Anniversary Year Edition
2 Waves Magazine | October 2022
Challenging 18 Hole Course Tennis Bars Dining Pool Pa ilion oin The First PRI T Country Clu in the State of Texas Gal eston Country Clu 14228 Stewart Road Gal eston, T 77554 409-737-9800 Galveston Country CluMem ership t Its Best
4 Waves Magazine | October 2022 Family Beach Fun! Galveston’s Family Friendly Vacation Rental Properties Free Activities Included 409-740-1245 BEACH SIDE Vacation Renta s *call for details
6 Waves Magazine | October 2022 F S October 2022 ISLAND SILVER P.13 PREMIER STERLING SILVER JEWELRY contents Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart. Visit our home location! 2127 Broadway, Galveston 409.572.9797 Explore Historic Galveston • Rent a stylish replica Model-T • Drive back to a much simpler place in time • Rental for a special occasion or wedding • Romantic date night • Carts for sale t treet P. 15 READY TO ADVERTISE? 409-789-1160 P.15 P.13 P. 70 Welcome LONESTAR RALLY 2022! information on pages 25,50,&64
Waves Magazine Mike Burke
P.O. Box 3343 Galveston , TX 77552
P: 409-789-1160
Mike Burke 409-789-1160
Tiffany Bergeron
Christopher Bergeron
Richard Henderson, D.V.M.
J.A. Bunny
Jan Dean
Billy Powell
Patrick Lemire
Max Conner
Tom Valliere
Charlie Bresenhan
Paul Hager
Bob Rohan
John Valastro
Kathy Valastro
Holly Ross
Dr. Tara Wegryn
J. Chumley Photography
Thomas Waggoner
Zach Tate
Lynda Watson
Shaye Henderson
James Clark
Christy Monroe enee artfield
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Waves Magazine
P.O. Box 3343 Galveston , TX 77552
P: 409-789-1160
Waves Magazine is produced monthly. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.
October 2022 marks the Year Anniversary of Waves Magazine. ur first aves edition was published in October 2017. What a fun ride it has been! I humbly take great pride in everything that we have accomplished.
It would take all of the pages in this issue to thank everyone properly for making Waves Magazine the success that it is today. I remember the beginning of our Waves Magazine very well. It truly started from scratch.
I would be sitting in a restaurant or venue, have an idea, and write it on a napkin or anything I could find, knowing
I would forget something if I didn’t. I kept a notebook on my bedside lamp table. I would literally wake up in the middle of the night with a thought for the magazine content and would write it immediately on my notepad.
I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to our Waves advertisers. Many of them began with us the very first issue and have been with us ever since. All I had, in the beginning, was a brochure and some hope. Our outstanding, loyal advertisers stepped up and made everything a reality! Thank you all so much!
I can’t begin to thank all of our Waves contributors and writers. I would like everyone to take a look slightly to the left of my Briefs and see the names of some truly outstanding individuals. They make Waves the entertainment and informative publication that is the leader in Galveston.
My heartfelt thanks and appreciation go out to Christopher Bergeron, Tiffany Bergeron, and Lynda Watson. This is the core Waves team that is responsible for everything you visually see in Waves both in print and online. They are not only great in all that they do, but they are also terrific friends and family.
We have some awesome events taking place in Galveston in October and November. Get out and enjoy the very fun Octoberfest. I love Octoberfest! The Lone Star Rally is approaching and what a fabulous entertainment lineup they have prepared for us to enjoy.
a a O !
Mike Burke
8 Waves Magazine | October 2022
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| Publisher
ITS TIM TO OT FOR TH 2022 B ST OF TH ISL D Click on NEWS & MEDIA Click WAVES Magazine Under: • Best Local Print Publication • Best Local Website • Best Facebook Page We a rec ate your participation in the awards process as works around the clock to bring you the most comprehensive, informative, and entertainment driven publication on our great Island. a o o o c ! ear ver ar ! Ha October aver ! a at o a e r e r to er a a ergero
Waves Magazine | October 2022 he Las er nn al eston s remier Lu ury Weddin ent enue perience he Las er eaturin the all inclusi e weddin wee end pac a e! his eautifully restored c estate with sq ft includes stunnin parlors ama in ar ele ant chapel and or eous rounds! solute le ance pic emories! ou eser e enue his a nificent! We will ma e your day all you dreamed it would e i e tar atin Weddin Wire rip d isor th treet al eston e as 55 www las erinn com
ET Corner Love a Margarita?
Little Bat Has Your Back
Not all bats are hanging out at haunted houses waiting to scare kids on Halloween. Most are blue-collar workers busting their humps seven nights a week, 365 days a year. One such bat is the “King of Tequila.”
The next time you are sipping your favorite margarita at the local watering hole, give a toast to a little hero of the desert. The lesser long-nosed bat is solely responsible for pollinating the blue agave cactus from which tequila is made. The agave blooms are rich in unique sugars that when distilled become the famous beverage. Without this bat, the plant would be unable to reproduce, and the tequila industry would eventually run dry.
This bat lives in the deserts of Mexico, Arizona, and California sleeping during the day in caves and abandoned mine shafts. While we are going to bed for the night the bats emerge to feed on the flowers of night-blooming desert plants. One of their favorites is the blue agave. The bats use a tongue as long as their bodies to reach down into the agave flower for nectar. Moving from plant to plant, one bat carries thousands of pollen particles on his body. The pollen from one plant is needed to fertilize another by transferring its genetic material. One bat can visit hundreds of agave plants a night sometimes flying over a hundred miles. These oneounce guys are pollinating machines. Agave plants are not
their only stops; bats are also critical to the pollination of foodproducing plants like mangos, bananas, and cashews.
In 1988, our friend, the long-nosed bat, was placed on the endangered species list when their estimated numbers dropped to one thousand. Their decline was due to the loss of native plants to feed on and human interference with their roosting spots - caves and abandoned mine shafts.
The organization Bat Conservation International is a passionate society that is attempting to save many bat species from extinction. They are responsible for replanting the native agave cactus the bats feed on and protecting bat roost sites. As a result of their work in the habitat for our “King of Tequila,” the lesser longnosed bat population has rebounded to an estimated 200,000 individuals.
10 Waves Magazine | October 0
In the past, agave farmers would harvest the nectarrich flowers as soon as they bloomed. This deprived the local bats of the chance to feed and pollinate the plants. To support the bat’s recovery, they now allow the flowers to remain unharvested for a while longer before they are cut for tequila production. The
industry realized a healthy bat population benefited their business, so conservation became profitable. The long-nosed bat has in a way become a friendly partner of the tequila business.
You can thank those bats the next time you knock down a few shots. But down blame them in the morning for the infamous Tequila hangover.
c ar He er o Galveston Veterinary Clinic 2108 61st Street Galveston, TX 77551
or ore or at o o bat co ervat o v t batco org
0th Annua
Waves Magazine | October 0
Re l ati o nshipAd v ic e
with Jan & Dean
H a a ea
ve bee at g ve or over a ear o e get a o g great act o e to arr t o a b t o et g ee g e ro t e a tota ob ea t a ca ta e r t t e e t to er a art e t a oc t a a g t Her c ot e ere e t e tc e e t to er a er a r er e ere rt t e o co t a to er be roo t oo e e a bo b a go e o o t get e tarte o er bat roo o t t t bee c ea e ce e ove a o co t ee t e co ter or a er to etr e o ave ever g e e t beca e e co e acro great b c Her a e er ect er a r a er b e att re eccab e ve er ca a c ot e are a a t e e t b e c ot e a t e t e beca e e a a e art e t tore ever ere er a art e t o gett g bac to rob e a a eat rea ver t g or er a ot e a art e t ca t ta c tter e e ta t e ee e toget er e co e to ace to er o t ta at er ace beca e o t e e e t r gge ter e eave t c a ter er eve get t e a e o t a c ea at ca o to a e t re at o or
Hello Chuck. You describe yourself as a “neat freak.” I hate to break this to you, but many people aren’t. I am also go ing to tell you that in most instances sloppy, messy people do not change their ways. They don’t share your opinion about what is important in life. They are perfectly happy to be the way they are and they don’t see a single thing wrong with it.
Chuck, you do not seem like the compromising type of guy. It’s your way or the highway and I am guessing that doesn’t only include just neatness. I don’t envi sion you as the fle ible type. velyn is not going to change ust because you think she should. That means you are going to have to decide what is most important to you. Would you rather have your neat and spotless castle and be alone or would you rather have Evelyn in your life? That is the decision you are going to have to make.
Well Chuck, this seems like the old show The Odd Couple. Sounds like you have tried to talk to her about this issue and she blew you off. There are a couple of options if you decide to tie the knot. She can have her own space to mess up, but the rest must stay clean. (I probably wouldn’t count on that one, but I’m throwing it out there for you.) Second, I hope you are a wealthy guy, be cause you will need to hire a full-time maid to come in and clean up after Evelyn. That way, each time you come home, everything is perfect for you. She better be worth it Chuck. Good luck.
Ask Away. You Just Might Have Your Question Answered Next Month.
