for the
October 2022
Michael Kersey, DDS
General Dentistry
Michael Kersey, DDS
General Dentistr y
(870) 625-3262
180 Main Street
(870) 625-3262
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Mammoth Spring, AR OpenTuesday - Thursday
Mammoth Spring, AR Open Tuesday - Thursday
BARKER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY We are your full ser vice funeral home and the only cremator y in Fulton County “Our Family Serving Yours”
AVENUES • October, 2022 3 LocatedinthehistoricalCastleberryBuilding ontheSquareinSalem.
4 AVENUES • October, 2022 OCTOBER 16 23 37 10 Pets and Pumpkins: A fall festival for the entire family 22 18 Free Dinner GIveaway info Cover and left by Ralph Moore taken at McWilliams Pumpkin Patch in West Plains, Mo. ON THE COVER McWil 25 Many mysteries of Bull Shoals still waiting to be explored What to do this Spooky Season 32 ACNA Spotlight 6 Local Taste 24
Sales Director
Renee Janes Elaine Brown Vincent Marshall John Norberg
Cheri Lynn Quattrochi
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
Avenues is published monthly and distributed free in Cher okee Village, Hardy, Ash Flat, Highland, Horseshoe Bend, Melbourne, Salem, Viola, Mam moth Spring, Mountain Home, Cave City, Batesville, West Plains, Thayer, Alton and other areas. Contact the office at the above numbers for information on ad vertising.
388 Hwy. 62/412 East P.O. Box 248 Salem, AR 72576 Office 1-800-995-3209 Fax 870-895-4277 news@areawidenews.com
A CherryRoad Media Publication
From the Editor:
Renee Janes, Editor
Salem, Ark.
Break out the pumpkin spice and sweaters autumn is here!
This month, I visited with Connie Rhoades Hinds. She is an Oregon County native who founded a unique fall festival for families including four-legged ones.
Vincent shared upcoming events and activities in the area including annual fall festivals, pumpkin patches, trunk or treats as well as haunted houses and corn mazes for the not so faint of heart to visit.
Elaine visited with Genia Scarberry about her journey of declaring Mountain 1890 Village as an historical district.
We hope you enjoy this month’s issue of Avenues!
AVENUES • October, 2022 5
in the Ozarks
Go To Plant For Fall…
How time has flown by. It seems like we were just planting our seeds in the spring for our summer flowers. Then the summer hit with intense heat and very little rain. Because of this we were forced to “become the rain” and water a lot just to keep trees, shrubs, plants and those flowers alive. Now that it is cooling down some things look a little stressed. But, what to my wandering eye do I spy, blooming so beautifully on trellis’ and shrubs around the area. Well, it is the one, the only, the amazing Sweet Autumn Clematis.
and it is completely covered with the most fragrant white flowers.
John Norberg Sharp County Master Gardener
This perennial vine begins to bloom late summer and all the way into the fall. It goes from leathery green leaves with a bit of a shiny look, to a profuse white wall of flow ers, so many that whatever is holding it up, can completely disappear. These vines can grow up to 30 feet long, but generally by keeping it at around 15 feet makes it more controllable. Almost like overnight, the blooms will open
The blooms are star shaped and bloom profusely on new growth of this vine. If you want to keep this vine under control, it is best to trim back right after it finishes bloom ing. Depending on how much you want the vine to cover, you can do a light trim or you can give it a hard trim. If you would choose, you can let the blooms go to seed. They will appear in seed heads that are soft and fluffy. Be cause these seed heads contain lots of seeds, this vine will self-seed easily. If left to its own, the Autumn Blooming Clematis can be considered very invasive.
This vine can be grown in full sun or part shade. It like regular watering, but the soil should be well draining. It is hardy from Zone 4 all the way to Zone 9 so it covers most of the United States. This Clematis is a heavy feeder, but should not be given high levels of Nitrogen, so a 5-10-10 beginning in the spring and continued through the grow ing season will work well with this plant.
There are a few funguses and insects that can attack this beautiful vine. An all-around safe spray can be used to control them when they first appear. Care should be taken as to not spray during the bloom cycle when bees are
6 AVENUES • October, 2022
Franklin 870-322-7201 HigHland 870-856-6075 Pineville 870-297-3033 We SPecialize in..... • Hunting & Fishing • Cabinetry • Insulation • Outdoor Living • Kitchen Design • Windows • Doors • Flooring • Cabinetry • PVC Pipe (All Sizes) • Valspar Paint Center • Tool Rental (Highland Location)
This vine is very easy to propagate and plant. Be cause of the massive amounts of seeds it produces, one should gather and plant them right away in the fall when they are fully developed. They also will easily transplant in the spring when new vines begin to emerge. Soft wood cuttings is another good way to get this vine started in other areas of your garden.
So now you have a new option for a plant that will come into full beauty when other flowers are slowing down. Autumn Blooming Clematis, your easy to grow, go to plant for fall color.
