Frio Hunting Guide 2022

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2 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide Thinking about a water well? (830) 665-9322 • Residential / Commercial / Irrigation / Municipal / Oil / Gas Pump Installs • Well Rehabilitation Down Hole Video Surveys & Much More Michael Mello • License# 59591 KPTW “Water Well Drilling Specialists”
BRUSH COUNTRY HUNTING GUIDE IS A PRODUCTION OF FRIO-NUECES CURRENT Production Manager Lonnie Herrera .....................................( Editor Marc Robertson...........................................................( Managing Editor/Photographer Manuel Azocar III.......( Office Manager/Classifieds Kasie Gonzales.......................( Chief Staff Writer Breyana Segura ............................................( Office Assistant April Betancourt .......................................( Combining the Cotulla Record, Dilley Herald and Pearsall Leader USPS 424560 FRIO-NUECES Current Contents Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 3 4 SENSE IN SUPPLY: Dilley Feed & Grain GAME CHANGER: Supplemental feed 10 12 18 20 QUAIL MASTERS: Becoming an expert NATALIE KRAMER: Surviving a snake bite 14 CELESTE LACY: Wildlife Woman 8 DOVE HUNTING: It’s up in the air RATTLED: Snake bite aftercare H UNTING GUIDE Frio-Nueces Current 2021 BRUSH COUNTRY 16 FRANKIE VS. JACK: Hunting rivals Welcome Hunters! Come see us for all your landscaping needs! 2022 BI 35 E. - Pearsall, Tx. 830-317-1234 Leonard Brown E-MAIL: FULL SERVICE TAXIDERMIST 306 E. COMAL STREET 830-334-8686 830-334-1126 PEARSALL, TEXAS TIBBY’S TAXIDERMY

Moderate whitetail season expected for hunters

With drought affecting most of the state over the summer, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) biologists foresee a moderate season for hunters this fall.

“Overall, the 2022 year is expected to be good in terms of harvest numbers and opportunities, so don’t let the chance to spend time afield with family, friends and fellow hunters pass you by,” WhiteTailed Deer Program Leader for TPWD Alan Cain said. “Texas has one of the longest deer seasons in the nation, so take some time this fall and winter and enjoy one of the best deer herds in the country right here in your home state.”

Deer hunting kicks off with archery season on October 1 across most of the state. Cain

noted that while harvest num bers may look good, drought impacts on deer habitats

mean hunters should gener ally expect average to below average antler quality and body weight this fall.

Drought conditions

Temperatures in the early summer months frequently soared above 100 degrees across most of the state, and lack of significant rainfall limited the spring production of important food sources like forbs (weeds) and woody shrubs for deer.

“Woody plants are critical in times like these because these deep-rooted plants are often the only abundant supply of green groceries for deer, but even these browse plants are showing some signs

Rattled... Care after a snake bite

Living in South Texas, even the most experienced hunters and ranchers cannot prepare for every situation, especially snakebites.

Snakes do not prey on humans and they normally do not give chase; the danger

comes when the venomous reptiles are surprised or concerned with changes in their environment.

Wildlife biologists say the majority of bites result from people taking unnecessary or foolish risks with venomous snakes.

If you happen to come near a snake, you stand completely still and allow the snake to retreat; if you must move, back up slowly and carefully.

Do not play with a dead snake because they can still bite and inject venom due to muscle contractions.

Animal burrows and tall grass are common habitats for snakes; use caution when crossing creek banks and underbrush.

A Dilley woman was struck by a copperhead snake in mid-June. See related story on page 12.

Should you get bitten by a rattlesnake, emergency personnel recommend the following tips to minimize



your risk:

• Don’t raise the area above the level of your heart, the blood containing the venom will reach your heart quicker.

• Stay still, movement will increase your blood flow causing the venom to circulate faster.

• Remove tight

clothing and jewelry.

• Let the wound bleed.

• Don’t wash the wound, doctors may be able to use exposed venom from your skin to identify the correct anti-venom quicker.

• Try to remain calm, anxiety and panic can increase your

4 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide (See CARE, Page 12)
Require anti-venom Cause tissue damage that affects circula tory system Destroys skin tissue and blood cells Numbness in face and limbs Blurred vision Difficulty breathing Sweating
Discoloration at bite site
Strike without warning signs Have hemotoxic venom Bite is rarely fatal to humans Usually not given anti-venom Extremely painful Swelling Potential tissue damage Requires immediate medical attention Discoloration at bite site
Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 5 We’ve got just what a HUNGRY APPETITE IS HUNTING FOR: Bacon Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese Combo Meal 100% Freshly Cooked Beef Del Rio – Uvalde – Hondo – Castroville - Cotulla Eagle Pass Carrizo Springs Pearsall SERVING SOUTH TEXAS Security State Bank “YOUR HOMETOWN BANK ” 1000 N. Oak & 360 IH 35 South - Pearsall, Texas 78061 830-334-3606 SECURITY STATE BANK UNDERSTANDS HUNTERS! Want your own hunting ranch? Call us today! We finance ranches and much more! JOSE MONTES (830) 317-1024 KJOILFIELDSERVICES@GMAIL.COM KARENY MONTES (830) 317-7934 Welcome Hunters! Family Owned & Operated Open Mon.-Sat. 8-6, Sun. 10-2 Come see us at T&T Auto Parts 830-334-2142 or 830-334-2310 721 S. Oak St. - Pearsall, Texas

Don’t end up with a ticket...

Obey the law this season

Deer Season is finally here. Much like hunters, Game Wardens look forward to this season all year long. Most deer hunters comply and follow the laws. However, every hunting season some individuals un wittingly or knowingly violate game laws.

Here are some of the most common deer hunting viola tions:

Hunter Education Violation: One of the most common hunting violations is hunting without proper hunter educa tion. Texas requires hunters born on or after Sept. 2, 1971 to have passed a state-approved Hunter Education Training course. Texas allows those fall ing under the hunter education requirement to purchase, for $10, a one-time, one-year defer ral of the requirement. Effective September 1, 2017, Peace officers, state and federal military, and retirees are exempt from Hunter Ed requirements.

Hunt without Valid Hunting License Violation: The definition of “hunt” is to capture, trap, take, kill, and includes any attempt to cap ture, trap, take or kill. Anybody engaged in deer hunting is obli gated to obtain a valid hunting license.

Hunt in Closed Season Vio lation: The Closed Season is the period of time when hunting that species is not permitted. Note: There is no open season for any wild animal, wild bird, or exotic animal on public roads or the right-of-way of public roads.

Untagged Deer Violation: After a deer is killed and be fore the deer is field dressed or moved, the appropriate hunting license tag or permit must be

immediately filled out and dates cut out. Except for deer killed by MLD permit, LAMPS permit, TPWD Special Drawn Legal Deer Tag, U.S. Forest Service antlerless permit, or Big Time Texas Hunt, all deer must be tagged imme diately upon kill in a secure manner any where on the deer, with an appro priate license tag with the month and date cut out.

Improperly Tagged Deer Violation: If required, the tag from the hunting license of the person who killed the deer must be correctly and legibly complet ed (including name of property and county) and must:

* be used on a specific type of deer (for example, buck tags must be used only on buck deer, antlerless tags on antlerless deer, etc.).