~Clean Chuck
12 Waves Magazine | October 0
Have A
For Jan Dean? Go To
Waves Magazine | October 2022 ISLAND SILVER Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart. Visit our home location! 2127 Broadway, Galveston 409.572.9797 Explore Historic Galveston • Rent a stylish replica Model-T • Drive back to a much simpler place in time • Rental for a special occasion or wedding • Romantic date night • Carts for sale
a waves magazine exclusive Bunny’s Cookin’Column
Hey there folks. It’s fall, and it’s time to get revved up for Halloween. When I was trick or treating with my brother, (many years ago), we always knew which houses to hit. Which ones had the best stuff!! The other kids knew to follow us. It was the houses that had caramel apples or popcorn balls. We went so many times once, that the lady told us, ENOUGH!! So, this month I’m going to give you these recipes. Oh, my goodness, such good memories. Before Bunny gets teary eyed, here are the recipes.
ara e e
First, I want to say that I won’t bother you with how to make caramel from scratch. Just buy a bag(s) of caramels. It de pends on how many apples you want to determine how many bags of caramels you buy.
Apples (pick the type you like best)
Bag(s) of caramels.
Can of sweet condensed milk
Crushed peanuts (Optional)
Sticks for apples
Wax paper, buttered.
Melt the caramels in a nonstick pot. Add the condensed milk as the caramels melt. Be careful not to make the blend too thin. Dip the apples in the pot and lay on buttered wax paper. Roll in crushed nuts if you like. Let cool. Then hand them out and enjoy.
o cor a Ingredients
Popcorn, popped, about 6-8 quarts cup sugar cup light corn syrup cup water
Tablespoons butter Dash of vanilla
Pop your corn. Cover to stay warm. Cook sugar, syrup, and water until it’s dissolved. Take off heat and blend in butter and vanilla. Make sure the butter has melted. Pour over the popped corn and mix well. Make into balls (whatever size you want), and place on wax paper. Let sit for a while. Then hand them out and enjoy.
Happy Trails,
14 Waves Magazine | October 0
Waves Magazine | October 0 RE/MAX Leading Edge 3616 7 Mile Rd | Galveston, TX | 77554 409.789.1672 GERRI EMPEY REALTOR 415 EAST BEACH DRIVE UNIT 801 | ISLANDER EAST LOT FOR SALE With a variety of delicious drink options, plus tons of adorable clothes and accessories, you’re sure to want to stay a while! SHOP | SIP | SOCIALIZE 2425 Strand | Suite 100 | Galveston (409) 974-4205 IG/FB: dianasbartique t treet a ve to @razorsedgegalvestontx Full Service Barbershop
Happy October, Wavers! Your Bum has just returned from a little trip to visit some friends in Oklahoma. While I was being driven to the Tulsa airport to return home, I saw a very unusual billboard. It read: Oklahoma! Come For Vacation, Leave On Probation.
I thought that was pretty crazy. A lawyer friend of mine informed me that I wouldn’t believe all of the strange laws that are still on the books. That comment got me thinking the other day while I was out riding around in my ol’ scarab. It’s not like me to have many thoughts in a day, but here is what had me thinking...
What are some very strange, bizarre laws that are actually still on the books? Laws that are outdated but could still possibly be enforced, resulting in jail time or fines. ere are a few your Bum came up with...
bizarre laws that are actually still on the books
OO This one would be a killer for your Bum. There are some cities in Texas where it’s illegal to go barefoot without a permit. In order to comply with the city’s laws of sanitation, citizens must buy a permit for $5. They are then free to go barefoot.
O In Missouri you can’t drive down the highway with an uncaged bear in your car.
Still on the books in some states. In Salem, West Virginia, it’s against the law to eat candy less than an hour and a half before church service. In Winona Lake, Wisconsin, it is illegal to eat ice cream at a counter on Sunday. Also, don’t expect to order a slice of cherry pie a la mode in Kansas on Sunday. It’s against the law.
When parking your elephant at a meter in Orlando, Florida, be sure to deposit the same amount of money you would for a regular motor vehicle.
If you are a woman living in Michigan, you might want to check with your husband before heading to your hairstylist. According to state law, your hair belongs to your husband, and you’ll need his permission before you can alter it. Your Bum has no idea what single women can do.
O O O O In some states, it’s against the law to expose your dog to the hazards of smoking. In Illinois, it’s illegal to give lit cigars to your pets - even if they do enjoy a good Cuban from time to time.
O O H In some Te as cities, you can be fined for sitting on the sidewalk. This one doesn’t affect your Bum; I prefer laying down!
See ya around. ime for a cold one
Waves Magazine | October 0 c t e o t a o ob ter a ra a at t e o otato t et otato o o r e g eet otato at t e o tea t obe tea c tea et g o artar tea at c t o eat e or a g baco or b or e o o ee eg o a b at c t o bee tra t oa e to a e cor e bee r et ort b rt tea e or tr at o ro bee t e o g O o o ag ett tea or e ee eatba oa t at o eat e to a e b a o g or o c e g ee b c e eet c a a eat re erre to a tto art c ar e t e a a a a t oo e g ee abb t at o tea e t e t etter o t e a abet to tart t a e e or tr orter o e o e et g o at c t o bee trat o a e e re ar g ee e gto c r et r o e er o
Waves Magazine | October 0 e e t eat e e a e a ut a t u e te a e u e e a a e t a e a ut a te a e ete ute a a d e a t e a e t exa BOOK ONLINE AT: 5 AMAZING LIVE ESCAPE ROOMS BASED ON GALVESTON HISTORY 6 MINDBLOWING VIRTUAL REALITY ESCAPE ROOMS ESCAPE THE BASEMENT Jean Lafitte 910 21ST Galveston, TX 77550 (409)443-5092
18 Waves Magazine | October 0 Kitchen ■ Baths ■ Cabinets ■ Walk-In Showers ■ Painting ■ Doors ■ Windows ■ Decks Hardie Siding ■ Custom Lighting ■ Wood ■ Tile ■ Vinyl ■ Laminate ■ Carpet ■ Repairs Tile and Vinyl Plank Flooring in Coastal Colors ar est Se ection f aterproof F oorin n he atest St es Coasta Co ors oin Coasta 2022 p rade oda 1 2 2 rd Street a eston h 0 2 2 00 Schedu e an on ine esti ate 2 / www coasta ser ices a eston co pact oors/ indows esi ned For Coasta Areas S R A R V Since 1985 LLC S R A B
Waves Magazine | October 2022 QUARTZ CUSTOM COUNTER TOPS BY COASTAL FLOORING LLC UPDATE TODAY WITH THE LATEST DESIGNS AND TRENDS LATEST COLORS AND THE MOST INNOVATED QUARTZ DESIGNS ON DISPLAY e e t ua t 1 2 2 rd Street a eston h 0 2 2 00 Schedu e an on ine esti ate 2 / www coasta ser ices a eston co face oo coasta f oorin andho ereno ation SCRATCH RESISTANT DURABLE STAIN RESISTANT HEAT RESISTANT EASY CARE AND MAINTENANCE WARRANTY upgrade today! S R A B
20 Waves Magazine | October 2022 CUSTOM HOME PAINTING
10-Year No Peel or Blister Exterior Paint Warranty! Beautify Your Home With The Latest Coastal Paint Colors Created For Coastal Homes UPGRADE TODAY! Custom Deck Colors, Stain and Sealing Sand & Rain Repellent Paint at Protects Your Home From e Salt Elements Specializing In Victorian Homes and Beach Houses 1428 23rd Street, Galveston | Ph: 409-762-2400 Schedule an online estimate 24/7 @ INSURED AND BONDED
e He er o
Breast Cancer From Survivor to Thriver
This October marks the second-year occurrence of my breast cancer diagnosis. Two years ago, this mid-October, I heard those dreadful words, “Your biopsy is malignant. You have breast can cer.” As I did last year at the one-year mark with you here, I can’t help but reflect on where I am on this journey I did not voluntarily hop on and join.
Before October 2020, I had no idea breast cancer was the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. The average risk of a woman in the United States developing breast cancer sometime in her life is about 13%. This means there is a in chance she will develop breast cancer, and trends are moving closer to in 7. On average, every min utes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States.
My husband, Richard, brought home a book for us both to read during my treatment, Anticancer Living, by Lorenzo Cohen and Allison Jefferies. At the time, I was just too scared, too sick, too fatigued, and so focused on surviv ing the coming nine months that I didn’t open the book. But when I made it to the other side of the nightmare, I dove into the book. I was determined to read everything I could about increasing my chances of never having to hear those devastating words again.
Lorenzo and Jefferies testify that at least fifty percent of all cancer deaths can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes. That cancer need not be inevitable. That we have tremendous power over our bodies. They show sound evidence that six lifestyle components are powerful, effective antidotes to avoiding or surviving a cancer diagnosis.
Here t e r o
o ecte e o t
There is growing evidence of the power of love and relationships to heal. Research shows that when we stay connected to those we love and those who want to help us, cancer is less likely to progress, lives are extended, and overall health improves. It’s also no surprise that the unconditional love and loyalty pets provide help us heal. If anyone is reading this and going through a breast cancer diagnosis, please know I am here for you to reach out to. Call me, text me, email me. I’m happy to hold your hand and listen to all your questions and concerns…I have been there. If not with me, then connect with someone!
et o o tre
Stress is known to stimulate cancer proliferation, stress aids, and abets mutating cancer cells. Stress will sabotage all our healthy intentions. Get ahold of your stress. Now. Remove toxic people from your life. Find a stress management practice that works for you. For me, it’s meditation. But other stress-reduction modalities can include cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, Tai Chi, or simply a daily walk in nature.
ee a er tr e t
Virtually nothing else can change your outlook on life and your ability to heal as much as sleep can. Good, quality sleep is when your body undergoes profound restoration and healing. Cancer has an easier chance of getting a foothold if you miss out on this. And it’s a cascading effect to achieve good sleep…if you nourish your body with the proper food, reduce your stress, get moderate amounts of exercise daily and have loving, supportive relationships, your body will naturally reward you with restorative
er t v a a a ve to
22 Waves Magazine | October 2022
sleep at night.
ov g or e e
Cancer loves an inactive body. Physical activity is essential to keeping disease at bay and for recovery as well. Exercise and movement are potent healing modalities. Exercise as part of an anticancer lifestyle is all about putting movement into your day more time standing and moving, less time sitting and being idle. Movement doesn’t just have to be a fitness class. It can be parking far from your building and walking. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Breaking up your sitting time during the day. We must honor our body’s design and stretch, reach, walk, run, and move to fortify our natural healing process.