AVENUES • October, 2022 7
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8 AVENUES • October, 2022 Customer Service T h e s t a f f a t B a n k o f S a l e m t a k e s p r i d e i n p r o v i d i n g t o p n o t c h c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e e v e r y t i m e y o u w a l k t h r o u g h o u r d o o r s W h e n y o u c a l l u s , y o u c a n e x p e c t t h e s a m e g r e a t h o m e t o w n s e r v i c e f r o m p e o p l e y o u k n o w a n d t r u s t 2 0 7 W C h u r c h S t S a l e m A R 7 2 5 7 6 w w w b k s a l e m n e t 8 7 0 8 9 5 2 5 9 1 417-256-5535•417-256-4822 OPENM-F8:30-5:00SAT.8:30-1:00 108WASHINGTONAVENUE,WESTPLAINS GAMMILL SEWING CENTER We offer a complete line of sewing machines, sergers and embroidery mahines. Best Price, Best Quality, Best Selection, Best Service 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
AVENUES • October, 2022 9 Joe & Shaaron Walton of Cherokee Village, Arkansas standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona Where in the World is Avenues? OLD TIME GENERAL STORE Over 80 Flavors Of Saltwater Taffy! Indulge In Our Gourmet Chocolates Over 100 FLavors of retro soda 20 Fun Flavors of Cotton Candy MON.-SAT. 10:00AM-6:00PM • #2 COURT SQUARE • WEST PLAINS , MO 65775 • 417-372-8018 Custom Gift Baskets Gifts for everyone Toys For All Ages Farm to Table 36 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Pets and Pumpkins:
A fall festival for the entire family
Story by Renee Janes
photos By UTurn Studios
Autumn in the Ozarks often means many great festivals to attend. This year, one unique event geared toward the entire family including pets will return.
Originating on Commercial Street in Springfield, Mo. in 2008, Pets and Pumpkins was created by Oregon County native Connie Rhoades Hinds with the inspiration to help bring peo ple into the district.
“At that time, Commercial Street was trying to bring people into that dis trict, and it was in the middle of being restored. Businesses were trying to reach out and be a place that people in Springfield saw as a place to go shop or eat,” said Hinds.
At the time, her office was on the street and Hinds saw it as an oppor tunity to do two things: bring families into the district and raise money for animal charities.
“Two things that were pretty near and dear to my heart were improving the perception of the historic Commercial Street district and giving back in the way of helping animal rescues in the area,” said Hinds.
“The first year the event was very well received on Commercial Street and was for a very long time and there’s not anything really like it,” said Hinds.
In the beginning, the event consisted of mostly just vendors geared toward the pet community such as veterinar ians and pet groomers. However, over
10 AVENUES • October, 2022
the years as it grew to be a family event, the variety of vendors expanded to include dentists, insurance companies and banks, etc.
“It is more of a community event than when it started. It was great, everybody loved it then, but it just has grown to be something a little bit big ger than we originally planned, in a good way,” said Hinds.
After a decade on Commercial Street the char itable event began to outgrow the area. “The event had grown to the point where we had so many vendors and so many attendees that the
entire district practically had to shut down to ac commodate it. So we wanted to finish out there for a full decade. Our 10th anniversary we were there. Then we moved to the downtown area in 2018,” said Hinds.
The annual fall festival features food trucks and entertainment, including music as well as dance shows and pet demonstrations such as training demos. Many of the vendors have activities for attendees to participate in such as ring tosses, guessing games, hay maze and giant inflatables to name a few.
AVENUES • October, 2022 11
“It is very much like a family festival that includes pets,” said Hinds.
Around the middle of the day, a parade and costume contest are held, which is hosted by TAME magazine. Hinds founded the magazine when she owned an advertising and market ing agency. The first issue of TAME magazine came out in Spring 2009 in Springfield and a year or so later in St. Louis. After the publication began to be successful, Hinds separated the magazine from the agency, which she sold and kept the magazine.
Hinds stated it is fun to see the length that people go to for dressing up an entire family, including their pets and the themes they have. There are 14 trophies awarded for the contest including pets, people and pets and people.
Many may wonder how pets react to such an event, a question that Hinds stated many people ask about. Many people are aware of what their animals are capable of and enjoy. “People pretty much just bring pets that are going to do well in that environment with that sort of thing,” said Hinds.
Not only do people bring their dogs,
12 AVENUES • October, 2022
but they also bring cats as well as birds, goats, miniature ponies, lizards. “We have predominant ly dogs, but we see everything,” said Hinds.
Many people that do not have animals also at tend because they love seeing all the pets. With Springfield being a big college town, this often includes many students who cannot have their pets with them.
For approximately five years, students of one Missouri State University class have been part of the event every year to help volunteer and to get experience with organizing an event. “It is an all-volunteer event. So, having those students is great and they a lot of time bring some fun aspect to the event. They love to do the games with kids on the stage and they help with social media. So, having that MSU class connection has been help ful over the last few years,” said Hinds, stating it is tremendous help.
Other volunteers’ roles have grown through the
AVENUES • October, 2022 13
years with some starting out at the admission gate, taking money, putting on wristbands, etc. and enjoyed when asked the next year if there was anything else they can do.
Also, on site is a Critical Emergency Response Team as well as an emergency response team for animals. In addition, there is a volunteer nurse on staff and the Springfield Police Department.
Some of Hinds favorite memories from throughout the years have been families that attend every year, as well as the level of detail given to costumes. “The level of detail and effort that they put into the costumes is just phenome nal. I love it,” said Hinds.
One couple that attends every year got married around this time of year and made it their family anniversary event. Another memory Hinds re called is of a child with autism that was a con
test winner. His mother reached out to let them know it is the only event she has taken her son to, and he enjoyed every minute.
The popularity of the event has grown as it celebrates its 13th year. It would have been the 15th year had it not been for the COVID-19 pandemic. With not having the event for two years, Hinds stated she is not sure what to expect this year. “When we ended it, we were getting up to about 7,000 people coming and more and more people were coming from farther away in addition to Springfield,” said Hinds.
