About Us

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CIMARRON VALLEY’S 2023 E-Z ICE Pg 6 TIGER LILY’S N&S SEED Pg 10 Pg 20 Pg 24 Business Directory
Specialty care without leaving town. Local residents are staying close to home for first-rate, personal specialty care. Our specialists are backed by a life-saving heart STILLWATERMEDICAL.COM 600 S. Linwood Ave. | Cushing 918.725.1599 MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:00am–12:00pm; 1:00pm–5:00pm 2340 E. Main St. | Cushing 918.725.1901 MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:00am–5:00pm Call 405.642.8222 to schedule an appointment. Amanda Miles, MD OB/GYN Kathryn
DO Cardiology Jerrod Vaughn, MD General Surgery Call 405.533.1074 to schedule an appointment. Call 405.533.3010 to schedule an appointment. J. Jordan Stivers, MD Orthopedics Call 405.707.0900 to schedule an appointment. SEEING PATIENTS AT: SEEING PATIENTS AT: and vascular institute, a nationally recognized orthopedic clinic, a CoC accredited cancer center, and an award-winning hospital.
E-Z ICE Phone: 918-225-2818 NET WT. 10LB (4.53 KG) Cushing,Oklahoma E-Z ICE 918-225-2818 ezicecushing.com Ice merchandisers • Ice Trailers • Timley Maintenance 20 lb bags • 10 lb bags • Block Ice
ABOUT US CIMARRON VALLEY’S PUBLISHER J.D. MEISNER publisher@cushingcitizen.com EDITOR Allie Prater editor@cushingcitizen.com WRITERS DeAnna Maddox Cayla DeHaas MARKETING Justin James marketing@cushingcitizen.com DESIGN Sapphire Smith CONTENTS 06 Equally Yolked Eggs 10 E-Z ICE 13 Cushing Public Schools 14 Central Tech 19 Hillcrest Hospital Cushing 20 Tiger Lily’s 24 N&S Seed 28 Stillwater Medical Center 31 City of Drumright 34 City of Cushing 36 Right Path Riding Academy 38 Business Directory

A little About Us

Thank you for picking up this keepsake copy of About Us magazine. Take it home with you. It’s yours. It’s about you. It’s about the place you live and work. It’s about your schools… your cities… your community… your neighbors… local businesses… their owners… the people that make them go.

About Us was created by the people that make our company go — the incredible team at Cimarron Valley Communications, LLC. We’re proud of it — we think you’ll agree that it’s a fantastic product… turns out, we’re really good at what we do.

Sun Tzu’s Art of War states, “There are not more than five primary colors, yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen.” This statement embodies the team at Cimarron Valley Communications and the harmonious work they do from our offices in Cushing’s Broadway District.

We are locally owned. MaryLee and I created Cimarron Valley Communications, LLC, in January of 2020 and in February, we bought the Cushing Citizen.

In August that same year, we purchased the Drumright Gusher and Yale News. We poured our hearts and souls into making all three of our publications as good as they can be while we worked to diversify our revenue streams.

The pandemic was wreaking havoc on our communities.

MaryLee, a school teacher, insisted that, as the local paper, we had an obligation to do whatever we could to help school-aged kids in our readership areas stay engaged in learning. She said we needed to publish a kids’ activity page in each of our papers to keep them reading and working while they sheltered at home. We shopped for a canned, ready to go page and found one, but it was too expensive. As we talked about ways to get a kids page into the paper, we realized we had the tools to create our own — Smartypants was born. Everyone loved it. I showed it to other

publishers and they wanted to use it. We made the decision to market Smartypants to small town newspapers like ours, at a price they can afford.

As of January 2023, Smartypants was syndicated and published in more than 40 newspapers world wide. It is something we are particularly proud of.

We diversified and grew, expanding the Gusher into the Mannford and Keystone Lake area and changed the paper’s name to reflect this growth.

Last spring, identifying a need in our coverage area, we published the Keystone Lake Guide, a full-color, glossy magazine all about Keystone Lake.

Every holiday season, for the last three years, we have published Cimarron Christmas — an Award-winning booklet stuffed full of carols, recipes and Christmas tidings. The enthusiasm for this product caught us completely off balance.

Cimarron Valley Communications, LLC now produces The Cushing Citizen, The Keystone Gusher, The Yale News, The Weekender Online, the Keystone Lake Guide, Cimarron Christmas, About Us Magazine, Smartypants kids page and more.

On top of all that, we manage to produce award-winning journalism and sports coverage through each of our newspapers, every week. We do this for you. Thank you for reading and subscribing to our newspapers. They are about you and for you.

Inside this edition of About Us is a complete directory of every businesses from Sand Springs to Stillwater across the Cimarron Valley. Use it. Shop local instead of buying from big box stores.

Make special considerations for the businesses that supported About Us through advertising on these pages. They get it. They understand the value in advertising and the value of supporting this publication. They understand this not just about them.

We’re all in this together. This is About Us.

5 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

When draft animals are equally yoked, they are working together to achieve the singular task of pulling a wagon, plow, or what have you. Both animals are equal, functioning in symphony, relying on each other to get the job done.

This philosophy inspired the brand Rick Ahrberg chose for his organic and cagefree eggs — Equally Yolked Eggs.

“It’s what we represent to the growers and the customers,” he said. “It’s how we raise and treat the birds. We provide them with a safe food and water supply and basic creature comforts.”

In return, the birds give Rick eggs.

Sixty-three years ago, Rick’s dad, William A. Ahrberg went into the feed business with his brother Bob when they purchased Hancock feeds. In 1967, they built the first feed manufacturing plant in Cushing and in 1985, Rick joined the team at Ahrberg Mills

The company continues to grow and expand under his leadership.

Rick, now President of Ahrberg Mills, is a native of Cushing and graduated from the Oklahoma State School of Business. His entire career has been in the agricultural industry in and around Cushing.

To say Rick knows his customers and their needs would be an understatement. As fate would have it, it was the needs of Rick’s customers that motivated him to go into the egg business.

Equally yoked depending on one another.

Rick Arhberg was raised to work hard alongside his fellow man. He applies this creed to his farm and to his business. On the farm, he treats his animals well and they count on him for their needs. He counts on them for sustenance and the livelihood of his family.

At the mill, Rick takes care of his customers. He knows that without them, there would be no Ahrberg Milling Company, no Equally Yolked Eggs, no livelihood for his family or the families of his employees.

Right alongside are Rick’s customers — farmers and ranchers who count on him to provide them with high-quality feed, medicine and products they need to have well-fed, healthy animals and run successful farms.

This unspoken arrangement was proven five years ago when Rick saw the bottom falling out of the locally-owned dairy industry.

Large commercial dairy operations out of California and New Mexico were buying out family dairy farms and controlling the industry, making it impossible for small, independent dairies to make ends meet. They were at risk of losing everything to the bank.

“Family dairies were going away,” said

Rick. “They were consolidating into corporate operations — small dairies couldn’t compete.”

Rick said that the Amish and other family dairy farms were starting to lose their way of life.

These were his friends and neighbors — they were also his customers. They bought feed from his mill. It made sense to Rick and his sons to help keep these family farms going — the same farms that keep his mill turning.

Rick’s vision, Equally Yolked Eggs, helped keep many of these farms with their original families.

Rick convinced these farmers to learn how to raise and care for egg-producing chickens, giving them precise guidelines on how the birds would be cared for and what they would be fed.

“It was a business decision as well as a moral decision,” said Rick. “These family dairy farms were going away and we helped transition them into a different way of life.”

Equally yoked Counting on each other.

In 2018, Rick began contracting with local growers who were able to meet his guidelines of raising chickens pastured or free range, or at least cage free.

“We are trying to help preserve jobs in communities by transitioning to the egg business,” he said. “We immediately started selling our eggs to other big companies who would put our eggs in their cartons.”

Over the last two years, the business sprouted wings.

In 2021, Arhberg built a 15,000 squarefoot egg processing facility on SH 33 south of Mannford where he could store, process and carton eggs in his own branded packaging.

The facility is insulated, refrigerated, and automated with plenty of room for growth. Having the eggs ready for market was one thing, finding a market to move them proved to be another hurdle Rick needed to clear.

The key was to get in with a distributor — and like any other type of business, this would require the right point of contact.

Enter Kevin Peterson — a roommate of Rick’s at OSU and now, the Director of Sales for Equally Yolked Eggs.

“A distributor laid Kevin off after 40 years,” said Rick. “It was the only place he ever worked.”

Rick had a need, saw a friend in need, and offered Kevin a job.

Equally yoked Taking care of each other.

“Kevin had contacts,” said Rick. "He got us in touch with the right people inside AWG and in September of 2022, the business took off,”

Associated Wholesale Grocers is one of the largest grocery distributors in the


Kevin put his contacts, charisma and industry knowledge to work for Rick. Equally Yolked eggs are now being sold in the majority of grocery stores in the area including Homeland, Reasor’s, Crest Foods, Uptown Market, Jumbo, and almost every small independent store in Oklahoma, including Phelps’ Market in Mannford.

“We’re currently selling 2,800 dozen eggs a day,” said Rick. “"Four years into it, and we’ve started to hit on all four cylinders.”

“Our eggs are even feeding the Thunder now,” he said.

Equally Yolked’s eggs are all brown eggs and they come in two specific types, organic, or conventional. The company produces equal amounts of each and they are literally flying off the shelf.

“Organic eggs are difficult and expensive to produce but there is demand,” said Ahrberg.

Organic certified feed comes at three times the cost over conventional feed. There can be no commercial fertilizer or pesticides anywhere… directly or indirectly.

Rick said, To be fully organic, we can’t use pesticides on feed, can’t use them on the birds, can’t use them in the enclosures. We can’t use them in the pasture, in fact they can’t have been used anywhere on the facility for the last three years.”

To ensure this, organic production facilities are strictly audited and are inspected semi annually.

“There’s a paper trail that goes with growing organically,” said Rick. “It’s

extensive, you can’t even use a treated fence post.”

More economical than the organic eggs are Equally Yolked’s cage-free eggs. The living conditions of Ahrberg’s chickens come in three distinct forms — all of which have the birds’ well-being in mind.

Cage free — basically chickens that are raised in a chicken coop with an enclosing pen. There are no restrictions on square footage — just no cages. Free range — a minimum of two square feet has to be provided per bird. This is generally a more spacious enclosure than conventional chicken coops.

Pastured — an operation where birds are provided a minimum of 10 square feet of space each.

In any of these scenarios, Rick says he and his growers are providing extra space for the birds that the Tysons of the world do not.

This means a lot of space because between Rick and his growers, they’ve got more than 30,000 birds, and counting. ”We’re going to grow this year by 25 percent,” he said. We’re going to go to 45,000 this year, We might get to 65,000 next year.”

This would more than double the production at their Mannford plant. Currently, Ahrberg’s birds are raised and cared for at four locations in the area. We asked, but About Us Magazine would not get an insider’s look at the place where the eggs meet the straw. Not that Ahrberg has anything to hide. He’s simply protecting his investment by protecting his birds from the avian flu,

7 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

which has decimated chicken populations among meat and egg producers.