Eat as though your life depends on it because it does.
v ro e ta o
Environmental toxins surround us. Most we cannot smell, taste, or touch, and much of our exposure is beyond our control, but not all of it. Reduce household chemical exposure. Filter your water. Reduce the toxins you put into your body. Reduce the toxins you put on your body. Interact carefully with the larger environment and choose wisely. Start with cleaning out the toxins in your very home. Creating an anticancer environment begins at home and starts with what you are exposing yourself to voluntarily.
g t e oo t at Hea
There is burgeoning scientific evidence that the foods we eat can contrib ute to cancer. But also, the foods we eat can help reduce the likelihood of cancer cells activating and multiplying. Our nutritional choices are critical. Reduce sugar intake. Eat less red meat and more plant-based foods. Stay at your ideal weight. Limit alcohol consumption. Drink more filtered water and green tea daily. Eat foods that create a healthy microbiome. Limit dairy.
so of the elevator. Breaking up your sitting time during the day. We must honor
I am two years out of the dreadful diagnosis, one year, and three months out of treatment. I have hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. My muscle tone and endurance are back. I have a clean bill of health right now, today. I am doing everything I can possibly think of to better my chances of never hav ing to go down THAT road again. Do I still have cancer PTSD of sorts? Yes, I do, but I’m managing it. I do my very best to live an anticancer lifestyle every single day, attending to each of the six powerful lifestyle factors. No longer am I just a survivor. I am a thriver.
a e He er o O er t v a a a ve to
Waves Magazine | October 2022
at at
By Thomas Waggoner
Hello Wavers! I hope you were able to keep cool through the hot summer months. Now on to the awesome autumn weather! This month we’re going to look at a lot of different things. Just like the title says Figs to Alligator Fat! I’ll explain as we go.
Ho o t e a Geologists have drilled holes in the island and dated seashells to determine that Galveston Island began to form about 5,300 years ago, when the rise in sea level from the melting of ice from the last Ice Age began to slow down. The Galveston we know today began with the rebuilding after the 1900 storm. The 1900 Galveston hurricane, also known as the Great Galveston hurricane and the Galveston Flood, was the deadliest natural disaster in United States history.
Ho t e a or Waves and currents swept sand into ridges that eventually merged and became Galveston Island. Today you can see these early ridges and swales between the ridges on the back side of the island. Large storms cut channels across the early island and deposited sand on the island’s bay side. With a maximum depth of about 10 feet, the water in the bay is a complex mixture of sea water and fresh water, which supports a wide variety of marine life. act The early inhabitants of Galveston, the Karankawas’ Indians, smeared alligator grease(fat) on themselves to defend against mosquitoes. act The Island was originally called “Auia”, also named by the Karankawa Indian Tribe.
e g e
A little more than a century ago, Galveston was a ma or fig producing area. The local industry began on a commercial basis in 1890. The production in Texas was about 16,000 acres at its peak in about 1928.
Figs were sold to local and distant canneries for processing. Foreign competition, high prices, and The Great Depression caused the decline of this industry. Today on the island, only a few small fig areas are left.
Ho g a ve to
The island is 211.7 square miles. Galveston county is 874 square miles. act The entire island, except for Jamaica Beach, is within the city limits of Galveston.
ree ro t e
At the time of the 1900 Great Storm, this tree was the property of Thomas Henry Borden. He was determined to save this beautiful oak, so when the grade raising began, he had a dike constructed around it to keep the salty fill from poisoning the tree. He hauled fresh water from cisterns and wells and kept the salt washed out of the seepage that crept in about the roots. After the grade leveling was completed and the salt dissipated from the soil, the well around the tree trunk was gradually filled. The tree is located at Avenue .
act It is difficult to believe that the base of the tree is about feet below the present
e O e t e e ce
1838 MICHEL B. MENARD HOUSE - 1605 33rd Street - The Menard House is also known as The Oaks. act The Menard House was fabricated, then shipped from Maine in pieces.
According to Te as arks ildlife, the largest fish caught in alveston Bay is a Striped Bass weighing 28 lbs. on Jan. 26, 1991, by Calvin Hinderman, Jr. act Calvin caught it with a rod and reel.
o var err
A private company established the first ferry service between ort Bolivar and Galveston in 1929. The company then sold its ferries to Galveston County which operated the service for only six months. In 1930, Galveston County sold its ferries to the state. Today, each ferry can carry approximately 70 vehicles, 500 passengers and crew members. Only 8-eighteen wheelers may board at once and carry 80,000 lbs. act In 1929 two wood-hulled ferries named the Galveston and Jefferson carried only 25 cars and made only six roundtrips a day.
o var e a Bolivar eninsula is named for the founder and first resident of Bolivia, Simon Bolivar.
e g t o e
The Bolivar Lighthouse was built in 1852. It was dismantled during the Civil War by Confederate troops who used the tower’s iron to make cannon balls. The lighthouse was rebuilt in 1872 and served as a beacon to travelers until the 1930s when more sophisticated navigational devices were employed. act Bolivar residents used it as a refuge during the 1900 and 1915 hurricanes. It is now privately owned and still serves as a symbol of the peninsula to residents and visitors alike.
ground level, but it is. act Thomas Henry Borden, was also the inventor of the process for condensing milk.
o e o ave e o e g o t t e e act !
24 Waves Magazine | October 2022
Microneedling is a highly effective procedure that works to rejuvinate your skin by stimulating it to make new, collagen-rich tissue. The procedure itself involves creating tiny pin-holes in the skin using a professional microneedling pen that delivers tiny needles to a precise depth. This controlled, mechanical process stimulates the body’s natural would healing process. The result is increased production of Growth Factors, collagen and elastin resulting in smoother texture, more even pigmentation and reduced pore size.
t a o t
Microneedling can be performed in the office in less than an hour. A topical numbing cream is first applied to make the procedure relatively pain-free. The face is then thoroughly cleansed and disinfected. The microneedling pen is then applied to the skin with depth adjustments made for the varying skin depths. Peptides are applied to the face in the form of a soothing serum and then immediately after, in a soothing, cool mask which will be removed before you go home. You will go home with a packet containing a peptide cleanser, peptide serum and peptide lotion which you will use for 48 hours or longer if you wish.
wait, but you may be AMAZED at the result. (See real client picture below, 2 months after ONE microneedling procedure)
ea a ate
An ideal candidate is anyone looking to modify the appearance or texture of the surface of her skin. Microneedling improves skin laxity, reduces lines, acne scars, hyperpigmentation scars and striae.
The only clear contraindication to the procedure is a patient with blood or bone disorders such as anemia, blood or bone cancers, those with clotting problems or on blood thinners. Clients should avoid any medications that reduce the body’s ability to clot such as aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a few days before and after.
O e reat e t or a er e
r. Tara egryn is a board certified Neurologist and Electrophysiologist and a member in good standing with the IAPAM (International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine). Dr. Wegryn received her MD from the University of Florida and residency in Neurology at the Cleveland Clinic. In 1996, Dr. Wegryn founded Houston Neuromonitoring, a successful intraoperative monitoring company that served the surgical community at the TMC (Texas Medical Center) for over 17 years.
Dr. Tara Wegryn is currently the director/ owner of Refresh Medispa in Galveston, Texas.
at to ect ter
After microneedling, you can expect some redness, some bruising and mild swelling. In addition to being asked to use your peptide after care products, you will need to avoid using makeup, abrasive cleansers, pools saunas, direct sun exposure and any Retin-A products. Improvement in your skin’s texture and pigmentation will begin almost immediately but the maximum improvement may be a full month to be fully realized. I know that sounds like a long time to
Although a series of 3-4 sessions at least one month apart is generally recommended for the very best results (with epidermis thickening up to 400% at months), we have seen remarkable result after a single session in patients with skin surface and pigment irregularities. Deeper acne scars will probably require multiple sessions, but you can see your personal results and decide as you go. In general, clients have been so pleased with the results from the first microneedling, they have often chosen to add a second.
o c o
If you want smoother, healthier looking skin and are ready to take the next step, microneedling may be the right choice for you.
Have a great day, and I hope you continue to
If you have any questions about aesthetic medicine or Refresh Medispa, please send them to and she will try to answer them in future articles!