When asked what it means to her to have the event grown how it has, Hinds said, “It is very rewarding and not just for me. I have been blessed to have the same volunteers that now we call the veteran event staff for the event to come back every year and give so much of their time.
14 AVENUES • October, 2022
That means so much to me when they believe in the cause that the event supports, and they have been instrumental in seeing it grow by the level of attendance as well as the money that we are able to donate. I have to say, having people that come back every year to help the event happen and then to see it be a success is just very reward ing,” said Hinds.
Proceeds from the event are donated to orga nizations that are dedicated to finding homes for animals and ensuring children have a loving family.
Pets and Pumpkins will be held on Saturday, Oct. 22 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Park Central Square in downtown Springfield, Mo. Cost to attend is $2 per person and per pet. With admission, attendees get to participate in all the activities at the event. For more informa tion, visit www.petsandpumpkins.com or check out their Facebook page Pets and Pumpkins - A Fall Festival for the Entire Family or their Face book event page.
AVENUES • October, 2022 15
Families, Inc. Counseling Services
Ash Flat - 870-994-7060
75K Hwy. 62/412, Ste. J Ash Flat, AR
Mountain Home - 870-425-1041
700 S. Main, Mountain Home, AR
Sonya Hames Wiles, D.D.S.
Family Practice Dentistry
28 E. Court St., Melbourne, AR 72556
Telephone: 870-368-6666
Most insurances accepted MCNA Dental & Delta Dental Smiles
Mammoth Spring Dental Clinic Main Street, Mammoth Spring, AR 72554 870-625-3262
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Elite Home Health
111 N. Main St. • Ste. 1, Salem, AR 72576
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Mammoth Spring: 870-710-7053 Pocahontas: 870-248-1031 Rector: 870-595-2100
Delta Medical Supply
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15 Choctaw Trace, Cherokee Village, AR 72529 870-257-4445
916 Sidney St., Batesville, AR 72501 870-612-0049
401 Hwy. 5 N., Mountain Home, AR 72653 870-656-4140
Tri-County Medical Supply
We’re Here To Serve You” 260 Hwy. 62 E. Salem, AR 72576 Toll Free: 888-476-2234 www.tricountymedicalsupply.com
Southern Missouri Community Health Center
West Plains • 417-255-8464
1137 Independence Dr., West Plains
Thayer • 417-264-2990
U.S. Hwy. 63 North, Thayer
Shady Oaks Healthcare Center
715 S. State Route 19, Thayer, MO 65791 417-264-7256
Dr. Christopher Cochran - Medical Director Leigh Kincheloe, RN, LNHA - Administrator Lynsey Miller, RN - Director of Nursing Long Term Care • Rehabilitation Services Wound Care • Hospice Care In House PT OT ST Services • IV Services
Shepherd’s View ALF Alton, MO 65606 417-778-7959
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SouthFork River Therapy & Living 624 62/412 West, Salem, AR 72576 870-895-3817
Mincie Thomas - Administrator Emma Cooper - Director of Nursing Doug Cameron - Admissions
Alton Drug Store
201 State Hwy. 19, Alton, MO 65606 417-778-7000
16 AVENUES • October, 2022
Mon.-Fri. 8 am to 5 pm • Sat. 9 am to noon Becky Peace RPh Matthew Combs RPh RX--drive thru--mail--delivery Home Health Services Gifts Available
DENTISTS To reserve your listing in Avenues’ Medical Directory, contact Areawide Media at 800-995-3209
What to do this Spooky Season
Story By Vincent Marshall PHOTOS Archives and Submitted
Whether it is heading out to a haunted house, visiting that pumpkin patch or going trick-ortreating no matter how old you are, there are a lot of options to take hit up during the spooky season in the lead up to Halloween.
To kick off the month of October, the annual Black Gold Walnut Festival will be held in Al ton, Mo. on Saturday, Oct. 1.
The following weekend Thayer Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, Oct. 8 in downtown Thayer with a rain date scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 17.
To really get spooked there is the Monster Corn
Maze located at 181 State Route AM in Cabool, Mo., where those daring to test their wits can embark on a tour of the horror theme park that will run through Oct. 29 every Friday and Sat urday night. According to its Facebook page at facebook.com/monstercornmaze, general admis sion is $20 on Friday and $25 on Saturday. VIP is $30 on Friday and $35 on Saturday. At this time, the maze only accepts cash.
For the first time this year the maze will have a Monster Zombie Paintball Hunt to go along with its 30 new animatronic props in the corn maze.
To keep up the high blood pressure, there is also the Bakersfield Haunted House, located at 652
18 AVENUES • October, 2022
County Road 585, Bakersfield, MO.
According to its Facebook page at facebook. com/thebakersfieldhauntedhouse, the haunted house will Open at dark until 10 p.m. every Fri day and Saturday night in October. Admission is $15. Call or text 870-656-0509, for more infor mation.
In Mountain Home, Ark., you can visit the Fields of Terror, located at 1230 Cannie Baker Road where they will hold a haunted house and a zombie paintball hayride.
According to its Facebook page at facebook. com/fieldsofterror, the haunted house will be open every Friday and Saturday night in October, visit fieldsofterror.com, for more information. Not all spooky season needs to be filled with the horror of the season. Don’t forget the McWil liams Pumpkin Patch, located at 4007 Co Rd 6920 in West Plains, Mo.
