Strictly Business Fall 2022

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A publication of the Southern KY Chamber of Commerce

Fall 2022 News Journal
KCEOC Community Action Partnership
2 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 1019 Cumberland Falls Hwy. Ste. D141, Corbin, K 140701 019 Cumberland Falls Hwy. Ste. D141, Corbin, KY 40701 Ten providers. One location. Here for you.
Dr Bevins Dr. Ascani Andrea Brooks, PA-C Dr Gilbert Dr Umana Dr WentworthRebecca Sears, APRN Beth Howard, APRN Andrea Stewart, APRN Dr. Thompson
CONTENT ON THE COVER: KCEOC Community Action Partnership Fall 2022 News JournalSTRICTLY BUSINESS A publication of the Southern KY Chamber of Commerce KCEOC Community Action Partnership Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 3 Page 5 Meet the Board of Directors Trent Knuckles WELCOME FEATURED CHAMBER RIBBON CUTTINGS & MEETINGS Chamber Member Page 6 KCEOC Community Action Partnership Page 17 CHAMBER MEMBERS Page 22 See the most current list of chamber members. SPOTLIGHT HIGHLIGHT Chamber Corporate Sponsors Page 10 Appalachian Wireless Page 12 Shawn Rogers Realty Chamber Member Page 20 Dayspring Health STRICTLY BUSINESS MAGAZINE STRICTLY BUSINESS is a co-publication of the Southern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and the News Journal. It is published quarterly and distributed for free at various locations throughout the area. For advertising information call Melissa at 606.528.9767 DIGITAL EDITION AVAILABLE CHAMBER CONTACT INFORMATION 1610 Cumberland Falls Hwy., Suite 8 Corbin, KY 40701 606.528.6390 PLAN FOR TOMORROW, LIVE FOR TODAY. 07-1012 ©2022 The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (Northwestern Mutual). Jamie Norvell, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, RICP® Wealth Management Advisor 606.528.8070 Since 1977 we have been Serving the ri-county area. We look forward to many more years to come! 8828 Ky 1232 (Old Barbourville Hwy.) Corbin, KY • Payroll • Monthly Bookkeeping & Financials • Tax Professionals To schedule an appointment or for more information call 606.523.9700
4 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business CITY COMMISSIONERS Trent Knuckles Allison Moore Seth Reeves Brandon Shepherd CITY CLERK Tori Mouser ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Rhonda Moore CITY COLLECTOR Skye Estep OCCUPATIONAL TAX ADMINISTRATOR & ABC ADMINISTRATOR Robin Mahan CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Mike Watkins I.T. DEPARTMENT Josh Hunt POLICE CHIEF Rusty Hedrick FIRE CHIEF Barry McDonald PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Jeff Nantz RECYCLING DIRECTOR Tom Jackson ARENA MANAGER Kristi Balla DOWNTOWN MANAGER Maggy Monhollen PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR Jeff Chadwell Corbin Government Center 805 South Main St., Corbin, KY | 606.528.0669
MAYOR — Suzie Razmus CITY MANAGER — Marlon Sams

Meet the Board of Directors


When we started planning this is sue of Strictly Business, a theme quickly emerged – helping to make our community a better place.

Fall in southern Kentucky is fantastic! The crisp, clean air. The beauty and brilliance of the landscape. And just like the abundance of vibrant color we see in our valleys and on our hillsides, the diversity and energy of our business community is its own kind of beauty. This month we proudly feature a quartet of businesses that perfectly fit our issue’s theme.

Dayspring Health is at the forefront of helping promote our area’s health and wellbeing. Appalachian Wireless is there to help us stay con nected in an increasingly busy and fast-paced society. Shawn Rogers Realty Inc. serves a vi tal role in assisting people in navigating the complexities of the real estate market so they can realize the dream of home ownership. KCEOC Community Action Part nership is there to help when it matters most, offering kindness and a “hand up” when pov erty-related issues make us vulnerable.

All of these businesses are about more than just profit margin. They exist to help us unlock the potential for better, more fulfill

ing lives. We are proud to use this month’s edition of Strictly Business to tell you a little more about them.

