Delta Center Field Day

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Fisher Delta Research Center Field Day is always a great time for the Missouri agriculture commu nity to come together and have a wide-ranging discussion about the future of ag in our state. With world food demand expected to double in the next 30 to 40 years, the research that takes place at the FDREEC and across the University of Missouri system will help ensure our state re mains a global ag leader.


As a member of the Senate Appropriations sub committee that funds agriculture programs, se curing funding for ag research institutions has been one of my top priorities. The government funding bill for this year, which was signed into law in March, provided a total of $3.5 billion to support research conducted by the Agricultur al Research Service and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. This investment will sup port research, education, and extension activi ties at the University of Missouri and institutions around the state. I have requested $1.4 million for the FDREEC in this year’s agriculture appropria tions bill. I was pleased to see that request includ ed in the first draft of the bill, and I will continue advocating for its inclusion in the final version of the Onelegislation.ofthemost important things we can do to advance Missouri agriculture is to expand rural broadband to every part of the state. Around one-third of rural Missourians don’t have access to broadband, but we are making substantial progress toward closing the digital divide, so farmers can have the reliable Internet they need to run their businesses productively.


As a member of both the Senate Commerce and Appropriations Committees, I’ve advocated for the ReConnect Pilot program to target federal in vestment toward areas that currently lack access to broadband, while preventing overbuilding

U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) existing infrastructure. The ReConnect Program has provided nearly $200 million in funding to Missouri since 2019, amounting to almost 10% of all the support provided nationwide, and the most any state has received since the start of the Missouriprogram.was also recently awarded $42 million from the National Telecommunications and Infor mation Administration Broadband Infrastructure Program, the largest state-wide award from that program, representing more than 15% of total funding available. This award will be paired with $400 million in federal funding that Missouri has allocated toward broadband investment. The In frastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which was signed into law in November, included an additional $65 billion to support broadband ac cess, with early estimates showing that close to $1 billion of this funding could go to Missouri. I was proud to support the IIJA because our state’s greatest advantage is our location. We are a transportation hub for the country’s waterways, railways, and highways. The better the transpor tation network, the more competitive every Mis souri industry will be, especially manufacturing and agriculture. Missouri is expected to receive around $8 billion from the IIJA, including around $6.5 billion to improve the safety and efficiency of our highways, and additional funding to im prove airports and waterways. The law reforms the permitting process to speed up construction projects and will shorten the government ap proval process for large infrastructure projects.

Republican colleagues and I are continuing to fight the misguided Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS), which could put more than 99% of Missouri under the jurisdiction of Washing ton bureaucrats. I’ve cosponsored legislation to codify the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which replaced the WOTUS rule, and takes a much smarter approach to safeguarding our clean water without imposing excessive red tape on Missourians.

Missouri’s competitiveness is also significant ly impacted by the regulatory environment. I have fought massive regulations that impose huge costs with little to no benefit. My Senate

Of course, one of the biggest challenges facing the ag industry is skyrocketing energy and fuel costs. I was disappointed to see the Biden admin istration move immediately to restrict the pro duction of affordable and reliable American en ergy. We’ve gone from a net exporter of energy to an importer of energy in an unbelievably short period of time. Gasoline prices remain about 65% higher than they were when President Biden took office. From June 2021 to May 2022, the consum er price index for electricity rose 12%, the largest 12-month increase since August 2006. We need a true all-of-the-above strategy that utilizes the abundance of fossil fuels we have available while we continue to build renewable energy capacity. That is how we can lower costs and stabilize sup ply over the long term. At this year’s Fisher Delta Research Center Field Day, I look forward to hearing about the ground breaking research that is underway and how it will impact the future of ag. I’ve been incredibly inspired by the way our state’s farmers, ranchers, and producers have responded to the global health and economic challenges that have oc curred over the past few years. I have no doubt they will continue leading the way when it comes to feeding and fueling the world.

6 61st Annual Field Day August 26, 2022 Christopher R. Daubert Vice-Chancellor & Dean College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Shibu Jose Associate Dean for Research and Director, Missouri ExperimentAgricultureStations Aaron Brandt Director Fisher Delta EducationExtensionResearch,andCenter(FD-REEC) University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center

On behalf of the University of Missouri, The College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, and the Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center, welcome to the 61st annual Field Day.

University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center

We are fortunate to have one of the brightest and hardest working teams in agricultural research at the FD-REEC. This past year, the team has been revamped with several new faces, bringing many fresh ideas to the center. We look forward to interacting with you and sharing our research on subjects in volving cotton, soybeans, corn, rice, peanuts, irrigation management and weed control. The researchers and staff of the FD-REEC spend their year focused on the challenge of creating and improving the technology necessary to provide a growing world with food and fiber, and the challenges faced by production agriculture.Thiscenter has been the beneficiary of outstanding support from the entire agricultural community, the state of Missouri, and a broad network of ag and commodity organizations. We appreciate that support and will continue to work hard to justify your confidence and provide the information you need to become even more effective producers of food and fiber. This is your research center, and we are glad you’re here. Thank you for your support! We’re proud of the work we do here and look forward to presenting this important information to you. Our outstanding researchers will present information along four field tours, highlighting research in various crops of ourregion.SincerelyAaronBrandtWelcome Your Center


8 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS About Us In Recognition of Dr. Earl Vories Insect Management in Rice Chase Floyd Missouri Rice Management Considerations and the Role of Public Agronomy Research Dr. Justin Chlapecka In Memory of Dr. Pengyin Chen Soybean Breeding Program See page 15 for list of team members headed by Dr. Pengyin Chen Soybean Breeding and Research Updates Mike Clubb Soybean Tolerance to OFF-Target Dicamba Caio Canella Vieira Developing Soybean Lines for Flood Tolerance Dr. Francia Ravelombola Assessing Potassium Application Strategies in Cotton Dr. Justin Calhoun An Overview of Peanut Research at MU Dr. Justin Calhoun Recent Endangered Species Act Developments in Agriculture Sam Polly Cotton Tolerance and Weed Control With Early Season Herbicide Tank Mixes Dr.Bradley Wilson Cotton Response to Herbicide/PGR/ Insecticide Combinations Jim Heiser Fungi on the MOve: Disease Monitoring Initiatives in Missouri Row Crops Mandy Bish Club of 1000 Members31403937353230262423212016141210