AVENUES • October, 2022 19 2630 Hwy. 62/412 • Hardy, AR 72542 • (870) 856-3853 Richard’s Heating and Cooling H elping You W hen T he Season Changes Call us for your pre-season furnace inspection! BEER • WINE • SPIRITS • ICE • LOTTERY So. Hwy. 63, Thayer, MO 417.264.3118 BEVERAGE SHOPPE THEBEVERAGE SHOPPE THE On The Missouri-Arkansas State Line
The patch will run Wednesday through Sunday, through Halloween and features family fun for all ages such as the giant slides, farm animals, jumbo jumper, mini zip line, barrel train and hayrides, according to its Facebook page at facebook.com/ McWilliams-Pumpkin-Patch.
Admission is $5 or a weekend activity armband for $10. Visit its Facebook page for more infor mation.
There will be a Festival of Fright event held at the Ash Flat Community Center, located at 20 Arnhart St. in Ash Flat, Ark., on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 2 to 7 p.m. There will be food, games, prizes, a costume contest and of course, fun! On Friday, Oct. 28, the City of Hardy, Ark., and the Hardy Fire Department will hold trick-ortreating from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The trick-ortreating will begin at the Hardy Fire Department
White River Health
20 AVENUES • October, 2022
Ross & Jessica Ford, Agents Tammi Hall, Agent PO Box 1010 Salem, AR 72576 Office Phone: (870) 895-4321 Fax: (870) 895-4422 Ross: (870) 291-2977 • Jessica: (870) 291-0881 jess_ford.agency@yahoo.com humphries_insurance.salem@yahoo.com tammi_ford.agency@yahoo.com Ford Insurance Agency Inc 125 S Pickren St On the Square in Salem, AR
A FREE COMMUNITY WOMEN’S HEALTH EVENT OCT. 11, 2022 4:00 - 7:00 PM Batesville Community
on Facebook for updates about the event! W ild About Your Health
continue down Hardy Main Street where candy and prizes will be given away. There will parking available at Bill’s Cash Saver Grocery Store.
Halloween night, at 6 p.m., visit The Square in Salem, Ark., for its annual Trunk or Treat event.
on Saturday, Oct. 29
the Boo Fest,
at 21 Otter Drive in Cherokee Village, Ark.
3 to 5 p.m. It will feature a bounce house, games, prizes and food, sponsored by the Cherokee Village
Methodist Men.
AVENUES • October, 2022 21 and
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Ash Flat
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Local Taste
Local Taste
191 HWY 62/412
(870) 994-2101
(870) 994-2101
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Mon., Wed., Thurs. 11-9; Tues. 11-5;
Fri. 11-11; Sat. 12-11; Sun. 12-5 Call ahead, Dine-In, Carry-Out Facebook.com/Frontier-Lanes
Cave City Hardy
922 N. Main St. Cave City, AR (870) 283-5000
Mon. - Sat. 6 am - 3 pm Breakfast till 10:30 am Facebook.com/Butter cups-Kitchen
3844 Hwy 62/412 Hardy, AR (870) 751-0970
Wed - Thurs 11 am to 6 pm
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Fri - Sat 11 am to 7 pm
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Tues. - Thurs. 11-8; Fri -Sat. 11-9
Tues. - Thurs. 11-8; Fri -Sat. 11-9 Dine-In & Carry-Out Facebook.com/meachamsashflat
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Espressos, Teas, Homemade Baked Goods,Sandwiches and Wraps
Espressos, Teas, Homemade Baked Goods,Sandwiches and Wraps
Sun. 9-3; Mon. 7-3; Thurs.-Sat. 7-3 Facebook.com/artasia
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Mon. - Sat. 6 am - 2 pm Facebook.com/pages/Swingles
Mon. - Sat. 6 am - 2 pm Facebook.com/pages/Swingles
For your restaurant to be featured in our Local Taste, call 870-895-3207 and ask for the sales department.
For your restaurant to be featured in our Local Taste, call 870-895-3207 and ask for the sales department.
What’s Cookin’ in the Ozarks?
Brownie Mocha Trifle
Submitted by Debbie Martin Courtesy of Taste of Home
1 package fudge brownie mix (8-inch-square pan size)
1-3/4 cups cold 2% milk
2 packages (3.4 ounces each) instant vanilla pudding mix
1/4 cup cold brewed coffee
2 cups whipped topping
1 Heath candy bar (1.4 ounces), crushed
Prepare brownie batter and bake according to package directions. Cool; cut into 1-in. pieces.
In a large bowl, beat milk and pudding mixes for 2 minutes or until thickened. Stir in coffee. Fold in whipped topping.
In a trifle bowl or 2-qt. glass bowl, layer a third of the brownie pieces, pudding mixture and crushed candy bar. Repeat layers twice. Chill until serving.
What’s Cookin’ in the Ozarks?
Church DirectoryChurch Directory
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 3612 Best Circle, Thayer, MO 65791 Office - 417-256-2556
Sacred Heart Schedule:
Weekday Mass: Thursday 11:30 a.m. Weekend Mass: Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Confession: First Sundays at 8:00 a.m. Rosary: Sundays at 8:00 am.;
Weekdays before Mass Adoration: 3rd Thurs. & 1st Fri. 11:30 a.m.
Mammoth Spring Church of Christ 110 S. 3rd St. / P.O. Box 251
Sunday 10:00 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Barry O’Dell - Preacher Find us on Facebook or YouTube
Ash Flat Church of God 124 Arnhart St. • Ash Flat, AR 501-574-8294
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 5:00 p.m.
Thursday Bible Study 6:00 p.m.
