. They pair well with their bargain-priced beers and margaritas
Closed Monday. Happy Hour 3:00 Pm To 7:00 Pm Weekdays
during their weekday happy hour. A kid’s menu keeps it all affordable for families.
s a
Convenient off-street parking and good handicapped accessibility
4901 Broadway Galveston, Texas 77551 409-497-2222
make this a convenient destination. Good food and friendly service keep them busy.
We Cater!!
Follow us on Hours Of Operation: Facebook Tuesday Thru Saturday - 11a-3p for daily menus Closed Sundays and Mondays
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Take-Out | Curbside Dine-In | Outdoor Dining 409-763-1010 409-763-6060
c at e r i n g s e r v i c e ava i l a b l e Full service | limited service | beverage service | bar service | elegant to casual we can do it all! Contact: james@mosquitocafe.com
Mosquito Cafe | 6 28 1 4th Street | Galveston, Texas 77550
Waves Magazine | August 2022
ESTAURANT EVIEW by: Tom Valliere & Charlie Bresenhan
Highlighting Galveston’s Best of the Best Dining Experiences
alveston is well repre-
Seawall Cuisine opened several months ago in a nondescript strip
sented in the diversity
mall near Stewart Beach in Galveston’s east end. Without fanfare
of its restaurants. For a
and with little advertising, they have gained a faithful following and a
small city of approximately 50,000
growing reputation for high-quality dishes and service.
people, our choices are excellent. This is due of course to the large
Seawall Cuisine 500 Seawall Blvd. Suite 220 Galveston Texas 77550 409-443-5243
Their location offers poor visibility from the beaches and their signage
numbers of visitors and weekend
is minimal. Therefore, word of mouth and social media have been the
residents that contribute greatly
primary drivers for raising awareness of this fine restaurant.
to our economy and our ability to have amenities of cities much
Occupying a small portion of cavernous space formerly a Mexican
larger than ours.
restaurant, the restaurant furnishings are sparse, and ambiance is lacking. However, any shortcomings in that area are made up for
One geographical area that had been lacking in choices is
in their friendly service and excellent food.
the far east. With the exception of Vietnamese restaurants of which we have several that are excellent,
They have an extensive menu that I have only begun
we have been under-served in that category. That
to explore. Everything to date has been remarkable and I can suggest a few dishes.
is rapidly changing. We have recently seen more choices of Chinese foods and the addition of an excellent Thai restaurant, and now another very
The menu opens with several appetizers. Their
good Japanese restaurant has opened here.
Gyoza (dumplings) are offered either steamed or fried. Commonly known as “pot stickers”, they are delicious and served with a dipping sauce. Another
Jason Lin relocated to Galveston from New York
great choice is their version of spring rolls. More like
and brought his cooking skills and family recipes to
an egg roll, they are hot and delicious and served with
open his new restaurant, Seawall Cuisine. An accomplished sushi chef with a love of Japanese foods and fresh seafood, he decided the fresh air and mild climate of the Gulf
a sweet and sour dipping sauce. They have good crab rangoons that garner many fine reviews and a host of other
coast would be a pleasant change from the harsh New York winters.
appetizers, some familiar, others not. All I have sampled thus far have
Our proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and our local fishing industry guar-
been very good.
anteed a ready supply of top-quality, freshly caught seafood. Primarily a Japanese restaurant, they offer several good Chinese dishes and combinations. My preference is Mongolian beef stir-fried with vegetables and a spicy brown sauce. Their orange chicken is well-regarded, and I enjoy their pork belly dishes that are rarely seen here. They are willing to accommodate special requests and a dear friend orders an off-menu jalapeno chicken dish he swears is the best he has ever eaten.
Waves Magazine | August 2022
seawall cuisine Japanese dishes dominate the menu, and they offer several ramen noodle soups. Beef shank, pork belly, and seafood have been tried and are all good although more of a miso base than I prefer. Several others are available as are some Yaki noodle dishes. Many Maki hand rolls are on the menu and the couple I have sampled are very good. I selected common rolls such as their California roll so I could have a good frame of reference, but there are many more I need to explore. Served in the traditional style with decent wasabi and refreshing ginger they were quite good and reasonably priced. A very extensive sushi menu features expertly prepared and meticulously fresh seafood. It is clearly their specialty and may be enjoyed in various combination platters or ordered “a la carte”. A unique feature is their custom “Seafood Boils”. Here you can pick the seafood(s) you prefer including shrimp (heads or headless), lobster, blue crab or snow crab legs, crawfish, mussels, clams, or any combination thereof. You pay by the pound for as much or little as you wish. You then choose your sauce. A dry spice blend or sauces, garlic butter, lemon pepper, and others followed by the level of spice you prefer. You may add corn, potatoes, sausage, or eggs. They also have special combinations you can select without making all these decisions if you prefer to order that way. They have plans to obtain a liquor license but for now, only soft drinks and teas are offered. U nfortunately, bringing your own drinks is not an option. Ample off-street parking is available and handicapped access is very good. This is a friendly place with excellent food and service. It is conveniently located, and I truly believe you will like it.