Tour I: Rice Agronomy and Insect Management • Chase Floyd, University of Missouri FDREEC Crop Protection Specialist, Assistant Professor - Insect Management in Rice • Justin Chlapecka, University of Missouri FDREEC Rice Estension Specialist, Assistant Professor - Missouri Rice Management Considerations and the Role of Public Agronomy Research Tour II: Soybean Breeding and Genetics • Mike Clubb, University of Missouri FDREEC Research Specialist Lead - Soybean Breeding and Research Updates • Caio Canella Vieira, University of Missouri Doctoral Student FDREEC - Soybean Tolerance to OFF-Target Dicamba • Francia Ravelombola, University of Missouri FDREEC Senior Research Assistant - Developing Soybean Lines for Flood Tolerance Tour III - Red Tour: Cropping Systems and ESA Updates • Justin Calhoun, University of Missouri FDREEC Cropping Systems Specialist, Assistant Professor - Assessing Potassium and Strategies in Cotton - An Overview of Peanut Research at MU • Sam Polly, University of Missouri PSEP Coordinator - Recent Endangered Species Act Developments in Agriculture Tour IV - Blue Tour: Weed Control in Cotton and Fungi Research • Bradley Wilson, University of MIssouri FDREEC Cotton and Extension Specialist, Assistant Professor - Cotton Tolerance and Weed Control with Early Season Herbicide Tank Mixes • Jim Heiser, University of Missouri FDREEC Senior Research Associate - Cotton Response to Herbicide/PGR/Insecticide Combinations • Mandy Bish, University of Missouri Extension Specialist - Fungi on the Move: Disease Monitoring Initiatives in Missouri Row Crops Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center FIELD DAY 2022 Registration: 6 – 7 a.m. • Program: 7 – 9 a.m. • Field Tours: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Lunch is served at 12 p.m. University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center FOR MORE INFORMATION or

About Us


The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station is re sponsible for conducting problem- solving research that helps the state’s citizens make the most effec tive use possible of the Missouri’s natural resource base, including its people resources, in competing in an increasingly global economy and meeting our obligations as global citizens.

The University of Missouri (MU) Agriculture Exper iment Station operates a system of 16 off-campus agricultural centers, farms, and forests around the state, to meet the regional research and demon stration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers.

Rhodes Farm University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center South Dunklin Research Farm Marsh Farm

Like all of the centers and other facilities within the network, Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center exists to support and facilitate the total research program of the Missouri Agri cultural Experiment Station. As such, they are an integral part of the station and unique contribu tors to MU’s comprehensive land grant respon sibility.

The Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center staff give special thanks to Vice-Chancellor & Dean, Christopher R. Daubert; Associate Dean for Research & Director of Missouri Agriculture Experiment Stations, Shibu Jose; Director of FDREEC, Aaron Brandt; and the entire Advisory Board for their constant support and guidance.

Lee Farm

Our Center includes numerous spaces that are ideal for meetings, conferences, training sessions, conference calls. Some individuals and businesses use our facility and our video conference capabil ities to link to distant locations or headquarters and have face-to-face video calls, therefore min imizing travel time and costs. We have meeting spaces that range from our 12-person Library conference room to seating 600 for a meal or 1,000 persons seated for a conference at Rone Hall. We also rent the facilities for numerous weddings, class reunions, Christmas parties, proms, business anniversary celebrations and even concerts.

The Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Educa tion Center is comprised of four locations in a 12-county area that forms the Missouri Bootheel. Scientists at these facilities have gained recogni tion for developing improved soybean varieties. The Center also maintains regional soil and plant testing laboratories, a cotton micro gin, green houses, a drought simulator, foundation seed building, and a soybean feed library. The Center is headquartered at the Marsh Farm in New Madrid and Pemiscot Counties. The facility includes of fices, conference rooms and several auditoriums.

Recognizing that the process of a great public institution depends upon the good will of elected public officials, the Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center Advisory Commit tee shall conduct its business in a non-partisan Wemanner.have a common goal of conducting high quality research that will (a) respond to the needs of Missouri citizens, (b) maintain and enhance our natural resource base, (c) support a vital food and fiber system, and (d) help keep Missouri producers competitive. We will work with the MU Extension Service, state and federal agencies, and Missouri agribusiness, to undergird a reliable, safe supply of quality food that is delivered in a sustainable, profitable manner.

In addition, the Colonel Clyde Southern Telecom munication Resource Center offers web-based teaching facilities and instructional television classes toward college degrees at Three Rivers College, the University of Missouri at Columbia and the University of Missouri at St. Louis. There is also an emergency preparedness heliport located at the headquarter offices. Other Center locations include the Lee Farm in Pemiscott County, the Rhodes Farm in Dunklin County, and the Cavana ugh Farm in New Madrid County.

University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center In Recognition of

Over the years he’s worked with other FDREEC researchers, MU and ARS researchers from Co lumbia, and other colleagues around the coun try to address problems faced by Bootheel and Mid-South producers. In those projects, Earl has often been the “glue” holding the team together to bring the research to a successful conclusion.

He’s been visionary in developing research goals, creative in bringing together multiple disciplines to address those goals, and always willing to dive in and help with the dirty work.

Earl is a nationally and internationally recognized authority on water management in humid ar eas, where irrigation decisions are heavily influ enced by rainfall uncertainty. He’s particularly known for research on cotton and soybean pro duction systems and irrigation management of rice. Recently, he’s focused on bringing the tools of precision agriculture to Mid-South irrigation management. He’s developed variable-rate ir rigation strategies to deal with the extreme soil variability in the region and has collaborated with ARS researchers from other loca tions to devel op and evaluate a awardstoinnovationssystem.tervariable-ratesensor-basedcenpivotcontrolTheseledthreemajorforEarland

the rest of the team – Tech nology Transfer Awards from ARS and the Fed 12

Dr. Earl Vories

Dr. Earl Vories, Research Agricultural Engineer with the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) re tired on July 30, 2022, after almost 18 years of ser vice at the MU Fisher Delta Research, Extension, and Education Center (FD-REEC) in Portageville.

University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center on your many accomplishments and best wishes for a fulfilling retirement!

Earl and his wife Cindy have many plans for an active retirement, beginning with a month-long trip through the western U.S. this September.


Earl’s friends and colleagues gave him a retire ment sendoff on July 29 at the FD-REEC. Many there spoke of Earl’s positive influence and how he would be missed by the FD-REEC family.

eral Laboratory Consortium, and the Vanguard Award from the Irrigation Association.   Earl has also received several important indi vidual awards for his engineering and research achievements from the American Society of Ag ricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). Most notable of those are the 2016 ASABE Award for the Advancement of Surface Irrigation, and in July of this year, induction as a Fellow of ASABE, the highest award of the society. Throughout his career, Earl has conducted prac tical, problem-solving research to provide useful information for producers. Before coming to the FD-REEC, he was a Professor and Extension Engi neer at the University of Arkansas, where his col league Dr. Larry Purcell said,“Dr. Earl Vories’research has led to improved production practices that are being implemented across the US and around the world. His research on soil erosion, cotton production and harvest systems, irrigation-saving in rice production, and soybean management are a testament to his dedication and discipline.” At the FD-REEC, he’s worked one-on-one with pro ducers, and presented findings at Field Days and Conferences. He’s the consummate team player, putting the group’s goals ahead of personal aspi rations. As Ed Barnes, Senior Research Director at Cotton Inc. put it, “I have always been impressed with Dr. Vories’ unassuming nature and his desire to see everyone succeed.”