According to Rick, it’s the primary reason that the price of eggs shot up last December.

Obviously, he doesn’t want it to happen to his birds — he and his growers are taking extreme measures.

“We’ve got lots of biosecurity,” he said. “We even spray the tires of every vehicle that comes and goes and nobody gets in that doesn’t need to be there.”

The packaging plant is clean as well.

When the eggs arrive, they are stacked on pallets in a huge room kept at 37 degrees, sorted by how the birds are grown - organic and conventional; cage free, free range and pastured.

The eggs are loaded onto conveyors where they are first washed, then are moved through a high tech imaging device that detects cracks, dirt and other substances on the outside of the shell and/or blood on the inside.

Suspect eggs are rejected and destroyed. The remaining eggs are individually weighed, sorted, and boxed for market. At capacity, the washing, scanning and packaging machine can handle 30,000 eggs an hour.

The parameters of each eggs’ weight are

fairly precise with a 56.75 gram minimum. This equates to approximately two ounces per egg.

Eggs below that weight are not cartoned, but are shelled and bagged for the restaurant industry.

Eggs that make weight go into cartons. “We guarantee 681 grams per carton and they normally grade out at 685 grams,” said Rick. “We are consistently over the minimum.”

The ultra high-quality eggs are then shipped to grocery stores across the state.

What does it take for a bird to produce day in and day out?

Careful care and feeding.

To produce an egg, a bird generally needs a quarter pound of feed a day.

Rick’s birds average a 94-percent lay rate meaning 94 out of 100 days each pullet will produce an egg.

Two of Rick’s growers are currently boasting a 96-percent lay rate. Rick attributes this to the quality of the birds, the quality of the feed, and the birds’ quality of life.

Rick uses Hy-line Browns, a hybrid series of chickens known for their high feed to egg conversion efficiency.

Hy-line Browns lay brown eggs, and while

Rick and other experts say there is little difference between a brown egg or a white egg other than the color of its shell, people who buy his eggs want them to be brown.

According to Rick, a young pullet will lay for 78 - 86 weeks before they begin their first molt and put their energy into feather production.

The Ahrberg’s latest endeavor not only guaranteed a farming way of life for the growers who adapted to raising chickens. He has hired at least 30 more employees on his farm and at the egg processing plant and has put on seven more at the mill just to handle the increased feed load.

Right now, with prices skyrocketing, Rick’s eggs are more economical than eggs produced by the large commercial operations.

“If things continue to work, I see us having 500K birds in five years,” he said. The growth of Equally Yolked Eggs will flow into the Cimarron Valley’s economy, saving more struggling farms, putting more people to work in meaningful jobs and providing Oklahomans with a fresh and healthy alternative to commercial eggs – reflecting the words that originally inspired Rick’s brand – equally yoked.

9 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 1107 E MAIN ST 918-225-3353 1400 E 9TH ST 918-225-7415 CheCk out Bill’s BBQ in the BaCk of Main st loC ation! √ ETHONOL FREE √ E-10 √ DIESEL CIGARETTES • CHIPS • FRIED FOOD • SODA • BEER

E-Z Ice Co.

“Big enough to get the job done, small enough to care”

E-Z Ice Co’s most recently incorporated date is listed as Dec. 31, 1997, but according to Chantz Candler, it has been a family business since the early 1980s. Bill Candler Sr., Chantz’s grandfather, opened the business because he needed an ice supplier for his convenience store especially during the hot, humid Oklahoma summers. Rather than waiting around for some out-of-town, faceless corporation to provide for him, he made the choice to do it himself. He was already running one successful business so he took his knowledge base and applied the same business model into creating an ice company and it worked – from that E-Z Ice Co. came to fruition.

At the turn of the century Chantz and his brother Chase Candler took ownership of the company. Ever since, they have been steadily working to grow it – and grow it has. “When we took over, there were not very many employees. Matter of fact, I think there were two,” Chantz said. The company now has 12 full time

employees year round and anywhere from 20 to 30 seasonally. The company currently has seven trucks with five drivers.

“We’ve grown it to where it is now,” Chantz said. “We have the capacity to produce over 30,000 bags a day.”

He also said in the busy season, their drivers are able to deliver seven days a week, which sets them apart from other businesses like theirs.

“Anybody can make ice, but can you have it delivered when the customer needs it? That’s what our deal is,” he explained. “You may think you need two days a week delivery but the Fourth of July is an exception to the rule when you may need it everyday.”

Considering the other family business, the Candler’s certainly know the needs of their customers. They give some credit to this fact on why their business is able to thrive.

“We’ve got convenience stores so we know what the customers expect. We don’t do it any differently than we would do it for ourselves,” Chantz said.

Of course, there are a slew of things that are required to run a business, for Chantz the top three

characteristics of success are hard work, customer service, and increasing production. Offering delivery seven days a week clearly shows their willingness to put in the work. The increase in production speaks for itself with the continued growth of the company. As for the customer service, Chantz said it comes down to treating everyone like family.

“We've got awesome employees that care about the customer and we try to treat them all like family - from our customers to our employees,” said Chantz.

Despite starting as a product of necessity, E-Z Ice Co. has always been much more. Since the founding of the business, a core philosophy has been, “people make progress”. This has been abundantly clear since Chantz and his brother Chase have had the reins.

No matter how the company has changed, upgraded, and grown, one thing stays the same.

“We’re big enough to get the job done and small enough to care,” said Chantz.

11 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

Preparing for...

The Cushing Public School system provides opportunities for students to obtain the necessary skills, knowledge and habits to reach their goals and achieve any level of success on which they set their sights.

Cushing’s best assets are its public schools. The schools are a contemporary blend of factors that make these institutions, their people and students the best Cushing has to offer.

The combination of a well-trained and professional staff, a comprehensive curriculum, exciting extra-curricular activities and relevant special services all work together to prepare our students for success.

Cushing Public Schools Board of

Barrett Shupe.................... President

Brina Tate.................. Vice President

Trudy Evans .......................... Clerk

Dena Floyd.......................... Member

Shawn Hubble...................... Member

Cushing Public Schools officials and architects broke ground February 6th, 2023, officially kicking off construction of the $56.4 million Cushing Elementary School at Harmony and Ninth Streets in Cushing. Present at the ceremony were Martha Cackler, Nancy Dowell, Superintendent Melissa Amon, school board members Barrett Shupe, Brina Tate, Shawn Hubble, and Dena Floyd, Economic Development Director Bruce Johnson, Sally Wright and Chris Hubbard.

Cushing Public Schools Dr. Melissa Amon - Superintendent 1401 N. Little, Cushing 918-225-3425 Cushing Lower Elementary 918.225.4697 Cushing Upper Elementary 918.225.4497 Cushing Middle School 918.225.1311 Cushing High School 918.225.6622 Cushing Pre Kindergarten 918.225.4683

Cushing Public Schools

The resilience of the Cushing Public Schools administration, staff, and students has proved to be an imperative quality throughout the last few years. The dedication of all the individuals supporting the district progressed it even further recently with facility updates, high quality staffing, and versatile curriculum. A $69.7 million bond was passed by district voters at the start of 2022 – ensuring the continuation of improvements to CPS. The funding from the bond is going toward building projects including concession stand and restrooms at the football field, a freshmen wing and band room addition at the high school, renovations to the fine arts department, a safe room addition at the middle school, and the much anticipated building of a new elementary school closer to the other district buildings. Demolition and removal of the old concession is completed as well as demolition prepwork for the band room addition. Earthwork for the concession, freshman wing, and band room began at the beginning of 2023. Projected completion for the concession stand and restrooms is set for August of this year. The freshmen wing, band room, fine arts area, and safe room are all projected to be completed by fall of 2024. Construction for the new elementary began in February and is projected to be completed at the beginning of 2025. Projects which have updated the look of the district are new flooring, ceilings, paint, trophy cases, and lighting. Other cosmetics include new storefronts and furniture in the office and library.

Renovations to restrooms throughout the campus have been completed with an addition of a family restroom in the main building.

“We believe in putting students first. Our community has been extremely supportive in passing bonds to provide our students with state-of-the-art facilities,” said Superintendent Melissa Amon. “We provide our students and staff with clean and safe environments in which to learn and work.”

Amon said one of the most important things to know about CPS is that students are the top priority which is evident in the well-balanced curriculum and the investment placed in staffing.

“We strive to provide an abundance of elective and after-school choices that support student learning and provide our students with a variety of experiences.”

Across the district, students are provided with new, high quality instructional materials and a curriculum that is updated yearly to ensure a comprehensive learning experience at every level of education. A vital part of this is by investing in outstanding teachers in the classroom.

“Cushing Public Schools provides learning opportunities for all of our staff members through programs that provide support for early career teachers, instructional coaching, and professional development,” Amon said.

Enrollment over the last few years has shown a steady increase. The 2020-2021 school year saw enrollment around 1,500, the 21-22 school year reported around 1,600 enrollment, and current Pre-K to 12th grade student enrollments are now over 1,700, which was the average number pre-pandemic, according to


The district received about $4 million in federal money through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) and Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding programs. These funds were used to purchase cleaning supplies, personal protective equipment, and technology. They were also a factor in maintaining after-school programs and transportation at all district levels.

A $4.5 million gift from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott was also given to the district last year as part of her commitment to give back to community organizations. CPS was selected due to the initiative shown by leadership in providing high quality learning experiences. The gift ensured the continued support of student achievement and learning in the district. Meal waivers that were available at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic ended across the nation in June of 2022. Board of education members needed to make a decision on meal costs. The board chose to return the cost to pre-pandemic pricing.

“We know families are going to have to adjust to having to pay for meals again so we just left them the same as they were the last time we charged,” said Amon at the time.

Board members at the beginning of 2023 were President Barrett Shupe, Vice President Brina Tate, Clerk Trudy Evans, Dena Floyd, and Shawn Hubble.

Dr. Melissa Amon is superintendent and Mike Wayland is assistant superintendent.

13 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com
“We believe in putting students first”


The first meeting of the Central Oklahoma Area Vocational Technical School Board of Education was held on July 20, 1967. Four months later on November 13 board members hired John H. Hooper as the new school district’s first superintendent.

In August of 1968, Central Technology Center, better known as Central Tech, was constructed in Drumright following a district approved bond at a cost of $935,000. Before the new campus was fully formed, the vocational school was conducting practical nursing classes in a rented building. Two years later, the new campus would host the first of many classes to come.

The Drumright campus continued to grow with additions of an adult training facility in 1973, a driving range for truck driver training in 1974, and a 30,000-square-foot trade and industrial education building in 1977. A year later, the school would expand with a second campus in Sapulpa.

Following the opening of the Sapulpa campus, was the construction of a graphics communications building, an administrative and high technology addition to the original structure in 1983, plus a 4,608-squarefoot addition to the north end of the main building in 1988. A telecommunications wing was added in 2001.