Pastor CL Abbott
Salem United Methodist Church 205 Church St., Salem, AR 72576
Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 11:00 a.m 870-847-6030 • 870-895-5157
Pastor Ken Anderson
Welcome Hill Church of Christ 16309 Highway 9 South, Mammoth Spring, AR PO Box 495 / 417-293-6355
Sunday Morning Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 5 p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7 p.m. Minister: Erman Croney - 417-264-3371
Cherokee Village United Methodist Church Worship Service 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) 9:45 a.m. Choir Practice Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Coffee Talk 8:45 a.m. Located in Cherokee Village at 21 Otter Dr. (between Keno & Navajo Dr.) Senior Pastor Rev. Angie Gage - 870-257-3869
Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jimmy Anderson
Peace Lutheran Church
4 Iroquois Dr. • Cherokee Village 870-257-3957
Pastor Brian Pummill
9 a.m. – Traditional Worship 10:15 a.m. – Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 11:15 a.m. – Contemporary Praise Service
Hardy Church of Christ 305 Johnston, Hardy, AR 870-847-6024
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 p.m. Minister: Don House 501-412-3532
First Baptist Church of Mammoth Spring 16600 Highway 9, Mammoth Spring, AR 625-3273 • www.mammothspringfbc.com
Chris Powers, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service 6:30 p.m.
New Hope Baptist Church 1244 Hwy. 175 • Hardy, AR 72542 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. 870-966-4997
Don Robbins, Pastor/Brother Food Pantry Last Saturday of Each Month - 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
St. Michael’s Catholic Church Corner of Tekakwitha Dr. & Hwy. 62/412 Cherokee Village, AR • 870-257-2850 Email: stmichaelcv@yahoo.com www.stmichaelscv.org
Daily Mass: Mon., Thur., Fri. - 9 am; Wed. - 6 p.m.; Saturday Vigil - 4 p.m. Sunday - 9 a.m. Rev. Amal Punganoor • 870-257-4456
Hardy United Methodist Church Fourth & Spring / Every Sunday Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Open Hearts ~ Open Minds ~ Open Doors
First Missionary Baptist Aba Highway 62 West At Spruce, Salem, AR Sunday School-9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship-11:00 a.m. Sunday Night Services - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Services - 6:30 p.m. Call 870-895-2634 or 371-2067
Pastor Holden Phillips 870-834-5852
Wheeling Church of Christ Hwy. 9 South, Wheeling, AR 870-219-9067
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 p.m.
St. Paul United Methodist Church Business Highway 63, PO Box 241 Thayer, MO 65791
Sunday School - 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Email: stpaulumc@centurytel.net
417-264-3296 • Pastor Mark Coffey
Faith Presbyterian Church 1001 Third Street, Horseshoe Bend, AR 72512
Sunday School - 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.
2nd Day Bible Study - Monday, 10:30 a.m. Email: faithpresby@centurytel.net www.horseshoepresbyterian.org
Rev. David Schaller – Call 870-670-4103
Horseshoe Bend United Methodist Church 600 West Church Street 870-670-5392
Christian Conversation Wednesday - 12 noon Sunday Worship - 9:00 a.m.
Pastor Ken Anderson
First Baptist Church of Hardy Highway 63-412, Hardy, AR Sunday School-9:30 a.m.
Worship-10:45 a.m.
Evening Worship - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 6:00 p.m. Dr. Larry Kindrick, Pastor - 870-847-0897
First Christian Church “Disciples of Christ” 7th & Archer Street, Mammoth Spring, AR Sunday School - 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Bible Study Wednesday Evenings - 6:00 p.m. www.fccms.org
Spring River Presbyterian Church 151 Wahpeton Hill Rd., Hardy, AR 870-856-3426
Pastor Jim Ratliff
Sunday Service 10 a.m.
Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9 a.m. - noon
Closed on Mondays
Email: springriverpres@outlook.com
To reserve your church’s listing in Avenues’ Church Directory contact Areawide Media at 800-995-3209
Many mysteries of Bull Shoals still waiting to be explored
Story By Elaine Brown PHOTOS Submitted
Close to the Missouri border just west of Moun tain Home, Ark. lies a unique place known as Bull Shoals, a small municipality which attracts artists, poets and musicians, many from different cultural and spiritual worlds not yet explainable.
Bull Shoals has much to brag about with its location among the Ozarks, especially with its not-so-well-hidden secret being the harbor of the caverns in the Ozarks, so beautiful and inviting for explorers and other daring visitors.
AVENUES • October, 2022 25
There is also a mystical community within the Bull Shoals arena close to the caverns known as the Mountain 1890 Village, which is in the process of earning its own right into the merits of an historical site. One person who has been integral in putting the wheels in motion toward this effort is Genia Scarberry, resident and events venue coordinator of Bull Shoals.
It turns out, while the 350 million-year-old cav
erns should obviously be accepted as an histori cally natural site, declaring it as such legally, thus protecting it, is not such an easy task. According to Scarberry, to declare a natural monument as such an historical site to be protected under the state would take a gargantuan amount of research and paperwork.
Scarberry focused instead on the somewhat less er gargantuan task of the Mountain 1890 Village.
26 AVENUES • October, 2022
Village includes buildings that have been trans ported
from various places in Arkansas and
the 50s/60s. Their historic significance
each dwelling within their original community
well documented.
admits she would not have been able to carry out her journey in getting Mountain 1890 Vil lage declared an historic district without the help of Jim Jensen, Vicki Swanson and Ralph Wilbox. This team continues to help throughout the ongoing pro cess. It takes a village, as they say, to bring a common
AVENUES • October, 2022 27 Inside Bank of Salem 870-895-6122 132 N. Pickren St., Salem, AR 870-895-2551 The
Missouri in
has been
One of the motivations for Scarberry was when she heard the words, “You can’t,” and the transla tion in her mind was “Charge!” After continuing years of effort, the common dream among the “Village People” may soon come to fruition.