* have the month and date of kill CUT OUT

* It is against the law to use:

* a tag taken from the license of another person or allow your tag to be used by another per son.

* a tag more than one time (or on more than one deer).

* an incorrect tag on a deer (example: mule deer tag used on a white-tailed deer, etc.)

Harvest Log Violation: if a hunting license tag is used, then the Hunting License Harvest Log must be legibly

completed. Immediately upon kill of a white-tailed deer the hunter must complete the log, in ink, on the back of the hunting license. Completion of the log is not required for mule deer, or for whitetailed deer law fully tak en under an MLD permit.

Illegal Dumping: a person com mits an offense if the person disposes or allows or permits the disposal of a dead animal at a place that is not an approved solid waste site, including a place on or within 300 feet of a public highway, on a right-ofway, on other public or private property. If the carcass weighs more than five pounds the vio lation is a Class B misdemeanor, and is punishable by up to 180 days in jail, a fine of up to 2,000, or both.

Unplugged Shotgun Vi olation: If you plan to hunt migratory birds make sure that your shotgun has a plug in it. Federal and state regulations limit shotguns used to hunt mi gratory game birds to holding no more than three shotshells. In most pump-action and semi-au tomatic shotguns, this requires a wooden or plastic plug be secured inside the firearm’s magazine to limit that magazine to holding no more than two shotshells.

Exceeding the Daily Bag Limit Violation: The daily

bag limit on doves is 15. That’s a daily bag limit, not a trip limit. Each year, hunters are caught “double-dipping” – meaning, taking a limit of doves in a morning hunt, and then return ing to the field for an afternoon hunt.

Hunting over a Baited Area Violation: A baited area is an area where bait has been directly or indirectly placed, ex posed, scattered or distributed to serve as a lure or attraction for harvesting migratory birds. A hunter may be cited for hunt ing over bait, which can include salt, grain or other feed, even if they didn’t know it was there. A baited area is considered to be baited until 10 days after all the bait has been removed. Howev er, a hunter may hunt migratory game birds over standing crops, standing flooded crops, flooded harvested crops, and at any time over natural vegetation that has been manipulated, where seeds or grains have been scattered as a result of normal agricultural planting, harvesting or post-har vest manipulation.

Most of these violations are Class C misdemeanors, pun ishable by a fine of from $25 to $500 plus court costs. Also, when resources are seized, the department can seek civil resti tution for the value of any game confiscated.

Game Wardens urge hunters to review an Outdoor Annual of rules and regulations to ensure they act within the law and that they recognize when others vio late the hunting regulations and related laws. Outdoor Annuals are available where licenses are sold. TPW encourages hunters to protect the future of their sport by hunting responsibly and reporting hunting violations to their local Game Warden.

6 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide

What’s in your bag?

New products, practical goods for the hunter...

bino harness pro-m: is the perfect harness that is equipped with a laminated panel for binoculars on the underside of the pouch, allowing for quick and easy accessory or gun holster attachments. The harness is designed to be quiet, lightweight, modular and easily operated with one hand. Constructed with minimal elastic, the harness eliminates bouncing when running, jumping or riding.

tactacam fts (film through scope): such a cool gadget for the hunter who has it all. An attachment for the tactacam, this accessory allows for the hunter to attach

the camera to the scope and record. Since the camera is attached to the scope recordings are magnified and allow for the hunter to zoom in. the Tactacam FTS is versatile and fits a variety of scopes, it will not affect the shooting form.


So you have bagged your wildlife, now what to do with the meat? The Meateater, a fish and wildgame cookbook provides recipes and techniques for every hunter and angler. Available on Amazon, this cookbook is a perfect tool to help your hunter refine their at-home cooking game.

Binoculars: Every year your hunter may find an excuse to

get a new ‘pair of eyes.’ The new Leupold BX-2 Alpine HD binoculars may be just worth the buy. Available in four different sizes, these binoculars are perfect for any big-game hunting, especially South Texas whitetail. These particular binoculars are appealing because they offer Leupold’s elite optical system, with edgeto-edge clarity, superb light transmission, glare reduction and excellent low-light color balance. They are worth the clarity.

over a firearm. The bow blasts arrows towards game at speeds up to 415 feet per second offering serious firepower. The lightweight frame combined with an adjustable buttstock for easy handling. The propackage includes a 4X32 scope, side-mount quiver, 3 HYPR lite bolts, roper cocker and rail lube.

killer instinct


415 crossbow: Weighing around seven pounds, the Killer Instinct Fuel 415 Crossbow Pro Package with rapid draw cranks offers big speed with easy cocking. This is perfect for the hunter who prefers a bow

pocket knife: They’re simple, small and fit right in your front pocket or sheath. But they’re a must have for any hunter. Case knives are well-crafted knives that are customizable, stylish, made from premium-quality stainless and non-stainless steels. Offering custom imprinting, the Case brand transforms these knives into a cherished keepssake for any occasion.

Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 7
COME SHOP OUR STORE! Hardware Supplies  Hunting Licenses & Supplies  Corn  Milo  Cottonseed All Season Feeders & Lamco Feeders  Boss Blinds  Game Guard Apparel & Merchandise  Igloo Coolers  Ice (Bagged or by the bucket) MANY MORE ITEM S TO CHOOSE FROM! Welcome Hunters! If we don’t have it, we’ll help you f ind it! PROPANE BOTTLE FILLING STATION Feeds Ranch Equip. & Hardware, Inc. 302 N. Front St. - Cotulla, Texas 830-879-2223 Store Hours: M-F - 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. - 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Sun. - Closed

had a dry winter through most of the state...”

How does the season look?

As the ongoing drought conditions have dried out the land and vegetation across South Texas, hunters this year can expect a moderate hunting season this Fall.

In a direct contrast to last summer, drier conditions began in the fall of 2021 and have yet to cease.

Beginning in late spring, the southern part of the state saw nearly 20 consecutive days of temperatures that topped 100 degrees. Those temperatures coupled with lack of rainfall limited spring production of important food sources like

forbs and woody shrubs for deer.

The significant lack of rainfall created exceptionally dry land, causing many landowners to drop their wells in order to continue to have a water

supply. Therefore, many landowners opted to plant smaller crops that attract wildlife to cut down on irrigation.

According to Alan Cain, whitetail deer program leader for Texas Parks and

Texas bird hunting season outlook:

Wildlife (TPWD), woody plants are critical in times like these because they are deep-rooted plants and often the sole abundant supply of green groceries for deer.

Those plants are showing signs of stress directly related to the drought, he said. In some cases, the plants will defoliate, providing a lesser nutritional level that bucks need to maximize their antler growth or that female deer need to keep up their body reserves to be able to nurse the fawns and help them survive the fall.

“Mesquites appear to be on track to produce an (Continued next page)

Drought pushes birds to watering holes

Texans are used to scorching sum mers, but this year’s record highs across much of the state have left many dove hunters wondering about the upcoming season opener.

“Unless conditions change drastically over the next few weeks, hunting near water will be key for opening day this year,” said Owen Fitzsim mons, TPWD Dove Program Leader. “Hunters will likely see larger concentrations of birds at watering holes and food sources than they have in the past due to limited resources.