Looking back for a moment, I want to say just a few words of thanks to everyone that helped make this year’s NIBROC Festival an unmitigated success! If you can believe it, NIBROC celebrated its 70th anniversary this year. The Southern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce orga nizes and sponsors the event. Still, our organization could not pull it off without lots of help. Our corporate sponsors, local government agencies, and volunteers play a mas sive role in making it one of Kentucky’s best festivals. On behalf of the chamber’s board of directors, I want to convey our deep appreciation for the cooperation and support NI BROC has received over the years.

Finally, a closing note. We’d love to connect with you if you are reading this and are not a chamber member. Feel free to attend any of our monthly membership luncheons (open to anyone) or other events to meet our staff, directors, and other cham ber members.

Information about the chamber and its activities is always available online at www.

Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 5
Trent Knuckles Southern KY Chamber of Commerce Board Member




KCEOC Community Action Partnership is a private non-profit Kentucky cor poration in accordance with KRS 273. Founded in December of 1964, it was one of the first 22 Community Action Agen cies funded as part of that year’s Econom ic Opportunity Act. The agency is dedicated to rec ognizing human potential, improving communities, and creating opportunities for change.

The KCEOC board is made up of 18 people from three sectors: low income representation, represen tatives of local elected of ficials, and private sector representatives. The agen cy operates programs to help alleviate the effects of poverty, and to address the causes of poverty in order to im prove self-sufficiency. The majority of opera tions take place in the eight counties of the Cumberland Valley Area Development Dis trict (Bell, Clay, Harlan, Jackson, Knox, Laurel, Rockcastle, and Whitley), with housing coun

seling services being provided statewide.

KCEOC provides a number of service pro grams that function to assist people with current conditions of poverty. These pro grams include:

Child Development - Head start and early head start are compre hensive child development programs that serve preg nant women and children birth to five years of age. Services provided include educational assessments and development, nutri tion, treatment and followup; parental involvement in the classroom, policy making, training, and adult education; and support services to the families that may include referrals to other service providers.

Housing - The weatherization program as sists eligible households in reducing their energy cost by providing weatherizing main tenance to their homes. Weatherizing in cludes, but is not limited to services, such as

6 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business

insulating, checking heating systems and sources of air infiltration, heating system diagnostics, and repairing doors.

The homeowner rehabilitation program pro vides home repair and rehabilitation through the use of grant funding and work group collabora tions.

The housing development program is designed to provide homeownership opportunities to low-income households. Through this program, KCEOC constructs homes.

KCEOC also has 128 rental units with 100% of those re served for the elderly, disabled, or low-income.

Employment/Economic Development - Under the Work force Innovation and Oppor tunity Act (WIOA), the KCEOC Kentucky Career Center Job sight administers programs that help adults looking for work, workers who have been dislocated from their jobs, and eco nomically disadvantaged young people.

Supportive Programs - Summer Feeding is a USDA sponsored program that supplements school lunches by providing a free meal during normal lunch hours for children 18 and under.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance offers free tax preparation to low- and moderate-income tax payers.

The Senior Citizens Center provides congregate and delivered meals, homemaker and personal care service to the elderly.

The KCEOC Aquatic Club is a registered USA Swimming Club for area youth.

Emergency Programs - The Emergency Sup port Center provides temporary emergency shelter to individuals and families who fall under the McKinney Act guidelines for homeless assis

tance; outreach services to homeless individuals and families; clothing for families who have expe rienced a major house fire or other community members in need; and homeless counseling and supportive services.

Ryan’s Place Youth Crisis Center provides cri sis housing and supportive Services to homeless youth ages 18-24 in the region.

The Low-Income Home En ergy Assistance Program (LI HEAP) provides energy as sistance to eligible applicants with heating resources during the winter months.

Southeast Kentucky Hous ing and Homeless Alliance provides supportive services to those who are homeless or in imminent risk of becoming homeless.

Annually, KCEOC conducts a study of our service area to de termine how we can best ad dress the conditions of poverty, and the needs of the community. The major issues that the agency addresses are housing, homelessness, energy conservation, employment creation/workforce training, and child development.

Transportation has proven to be a consistent barrier to opportunity in the region, so KCEOC staff provide services remotely in addition to inperson.