A 16,000-square-foot pipeline and safety

training center was added to the Drumright campus in 2011 and an industrial and safety training center was added to Sapulpa in 2014. These additions expanded on the business and industry services at each campus. In Sapulpa, the center played the extra role of housing the full-time HVAC program. These services expanded so quickly that in 2021, the business and industry services department moved down the street to a newly renovated building located at 1612 S. Main in Sapulpa. In 2022, a plumbing program opened in Sapulpa and a lineman program opened in Drumright. Today, Central Tech grows -- both on campus and across the district. The Drumright campus is in the midst of building a new addition on the south end which will provide a new conference center as well as a larger area of instruction for the growing biomedical sciences. In fall of 2023, the Sapulpa campus will open a cosmetology program. In order to provide more accessible training opportunities to its patrons across the district, Central Tech plans to expand short-term classes. Bristow and Cleveland will start to see benefits of the technology center with courses including industryrequired certifications, entrepreneurial and small business workshops, and personal interest courses being offered to the communities.

Central Tech also hosts an open house

each year during Career and Technical

Education month in February on the Sunday preceding President’s Day. This year, the event will be held on February 19 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. giving communities the opportunity to see firsthand how students are prepared for the workforce utilizing the latest technology. Activities during the event will include a car show, free health fair, food, games and contests, virtual reality and simulations, and more than 70 hands-on activities. A job fair will also be held during the event.

“If imitation is the highest form of flattery, I am flattered to have three former students that are currently teaching the skills that I have taught them.”
-Nick Gaunt, Network Security & Administration Instructor
“I am a registered nurse that left the industry hoping to make a bigger impact teaching future healthcare professionals. After being voted “Most Influential Teacher” twice by previous highschool students, the honor made me realize every day I can make a difference in the lives of our students.”
- Julie Bird, Health Careers Instructor
“Central Tech taught me a great skill that I can use for a job and in everyday life.”
-Hayden Dennis, Alumni


The legal name for the technology center was officially changed to Central Technology Center in 1995, and its marketing name to Central Tech, when the state vo-tech system became Oklahoma CareerTech. Central Tech is part of the Oklahoma CareerTech system which has been connecting students and businesses with training opportunities for more than 100 years.

The system includes 29 tech centers operating on 60 campuses, 391 PK12 school districts, 15 Skills Centers campuses, 32 Adult Education and Family Literacy providers at 116 sites with over 440,000 enrollments and over 6,600 companies served in fiscal year 2022 across the CareerTech centers.

As part of the Oklahoma CareerTech system Central Tech works toward closing the skills gap by offering courses established to meet upcoming demands in the workforce. These courses vary widely, each established through a process which utilizes an advisory committee.

Advisory committees composed of business and industry partners, former students, parents, and agencies guiding program direction from the private sector provide leadership and cooperation to

each program and service area at Central Tech.

Curriculum incorporates problem solving, critical thinking, and teamwork in course assignments. Students complete their training by earning industry-recognized certifications/licensure driven by the demands of high-skill industry sectors. The Central Tech Advisory Committee recommendations are utilized to create new courses by helping to determine future high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand jobs needed in the upcoming workforce to create effective courses and curriculum which takes advantage of current technology and equipment. Central Tech Advisory Committees are vital to providing employability skills needed for success and ensuring a productive workforce for Oklahoma’s economy.


Oklhoma’s economic development projects require a skilled workforce including engineering, electromechanical, and HVAC technicians as well as CAD drafters, construction workers, and electricians to build a business structure from the ground up. Central Tech is capable of providing the skills needed for that workforce.

Through collaboration with business and industry partners, like with the advisory committees, Central Tech is able to provide career-focused instruction which will lead to students earning the necessary credentials in their sought after area of study.

Recently, the school partnered with four aviation companies to find a solution for finding and hiring experienced workers resulting in a 10-month, 14-course aviation maintenance technician program starting in February of 2023.

Central Tech has had an extensive impact on the areas it serves since it was first established. Currently, business training enrollments for the center reach nearly 16,000 and both full-time and adult education enrollments each surpass the thousand mark leading to more than 18,000 enrollments. More than 400 area businesses rely on Central Tech to provide customized business and industry training.

Central Tech graduates average an hourly wage of more than $14. The average hourly wage for entry-level truck drivers is over $21. The school maintains 94-percent placement of students entering the workforce or continuing education.

15 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com
“Central Tech provided me with skills I wouldn't have learned in a traditional setting and thanks to that training, I now work as an employee at Central Tech using the same skills I had learned as a student.”
-McKinley Meyer, Alumni and works at Central Tech

Sixty-four percent of working graduates are employed in jobs related to their career major.

The technology center has held 164 classes in adult education and 1,767 classes in business training. The center offers both full-time and short-term classes in the areas of business, CLEET and law, construction, creativity, health, manufacturing, and transportation with target classes in each area as well as additional classes separate.

Central Tech is the economic engine connecting education and training to specific jobs resulting in the production of a relevant workforce in Oklahoma.

Central Tech has been ranked by The Oklahoman as one of the “Top Work Places” for eight years. The school is a top performer in the OKlahoma CareerTech system ranking high in job placement for graduates. It has been awarded the Gold Star School Award for excellence in technology education.

"Much more than a tagline, we fulfill Central Tech’s mission of – changing lives with technical education and services. We aim to support our students and employees’ total well-being by creating an environment that allows our

people to grow both professionally and personally,” said Kent Burris, Central Tech superintendent.

2023 Central Tech Administration

Kent Burris, Superintendent

LaDonna Gear, Assistant Superintendent

Mark Cotner, Assistant Superintendent

“Central Tech pushed me to reach my potential and my goals. My favorite part was hands-on activities and how involved the instructors were. The projects were a blast!”
-Stacie Reed, Alumni
“The instructors were amazing, and I created a family with my classmates.
I’m truly grateful I got to experience Central Tech.”
-Baylee Baltzell, Alumni
17 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com DON’T SETTLE FOR AVERAGE. millennium.c21.com
CIMARRON HEARING AID CENTER 827 E. Main St. in Cushing 918-225-0364
The new Oticon More miniRITE R is a discreet litium-ion-based rechargeable style that provides a full day of battery life. *including streaming, after just three hours of charging. Oticon More includes a choice of performance levels, comes with a t-coil, and covers hearing loss ranging from mild to severe. Oticon More miniRITE R is compatible with miniRITE Charger 1.0. NEW miniFIT OpenBass dome Easier open fittings with improved sound in low and mid frequencies.

About Hillcrest Cushing

As one of the largest employers in the area with 146 hospital and clinic employees, Hillcrest Cushing strives to provide compassionate and quality health care. Their advanced emergency and medical services include cardiology, surgery, ear, nose and throat (ENT), orthopedics, imaging, lung cancer screenings and physical therapy.

Sleep care is also a service provided at the hospital. Oklahoma Heart Institute Sleep Care has a full-time staff of physicians and sleep specialists who diagnose and treat sleep disorders in both children and adults.

Patients can connect to their care from virtually anywhere. The hospital offers MyChart, an online portal for patients to communicate with their doctor, schedule, and check-in for appointments, access test results and make payments.

A new chief nursing officer (CNO), new emergency medicine doctors and recognition from a widely respected national outlet highlighted a memorable year for Hillcrest Hospital Cushing as the hospital continued to carry out its mission of quality patient care.

Year in Review

Hillcrest Cushing continued to earn national recognition in 2022. The hospital was named a top rural hospital in the nation. This is the second time the hospital has been given this distinction. This accomplishment highlights its achievements in patient safety and quality care.

New Leadership

Lisa Lumry took over as CNO for Hillcrest Cushing in June of 2022 after starting as emergency room manager the preceding March. Lumry has 25 years of nursing experience, and worked at the OU Health trauma emergency room for three years before coming to Hillcrest. She said the staff at Hillcrest Cushing feels like family, and they’re dedicated to providing the best possible care for patients.

“I genuinely love the dedication the employees have for the hospital and those we serve,” said Lumry. “I love that it is a rural community where everyone knows each other, and I see how much our staff love and take pride in their jobs.”

David Seng, RN, joined the Hillcrest Cushing staff as emergency room manager in January of 2023. Seng has more than 27 years of health care experience and also worked at the OU Health trauma center for more than three years before joining the Hillcrest staff. In his new position, Seng oversees the addition of Green Country Physicians’ board-certified emergency medicine doctors to the department.

“It’s an option the hospital has invested in. Those physicians are specifically educated in emergency medicine,” said Seng. “They have the experience to decide if patients need to be admitted or need a specialist. They’re quicker at the bedside to make those decisions.”

Hillcrest Cushing is also a base for Survival Flight emergency transport services. A helicopter and crew are located at the hospital, ready to transport any patient who may need more advanced care to a different facility.

“If we have any patients who need advanced care in Oklahoma City or Tulsa, the helicopter is available,” said Seng. “Having a helicopter based in this community is a big asset.”

19 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

Tiger Lily’s

Beautiful Blooms for every occasion.

Jennifer Hixson is the proud owner of Tiger Lily’s Floral. She opened her doors in early fall of 2020. Tiger Lily’s is a welcoming and cozy place in Cushing’s Broadway District.

Hixson has always been passionate about flowers.

“Well, early on in my life I had quite a few different career choices,” she said. “But somehow, some way, I always found myself going back to flowers.”

Hixson was 18-19 years old when she started to freelance and did the flowers for many of her friends’ weddings as well as her own.

“I knew I loved doing flowers for various events,” said Hixson. She just wasn't

quite sure how to make a career out of it. Hixson takes pride in all of her work .

“It is hard to pick just one event from this past year that I just absolutely loved the outcome of,” she said. “I always look forward to the Cushing Chamber Banquet, and Valentine's Day especially.”

Tiger Lily’s was also named small business of the year in 2022 and Best of Flower Shops in the Best of Cimarron Valley Readers’ Choice Awards.

“If I don’t like the outcome, then I feel as if I did not finish, and if I don't feel the project is complete, then I am not scared to call off the event and start over,” she said.

Jennifer said there is nothing that she loves more than doing sympathy work. To her, there is nothing better than

seeing someone's day lighten up by something she made.

Hixson said that the least favorite part about her job would probably have to be the book work and the numbers. She said she would much rather spend her time working with flowers.

Her favorite flower would be the Gerbera Daisy. “They always just seem like such happy flowers, they are just so pretty, and big, and round, they also come in a multitude of colors,” she said.

Her least favorite flower would be a carnation because, in her opinion, they are just simply overused. When asked what the craziest order she has had was said “Well I once delivered five different orders to one person through the course of one day.”

21 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com
Let us help you make your house a home! Don & Verna Huckabay (918) 399-3788 dovecompanies@gmail.com Remodeling • New Construction • More! Serving Cushing & the surrounding areas. all employee’s are Background checked we are licensed, insured & covered By workers comp WE ARE LICENSED, INSURED & COVERED BY WORKERS COMP ALL EMPLOYEE’S ARE BACKGROUND CHECKED • Find us on
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James Nelson, owner of N&S Seed LLC, grew up working for local farmers in his hometown of Thomas. After high school, James spent nearly a decade working in the oil and gas industry as a general superintendent and inspector, all while still farming on the side.