Scarberry went through many turns through the journey of declaring Mountain 1890 Village as an historical district. She has been told “No, you cannot do this with what you have,” she did not give up. She and others on her team have sat down and done the physical work of going through historical files and data to get the neces sary documentation to meet the heritage society and the state’s requirements. Through all of their hard work, they hopefully have achieved their goal.
Before the Mountain Village houses were relo cated, the names of the original owners of the houses were respected. In keeping with the orig inal owners, the house that has been known as the ‘Martin’ house is now known as the ‘Jones’ house, as they are the family who built the orig
Come in and
28 AVENUES • October, 2022AVENUES •
find your new fall wardrobe! 1323 Southern Hills Center, West Plains, MO Monday-Saturday 9:30-6:00 • 417-256-8202 Lay away now for Christmas! dream into a reality.
home. The community honors the historical integrity
the original ownership,
According to Scarberry, among the oldest houses in the district, “Uncle Willy’s cabin is [the old est structure], but Uncle Willy’s cabin is falling apart.” They had an historical restoration team look at the cabin. Estimated to have been built the late 1800s, they did not see there was any way to restore it.
“If you saw the cabin the way it was made, it’s like they had pieces of firewood…four inches wide…you got one straight beam, and then you’ve got two pieces of firewood put in there, and then another straight beam, and two pieces of wood.” Scarberry explained. It did not seem modern technology could match the architectural prowess of those in the late 1800s. The cabin still stands, for how long is undetermined.
They are trying to get grants to help restore the buildings in Mountain Village. Scarberry said, “We hope that when we’re declared an historical district, we will be able to use some grant funding [toward building restoration].”
They have several houses open for tour in the village, including the church, the general store
AVENUES • October, 2022 29 14605 US 63 Thayer, MO 417-821-1006 Monday – Saturday, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday, 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. State Line Plaza Restaurant We serve Breakfast Lunch Dinner Something To Crow About L ouise Lindsey 870-425-COOP (2667) Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 Sunday 10:00- 5:00 1340 Hwy. 62 E ast Mountain Home Arkansas 72653 Gift Certificates Available inal
something that must be
and the bank. An interesting story regarding the bank, its history had remained a mystery for years. With much ingenue on the part of the local “detectives” of Bull Shoals, the building’s origins began as a print shop. “Back in the day, each town would make their own money,” Scarberry explained, “You would be able to spend their money in that town [only]. You couldn’t go over to the next town and spend that money.”
There was a need to exchange “out-of-town” money for “in-town” currency, which was printed at the local print shop. Once the “greenback” became a federally recognized $1 bill, then federal banks were ultimately established out of the local print shops. Thus sprouted the early beginnings of the commonly accepted cur rency, ultimately known as the U.S. dollar, according to Scarberry.
Scarberry is determined to get Mountain 1890 Village
30 AVENUES • October, 2022
recognized as an historic district, and continues to bring in arts, crafts and musical events to sup port the cause. She is the creator of “Arts from the Hearts” events which attracts artisans and performers from all over Arkansas, Missouri or wherever they may roam.
As for specific events within the Mountain Vil lage, Scarberry organizes a number of different
types of events, such as weddings, reunions and celebrations of all kinds. They have special offer ings for kids and adults, including natural tours through the caverns, educational events on the history of the village, as well as actually panning for treasures through sand. For more informa tion, call 870-615-1493.
AVENUES • October, 2022 31
By Cheri Lynn Quattrochi
Music at the Gazebo, formerly known as Center Stage Thursday, returns to Cherokee Village’s Town Center from 5:30 to 7 p.m. each Thursday evening during October. Brainchild of the Arts Center of North Arkansas, this season’s event is being sponsored in con junction with the Cherokee Village Advertising and Pro motion Commission. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy some amazing local talent. Donations will be appreciated.
Opening the month-long event will be Doug Driesel and Mitchell Ellenburg Kaubisch. ACNA is delighted to present this crowd-pleaser from a previous season for a return engagement.
Mitch is a South Arkansas native who plays keyboard and sings. He has served as a junior and high school choral director, the Arkansas Fine Arts Director, and a vocal solo and vocal ensemble judge in national competi tions. Having also served as the music director of several churches in Texas and Arkansas, he now resides in Fulton County near Salem. Although technically retired, he is currently the Worship and Music Director at Hardy United Methodist Church.
Doug, a singer/songwriter, was inspired at age four by bass player Beatle Paul McCartney’s appearance on TV. His dad gave him a six-string guitar, and his musical journey began. At age eleven, he made his professional debut as part of a trio. Eventually, he had a short-lived gig with a rock band in Texas. Determined to work in the
32 AVENUES • October, 2022
ACNA’s Music at the Gazebo 600 Commerce St., Horseshoe Bend, AR 72512 TIFFANY SITTON AgeNT AShleY SIddONS AgeNT Phone: 870.670.5181 • Toll Free: 800.670.7766 Fax: 870.670.4155 • e-MAIl: NCI.hORSeShOe@CeNTURYTel.NeT HOME AUTO LTC BONDS COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Salem Glass Company Windshield Rock Chip Repair Insurance Work Custom Cut Glass Mirrors Door & Window Installation Storm Doors & Windows Screen Doors
Doug Driesel and Mitchell Ellenburg Kaubisch
music industry, he switched to country music, met Mick ey Gilley, worked Gilley’s Club, and later toured with him. In 1988, Driesel turned to engineering and produc ing. He moved to the Ozarks where he has a studio that is performance-based rather than time driven.