President and CEO Paul Dole said, “We are pres ently working on our strategic plan for the next five years. This process brings together people from varying backgrounds and expertise in order to evaluate our current practices, reflect on past programs, and plan future service offerings.”

“We are currently working diligently to address the issue of adequate and affordable housing, and we are continuing to build new, energy ef ficient homes. We also continue to work with potential employers to develop loca tions in our service area, and assist them with their staffing needs.”

“We want to continue to improve the educational and training oppor tunities in the area through partner ships similar to the one we have with Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College. One of the proj ects that we have in progress is to complete and open the CDL and die sel mechanic training facility on the

Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 7 Continued on page 8

Corbin bypass. Over the next five years


will be expanding our

pro gram with the use of Infrastructure Act fund ing in order to reduce energy consumption. We continue to work to expand our child de velopment services as well, in particular for those in preschool.”

To learn more about KCEOC, their services and their history, visit them online at www.

Those interested can also find out more via the agency’s official Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages.

8 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business City of Williamsburg Mayor Roddy Harrison 423 Main Street Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769 (606)
Photo by Mark White. CITY CLERK: Teresa Black ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Gina Hamblin
Faulkner, Richard Foley,
Harris, Mary Ann Stanfill, Laurel West
weatherization Partner with us in the fight against poverty
HPeople elping People Changing CLives hanging Lives Career Assistance & CTraining areer Assistance &areer Training Economic Development EPrograms conomic EPrograms Programs Housing HDevelopment ousing ousing Development Youth YServices outh YServices outh Services Homeless HServices omeless HServices Services Emergency Support EServices mergency Support EServices mergency Services Child CDevelopment hild hild Development At-Risk Food AServices t-Risk Food AServices Services Senior Citizen SServices enior SServices Services continued from page 7

Karlyle is


Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 9
To find out why more people have chosen Baptist Health for treatment of breast, colon and lung cancer than any other health system in Kentucky and Southern Indiana, visit
Corbin | Floyd
La Grange
Richmond Preparing to celebrate her 20th wedding anniversary on New Year’s Eve 2022. Treated for cancer at Baptist Health Corbin in 2020.
119305_BHCO_LP_Karlyle_7_5x10.indd 1 10/5/22 9:58 AM



Owned and operated in Eastern Ken tucky, Appalachian Wireless is commit ted to providing cellular customers in the region with reli able service with no strings attached.

Headquartered in Floyd County, Appalachian Wire less has been in business for over 30 years. Same as with many national carriers that people may be familiar with, they offer nationwide wire less service, as well as unlim ited data and voice plans, all at competitive pricing. They also offer no-contract options, such as their pop ular “Forward Pay” program, which the company says is a great way for customers to try the service without the risk of getting tied into a long-term agreement.

When asked specifically how Appalachian Wire less is helping its ever-growing customer base, Marketing Manager Ashley Litteral explained, “Eastern KY has always been a location underserved in tech nology. National companies typically only build the major hubs and roads in our region, and leave the more rural ar eas without service.Given the challenging terrain in the roll ing hills of Appalachia, it is dif ficult to serve with cellular ser vices.”

“Appalachian Wireless’ solu tion to this is simply to have more towers in more places,” Litteral continued. “Bell, Knox, Whitley, Harlan and surrounding coun ties are no different. We’re over 300 towers in our 29-county footprint in Eastern Kentucky, and we still aren’t done.”

10 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business Story by Trevor Sherman

“One of the biggest misconceptions with us as a regional carrier is that people often think that while their phone may work bet ter around Eastern Kentucky with us, their phones will not perform well when traveling out side of our home territory for business or vacations. This is definitely not the case, as you sort of get the best of both worlds with our service.”

“While in Eastern Ken tucky, you’re going to use our network with a com pany dedicated to the region. When travelling outside our area, we have agreements in place with national carriers that allow us to use their net works when our customers travel.”

Litteral also mentioned local customer ser vice as a big advantage that Appalachian Wire less has over national carriers, as the company currently employees around 200 people from the region, making them a big contributor to local economies as well.

Speaking about the future, Litteral said, “In the short term, the goal is always to keep bring ing the latest technologies to our customers while continuing to build towers in our region than will be impactful. Right now, most US car riers are in the process of decommissioning CDMA (3G/1X signal types). Appalachian Wire

less is also following this trend, and Voice over LTE (VoLTE for short) will be the requirement for devices going forward.”