In 2018, James and his wife Milea started a small custom cutting and bailing operation through their farm in Dover.

In the fall of 2021, James and Milea had the chance to help a friend of theirs who ran a construction company do some restorative work on farmland after a pipeline was built. This was the birth of N&S seed. “It’s so nice to be able to work with land owners and farmers to restore their property back to a better condition than it was before the pipeline construction,” said James, “We strive to make a friend with every singe one of them we get the

opportunity to work for.”

Working to restore more than just land, the Nelsons have dedicated their free time to serving their community.

Noticing a lack of youth rodeo groups in the area for their kids to participate in, James and Milea started their own: The Lazy N Horseman’s Club.

“We built an arena in our backyard for the kids,” said James, “ Now people come from all over to participate in our play days and other events.”

The Nelsons also noticed a need for a place of worship that fit into their extremely busy lifestyle.

“A year ago we started our cowboy church,” said Milea “We meet once a month in our shop.”

“We don’t leave ourselves with much free time at all,” said James “by the time we get home, our work clothes come off and our heads hit the pillow."

Milea is no stranger to serving those around her.

Born and raised in Dover, Milea worked for Integers Health for eight years working in radiology, employee health, and environmental health and safety.

Milea was also a volunteer firefighter for 18 years in Lovell.

When the 2022 harvest came, and work began with custom cutting of wheat and rye; the harvest yields were low and conversations began about the difficulty of finding seed to replant in the fall.

James went to work getting a wholesale seed license for N&S and using his own semi and grain hopper to buy seed out of state.

“It was very fast paced trying to help get seed where it needed to be without the ability to store the grain,” said James. “We prayed for a solution, and eventually our troubles were solved.” In the fall of 2022, the grain elevator in Lovell was up for auction and N&S seed made the purchase.

“The elevator was a blessing from God, it came at the right time,” said James. The Nelsons are working on having a seed cleaning facility in Lovell and will soon have the ability to ship from there. “We will handle all types of seed and do our best to help everyone find the seed they need,” said James.

25 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com Consider SWO for your travel needs visitstillwater.org stillwaterchamber.org stillwater.org Check out the great things hap pen ing in aa.com Stilwat er!

Downtown Cushing Revitalization Association (DCRA) is a 501(c)3 incorporated organization exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.

Purpose and Goal: To generate construction and restoration projects which augment the local tax base and protects the public investment in infrastructure.

Mission: To improve the quality of life by strengthening the downtown as the center of the community through concentrated

These events are sponsored by the DCRA Board of Directors and any individual who desires to participate, include:

4 Soup Thyme in March -8th annual was in 2017.

4 Red Carpet Karaoke in June -6th annual in 2017.

4 Native American Heritage Festival is the second weekend of September. The 3rd annual to be in 2017.

Centennial Park:

The Downtown Association is the owner of the Centennial Park located 110 East Broadway. Maintained by volunteers and fund raisers. Open to the public during the business hours and is available to rent for a low cost of $35.00. Great place for music, bands and jam, weddings, private parties. Complete with stage for bands.

641 Harrison St. in Pawnee / 918-762-3174

Keep up-to-date on all things Drumright! Follow us! www.facebook.com/CityofDrumright @CityofDrumright City Hall Hours: 8am - 5pm Mon-Fri. Closed noon to 1pm. Address: 122 West Broadway, Drumright, OK 74030 To report gas, water, sewer or sanitation issues: call City Hall at 918-352-2631 during normal operating hours. After hours and on weekends call 918-352-2151. We are here to serve you! Police Non-Emergency- 918-352-2151 Animal Control -
Library -
Utility Clerk Ext. 4 Court Clerk Ext. 5 City Manager Ext. 15 City Clerk/ Treas. Ext. 16 Fire Chief Code Enforcement Ext. 17 City Hall / 918 - 352 - 2631 Brown’s Bottle shop Beer/Wine/SpiritS
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Service What We SELL!
DCRA P.O. Box 907 Cushing, OK 74023
and operators of the Centennial Park, which can be rented for events, at 110 E. Broadway.
27 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com 405-258-0055 • 1-855-598-4003 www.randybowenchevrolet.com JUST OFF I-44 EXIT 166 Individual Services Gravel & Sand• Dozer & Skid Steer • Sand Blasting • Snow Removal • Welding Repairs or Custom Builds : Porch Steps • Firewood Racks • Cattle Guard • Gates • Swing Frames & More Oilfield Supplies & Services Tank Truck • Hauling • Pumper • Welding • Pumping Units • Gas Engines • Vessel & Tank Refurbishment • Casing • Tubing • Rods • Lease Maintenance & Site Clean Up • Rock & Sand Delivery • Crane • Dozer & More

Expansion at Stillwater Medical Center

Imagine being separated from your baby minutes after delivery or having to choose whether to stay with your postpartum wife or travel to be with your newborn baby. Thanks to the generosity of OnCue, and their gift to name a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Stillwater Medical, fewer families with premature babies will have to face these unimaginable decisions.

Stillwater Medical Foundation is raising funds to bring a Level II NICU to the Stillwater hospital. This ten-bed unit will serve all central and north-central Oklahoma. Denise Webber, Stillwater Medical CEO, explains “the addition of a newborn intensive care unit at Stillwater Medical means that families can stay together and be closer to home. And we know that this increases positive outcomes for babies and mothers. Bonding, breast feeding rates, and healing all improve when families can be together.”

Often, premature babies must be sent out of state because there are simply not enough NICU beds to keep Oklahoma families together. The creation of a Level II NICU in Stillwater, allowing families to stay closer to home. The 98-bed Level IV NICU at Oklahoma Children’s Hospital OU Health is frequently operating at maximum capacity, explained Trent E. Tipple,

M.D., F.A.A.P., chief of neonatology at Oklahoma Children’s Hospital and chief of the section of neonatal-perinatal medicine at OU College of Medicine. Level IV NICUs offer the most comprehensive care to the most seriously ill newborns needing complex medical and surgical care.

Tipple said Oklahoma Children’s Hospital receives many patients from Stillwater Medical and surrounding hospitals who need Level II care, underscoring how the creation of a Level II NICU at Stillwater Medical makes perfect sense. Understanding the need and the funds required to make a Stillwater NICU a reality, OnCue knew they wanted to help. OnCue President, Laura Aufleger said, “we knew our gift would make the NICU a reality and our commitment would have an impact on children and families in

Oklahoma for decades to come.” OnCue’s $1,000,000 gift is the largest single gift ever received at Stillwater Medical. “Our stores have been serving the Stillwater area for 55 years, and I am beyond grateful that we can make this investment to save lives in our community,” said Aufleger.

“The Foundation is grateful for OnCue’s vision and generous investment in Stillwater and all of north central Oklahoma and we are excited to celebrate the naming of the OnCue Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,” said Michal Shaw, Stillwater Medical Foundation Executive Director, during Monday’s press conference.

Opening of the OnCue Neonatal ICU is scheduled for the spring of 2024.

29 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com (918) 225-3103 402 E. BROADWAY, CUSHING Planning a funeral can be overwhelming, but you are not alone in this. We’re here to support you throughout this journey and make this process one of love, healing, and life celebration. Shop iN STORE : 118 E Broadway Street OR ONLINE : cargillleather.com Custom leather goods, boots, jewelry, and so much more! Come visit us in Downtown Cushing! 9183231107 1437 E Main St, Cushing, OK 74023 Branstetter Insurance Agency LLC Contact us today for your home, auto, business, and renters insurance. (918) 225-7522

Drug & Alcohol Withdrawal Program in Cushing

End Dependence is an inpatient service for adults planning to withdraw from drug or alcohol use through medical stabilization. Since the program is voluntary, each prospective patient needs to make a conscious decision to begin treatment and have the desire to make a change.

Offering treatment for:

• Alcohol

• Cocaine

• Opioids

• Methamphetamines

Call to speak with an intake coordinator between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Most insurance plans and private pay are accepted. Unfortunately, we are unable to treat patients who are pregnant, suicidal or non-tapering benzo users. However, Hillcrest will attempt to provide you with viable resources for your medical stabilization needs.

1027 E. Cherry St. • Cushing • 918-225-2915 • hillcrest.com/end-dependence

City of Drumright –

Working toward improvement

The 2022 year for the City of Drumright started on a good note with donations allowing for improvements to city owned areas. A monetary donation of $50,000 from the Lionel and Bea Harris Foundation was applied to cleaning up downtown. Drumright City Manager Mark Whinnery said the donation allowed for the demolition of three buildings downtown. Property donations from Drumright citizens lead to an expansion to the Drumright Public Library’s parking lot which is also used as additional space for vendors during the Drumright Monthly Market.

The Drumright Public Library was awarded a $3,000 grant from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. According to Library Director Brenda Grisham, the grant was used to purchase a large outside book drop box and additional books for the community. By doing this, citizens no longer had to enter the library to return books.

Drumright’s parks received improvements throughout the year. Members of the local Rotary Club were able to donate two emblemed benches which were installed at Cleo Hutchins Centennial Park. A plaque honoring the late Vice Mayor Judy (Shelton) Burris was placed in Centennial Park – a dedication ceremony was held in November of 2022.

City officials submitted five project proposals in the hope of receiving funding through the American Recovery Plan Act that would improve or replace much needed infrastructure.

The projects – curry well rehabilitation, curry well pump and electric upgrade,

new well at water treatment plant, sewer line replacement at Ohio and Smathers Avenue, and a sewer line replacement at Bristow Avenue and Hickory Street, had an estimated total cost of nearly $250,000. According to Whinnery, city officials are still working through the paperwork stages on these projects.

Improvements through the year include a $12,500 replacement of a sewer line between North Pennsylvania Avenue and North Morrow Avenue and the repairing of Well #8 costing $7,903.10.

Officials are currently in the planning stages of a water plant renovation project which will hopefully be funded through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce through the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG). Whinnery explained the goal of the project is to improve and modulate water flow through the three filters at the water plant.

Current city officials are Mayor Deborah Bright, Vice Mayor Jeremy Snow, City Manager Mark Whinnery, Commissioners Misty Cook, Derrek Beaumont, and Tabitha Snell. The 2022 Supervisor of the Year was awarded to Brenda Grisham, the library director. The 2022 Employee of the Year was awarded to Kari McCarthy, the deputy clerk for the city and court.

The much anticipated move of the city hall and police station was mostly completed by the end of May with just a few stray moving boxes left to be emptied, said Whinnery. City hall is now located at 424 East Broadway and the police station has been relocated to 122 W Broadway the former home of city hall. The cost of buying the building and renovating it for use as cty hall cost around $133,000.