October 13
October 13 will find Seven Hollows at the gazebo. Hail ing from the scenic Natural State, Seven Hollows takes its name and influence from the beautiful outdoors. This duo of Jon Jones and Kim Deck bonded over their shared love for music and realized that working together came naturally. The duo is rooted in indie folk and classic/psy chedelic rock which reflects influences from their favorite artists while discovering their own sound-blurring lines between genres and pairing interesting melodies with thoughtful lyrics. (website: sevenhollowsmusic.com)
Jon Jones fell in love with the guitar after his brother showed him some chords. Thirty years later, his love for the instrument has developed into a successful musical career. He grew up listening to and being influenced by Led Zeppelin, Guns N’ Roses, and Pink Floyd. He began playing lead for several rock bands. A few years before his son’s birth, Jon took a break from music. Ten years later, an old bandmate asked him to fill in. The spark reignited. Jon expanded his skills and style. His interest in fingerpicking and singing led him to revisit Buckingham, Clapton, Croce, and Page. He played with many talented musicians and established a successful solo career. Then he met Kim Deck.
From a young age, Kim Deck has had a strong emo tional connection with music. One of her first memories is running to her uncle during a thunderstorm when the electricity went out. The Eagles softly serenaded her to sleep with “Hotel California” from a small battery radio. Once Kim learned to use her voice, she began enter taining—and perhaps annoying—those around her as she sang her way through life. Music not only saw her through tough situations but also connected her with by
gone people and places. Like many children, she dreamed of becoming a rockstar. Influenced by The Avett Brothers, Wild Child, and Lucius, she developed her own musical taste. She has also learned to play the ukulele and key board and writes lyrics and melodies of her own.
October 20
The music style of Osage Water ranges from classic country to blues, rock, and pop.
Originally formed in 2017, this Northwest Arkansas band faded away when some key members moved. The group reemerged in January 2022 with its current mem bers. A multigenerational band, Osage Water offers a variety of music for all ages and occasions and has per formed in numerous venues throughout the area.
AVENUES • October, 2022 33
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On keyboard is David Britnell, originally from Harris burg, AR, currently living in Highland. He began playing at a very young age and has played either the piano or the organ at various churches throughout his life. He has also played with and filled in for various other bands: Canyon Creek, Southern Rain, and Forever Young. David can be heard playing keyboard on Sunday mornings at High land Assembly of God.
On drums is Dr. Jim ‘Doc’ Chambers whose rich mu sical background includes both drums and bass guitar. Growing up in Kansas City, he was exposed to blues, jazz, rock, country, and Latin music. His first gig was in a Lat in band at age twelve, and he was the youngest person to join the KC Musicians Union. Later, a job with a Nash ville talent agency involved touring with country, rock, blues, and gospel groups. A retired doctoral professor, he
lives in Evening Shade and plays either the drums or the bass on Sunday morning at Highland Assembly of God.
Musical director and rhythm guitarist, Wayne Clary, from Fresco, CA, has played in several bands since he was fifteen. An Air Force veteran, Wayne was in two bands in Fairbanks, AK, where he met his wife, Pat. A resident of Horseshoe Bend, Wayne plays the electric guitar, twelvestring guitar, and mandolin.
Valerie Conforth from Orange County, CA is the lead vocalist. She has sung all her life. Nine-year-old Valerie can be heard via YouTube if you search for “My Mother, Her Mother, and Me.” Valerie lives in Cherokee Village and is a nursing student at Ozarka College. She has worked as Karaoke Host at Griffin Bar and Grill and as CNA at local rest homes. People most appreciate Valerie’s vocal range and her ability to sing any musical
34 AVENUES • October, 2022 P.O. Box 420 • 67 North Lunen St. • Melbour ne, AR 72556 Phone: (870) 368-4311 Toll Free: (888) 811-8505 Fax: (870) 368-4999 E-Mail: nci.jem@centurytel.net
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Osage Water
On lead guitar is Keith Edwards from southeast Ar kansas. He played in his first honkytonk at age seven teen. Before retiring to Horseshoe Bend, he spent many years in New Orleans and played in several bands. Keith manages and plays at the Music in the Mountain The ater on the third Saturday of each month.
On bass is Bruce Womble from Horseshoe Bend. At age six he played the mandolin for a school show. He also plays the guitar, piano, drums, and banjo. He has played in many other bands such as FATE, James’s Gang, Stepping Stones, Corey Jackson, Mike Gray Band, Danny Baby Band, and Michelle Branson. He played a song with The Counting Crows and has opened for George Strait, David Allen Cole, Kentucky Head hunters and Bucky Covington. However, A US Army Veteran, Bruce’s proudest achievement is his service to our country during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. October 27
The McMickle Brothers have musical roots that run deep in the Arkansas Delta. Their influences include the gospel and blues music that surrounded them growing up to more modern singer-songwriters like James Taylor and John Prine. They spent their youth going to every concert they could, seeing guitar greats such as Johnny Winter, Albert King, and Leo Kottke. Having played several dif ferent styles of music over the years, they play a repertoire ranging from their early roots of country music to Tony’s original songs that paint emotional landscapes.
Harold, who lives in Jonesboro, plays the guitar and ban jo. He is a “people person” with a large online presence. He is friends with hundreds of musicians in Arkansas and nationwide.