“VoLTE offers a lot of advantages to con sumers, such as high definition voice calls, the ability to be on a call and use the internet at the same time (VoLTE), and a much-improved roaming experience due to 3G/1X being turned off in many cities.”

“In the longer term, we’re investing in 5G right here in the mountains of Appalachia, and all of the benefits it provides. Things like improved bandwidth capabilities and more capacity to serve high usage areas, like sporting and con cert venues, are just a couple of things that our 5G will bring to our region in the coming years.”

Appalachian Wireless currently has 27 retail locations and nine dealers throughout East ern Kentucky.

The Corbin retail store is located at 1019 Cumberland Falls Hwy. in Suite B109. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am until 4:00 pm.

For more information call 606.280.7865 or go to

Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 11



ShawnRogers Realty opened its doors in the spring of 2016 in a small location off Cumberland Falls Road, but quickly grew beyond the limits of that space, moving to their current location at 1603 S. Main Street. Having con tinued that growth, the business has again proved to need a larger space.

As part of a planned expansion, the business will soon be moving to 513 S. Main Street.

There is currently no exact timeline, as supplies needed to continue reno vations at the new location have been on backorder and slowed the process. However, owner Shawn Rogers hopes to have the move finalized by November or December of this year.

We have a really diverse team that covers different areas and do a lot of different things.

end of the year,” said Rogers. Rogers called the upcoming move a big step for the business, noting that all locations they have existed in since their inception have been leased spaces, but the new one will be owned entirely by them. He said it makes the new location feel “permanent.” And with their move, it will allow agents to have more room and flexibility to meet with customers by adding meeting rooms, as well as shared and private office spaces.

“It’s going to give them a world-class business and building to work out of,” said Rogers. “We’re giving our agents everything they need to be able to meet their client’s expectations.”

“It may be earlier, it may be January 1, but we know it will be sometime between now and the

Though primarily based in Corbin and south eastern Kentucky, Shawn Rogers Realty has agents that work in central Kentucky in the Lex

12 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business
Story by Timothy Wyatt, photos by Trevor Sherman Shawn Rogers in front of future location of Shawn Rogers Realty

ington area. Additionally, the business is also a Ten nessee brokerage and can help area residents find the property of their dreams even if it’s south of the state line.

Shawn Rogers Realty also specializes in a number of different fields, and has maintained a staff of a dozen agents who each have their own areas of ex pertise. Along with each individual agent’s depth of knowledge, the business also deals in a wide array of real estate types, ranging from residential to com mercial to farming and even providing auctioneer services.

“We have a really diverse team that covers differ ent areas and do a lot of different things,” said Rog ers.

Despite the ever-changing trends over the years and the fluctuating housing market, Rogers remains optimistic that the sky is still the limit for his busi ness.

“We’re looking for good things to come,” said Rog ers. “We think the market is going to continue to stay strong and people are going to continue buying.”

To learn more about the services offered by Shawn Rogers Realty, call the office at 606.215.3138 or go online to

Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 13 Open an Account From ANYWHERE Fast, secure and convenient account opening on your phone or computer.
Randy Bargo
Specialist NMLS# 421457
Hensley Corbin Market President NMLS# 713507 606.528.3120 | CVNB .com/personal/open-anywhere
Left to right, Shawn Rogers, daughter Carissa, son Carson and wife Hope
14 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business NOW HIRING — 606-656-1101 STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES AT WILLIAMSBURG TOP 25 INJECTION MOLDER IN NORTH AMERICA Gas Assist Electronic Assemblies Vibration welding Ultrasonic welding Spin welding Decoration (IML, pad printing, heat transfer, Hot Stamp, etc.) POSITIONS AVAILABLE Production Operator Quality Assurance Material Handling Forklift / Warehousing Maintenance, Tooling, Processing We provide customers with turn-key solutions to manufacturing ideas. COST EFFICIENCY HR QUALITY SAFETY STARTING PAY $13.50-$16.50 DEPENDING ON POSITION AND SHIFT NEW HIRE BONUS INCENTIVES & ON DEMAND PAY OPTIONS AVAILABLE APPLY IN PERSON MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 9 AM TO 3 PM OR TEXT “APPLY” TO 51893 NOW HIRING — 606-656-1101 STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES AT WILLIAMSBURG TOP 25 INJECTION MOLDER IN NORTH AMERICA Gas Assist Electronic Assemblies Vibration welding Ultrasonic welding Spin welding Decoration (IML, pad printing, heat transfer, Hot Stamp, etc.) POSITIONS AVAILABLE Production Operator Quality Assurance Material Handling Forklift / Warehousing Maintenance Tooling Processing COST EFFICIENCY HR QUALITY SAFETY Celebrating 30 years!
Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 15 1000 Cumberland Falls Hwy, Corbin, KY 606.528.1630 Offering a wide range of services to business and individual clients with personalized quality and attention. Certified Public Accountants 500 Summit Drive, Corbin, KY 606.528.2454 Whitley County Fiscal Court Whitley County Judge Executive Pat White, Jr. 606-549-6000 Meetings every third Tuesday of each month at 4 pm
16 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 1971 - 2022 hank you to the people and communities who have worked together to help SEKRI succeed for the past 51 ye s. SEKRI, a non-profit organization creating employment opportunities for individuals with WWW.SEKRI.ORG SEKRI YEARS 51 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & OXYGEN LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1995 14141 N. US HWY. 25E | CORBIN PHONE: 606.528.2515 FAX: 606.528.8011 HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY - 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE •CPAP & BIPAP •Oxygen •Walking Aids •Diabetic Shoes •Hospital Beds •Lift Chairs •Bath Safety •Wheelchairs •Mastectomy Fittings & Consultations & Much More Tipton & Tipton 404 Roy Kidd Ave. Corbin, KY | 606-528-1166 Attorneys at Law Attorneys At Law Wes Tipton Sarah Tipton Reeves Wesley Tipton Jeff Tipton •Personal Injury •Truck Wrecks •Probate •Car Wrecks •Real Estate •Divorce •Bankruptcy Thank you Corbin for voting us the People’s Choice Attorney! Serving the legal needs of the community for over 30 years.

Chamber News

Grace on the Hill Community Church cuts the rib bon Sunday, September 11th, commemorating the church’s new status as an independent, non-denomina tional church. Southern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Vice-President Heather Barrineau presents a Chamber Membership Plaque to the Senior Pastor Scott Wilson. The church is located at 1632 Cumberland Falls Hwy, in Corbin.



Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 17
Appalachian Jeep Outfitters of Corbin held its grand open ing ribbon cutting on Saturday, September 24th. The business is located at 995 18th Street. Owners are Blane and Beth Kretzer.
18 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 500ArenaDrive|Corbin,KY|606.258.2020 Where the best entertainment comes to life! Check out our calendar online at 1871 Cumberland Falls Hwy. Corbin, KY | 606.528.1505 NOW WITH ONLINE TICKETING AT WATCH SOMETHINGFORBIG SUMMER ‘23!

Our Rehabilitation Centers specialize in short term rehabilitation for a wide variety of health conditions such as fractures, joint replace ment, other orthopedic procedures, heart attack, stroke, other car diovascular diseases, as well as chronic disease management, wound care, pain management, and many other debilitating diseases and conditions.

During your stay, we strive to provide the comforts of home, which includes our beautifully decorated private rehab suites that are avail able upon request, delicious and nutritional meals, personalized activ ity programs, flat screen TV’s, iPad’s, Wi-Fi, and telephone service.

Every resident and recovery is different, with our extensive experi ence in rehabilitation and long term care, our program gives residents of any age or medical status access to the experience and expertise of our dedicated physicians, nurses, nursing assistants, therapy team, di

etitians, social workers, and activity team, who are specifically trained in individualized care management.

We are very pleased that our doors are open to the public! We will post any visitor information at the entrance regarding mask use, etc. We look forward to lots of in person holiday celebrations as we close out 2022.

Also, we are excited to have volunteers providing visits and activi ties for our residents on a daily basis.

We would be happy to add new volunteers both individually and with groups. Contact our activity directors if you or your organizations would like to share your time and talents with our residents.

