Resolve for Resolutions
County Living WINTER 2023 Active & Healthy Helping county residents stay active & healthy Mind, Body & Soul Finding balance for the New Year Tips for Resolution Success PLUS Help houseplants survive winter
2 Colorado County Living Conditionswetreat: Recentsurgery-Arthritis-Weakness-Pain-DifficultyWalking Numbness-DecreasedBalance-Injuries-WoundCare Parkinson's(LSVTCertified)-PelvicFloorDysfunction New Equipment 11,000 sq. ft. New Pool COLUMBUSPHYSICALTHERAPY NEWLOCATIONatCOLUMBUSWELLNESSCENTER Wanttoreceivethemostcomprehensive,personalizedandprogressivetherapyintheregion? ColumbusPhysicalTherapycanprovideallthatyouneed.Weareinabrandnew11,000squarefoot facilitythatcanaccommodatetheneedsofourpatients. WeprovidePhysical&OccupationalTherapyinbothlandandaquaticsettings. 979.732.5783 107SchultDr.
Published by Granite Media Partners 2024 Hwy 71 South, P.O. Box 548, Columbus, TX 78934, periodical postage paid at Columbus, Texas. POSTMASTER: send address change to P.O. Box 548, Columbus, TX 78934. Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any firm, corporation or individual which appears in this publication will be carefully corrected once brought to the attention of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
Columbus Municipal Golf Course with the iconic Cardinal water tower view. Photo captured during Winter Storm Uri in Feb. 2021.
Winter 2023 3
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HOW TO ADD RESOLVE TO THOSE RESOLUTIONS 4 Tips for Resolution Success MIND, BODY & SOUL 6 Finding Balance for the New Year Colorado County Living PHONE NUMBER
(979) 732-2304
INSIDE ACTIVE & HEALTHY 9 Local Businesses Helping County Residents Stay Active & Healthy HOUSEPLANTS 15 How to Help Houseplants Survive a Long Winter
a RESOLVE to those resoluti s HOW TO
The start of a new year always comes with a renewed sense of purpose and energy. People all around the country spend time reflecting on the events and the growth they experienced during the prior year. In the same spirit, many also consider any shortcomings or improvements they’d like to see in themselves.
People create New Year’s resolutions for themselves as goals to help correct personality or physical traits they determined need work. Unfortunately, many of the resolutions fall short or lose their luster as the year unfolds.
Maybe you’re on a diet, but the milkshakes you deemed unappealing on Jan. 1 start to look more inviting by mid-February. Maybe it’s the fitness guru whose two-a-day workouts at the start of the year became more like once-in-a-whiles as the months progress.
It seems many aren’t very resolved after all, and these New Year’s res-
olutions become more of a holiday tradition rather than a commitment to self-betterment. The goals are more like passing wishes rather than a mission based on ambition.
But how can people bring some true resolve to their resolutions as they aspire for self-improvement? While there are many different reasons as to why individuals fall short of their goals, many get affected by a combination of factors.
For one, the attitude behind what leads to these resolutions can often come from a negative place. The objectives themselves can be positive changes a person wants to make, but many times these are made to correct some of our least-favorite traits. We are often our own biggest critics without even realizing that we are being so hard on ourselves.
Accomplishments are downplayed, and mistakes or flaws are magnified in one’s thoughts with the mind itself being the sole bearer of that burden. So many resolutions are made to change things people “hate” about themselves, which already creates a negative impact on the true motivations of their goals.
4 Colorado County Living
Having a more positive frame of mind even when regarding your own shortcomings is an effective way to create higher levels of self-love, and decrease any self-loathing. When goals are created by a person who loves himself or herself but can still acknowledge areas where he or she falls short, those goals can become more like constructive criticism rather than brutal self-bullying.
Try being kinder to yourself in your own thoughts and develop a sense of appreciation for even the traits you consider flaws. Goals based in self-love can make you less stressed when chasing them and cause less emotional damage from shortcomings. Creating good, positive goals is the first step to actually reaching them.
Once you have your goals set, the process of reaching those dreams becomes the next grueling part of the journey.
A big reason people fall short of their resolutions is they set goals at a level that seems intimidating. Setting a goal such as losing 50 or more pounds sounds like a great idea that will improve your life, but the day-to-day struggle of such a lifestyle change can make that objective seem unattainable — especially if progress doesn’t come quickly.