Refresh Medispa
2424 Mechanic Street Galveston, Texas, 77550
26 Waves Magazine | October 2022
Waves Magazine | October 2022 409.443.5633 Tara egr n MD 2319 A Strand, Galveston, TX 77550 928.301.3412 FREE PAIN PATCH ea r e t e o e cce ar et O e H g a t or O t ac e er o a ra er va ab e e t 13680 FM 3005, Galveston,TX 77554 Ph: (409) 737-3400 the gym that is The right atmosphere for your excercise “stress free” west-end-gym-galveston e t o t a to get a co t! O C EA A A O EE
By: Bob Rohan
Bo o an or as e is nown in e as ad o as een ayin t e dd e and sin in in vario s ro s or over 0 years in e as and as o ened or er e a ard i ie e son ar ie Danie s ar ene arter and o n on ey to name a ew o as ayed in ands t at ave a ed o ntry e ends i e an om son ay ri e a reene am i is and Da e atson
A on wit son writin o is a so a ta ented artoonist and as a se syndi ated omi stri tit ed Buffalo Gals e
omi eat re is a o t two ow ir s ess in ester and onnie eyenne e omi stri was ins ired a ter ayin wit e ays o nty a s and a s a ow ir western ro t at to red t ro e as O a oma and as ar west as o evada o as won e is onsin tate idd e am ion s i and as een nominated severa times rom e A ademy o estern Artists or est ow oy artoonist
o an nd r o an on ine at www. ad o to read more and o e t is ori ina wor s
28 Waves Magazine | October 2022
Waves Magazine | October 2022 28 | Waves Magazine | December 2018 Issue Wes t Island Professional Cent er Office and Re tail Space • Affordable Quality Offices • Near Criminal Justice Center • Near Moody Gardens • Near Airport • Quality Brick Construction • Ample adjacent Parking Office space priced from $475.00 & up per mont h West Island Professional Center 6511 Stewart Rd. Galveston, Texas 77551 Administrative Offices Kay & Ben Davis| Owners/Administrators 56 Le Brun Ct. | Galveston, Texas 77551 (409) 771 0675 | (409) 744 5884 | (409) 771 4055 Call Now! (409) 744-5884 or (409) 771-0675 Kay Davis - Owner-Administrator 409-771-0675 409-744-5884
Fall Decorating The Mum
With fall having just begun- even if you haven’t felt it yet- the urge to decorate for all the holidays grows strong! The most popular plant for fall decorating is the Mum. With the happy little faces in an array of colors, its easy to see why. Mums are easy to getbut not easy to keep looking beautiful.
o te t ater
This can be tricky because the plants dry out so fast. One reason for this is because there may be as many as four plants in one pot. The nurseries will pot up multiple plants to get the pots full and big fast. So, one way to help with this is to put a tray under the plant and water every day. Also, many times the posts are in full sun on concrete or a porch. Heat is reflect ed from these surfaces so the plants will use the water faster. Water in the morning to avoid fungus.
By using a fungicide on the plants, you will keep them healthy. Follow the directions on the bottle. Or - read our previous article on fungus in the gardens.
ee e a t
As I mentioned, there are several plants competing for moisture and nutri ents in the pot. By using a liquid fertilizer weekly, you will get more growth and more blooms.
ea Hea e a t
Dead heading a plant is to remove the spent blossoms. Mums are no differ ent than other blooming flowers. They are working to make seeds. To get more blooms, pinch or cut off the faded blooms. This will encourage new
growth and more blooms.
If you follow these tips, your mums can easily last October through November- maybe longer. Once the season is over, you can plant the mums in the garden. They are perennials.
~Holly Ross
For more great information, go to
Here are o r t g o ca o to ee o r rett a t oo g t e r be t
30 Waves Magazine | October 2022
Waves Magazine | October 0 a or FREE Estimate O O o erc a e e t a Ho e t a t NUCOAT Ser ing The Gal eston & Houston rea C S A R A R R F A A C aint o s that AS the rest r c ee c o co c orr o Locally owned and operated for 25 years When quality matters!
32 Waves Magazine | October 2022 In the heart of Galveston's Downtown Cultural Arts District THEGRAND.COM 409.765.1894 Yamato — The Drummers of Japan Renée Elise Goldsberry Fiddler on the Roof The Midtown Men THE GRAND 1894 OPERA HOUSE 2022–23 PERFORMING ARTS SEASON Welcoming Artists • Engaging Audiences • Celebrating History Single tickets to ALL performances in the 22–23 season are on sale now!
AQUILA THEATRE –PRIDE & PREJUDICE Saturday, October 29, 2022 | 8:00 PM Filled with unforgettable characters including Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, Jane Austen’s sharp, social satire, Pride & Prejudice, has it all; wit, love and lots of dancing! As the five very different Bennet sisters navigate their way toward love and marriage, Austen’s story of rural Georgian society humorously skewers the hypocrisies and absurdities of the English class system. London’s Aquila Theatre will bring this classic tale from page to stage with its signature passion, energy and visual flair! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 409.765.1894 | THEGRAND.COM
34 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comOctober 2022 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Tom Valliere Charlie Bresenhan Dining Section Follow Us Galveston Location 6612 Seawall - Galveston Ph:409-744-2222 M - S - 11:00AM - 9:00PM Sunday 11:00AM - 8:00PM Lamarque Location 2216 Gulf Freeway - LaMarque Ph: 409-935-2222 M - S - 11:00AM - 9:00PM Sunday 11:00AM - 7:00PM Advertise with Waves Magazine in VIBRANT colors. G A L V E S T O N WAVES MAGAZINE OF Mike Burke Publisher Editor Ph: 409-789-1160
PAPA’S pizza 4400 Seawall Order On-line at:
by: Tom Valliere & Charlie Bresenhan
Galveston has a vibrant and diverse dining scene. There is literally something for every budget and taste; from franchised fast food to 5-star steak houses and everything in between.
We have previously discussed our abundance of family-owned Mexican restaurants tucked into neighborhoods far from the tourist areas that offer tremendous value and a family atmosphere.
Thankfully we also have several small diner/cafe style restaurants that offer similar values to traditional American foods. One of the finest is the Seahorse Grill.
Tucked into a nondescript strip center at the western terminus of the Sea wall, this always busy restaurant has earned a reputation for good food and service and excellent value. Cheery and bright, the small dining room is very welcoming. Seahorse murals decorate the colorfully painted walls and build anticipation for a great meal.
Service is attentive and friendly. They have a rather extensive menu and some specialty items. Shrimp kisses are the way to start from the appetizer menu. These cheese-stuffed, bacon-wrapped shrimp are just too good to describe and are extremely popular.
Speaking of shrimp, their shrimp dinner plate pairs huge, butterflied shrimp in a cornmeal breading, deep fried, and served with your choice of tater tots, French fries, or onion rings. Hush puppies and a lively housemade coleslaw complete the plate. Red cocktail sauce or tangy tartar for dipping are available as well.
Other specialty starters are their stuffed avocados filled with onions, to matoes, spices, and optional grilled shrimp or chicken. Jalapeno poppers, fried mushrooms, chicken wings, and cheese sticks can keep you busy
until your main course arrives.
Pizzas are on the menu and are surprisingly good. All the traditional toppings are available as is a cauliflower-crusted version and are a very popular takeout and delivery item.
Lots of salad options tempt the lighter eaters, especially their chicken salad with pecans or their special chunky tuna salad.
Po’boy and burger baskets compete for the larger appetites. Of course, their shrimp and catfish po’boys are delicious and popular. I am intrigued by their Italian sandwich with sausage, pepperoni, grilled peppers, and onions with mozzarella and a marinara sauce. It is next on my list to try. All po’boys and baskets come with a choice of fries, onion rings, tater tots, or sweet potato fries.
Baskets come in many forms including a juicy traditional burger, a veggie black bean burger, shrimp, catfish or combo baskets, chicken strips, BBQ beef, ham/turkey/bacon, a BLT, or chicken or tuna salad.
Lots of tacos and a big burrito remind us we are in Texas, and all are delicious and popular take-out items.
The “Fill Me Up” menu is where my attention steers. They have one of the best hamburger steaks perfectly seasoned with sauteed onions and peppers and served with southern-style green beans and mashed potatoes. It is my personal favorite. But don’t stop there, they also have pork chops, shrimp, chicken, and catfish plates.
Under the cheesy corner, the nachos and quesadillas are huge and
38 Waves Magazine | September 2022
October 2022
serve as entrees by themselves. An extensive Kid’s menu keeps it all family-friendly and affordable. Delivery is available with a minimum $15 order. Plenty of off-street free parking and very good handicapped accessibility.
Ho r O O erat o
Monday - Thursday 11 AM to PM
Friday Saturday 11 AM to 10 PM
Closed Sunday
by: Tom Valliere & Charlie Bresenhan she always knew she wanted to someday own a restaurant. To that end, she attended alveston s College and studied culinary arts. However, some times life s forces take you in different directions and dreams are abandoned or delayed.
Mel's Blueplate Seafood Express
We first reviewed Mel s Blueplate iner in aves Magazine in September 2018. At that time, they were operating out of a small building located on 38th Street just north of Broadway. When that location proved inadequate, they closed for several months while they searched for a more suitable venue.
They found what they were looking for in a most unusu al place. Today they are doing record-breaking business located inside of a Valero gas station. The unlikely location notwithstanding, people flock to this restaurant to enjoy down-home cooking and fat juicy burgers that have become the talk of the island. Many days they sell out of some menu items and their daily specials.
How did a couple of local women make this all happen? Here is their amazing story.
Becky Chavarria had a dream. Growing up in Galveston,
In Becky s life, that dream was delayed until when the timing finally seemed right, and she and her sister Melanie decided to open a sandwich shop in Galveston. Unfortunately, Melanie passed away before that could happen. Devastated, but not defeated, Becky forged ahead and opened her own restaurant in naming it Mel s iner in honor of her departed sister.