Our facilities are open to welcome new residents and we encour age you to experience our facility and meet our team by scheduling a tour.

Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 19
CHOOSE THE BEST FOR YOUR LONG TERM & SHORT TERM REHABILITATION NEEDS PO BOX 556, Corbin, KY 40702 606.528.8917 PO BOX 719, Williamsburg, KY 40769 606.549.4321 PO BOX 1190, Corbin, KY 40702 606.528.8822 PO BOX 1090, Barbourville, KY 40906 606.546.5136 Our professional team of caregivers will work together to promote health as well as help you set and achieve goals for long term or your journey home. PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK PAGES FOR UPDATES AND ACTIVITIES. Renew Yourself at Dayspring Health 606-549-2656 We’re all about where you live! News Journal FOR ADVERTISING, ONLINE OR PRINT SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION 606.528.9767



With a history that dates back to the early 1950s, Dayspring Health has evolved in many ways over the years. The organization has always sought out new and inventive ways to best care for its patients, and that is still the case today, with expanded services now available, and a brand new “one stop shop” facility being planned for the future.

“We are a community health center, and we are here to take care of our community,” ex plained Dayspring CEO, Dr. Geogy Thomas. “We started in Clairfield (Tenn.), expanded into Jel lico, and have since expanded into the Williams burg area. We have offered family medicine with obstetrics since we opened, but in the last five years we have added dental and behavioral health services as well.”

Dr. Thomas further explained that Dayspring’s healthcare providers are well versed in assist ing patients in a long list of capacities, including the previously mentioned primary care and OB services, and also with diseases, such as diabe tes and hypertension. Drug abuse is another

big area of need that he says the organization is targeting.

“The reality is that like all communities, our community has its share of problems,” Thomas said. “Substance abuse is a significant issue, so we are addressing this as comprehensively as we can, providing behavioral health counseling and various other treatments. Our hope is to help our patients overcome their addictions, re claiming their lies, families, and future.”

Doctor Thomas also pinpointed Hepatitis C treatment as another area where Dayspring has made great strides in recent years, saying, “Five years ago, your chances of getting better from Hep C even with treatment was pretty slim. With the treatments that are now available, you actu ally have about a 99% chance of being cured. This is very exciting and we want to assist our patients in getting that cure.”

Speaking about the future of Dayspring Health, Thomas said that one of the main focuses will be to consolidate medical and dental services in Williamsburg into a new, all-in-one facility that will be located inside the Cumberland Region

al Mall. While the project is still in the planning phase right now, Thomas and COO Larry Rector are hopeful to see it completed within the next 2-3 years.

Rector also mentioned a new mo bile clinic, which will be debuting sooner, and should be out serving patients in the community within the next 18 months. Until the mobile unit is ready to go, Dayspring does offer transportation assistance to anyone needing help making it to a clinic.

Another area that Thomas and Rec tor would like to see expansion in is the organization’s partnerships with local school systems.

Dayspring already enjoys a close relationship with Williamsburg Independent School, having a clinic inside the school building itself that pro vides care to both students and staff, and they also provide free dental screenings to children grades K-5 in both the independent school sys tem, as well as the Whitley County School Dis trict.

“Our hope is to be the Clinic of Choice for our

they will get the best holistic care.”

“We have an amazing group of providers who are compassionate, kind and smart. They will walk with our patients through fire. I could not be more grateful and proud of our staff.”

“For me, working at Dayspring is about being a part of something sa cred,” Thomas added. “We are a faithbased practice. We strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We want to be the fragrance of Christ to a world that is hurting. We do this in how we care for our patients.”

Thomas and Rector stressed that Dayspring is a community health cen ter, and the goal is to help anyone in the commu nity who might need it, regardless of insurance status.

“We take everyone,” Thomas said. “Even if you don’t have insurance, we have a strong sliding scale program. When I look into our waiting rooms, I want to see the whole community rep resented there. We are here for everyone.”

For more information on Dayspring Health, vis

Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 21
LPNs Lisa Siler and Melissa Hamby


•4ever Graphics & Design

•Air Med Care Network

•American Business Systems

•Appalachian Outfitters, LLC

•Appalachian Wireless


•AT&T Store

•Austin City Saloon

•Avizion Glass LLC

•BABT Credit

•Baptist Health Corbin

•Baptist Worx

•Barnhill Pediatric Dentistry, P.S.C.