Insect Management in Rice


Rice water weevil (RWW) (Lissorhoptrus oryzo philus) is the most important insect pest of flood ed rice in the mid-south. The larval stage of this pest is the damaging stage. Larvae of RWW feed on roots causing the plant to have less ability to uptake water and nutrients. Inconsistent control of adults has been observed with foliar insecti cides; however, insecticide seed treatments have shown excellent control of the larvae. Common insecticide seed treatments used to combat RWW are in the insecticide class neonicotinoid (CruiserMaxx Rice and NipsIt INSIDE). Though these treat ments provide ex cellent control of other root feeding pests such as Grape Colaspis (Colaspis brunnea), neonicot inoid seed treatments have a short residual and control drastically decreases between 28 and 35 days after planting. Diamide insecticide seed treatments (Dermacor X-100 and Fortenza) have proven to provide better control of RWW than noenicitinoids. These products have a much lon ger residual; however they provide poor control of grape colaspis. This has led to research in bor dering states on the affect of diamide insecticide seed treatments in conjunction with neonico tinoid seed treatments. Combinations of both insecticide classes have shown increased yield when compared to any seed treatment class alone. Research is needed to address RWW issues throughout the rice growing counties of Missou Chase Floyd Chase Floyd University of Missouri Tour 1

Having a successful integrated pest manage ment plan is critical to insect management in rice. Unlike other crops grown in the Mid-South, there are only a few major pests of rice. These pests vary in feeding patterns making all parts of the plant susceptible to some level of injury from insect feeding. Proper scouting procedures in conjunction with proper control methods can protect not only yield but milling quality of rice. There are several factors aside from chemical control tactics that can impact rice insect popu lations such as, planting date, weed control, and water management.


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ri, to create a best management plan. Rice stink bug (RSB) (Oebalus pugnax) is the ma jor pest of heading rice, causing reductions in yield as well as, milling quality depending on the time feeding occurs. RSB cost producers and es timated $18.29/ac in losses +costs of application throughout the midsouth (Bateman, 2020). Foliar applications of a pyrethroid insecticide make up over 99% of insecticides applied for RSB, increas ing concerns with potential tolerance/resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin. Researchers are begin ning to seek other foliar options to control rice stink bug populations. Several products labeled and not labeled are being assessed as an alter native option. Research in Missouri is needed to address if resistant issues have arisen and if eco nomically feasible alternatives are available. Furrow irrigated rice (FIR) is becoming more pop ular in the Mid-south, and roughly 30% of Mis souri rice acreage has shifted to the system. This has altered the rice growing environment, allow ing typically non-threatening pests of the tradi tional-flooded rice system to become a common pest in FIR. Rice billbug (Sphenophorus pertinax) has the potential to become a major pest of FIR and research is needed to address possible con trol options. Research in Arkansas has shown increased yield and numerically lower damage when treating rice seed with a combination of neonicotinoid and diamide seed treatment. Fur ther research in Missouri will be needed to create the best strategy for controlling rice billbug in the Additionally,future. as a new Assistant Research Profes sor and State Extension Crop Protection Special ist as of January 1, I am looking forward to serving the Missouri Ag community for years to come. I look forward to meeting everyone and speaking at the Fisher Delta REEC Field Day August 26. I would also like to hear from the ag community on any entomological or pathological concerns that should be addressed in the near future. I look forward to providing helpful IPM information to the state of Missouri’s Ag Industry.

Rice Agronomy Insect Management


A long-term, large-plot rotation study was also ini tiated this year at both research locations and in cludes continuous soybean, continuous rice, a 1:1 rotation, and both 2:1 rotations. While this study is not featured at the field day, the plan is for this trial to continue to be planted for decades to study the yield and pest effects on different rice and soybean rotation intervals. The rotation study is funded by the Missouri


Dr. Justin Chlapecka University of Missouri FDREEC Rice Extension Specialist Assistant Professor

dr. Justin ChlapeCka

testeralductstheCouncil.MerchandisingSoybeanAdditionally,programconstudiesforsevprivateentitiestonovelriceproducts and to gain extra funding, which is integral in acquiring up-to-date research equipment for our program. We have two missions for the Mizzou Rice Agron omy Program, with number one being to produce publicly available and applicable research to in crease farm profitability in Missouri and across the Mid-South. Stakeholder input is key to determining what projects the program pursues. Annually we meet with a group of consultants and representa tives from the MRRMC to discuss the issues seen in the field over the growing season and design research projects to help solve these issues. If you have any concerns or ideas that we can explore to help improve Missouri rice production, please con tact me directly. Tying directly to the first mission, our second mission is to grow a strong extension program. The ultimate goal of all our research projects is to extend these to the farm level. I try to always make myself available for calls and/or field visits to help find a solution to the problems we face in rice production. Please ask me for a business card if you don’t already have my con tact information and feel free to reach out by text, call, or e-mail.

Missouri Rice Management Considerations and the Role of Public Agronomy Research

The University of Missouri has gone over a de cade without a program dedicated solely to rice research. Since my hiring on August 1, 2021, our focus has been to renew basic rice agronomic research in the Missouri bootheel to better serve Missouri farmers, consultants, and other stake holders who have relied on Arkansas and other mid-southern states’ data for years. There are cur rently two main hubs for our research, the Fisher Delta REEC and the Missouri Rice Research Farm west of Malden. Trials featured at the FD-REEC in clude both flooded and furrow-irrigated rice, cul tivar selection, fertility, seeding rate, planting date, seed treatment, and rotation management. Culti var trials include 9 hybrids and 16 inbred varieties, all of which are commercially available or will be in the next few years. Advanced lines from sever al rice breeding programs are also tested by the Rice Agronomy Program. Seeding rate and fertility trials include several popular commercial cultivars and aim at increasing farm profitability. These trials are all funded fully or partially by the Missouri Rice Research and Merchandising Council (MRRMC).

Rice Agronomy & Insect Management

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Dr. Chen took great pride as a teacher of many students. His guidance, mentorship, and impeccable attention to detail helped shape so many in the soybean industry over the years. Once accepted as a student by Dr. Chen, you were forever his student. He was always available to advise, mentor, or just listen to the many prodigies who called on him, well into their careers.

Things I know and feel about Dr. Pengyin Chen

Dr. Chen’s loss is devastating but his contributions to soy bean breeding research and his influence on others will always be remembered.

Dr. Chen was well respected by numerous people whom he came to know and conduct collaborative research. He was the epitome of a wonderful person who loved helping others including farmers, faculty, students, staff, colleagues, and the public in all aspects of life. He was humble, kind, unselfish, slow to anger and never held a grudge even if he was mistreated or misunderstood. He always made himself available to visit, discuss research or counsel others.