With no prior restaurant experience, it was a challenge. Generations of family recipes, her prior culinary training, and the support of her family and friends proved to be the necessary ingredients to launch this highly successful venture.
Today in her new location, Mel s is a alveston destination for locals looking for homemade old-fashioned comfort food. Their menu offers an array of salads, burgers, sandwiches, and hot entrees ensuring something for everyone. Daily specials rotate but include smothered pork chops, baked chicken, spaghetti, meatloaf, and other fa
ea or e r
3802 Cove View, Blvd Suite Galveston, Texas 77554 409-741-8400
facebook seahorsegrilltx
miliar favorites. The specials are very popular and often sell out.
There is a special kid s menu that helps this family-oriented restaurant be budget-friendly.
Mel s burgers and homemade onion rings are highly praised by island residents and often highlighted in our local media and would be a good starting point for new customers and island visitors.
However, it is not just burgers, everything at Mel s is homemade fresh, and delicious. The restaurant is spotlessly clean, and Becky and her partner Belinda are always on hand to greet you and make you feel welcome.
Plenty of free off-street parking and good handicapped accessibility.
Ho r o O erat o
Daily 10 AM to PM Closed Sunday
e e ate ea oo re 7428 Stewart Road Galveston, Texas 77551 (409) 741-5573
Waves Magazine | October 2022
40 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comOctober 2022 Mosquito Cafe 628 14th Street Galveston, Texas 77550 a e ut e utd 409-763-1010 catering service available Full service | limited service | beverage service | bar service | elegant to casual we can do it all! Contact:
41 Waves Magazine | October 0 Waves Magazine | October 0 41
T T A N !
Quality brisket covered with our original rub, slow smoked and ready to be sliced when you order.
TPork ribs cooked with our orig inal rub till almost done then basted with our honey sweet ened sauce.
Chicken spiced with our rub cooked over wood. Unlike any chicken you have ever eaten.
Pork and Beef link sausage smoked over oak ready and waiting for you to order.
Chopped Beef | Sliced Beef | Sausage |Comes with a compli mentary 4 oz side
Huge baked potato filled with butter, cheese, sour cream, chives and best of all chopped brisket!
Everything is bigger in Texas. Three times larger than our
regular tamales with the same great taste.
Pennie Ochoa’s delicious recipe. Tender, moist shredded beef is the result.
Honey comb tripe in a spicy Mexican soup
All sides are made fresh at Pennie’s
Dill based cool refreshing chopped potatoes mixed with dressings.
My own recipe made fresh daily. Lots of love goes into the beans. Green Beans Banana Pudding Trifle
42 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comOctober 2022
Waves Magazine | October 2022 tex - mex cantina BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY CATERING TODAY! 409.750.8888
44 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comOctober 2022 LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY. KARAOKE - THURSDAY’S - 7-11 and SUNDAY’S - 4-8 HAPPY HOUR MON-FRI 3P-7P WINNER 2019 Del Pappa Award For BEST CRAWFISH in Galveston County! Huli Huli Hut | 312 19th Street | Galveston, Texas 77550 | 409-443-5525 e Cater!! Follow us on Facebook for daily menus CA 01 Broadwa ours f peration uesda hru Saturda 11a p C osed Sunda s and onda s 0 00
Waves Magazine | October 2022
2105 Postoffice Street
Waves Magazine | October 2022 402 Blue Water Hwy Surfside Beach, Texas (979)239-3226 Private Party Room & Banquet Facilities Available. Credit Cards Accepted RED SNAPPER INN Seafood • Steaks • Gourmet Items “Our fish spent last night in the Gulf.” RED SNAPPER INN Voted #1 Seafood Restaurant Brazosport Facts Readers’ Choice Awards 2021/2022 Our Fish en a i n e f
Waves Magazine | October 2022
Most all of us have had this happen. Many of us more than once. e arrive at a venue where there is no assigned seat ticketing. very seat is open seating or general admission.
e arrive at our venue, scan the area, and find ourselves a couple of vacant seats. As we proceed to the empty seats and prepare to sit down, some obno ious person begins to tell us that the empty seats are all saved.
h, really now
They look pretty vacant to us Then the person begins to tell us, often rudely, that the seats are all saved for their friends. ou can count on the fact that those people haven’t even arrived at the venue yet.
ur answer to this is to sit down. If their friends wanted to have those seats, they should have showed up before we arrived and secured them before we did. irst come, first served.
Another horrible situation are the hair ogs that you find on the deck of a cruise ship. As any traveler who has been on a cruise can attest, the early bird gets the deck chair. ome of the annoying, self entitled, pain in the rear end passengers rise at the crack of dawn and plop down newspapers, towels, bags, to lay claim to pri ed deck chairs with primo locations.
Then these wonderful folks leave and vacate their chairs throughout the day while they go take naps, feed their face, or hit the casino. All along they are e pecting that the chairs will be theirs when they return.
Our special thanks go out to the awesome Carnival Cruise Line for taking terrific measures to stop all of this. esigned to ensure that all guests have access to deck chairs, dedicated crew members have been allocated to monitor chair usage.
noccupied deck chairs will have a notification placed on them with the time that the chair was vacated. If the chair remains unoccupied for minutes, a crew member will remove any belongings and take them to the towel station for safe keeping. The result is that this hogged deck chair is now open and available to everyone to en oy.
et’s hope that many more companies adopt this kind of practice
Waves Magazine | October 2022
o e e t e t e e eat aver a c a r og tr to t t t o Ha e a Pet Pee e Contact us at www. a esGal and tell us a out it. e ust may use yours next month Ob o o eat aver a a r Hog O DO T LI TH T PET PEEVES
Houston Symphony Principal Cellist, Brinton Averil Smith, returns to play BOTH of Haydn’s cello concertos- possibly a FIRST in the United States!
The two concertos are very different, written far apart: demonstrating Haydn’s wide ranging expressive palette and deep understanding of the instrument and its possibilities. Both are staples of today’s repertoire, beloved by performers and audiences alike.
English audiences loved Haydn and his music and Haydn enjoyed his many London visits. The rest of the program is therefore dedicated to Eng lish music: Arnold’s fun and folksy English Dances and two of Holst’s celebrated Planets.
Malcolm Arnold: English Dances , set II
Joseph Haydn: Cello Concerto in D major Brinton Averil Smith, cello
Joseph Haydn: Cello Concerto in major Brinton Averil Smith, cello
Gustav Holst: Planets: Venus and Jupiter
Often named the greatest symphony of all times, Mahler’s huge Fifth Symphony is revered by musi cians and audiences alike. It is a testament to GSO’s recent impressive growth that we are now ready for this incredibly challeng ing, epic work. We are dedicating several extra rehearsals to this momentous event; our musicians are excited and motivated!
The concert will open with a short new piece by Braxton Blake. Mr. Blake’s large and varied out put has been performed by ensembles throughout Europe and the United States. He has toured extensively throughout the United States and abroad, including guest appearances with major orchestras.
Mr. Blake grew up in Galveston and remembers fondly the “beautiful grey winters”. He is looking forward to visiting the island for this world premiere.
Braxton Blake: World Premiere. Title TBA Mahler: Symphony No.5, Part I
Mahler: Symphony No.5, Part II and III
52 Waves Magazine | October 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comTickets: $40 Adults / $25 Students
Waltzes, musical fireworks, Vienna style - and surprise performances by young local talent! GSO is excited to include exceptional players from local high schools in this fun, playful Vienna style pops concert. And, yes, we do want you to help us stay on beat in the Radetzky March!
Full program to be announced.
Internationally acclaimed opera star Ji-Young Jeon joins GSO for a concert of beautiful arias, ending with Respighi’s Pines of Rome, birds and all!
Rossini: Overture to Gazza Ladra (The Thieving Magpie)
Puccini: Quando me’en vo, Ji Young Jeon, soprano
Puccini: Crisantemi
Verdi: Vissi d’Arte, Ji Young Jeon, soprano
Wagner: Prelude to Lohengrin , Act I
Johann Strauss, Jr: Klange der Heimat
Ji Young Jeon, soprano
Richard Strauss: Morgen ,
Ji Young Jeon, soprano
Respighi: Pines of Rome
Anton Nel joins GSO for Mozart’s gorgeous 24th piano concerto surrounded by French works of amazing women composers Mel Bonis and Lili Boulanger - ending with the second suite from Ravel’s most magnificent orchestra piece: Daphnis and Chloe.
Mel Bonis: Ophelia
Mozart: Piano Concerto No.24 Anton Nel, piano Lili Boulanger: D’un Soir Triste Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe , Suite II
MAY 14
World Premiere of a new piano concerto by Norwegian composer Ketil Hvoslef with Andrew Staupe and Tchaikovsky’s Second Symphony, nicknamed “Little Russian” - meaning Ukrainian, and serves as a very meaningful, beautiful - and intense! season ending.
Glinka: Ruslan and Ludmila Overture Hvoslef: Piano Concerto No.2 Andrew Staupe, piano Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. Waves Magazine | October 2022 53409-765-1894 | Details: Galvestonsymphony.Org
By: Paul Hager
Any fan of the horror genre worth their bloody chainsaw [butcher knife? sickle Is familiar with the prolific works of the aptly dubbed ing of orror tephen ing. is novel Misery, published in , is ranked number four in the list of his best selling novels and has had an interesting if unusual trip from novel to stage.
ather than the standard book to play to movie, Misery went directly to film in . The Academy Award winning film directed by ob einer, was released in the nited tates by olumbia ictures in . It received highly positive reviews and was a bo office success. Bates’ performance drew widespread praise from critics and won her the Academy Award for Best Actress at the rd Academy Awards, making Misery the only film based on a tephen ing novel to win an scar. ing himself has stated that Misery is one of his top ten favorite film adaptations.