•Baylor Commercial Door & Hardware Inc.

•Baymont Inn & Suites

•BedTime Sleep Solutions

•Belk, Inc.

•Berea College Partners for Education

•Best Western Corbin Inn

•Betty’s Flowers

•BHG Corbin


•Bluegrass Care Navigators

•Brandeis Machinery & Supply Company

•Breaktime Vending

•Bree’s On Main

•Carnegie Center of Corbin

•Cellular Sales - Verizon

•Central Automotive Supply

•Central Baptist Church

•Century 21 Advantage Realty, a Robinson Company

•CHI Saint Joseph HealthSaint Joseph London

•Cintas Fire Protection

•City of Corbin

•City of Williamsburg

•Cloyd & Associates, PSC

•Comfort Inn & Suites

•Commercial Bank

•Commonwealth Cancer Center

•Community Trust Bank - Corbin

•Community Trust Bank - Williamsburg

•Computer Information Services (CIS)

•Continue CARE Hospital at BHC

•Cora Physical Therapy

•Corbin Board of Education

•Corbin Center

•Corbin City Utilities Commission

•Corbin Community Backpack

•Corbin Educational Center

•Corbin Elementary

•Corbin Flower Shop, Inc.

•Corbin Garage Doors

•Corbin Health and Rehab Center

•Corbin High School

•Corbin Housing Authority

•Corbin Intermediate

•Corbin Lion’s Club

•Corbin Middle School

•Corbin News Journal

•Corbin Parkway Church of God

•Corbin Pediatric Associates PSC

•Corbin Preschool

•Corbin Primary School

•Corbin Public Library

•Corbin Rotary Club

•Corbin Senior Citizens Center

•Corbin Tri-County Joint Ind. Dev Authority

•Corbin Tri-County Joint Industrial Development Authority

•Corbin Wellness Center, LLC

•Creative Touch Jewelers

•Creech & Gibbs Pharmacy LLC

•Crystal Clean

•Cumberland Falls Family

Dentistry, P.L.L.C

•Cumberland Falls State Park

•Cumberland Foot & Ankle Center

•Cumberland Valley Cruise In

•Cumberland Valley Insurance

•Cumberland Valley National Bank

•Cumberland Valley RECC

•David Perry

•David’s Steaks, Buffet & Catering

•Davis Salvage

•Dayspring Health

•Delta Natural Gas

•Donevon Storm Insurance Agency, Inc

•East Kentucky Telecom

•Eastern Kentucky University - Corbin

•Eastern Kentucky UniversityWorkforce Education

•Edward Jones

•Edward Jones

•Elk Creek Cottage Airbnb

•Encore Communications, Inc.

•Eubanks Electrical Supply, Inc.

•Factory Connection, LLC

•Falls Road Plaza

•Firestone Industrial Products

•First Baptist Church

•First Care Clinic

•First Financial Credit

•First Financial Credit, Inc.

•FK Perkins & Co. PLLC

•Folktale Coffee and Bakehouse

•Forcht Bank - Corbin

•Forcht Bank - Williamsburg

•Forcht Broadcasting

•Forcht Group of Kentucky

•Forcht Pharmacy

•Forest Hills Shopping Center

•Foster Supply Inc.

•Freedom Point Church

•Freeman Brother’s Maintenance LLC

•Freeman Family Practice

•Freeman, Childers & Howard

•Gibson’s Music

•Goodwill Industries of Corbin

•Goodwill Industries of Williamsburg

•Grace Community Health Center

•Grace On The Hill

•Great Clips

•Grove Marina

•H&R Block

•Hacker Brothers Inc.

•Hampton Haigen Home

•Hampton Inn by Hilton, Williamsburg

•Hampton Inn Corbin

•Hart Funeral Home Inc.