eai n
Seawall Cuisine
Monday - Saturday 1 1 :00 AM to 1 0:00 PM Sunday 1 1 :00 AM to 9:00 PM
500 Seawall Blvd. Suite 220 Galveston Texas 77550 409-443-5243 www.seawallcuisine.com
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Quality brisket covered with our original rub, slow smoked and ready to be sliced when you order. P R Pork ribs cooked with our original rub till almost done then basted with our honey sweetened sauce.
Chicken spiced with our rub cooked over wood. Unlike any chicken you have ever eaten. Pork and Beef link sausage smoked over oak ready and waiting for you to order. Chopped Beef | Sliced Beef | Sausage |Comes with a complimentary 4 oz side
P Huge baked potato filled with butter, cheese, sour cream, chives and best of all chopped brisket! T T Everything is bigger in Texas. Three times larger than our
Waves Magazine | August 2022
regular tamales with the same great taste. O Pennie Ochoa’s delicious recipe. Tender, moist shredded beef is the result. Honey comb tripe in a spicy Mexican soup All sides are made fresh at Pennie’s P Dill based cool refreshing chopped potatoes mixed with dressings. P My own recipe made fresh daily. Lots of love goes into the beans. Green Beans Banana Pudding Trifle
W av e s M a g a z i n e | J u ly 2 0 2 2
Galveston Location
Lamarque Location
6612 Seawall - Galveston Ph:409-744-2222 M - S - 11:00AM - 9:00PM Sunday 11:00AM - 8:00PM
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2216 Gulf Freeway - LaMarque Ph: 409-935-2222 M - S - 11:00AM - 9:00PM Sunday 11:00AM - 7:00PM
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
Waves Magazine | August 2022
RED SNAPPER INN Seafood • Steaks • Gourmet Items oted 1 Seafood
Bra osport a ts eaders Choi e Awards 0 1
Private Party Room & Banquet Facilities Available.
F i s h en as “Our fish spent last night in the Gulf.” gh n The Our
402 Blue Water Hwy Surfside Beach, Texas
(979)239-3226 Credit Cards Accepted www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | August 2022
W av e s M a g a z i n e | J u ly 2 0 2 2
ome of us have been around long enough to remember when you could actually purchase good tickets to a popular concert or sporting event without having to go through a
scalper or ticket broker. If you were diligent enough and willing to wait in the lines, you had a good chance of scoring premium tickets with a really good location at the actual face value price of the ticket.
• Fake IDs stolen full of existing people or synthetic IDs. This is all very sophisticated and virtually eliminates the chance of the average person having the opportunity to buy a good ticket at book value prices. Do we like it when we have no chance to purchase a good location entertainment ticket unless we pay an exorbitant price? Do we like
Not anymore! The ticket scalpers and brokers have almost
it that ticket scalpers have taken over the industry?
completely taken over the market. The average person has very
little to no chance of purchasing a prime location ticket without
having to pay highly marked-up, exorbitant prices. Ticket scalping is the practice of using bots to bulk buy tickets from licensed sources and then sell them for a profit. A whopping 40% of all ticket purchases online are estimated to be by scalper bots.
There is not an easy answer to this horrible situation. A return to the good old days when we all had an equal opportunity to purchase a good ticket at the regular price seems to be long gone.