“Agriculture production has been hit hard by drought so birds may be more reliant on native foods this September. Look for stands of common sunflower, croton, and other

native annual forbs and grass es.”

Doves are well-adapted to dry conditions, particularly white-winged doves, which are a sub-tropical species.

“Our spring surveys indi cated a decrease in breeding abundance, which is a car ry-over from poor hatchyear pro duction last year,” added Fitzsim mons. “However, doves kick reproduction into high gear in dry years like this, and we’re seeing a lot of young birds this summer, based on our band ing efforts.”

extreme heat and make sure they are packing all the es sentials for a day in the field. They should bring plenty of water to stay hydrated and take measures to stay cool in a shaded area. The same is true for canine hunting partners.


North Zone: Sep. 1 - Nov. 13 & Dec. 17 - Jan. 1

Central Zone: Sep. 1 - Oct. 30 & Dec. 17 - Jan. 15

South Zone: Sep. 14 - Oct. 30 & Dec. 17 - Jan. 22

“If this extreme heat per sists, think twice about bring ing your dog out in the early season,” said Fitzsimmons. “Tem peratures this high can be dangerous for dogs, particu larly when they’re excited and running hard after birds.

The regular dove season in the North Zone runs Sept. 1-Nov. 13 and resumes Dec. 17Jan.1, 2023.

The regular season in the Central Zone is Sept. 1-Oct. 30, then resumes Dec. 17-Jan.15, 2023.

The regular season in the South Zone is Sept. 14-Oct. 30 and Dec. 17-Jan. 22, 2023.

For the second straight year, there will be six Special WhiteWinged Dove Days. The Special White-Winged Dove Days will be Sept. 2-4 and 9-11.

During the regular season in the South Zone, the aggregate bag limit is 15 with no more than two white-tipped doves.

TPWD officials remind hunters to prepare for the

“If you do bring them, try to limit the hunts to early mornings or late evenings.”

During the Special Whitewinged Dove Days in the South Zone, hunting is allowed only

(See DROUGHT, Page 19) 8 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide

abundance of beans this year and provided a critical source of natural forage for deer in the late summer,” Cain said.

Deer appeared to be in poor condition coming out of the winter, without the spring rains, so their access to nutritious forbs were limited.

Although South Texas did receive a substantial amount of rain for two weeks in August, local hunters are still reporting low numbers in dove population and smaller quality and quantity of deer.

“Obviously, we had a dry winter through most of the state,” Cain said. “So bucks and does coming out of rut just had a harder time recovering. A lot of them didn’t have the good spring green-up that we need to

help them rebuild those body reserves and put on good fat throughout the spring and summer.”

Dove season opened a week early for hunters in the south zone, but the extra week did not provide hunters with bag limits.

“I just took my shotgun, sat on the tailgate and drank beer,” a local hunter said of a hunt two weeks ago. “There were eight of us and between the group we got, I don’t know, maybe ten birds.”


Many hunters are placing blame on drought conditions that have caused natural feeding fields to not produce and water sources to dry up.

Others, such as Celeste Lacey, believe that dove hunting is just off to a slow start due to northern temperatures not cool enough to push the birds south.

bottom line is, dove just aren’t flying,”

The avid hunters are precise and have good aim, he added.

“The bottom line is, the dove just aren’t flying,” he

Archery season for deer kicked off Saturday, October 1, across the state and hunters reported average antler and body weight.

Lacey believes the August rains improved habitat conditions which provided native forage for the deer,

and they did not have to travel to a feeder to find food.

Cain said deer densities range from 24-34 deer per 1,000 acres and there has been a stable population that has grown slowly over the past five years.

He believes deer populations are likely to decline this year due to dry conditions and expected lower fawn recruitment.

General deer season opens on November 5 and runs through January 15, 2023, for the south zone. A special youth-only gun deer season is set in both zones for Oct. 29-30 and Jan. 2-15.

At the end of the day, outdoor enthusiasts believe hunting is not about what they have bagged, but about relationships, memories and experiences they will never forget.

Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 9 830.426.3313 Hondo, TX 120 Hwy 173N 830.334.3323 Pearsall, TX 1845 Business I-35N 830.931.2215 Rio Medina, TX 10195 FM 2676
8-5:30 Sat: 8-5:00 Closed Sunday For prices and information call 1-800-221-6398 or visit us online at Follow the Mumme’s Facebook page! LITTLE CHINGON 5’ x 5’ with 5’ TOWER BIG CHINGON 7’ x 7’ with 8’ TOWER 600# STAND & FILL BROADCAST FEEDER® WITH CORN SHIELD
(From previous page)


Jason Surles has kept a keen eye on the shifting business of agriculture since 2013.

The company for which he works and where he is now a co-owner has been a mainstay of the community for over 45 years. Dilley Feed & Grain was founded in 1976 by a group of ten local producers, and was initially geared predominantly to cattle and hog operations. The business now includes the DF&G Wildlife Supply, and six stakeholders have geared their operation towards whitetail deer.

“Back then, the hog operation was a big deal,” Jason says. “But twenty years ago we began to shift the main focus from feed for cattle to feed for whitetail.”

The mill, which sits on the southern edge of town along the railroad line, consisted of one mixing unit and one pellet mill. Twelve years ago, at the height of the oil boom over the Eagle Ford Shale, Jason and his team decided that expanding the mill was imperative.

“We decided to add a retail side outside of the plant production,” he says. “And that decision came after the CEO of Justin Boots came and talked to us.”

Adding an additional pellet mill, the operation doubled its production from producing eight tons of feed an hour to 15 on the new pellet mill.

“The retail side came because of the local demand that came with the oil field,” the mill owner says. “It started with snake boots in the old existing warehouse.”

As the oil boom strengthened, the need for specialty apparel grew in demand in the rural community. What started as a small makeshift display in the warehouse soon developed into a retail business that has benefited the local community’s economy.

Dilley sits 70 miles between two major cities, Laredo and San Antonio, and the team recognizes that not everyone can make the trek up or down IH-35 to purchase clothing, boots or feed.

“CEO Randy Watson and VP Jamey Morgan were down here on a dove hunt and they actually presented us with the idea,” Jason says. “It was just to start with a couple styles of snake boots.”

Patrons can now find a full line of snake boots, work boots, Western and hunting clothes and accessories. The Eagle Ford boom also opened the door for fire-resistant safety wear.

Jason believes that in addition to operating a successful agricultural business since the late 1970’s, DF&G’s decision to add new focus

10 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide

on whitetail deer feed, added to technology upgrades, has helped cement the business’ crucial position in South Texas agri-business.

DF&G owners Mac Wilmeth, Phillip Collier and Surles take pride in their choice to source local products for their feed. Jason describes a significant shift from beef cattle to an emerging market that is whitetail hunting.

“Our founders worked with beef cattle ranch accounts that had been decades of cow/calf stockers and some of those managers quickly realized whitetail was a real opportunity,” he says of the decision to capitalize on whitetail feed.

“We use Gary Boyd farms, Mimosa farms, Tech farms for their corn, milo and peanuts.

“One of the reasons we use local grains is because it is cheaper on the freight end,” Jason adds, “and the majority of our ownership are the producers.”