The novel was then adapted into a play by imon Moore. The play premiered in ondon at the riterion Theater in ecember , directed by Moore and starring haron less and Bill aterson. A different play written by illiam oldman who also wrote the film’s screenplay and directed by ill rears opened on Broadway in for a limited engagement. The play starred Bruce illis as aul heldon and aurie Metcalf as Annie ilkes. It opened in ctober and closed on ebruary , . or her performance as ilkes, Metcalf was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actress in a lay.
There are also rumors that a musical version also e ists, written by eff ockhauser and Bob ohnson. hile it has not been staged, a demo record ing has circulated on the internet in recent years. I searched high and low for this to no avail. Maybe it’s on the dark’ web
amed novelist aul heldon yle rawford, a mainstay at T Theatre here on the island is the author of a successful series of Victorian romance novels featuring a character named Misery hastain. anting to focus on more serious stories, he writes a manuscript for a new novel that he hopes will launch his post Misery career. hile traveling from ilver reek, olorado, to his home in ew ork ity, aul is caught in a bli ard and gets into an accident, rendering him unconscious. A nurse named Annie ilkes Ashley ove, M Theatre faculty member finds him and brings him to her remote home.
aul regains consciousness and finds himself bedridden with broken legs
and a dislocated shoulder. Annie claims to be his number one fan and talks at length about him and his novels. he offers to look after him until the telephone lines are re connected and the local roads re open following the bli ard. ut of gratitude, aul lets her read his new manuscript. he is angered by the profanity in his new work, disturbing him, but apologi es. hen she reads the latest Misery novel and discovers that Misery dies at the end, she flies into a rage, revealing to aul that nobody knows where he is and that she had never informed any kind of authority or his agent that she had rescued him, effectively holding him prisoner in her secluded home.
Annie forces aul to burn the only copy of his new manuscript. hen he is well enough to get out of bed, she forces him to begin writing a new novel titled Mis ery’s eturn, in which he brings the character back to life. ne day, when Annie is away, aul begins stockpiling his painkillers. e tries poisoning Annie during dinner by spiking her wine with crushed painkillers but fails after she acciden tally knocks over her glass. hen Annie discovers that aul has been sneaking out of his room, she breaks his ankles with a sledgehammer to prevent him from escaping again.
The local sheriff, Buster Alen anes , is investigating aul’s disappearance. lues lead him to pay Annie a visit but she fatally shoots him when he finds Paul drugged in the basement; she then attempts to kill Paul in a murder-sui cide, but aul, concealing a can of lighter fluid in his pocket, convinces her to let him live long enough to finish the novel in order to give Misery back to the world.
hen the manuscript is done, aul asks for a cigarette and champagne, to which Annie complies. e sets the manuscript on fire. As Annie rushes to save it, aul strikes her with the typewriter and they engage in a violent struggle, with aul suffering a gunshot wound to the shoulder from her revolver. e trips her, causing her to hit her head on the typewriter, then crawls out of the room, but Annie attacks again. aul grabs a metal doorstop and bashes her in the face, finally killing her.
ighteen months later, we see aul, now walking with a cane, presumably at a book signing in ew ork ity. e tells his audience that he wrote the novel
54 Waves Magazine | October 2022
for himself as a way to help deal with the horrors of his captivity. Paul - now suffering psychological trauma from the experience ‘sees’ Annie, sledgehammer in hand, only to realize that he is hallucinat ing. He now knows that Annie will be ‘with him forever’.
To describe COM Theatre’s production of Misery as superb is an understate ment. The acting, directing, and production values [set, lighting, costumes, and makeup] were up to and above COM’s dependably high standard. Since I was familiar with the plot having read the book [which scared the you-know-what out of me] and seen the movie, I was thinking I would try to watch the audi ence’s reactions more than the show. This was a Sunday matinee audience which every theater I’ve worked in fondly refers to as the ‘Blue Hair Crowd’ because it invariably is largely made up of the more mature theatregoers. This plan resulted in a fail, however, as from the moment the lights came up, I was riveted to the action on the stage.
ON THE BOARDS [Currently playing]
ISLAND ETC [East-End Theatre Company]
By Leslie Kimbell
September 16 October 8, 2022
October 9, 2022 4:00
October 23, 2022
October 28, 2022 -
By Jane Austin - Presented by Aquila Theatre
October 29, 2022 8:00 PM
This play [and the book and the movie for that matter] is not for everyone. Case in point - the reaction of my friend that attended with me. He had never read the book nor seen the movie but did know who Stephen King was and commented if he knew it was something Stephen King-ish he wouldn’t have come with me. He - as I and the rest of the audience - was captivated by it, but later told me it wasn’t his ‘cup of tea’.
A couple of technical shoutouts - When you have a show with a myriad of short scenes that need to indicate the passage of time, you’ll have a ‘running crew’ that enters in between those scenes to remove/change/rearrange props and scenery. For this production, these crew members, clad all in black hoodies and sweatpants, performed their tasks swiftly and unobtrusively, never inter rupting the escalating suspense of the action. Also. the mood-enhancing fog was not nearly as inescapable this time as the last I saw it used.
Bravo and Kudos to COM Theatre! Can I claim to be their ‘number one fan’?
Paul Hager
October 30, 2022 7:00 PM -
Music and lyrics by Dolly PartonBook by Patricia Resnick
Based on the screenplay by Patricia Resnick and Colin Higgins
September 30 - October 9, 2022|
IN THE WINGS [Opening Soon]
ISLAND ETC [East-End Theatre Company]
By Phil Olsen
November 18 - December 10, 2022
Sunday matinees on November 20 27 - No performance on Thanksgiving -
[College of the Mainland Community Theatre]
O H !
By Brett Jones - November –20, 2022
Book by Christopher Anselmo, Jared Corak, Matt Acheson, and Fergus J Walsh
Music Lyrics by Christopher Anselmo, Jared Corak
November 3, 2022 10:00 AM
Masterworks II Mahler’s Fifth!
November 13, 2022 4:00 PM
Adapted for the stage by Eric Schaeffer
November 19, 2022 - 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM
November 26, 2022 - 8:00 PM
Answers from page 16
1894 OPERA HOUSE O O O October 1, 2022 8:00 PM O HO O H Masterworks I Haydn
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
a eet otato artar tea or e r et eatba c e g ee o e e er o
Waves Magazine | October 2022
M usic P rofile
Next time you’re in your car, try scanning the FM dial for locally pro duced music. If you’re in the Houston Galveston area, odds are you won’t hear music made by local musicians but if you did, it would only come from one station, KPFT 90.1 FM. In a region of over mil lion people, opinions on how disturbing (or not) this fact is will vary. Measuring local music and local talk radio’s cultural, social, and political impact on a community is up for debate. A debate, ironically, citizens might only ever hear on a radio station open to all opinions and ideas, like KPFT.
Two strong believers in the positive power of diverse, free-of-corporate-in fluence and political persuasion community radio are KPFT Interim General Manager and on-air host of “Deadbeat” (a show dedicated to music of the Grateful Dead) Sandy Weinmann, and three-time Texas Music DJ of The Year, Roark Smith. Both are doing all they can to save the station from extinction.
On the air since 1971 and relying solely on community listener donations, KPFT suffered in the pandemic. The original building, an old house on Lovett Street in Houston, was condemned after developing a mold problem while not in use as DJs and hosts were forced to pre-record their shows at home. KPFT, the radio home to many regional and local artists like Galves ton’s Kevin Anthony and Gabe Wooten and Houston’s Grifters Shills and Mighty Orq, was in search of a new building. In 2022, they found one located at 4504 Caroline Street. On September 24th, KPFT again opened the doors, airwaves, turntables, CD players and microphones to the community.
Turning a house into a community radio station is no easy feat. The team of over 200 KPFT volunteers have worked tirelessly for the last year doing everything from raising money to donating furniture, renovations, and wiring control rooms. Weinman and Smith are deeply passionate about community radio, and both have volunteered their time and efforts as well to help save an institution.
“Community radio is entirely unique. Community radio is your friends and neighbors and their content. It’s not corporate radio. We’re not influenced by commercials. It’s not NPR (National Public Radio) which receives some grant money from the government. Never would the management say, ‘don’t play this, don’t say that’ - outside of what the FCC requires,” Weinmann said.
Traditional broadcast radio has been around since the early 1900’s and has always been a form of media that helped form communities with its immediate contact with vast numbers of people listening in a relatively close geographic region. The creation of satellite and streaming subscriptions nationalized radio like SiriusXM, Apple Music and Spotify reduced the number of listeners of
KPFT 90.1 FM
Musicians On The Air Since 1971
traditional broadcast radio stations in any given market, but still no form of radio potentially reaches as many people in a community simultaneously as broadcast. The highly efficient, ease of use infrastructure of broadcast radio KPFT uses is still in place with the vast majority of people tuning into radio in their cars or homes without the need for a charged cell phone or Internet service. KPFT’s dedication to being a free and accurate reflection of the Houston Galveston area and what the community wants to talk about or hear sets it apart from any other radio station, website or paid streaming service.