The easiest solution to overcoming a difficult challenge is to create smaller goals to reach along the way. An individual looking to lose those 50 pounds in a year has to lose less than 5 pounds per month to achieve his or her mission. Thinking of your goals in the short term as easily achievable (in comparison to the big ones) can help relieve the overwhelming sense of chasing an insurmountable challenge while adding motivation to reach the next goal after accomplishing something positive.
The mental satisfaction of reaching each small step adds to the drive to continue on to the next one. Sooner than later, that individual will have taken so many small steps toward the goal he or she won’t even realize that they’re knocking on the front door to their ultimate prize. A study by psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews determined that those who write down their goals and the individual actions — or steps — to reach those goals were much likelier to actually achieve them.
This meticulous method works fine for anybody trying to make tangible changes in their life that can be measured including weight loss, building muscle mass, etc.
But what about those who try to make even deeper, unseen changes regarding their personalities or demeanor? It’s harder to simply track how much progress they’ve made regarding their temperament. There are no visual checkpoints to tell you if you are becoming a friendlier person, so how can people with those types of goals still give themselves the motivation to stick to their efforts?
For someone chasing any type of goal, he or she must create a sense of urgency that lights a fire under their feet. Urgency is not panic, it’s simply the understanding the intended goal is vital and worth doing no matter what it takes (within reason).
Motivation comes from the mind, and sometimes you may have to create scenarios or trick yourself into creating that sense of urgency in your head.
revealed during his documentary, “The Last Dance,” that he adopted a similar mindset every night to reach his goal of winning. To create a sense of urgency for himself to dominate each possession and win the game, he would find, or make up, any reason for him to have an emotional charge behind his performance. Even creating a fictitious scenario of being scorned or done wrong by someone on the other team would give Jordan the mental motivation to dominate his opponents with no mercy.
Creating a sense of urgency doesn’t have to be directly tied to competition. It can be as simple as giving yourself a minor consequence for failing one of your day-to-day steps towards your goal. Something like, “If I don’t go on my walk today, I can’t watch my favorite show when it comes on later” could be enough to inspire a person to get walking, so long as he or she holds himself or herself accountable enough to follow through if they fall short.
For some people, the situation itself should be enough to create a sense of urgency: “If I don’t fix my attitude, I’ll push away my family.” Urgent thinking creates the drive to make a change sooner rather than later, especially when there are high stakes.
At the end of the day, the main factor
that brings everything together is a sense of accountability. Without the ability to hold yourself accountable or without a dependable person who fills that role, it’s difficult to commit yourself to anything. Accountability is taking responsibility for yourself and your actions regardless of the positives or negatives that come from them.
Can you admit to yourself when you’re doing things to harm your ability to reach your goal? Do you have someone to remind you of your goals when you start to waver? Can you get yourself back to doing the right things when you fall off your intended path?
These are questions that often get answered during the process of achieving aspirations, and sometimes the answers can determine whether the fight continues at all or if the dream dies.
This early in the year, everyone has the same chance to make their mark and decide how they want the rest of the year to go. As with every new year, several people will make the decision to improve or change an element of themselves or their lifestyle in the form of resolutions. The hope is that each person will have the resolve to stick to these resolutions and make a positive impact on themselves and the community around them.
Winter 2023 5
Hall of Fame basketball player Michael Jordan
Finding balance for the New Year mind, body and soul
Are you an active participant in your life or are you a bystander, watching your life go by and feeling unfulfilled and empty? If you reflect upon 2022, was your life in balance or did it feel chaotic; was it a hohum year, an ordinary year or an extraordinary year for you?
If you want a fulfilling, meaningful year that you will long remember, then it is time to take charge of your life and be the person you were meant to be. But this requires that you focus on who you are as a total person and make some changes in your expectations, along with letting go of any false beliefs you may have about who you are that will hold you back.
Let’s start by looking at expectations, such as what do you expect for your life? Do you have realistic but positive expectations about what you can achieve, what you can accomplish? If you have settled for a “whatever-comes-my-way” life, then you haven’t set goals for yourself, nor made plans on how to accomplish these goals. You’re simply floating through life, living with whatever happens to fall in your direction. You may fear setting goals will be stressful, especially if you don’t believe you can accomplish them.
But the reality is that when we set goals for ourselves, we are taking control of our lives and this creates an inner sense of “can do”; you actually build your self-esteem by planning and setting goals.
And any stress created by setting goals should be looked at as good stress, which will help you be motivated and able to concentrate so as to fulfill your plans. Setting obtainable but high goals for yourself is a must if you are to take charge of your life.