The mill produces 90 tons a day of bagged wildlife feed and 90 tons a day of bulk feed.

“We are taking locally sourced ingredients and turning them into a value-added product, a protein pellet,” he says.

DFG sells its brand, Venado and RHR that are protein-rich supplemental feeds for whitetail. Additionally, the company sells one non-house brand, Double Down Deer Feed.

Surles says his team helped formulate the feed with the non-house brand founders.

“We made deer feed before there was deer feed.”

Creating the marketable feed is a complex process in which skill is gained through the mill’s long experience in supplying local farms and ranches. Cotton seed is crushed and the meal is a secondary product; oil is the primary product good because it is high

in protein and fat. Peanuts, for which the Dilley area is well known, are recognized as being significantly high in protein.

Present conditions in the region, however, have affected the company’s operations.

“Drought-wise, it has been hard on us,” Jason says. “The bonus is that we sell more feed, but the drawback is that our producers produce less grain.”

Inside the mill, technology and modernization abound. A robot is deployed to stack feed; and part of the larger expansion is a bagging line parallel to the new feed system. The equipment did not replace any jobs at the mill but made the

operation more efficient, Jason says. There are now four drivers for delivering bulk feed and two for delivering bagged food. Deliveries are made to ranches and retailers across the region.

“We still sell feed for cattle,” Jason says. “Fifteen years ago, we moved eighty percent of our feed for cattle and twenty for wildlife. Those numbers are now flip-flopped. That’s a sign of where agri-business is going.”

Those high-protein peanuts gave operators an idea, Jason says, as observers had reported that the highest-scoring deer in the area all had access to local peanut sources.

“That gave us the idea to use peanuts as a key ingredient in our deer feed,” he says. “They are super high in protein and fat and extremely high in total digestive nutrients.”

The company plans on expanding its mixing capabilities and adding a pellet mill line.

“Our current focus right now is production and growing our dealer network,” Jason says. “We want to build a new warehouse and adjacent retail space.”

The DF&G customer base ranges from local hunting leases to family and commercial operations. The majority of the company’s business is within a 150-mile radius of Frio County.

Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 11
“We are taking locally sourced ingredients and turning them into a value-added product..”

It’s a game changer

Feeding whitetail throughout the year

With record high temperatures leading to exceptional drought conditions and natural water sources drying up, ranchers in South Texas have weighed heavily on supplemental feeding for the upcoming whitetail season.

“Dove season was slow this year,” Celeste Lacy of the SMR ranch says. “I think it’s because it hasn’t been cold

enough to push the birds down. Others think it’s because of the drought.”

Local landowners agree that both are contributing factors.

Providing a year-round source of nutrition for whitetail population is very important, especially this year.

The drought has placed stress on plants and water sources, affecting whitetail deer directly by decreasing their body fat and not providing buck or doe with the proper nutrients needed to recover after the rut.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologists believe the statistic may be tipping downwards this year with the lingering drought conditions and the possibility of increased fawn mortality.

Jason Surles, co-owner of Dilley Feed & Grain, believes


from Page 4)

heart rate causing the venom to spread.

• Don’t cut the wound.

• Don’t try and suck the venom from the wound.

• Don’t use a tourniquet or apply ice or water.

• Once bitten, the venom takes seconds to travel from the rattlesnake’s retractable fangs, through a person’s skin and into their bloodstream.

• It is ideal to seek medical attention within 30 minutes of being bitten. Left untreated, the bite may result in severe organ damage or death.

that the 2022-23 whitetail season should be an excellent one.

“Obviously it is dependent on range conditions, forbs and browsing availability,” the local feed storeowner says. “But if people fed correctly and did proper deer management practices, the deer should be lights out.”

Surles and his team have formulated two types of deer supplemental protein feed that is used by ranchers throughout South Texas.

“The saying goes, you will have a better year in drought years than green years because deer have no other choice than to keep their head in those feeders,” he says. “We try to make a quality feed but cannot mimic what Mother Nature does.”

Although the feed mill owner

stands behind the quality of the company’s protein pellets that have shown proven results by producing top-notch bucks, he does believe that feed alone will not grow good deer, and that those results also depend on management practices coupled with Mother Nature cooperating.

“There is no magic in a bag,” he says.

Ranch management should supplement the herd all year to ensure the whitetails receive everything they need to flourish, he adds, and it is important to stay committed to supplemental feeding to see noticeable results.

“Supplemental feeding is extremely important during the lactation curve of the does when they are dropping fawn,” he says. “They need the

Happy Hunting!

12 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide
Remember: The cardinal rule of firearm safety is that every gun must be treated as if it were loaded.
(Continued BREYANA SEGURA A buck harvested on a ranch outside of Dilley that had been feed with protein pellets manu factured by Dilley Feed and Grain.
(Continued next page)


North Zone:

Sep. 1 - Nov. 13 & Dec. 17 - Jan. 1

Central Zone: Sep. 1 - Oct. 30 & Dec. 17Jan. 15

South Zone: Sep. 14 - Oct. 30 & Dec. 17Jan. 22

Special White-Winged Dove Days South Zone: Sep. 2-4 & Sept. 9-11


North Zone: Oct. 1 - Feb. 26 South Zone: Sep. 1 - Aug. 31


General Season

General Panhandle: Nov. 19 - Dec. 4

Trans-Pecos: Nov. 25 - Dec. 11

Archery: 59 of 254 counties: Oct. 1 - Nov. 4

2022-23 Hunting Season Dates


Regular Statewide: Oct. 29 - Feb. 26


Rio Grande Turkey Fall Season

North Zone: Nov. 5 - Jan. 1 South Zone: Nov. 5 - Jan. 15 Brooks, Kenedy, Kleberg & Willacy counties: Nov. 5 - Feb. 26 Archery-only: Oct. 1 - Nov. 4

Fall Youth-Only

North Zone: Oct. 29-30 & Jan. 2-15 South Zone: Oct. 29-30 & Jan. 16-29

Spring Season

North Zone: April 1 - May 14 South Zone: Mar. 18 - Apr. 30

Spring Youth-Only

North Zone: Mar. 25-26 & May 20-21 South Zone: Mar. 11-12 & May 6-7

Eastern Turkey Spring Season

East Texas: Apr. 22 - May 14


General North Zone: Nov. 5 - Jan. 1 South Zone: Nov. 5 - Jan. 15

Special Late Season

North Zone: Jan. 2-15 South Zone: Jan. 16-29


North Zone: Oct. 29-30 & Jan. 2-15 South Zone : Oct. 29-30 & Jan. 2-15

Archery Season - 252 of 254 counties: Oct. 1 - Nov. 4


Regular Statewide: No closed season


Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 13
Visit us at Commit to Success. Good Luck To All Area Hunters! Hope you bag that trophy! 830-334-5004 Dream Big! visit us at 317 E. San Marcos Pearsall, TX 78061 O 830.334.4193 M 830.591.8125 E MELINDA HERNANDEZ LUTCF Agent VANESSA GUZMAN Agent 317 E. San Marcos Pearsall, TX 78061 O 830.334.4193 M 210.563.9197 E Happy HUNTING nutritional assistance to get their bodies back to a healthy status for rebreeding.
supplemental feed that is protein-rich.”
Boone and Crockett score
“Bucks coming out of rut are run down, and they need that higher plane of nutrition,” he says. “They can find that in
Research shows that bucks who are fed supplemental feed year-round showed a pronounced difference, specifically a 37-pound difference in weight, on average. There was also a 17-point increase in the
who received supplemental feed versus those that did not.
in all, supplemental feeding just contributes to healthy herd management,” Surles says. (From previous page)

Ranch management and wildlife experience....