A new location was not the only change for the Drumright Police Department; there has also been change in leadership. Brian Gooch resigned as police chief after accepting a new position at a different department. Chris Reinke held the position temporarily before Shawn Gibson was officially named to the position. Gibson had been in the position of school resource officer which saw David Wright taking on the position following him. Additional department news throughout 2022 was the department receiving the Award of Verification from Oklahoma Chiefs of Police Association and OMAG, Gerad Poole and Matt Kearney receiving life-saving awards, and the addition of K9 Therapy unit Maize.

Regular Drumright City Commission meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m., at 122 West Broadway.

An Independence Day celebration is planned for July 4, at Whitlock Park. The celebration sees booths offering food and shopping opportunities.

Drumright Monthly Market is held April through December on the first Saturday of each month at the museum on Broadway. The annual Oilpatch Jamboree is held the first Saturday in October.

The 2023 Drumright Area Chamber of Commerce President is Angela Titus with Amy Davis serving as chamber vice president. Titus takes the position from Pastor Brett Land of the Drumright Baptist Church who completed his term in January of 2023. In addition to the chamber reorganization during the annual chamber banquet Chris Reinke was selected as the Drumright Citizen of the Year.

31 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com
NO HORMONES NO ANTIBIOTICS NO GMOS NO CAGES Organic Pasture - Raised Hens Visit us @ www.opfarms.net
33 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com It’s about Community how may we serve you? City Manager ................................. 918-225-0277 City Engineer ................................ 918-225-0277 City Clerk......................................... 918-225-0277 Utility Office ................................... 918-225-0277 Utility Outage ................................ 918-225-0795 Police ................................................. 918-225-1212 Fire ...................................................... 918-225-3361 Library ............................................... 918-225-4188 Senior Citizens Center ............ 918-225-5333 Youth Center ................................. 918-225-4127 City Hall ........................... 100 Judy Adams Blvd. Library .................................................. 215 N. Steele Senior Citizens Center .............. 203 E. Cherry Youth Center ............................ 700 S. Little Ave. Police & Fire ....................................... 211 W. Main Aquatic Center .......................... 5th & Little Ave #VolunteersMakeItHappen

City of Cushing – Small town, Big Energy

For a small town tucked between bustling cities, Cushing can certainly leave a big impression. Despite being considered relatively small, Cushing provides atypical amenities for a city with an estimated population of around 8,000. These amenities include a regional hospital, a municipal airport, a waterpark, senior citizen center, community youth center, and numerous parks to name a few. Improving these amenities have been top priority for city leadership.

City Manager Terry Brannon described Cushing as the ideal place to live and raise a family.

“We don’t have major retail here. . . but in terms of location we are an ideal community to live in with access to those without dealing with expensive living, expensive housing, traffic and those types of things.” He continued by praising the school system, referring to it as excellent and progressive with facilities and supplies provided to students as second to none.

Some of the most impactful upcoming changes recently, according to Brannon, includes the completion of the fire training tower, the difficulty faced in repairing out-ofdate power plant equipment, the eventual building of a new substation, and taking steps to update a comprehensive plan for the city.

“We have good livability here. This is a fantastic town to live in. We are a business friendly community. I believe we are a town that loves its citizens’,” he claimed. “When

COVID happened and as recently as the last two weeks we haven’t cut anyone’s utilities off because of the weather.”

Over the last year, a plan for updates and improvements to city-owned recreation areas was created and recently accepted.

The City Wide Recreational Master Plan was adopted by the Cushing Board of Commissioners just before 2023 began. The principal in charge of creating the plan said in addition to providing a comprehensive look at the opportunities to improve recreational facilities it would also help the city when applying for future grants. According to Brannon, investing in projects to improve recreational areas will be a benefit for residents in Cushing and surrounding areas.

“It comes down to one thing – quality of life,” he said. “Because it is a quality of life improvement I think people will be so happy that we have taken those steps to make those improvements.”

In the midst of the creation of the plan, city leadership also applied for a trail grant as a way to fund suggested improvements to the Memorial Park walking trail. The grant was for $300,000 from the state with an initial commitment of $200,000 from the city providing a total of $500,000 to fund the project. After further information, Brannon said an increase from the city would be needed to see the project to fruition anytime soon.

“We are working now to consider maybe increasing our investment on our side in order to get the project done,” he said in January of 2023. “The goal is to take some action in February. . . If we don’t then we

have a 3-year fund.”

Meaning if the city does not increase investment the trail grant is viable for use until 2025 but all the initial improvements may not be budgeted for at present. If there are changes to the economic market or increases to the current budget it may be possible but those changes would have to happen soon in order to begin the project. Public input about the project had been positive following a discussion of how it may interfere with the recently installed 18hole disc golf course at Memorial Park – the majority of said problem was resolved prior to the application for the grant.

The presented plan saw a removal of existing asphalt roads to be replaced with an eight-foot-wide concrete trail connecting to the current trail. Parking lots with ADA spots, an ADA sidewalk connection, and ADA and directional signage was also included in the plans for the grant funds. Brannon said the Memorial Park Walking Trail would add to the quality of life for the entirety of Cushing.

“The walking trail is something so many people use,” he said. “We’re looking at making improvements to not only the trail itself but also to what I call Liberty Island at the duck pond. A small memorial dedicated. . . A brand new pedestrian bridge that stretches from the road to the island. Brand new seating throughout the entire trail. We’re also going to light the entire trail.” Another amenity that has seen significant changes as of late is the Cushing Municipal Airport. Brannon said after he self-reported the municipal airport was not running in line with Federal Aviation Administration

“Wholly committed to serving the community”

regulations in 2021 a host of changes were made.

“The way it had been structured for over 30 years was for example, when someone wanted to build a brand new hangar at the airport they got a lease that allowed them to pay a minimum amount of money for 20 years as repayment for the investment to the airport. At the conclusion of that 20 years, you’d begin to pay what I refer to as potential market rate rent for that hangar but we hadn’t been doing that here,” he explained. Work to become FAA compliant at the airport came to a head in 2022 when the commission approved hangar rates following lengthy discussion and sometimes heated public input. In the end, the commission approved staff recommended rates by a vote of 4-1. City Attorney Jonathan Huseman stated the staff rates decreased from the initial rates proposed by the engineering firm but were still within FAA guidelines for fair market rate and aimed for sustainability. The staff proposal rates for T-Hangars and shared multi-engines per month was both $145, Box Hangars per month was 12 cents per sq. ft., and private aeronautical land lease per sq. ft. at 16 cents with non-aeronautical land lease at 10 cents per year.

“The set up rate structure puts us in a favorable position with the FAA meaning that we’re not giving our hangars away on a monthly basis and we are charging a fair market rate,” said Brannon. He went on to say at the beginning of 2023 hangar tenants were officially notified by mail of the rates they would have to pay in addition to the regular insurance bill. According to Brannon, the insurance bill has been a cost to tenants

for decades because the property is insured by the city.

One thing the community has been anticipating a decision on is Cushing Lake. Unfortunately, so far no decision has been made. A spillway failure in 2019 led to the lake being drained and it has been left untouched since. New dam regulations from the Oklahoma Water Resource Board (OWRB) led to officials looking into the options. The commission was provided with three options with varying cost and results.

The first two options had an estimated cost of at least $5 million to rebuild the spillway with additional cost for structure modification not factored or an estimate of $100,000 to raise and lengthen the auxiliary spillway. The third option had the lowest estimated cost of $350,000 initially and would have the failed section of spillway removed. By choosing the final option the area would no longer be considered a lake but may still have other uses such as wetlands at which some hunting and fishing may be possible.

“We truly do not have a defined direction at this point,” said Brannon in January. He went on to say the community should ask the question whether the cost to make sure the area was usable as a lake was an investment or not, especially when considering it would not be able to be used as a secondary water source.

“I think that is the question the town should have to ask themselves. We can build a recreational lake and repair the spillway but what happens after that,” he said. “It’s not going to generate enough revenue – you’re not going to sell enough fishing licenses, not enough camping site permits. You’re not going to sell enough of those things to pay it back.”

He said additional projects associated with rehabilitating the lake – clearing vegetation and shorelines, attempting to remove built up siltation, and building camping sites as well as recreational trails – could potentially cost millions.

“It’s not an easy decision,” he said. “It’s not an easy discussion but I think the people of the town ultimately have to decide whether that is a great investment for the community.”

A few easy decisions the commission faced throughout the year included several approvals for various grants.

A 2022 Library State Aid Grant in the amount of $7,975 was awarded to Cushing Public Library. A grant for $6000 from Central Rural Electric Co-op (CREC) was awarded to Emergency Management allowing the entity to purchase a drone to be used during disasters. The Senior Citizen Center was awarded a Lowe’s Hometown Grant allowing for cosmetic updates to both the interior and exterior of the building. An additional grant for the SCC from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation led to the recent purchase of a nine to ten passenger van that was handicap accessible.

Current leadership consists of Commissioner Chairman Mike Griffith, Vice Chairman Ricky Lofton, B.J. Roberson, Stephen Orton, and Lee Denney with Terry Brannon as city manager. Two candidates – Ricky Lofton and Geoffery Beasley – will be on the ballot in April 2023 for office number five.

“I think organizationally the City of Cushing is wholly committed to serving the community. We don’t get it right all the time but we work awfully hard to get it right,” said Brannon.

35 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

Right Path Riding Academy

The Right Path, located in Drumright, OK, is a PATH Intl. Premier Accredited Center - one of only two in Oklahoma. This accreditation puts The Right Path programs and facilities under rigorous guidelines that ensure the organization meets standards of safety and excellence. We exist to empower people with disabilities and challenges to reach for their highest potential with the help of a horse. As a non-profit organization, community involvement is essential to facilitate success. We depend on dedicated people willing to give of their precious resources so our participants can come without charge, our staff can earn a living wage, and our herd and facilities are maintained.

Benefits and Opportunities for Participants:

Horsemanship provides pathways to increased core strengths, muscle tone, motor skills, and physical resilience, improved mental health outcomes, and the development of unbreakable bonds with the horses. These activities allow each individual who comes through The Right Path's stables to improve their cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being. Our instructors work with parents, teachers, and therapists to develop lesson plans targeting areas that need further development.

Non-verbal participants are encouraged to signal their horse through movement and sounds. Those who struggle with anger or anxiety learn how their actions impact the horse's behavior and often connect how those same actions negatively impact their family relationships at home. Limbs that were weak and non-functioning are strengthened, offering a higher level of independence. The participants might not even realize benefits will be the outcome as they focus on their friendship with the horse.

William's Walk Therapeutic Horseback Riding and CartDriving

Therapeutic horsemanship to individuals age 4 - adults who have been diagnosed with a disability. Seventyfour individuals participated during three semesters in 2022. Some come with their school as part of the Special Education Department while others are brought by families or caregivers. Sessions include learning horsemanship through riding, ground work, educational opportunities, and barn chores.

Horse Tales Literacy Project

Combining the love of horses with literacy-building skills for first-grade students in Title I schools. Eight schools now participate in this unique opportunity to encourage the love of literacy through a connection with horses. 340 first grade students were surprised when horses walked into their classrooms in the spring, then descended on the barn the first week of May for field day. 2023 will be our tenth annual event.