Modern psychology says humans are social creatures and need communi ty. Many new forms of media are designed to cater to a single individual’s want for immediate gratification, serving one pur pose while defeating another. Spotify and the likes may serve an individual’s desire to hear exactly what they want, when they want it, but is simultaneously disconnect ing them from their community. Much the way people sitting at the same table at
Story and Photos by Zach Tate
Gabe Wooten CD Cover
Roark Smith and Sandy Weinmann
56 Waves Magazine | October 2022
Keeping Galveston
Community radio is your friends and neighbors and their content. It’s not corporate radio. We’re not influenced by commercials.
a restaurant, all engaging with their phones on “social media”, are in fact missing an opportunity to be social with their fellow human being directly in front of them.
These days anyone with a laptop and some basic recording equipment can launch a “radio station”. And many do. But just because they can doesn’t mean they should. Being on the radio is harder than it sounds. Enter 30year radio veteran, Roark Smith. With KPFT since 1998, Smith has been on and off other stations across the FM dial, including time at 93.7 the Arrow, since 1993. One listen to his radio-friendly DJ voice with even the briefest of commentary on whatever he might be spinning is evidence that a professional is sitting at the microphone. Listen to any of the thousands of amateur podcasts available for media consumption on the internet, and one’s appreciation for a seasoned, professional radio show host will increase exponentially with each passing minute.
Providing in-depth commentary, in-studio live interviews and performances with local and regional artists, along with playing deep-track classic rock sets Smith apart from any DJ on Houston/Galveston radio.
“Local bands that are playing at the local clubs don’t have the outlet to be on the FM dial and KPFT gives them that opportunity,” Smith said. “It’s a great opportunity for folks to hear new music and a great opportunity for young bands to promote themselves, find out about clubs or bars, places to hang out and see live music.”
While KPFT always included Galveston and its unique place on the FM dial in their station IDs (“89.5 in Galves ton”), the station is currently looking for a physical location for their signal repeater. A repeater is about the size of a household satellite dish and gives an extra boost of up to 20 miles to the original signal coming from KPFT 90.1 in Houston. Depending on weather and location, some parts of Galveston could historically tune into 90.1 while others heard a stronger signal on the 89.5 frequency. Though the station is available on the internet and through HD radio, an open-air broadcast signal is still needed, and a physical build ing is required to play host to the small piece of equipment. Weinmann is inviting anyone wanting to help find a building or house to mount the signal repeater to contact the station.
Although KPFT has secured its new building, its future is hardly secure. Donations, fund drives, listener support and public participation in creating shows and helping maintain the station will still be the backbone of its survival. Weinmann says that only about one in sixteen listeners donate to the station, but he is hoping to increase those numbers. “What we’re after is a lot of people giving a little,” he said.
In addition to being a massive opportunity for local music to be heard all
“Not having the governance of commercial sponsors and letting your friends and neighbors bring you the content is unlike any other media source. We’re not for sale. You’re not going to agree with all the content you hear. But wasn’t it Thomas Jefferson that surrounded himself with people of different values and different opinions? If you’re not listening to the alternative, if you don’t understand what’s driving people, driving their anger, driving their biases, and you don’t have a medium to have those discussions, then you’ll always have those conflicts and you’ll never have peace. And we all hope for peace. KPFT is a vehicle for those conversa tions and it’s worth preserving and supporting for that reason alone. Even if you don’t like what’s on today – think about the future,” Weinmann said.
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over the region, both Weinmann and Smith subscribe to the role of KPFT in the community to help solve big problems, serve the citizens, and preserve cultural diversity through public dialogue that frequently doesn’t get the coverage of big media.
Sandy Weinmann
Grifters & Shills
Waves Magazine | October 2022
Galveston waters are home to a diversity of fish, from giant hard pulling monsters to sleek, sneaky predators that re quire skill to outsmart. From the inshore waters of Gal veston Bay to the clear blue waters found offshore, when it comes to salt-water fish, Galveston, Texas stands out as one of the hottest spots in the world.
Join us in this section featuring advice, techniques and stories of the “big one” with local pro’s like Patrick Lemire and Max Conner. Find recommended bait and tackle shops as well as pow erhouse charters to get you out on the water in search of the “catch of a lifetime”. Enjoy!
58 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comOctober 2022
FISHING GUIDE A Guide To Galveston Fishing rista on ales with an Broadbill wordfish. Hand cranked from 1,700 ft. down in the Gulf Of Mexico out of Galveston. (409)698-7112 www.gethooked CALL TODAY FOR SUMMER SPECIALS! Located on Galveston's West Bay at Beautiful Harborwalk Marina Hook into a wide vari ety of species both IN SHORE and OFFSHORE on one of our private Family Friendly fishing charters. Fishing is not just a Hobby for us BUT our Full Time Job. Trips available Year-Round.
Waves Magazine | October 2022 Maxed Out Fishing Find Max Online ma .conner. Instagram ma connerfishing o t o t to o or H ter e c t o a o a t a t g c ae o e o o t re a a ag er a t ater o
Close-up on
Loops Hooks — an underused combination in our offshore, inshore and bay fishing. The “Loops Hooks” connection variables that come into play throughout the water column are absolute fish takers. Stack the odds in your favor with these simple to form and use applications.
The basis is the surgeon’s loop; it’s easy to tie and has a knot strength somewhere around 97% of the mono to which it’s tied.
The surgeon’s loop is formed after doubling back the end of your mono and tying a double overhand knot in both strands, positioned so that it gives the loop length of your choice. As with any mono knot, moisten with saliva before pulling tight. The path you take through your hook’s eye with this loop is very important. Always pass the loop through from the “bend” side of the hook. When looped around the shank as shown in the illustration, a number of good things happen as the line comes tight at the strike. With your big ling or whatever pulling on the hook and your line coming tight against your rod’s upsweep and reel drag, the loop pushes the eye down and rotates your hook point into faster penetration. This rotation occurs with either ‘T’ or circle hooks. The hook point loading angle of pull will definitely increase your strike-to-hookup per centage. See the illustration for a look at the hook point angle changes in relation to line pull with the loop through from the bend side and from the back side.
Multiple wraps of mono around the hook shank are shown on the illustration. This has the effect of knotting the mono on
the shank and against the hook’s eye. All of the looped mono views on the illustration are before tightening, after passing the loop through the hook’s eye, from the bend side. Make the first twist in the loop and pass the loop over the bend side of the hook. Twist it again and pass the loop back over the hook’s bend. Twist it again and pass it over the bend for the last time. Now, snug the wraps a bit, keeping an even pull on both strands of the loop. The wraps should now look like those shown enlarged on the illustration.
Next, carefully tighten after lubricating. You will end up with a secure, point-rotating connection that has a safety factor built into it. Should one strand of the loop break or be cut during your fish fight, the knotted wraps will hold and the fight can continue on the single mono strand. Note on the illustration that the first mono ‘X’ on the shank has the mono strand at the top of the “X”, passing through the eye on the gap side of the eye. When tightened, this will keep that mono strand away from this gap area. This isn’t a problem with heavy mono, but with lighter stuff, say 20-304, it could come into play. Not a big problem, just a situation that attention to detail will help avoid.
The top of the illustration shows a Carolina rig using a stop knot ahead of the dulled or “camo blue” painted egg weight, a to turn uni-knot. I usually use white cotton string for this stop knot; at times camouflaging it using a blue MarksA-LotTM to greatly reduce its flash of white. I recently found another material that does a better job. Of all things, it was
60 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comOctober 2022
a bundle of blue knitting yarn; 364 yards of Windsor Blue by Coats ClarkTM for about two dollars — enough stop knot ma terial for many lifetimes. You never know where fishing tackle is going to show up — keep your eyes open. Freelined, this rigging works well with an assortment of baits on just about anything near the surface to however far down
the bait choice will take it. When toothy species such as kingfish, wahoo or sharks are around, the safety of the sin gle loop holding will also help get these guys to the boat.
From the near surface area to the bottom, on all the spe cies that live there except for the toothy ones that require luck to be on your side, these mono loop-to-hook rigging variations will take them all. They’re not magic bullets, just simple rigging that works. If you haven’t put these loop and hook combinations in your tackle package, do it before your next outing. Loops
Hooks, where simplic ity puts fish on the hook, on the ice and on the table!
Patrick Lemire
Waves Magazine | October 0 Pro Fishing Gear & Tackle • Baits/Lures • Custom Rods • In-House Rod/ Reel Repair • Reel Parts • Rod Components • Inshore/Offshore Tackle • Custom Rigging • Custom Splicing 14065 Delany Rd. LaMarque, Texas 77568 (In the Gulfway Plaza) (409) 935-1126
a n o e Po e and ee a e Ma Recipe Of The Month
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Start by whisking the brine in a bowl, add breasts, cover, and refrigerate overnight. e t mi filling together. On a work surface season each jalapeno half with Texas Season All and stuff with the boudin mixture. Season dove breasts with TSS Rustic Rub and add one to each popper on top of boudin. Using the back of a spoon, spread a piece of bacon as wide and long as possible without tearing then wrap around the popper sealing everything inside. Season the bacon with TSS the Juicy Pig then repeat for remaining poppers. Heat a grill to 450 degrees and use grill grates if possible. Set poppers on grill with bacon edge down to seal for minutes then flip for minutes. Flip every minute until bacon is crispy and dove breasts reach 148-150 internal. The boudin mixture and bacon fat will keep the dove moist if you want to cook even longer for crispier bacon. Remove poppers from grill, rest minutes then drizzle TSS Apple Strawberry Habanero glaze over the top of each one. Serve extra glaze for dipping. Enjoy!
rect o eet ater a Boil sweet taters until fork tender, drain, and add to mixing bowl with butter. Mash until butter melts then add all other ingredients and stir until creamy. Serve on a plate and top with chopped sweet peanuts.