A woman of many boots

In a field dominated by men, East Texas native Celeste Lacy is clearing a path for women in wildlife as she takes the reins at Southern M Ranch.

She sits exhausted from a three-day training course on quail management and jok ingly sparks a conversation by saying, “So yeah, if you want to know about colinus virginianus, I am your girl.”

That confidence, that drive and that persistence to live a life she loves is what got Celeste to the top management position she holds today.

“You know it is a good ol’ boy profession, but there are more women getting into the parks and wildlife profes sion,” she says.

She admits the road to her success was bumpy, but adds that she never let any

obstacles stand in the way of letting her full potential be seen by others.

“I took any and every opportunity I had to volun teer,” she says with a smile.

“I did everything I could do to gain experience in my field, which opened doors that needed to be opened for me.”

Upon high school grad uation, Celeste attended Texas A&M University at College Station to become a veterinarian but her love for the outdoors influenced her decision to transfer to Texas A&M at Kingsville and earn her bachelors of science in range and wildlife manage ment.

Growing up in the Piney Woods area of East Texas, she spent many hours with her father on the Sam Ray burn Reservoir, where he

worked as a fishing guide.

“I grew up just loving the outdoor life,” she says. “Both my parents were in hospi tality, so I’ve always been around com munications and entertain ing people. I cultivated all of that with my love for wild life.

“I have to credit Mr. Rod because he gave me a chance,” she adds. “I met him and remember thinking, ‘Man this man is so nice and I’d love working for him.’”

Soon after her move to Kingsville, being the go-get ter that she is, Celeste began a research project job at the Comanche Faith Ranch in Carrizo Springs. The next se mester, she wasn’t scheduled for classes so she decided to stay and get experience at the ranch.

“They didn’t want me to leave, so they convinced me to apply to become the ag teacher at the high school,” she laughs. “I told them okay. I mean, I never thought of myself as a teach er, but okay.”

Celeste became the Car rizo Springs ag teacher.

For the next five years, she molded the minds of youths aspiring to be mem bers of the agricultural com munity.

dents were amazing, but when my favorite subject to teach was wildlife I knew that my true passion lies with wildlife conservation and management and shar ing my knowledge and ex perience in that field with others.”

Through her networking with volunteer jobs and proj ects, Celeste was able to land a job in wildlife management in 2015 at the Southern M Ranch that sits on the south east side of Frio County.

“The former ranch man ager called me and asked if I would be a guide; he said I had the experience at scoring deer and I was personable,” she says. “Shoot, I jumped in with both feet.”

What began as a part-time guiding gig on a 4,200-acre ranch soon turned into an assistant ranch manager job. Two and a half moths ago, Celeste earned the title of ranch manager.

Defying odds and not letting self-imposed obstacles stand in her way, Celeste is now living the dream as the ranch manager for Southern M Ranch.

“I loved teaching ag in Carrizo Springs,” she says with a smile. “My stu

“I couldn’t ask for better people to work for.”

Her duties are not for the

14 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide
(Continued next page)

light-hearted. Year round, she wakes to beat the sunrise in order to fulfill scouting duties. Feeders are sched uled to dispense feed at 7 a.m., so she wants to be in a blind by 6:30 a.m. to allow the dust to settle. The she

can focus on scouting. She then downloads foot age from trail cameras and analyzes hundreds of photos to determine if the whitetail on the property will con tinue to be managed and monitored or are ready to be bagged.

“I work 12- to 14-hour days, and yes, I am tired but not tired, because I love what I do.”

Managing a staff of six, Celeste keeps in constant contact to ensure the ranch is being run efficiently.

“One thing I had to learn as a manager is I have to wear many boots,” she says. “I can go from scouting in the blind to guiding on weekends to having to figure out where the

water leak is, or ‘Oh, they’re coming to pick up the dozer we have been renting, or I have to go look at what we planted.”

Despite facing challenges of putting pressure on herself to be perfect and overcoming a fear of failure, Celeste has overcome underlying stigmas regarding women in wildlife management positions and can honestly say she has a job she loves.

Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 15 • Wide Selection of Men’s & Women’s Clothing • Deer Corn Bagged/Bulk • Deer Feed Delivery Available • Cajun Fryers, Grills & Fire Pits • Feeders/Parts 350 S. MAIN ST. - DILLEY 830-965-1622 • Largest Selection of FR Clothing in South Texas • Huge Selection of Knives • Deer Protein • Justin & Chippewa Snake Boots Jerry Tondre 830-317-7498 Daniel 830-267-0280 Julia 830-317-6688 Mike 830-317-0410 905 E. Trinity, Pearsall Quality Work At Reasonable Prices! “Excellence In Big Game Taxidermy Since 1997!” TondreTaxidermy Tondre Taxidermy 2022 Season Special Whitetail Shoulder Mount $635 plus tax
During her five years as an teacher in Carrizo Springs, Celeste inspired youth to participate in county shows and contests.
(From previous page)

An ice-cold tale of trickery...

The bobcat hunt that never ended

In a South Texas rural community lived two brothers-in-law who hunted together for a number of years.

They enjoyed a closeness that only men of the woods can know and understand. Occasionally they would get competitive in their hunting. The following story is based on an incident that occurred when they were competing with one another.

Frankie Caddell used to be a bobcat and raccoon hunter, but as the years passed he be came a straight bobcat hunter.

Jack DuBose, on the other hand, liked to hunt anything with his dogs. Sometimes he would have a pair of coon hounds; other times he would have ‘cat hounds or he might even have hog dogs. It just de pended on what he wanted to hunt that day. Other times he would not have a hunting dog of any kind.

One year, Frankie and Jack both had packs of good ‘cat hounds and they hunted to gether frequently without let ting their competitive spirits get the best of them.

In the fall of that year, dry weather conditions and a scar city of bobcats caused a little change in their relationship.

Bobcats were harder to find and even harder to run. One night Jack and Frankie made a friendly wager of $5 as to whose dogs would be the first to put a ‘cat up a tree.

Neither pack found a trail that night.

They planned a hunt for the next night, but when the time came to leave for the woods both of them made excuses for not wanting to go hunting that night. As soon as they got

out of each other’s sight they rushed home, loaded their dogs and went hunting in their favorite locations.

Jack didn’t have any luck finding a track.

Frankie did. After a long race, his dogs caught up with a very large tomcat on the ground and killed it.

Naturally this made Frank ie quite happy.

He loaded his dogs, threw the ‘cat carcass on top of the dog box and headed home. He left his dogs loaded for the rest of the night in prepara tion for a visit with Jack the next morning.

At seven o’clock the next morning, Frankie drove up to Jack’s place of business as if he had been hunting all night and just got in. Naturally, Jack saw the ‘cat and handed Frankie a five-dollar bill.