Hooves on the Ground

A restorative horsemanship experience for veterans and first responders who have experienced trauma in the line of duty. Fifteen men and women who served our country participated in the program in 2022. Meeting on Saturday mornings allows individuals with a week day job to participate and families are encouraged to come to the ranch as well. A new pavilion in our south horse pasture offers a quiet retreat to enjoy an Oklahoma Sunset or fishing in one of the ponds.

Mini Adventures

Miniature horses who take therapeutic horsemanship into hospitals, nursing homes, and other places to benefit those who cannot come to the ranch.

If you know someone who might benefit from one of our programs, please visit our website to learn more https://therightpathok.org/programs/

Benefits and Opportunities for the Community:

Not many areas outside of a city have access to therapeutic activities and even fewer are provided at no cost to the people receiving services. In 2023, The Right Path will continue to seek excellence (delivering the highest quality service and outstanding results), safety (reducing the risk of danger, injury, or loss to ourselves and those around us), integrity (being honest and transparent in operation, finances, and services), and empowerment (liberating others to use their own power) as the values that drive our programs. We are committed to providing quality services, offering employment opportunities that pay a living wage, and providing volunteer opportunities for community members, young and young at heart. We are privileged to do so through the resources others have entrusted to us for this purpose.

Community Crew

Volunteers on the Community Crew assist with marketing, events, and spreading the word about The Right Path to people they know. They donate finances and gift in-kind items that can be used on the ranch or resold to bring in additional income. This is the group

for those that may not be available on a regular basis to come to the ranch, but they want to support the people that do. Opportunities are available on a regular basis or as a one time investment. All ages welcome.

Class Crew

When someone hears about volunteering at The Right Path, this is what they think about first. Volunteers on the Class Crew committee to attending ten to twelve weeks of class with the same participants each week for one semester. In addition to leaders and sidewalkers in the arena, we can used people with experience in education, working with people with disabilities, or tacking. The only requirement to join the crew is a willingness to be here as scheduled. We have jobs to fit every level of horsemanship experience from beginner to expert. Volunteers receive a minimum of 3 hours of training before serving as a part of the horse/ rider team to ensure the rider’s safety remains a priority. Volunteers also receive training in working with horses and individuals with disabilities. Most positions require the volunteer to be 14 years of age or older.

Corral Crew

Our herd is a vital part of our organization. Anyone who knows horses understands the amount of work the require. Volunteers on the Corral Crew help with conditioning, feeding, mucking, routine care, and accompanying horses to offsite events. Some jobs can be done by those with no experience and others need to meet with an instructor to confirm horsehanding skills. Commitment can be one time or weekly. All ages welcome.

Caretaker Crew

With miles of fencing and acres of grass, there is always things to fix, build, mow, or maintain. Projects undertaken by the Caretaker Crew can be scheduled to meet the ability of any group. Families, Businesses, Churches, Scout Troups, and other groups are welcome as well as individuals. All ages welcome.

If you are looking for a place to get involved as a volunteer or a donor, we would love to meet you.

Learn more on our website https://therightpathok.org/volunteer/ or https://therightpathok.org/give/

37 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com



First Baptist Church 416 Roosevelt St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2550


Creative Girl Designs

316 Grant St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-906-6386


Agra Senior Citizens Center

3 N Main St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2464


Shell 15 Main St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2234


United States Postal Service

13 Main St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 800-275-8777

Agra Town Hall

22 S Main St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2344


Benny Austin Marble & Granite 344405 770 Rd, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2591

The Granite Guy

Unnamed Road, Agra, OK 74824.................. 405-919-6982


Mountain View Heating & Cooling LLC

903 Grant St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-399-5446

Central Ok Plumbing Supply Inc 770788 OK-18, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2605


Agra, OK 74824.................. 405-351-0092

First Pass Manufacturing 810528 S 3460 Rd, Agra, OK 74824



315 W Roosevelt, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2828

Twisted Picket 315 W Roosevelt, RESTAURANTS

Jack’s Place

5 Main St, Agra, OK 74824...................918-375-2597


Agra School District 112 Main St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2261


Central Oklahoma Telephone Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2241

Rural Water & Sewer District 308 Grant St, Agra, OK 74824.................. 918-375-2625



Cimarron Signs II 709 E Main st,

Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-2561

Cushing Citizen Newspaper 120 E Broadway St,

Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-285-5555

KUSH 1600 AM/101.5 FM Radio

3818 E. Main St,

Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0922


Ahrberg Milling Co.

200 S. Depot

Cushing Ok, 74023



Cedar Lane Apts- An Arzon Development

2309 E Anna St

Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-1516

Cherry Lane Apartments

1713 Cherry Lane Road, Cushing Ok 74023.............. 918-225-7205

Cimarron Tower Apartments

214 E Broadway, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0322

Jasmine Court Apartments

421 S Timberridge Drive, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 405-820-4851

Timber Ridge Gardens Apartments

306 S Timberridge Drive, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0712

Crossroads Villa Apartments

1428 S Little Ave.

Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-306-4260


Cushing Community Theatre

105 E Broadway St.

Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-306-4078

Golden Reflections & DJ Express Productions

........................................... 918-906-7593

The Cage Training Center

311 E Broadway St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-306-9305

The Dunkin Theatre

207 E Broadway St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-725-1000

Cushing Youth Center

700 S Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023


Kaiser Automotive

204 E. Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-306-4300

Mac’s Quick Lube

1308 E Main St. Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0361

Napa Auto Parts

1538 E Main St. Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-4525

Premier Auto Glass

1605 N Cates Dr, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-999-1779

Automotive Specialists

1005 N Linwood Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-3222

OnSite Automotive LLC

700 N Kings Hwy, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-1991

Denver’s Auto Repair 2330 S Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-4817

Coops Fast Lube

803 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-6559

Mufflers Breaks Etc

809 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-285-5270

Dangerous Motors 119 E Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023 Harris Station 33 224 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-1915

Al’s Discount Muffler LLC 204 W Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0760

Bumper to Bumper

1212 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-225-0182

Dad’s Garage LLC 905 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-223-6015

O’Reilly Auto Parts 1143 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0865


Britton I.T. Consulting 7718 E Texaco Rd, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-285-1144


1515 E Pine St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0346

TeleComp 200 N Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-6900

Computers and More by Paul 1103 S Wilson Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-285-0779

Suddenlink Communications 1604 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 888-822-5151

Cushing Electronics/Radio Shack 2010 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-1432


Bronco Equipment Rental & Sales 2122 S East Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-7368

Cherokee Hose Supply 8318 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-223-9008

Continental Concrete 848 E North St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-0304

Dolese Bros Co. 921 E North St, Cushing, Ok 74023

Dove Properties, LLC

938 E 9th St, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-399-3788

Mills Construction & Welding Inc.

2605 N Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023


Mullins Salvage Inc

8223 E Main St, Cushing, Ok....................... 918-352-9621

TKO Construction, Welding & Fabrication 306 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-285-3135

Wyoming Safety Supply 1112 E MainSt, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-223-9315

Myers Construction 1301 N Linwood Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-1032

Horizon Construction LLC 323 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-399-5835

Deck Designs LLC 505 S Agra Rd, Cushing, Ok 74023............. 918-225-8713


JLT Corporation

106 N Harrison Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2242

Hancock Interiors

611 E Walnut St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-285-9141

Industrial Maintenance Contractor

1908 E Eseco Rd, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2151


Cushman Cannabis & Co.

217 W Moses St, Cushing, OK 74023

(918) 306-0073

Raw Wellness

804 E Main St, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 223-9277

Green Acres medical cannabis Dispensary

1046 E Main St, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 285-1908

Faded Flamingo

1047 E Main St, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 509-7606

Twisted Mary Cannabis Co. 408 OK-99, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 352-5199



1125 N Maitlen Dr., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-7000


SPI Pumps

1800 S. Little Ave., Cushing, Ok 74023


CHS Alumni Association

P.O. Box 642, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-285-6054

Cimarron Valley Historical Society

211 E. Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-399-4068

Cushing Chamber of Commerce

1301 E Main St, Cushing, OK 74023


Cushing-Drumright Elks Lodge No. 2712

707 N Northfolk Rd., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-0111

Cushing Geographic Club 908 Lakeview Dr., Cushing, Ok 74023

Cushing Lions Club

..................................... 405-747-4155

Cushing Pride/Cushing Pride

Recycling...................... 918-921-4420

Cushing Regional Hospital Foundation

..................................... 918-225-0789

Cushing Rotary Club


DCRA(Downtown Cushing

Revitalization Association)

108 E Broadway St Cushing, Ok 74023


Juanita Eaton Lodge Memorial Park

5th Street & Little Ave., Cushing Ok 74023


Blue Sky Bank

224 E Broadway St., Cushing, Ok 74023

Bransetter & Associates 1437 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023


CBEW Professional Group, LLP 206 N Harrison Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-4216

Dena Floyd Agency –Farmers Insurance

201 E. Main St., Ste. A, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-0726

Edward JonesGrant E McNeal CFP & Tyler Stein Financial Advisors 108 W Broadway St., Cushing, Ok 74023


Gold Financial Services 1604 E. Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-506-3278

Kalka Insurance Agency 823 E Main St. Cushing, Ok 74023.......

Khris Fowler- Farmers Insurance

112 E Broadway St. Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-5552

New York Life - Manuel Quiles

P.O. Box 863, Cushing, Ok 74023.......

New York Life - Trevor Fridell

925 S Harrison Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 435-229-3736 RCB Bank ..................................... 918-225-3434

Sherrie Plunkett–CPA P.O. Box 1770, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2056 State Farm - Randy Robnett 1614 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-1957


Palmer Marler Funeral Home 800 S Linwood Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2500

Matherly - Davis Funeral Home

402 E Broadway St., Cushing, Ok 74023 918-225-3103


City of CushingCity Government 100 Judy Adams Blvd, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-225-0277

Cushing Economic Development Foundation

1301 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-791-1012

Cushing Public Schools

High School

......................... 918-225-6622

Junior High

......................... 918-225-1311

Upper Elementary School ......................... 918-225-4497

Lower Elementary School ......................... 918-225-4697


Baker Pharmacy 1022 E Cherry St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2200

Crossroads Wellness Center 115 N Harrison, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-890-5700

Cushing Family Pharmacy 200 S Highland, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-5200

Cushing Family Practice 2340 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-225-6904

Cushing Primary Care

600 S Linwood Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-725-1599

Cushing Vision Care

2013 E Main, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-5565

Custom Dental of Cushing, PLLC 3200 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-6400

Davis Dental Studio

1330 E 9th St, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-225-1336

Hillcrest Hospital Cushing

1027 E Cherry St, Cushing Ok 74023 918-225-2915

Linwood Village Nursing Home 530 S Linwood Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2220

Pipeline Urgent Care

1002 E. Cherry St, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-306-4515

PT Solutions

1023 E Cherry St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-8388

Simpson Chiropractic & Physical Therapy/The GYM 1527 E Main, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2225

Spoken Creation LLC

221 N Cleveland Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 405-240-6856

U.S. Dermatology Partners 1023 E Cherry St #D, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-509-4741