62 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comOctober 2022
n edien o e do e ea one e ea iece acon i ic ed a a eno a e eeded n edien i in o din c i e c ee e c e e ac a a eno inced n edien ine co d a e o a c a c a e cide ine a n edien ee a e Ma ee o a o ee ed and c ed e ic a f and a f c fi e ee cinna on one o o a e a e offee ean c c o ed ic e ic Pi e a ea on e a e a ane o a e Follow Wild Bill at: Instagram@TexasSelectSeasonings Facebook@TexasSelectSeasonings - ild ill arbara Powell Wild Bill’s Store 5517 FM 2004 Suite 100 Hitchcock, Texas, 77563 Ph: (409) 392-8199
Waves Magazine | October 2022
LONE STAR RALLY Get Yer motor runnin’!
There’s a storm rolling in complete with sonic booms and brilliant flashes, but Mother Nature has nothing to do with it! No, it’s all tailpipe thunder and bright lights emanating from the sea of motor cycles that will be lining and cruising the streets of Galveston, Texas, November 3rd to 6th at the 23rd Annual Lone Star Rally.
Even at a stand still many of these two-wheeled wonders are breathtaking manifestations of man’s vivid imagination for the ultimate fantastical cool mode of transport. The Lone Star Rally itself is a unified salute to the legend of the motorcycle in American culture and attracts over 400,000 people to the small Gulf of Mexico island 50 miles south of Houston.
Rock bands, food trucks, street vendors, side shows from the amazing to the absurd fill the streets over a few square miles of Galveston Island to form a makeshift city of party, power, and patriotism. It’s a uniquely American celebration honoring the constitutional ideals of free dom, strength, and independence, as personified by men and women, their motorcycles, and the open road.
Stretching from Seawall Blvd. to Harborside, 25th to 18th St., the official Lone Star Rally area is free to enter and open to vehicular traffic with the exception of areas dedicated to the 100’s of street vendors selling everything from leather and jewelry, custom bike painting and pinstrip ing, corndogs, brisket and beer, to every kind of motorcycle accessory imaginable.
From 12 noon on Thursday, November 3rd when the first rock roll guitar chord is struck, the festivities begin. By day, Lone Star Rally is a family-friendly festival with two main music stages: The Miller Lite Stage at Sangerfest Park (23rd and Strand) and the Beach Central Progressive
Stage (Seawall and 21st) rotating over 15 bands, including headliners, Everclear on Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 9:30 p.m. (Beach Central Stage) and Kevin Fowler on Friday, Nov. at 7pm (Beach Central Stage). Featured artists with shows from Thursday to Sunday include ZZ Top tribute, ZZ3, an all-female AC/DC tribute called Hell’s Belles, 80’s crowd pleasers, Hairball, outlaw country artist, Whey Jennings, local southern rocker, Zach Tate, and many more.
Special events, shows and competitions over the entire Lone Star Rally area include the very popular Cycle Source Magazine Ride In Custom Bike Show, the 9th Annual Drive In Car Show featuring pre-1972 hot rods and muscle cars, the legendary Miss Lone Star Rally contest, Bad Azz Bikes audio Sound Off competition, Rodeo Games and a newly introduced Tattoo contest.
Many local restaurants, bars and retailers also provide in-house entertain ment and special Lone Star Rally events and menu items to make the day or days spent on Galveston Island a thrill for people of all ages.
As night falls over Galveston, and bands on the Strand and Beach Central stages get louder, so do the motorcycles. From dusk ‘til midnight the Strand in particular is a spectacle of LED lighted bikes and three-wheelers cruising slowly in an awe-inspiring, raucous, rumbling display of man and his motor-machines. A sight not to be missed!
Zach Tate - Nov 4, 5 & 6 @ 4:30p
Kevin Fowler -
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Fri. Nov 4 @ 7p Everclear - Thurs Nov 3 @ 9:30p ZZ3 - Nov 3, 4, 5 & 6 64 Waves Magazine | October 2022
From the Historic Pleasure Pier to the Electric Park of 1906, Galveston has always been known for preeminent entertainment that honors local history and traditions while supplying fun and one-of-a-kind adventures for locals and tourists alike.
JT Gleason and Nick Fotheringham, co-owners of the new Axecade, at 2217 Strand Street, knew Galveston was ripe for a state-of-theart gathering and entertainment establishment. Now in the Beta Test Mode, similar to a soft opening, Axecade is a culmination of their dreams for a family-safe gathering place along with their expertise and knowledge from a vast work history in software, game, and interactive integration tools for the video gaming industry. Everything from Nintendo to Twitch TV to E-Sports big name companies, these men have had a hand in changing the world of gaming and entertainment for years.
Upon entering Axecade, one feels as if they have been transported into an enchanted, mystical forest full of high-tech fun. The bottom floor of the building is covered with turf to depict a grassy forest floor which opens to hand-carved columns that soar, as trees, to the top floor where the forest tree houses hold an arcade.
With one of the only public patios overlooking Strand Street, Axecade also offers delectable treats that will eventually lead to a full menu.
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For now, the wings which are smoked and then flash fired are served dry or with a homemade BBQ sauce, blue cheese, and made to order. They are also serving their Bomb-Man Nachos - brisket nachos on freshly made chips with smoked provolone and strawberry-infused BBQ sauce.
Visitors can enjoy the upstairs or downstairs bar or have a seat on the outdoor patio while enjoying food along with craft cocktails such as “Beta” Mary which is their spin on the Bloody Mary, topped with a smoked chicken wing, smoked bacon, smoked provolone, and their house-made pickle spear. They also offer an extensive selection of beers and sodas.
The high-tech fun includes a full arcade, gaming tournaments for Smash Brothers, and other popular games. The name, Axecade, alludes to the axe-throwing area in the enchanted forest, on the ground floor. Axecade is a member of the World Axe Throwing League and league players, working the circuit toward nationals, which air on ESPN, can compete and earn their rankings at Axecade.
The entire facility is family-friendly and meant to be a place for parents to relax while their children have fun and then enjoy the entertainment themselves. One area for the adults is a beer pong room with four professional beer pong tables.
66 Waves Magazine | October 2022
and of
(833) 293-2233 facebook@ axecadebar
Waves Magazine | October 2022 Model CJ Reese IG: modelcjreese83 Photographer Sensei Steve Fuentes BECOME A MADDOG RENT AN ADVENTURE TODAY!! 409-750-1901 6511 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 P: 409-750-1901 E: Great Selection Of Maddog Scooters Unbeatable Rental Prices Hourly/Daily Rates Available Motorcycle License Not Required *Regular Drivers License Required eca e t e eta e t g o e a t o e o t e re e t e a o r act a ro e o a beer o g tab e a c a t o g t to o r e ve o ca e b a gro a o o go g co t t at ca gro a r a ee e t o ea o a to r t ea o t a ve to c a rea a great co t a
only are they using the building at 2217 Strand Street for the
but the Old Galveston Square is also home to their software development company that they hope to grow and bring in even more
developers, and technology-minded people for jobs, sharing
course, developing the interactive experiences they have
introduced. e ve o e e a eve t a bott e t eca e o t e co t ca a o be e t ro ore ob o ort t e a be g o e to a oca b e t at gro t t e t re ee o ever o e o t e a a or e
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By: John and Kathy Valastro
Intoday’s busy, chaotic world, obtaining peace can feel elusive, conjuring up images of a privileged class of people who spend their days at leisure, unfettered by the daily demands of life. But finding peace doesn’t have to be such an impos sibility. According to philosophers, spiritual leaders, and thinkers, inner peace is something we each already carry within us — we just need to make space for it so it can surface through the noise.
A big part of attaining peace is slowing things down, taking deep breaths, and being present in the moment, according to these sage folks. Another is accepting that life will unfold the way it’s meant to. That means embracing every experience, even the ones that don’t go our way, as an opportunity for growth. It’s easier said than done, of course, but those who study inner peace will note that it’s not numbness that defines peace of mind so much as it is awareness. It’s about being conscious of what’s happening around us but choosing not to be disturbed in spite of the circumstances.
Below, we’ve rounded up a few quotes that tout the importance of finding peace and encourage us to hold onto the core of who we are, even in the face of difficulties.
(From Inspiring Quotes 2022)
If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.
— Marvin Gaye
Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
— Dalai Lama
If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having.
— Henry Miller
The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, everything that you want, you already are.
— Rumi
Ego says, ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel inner peace.’ Spirit says, ‘Find your inner peace and then everything will fall into place.’
— Marianne Williamson
Peace is its own reward.
— Mahatma Gandhi
Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.
— Wayne Dyer, motivational author
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
— Saint Francis de Sales Peace of Mind
I hope my island friends find something useful in these words. As we enter our latter years, many of us look back and can’t believe we made it. Many factors, events and circumstances have influenced our lives and made us who we are today. The question we have to ask ourselves is, am I the person I want to be and am I at peace with who I am? If so, great, if not here is a little prayer that may help you get to where you are going:
Serenity Prayer:
I cannot change, courage to change the things
I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
To my island friends, I hope you find the peace you are looking for, you don’t have to look too hard or too far because it’s within you.
Have a great October!
John & Kathy Valastro
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things
68 Waves Magazine | October 2022
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