These tickets are bought by automated software in order to be resold at a higher price. How does ticket scalping work? First, the scalper identifies an event to target. The one common denominator is that the scammer expects the event to be popular enough to be sold out and have fans pay exceedingly to buy a coveted ticket. Then they prepare their scalping software and tools. These include: • Auto Refreshers to check when the tickets have gone on sale. • API Scraper Scripts to set up macros that will do a series of tasks automatically, e.g., fill in forms and details. • Pre-Bots to automatically set up accounts on several websites. Have a et eeve
onta t us at
avesGalveston o
an tell us a out it
e ust
a use ours ne t
Waves Magazine | August
Photo by Robert Mihovil, Mihovil Photography
2022-23 CONCERT SEASON | SAVE THE DATES 4:00 Sundays at The Grand 1894 Opera House 2020 Postoffice Street, Historic Downtown Galveston
Sept. 4 Oct. 9 Nov. 13 Jan. 8 Feb. 26 April 2
Pops Concert Masterworks I: Brinton Smith, cello Masterworks II: Premiere of new piece by composer Braxton Blake Pops Concert Masterworks III: Ji-Young Yeon, soprano Masterworks IV: Anton Nell, piano
May 14
Masterworks V: Andrew Staupe, piano For season tickets and information: GalvestonSymphony.org 409.765.1894
Galveston Symphony Orchestra begins
their f 2nd season of o tstanding concerts and activities Septe ber 2022 nder the direction of ond ctor rond Saever d the rchestra s 0 high y s i ed sicians create nforgettab e ive perfor ances with a repertoire ranging fro baro e to conte porary asterwor s concerts with internationa y acc ai ed so oists and f n Pops concerts with a ti e a dience favorites rchestra concerts are S nday afternoons starting at 00 in he rand 1 pera o se 2020 Postoffice Street in the historic downtown district S s co panion series oody ansion sic offers opport nities to eet visiting so oists hese p c ose and inti ate recita s start at 00 p in the ba roo of a veston s bea tif historic oody ansion 2 1 roadway ven e
About Galveston Symphony Orchestra
o nded in 1 S is a co nity s pported 501(c)3 nonprofit organization bringing the very best c assica sic to a veston s and rond Saever d S cond ctor and sic director since 2013 has deep orchestra e perience fro cond cting professiona and co nity orchestras in en ar orway anada and the nited States rond is a so concert aster of the angor Sy phony and the fo nder and cond ctor of the Passa a oddy ay Sy phony in aine S co
7:00 Fridays | Moody Mansion 2618 Broadway, Galveston
October 7, 2022
Brinton Smith, Cello Evelyn Chen, Piano Calista Smith, Soprano
November 11, 2022 Exciting New Talent!
February 24, 2023
Trond Saverud, Violin
March 31, 2023 Anton Nel, Piano
May 12, 2023
Andrew Staupe, Piano Trond Saeverud, Violin Join friends of the Galveston Symphony for intimate chamber music recitals performed in the elegant ballroom of Galveston’s historic Moody Mansion. Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and meet the extraordinary soloists featured in our 42nd season. Seating is limited, reservations required. $35 online / $40 at the door Tickets: GalvestonSymphony.org
is co itted to artistic e ce ence and nity invo ve ent and invites interested sicians to oin the rchestra
o earn
2022-2023 Recitals
ore visit GalvestonSymphony.org
illed as ‘viciously funny’ and “halfway between The Golden Girls and Survivor”, RIPCORD Is an expertly engineered situation comedy-style two-act play by American playwright David Lindsay-Abaire who received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2007 for his play Rabbit Hole, which also earned several Tony Award nominations. It first opened Off-Broadway on October 20, 2015, at the Manhattan Theatre Club in a limited engagement. Directed by David Hyde Pierce, the cast featured Marylouise Burke, Rachel Dratch, Glenn Fitzgerald, and one of my most favorite actors, Holland Taylor. In the Bristol Place Senior Living Facility [where clearly there’s no Match.com service], we meet two warring women - Abby and Marilyn – brilliantly embodied in Purple Box Theatre’s production by Deborah Winters Chaney and Missy Lane. Abby is a quiet, curmudgeonly type who likes to read books on her iPad and avoids communal activities. She’s lived at the facility for four years in a two-bed room she doesn’t want to share with anyone – least of all effervescent new arrival Marilyn, whose incessant chatter and joie de vivre immediately fluff Abby’s perfectly coiffed aura. With Abby determined to evict Marilyn and Marilyn equally determined not just to stay, but to nab the best bed, the pair make a bet to settle their dispute. Unable to strangle Marilyn with her bare hands, as she’d clearly like to, Abby applies herself to unearthing her roommate’s weakness, the better to torment her into giving up her claim on the second bed. The disingenuous Marilyn is forthcoming with that information, attributing her sunny personality to the fact that she never gets angry. “There’s really no point,” she says. “It always leads to an ugly place, and I don’t care for ugly places.” Abby counters that boast by claiming that she’s never frightened — of anything, not even death. “I’d welcome it, most days,” she says. Armed with this information, Marilyn proposes — and Abby accepts — the bet to see who can make the other cave. Can Abby be cruel enough to make Marilyn lose her good humor and get angry? Is Marilyn clever enough to make Abby lose her composure and get scared? Under the sharp direction of David Schultz, the performers find themselves in situations that sometimes border on the bizarre. The tricks Abby and Marilyn play on each other range from the trivial (Abby fills in Marilyn’s Soduku puzzles) to borderline criminal (Marilyn drugs Abby so she can take her on a surprise skydiving expedition). Later on, Abby heartlessly fools Marilyn into thinking her daughter (Nori Head) and son-in-law (Phil Connolly) will be visiting). The ladies take a trip to a haunted house, where they encounter a clown, a demon butler, and a demented woman with a baby. There is an attempted mugging by a man wearing a bunny mask. Scenes like these could’ve derailed the entire play, but because the performances were so good, it was easy to suspend disbelief and go along for the ride. As family and staff are drawn into the battle of wills, nothing – including prescription drugs, domestic violence, bitter familial estrangement, and 54