Dr. Chen leaves an outstanding legacy. His contributions to soybean breeding and genetics research and his student mentoring are commendable. During his tenure at the University of Arkansas and the University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research Center, he established two very strong soybean breeding programs bringing each program to a level of excellence. He is regarded as one of the best soybean breeders not only in the USA but the entire world. He was a tireless worker and directed his research in practical ways to help soybean farmers. Dr. Chen was a lead er in discovering genetics to improve dr. pengyin Chen seed yield, seed protein and oil content, root knot nema tode resistance, salt tolerance, flooding tolerance, drought tolerance and improved nutritional traits in soybeans to in crease demand for U.S. soybeans. He was involved in the development of over 50 outstanding soybean varieties and germplasm being used by many in the soybean breeding industry as parents in crossing for soybean improvement.


Tour 2

University of Missouri - FDREEC Soybean Breeding

Our soybean breeding program focuses on variety development and germplasm enhancement. The overall goal is to provide a steady flow of new and improved conventional and herbicide-tolerant va rieties and adapted to Southeast Missouri and the Mid-South. Herbicide tolerance traits include RR1, R2Y, LibertyLink, Enlist E3, and R2Y Xtend. Emphasis is placed on developing maturity groups IV and V varieties with high yield potential, broad adaptation, multiple disease resistance, environmental stress tolerance, and improved seed quality traits. Desired seed traits include high protein, high oil, high sucrose, low stachyose, high oleic, high stearic, low linolenic, and soy food attributes. Efforts are also made in selecting superior lines with resistance to stem canker, sudden death syndrome, frogeye leaf spot, phytophthora root rot, charcoal rot, cyst nematode, root-knot nematode, and reniform nem atode. In addition, the team develops lines with tolerance to off-target dicamba damage, drought, flood, and salt stress. We use off-season nursery, laboratory, greenhouse, and field trials to develop and evaluate breeding materials. Breeding lines are extensively tested in Missouri and other South ern states, and superior lines are released as varieties for commercial production or as germplasm to be used for research and breeding by other public and private breeding programs. Our breeding program is supported by the check-off funds through the United Soybean Board, Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, Mid-south Soybean Board, and North Central Soybean Research Program.

22 Kennett Tr ust Ban k 573-888-9051 917 First Street Kennett, MO 63857 www.KennettTr Our team of expe r ts g uarantees local decisions and a solid bank. And w ith people you know and trust, you can always count on the se r v ice you dese r ve! YOUR C OMMUNIT Y FO CUSED BANK Soybean Breeding and Genetics BreedingSoybean&Research Updates Mike Clubb Mike Clubb University of Missouri FDREEC ResearchLeadSpecialist Caio Canella Vieira dr. FranCia raVeloMbola ToleranceSoybeantoOFF-Target Dicamba Caio Canella Vieira University of MissouriStudentDoctoralFDREEC SoybeanDevelopingLinesForFloodToleranceDr.FranciaRavelombola University of Missouri FDREEC SeniorAssociateResearch

We are currently putting extensive efforts in the applications of big data and predictive analytics to maximize the ge netic gain in our pipeline and speed up the delivery of superior soybean varieties. This includes the implementation of UAV to collect field notes, genetic and molecular characterization of breeding lines, and comprehensive analysis of environmental factors in attempts to improve selection accuracy and overall breeding efficiency.

Soybean Breeding and Genetics

On-going Breeding Projects and Research

Soybean Breeding and Genetics


The development and commercialization of genetically modified dicamba-tolerant (Xtend) soybean were followed by massive off-target damage reports across the United States. In 2017, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported 2,708 official dicamba-related injury investigations in soybean, damaging over 3.5 million soybean acres in the U.S. Recently, the herbicide has been re-registered for over-the-top applications until 2025. Although soy beans are naturally susceptible to dicamba, genotypes may respond differently to off-target damage. Once damaged, the most prominent symptoms are abnormal leaf development known as cupping and plant stunting. The severity of the symptoms and yield penalty differ based on the growth stage, dosage, frequency and duration of exposure, and potentially genetic background. This project is designed to identify and confirm natural tolerance to off-target dicam ba damage and characterize the genetic basis of such tolerance. With the threat of a substantial yield penalty resulting from the exposure to off-target dicamba, deployment of tolerant non-Xtend soybean varieties (Conventional, RR, LL, and E3) is critical to secure commercial production of all types of non-Xtend soybeans and the growing niche market of conventional soybeans in the United States as well as export for food applications.

Impact on Yield Performance

The development and commercialization of genetically modified dicamba-tolerant (Xtend) soybean were followed by massive off-target damage reports across the United States. In 2017, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported 2,708 official dicamba-related injury investigations in soybean, damaging over 3.5 million soybean acres in the U.S. Recently, the herbicide has been re-registered for over-the-top applications until 2025. Although soy beans are naturally susceptible to dicamba, genotypes may respond differently to off-target damage. Once damaged, the most prominent symptoms are abnormal leaf development known as cupping and plant stunting. The severity of the symptoms and yield penalty differ based on the growth stage, dosage, frequency and duration of exposure, and potentially genetic background. This project is designed to identify and confirm natural tolerance to off-target dicam ba damage and characterize the ge netic basis of such tolerance. With the threat of a substantial yield pen alty resulting from the exposure to off-target dicamba, deployment of tolerant non-Xtend soybean varieties (Conventional, RR, LL, and E3) is criti cal to secure commercial production of all types of non-Xtend soybeans and the growing niche market of conventional soybeans in the United States as well as export for food ap plications. Figure 1. Yield performance (% Xtend CK) affected by off-target dicamba damage (1-5 scale) in nine environments (2019-2021)

Natural Tolerance to Off-Target Dicamba in Non-Xtend Soybeans

Soybean Breeding and Genetics Genetic Basis of the Natural Tolerance

We developed three mapping populations where one parent showed superior tolerance to off-target dicamba dam age and the other susceptibility (Figure 2A). We collected two years of visual injury data (1-5 scale), and the segregation within the population will be used to map the regions of the genome controlling the differential response to dicam ba. We also performed a genome-wide association study on exotic soybean lines for off-target dicamba tolerance throughout the growing season and identified differential responses to the injury among them (Figure 2B). The genes and markers identified in this study will be used in breeding for off-target dicamba tolerance.

Figure 2. A) Segregation for off-target dicamba damage within a mapping population derived from a cross between a parent with enhanced natural tolerance to off-target dicamba damage and a susceptible parent. B) Differential response of exotic plant introduction (PI) accessions to off-target dicamba damage throughout the season.

Advanced on the Pipeline…

Figure damage.relatedor(left)

We have identified advanced breeding lines with consistent enhanced tolerance to off-target dicamba damage (Fig ure 3). Several of these lines have been entered in regional yield trials and will potentially be proposed for release in the next 1-2 years. We firmly believe the deployment of non-Xtend soybean cultivars tolerant to off-target dicamba damage will reverse the current scenario where farmers have limitations over their autonomy and freedom of choice of which, if any, herbicide technologies they purchase and use in their operations.