What about false beliefs? Can you look honestly at yourself and remove any negatives that others have said about you? If you’ve grown up in a dysfunctional family system where everything was viewed from a negative point of view, you probably heard a lot of what couldn’t be accomplished, what you’d never be able to do. And if there was depression and/or anxiety in your family of origin, you may have accepted as a child this as normal and let it still weigh down on you today.
Each one of us has to discover who we are apart from who our family was or who our family said we were. We must peel those false impressions off like they were an old band-aid that has stuck like glue.
It is so important that we don’t base who we are on what others, often sick and unhappy family members, have said we are. Ask a trusted friend to tell you what they see in you and ask them about things you were told that you now need to let go of. Discovering the real you is an exciting process and will allow you to experience the fullness of life.
And don’t live with “I’ve always been that way” or “That’s who I am” mentality.
Have you ever wondered about those folks who always seem to be happy, who are involved in a variety of activities and seem to adjust and roll with the punches no matter what happens?
Do you wonder how they do it?
Well-balanced individuals are aware that as humans we are complex creatures and we have many facets to our lives. They know they can’t focus on one area only, but must pay attention to their total being – mind, body and soul.
They identify what they need in each area and plan their days and weeks so they can address all their needs.
Your mind — your brain — has both physical and intellectual needs.
• When it comes to promoting brain health, the diet supported by the strongest data draws on traditional eating patterns of the Middle East: the so-called Mediterranean diet consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, lean meats in moderation, olive oil and maybe a little red wine. This is a huge difference to the typical American diet but we can all start making small changes and adding some of the above a little at a time. Small changes over a year’s time add up to a big change.
• Intellectually, mental fitness can increase brain-cell growth and connections between cells. By pursuing challenging and rewarding activities each week, constantly stimulating the brain by learning new skills and increasing one’s level of learning will result in a healthier brain as well as feeding one’s sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Activities where you are creative, challenged and find a level of enjoyment are the best.
• And social interaction is also important for brain fitness. Making social connections and having ongoing, meaningful relationships is food for the mind, whereas being isolated and lonely can quickly deplete all mental reserves.
So much has been written and so much research has been conducted that we all know we
need to eat healthy, exercise regularly and get a good night’s sleep. But do you do it? And if you don’t, why not?
This might be the greatest challenge for all of us. We’re busy, we have a lot of activities we want to do, we don’t like to exercise, we don’t have time to prepare healthy meals and we have trouble falling asleep.
All that said, loving ourselves and taking care of ourselves has to include taking care of our bodies. But how to get started?
The first thing is to take small steps and pick out one thing you can work into your schedule. Taking small steps allows you to feel a level of success quickly, whereas if you try to do too much and load yourself down, you’ll give up defeated, which will stop you from moving forward.
Our soul or spirit is very much a part of who we are; in fact, it is at the core of who we are and what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. The soul is immortal and what gives the body life; it allows us to connect to God or not to connect to God.
So, no matter what your religious beliefs are, there is a dimension of who you are that has specific needs. For people of faith, feeding the soul includes a variety of activities including attending worship services, Bible studies, singing in the choir and participating in mission projects that reach out to those in need.
But the most meaningful activity for people of faith is to connect to God through prayer and meditation. It is the very personal and very real relationship with the Creator that brings a sense of peace, joy and love into one’s heart.
And through this relationship, God provides guidance in our daily lives.
If you are seeking that extraordinary year, if you are wanting a sense of balance in your life, you will need to set aside some time to reflect upon your past – both recent and back to childhood – and do a little self-dissection.
Then set some meaningful, realistic goals and list the first five steps you must take for each of the three areas of your being – mind, body and soul. Once you begin this journey, you will surprise yourself how easy life flows and goals are accomplished.
You will experience the fullness of life and a level of peace and joy you’ve never experienced before.
Leftwich is a psychologist, author, nationally recognized speaker, worship leader, trainer and Vice President of Leftwich Management Inc.