Waves Magazine | August 2022
parachutes – is off-limits. There’s a reason RIPCORD is described as “viciously funny”, and it’s inevitable that as the stakes heighten, baggage will be unpacked, and secrets spilled. The first act of the show was great fun, then the second act appeared to be from another play. We suddenly saw a darker side to both characters, sometimes cruel, sometimes vicious, and suddenly sad and almost pathetic. The acting kept pace with the drama, and the laughs kept coming, but we were thrust much more into a world of reality than the first act would set us up for and giving one an entirely different perspective of the characters and what the playwright is trying to get to. His characters are so flawed, so lovable, and so completely human, that by the end of the play I felt myself tearing up at the possibility of having to say goodbye to one of them and the absurd situations that he puts these characters through had me tearing up from laughter. Their battle culminates in a denouement that delivers a great 11th-hour jolt. For the theatergoer, it’s kind of like going into insulin shock then being told your sugar levels are just fine. The show definitely ‘belonged’ to its two leading ladies - Deborah Winters Chaney and Missy Lane displayed exquisite comic timing together, making their characters real and relatable - and the talented larger-than-life supporting cast was equally enjoyable. Alex Crouse shone as Scotty, the senior residence attendant, and was a wonderful foil for both women. His ability to change personalities depending upon who he is dealing with was great fun to watch. Phil Connolly was a hoot as he adroitly handled multiple secondary characters. The chemistry of the leads, along with the support of the terrific cast, made RIPCORD a delight to watch from beginning to end. This was my first visit to the Purple Box Theater and upon entering the intimate venue, I immediately felt the ‘theatre family’ camaraderie that is unique to community theatre. And, if RIPCORD Is any indication of the audiquality of performances they produce, I will be back [and possibly audi tion?] in the future.
Pa ag ue lr H
ON THE BOARDS [Currently playing] ISLAND ETC [East-End Theatre Company] THE FULL MONTY Book by Terrence McNally Score by David Yazbek July 15 – August 13, 2022 Sunday matinees - July 24 & 31, 2022 https://www.islandetc.org
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
T exas M usic P rofile
S tory and P hotos b y Z ach T ate A dditional P hotos courtes y J ew el B row n
ouston jazz and blues singer Jewel Brown was 12 years old when she played her first gig in Galveston in 1949 at The Manhattan Club near 28th and Seawall Blvd. At that time, most of the southern United States was experienc-
ing some form of racial segregation, and Galveston was no exception. The East Beach area was largely for Blacks while the West End was for Whites. Seawall Blvd was lined with mostly Caucasian-owned businesses, save for a section between 28th and 29th Street where Gus Allen’s Hotel and Café, Jambalaya Restaurant, and The Manhattan Club (all African American owned), were located.
of years in Vegas, she went back home to Houston to care for her ailing
Though gambling was outlawed in Galveston in 1957, the island was still known for its thriving entertainment and stars like Dizzie Gillespie and Etta James were said to frequent the Manhattan and surrounding businesses when they were in town.
mother. Brown continued to perform sporadically throughout the years in Houston and at festivals around the U.S. and Europe. She recorded only occasionally in Houston in the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, mostly as a guest vocalist, but in 2012 went to Japan to record a CD, “Roller Coaster Boogie” with the group Bloodest Saxophone.
Now 85 years old, Jewel Brown is a living legend and has performed all over the world experiencing its many cultural, musical, and political changes firsthand. Born, raised, and still residing in Houston’s Third Ward, she started singing at 9 years old in the currently renovating El Dorado Club on the corner of Emancipation Blvd and Elgin Street, very close to the house she helped buy for her Publicity photo in 1963
headlining slot at the Sahara in Las Vegas in 1969. After only a couple
parents in the ‘60s.
Around that time Galveston once again played a key role in Jewel Brown’s career. While legendary Houston keyboardist Joe Sample (Jazz Crusaders, The Crusaders, Eric Clapton) was preparing for an engagement celebrating Juneteenth at the Galveston Opera House, he asked Brown to come sing a few songs. So impressed was Sample that he told his music director, Nic Allen, to “please be sure to do an album with Jewel Brown in the future”. The sentiment became more poignant after Sample passed away two years later. In 2019, Allen and Brown started working on songs for Brown’s next
By the time Brown was 23 years old, she married Galveston band leader Eddie Curtis and was gaining a reputation as one of the country’s finest jazz and blues singers with her feisty, larger-than-life stage persona and sweet to bluesy pulsating vocals. It was then that she earned an opportunity to sing with iconic big band leader Louis Armstrong (also known by his nickname “Satchmo”). Armstrong was dominating the music charts and was already considered a legend throughout the world. For the young
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Set to be
released on August 5th of this year, the production of the album was delayed by the pandemic, but Brown and Allen forged on and found magic in their work together, writing new songs and revitalizing some old favorites with new rhythms and instrumentation like on the Jewel Brown/Louis Armstrong classic
u ea
YouTube for the video of Brown performing the song in 1963).