•Heaberlin Supply

•Heltaco LLC DBA Orkin Pest Control

•Hillcrest Health and Rehab Center

•Holiday Inn Express of Corbin

•Holiday Inn Express, Williamsburg

•Hometown Bank of Corbin

•Hoover Properties

•Houchens - Save A Lot

•Howard Mann, PSC, Attorney at Law

•Insurance Service Center of Corbin

•Jackson Warewashing Systems

•James Baker State Farm

•Jaynes Family Practice

•JBK, Inc. Roofing Division

•John and Milly Burkhart

•Jones Plastic & Engineering Co., LLC

•KCEOC Community Action Partnership

•Kentucky Blood Center

•Kentucky Creative LLC

•KentuckyOne Health Cancer Care

•Kiwanis Club of Corbin

•KOWA Kentucky, Inc.

•L&N Federal Credit Union

•LaDonna’s LLC

•Larkey HVAC

•Laurel Garden


•Leanna Cosmetics

•Legacy Ford Lincoln

Chevrolet Buick GMC

•Lexington Bluegrass Association of Realtors

•Liquor Mart

•Little Caesar’s Pizza

•Mackey Vision Center

•Mallory Davis - State Farm Insurance

•Marr, Miller & Myers PSC, CPA

•Martin’s Sports Apparel

•Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant

•Minuteman Press

•Mitchell Tax & Accounting

•Mountain Rehabilitation Services

•Mr. Gatti’s Pizza

•New Beginnings Real Estate LLC

•New Hope Ministries

•Northern Contours

•Northwestern Mutual

•Norvex Supply

•Old Town Grill

•On The Money, LLC

•O’Neil-Lawson Funeral Home

•Ossoli Foundation

•Owens Auto Parts

•Paw Paw Patch Dog Grooming, LLC

•Pennington Wellness

•Pepsi Cola Bottling Company

•Pierce Dant Hamblin Post #3167 - VFW

•Pilot Travel Center

•Planet Earth PC

•PNC Bank

•Progress Rail

•PT Pros, Inc.

•Rapiscan Systems

•Re/Max on Main

•Reeves Property Group

•Renfro Supply

•Robert P. Hammons, Attorney at Law

•RRJ Solutions

•Sav-Rite Home Care Inc.

•Servpro of Pulaski and Laurel Counties

•Shawn Rogers Realty Inc.

•Sheltowee Trace Adventure Resort

•Small Business Development Center - EKU

•Somerset Community College

•Sonic Drive-In

•Sonny’s BBQ

•Southeast Apparatus LLC

•Southeast Kentucky Audiology

•Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College

•Southeast Kentucky Rehabilitation Industries

•Southeastern Medical Supply LLC

•State Farm Insurance - Michael Jones

•State Farm Insurance - Mike Sparks

•SUDS Car Wash

•The Appalachian Wildlife Foundation, Inc.

•The Arena

•The Brick Oven

•The Caboose Sports Tavern

•The Depot on Main

•The Gail Frederick School

Of Dance, Inc.

•The Great Escape Corbin

•The Holler

•The Job Shop

•The MPI Group LLC

•The Suds Barn

•The Wrigley Taproom and Eatery

•Tim Short Auto Mall

•Times Tribune

•Tipton & Tipton

Attorneys At Law

•Tire Discounters

•Tomahawks LLC

•Total Foot and Ankle

•Transamerica Agency Network Corbin

•Tri-County Cineplex

•Trinity Family Health, PLLC

•U.S. Small Business Administration

•University of the Cumberlands

•US Marine Corps Toys For Tots/ JC Paul Marine Corps League 1448

•W.D. Bryant & Son

•Wallen’s Towing and Recovery

•Waste Connections of Eastern Kentucky

•Webbed Sphere, Inc.

•Whitaker Bank

•White, Greer & Maggard Orthodontics

•Whitley Broadcasting Co. Inc.

•Whitley County Board of Education

•Whitley County Fiscal Court

•Whitley County Health Department

•Whitley County/UK Extension Service

•Wildcat Harley Davidson

•Williamsburg Health and Rehab Center

•Williamsburg Insurance Agency

•Williamsburg Tourism Commission

•Wilson Equipment Co., Inc.


22 Strictly Business — Fall 2022
Fall 2022 — Strictly Business 23
2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 952 Hwy 25W Corbin, KY 139 Hwy 770, Corbin, KY 606.523.1101 24 Fall 2022 — Strictly Business

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