Utica Park Clinic

1025 E 2nd St, Cushing, Ok 74023


Walker Companion Services, LLC 941 E Cherry St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-223-9503

Watts Wellness Worth Medical

1442 E Oak St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-221-0896


Associated Carpet Cleaning 121 W Broadway St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-6222

Cushing Lawn Care 114 1/2, E Broadway St, Cushing, OK 74023 918-697-1077

On the Job Landscaping

P.O. Box 16, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-306-2609


Charlton’s Heat & Air Conditioning Inc

2304 W 9th St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2370

Central Heat & Air 415 N Cleveland Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-1235

Cushing Plumbing Heat & Air

106 E Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-3215

A/C Works

357199 770 Rd, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 405-240-9865

Mayberry Heat, Air, & Electric

2421 W Main PI, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-367-6066


Horizon Laundry

1017 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-862-0334

Highland Laundry

311 N Highland St, Cushing, Ok 74023


William W. Ahrberg Law Office 118 W. Broadway St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-0012


Cushing Public Library 215 N Steele Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-4188


Brothers Liquor 400 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-0611

L & N Liquor Store 824 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-3023


Best Western Plus 508 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-306-4299

Grandstaff RV Park 1019 E Grandstaff, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-223-5207

Living Oasis Extended Stay Hotel 310 N Central Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-5625

39 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com
Pg 34
Pg 13 Pg 19

Executive Inn & Suites

2232 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-306-4225

Wilshire Inn Motel

1720 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-1900

La-Ze L Motel

1027 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-4242

Cimarron Tower Apartments

214 E. Broadway, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-0322


American Legion Post 108

214 S Noble Ave

CHS Alumni Association

P.O. Box 642, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-285-6054

Cimarron Valley Historical Society

211 W Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-399-4068

Cushing Disc Golf Club

500 S Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-880-3559

Cushing - Drumright Elks Lodge No.


707 N Norfolk Rd, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-0111

Cushing Economic Development Foundation

1301 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-791-1012

Cushing Geographic Club

908 Lakeview Dr, Cushing, Ok 74023

Cushing Lions Club


Cushing Regional Hospital Foundation


Cushing Rotary Club

........................................ 918-225-4216

Downtown Cushing Revitalization Association

108 E. Broadway St, Cushing, Ok 74023......... 918-223-7171

Lachenmeyer Arts Center

700 S Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023......... 918-225-7525

LOVE INC of Greater Cushing

203 W Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-1125

Safety Alliance of Cushing

P.O. Box 965, Cushing, Ok 74023


25/8 Safety

121 N Harrison Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023



1008 N Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-271-5955

Broken Arrow Electric Supply Inc

802 E North St, Cushing, Ok 74023


Fechner Pump & Supply

1402 N Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023


GFL Environmental Services, USA, Inc

701 E Grandstaff, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-2722


711 W Cherry St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-1851

Intertek- Caleb Brett 804 E North St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-306-4206

Lionel Harris Oil Company, Inc

2609 N Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-2759

M&M Energy Supply 500 E 19th St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-921-4420

Martin Tank Truck & Casing Pulling, Inc.

P.O. Box 383, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-2388

Nic’s Propane Bottle Filling Station

1107 E Grandstaff Rd, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-223-5207

Oklahoma Actuators Services LLC

204 E Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023

Pipeline Regulatory Consultants 901 N Maitlen Drive, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-285-5881

Schroeder Environmental Services 2101 S. East Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 920-435-1773

SPI Pumps 1800 S Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023

Tank Farm Services

621 N Euchee Valley, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-4600

Tucker Construction 606 S Creek County Rd, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-352-9272

Willman Pump Trucks, LLC

P.O. Box 1544, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-714-3162

Wyoming Safety Supply

1112 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023


B Cool Bodywork (Therapeutic & Prenatal Massage)

1430 E Main St Suite G, Cushing, Ok 74023 918-720-8704

BeYOUtiful Boutique & Duffy’s Dry Cleaning Services

202 E Broadway, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-399-0606

Graves Counseling & Wellbeing Group

1442 E Oak St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-285-6268

Laymance Service

848 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023


Territory Termite & Pest Control

P.O. Box 767, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-880-5128


Cushing Veterinary Clinic 2701 N Little Ave,

Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-1805

K9 Cottage Dog Grooming

915 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 7402.......... 3918-225-6678



Call before you dig


Enterprise Products Partners, L.P.

Plains Marketing LP

740120 S. 3510 Rd., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 713-646-4100

NGL Crude Terminals, LLC

P.O. Box 267, Cushing, Ok 74023


CoreCivic/Cimarron Correctional Facility

3200 S Kings Hwy, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-3336


C&S Plumbing

120 E Walnut St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-8097

Cushing Plumbing

106 E Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-3215

Emily’s Locksmith

215 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-714-5125

Global 7 Testing

1402 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-689-8378

Plumb Twisted

501 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-285-6450

Starks Electric Company

1026 E. Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-1175


Cushing Public Safety CenterCushing Fire Department

211 W Main St.

Cushing, Ok, 74023......... 918-225-3361


Cushing Public Safety Center-Cushing Police Department

211 W Main St.

Cushing, Ok, 74023......... 918-225-1212


Republic Services- Allied Waste

515 N. Luella St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-377-3880


The Quilting Hut

106 N Harrison, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-614-5256


Century 21 MillenniumDana Cramer, Broker

1430 E Main St., Suite A, Cushing, Ok 74023


Cushing Legacy Management

........................................ 918-225-5050

Options Realty, LLC

103 E Broadway St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-614-2403

Roberson Properties

P.O. Box 944, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-293-2955

Tommye Waltman & Associates

1116 E 2nd St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-5398


Calvary Baptist Church

6008 E Sac N Fox, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-306-9377

First Assembly of God

504 E Walnut St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-1223

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

300 W Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-4484

First United Methodist Church

930 S Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 7023............ 918-225-5683

Lifeline Assembly (Full Gospel Assembly of God)

2010 N Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-1110


Boomerang Diner

929 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-0505

Circle S Meat Market

823 N Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023


Backroom Cafe

201 E Broadway St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-306-4242

Godofredo’s Pizzeria & Tap Room

209 E Broadway St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-725-1000

Homestead Restaurant

1001 E Main Street, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-2415

Los Molcajetes LLC

1108 E Main St, Cushing, Ok, 74023......... 918-225-0227

McDonald’s of Cushing

2230 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 405-780-7400

Mi Casa Mexican Enterprise

2102 E Main St, Cushing, Ok, 74023......... 918-223-9321

Milano’s Italian Restaurant

2320 E. Main St, Unit D, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-306-4041

Sonic Drive-In

705 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-5522

Pueblo Viejo Auténtica Cocina


211 N Cleveland Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-285-3055

Silvertown Espress

403 E Moses St, Cushing, Ok 74023


Steer Inn Restaurant

1340 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-225-3501

Taco Bell ........................................ 918-225-0854

Naif Cafe

600 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-725-1200

Tiki Hut

221 N Cleveland Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023.......... 918-306-4070

Rodolfo’s Mexican Restaurant

2334 E Main St, Cushing, Ok, 74023......... 918-225-4204

Chuy’s Burritos

414 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2188


Root’s Hometown Furniture

2304 E. Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-285-5300


SmartStyle Hair Salon

3100 E Main St, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 225-9025

Beau Monde-Aspire

112 N Harrison Ave, Cushing, OK 74023

(918) 225-3166

Hair Creations

502 N Cleveland Ave, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 285-3031

Salon 33

1602 E Main St, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 225-4247

Lauri’s Tips & Toes Beauty Sln

111 E Broadway St, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 225-0628

The Twisted Scissor Hair Lounge

205 E Broadway St, Cushing, OK 74023..... (918) 399-2611


Cushing Senior Citizen Center

203 E Cherry St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-5333



2004 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-4700

B&C Business Products

515 E. Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-7766

Cargill Custom Leatherworks, LLC

118 E Broadway, Cushing, Ok 74023


Copper Penny Trading Company

201 E. Broadway St., Cushing Ok,4023.......... 918-306-4242

Cushing Screen Printing, LLC

1024 E Leland St. Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-7148

Dig Lyfe Vapor Co., LLC

1430E. Main St., Suite H, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-895-4780

Foggy Lantern

1430E. Main St., Suite F, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-895-4780

GreenLife Planet

215 N Cleveland Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-285-3069

Hilltop GreenHouse

1520 W Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-9881

Industrial Tradition

P.O. Box 1548, Cushing, Ok 74023

Spoken Creation

221 N Cleveland Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 405-240-6856

Tiger Lily’s Floral Designs

102 E Broadway St, Cushing, OK 74023


Vassar True Value 1046 E Main St., Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-1624


Buffalo Rock Golf & Venue

4615 E 9th St., Cushing, Ok 74023


Cushing Disc Golf Club

500 S Little Ave, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 405-880-3559

Frontier Bowl

525 E Pine St. Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-2413


American Welding Supply 1502 E Main St, Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-5101

AKL Services 601 E Pine St, Cushing, OK 74023



Cushing Tag Agency 911 E Main St. Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-3344


Cushing Municipal Airport 2414 Tom Maloney Dr.,


Drumright Church of the Nazarene

320 S Pennsylvania Ave

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2244

First Assembly of God

432 E Federal St

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-3682

First Baptist Church

229 S Ohio

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2559

First Christian Church

201 N Pennsylvania Ave

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2309

Free Will Baptist Church

309 N Ohio Ave

Drumright OK 74030...... 918352-3682

River of Life Christian Center

521 E Broadway St

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2735

St. Mary’s

W Wood St

Drumright OK 74023..... 918 352-9327


Ingram’s Brothers Construction

504 S Skinner Ave,

Drumright, OK 74030.... 918 352-3387


Drumright Dental Center

1226 W broadway St

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-3312


33 Dispensary

600 W Broadway St

Druright OK 74030........ 918 352-5423

High Low Dispensary

710 E Broadway St

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 285-2111

Hometown Buds

419 E Broadway

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2937


Earl-Le Dozer Services LLC

51266 OK-33, Drumright, OK 74030.... 918 352-2072

R C Dozer Services

1400 N Smather Ave,

Drumright, OK 74030.... 918 352-4655


City of Drumright

424 E Broadway St, Drumright, OK, (918) 352-2631


Sweeper Health Agency Ltd.