singer, it was an opportunity of a lifetime and, on a moment’s notice of learning of the job, she sped down the highway from Dallas (where she was working at Jack Ruby’s club – before he was famous for killing Lee Harvey Oswald) in her Ford LTD convertible to catch a flight from Houston to Los Angeles to join Armstrong’s band. Brown was the featured female vocalist in Armstrong’s band for most of the 1960s and toured the world three times until she was given her own 56
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Jewel Brown onstage with Louis Armstrong
Producer Nic Allen and Jewel Brown wrote songs together in Brown’s home
Waves Magazine | August 2022
B rown
“N ic wanted to pull me out of old hat. I n other words, from being
“E v ery thing is only what the L ord allows. S o, it happens when it
antiq uated, ” Brown said with a laug h. “I write song s from the basis
happens. A ll I want H im to do is g iv e us his g rac e and merc y when
of the life I ’ m liv ing or liv ed.”
it’ s released, ” Brown said with her trademark from- the- heart, j oy ful smile.
Brown’s lyrics reflect her experience and are frequently sassy and bold, sometimes cynical, sometimes optimistic, but always truthful. Allen, 42,
Brown says she hopes to return to Galveston to perform at some point
clearly appreciates Brown’s tell-it-like-it-is approach and tried to pull
soon, but at the time of this writing, was heading to New Orleans to
her vibrant on-stage (and off) energy into the recordings.
perform at Satchmo SummerFest on August 6 th. Brown is also scheduled to be a featured guest on the nationally syndicated D aily Show
“Jewel has a presenc e on stag e. S he is belov ed. S he c an be y our
with Trevor Noah on August 24th.
mom, y our g randma, or y our best friend, but she will be real at all c osts. E v ery body wants that friend that tells them the truth. E v ery one from teenag ers to someone 9 0 y ears old wants that c onv ersation. A nd she’ s the lady to do it, ” A llen said. Jewel Brown has been recognized by a multitude of jazz, blues, music, and cultural organizations, both internationally and in the U nited States. Among her awards, the revered jazz city of New Orleans presented Brown with an Outstanding Contributions to Jazz honor in 2004, and in March of this year, she received a Certificate of Special Congressional R ecognition by Congressman Al Green. While Brown is always happy to be honored, she says she has maintained the same humble and spiritually grounded approach her entire life and, with regard to expectations around her new album, expressed a similar sentiment.
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w w w. O ff i c i a l J e w e l B r o w n . c o m
Hook into a wide variety of species both INSHORE and OFFSHORE on one of our private Family Friendly fishing charters. Fishing is not just a Hobby for us BUT our Full Time Job. Trips available Year-Round.
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alveston waters are home to a diversity of fish, from giant hard pulling monsters to sleek, sneaky predators that require skill to outsmart. From the inshore waters of Galveston Bay to the clear blue waters found offshore, when it comes to salt-water fish, Galveston, Texas stands out as one of the hottest spots in the world.
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
lose u on
cotch-Brite© Magic - It’s not really about a magic pad,
about 4-1/2” x 3” x 1/4”.
but the results of using one to create a crosshatch pattern on monofilament’s surface is sort of magical.
The mono surface crosshatching process goes like this: Hold
I came up with this mono crosshatch idea about twelve years
one end of the mono section to be modified in your left hand;
ago and have been using it ever since. My idea was generated
with the folded Scotch-brite© pad with the mono held snugly in
after I saw an underwater photo of a hooked ling on a mono
it in your right hand, that’s up against your left hand. Now, with
leader, taken a foot or so below the surface —
a back and forth wrist rolling motion of about one second each,
the mono leader
was shining in the reflected, magnified sunlight as if it were
pull the mono slowly thru the Scotch-brite© pad at about 6” per
chrome. While that was extreme, it did bring out the apparent
second with your right hand. See the illustration. When you
fact that, even though a mono leader might be clear, its smooth
get to the distance along the mono to be crosshatched, stop
surface greatly contributed to it being a sunlight reflector.
and reverse the process until you reach the original starting point. One time up, one time down the mono and you have put
The most common viewing of this “chrome mono” look is when
a crosshatch pattern on the mono surface. Breaking up the mo-
the sunlight is coming from above to almost directly behind a
no’s reflective surface must be done with a crosshatch pattern,
mono strand and into the water. The next time you are on a
just pulling a mono strand straight through a Scotch-brite©
pier, beach or in a boat, look for this extreme reflected sunlight
pad will only put those minute scratches in a straight line, the
reflected shine will still be a problem, in fact, intensified. The
“chrome mono.” Diffusing the reflected shine of your mono line/leader may turn a wary adult of just about any species
random crosshatch pattern definitely diffuses the reflected
from a “looker” into an “eater”, especially when fishing for any
near surface species. This also applies to inshore and bay fishing. Think about how many times this has probably happened
To see the effect of this crosshatching, using great care, fill
in the past. K illing the reflection on a mono main line for about
a clear glass container with clear water, put it in a position
5-6 feet above a wire leader helps too, especially when a short
so that direct sunlight is coming through from the side away
leader of around twelve inches is used.