“I thought that you weren’t going hunting,” Jack said to

his brother-in-law.

“I wasn’t, till I had a feel ing,” Frankie responded.

Jack didn’t admit until months later that he had gone hunting that night.

Jack demanded all the de tails of the chase and the kill. Frankie got away as quick as he could and rushed home to put the ‘cat in the deep freez er.

Early the next morning, Frankie took the bobcat out of the freezer and let the frost melt off the fur. He loaded up his dogs and put the cat on top of the dog box. Then he drove down to Jack’s place of busi ness as if he had just come in from another successful hunt.

Jack was duly impressed by the big ‘cat.

But he didn’t realize it was the same bobcat that Frankie had caught from the night before. Jack insisted again on getting all the details.

Frankie used his imagina tion and described the ideal race, fight and kill. As soon as Frankie could get away, he rushed the dead bobcat back to the deep freezer.

The next morning, Frankie repeated the deception of the day before and Jack still did not recognize the ‘cat. The display and the description of the imaginary race almost became a ritual.

Every few days, Frank would thaw out the bobcat and take him by to show Jack and then describe another imaginary race.

If Jack had ever taken time to examine the ‘cat car cass after the first few times he would have recognized the deception because the hair had begun to slip from the animal that had been thawed and refrozen so often.

The fun came to an end one day when Frankie got in a hurry and forgot to refreeze the bobcat.

That day, Frankie took the ‘cat by to show Jack and a customer of Frankie’s came by and wanted him to do a quick job for him. Frankie got busy and forgot to put the bobcat back on ice. The animal lay out in the sun all day and became thoroughly thawed.

Frankie didn’t notice the odor as he got into his pickup later that day. He happened to go by Jack’s, who imme diately noticed the odor and hair and realized what had been happening for the last several weeks.

It took the men several years to be on good terms again and they remained re luctant to believe any bobcat hunting tales told by either one.

16 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide
Frankie Caddell was an avid bobcat hunter and prankster, his favorite person to taunt was his brother-in-law, Jack DuBose.

of stress,” said Cain. “Mes quites appear to be on track to produce an abundance of beans this year and were crit ical sources of natural forage for deer in late summer in the central, south and western portions of the state.”

Wildfires have plagued large areas of the state as well, causing significant habitat loss and damage, but Cain said na ture finds a way to rejuvenate the landscape.

“Where fires have occurred, there’s been new grass and weed growth providing some much-needed nutrition and cover for deer,” Cain said. “Although habitat conditions have improved immensely with recent rains, the timing was a bit late to have any meaningful influence on ant ler quality. ”

The general season opens more than a month later, on

November 5.

The general season runs through January 1, 2023 in the North Zone and January 15 in the South Zone. A special youth-only gun deer season is set for January 2-15. For additional late season deer hunting opportunities, county specific regulations and infor mation on how to property tag and report a harvest, consult the 2022-23 TP&W Outdoor Annual.

Hunters taking advan tage of Texas Public Hunting Lands must have the Annual Public Hunting Permit. Public land hunters should also consult the Public Hunting Lands Map Booklet to review regulations that may apply to specific areas. The My Texas Hunt Harvest app can be used to complete on-site registra tion electronically at a public hunting area

CWD Testing

TPWD reminds hunters that TPWD wildlife biologists and animal health officials are collecting and testing Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) sam ples from hunter-harvested deer to get a clearer picture of the prevalence and distri bution of the disease across Texas. Proactive monitoring improves the state’s response time to a CWD detection and can greatly reduce the risk of the disease further spreading to neighboring captive and free-ranging populations.

Hunters in surveillance and containment zones must meet submission requirements of harvested CWD susceptible species. Additionally, hunters outside of established surveil lance and containment zones are encouraged to voluntarily submit their harvest for test ing at a check station, for free,

before heading home from the field. A map of TPWD check stations for all CWD zones can be found on the TPWD website.

For more information about CWD, visit the TPWD web site or the TAHC web site.

Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 17
Moderate (Continued from Page 4) Cars, Trucks, Vans! No Titles OK * Free Towing Call 210-776-9796 CA$H For Junk WELCOME HUNTERS! WISHING YOU THE BEST THIS HUNTING SEASON! OFFICE 830-334-2070 • CELL 512-966-7652 FAX 830-334-2890 2404 BI-35 E., Suite 2, P.O. Box 1116, Pearsall, Tx. 78061 Septic Pump Service CHAVERA’S Lollie Chavera, Owner Welcome Hunters! Welcome Hunters! Wishing You a Safe & Successful Hunt! Rachel R. Guerra, Area Manager 220 S. Oak - Pearsall, Tx. 78061 1095 Del Rio Blvd, Eagle Pass, Tx. 78852 (866) 514-7794  Cell 830-444-1494 PIER & BEAM/SLAB SPECIALISTS Corpus Christi 361-289-2750 Jourdanton 830-769-3537 San Antonio 210-495-6464 Bennie Love OWNER Frio County Commissioner, Pct. #1 JOE VEL A Good Luck Hunters! 830-267-6363 Call Noe Cynthia A. Sultenfuss Get More Insurance Services, Inc. Office 210-532-2081 or 830-663-9191 Cell 210-219-6409 111A S. Teel Dr. - Devine, Texas Fax 830-663-9195 Cynthia Sultenfuss Agent Ask me about the new mechanical breakdown coverage options! Bud Robledo, Certif ied Applicator ROBLEDO’S PEST CONTROL Commercial & Residential Termites & General Pest Control Lic. No. 1892 Serving Pearsall, Dilley, & Cotulla 334-2535 or 334-7337 1302 N. Oak - Pearsall, Texas Frio County Commissioner, Pct. 3 Welcome Hunters! Raul Carrizales III Have a Safe & Successful Hunt
Information courtesy: Texas Parks & Wildlife Department

A student of quail

Asubtle but assertive whistle of a covey call emulated by the patriarch of the 2022 Quail Masters class, Dr. Dale Rollins, permeates through the room to call our attention and remind us all to, “covey up.”

This year as I was scrolling the “innerwebs”, seeking some continuing education in wildlife conservation and management, I stumbled across the TWA website and found the registration form for the 2022 Quail Master’s Program.

“I am a student of quail!” This mantra resonates throughout the 12 days we were in class. Its meaning wasn’t quite clear at the beginning of session one but when we graduated, Quail Masters became part of our lives forever.

Quail Masters is a series of intense hands-on training sessions designed to teach students about quail conservation and to practice sound management techniques to increase population numbers and maintain suitable

habitats for quail.

Dr. Rollins started the Quail Master’s program as an offshoot of the Bobwhite Brigade Youth Leadership Camp to offer landowners, biologists and graduate students or anybody who wants to be a “student of quail” an opportunity to get immersed in quail management. We met four times for two and a half days. During those sessions

we conducted covey call counts, habitat evaluations, quail necropsies, plant identification, public speaking and team building excercises and were also blessed to tour some of the finest quail ranches in Texas. A huge thank you goes out to the volunteers and the landowners who spent countless hours planting and cultivating the seeds of knowledge in us so that


Quail are birds that are typically found in small flocks, otherwise known as “coveys.” Quail spend most of their lives in a relatively small area, with groups of 8 to 25 birds common in a single covey. Quail generally forage twice a day, in early morning and mid-to-late afternoon and eat a wide variety of foods including insects, seeds, leaves, and berries. Rarely, if ever, does a quail die of old age.