6 Colorado County Living
Winter 2023 7 WINDSHIELD Ex PRESS AUTO GLASS 1223 Walnut St Suite A. 979-732-6269 “Where quality makes the difference” Mobile Available LAW OFFICE OF PAIGE SCIBA Paige Sciba, Attorney at Law, provides legal services and practices in the areas of estate planning, real estate, and business. (281) 620-8551 Schneider Hall Weddings & Events 4351 Highway 71 Columbus, TX (210) 422-4864 @schneiderhall The Carriage Step The Carriage Step Vacation Rental, Small Events Rental 1118 Prairie Street Columbus, TX Columbus, TX https://www thecar riagestep com/ (210) 422-4864 422-4864 @thecar riagestep @thecarriagestep EVEN CUT. EVEN DISTRIBUTION. EVEN COSTS LESS TO OWN. #005061 FM Series ad final 5-5x7 Dealer indd 1 3/17/21 12:06 P Highway Motor Co. 215 East Main • Weimar 979-725-6717 Family Owned & Operated Since 1946 The TurfKeeper™ is for tractors up to 35HP and available in 60" and 72" cutting widths. *For compact & sub-compact tractors * #005061 FM Series ad fina 5-5x7 Dealer indd 1 3/17/21 12:06 PM Learn more at #005061 FM Series ad fina 5-5x7 Dealer indd 1 3/17/21 12:06 PM © Woods Equipment. All Rights Reserved. #005061 FM Ser es ad final 5-5x7 Dealer indd 1 3/17/21 12:06 P Hadley Sciba Sciba 1223 Walnut Street • Columbus (979) 732-2689 732-2689 Full Service Mechanic • Tires • Oil Change State Inspection • Roadside Service We stock and install 18-wheeler tires! We stock and 18-wheeler tires!
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Columbus sites helping Colorado County stay active&healthy
Winter 2023 9
COLUMBUS — As people age and their bodies start to wear down, it becomes more and more difficult to stay in shape and keep muscles from atrophying.
Sometimes life just gets in the way — the job, kids, bills and so many other commitments.
However, residents of Columbus and surrounding towns who want to get back on track for fitness and improved mobility have a few places they can go to help them achieve and maintain their health goals.
Whether it’s beginners, older persons, advanced fitness aficionados or even those recovering from an injury, Columbus has the facilities to meet physical-fitness needs at any level, health advocates said.
Take, for instance, Extreme Gym, 1348 Walnut St., and the new Columbus Wellness Center, 107 Shult Drive at Columbus Community Hospital.
Longtime residents may recall Extreme Gym, located off U.S. 90, was first located a little further south off of S.H. 71.
Today, owner Scott Schobel said it’s his life’s mission to create a top-tier community gym meant to serve the community, beginning with purchasing the long-standing gym where he worked out during his youth.
— Scott School, Extreme Gym
After buying the company, he went on to purchase the batting cages at the location where the current Extreme Gym stands.
His passion for powerlifting and strength-training, combined with his love for the community where his family has lived for generations, spurred him to turn those batting cages into his vision of a classic gym.
“I kind of fell backwards into it,” Schobel said. “I actually worked out there and (the owner) wanted to sell it. … At those Houston gyms you’re kind of picking the type of gym that you want. I wanted to build all of those under one.”
Schobel has created a multi-room “supergym” that rivals even some national chains in size. The gym’s main room has many of the standard
10 Colorado County Living
“I wanted to build all of those (fitness services) under one.”
machines and weights for a person lifting at any athletic level. Dozens of different apparatus, weights and equipment dot the spacious room.
To the right of the main gym is one of the largest additions to the campus: the cross-training room meant for those who may be more advanced in their fitness journey. It has squat racks, barbells and even punching bags.
There also is a room dedicated to core exercises for those not looking for intense weight training.
Schobel said newcomers shouldn’t be intimidated by all the machines and equipment. He and his staff of professional trainers are a resource for anyone with questions about the machines or specific workouts.
According to Schobel, anyone can come in and not feel lost or overwhelmed. The gym offers personal-training plans and group classes, but the sessions are tailored to the participants' physical levels.
The trainers, who also include Schobel’s own family members, also take the lead during the exercise classes carried out in the back room behind the main building, the first addition Schobel made to Extreme Gym.
Attendees can do as much as they are able to without the pressure of having to push themselves beyond their physical limits. Even in a group setting, the focus is on enhancing the experience of the individual to get the most out of the gym.
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12 Colorado County Living
Winter 2023 13
“If we can help patients here, we want to help them here.”
— Kristina Pflughaupt, Columbus Wellness
Schobel said every addition he’s made since purchasing the business has been done with his customers in mind. Providing protein and training nutrients for sale, massage therapy and saunas are just some of the ways Schobel said he has already made strides to give his customers the best possible experience.
A local chiropractic office shares space with the gym for those on a fitness regimen who are dealing with back issues.
According to Schobel, membership continues to grow.
To learn more, call 979-484-2100 or visit
A short trip away is the Columbus Wellness Center, which is a program under the umbrella of the community hospital.
The center has been active for less than a year after opening its doors earlier in 2022.
Unlike a general-purpose gym, the center and Columbus Physical Therapy are geared to aiding those with an injury or condition that requires treatment or remedial exercise for rehabilitation.