from you. P ut a loop of crosshatched mono and a loop from the same spool without the treatment into the jar’s water. The
The idea of a crosshatch pattern on the mono’s surface greatly
mono loop with the crosshatch pattern will almost disappear,
reducing the reflection was a good one; how to get it there
versus the unaltered piece. You will have no question as to the
was the next problem. Somewhere in the thought process of
effectiveness of the crosshatching.
solving the reflection problem, I came up with using fine grit wet/dry sandpaper. This sort of worked, but still was not what
The benefit of this crosshatching is that it’s headed in the di-
I was looking for. When looking at a scouring pad the “light
rection of having stealth performance as with fluorocarbon. You
bulb came on.” After trying several brands and types of pads, I
retain the flexibility and knot strength of mono, while gaining
settled on the dark green ones by 3-MTM, named Scotchbrite© .
near invisibility in the water. Other fluorocarbon problem areas
They had the flexibility, softness and texture that gave the best
eliminated are: the reported questionable knot strength and
and most consistent crosshatch pattern on a mono strand’s
stiffness of some, plus its higher cost. At about six dollars for
surface. The last time I bought any of these Scotch-brite© pads
that pack of Scotchbrite© pads, plus a little time and effort, this
was at Sam’s, a “Value P ack” of 18. When each pad was cut
crosshatching looks like and is a definite fishing tackle bargain.
into four equal pieces, this gave me a total of 72, measuring
Waves Magazine | August 2022
The reflection reducing, stealth effect of crosshatching is of greatest benefit from near the surface to about 8-10 ft. down in clear water, when viewed from near horizontal. This effect also comes into play at night around a brightly lit production platform far offshore —
think tuna fishing.
This is another of those instances where adapting a product to a non-related use results in a tried and proven true new technique —
you never know where you will make your next fishing
tackle find. Using a Scotch-brite© scouring pad to create a low-cost nonfilament alternative to fluorocarbon while keeping Does this crosshatching weaken the mono? Infinitesimally is
mono’s basic characteristic —
it’s Scotch-brite© Magic!
the word that comes to mind when I’m asked that question. The one effect that is a minus will come into view after it’s fished a day or two; the disturbed surface might turn a bit cloudy. Change the leader or cut the cloudy portion off. All of the reels I use offshore have Spectra© on them and about fifteen feet of 80# mono leader knotted on. I only do the Scotch-brite© treatment to the outer 5-6 feet and cut the leader back as needed as the fishing goes on. I haven’t done a break test of before and after the crosshatching, but I have fished it all these years without any problems other than the occasional cloudiness on the surface.
PLa etmr i ci rke ro ishing Gear & Ta
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• • • • • • • •
aits ures usto o s n House o eel e air eel arts o o onents nshore shore Ta le usto igging usto S li ing
Waves Magazine | August
Recipe Of The Month
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R emove skin from salmon, spray with ghee or brush
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with olive oil and season with TSS Herbal R ed. Grill
at 350 until 1 40 degrees internal then set aside
er a
to cool. Once cool break the salmon by hand into Prepare egg noodles according to package then
In a deep twelve-inch-skillet, brown the andouille on
med high heat until the fat is rendered out and pieces get crispy. Next add all vegetables and two sticks of
s Te as ar
butter. Continue to cook stirring often until vegetables
are soft.
setting. Cover and stir often for 5 minutes. Finally, remove from heat and gently stir in salmon. Garnish with Italian parsley, lemon slice, garlic bread, and ENJOY!
half, chicken stock, cheese, and seasonings. R educe
s er
hisk in flour until smooth then add half and
drain water, add to sauce, and reduce heat to lowest
heat to low and stir often for 1 0 minutes.
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Follow Wild Bill at: Instagram@ TexasSelectSeasonings Facebook@ TexasSelectSeasonings
551 7 FM 2004 Suite 1 00 | Hitchcock, Texas, 7756 3 | Ph: (409) 392-8 1 99 www.texasselectseasonings.com 62
Waves Magazine | August 2022
Waves Magazine | August 2022
O f T h e I s l an d F o r T h e I sl an d , in e s s a s e S e
acque Allen, owner of Heal Yeahh, which is right off the corner of 21 st and Strand, is a BOI who decided to bring her extensive knowledge and passion for tea back to the island where she was born. Opening over two years ago in the middle of the pandemic,
Jacque had been successfully sourcing teas from Asia and selling via online but decided to open a small store with a focus on body, mind, and soul.