Having grown up in Wynne, Arkansas, Tony resides in Cherokee Village and plays both guitar and bass. He won an online songwriting contest which resulted in a free trip to California to audition for America’s Got Talent in 2017. He has also made it to the finals in another contest
and is an active member of the Memphis Songwriters Association.
Other ACNA October Activities
Questions? Call 870-751-3793. Watch for flyers and newspaper notices; check ACNA’s Facebook page or website.
Writing, 1st Saturday, 10 a.m. - 12 noon Art, 2nd Saturday, 10 a.m. - 12 noon Photography, 3rd Saturday, 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Sewing, 4th Saturday, 10 a.m. - 12 noon Mountain Dulcimer, 1st Tuesday
Tai Chi, Mondays and Thursdays, 10-11 a.m.
Open Studio, Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m. Mondays and Fridays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Play with clay. Mon., Oct. 17, Board Meeting, 2:30 p.m.
Support for the ACNA is provided, in part, by the Arkansas Arts Council, an agency of the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
AVENUES • October, 2022 35
River Chiropractic Brent Garrison, D.C. 350 Bethel Avenue Mammoth Spring, AR 72554 870-625-3355
McMickle Brothers
36 AVENUES • October, 2022
RULES: To register for the drawing, fill out a card on location at Fred’s Fish House in Mammoth Spring, Ark. Look for the pic tured box to drop your card in to be registered. The drawing will still take place around the end of each month at the restaurant.
Areawide Media
Areawide Media
38 AVENUES • October, 2022 DON’t FORGET - Take us with you! Where is Avenues is a special feature we offer our readers. If you are traveling, take an Avenues with you, take a photo with it and send it in! - You can nominate houses for our Home Tour feature. If you, or someone you know, has a unique home perfect for Avenues, let us know! - We love to highlight the next generation and we do so with our Community Cuties. Send in a photo of your child(ren) (grandchild, niece, nephew, etc.) with their name, age, parents’ name, etc. They can be featured in Avenues as well. Send photos or suggestions to news@areawidenews.com
Do you know of a unique or interesting home you would like to see featured in Avenues? Contact us at: 870-895-3207 P.O. Box 248 • 388 Hwy. 62/412 East • Salem, AR 72576 800-995-3209 • 870-895-4277 fax P.O. Box 248 • 388 Hwy. 62/412 East • Salem, AR 72576 800-995-3209 • 870-895-4277 fax
Avenues is published monthly and distributed free in Cherokee Village, Hardy, Ash Flat, Highland, Horseshoe Bend, Calico
Melbourne, Salem, Viola, Mammoth
Mountain Home, Cave City, Batesville, West Plains, Thayer, Alton and other areas.
Trick or Treat Bass
By: Dewayne French
It is getting close to Halloween in
still catch bass and other fish. How to do that is by either
trick them
walleye, trout,
treat them.
many other fish species
Should we try to catch them by giving them a treat or should we trick them? So weather you catch some fish by trick or treat, just go fish. Fishing in the fall and around Halloween is a great time to be outdoors. The fish are coming into a shallower zone that we can reach easily. Most of the time when we catch fish it isn’t rocket science it is by tricking or treating them. So let’s all go this spooky season and try your luck tricking or treating your favorite species of fish in the beautiful Ozarks.
try to trick or treat fish by trying to catch fish either by reaction-trick or to feed-treat them. Catching fish either for a fish fry or in a tournament we have to decide how to catch them.
By tricking fish we use lures to try and make fish strike at our offering and we catch them with hooks that are on lures. By getting fish to react to our lures we are tricking them. We use lures to make fish react instead of searching out some thing to eat. Fish react by striking out at a lure to get it out of their area. They also react to a lure if it surprises them and they strike out of response. Catching fish by reaction is not really feeding them something to eat, but catching fish out of a response. We can use bigger lures, louder, or a wild color sometimes even works. A really large topwater bait may make a fish come up to see what is causing a surface disturbance. A large loud crankbait crashing along the bottom will make a fish either bite or leave and swim the other way.
By treating fish, we are trying to feed them something they normally feed on like a worm, shad, or crawdad. Feeding fish can be easy to find, usually they are busting shad on the water’s surface and we can cast a topwater bait to them. When fish are feeding on crawdads a jig and twin trailer lure works great. A plastic worm is a great presentation of what fish eat at every life stage they go through. The problem with trying to feed fish what they eat, is they don’t eat all day. Usually fish feed only at certain times of the day/night and if we are not there when they are feeding then they don’t bite.
We cannot be on the water fishing every time that fish feed so it stands to reason that we probably catch more fish out of reaction by tricking them. A good fisherman uses many lures throughout the day trying to find out the mood the fish are in.
Remember, we all “Live Downstream” so please pick up your trash and any other trash you see out floating around! Never discard old fishing lines in the river or lake! Wear your life jacket, and tell your family your expected return times, and a general location of where you plan to fish.
Check out my social media pages and follow my fishing adventures around the Ozark waters we call home.
Facebook: Dewayne French Fishing
Twitter: @French_fishin
Instagram: french_fishin
Youtube: Dewayne French or French Fishing
AVENUES • October, 2022 39 Tofindastorenearyouortoorderonline: https://favoriteusa.com/ (877)800-6246 603N9thSt,Thayer,MO65791 EMAILADDRESS: contact@favoriteusa.com
the Ozarks and you can
trying to
This will work with all fish: bass,
crappie and
can be
this way. We
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