Participants in the programs need a doctor’s referral, officials said.
However, a section of the center is open for use by non-medical patients who just want to work out.
Therapists and other staffers at the center said they want to provide every service available to ensure physical therapy patients do not have to make long trips into Houston or other big cities,
The facility was opened to create a local medical-therapy center that can handle any of the rehab needs in the surrounding area. Even wound injuries and conditions such as Parkinson’s disease are well within the scope of therapeutic care at the center, staffers said.
“We do traditional land therapy, we do aquatic therapy. We have occupational therapy here, and a certified lymphedema therapist,” Partner and Director of Operations Kristina Pflughaupt said. “If we can help patients here, we want to help them here.”
The center also has treatments for those with arthritis and post surgical care.
Once a new patient arrives, he or she is assessed by one of the many physical therapists on staff and assigned a plan focused on recovery or mitigating the negative effects of certain physical conditions.
Patients have access to rehab machines and receive professional advice. Treatments and exercises in the indoor pool are all a common part of the experience.
Clients are also given a regimen to follow when they are at home to aid in the recovery effort outside the facility.
When their recovery is complete, patients do not have to worry about searching for another location with rehab equipment.
Patients who complete their rehab plans with the physical therapy team are given a complementary month of membership to inspire a commitment to the strategies and exercises they learned during their recovery. Members can use the pool and also have access to a number of classes for any level of fitness.
For more information on the physical therapy services offered, call 979-732-5783 to speak directly w ith Columbus Physical Therapy operators.
In addition, one of the key elements of the Columbus Wellness Center is the monthly membership plans, even for the general public. For a monthly subscription, customers are able to use the state-of-theart machines and equipment found upstairs in the non-medical areas of the building.
Wellness Center manager Denise Moncrief is one of the main teachers for classes after a long history at the wellness center in Hallettsville.
She said sessions such as the “muscle magic” class or “gentle yoga” are great ways for beginners and older persons to engage in low-intensity workouts.
The center has made it a priority to get patients feeling better through the latest techniques in physiotherapy, staffers said.
For more, call 979-493-7592 or visit
14 Colorado County Living
Walnut St., Columbus 979-484-2100 or visit
Wellness Center 107 Shult Drive, Columbus 979-493-7592 or visit
Help houseplants survive a long winter
As fall gradually gives way to winter, gardeners expend ample energy preparing their flowers and plants for the months ahead. Plants may be pruned to increase the likelihood that they will return in full bloom come the spring, while lawns may be aerated so cool-season grasses can get the nutrients, water and oxygen they need when the temperatures dip. But what about houseplants? Do indoor houseplants need the same type of pre-winter TLC that outdoor plants need before winter arrives?
As the seasons change, so, too, do the conditions outside. And those conditions affect indoor houseplants much like they do lawns, gardens and trees. So it’s vital that people with houseplants do not overlook the need to keep houseplants going strong as fall gives way to winter.
Hours of daylight shorten in winter, which means some houseplants won’t get as much sun as they were accustomed to over the last several months. That means plants may need to be relocated closer to windows where they can make the most of each day’s sunlight. However, it’s important that there’s ample distance between the plant and the window, especially when winter temperatures get especially cold. If the plants are too close to a window on cold days, they could freeze. Keep them close enough to the windows to get ample sunlight but far enough away so they don’t get too cold. In addition, keep plants away from drafty windows as well as heating vents, as extreme temperatures are not conducive to healthy houseplants.
Cleaning plants is another way to help them survive a long winter. Dust settles in many homes in winter, when windows tend to remain closed for months on end and fresh air isn’t circulating around the house as much as it is in spring and summer. Pistil’s Nursery notes that dust inhibits a plant’s ability to photosynthesize, thus compromising its ability to make it through a winter unscathed. Better Homes & Gardens recommends using a soft-bristle paintbrush, a toothbrush or pipe cleaner to remove dust from African violets and other fuzzyleafed plants. Gently washing plants with a paper towel or cloth that’s been moistened with water can remove the dust. Oils and polishes should not be used to make leaves shine, as these substances can block pores on the plant.
Watering needs also may change when the temperatures drop. The indoor plant experts at Pistils Nursery in Oregon note that all houseplants need less water in winter. In fact, overwatering in winter can be especially harmful to indoor plants. Plant owners can try decreasing the frequency of their watering by half each winter and see how the plants respond.
Houseplants may need some extra attention in winter as hours of daylight dwindle and indoor conditions make it hard for plants to survive.
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