Figure 2. Flood yield trials in 2021. Green plots are flood tolerant lines and damaged plots are susceptible lines


With the change of environmental conditions and the threat of yield losses due to extreme weather events, our team has a large breeding project focusing on developing soybean varieties with enhanced tolerance to flooding con ditions. One of our objectives is to identify promising lines with tolerance to early and mid-seasons flood stress. We would like to assess the appropriate growth stage and the duration of flooding stress needed to develop flood injury. The generated information will be used for flood screening of a large number of soybean lines in the future. A set of 20 genetically diverse soybean lines (MG IV-VI) with contrasting flood tolerance was evaluated for flooding injury after 8-10 days of flooding stress or until plants show yellowing and wilting in the field. These diverse accessions were plant ed in single-row plots (7 ft. long) in 3 replications.

Our research aims to identify flood-tolerant lines with consistent performance across different locations. A total of 98 Arkansas, Missouri, and North Carolina breeding lines (MG4 – MG6) including newly developed and previously identi fied lines with superior flood tolerance will be evaluated for flooding tolerance in the field. These lines will be planted in single-row plots (7 ft. long) in 3 replications. Flooding stress will be applied in the early reproductive stages (R1/R2). The same sets of lines will also be tested in different states (AR, LA, MS, and NC) to evaluate the stability of flood tolerance.

Screening for flood tolerance across different states

Soybean Breeding and Genetics

Figure 1. Drone picture of flood experiment in 2021 at R1 stages after 10 days of flooding conditions

Developing Soybean Lines for Flood Tolerance

Screening for flood tolerance earlier in the season? When? And h ow?

Michael Tipton mtipton@arkmo Pivot Sales and Service Mid-Valley Irrigation Kennett, MO Charleston, MO 573-888-1465 573-683-6041

28 CHARLESTON 573-683-6115 205 West Commercial BERNIE 573-293-6567 1496 St. Hwy.25 COOTER 573-695-2127 Lynn Circle PORTAGEVILLE 573-379-5674 Hwy.61 SENATH 573-738-2616 500 North Main SENATH 573-738-2771 207 Hwy.C SIKESTON 573-481-9416 Hwy.61

To Us, People Matter • Checking & Savings • IRA’s & CD’s • Personal & Auto Loans • Mortgage Loans • Agriculture Loans • Business Loans • Online/Mobile Banking • Online Bill Pay • Apple Pay© • Popmoney® Kennett, MO 573-717-7177 Malden, MO 573-276-2257 Dexter, MO 573-624-8383 Leachville, AR 870-539-6001 Josh McGowan, Manager Thomas Scales, Sales Agronomist JP McCord, Sales Agronomist 19303State Hwy 25 Kennett, MO 888-5361

The cost of fertility management in all crops has been getting more and more expensive over the past couple of seasons. Though prices have de creased some over the past months, economists tend to agree that it could be quite some time before prices return to normal. This reality has had several producers asking how they can be efficient as possible when applying fertilizers.

Assessing Potassium Application Strategies in Cotton

Dr. Justin Calhoun University of Missouri FDREEC Cropping Systems Specialist and Assistant Professor

dr. Justin Calhoun

30 Tour 3

In cotton production, a major component of fertility management is potassium (K) as it is an essential nutrient for boll development and re tention and is luxury consumed during peak peri ods. Though most potassium fertilizers on cotton acres are applied prior to planting, the greatest demand for potassium by the crop occurs during boll fill periods. In response, there has been recent interest in applying K as a side-dress fertilizer to increase availability during periods of greatest de mand. Literature suggests, however, that cotton response to side-dressed K is dependent on envi ronment and variety. To investigate split applications of K fertilizers in Missouri cotton production, multiple studies were conducted at the Lee and Rhodes Farms on the T.E. “Jake” Fisher Delta REEC during 2022 where potash (62% K) fertilizer was applied to cotton crops at different rates and tim ings. One study involved applying potash fertiliz er at different in-season timings according to cot ton growth stage. Timings include preplant, 3-4 leaf, pinhead, mid-square, early flower, and cut out. Another study consisted of applying potash using different split strategies. These strategies include all preplant applied, split applications of 2/3 rate at planting and 1/3 rate in-season, ½ and ½ split, 1/3 and 2/3 split, and all in-season. Pot ash rates for each of these studies (225 lb/a at Lee and 200 lb/a at Rhodes) were based off soil test

These studies have taken place at both the Marsh and Rhodes farms at the T.E. “Jake” Fisher Delta

Presented at field day will be soil sample and tis sue data collected from each study. Additionally, talks will take place in front of the Lee field site, so any visual differences will be seen by attendees.

Justin Calhoun

An Overview of Peanut Research at MU

University of Missouri FDREEC Cropping Systems Specialist and Assistant Professor

Over the past few years, a new species has found its way into Missouri cropping rotations. Since about 2015, peanuts have been commercially grown in the Missouri delta with acreage increas ing each year. In 2020, USDA designated Missouri as a major peanut producing state (3-year aver age must be at least 10,000 tons for a state to re ceive such designation). Move forward to 2022 and it is estimated that peanut acreage in the state may total somewhere between 20,000 and With25,000.increased popularity and adoption, MO growers have begun to push the limit on the yield potential of peanut production and push yields to impressive levels. As a result, many have been looking for more research in the MO delta on how to improve peanut production beyond its current capabilities. In 2022, the Missouri Peanut Growers Associa tion funded their first research projects with the university of Missouri. These projects included evaluation of seeding rates, in-season need and efficacy of gypsum applications, and applications of prohexadione calcium as a growth regulator.

Cropping Systems and ESA Updates

ing recommendations conducted prior to plant ing in the spring. Each study at each location contained four replicates. The timing study was planted in two varieties at each location: ST4595 and ST5091. The K strategy trial was conducted in 3 varieties: ST4595, ST5091, and DP2020.

AtREEC.field day, attendees will be updated on the production of MO peanuts, the status of on-go ing research at MU, and any data and results that are available at the time.

In April 2022 the U.S. EPA released its first-ever comprehensive workplan for registering and re newing pesticide products while protecting en dangered species. This workplan followed several EPA milestones, including:



• A January 2022 announcement revealing EPA’s policy of evaluating new active ingredients for effects on endangered species, including collab oration with EPA’s two partnering federal wildlife agencies.

• The January 2022 renewal of Enlist One and Enlist Duo while employing these new policies, resulting in more robust mitigation measures re quired to protect endangered species.

Sam Polly University of Missouri PSEP Coordinator

• The reconvening of the ESA-FIFRA Interagen cy Working Group and its first-ever stakeholder meeting.