With plans to open a modern-day tea house with a coffee house feel and her globally sourced teas, Jacque is looking forward to introducing even more people to the lifestyle of tea. Jacque says, “We aren’t trying to fit any mold. People might think tea is not for them, but I was the same way until I found a genuinely good Matcha, then that started the tea lifestyle for me and helped kick a soda habit. We want people to be comfortable while surrounded by things that are happiness-based. Even our crystals
“Tea has not only natural, but scientifically proven benefits”, says Jacque. Being in Asia for a while, she had even more access to teas and to the people who have harvested it for centuries. It was, and continues to be, a learning experience that she shares with her customers as she helps people find the exact blends for their needs. All teas come from growers that Jacque herself has visited, learned from, and continues to visit throughout the year. “I only want to sell things, including the tea, if I can see where it comes from, touch it, and know that the suppliers are of good
and other products are all meant to be empowering, but also it can be for something you believe in or something you just want and it’s all under one roof at Heal Yeahh.” Jacque treats every person who enters as family and is always ready to introduce people to the love of tea and to simply let customers enjoy some much-needed peace in her store. Hours may vary with the seasons but are always updated on Google and the Heal Yeahh social media accounts.
moral and ethical standing. All of our teas are grown GMO and fertilizerfree, as well.”, says Jacque, as she talks about her adventures and trips to the tea farms and other locations as she searches for the perfect additions to her store. Adding to the full spectrum of healthy living and finding your Z en, Heal Yeahh also has crystals, some jewelry, clothing, and other products for feeling good and highlighting body positivity. The line of athleisure wear is becoming a favorite of many as they feel better and then naturally want to be more comfortable but stylish. “Sometimes people just need a place to take a break - a breather and to regroup”, says Jacque, as she speaks of the zen and chill area in the store, complete with large lounge pillows, meditation mats, tapestries, and other soothing elements to set the tone for escaping and enjoying some peace. Customers can also enjoy the bottled teas that are ready for drinking and made right here in Galveston by Jacque. 64
Waves Magazine | August 2022
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Your Full Service Photographer www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | February 2022 65
T h e
B each H
B um
Feel good Summertime tunes ello, Wavers!
Has it been hot enough out there for ya lately?
and makes you feel happy all over. I had a random thought the
Even though we have been hit with extreme heat recently, the
other day while I was riding around in my ol’ scarab. It’s not like me
summer months are still your Bum’s favorite time of year. After
to have many thoughts in a day, but here is what had me thinking...
surviving two long winters in upstate New York many years ago, I pledged I would never complain about the heat again in my lifetime.
What songs reflect that fun, summertime feeling? Here is a partial
There is something about summertime music that lifts your spirits
some too!
list of some of your Bum’s all-time favorites. I am sure you have
ll Su i
Catching Walleye from the dock, Watching the waves roll off the rocks, Sipping whiskey from the bottle Not thinking about tomorrow
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A great song written by George Harrison. He was inspired to write this song by the long winters in England which seemed to last forever for him. A real feel better song.
ain i es
All summer long we spent groovin’ in the sand Everybody kept on playin’ Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Culb Band
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One of your Bum’s favorites. Bodies in the Sand, Tropical drink melting in your hand, We’ll be falling in love, To the rhythm of a steel drum band
Sa u a n C i a
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People dancing, people laughing, A man selling ice cream, Singing Italian songs hat a terrific band to see perform live
un n e e i e e a il S ne
A cloud nine when I want to Out of school, yeah County fair in the country sun, And everything is cool
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Even in the extreme summer heat, there was still relief and fun to be had... But at night it’s a different world, o out and find a girl Come on, come on and dance all night D espite the heat, it’ll be all right
Waves Magazine | August 2022
ls u li e C e
This tune contains two of what your Bum’s favorite words used to be: School’s Out! No more pencils, no more books, No more teacher’s dirty looks, School’s out for summer www.wavesgalveston.com
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An oldie but a goodie. This song still resonates today. U nder the boardwalk, down by the sea, On a blanket with my baby is where I’ll be
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Another Bum favorite Sittin’ in the morning sun I’ll be sitting when the evening comes Watching the ships roll in Then I’ll watch them roll away again
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Model CJ Reese Instagram @modelcjreese83
@ razorsedgegalvestontx www.wavesgalveston.com
Body by Sensei Steve Fuentes Sdfit6 Waves Magazine | August 2022
R e l at ionsh ip Adv i c e Ad
with J an & Dea n ell
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intended) One thing you didn’t state in your question is how your wife feels about this. oes she badger
doing your own thing? I don’t see this as being as big a problem as Jan does if your wife is fine with you eating what you want. In turn, she should
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be able to have the diet of her choice.