• Quail eat insects, seeds and grains

• Quail can only fly for a short distance

• The average lifespan of quail is one year

• Female Bobwhite quail can have up to 3 broods per season

• Breeding season is from late April to October

• An average clutch size is 12 to 18 eggs

• Height - 9 to 11 inches

we may disperse into the world to aid in the efforts to conserve and “sculpt” suitable habitat with hopes to increase quail populations or prevent further population decreases so future generations may enjoy the sport of quail hunting and the experience of a dog on point.

I came into the class with the goal of brushing up on my quail knowledge and receiving some very useful continuing education. When I graduated I not only gleaned a wealth of information about quail but the instructors, guest speakers, and my fellow students reignited the fire in my heart for active conservation and reiterated the importance of being an advocate for wildlife conservation for fellow sportsmen and women.

I urge anyone looking for a change of pace to sign up for Quail Masters if the course is offered again and get involved, stay informed and inspire others to be stewards of the land and students of quail.

• Weight - 4.5 to 8 ounces

• Bobwhite quail have a distinct whistle that sounds like “bob-white”

• Good habitat includes a mix of good nesting and brood cover, winter shelter and a year round food source

• Males and females will take turns sitting on the nest

18 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide
“Covey up...”


(Continued from Page 8)

from noon to sunset and the daily bag limit is 15 birds, to include not more than two mourning doves and two whitetipped doves.

Hunters are reminded that licenses are on sale now for the 2022-23 hunting seasons and can be purchased through the agency’s 28 law enforcement field offices, at more than 50 state parks and over 1,700 retailers across the state.

Licenses may also be purchased online through the TPWD website or by phone at (800) 895-4248. Call center hours are Monday through Fri day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and there is a required $5 administrative fee for each phone or online transaction. The online trans action system is available 24/7.

Enhancements have been made to make the licensing process simpler and faster.

“Expedited checkout” improves the process of purchasing the same li cense items bought most re cently with in the last three years. It’s also now easier to show proof-of-li cense. Now hunters can use a digital image of their license as proofof-license for any hunting that doesn’t require a tag, like dove hunting. Accepted formats include: (1) a digital photo, (2) an emailed receipt, (3) within the Outdoor Annual app or the My Texas Hunt Harvest app, or 4) online purchase record.

For the first time, Texas

residents can purchase a digital Super Combo license (Items 111, 117 and 990) that will autho rize digital tagging of harvest ed deer, turkey and oversized red drum. The digital license option is available through online purchase only when licenses go on sale Aug. 15. A digital license holder will not receive a printed license or tags but must keep their digital license available while in the field. The license can be viewed through the TPWD Outdoor Annual and My Texas Hunt Harvest mobile apps.

In addition to a hunting license, anyone born after Sept. 1, 1971, must successfully complete a hunter education training course to hunt legally in Texas.

The TPWD Hunter Educa tion certification is valid for life and is honored in all other states and provinces. Hunters can find more information or print a replacement at no cost online.

A Migratory Game Bird Endorsement (Stamp) and Harvest Information Program (HIP) certification are also required to hunt dove. HIP cer tification involves a brief survey of previous year’s migratory bird hunting success and is conducted at the time licenses are purchased.

Information courtesy: Texas Parks & Wildlife Department

Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 19
“ “Hunters will likely see larger concentrations of birds at watering holes... ” WELCOME HUNTERS! Selling Ranches In South Texas! DAN KINSEL Ranch Broker 830-317-0115 Vela Electric For all your electrical needs! Joe Vela, Owner 2106 BI 35 East - Pearsall, Texas Office: 830-334-2774 * Mobile 830-334-7473 Welcome Hunters Commercial Signs Ditches & Hookup Service Crane & Bucket Trucks 24-Hour Service Joe’s Transport 2106 BI 35 East - Pearsall, Texas Office: 830-334-2774 * Mobile 830-334-7473 Selling, Moving & Leveling of Mobile Homes

Fright at First Bite: Copperhead Encounter “At times, the pain was unbearable...”

On the last leg of a week-long summer vacation with her two small children, Natalie Kramer of Dilley never dreamed she would end their trip with a copperhead bite.

After visiting her family in East Texas, Natalie decided to stop and visit some friends in Crockett. The visit was pleasant; the children played; the adults barbecued and caught up on all the latest family stories.

Just as the sun had set on Sunday, June 12, friends convinced the family of three to stay the night and head home the following day.

As Natalie and her two young daughters were walking to the pickup truck to gather their suitcases, she was struck.

“At first I thought a stick had just poked me,” Natalie said. “The pain was increasing with each step I took. So I got in the truck and looked down and saw that I had been bitten. I went back to look and there it was... a copperhead snake.”

More concerned with her daughters’ safety than her own injury, Natalie grabbed a .22-caliber rifle and shot the snake.

Natalie was in excruciating pain. Her friends began their trek to the nearest hospital that was 20 minutes away. She felt as though the journey took an hour.

It was dark. The road was twisty.

The group had to travel slower than the posted speed limit because of the risk of deer on the road.

Once at the hospital, Natalie was given morphine for the pain and kept for 12 hours under observation.

“It hurt so bad,” she recalls. “They wouldn’t give me anti-venom because it was such a small hospital, or antibiotics because they didn’t want to interfere with the venom. At times, the pain was unbearable.”

During the stay, Natalie experienced issues with her blood pressure and was repeatedly checked by doctors to monitor the pulse and blood flow in her injured leg.

Emergency personnel marked her leg several times in the same spot to monitor her pulse and any venom spread. A baby

heart monitor was placed on her leg to make sure the blood flow was okay.

Doctors worried her blood could clot.

and the pain subsided.

It has been four months since Natalie was bitten by the copperhead snake that was camouflaged among leaf litter. She continues to deal with the effects of the bite.

“The weather has changed and my ankle and knee are sore,” she says, looking down at her leg. “The initial swelling lasted six weeks but I know I will be dealing with long-term issues.”

Copperheads strike immediately and without any warning signs. Their hemotoxic venom often results in temporary tissue damage to the immediate area of the bite.

Of all snakes found in North America, copperheads are the most likely to bite. Their venom, however, is relatively mild and their bites are rarely fatal to humans.

Copperheads, just like rattlesnakes, are pit vipers.

Pit vipers have heat-sensory depressions between their eyes and nostrils on each side of the head, enabling them able to detect the slightest differences in temperature so that they can accurately strike the source of heat.

With distinctly patterned hourglassshaped markings, copperheads have a dorsal pattern that is a series of dark, chestnut-brown or reddish-brown crossbands that are on a lighter brown, tan, salmon or pinkish background.

Two days later, despite abiding by all the recommended protocol given to her by the doctor, Natalie returned to the hospital due to swelling, pain and her foot turning purple.

Once she arrived at the hospital, she discovered that her foot and leg were covered in red dots. This, she later learned, was a direct affect of fever.