Cropping Systems and ESA Updates 502 N St. MO 63876 738-2648

• In March 2022 the EPA announced it will take steps to increase restrictions on the use of mala thion after the first-ever nationwide consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


Recent Endangered Species Act Developments in Agriculture

Missouri’s Director of Pesticide Safety Education, Sam Polly, will discuss these developments, some of the species behind the scenes, and what this means to producers.

saM polly

PEMISCOT- DUNKLIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE •If the threatof exists, jump out and away from machiner y, so no par tof your body touches the equipment and the round simultaneously. If you have any questions, please call and we will be glad to help you. Ser ving the Rural Bootheel Area Frequently, accidents occur when emergency help is not readily accessible! It is vital that you know proper steps to takein case of an emergency accident. •Call for HELP immediately. • Always assume a downed power line is HOT. •If you are ina piece of machiner y that is in contact with a power line, remain inside and wait for help. Hwy. 412 West Hayti, MO 573-757-6641 or 1-800-558-6641 Delta Center Field Day Friday, August 26, 2022

34 2353 Nor th State Highway D, Hayti, MO 63851 Fax: 573-333-4216Phone: 573-333-4125 NOW LEASING!! • Available Industrial Par k Proper ties Located Mile 849 Lower Mississippi River • Featuring the Duane Michie Industrial Par k (A 250-Acre BNSF Cer tified Rail Site) • 50 Acre Por t Harbor Industrial Site • 50 Acre Rail Site Adjacent to the inter section of Inter state 55 and Inter state 155/US 412 • Three miles from the Mississippi River Bridge to Tennessee Executive Director - John Ferguson

Dr. Bradley Wilson University of Missouri FDREEC Cotton & Extension Specialist and Assistant Professor

See WILSON page 36

Missouri Cotton Agronomy Update

Cotton Tolerance and Weed Control with Early Season Herbicide Tank Mixes

The cotton planting window was narrow this year in the early part of May with cool and cloudy conditions as well as rainfall setting in through out the month of May that made planting and replanting difficult. The cotton program initiated several research trials this year at the lee farm in Portageville and were able to implement large strip variety trials with multiple growers across the bootheel in Dunklin, New Madrid, and Stoddard Counties. The large plot strip trials included 12 varieties available across many companies oper ating in the Midsouth. These large plot trials allow our growers to determine varieties that will fit in their management program as well as providing information to growers in the area on yield, and fiber quality characteristics of each variety eval uated. I appreciate the willingness of the grow ers and consultants to work with us on these large plot tri als in my first year. As mentioned above, several research trials were initiated at the Lee farm in 2022. A wide range of studies were evaluated with respect to cot ton production management. Small plot official variety trials were conducted in an irrigated en vironment on a silt loam soil type with 41 total cultivars being evaluated. Small plot dryland variety trials were also conducted on a silt loam soil type including 34 commercially available cul tivars. Unfavorable and abnormal environmental conditions have been noticeable in the dryland variety trial this year. While variety trials are being

dr. bradley Wilson

Tour 4

36 evaluated to fit in the Mis souri Region, alternative trials are being conducted with the cotton extension working group across the cotton belt including evaluations of cotton seed quality, and nitrogen rates in cotton. The goal of the seed quality re search is to provide information on warm and cool germination rates, oil content, and free fatty acid content and the effects upon cotton stands, vigor, and yield.

Wilson From Page 35

Research trials being evaluated with the goal of providing specific information for the cotton growers in Missouri include a cotton seeding rate strip trial with varieties differing in seed size and quality. Cotton seeding rates included 23,000, 30,000, 37,000, 44,000, and 50,000 seed per acre were planted in singulation utilizing a precision planter. This trial aims to determine optimum cotton seeding rates in the bootheel region that may impact seed input cost. Another trial being conducted is the evaluation of cotton herbicide tolerance and weed control efficacy of soil ap plied residual herbicides tank mixed with post emergent herbicides dicamba or glufosinate at early season growth stages in cotton (2 and 6 leaf). This data will provide growers with infor mation on effects and time duration of herbicide injury to cotton as well as weed control efficacy of various products. We are also thankful to sev eral agronomic companies and the willingness to work with us on new technologies and variety re leases that may impact cotton production in the Missouri bootheel in the future.

Weed Control in Cotton and Fungi Research

Weed Control in Cotton and Fungi Research

Jim Heiser

Mr. JiM heiser

Herbicide/PGR/Insecticide Combinations

Cotton Response to

The post-emergence herbicide active ingredient Glufosinate (Liberty) can be used to selectively control weeds in LibertyLink, Enlist, and Xtend cotton varieties. Tank mixes with glyphosate for a broader spectrum of control are possible when applied to Enlist and Xtend varieties, as well as with insecticides and growth regulators to re duce application costs, and make timely appli cations. However, varying levels of phytotoxic response have been noted by producers and ap plicators following applications containing glu fosinate with other crop protection products, but no trend has been identified as to which product combinations cause the most severe injury. The herbicidal activity of glufosinate has been shown to be dependent on environmental fac tors including humidity and temperature (Coe tzer et al., 2002), time of day (Montgomery et al., 2017), among others. One environmental factor that has not been thoroughly investigated is the effect of cloudy weather for sustained periods prior to application. One study was found which investigated the differences in potential cotton crop injury in LibertyLink cotton varieties versus original Widestrike cotton varieties when applica tions were made at different growth stages. These Widestrike varieties had low tolerance to Glufos inate. This level of tolerance was used as a selec tive marker to confirm successful insertion of the insect resistance trait (Norsworthy et al., 2016). Due to the incom plete resistance in the Widestrike va rieties, enhanced injury was likely to occur with any environmen tal stress the plants may have encountered (Cul pepper et al., 2009). Another contact herbicide, Carfentrazone-ethyl, was shown to have signifi cantly higher activity and crop response when low light intensity occurred prior to herbicide treatment (Thompson and Nissen, 2002). Under these low light conditions, several factors could influence crop response: chlorophyll production, herbicide metabolism, slowing of processes at the herbicide site of action or herbicide absorp tion. Plant leaf cuticle (waxy, protective layer) thickness may be reduced during periods of low er light intensity. A thin cuticle could allow for in creased absorption of pesticides and cause tem porary crop response/injury. This reduction in light intensity could cause increased chlorophyll production to capture more sunlight. Could varying intervals of cloudy weather prior to tank mix applications, no matter what the com bination, be the reason for sometimes seeing in jury? This study aims to determine if intervals of cloudy conditions can affect the amount of crop response observed when Glufosinate is applied

University of Missouri FDREEC Senior Research Associate

See HEISER page 38

38 Weed Control in Cotton and Fungi Research 1607 Independence, Hwy. 25, Kennett (573) 888-1972 God Bless Our Troops CHARLESTON OFFICE: 415 East Marshall Street 573-683-3371 CARUTHERSVILLE OFFICE: 621 Ward Avenue 573-333-1138 alone or tank mixed with either a plant growth reg ulator (PGR), an insecticide, or Treatmentsboth. applied to cot ton plants include a non-treated check, Liberty only, Liberty + Compact PGR, Liberty + Orthene, and Liberty + Compact + Orthene - all at labeled rates. Cloudiness will be simulated by placing 50% light penetration shade cloth over a portion of the plot area at 7, 5, 3, and 1 day prior to tank mix applications. Temperature and light intensity data will be collected from the placement of the first shade cloth through treatment applications. Plant chlorophyll and cuticle measurements will be made at the time of application. Leaf samples from shaded and non-shaded portions of each plot will be sampled and amount of leaf cuticle per unit area determined. Correlation between low cuticle measurements and high crop re sponse would suggest that increased herbicide absorption may be responsible. A SPAD 502 Chlo rophyll meter will be used to estimate chlorophyll concentration in cotton plant leaves. Additional ly, crop response assessments in the form of chlo rosis, necrosis and/or stunting, and maturity de lay will be collected, as well as cotton fiber quality and ginning information.