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I do believe that she shouldn’t be pressuring your two children to adapt
to her ways. It should be a matter of choice for each of you. he meal
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preparation would be more time consuming and complicated, but that is
something you should be able to work through. If your wife is cool with you
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eating the foods that you want, you should be the same way towards her. If
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she isn t, then that is a whole different matter. hen you have a problem that is going to be very difficult to fix.
ell, Stu, I must say that you two handled the vegetarian diet easily. Now you have a real problem. How many pots and pans do you have going each
night? It must be a circus - not to mention, the shopping. I’ll
start with your children first. I think they should choose the diet they prefer. udy needs to back off on that. s for you and your wife, I m at a loss for words. She is not the person you married. You are going to have to settle this round two the way you did the first or I don t see how your marriage can hold together, but I hope it can.
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
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Waves Magazine | August 2022
eflections By: John and K athy Valastro
Contributing to the article is: Renee Gibson of “Y.E.S.” - (YourEventSource)
ow many of my island friends have taken the time to visit the rich history of Galveston? I for one have a long way to go. You might ask, what is the best way to learn about our history? Simple, turn to the many historical museums and historical markers on the island. P rices range from free to $ $ $ , always check before you go. The historical society uses those funds to keep these facilities in good condition. It may seem pricey, but I think it’s worth the price of admission to keep these museums alive for future generations.
It’s a great way to escape the noise of today’s media and politics. Of course, it’s because of the journalists, our island antics of long ago, news coverage, prominent families, movies stars, entertainers, and city government that Galveston has it’s “rich history”.
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The Custom House Juneteenth Museum will offer interactive exhibits leveraging augmented reality and other technologies, a learning center, community outreach, education, job creation of museum staff, and cultural and historical preservation. The museum will develop and facilitate activities principally to commemorate the Juneteenth Celebration. It will also develop and facilitate activities that celebrate global diversity and inclusion through the stories and historical significance of Juneteenth. Our collections leverage modern technology to enrich, engage, and inspire communities through insight, visualizations, and interaction. The Customs House Juneteenth Museum will be partnering with Hope for Justice, NFL Alumni Academy, Texas A& M University Maritime, and West Texas A& M University Architecture schools to further inclusion and education. The digital displays and exhibits for the museum will be driven by the talented team at Rypplzz and their unique Interlife™ technology. Total Network Services is a major partner and supporter of the museum bringing this project to life.
For BOI’s, this is a great way to refresh many of the stories you’ve heard passed down from generations. It seems we are losing the ability to pass on that rich history. For newcomers, the IBCs of the island, this is another way to immerse yourself into the island. It’s almost magical when you set aside time to allow yourself to travel back in time with a little imagination.
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experience that will be accessible worldwide for all to experience as if they are at the building themselves. The halls of the museum will come alive with the history of emancipation and the future of freedom for all.
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Moody Mansion Galveston Naval Museum Galveston Historic Seaport - Home of the 1877 Tall Ship ELISSA The Bryan Museum Galveston Railroad Museum Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig and Museum Galveston Children’s Museum Galveston County Historical Museum Rosenberg Library Lone Star Flight Museum Texas Seaport Museum Texas City Museum 1859 Ashton Villa Segcity Segway Galveston Tours Galveston Trolley Station Discovery P yramid (children’s museum) Seawolf P ark USS Stewart USS Cavalla
Finally, a new museum for islanders to visit on June 19, 2022 - the 1861 Customs House at 1918 P ost Office Street was christened as the site of the new Juneteenth Museum.
June 19th, referred to as Juneteenth, marks the day when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, in 1865 to take control of the state and free all enslaved people. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation P roclamation, the P residential Executive Order freeing slaves in all rebelling states. Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States. To keep the Juneteenth spirit alive, The Custom House Juneteenth Museum will deploy content drops, virtual events, and gamified activations available on the LightP lay App. This month’s theme is the American Reality: the authentic experience in America navigating the barriers to attain success, prosperity, and upward social mobility. e is e n w e une
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Reflections Waves Magazine | August 2022
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I encourage my island friends to visit a few or all of our museums to remember just how rich our history is on Galveston Island. It’s on my to do list, I hope to see you there.
Rest assured, this won’t be your grandfather’s museum with ancient artifacts behind glass that you can’t touch. It will be a full immersion
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M ade in T he U S A !
Galveston Location
4002 Broadway, Galveston, Texas, 77550 (409) 6 21 -9540 facebook@ baysidechicgalveston
773 Cypress St. Matagorda TX , 77457 (979) 8 6 3-5033 facebook@ baysidechicmatagorda
Matagorda Location
455 Fisher St. (Hwy 6 0), Matagorda, Texas, 77457 (979) 8 6 3-5042 facebook@ baysidechicmatagorda