Doctors ran a series of tests that included bloodwork which, for the first time in three days, gave Natalie some hope.

“There are no signs of clotting or anything bad,” the doctor said.

She was released and directed to stay off her feet until the swelling went down

Tolerant of habitat alteration, copperheads can survive well in any area and can be found in wood and sawdust piles, abandoned farm buildings, construction areas, under rocks and boards.

During the spring and fall, the snakes are usually out during the day. They become nocturnal during the summer. Biologists have noted that copperheads like wandering in the open after rain has made weather conditions humid.

“This encounter has definitely made me more careful when walking in the dark,” Natalie says. “My kids have also become more cautious. And I can honestly say that I fear snakes a lot more now than I ever have before.”

20 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide
Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 21 Restonic Bedding Sale SEPT. 29 - OCT. 31 FREE DELIVERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT *with approved credit* Falcon Plush Sets TWIN $389 FULL $469 QUEEN $559 KING $799 Ginger P.T. Sets TWIN $449 FULL $569 QUEEN $599 KING $859 Award Firm/Plush Sets TWIN* $499 FULL $599 QUEEN $699 KING $899 Kimberly Firm/Plush Sets TWIN* $799 FULL $899 QUEEN $999 KING $1299 *TWIN available as special order HEAVY DUTY BED FRAMES TWIN-FULL-QUEEN-KING $89.95 All Sizes PARSONS FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. 203 E. SAN MARCOS STREET  PEARSALL, TEXAS 78061 830-334-3604 - Restonic Bedding Sale HURRY! SALE ENDS NOV. 30 FREE DELIVERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT *With approved credit* Falcon Plush Sets TWIN $389 FULL $469 QUEEN $559 KING $799 Ginger P.T. Sets TWIN $449 FULL $569 QUEEN $599 KING $859 Award Firm/Plush Sets TWIN* $499 FULL $599 QUEEN $699 KING $899 Kimberly Firm/Plush Sets TWIN* $799 FULL $899 QUEEN $999 KING $1299 *TWIN available as special order HEAVY DUTY BED FRAMES TWIN-FULL-QUEEN-KING $89.95 All Sizes PARSONS FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. 203 E. San Marcos Street • Pearsall, Texas 78061 • 830-334-3604 • Twin Full Queen King The place you’ve been hunting for! 830-879-2326 - 1-800-256-2326 Hunting for a friendlier bank? | Member FDIC Check out The First State Bank! 731 W Leona St Dilley, TX 78017 Phone: (830) 965-1511 Stop by or give us a call! Now that’s friendly! Option 1



2 boneless wild turkey breast

1 large onion, coarsely chopped

1 pound spinach, chopped

1 pound bacon, chopped into bite-sized pieces

1 cup chicken stock

Salt and pepper to taste

Toothpicks (less of an ingredient and more of a tool!)


In a large, ovenproof pan, cook bacon. Remove bacon and drain excess grease into a small dish (leaving about 1 tbsp in the bottom of the pan). Add chopped onion and sauté until onions begin to lightly brown. Add spinach and bacon pieces to the pan and cook until spinach begins to wilt. Set aside. Next, butterfly the turkey breasts and place half of the stuffing in each breast. Close and use toothpicks to secure. In the same ovenproof pan, reintroduce about 2 tbsp of the bacon fat and brown both sides of the turkey breast. Remove pan from heat, add chicken stock (again, we always give extra credit if you’ve made your own!) and then place in a 300 degree oven for between 45 minutes and 1 hour (based on turkey breast size and oven types). Remove from oven and let sit 10 minutes. Remove toothpicks and cut turkey into slices. Delicious served atop a spinach salad. Serves 8




A twist on the South Texas favorite grilled, stuffed jalapenos, Texas twinkies add some additional flavor with brisket.

1 lb chopped brisket from the fatty side

1 1/1 T. salt

1 ½ T. black pepper

1 t. cumin

1 c. pepper jack cheese, freshly grated

8 oz. Cream cheese

2 packages of bacon (about 24 strips)

14 extra large jalapeno peppers

Sweet barbecue sauce of your choice



In a bowl or food processor, combine the cream cheese, shredded cheese, chopped brisket and spices. Pulse several times to combine and mix well. Chill the mixture while you prepare the jalapenos.

For the jalapenos, make one cut from the stem all the way down to the tip with a sharp paring knife. Repeat with the remaining jalapenos. Use a small spoon with a sharp edge to scrape the seeds and ribs from the peppers.


1 lb. cut venison - 1/2-inch chunks that have been soaked overnight in heavily salted water and then all the salt washed off;

1 cup ginger ale;

1 package dry onion soup mix;

1 Tablespoon garlic;

1 can cream of mushroom soup;

1 seasoning package of frozen or freshly-

chopped onion, celery and bell pepper; 1 small jar of sliced mushrooms (optional).


Combine all ingredients in crock pot, adding the venison last. Cook on high for four hours, and then cook on low or keep warm in crock pot for two more hours. Serve over rice.

Fill every jalapeno with the filling, nearly to overflowing.

Wrap the bacon around the stuffed jalapenos starting at the stem and traveling around the pepper. Most peppers need two pieces of bacon depending on the size of the pepper. Secure the bacon with toothpicks.

Preheat your smoker to 375 degrees (or simply cook over an open flame). Lay the peppers on the smoker and smoke for 35 minutes. Place some foil down and coat with sweet barbecue sauce. Cook until the sauce thickens and becomes sticky.

Welcome Hunters To La Salle County!

22 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide
Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 23 THE BEST PARTS to help get you to the best parts. Dilley Auto & Truck Supply 1074 Hwy 85 W Dilley, TX 78017 830-963-0056 830 • 879 • 3044 LA SALLE COUNTY SHERIFF ANTHONY ZERTUCHE OFFICERS & STAFF Wish you a safe & successful hunt HEADED TO CAMP? Come in or call ahead! • FRESH CUT STEAKS • BACON WRAPPED QUAIL BITES • ALL BEEF HAMBURGER PATTIES • MESQUITE CHARCOAL • AND OUR AWARD WINNING MARINATED BEEF FAJITAS Wild Game Headquarters Your One Stop Shop Uvalde Meat Market & Processing Over 70 Years in Business We can handle all of your • CAPING • CUSTOM PROCESSING • SHIPPING NEEDS Offer a full line • Dry Sausage • Pan Sausage • Jerky • Smoked Sausage • Summer Sausage • Snack Sticks LOCATION & HOURS: 7 Days a Week, 8 am - 8 pm; 508 S Wood St., Uvalde, TX 78801 830-278-6247
24 Frio-Nueces Current Hunting Guide 1. Obtain specific permission before hunting on private property. Use current maps and pay careful attention to boundaries so as not to intrude on populated areas. 2. To be extra safe, unload guns while traveling to and from the hunting site. 3. Always wear distinctive hunter’s orange clothing. 4. When storing a gun, always unload it first. It’s the extra effort on our part that makes the season safer for everyone. As another season begins, we ask local hunters to pay extra attention to the rules of hunting. 200 IH 35 South, Pearsall, Texas 78061 830-334-3617 Hunting Safety For Everyone SAFETY RULES FrioRegionalHospital

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