This study has been funded by Cotton Inc. - Mis souri State Support Committee.

Heiser From Page 37

Fungi on the Move: Disease Monitoring Initiatives in Missouri Row Crops The Mizzou Field Crop Pathology Team conducts multiple research studies on fungal pathogens of Missouri row crops. We will provide an overview of these projects, which include: • Tracking fungal spore movement during the Mandy bish Mandy Bish University of Missouri Extension Specialist Weed Control in Cotton and Fungi Research See BISH page 41

40 Barry L. richardson President Phone 573-643-2921 richardson Gin, inc. 112 West Main Street Marston, Missouri 63866 Quality Ginning Since 1928

22355 County Road 102 Malden, MO 573-276-6406 growing season. • Initiation of a statewide disease monitoring survey. •Preliminary findings from on-farm foliar fungicide tri als in soybean that are part of the Missouri Strip Trial AccurateProgram.identification and quantification of fun gal spores is important for development of effec tive disease outbreak forecasting tools. The in-sea son disease monitoring survey and findings from the on-farm foliar fungicide trials can be used to assist farmers in fungicide application decisions. These projects require collaboration among ex tension specialists throughout the state and sup port from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council. Bish From Page 39

Mansfield,Madison,CooperativePowerDavidP.Wadeand Cara Marshall, E. Louise Marshall, Gary D. Martin, Bruce Jr. Massey, Lloyd Massey Matthews,FarmsMr. and Mrs. Scott McCrate, In Memory of Denis McDaniel and Clark Farms, Inc McDonald, Perry and Fern MFA, Inc.

42Adams, Arvil V. Allen, Orville Duane & Alice Geraldine, Neelyville FFA Alta Pete, Inc. Anand, Sam and Susie Arington, Bill and Randy Associated Electric Coop, New Madrid Atwell, in Honor of Sam and Fran Bank of Hayti Bailey, John R. Baker, In Memory of Charles B. Baker, David E. Barks, Glenn and Donna Bean,BASF Representative Otto Bean, Barry & Vickie Bean, Claire Elizabeth Bean, Jason Bean, Otto James Bell, Richard E. and Christina L. Berry Gin Co. Black, Joe G. and Ellen Blakemore, David and Carolyn Blytheville Sheet Metal (Dwight Wren) BNSF Railway (Jeffrey N. Davis) Bootheel Resource Conservation and Collins,Chippendale,CitizensChoi,Choate,Chen,Carter,Burton,Bullington,Brown,Brooks,Branum,Branum,Branum,Branum,Branum,Farms)Bracey,DevelopmentHilton(WolfBayouAlisaKristenGary,BeckyandElizabethGregandJeannieJaniceEddieMr.andMrs.T.A.,Jr.EarlInMemoryofGenevaGirvinRandyPengyinandPingZhaoWendellMunandSuzanneBankofCharlestonMichaelandEneMichaelandLinda

Combs Farming Co. Combs Land Co. Combs Realty Co. Combs, Hayden Paul Combs, Merideth Ann Combs, Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Combs, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Paul Cook, Robert and Ann Cromwell, Charles F. and Ruth Cronan, Doyle, Kyle and Robert Richardson Crysler Co, W.M. (Bill, Chris and Greg) Cunningham, E.R. Dalton, Hall John and Marianne Dalton, In Memory of John and Geraldine Davis, Caleb III and Brenda DePriest, Delbert Delouri Dement,FarmsEdward and Kaye Dolphin Land Company Dorroh, Lee M. DowElanco (Horton W. Miller) Droke, Pete and Betty Droke, In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. O.R. DrokeMr. and Mrs. Peter Droke Duff, Earnest,Duncan,CharlieArthurCharles and Judith Edgington, Fisher,FirstFirstFirstFields,Faulkner,Farris,Farmer’sFarmer’sFarmElrod,Ellington,EdmonstonRichardGinCompanyInMemoryofJohnandMaryGirvinJoeandJoyceCreditSoutheastMissouriBankofPortagevilleUnionGinCo.JohnandJeanneParkerandSusieAlexLFinancialBankofSoutheastMissouriStateBankandTrust,IncCaruthersvilleStateCommunityBank,PortagevilleJakeandShelly Fisher, In Memory of Landon Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Fletcher Fletcher’s Gin Company Floyd, Dr. Elson S. FMC Forsee,FoundationGaryand Sherry Gardner, John and Julie Gee, E.B. Jr. Geske, Mike Gill, Robert G. (Glen) and Marie Girvin,M. In Memory of John L. and Georgia and family Glass, In Memory of Lonnie W., Jr. Green, Thomas M., IV and Van Haggard,StricklandDavid and Judith Haggard, T. A.” Doc” and Frances Haggard, Graham Haggard, Stella Victoria Haggard, Tami Haggard, Trent Harris, Austin Harris, Britton Paul Harris, George Paul and Becky Harris, Greg and Missy Harris, In Memory of Ira “Slick” Harris, J.D. Harris, Kayton C. Harris, Paul Harris, Payte Harris, Steve and Sherri Harris, Tyler Heath, Mrs. Kenneth and family Heckemeyer, Anthony Joseph Hilburn, Anna K. Hilburn, Charles Richard III Hilburn, Hadley Rebecca Holloway, Keith Howell, Jean Stokes Hulshof, In Memory of Henry and Emma Hutchison, J.R., Jr. Hux, Jeff Hux, John and Ann Jackson, Bill Jean, JenningsKeithBros., Inc. Johnson, Nan and Bud Johnson, Jim and Suzy Johnson, Jimmy D. Keaster, Dr. Armon J. and Family Kellams Farms, Wallace and Kendig,LindaDr.John H. and Phyllis L. Kennett Trust Bank Kersey, Landon and Stacey Kesler,Gary and Rebecca KFVS-12 Kinder, Lt. Governor Peter D. Kingree, Elvin and Jane Klipfel, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Klopfenstein, In Memory of David and Mary Knorr, Steve Kruse, In Honor of Ben (By Mo. Farm Bureau) Kruse, In Memory of Ben Kruse, Charles and Pam Lankheit, Martha Ellen Lankheit, Stephen and Family Lasley, Ray and Susan Laster, In Memory of Walter and Naomi Lawson, Bill and Teresa Lawson, Ray Lee, In Memory of Ruth Limbaugh, Frieda P. Lindell, Everett and Evelyn Linit, Marc and Sue Hollingsworth Louis Dreyfus Corporation Ludwig, Dale R. and Rhonda M & A Electric

Club of 1000 Membership

University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center


University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center

Club of 1000 Membership

McHaney, Flake McHaney, Patrick and Heather McRoberts Farms Inc. (Jim Merideth,Medlin,McRoberts)RogerBaughnand Jana Michie, Duane and Sue Mid-Valley Irrigation Inc. Miller, Horton W. (DowElanco) Minton, MissouriDavisAgriculture Industries MissouriCouncilCorn Merchandising MO-COTCouncilFarm Service MO Seed Improvement Assoc. Moody Farms (J.T. Moody) Moore, Max Ray Moreton, Jim and John Mount Level Farms Co., Inc. Mowrer, J. Michael and Jean Moxley, Fred M. MRM Ag Service/MRM Farms Myers, Parks, Opal and Barbara Busby Pattengill, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Payne, Dr. Tom Peach Orchard Gin Pemiscot County Farm Bureau Pemiscot -Dunklin Electric Poehlmann,CooperativeJohn and Linda Portageville Parts, Inc. Preyer, Melvin and Jennifer Priggel, In Memory of E.A. and Jane Prost, Raines,DonaldJohnand Buffy Riceland Foods, Inc. Rone, C.E. Rone, Don and Bethal Rone, Don Jr. and Myra Rone, G.W. “Son” Rone, Herbert and Juanita Rone, In Memory of Dora Klopfenstein Rone, In Memory of George W. and Nancy Jane Fisher Rone, In Memory of Mattie Lee Fisher Rone, John R. Rone, Justin and Lesley Rone, Lewis and Martha Rone, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ross, In Memory of Charles G. Roth,(Educator)Charles B. Roth, James A. Roth, James R. Roth, Jennie Lind Roth, Victor L. Rowland, J. Allen Russell, Sanders,JimJohn L. Sappenfield, Dr. and Mrs. W.P. SBC Scott,FoundationInMemory of Joe H. Security Bank of Pemiscot Co. Shannon, Grover and Lynda Sharp, Van and Rebecca Shawan, Jeff and Christy Simcoke, In Memory of Richard P. Simpson, Johnnie and Gean Sleper,Rone David A. and Elaine Smith, Robert and Briley Snider, Southern,JimGordon Clyde Spitler, Charles Stacey, Dr. Gary Steele, Paul W. Still Gin and Grain, Inc. Kevin Still, Mitchell Fisher, and Hans Green Story, Sam E. Stout, Bettye Girvin Streete, Strobel,Streeter,TedElsieLarry and Kay Swims, Tom and Pam Swindle, Larry D. and Nancy Swinger, Representative Terry M. Thornbrough, Mark and Sue Thomas, Russell and Dorothy Thomason, Larry Tindall, Dr. Kelly Tipton, Jackson H. Tweedy, In Memory of Elbert “Buddy” Tweedy, James R. Underwood, Donald F. Sr. University of Missouri System VanAusdall, Rogers and Ginny Vories, Earl and Cindy Ward, Bobby and Jimmie Nell Ward, In Memory of R.W. Sr. and Alice Rone Waters, Wade D. and Wallace E. (ELW Watkins,Farm)Mr.and Mrs. Lee E. Watkins, Stephen Wells, Wenneker,DarcyRobin R. White, Williams,Wielbold,DeanBillMr. and Mrs. Maxwell Windham, Gene Sr. and Linda Wolf Island Farms (John D. Story) Womble, Aaron (Valent) Wrather, Aubra and Annie Laurie Wrather, Brenda and Allen

44 University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center Advisory Board Members Aaron Porter Alex LeeLauraLarryJustinJohnJeffJasonJasonKimGaryDavidChrisChrisCharlesCharlesByronBlakeBaughnBarryAllenAllenClarkBelowRowlandBeanMeridethGerardMedlinEarnestKrusePorterChinnBlakemoreWheelerHollifieldMayerBeanDavisRainesRoneGarrettCollinsRichardson Lee TheRyanRussRobertRancePeterPaulPaulPatrickPatrickMicahMattWatkinsStoneRoneMcHaneyTurnageCryslerCombsRostDanielsCookHoggardMooreHonorableAndrew McDaniel The Honorable Don Rone The Honorable Holly Rehder The Honorable Jason Smith The Honorable Robert Mayer Thomas Stillman Tim WhiteyWendellW.TrentMartinHaggardDustinBoatwrightMinsonWallace Co-Chairs: David Haggard and Jake Fisher

University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center Notes:

46 OPERATIONS Aaron Brandt Director Keith Birmingham Business Support II Tina Clark ................................................................. Office Support Assistant IV Pam Swims (P.T.) Office Support Assistant IV Charles Provance Farm Manager Larry Hill ................................................................................................ MTS Welder Jeff Woods Farm Worker I Ricky Laster (P.T.) Farm Worker I Rodney McHugh (P.T.) ................................................................. Farm Worker II William Daugherty (P.T.) Farm Worker II Greg Portwood Farm Worker III Linda Windham (P.T.) ........................................................................ Custodian II PLANT SCIENCES Dr. Pengyin Chen, Professor Soybean Breeding Dr. Justin Calhoun, Asst. Extension Professor ..............Cropping Systems Dr. Justin Chlapecka, Asst. Extension Professor Rice Production Dr. Bradley Wilson, Asst. Extension Professor Cotton Production Dr. Md Liakat Ali, Research Scientist .............................. Soybean Breeding Dr. Yi-Chen Lee, Senior Research Asst. Soybean Breeding Dr. Francia Ravelombola, Senior Research Assoc. Soybean Breeding Jim Heiser, Senior Research Assoc. .......................................... Weed Science Mike Clubb, Research Specialist Lead Soybean Breeding Destiny Ayers, Research Specialit II ................................ Soybean Breeding Jamie Manuel, Research Specialist II Soybean Breeding Brenton Carter, Research Specialist II Soybean Breeding Caio Canella Vieira, Research Specialist I...................... Soybean Breeding Mckayla Burris, Research Specialist I Soybean Breeding Chris Davis, Senior Research Lab Tech. Soybean Breeding Emmanuel Ferrari, Visiting Scholar ................................ Soybean Breeding Billy Becker, Research Lab Tech (P.T.) Soybean Breeding Ellen Hoddinott, Senior Research Lab Tech Soybean Breeding Katelynn Pensel, Temp. Technician (P.T.) ....................... Soybean Breeding Cory Cross, Research Specialist I Weed Science Angelica Crosby, Senior Research Lab Tech. Weed Science Kayla McCorkle, Senior Research Lab Tech ...................... Rice Production Courtney Hunt, Temporary Tech. (P.T.) Rice Production Cory Hoxworth, Research Lab Tech. Cotton Production Lauren Massey, Lab Tech (P.T.) .......................................... Cotton Production Cody Sherwood, Temporary Tech. (P.T.) Cropping Systems Jake Watkins, Research Specialist II Cotton Production Boby Tanner, Research Lab Tech. (P.T.)........................... Cotton Production EXTENSION Sarah Denkler Regional Director P.T. – Part Time Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center Personnel University of Missouri Fisher Delta Research, Extension & Education Center

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