Drumright, OK 74030.... 405 901-9829


Boomtown Inn

203 N Settle, Drumright, OK 74030... 918-352-2288

Drumright Inn

501 Lou Allard Dr, Drumright, OK, 74030.... 918352-0042


Right Path Riding Academy

16620 Old Shamrock Hwy, Drumright, OK 74030 918-352-4110

OverBuilt Trailer Company 1115 E Broadway St

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-4474

Sweeper Metal Fabrication 1240 E Broadway St

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2133

T & D Fabrication Inc

54440 OK-16, Drumright, OK 74030.... 918 352-8031

Young Tool Co 49698 OK-33, Drumright, OK 74030.... 918 352-2213


Drumright Chiropractic 116 s Skinner Ave

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 729-8006

Drumright Regional Hospital

610 W Bypass

Drumright, OK 74030.... 918 382-2300

Drumright Rural Health Center

612 W Bypass

Drumnright, OK............ 918-352-9001

Drumright Wellness & Chiro

151 E Broadway

Drumright OK................ 918 352-2600

Green County Physical Therapy

115 E Broadway

Drumright OK................ 918 352-3838

Littletree Medical Clinic 900 OK-33

Drumright OK................ 918 352-9001

Tree Hill Acupuncture 311 S Bristow Ave Druright OK 74030........ 918 352-3264


Drumright Oilwell Service, LLC

501 West Truckbypass, Drumright, .................... 918 352-9646

Crude Marketing & Transprtn

103000 Smathers Ave, Drumright, OK............. (918) 352-3696

Crossroads Pipeline Services, Inc.

1411 Virgil Anderson Dr., Drumright, OK............. (918) 729-8070

Dorado Oil Co

401 E Oak St, Drumright, OK............. (918) 352-3204


Donut Palace

701 E Broadway St

Drumright OK................ 918 729-8040

El Catrin Mexican Grill

208 E Broadway St

Druright OK................... 918 729-8005

Joseph’s Fine Foods of Drumright

54580 OK-16

Drumright OK................ 918 352-3255

Simple Simon’s Pizza

815 E Broadway St

Drumright OK................ 918 729-8032

Sonic Drive-In

810 E Broadway

Drumright OK................ 918 352-4300

Wheeler Nutrition

100 E Broadway st

Drumright OK................ 918 409-1854


Boutique on Broadway

615B W Broadway

Drumright OK................ 918 352-4247

Cut N Up On Broadway

147 E Broadway

Drumright OK................ 918 352-2291




OK 74030..... 918 352-2208

Drumright Chamber of Commerce

103 E broadway St

Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2204


Mayoco Manufacturing 9931 OK-99 Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2391


418 E Broadway St

Drumright OK................ 918 352-1565


Central Tech. Center

3 CT Cir, Drumright, OK 74030


41 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com
Cushing, Ok 74023....... 918-225-0881
Classic Cars & Towing LLC 200 S pennsylvanina Ave Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2090 Drumright Auto Supply 421 E Broadway St Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-3210 Drumright Tire 1105 E Broadway St Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-4000 Drumright Wrecker & Recovery 508 E Broadway St Drumright OK 74030 Terry’s Body Shop 306 N Harley Ave Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-3262 Triple J’s Garage 300 E
St Drumright
918 285-0751
74030..... 918 352-9700
OK 74030.....
W broadway
Daniel Law
E Broadway St,
OK 74030.. (918)
BANK Bank of Cushing - ATM 428 E Broadway St Drumright OK 74030..... 918
Bank 121 W Broadway Drumright OK 74030..... 918 352-2545
Chruch of Christ 900 W Broadway St
Pg 20 Pg 14

Town & Country Plumbing

215 N 4th St, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-1183


Ralph’s Packing Co

500 W Freeman Ave, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-2464


LifePoint Church

9404 S Perkins Rd, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 377-8855

Cimarron Valley Church

901 N Sadler Rd, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-1557

First Christian Church

119 E Stumbo Ave, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-2004

First Baptist Church

500 E Knipe Ave, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-2494

Perkins Church of Christ

1200 Lovers Ln, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-5393

Cimarron Worship Center

(Assembly of God)

304 N Main St, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-5111

First United Methodist Educare

1005 E Kirk Ave, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-8306

Immanuel Baptist Church

2415 E 104th St, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-1222


Wenjest Corporation

200 OK-33, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-2291

Model Tee

115 S Main St, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-2158

Sasser & Co Antiques LLC

147 S Main St, Perkins, OK 74059

(405) 547-5298


United States Postal Service

114 W Stumbo Ave, Perkins, OK 74059...... (800) 275-8777


Affirmative Business Solutions

251 E, OK-33 Suite A2, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 276-8478

Fall Protection 4u

419 W Freeman Ave, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-8904

Harland Wells Companies

604 OK-33, Perkins, OK 74059

(405) 498-2597

Perkins Insurance Agency, Inc.

218 N Main St, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-2971

Elite Employment Services

301 OK-33, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-4155

Tech Inc

511 OK-33, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-8324


Perkins Community Chamber of Commerce

114 S Main St, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 747-6809


Hbw Companies 604 OK-33, Perkins, OK 74059

Sasser Co

222 N Main St, Perkins, OK 74059 (405) 547-2416


Navajo Express Inc

217 W 116th St, Perkins, OK 74059...... (405) 547-2452


United States Postal Service

107 Main St, Ripley, OK 74062........ (800) 275-8777

Warrior Storage

501 Morton Ave, Ripley, OK 74062........ (405) 714-4094

Ripley Public Schools

403 1st Ave, Ripley, OK 74062........ (918) 372-4245

HelpaHorse Thrift Store Ripley, OK 74062



My Crazy Beautiful Life Tax Service 109 N. Garfield Ave, Sand Springs, OK ........ 918-752-4735


Dog & Duck Antiques and Gifts

21 E 2nd St., Sand Springs, OK ........ 918-514-0370


Apple Creek Apartments

Sand Springs

101 Apple Creek Dr, Sand Springs, Ok........ (918) 245-2231

Cedar Ridge Apartments

3301 S 113th W Ave,

Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-8346

Garfield Apartments

500 N Garfield Ave,

Sand Springs, OK

Lucile Page Manor Apartments

253 E 41st St,

Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-3288

The Springs at Pecan Street

811 E Pecan St S, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 728-8080


American Heritage Bank

P.O. Box 250

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-248-3206

Green Country Federal Credit Union

202 E. Morrow Road

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-1301

IBC Bank

3402 S. Highway 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-497-2459

WeStreet 220 Jefferson St

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-921-2421


Blush Hair & Makeup Lounge

111 N Main St

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-514-4629

Suburban Revival Boutique

302 N. McKinley

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-813-6572

Yellowhouse Market & Boutique LLC

122 N Main St. Sand Springs, OK......... 918-720-8370


Keystone Chevrolet

8700 Charles Page Blvd, Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-2201

Sand Springs Auto Source

1114 E Charles Page Blvd, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 419-2891

Platinum Auto Center

5598 OK-97, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 514-0022

Richard McCorkle Motor Co

402 E 2nd St, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-2292

R.K. Motors Inc.

212 E 2nd St, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 241-6677

Bedrock Motors

12000 West, OK-51, Sand Springs, OK....... (539) 217-1134

Kat Motor Co

1206 W Wekiwa Rd, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-1663

Overdrive Motorsports

4002 S 113th W Ave, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 241-1155

HillTop Motors

2404 S 265th W Ave, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 246-6363


Gilstrap Chiropractic Clinic

3900 S. 113th W. Ave

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-3901


Pristine Cleaning

105 E. Broadway

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-583-2412


Boulder Coffee

118 N Main St, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 933-8852

Ember Coffee and Roasting Co

521 S 209th W Ave,

Sand Springs, OK


202 Alexander Blvd, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 568-9739

Dutch Bros Coffee

490 OK-97, Sand Springs, OK....... (541) 955-4700


Bin There Dump That

1018 W 4th, Sand Springs, OK......... 918-246-7199

Dunham’s Asphalt Services, Inc.


6213 S. 103 W. Avenue

Sapulpa, OK................. 918-447-2240


Counseling and Recovery

Services of Oklahoma

..................................... 918-492-2554

The Spring

..................................... 918-245-4075

Westside Counseling and Consulting

109 N. Garfield Ave., Sand Springs, OK......... 918-384-8649


Miss Tirita’s Dance & Performance Studio

1015 W. 40th Pl. Sand Springs, OK......... 918-798-1517


Broadway Dental Arts

135 E. Broadway

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-0229

Galleria of Smiles of Sand Springs

104 W. 41st Street

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-5976

Sand Springs Family Dentistry,

403 E. Broadway Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-5979


Big Buds Dispensary



Harvest Health Dispensary

1104 W Wekiwa Rd, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 246-5236

OHG Dispensary

3 E 41st St, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 246-7642

Cannabis MarketPlace

430 W Wekiwa Rd # H, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 246-7282

Peace Pipe Cannabis Company 17628 W 8th St, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 246-7770

Keystone Cannabis Dispensary 3660 New Prue Rd, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-2838

Wild Flower Dispensary

1126 E Charles Page Blvd Suite 200, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 246-7134 Westside Wellness

1138 E Charles Page Blvd, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-0420

OHG - Superstore 20915 W 8th St, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-5616

Hydropolis 3418 S State Hwy 97 Suite B, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 514-0030

The Herbin Joint 3417 S 113th W Ave a2, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 514-0098

Big Daddy’s Gas Company 839 W Wekiwa Rd, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 902-8917


River Stone Cleaners

3402 S. 113th W. Ave Sand Springs, OK......... 918-246-1136


Sand Springs Education Foundation ..................................... 918-245-6779

Sand Springs Home P O Box 278 Sand Springs, OK......... 918-607-1744

Sand Springs Schools

11 W. Broadway Sand Springs, OK......... 918-246-1400

Sand Springs Women’s Chamber ..................................... 918-231-3297

Tulsa Boys Home ..................................... 918-245-0231

Tulsa City-County Library System 551 E 4th St Sand Springs, OK......... 918-549-7376

Tulsa Community College ..................................... 918-595-8100

Tulsa Technology Center 924 E Charles Page Blvd Sand Springs, OK......... 918-828-1301


Air Solutions Heating & Cooling Plum Inc.

P.O. Box 428

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-2362

Anthony Electric, LLC

109 N. Garfield Ave., Ste 6 Sand Springs, OK......... 918-706-8451

Bright Light Electric LLC

1031 W. 4th St.

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-7555

Indian Electric Cooperative ..................................... 918-295-9500

Interstate Electric Co. ..................................... 918-245-4508

43 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

Reality Fitness 24/7

350 E 2nd St, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 245-2442

Crossfit Sand Springs

3416 S 113th Ave W ste f, Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 519-2090


Cassie Barnett Photography

1018 N Garfield Ave

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-378-9369


Redbud Physical Therapy, Inc.

200 N Main Suite “C”

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-622-4126

Tulsa Bone & Joint Sand Springs

...................................... 918-392-0820


Inkwell Custom Apparel & Screen Printing

3925 S. Hwy 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-508-3634

Pyramid Printing.

113 W. 1st St

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-514-4073

Signs & Stitches

200 North Garfield Ave.

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-3301


Chinowth & Cohen Realtors

3702 Hwy 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-392-0900

Coldwell Banker Select

3815 S. 113th W. Ave

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-6641

Montie Box Realtors

11 E. Broadway St Suite 200

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-2505

Ringle Development

5615 N. Hwy. 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-637-2452

Ron Cain Realtors

3908 S. 113th W. Ave

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-2251

Springs Shopping Center

11 E. Broadway Ste 200

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-2505


Ron’s Hamburgers & Chili Restaurant

233 S. Adams Road

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-6010


141 W. Alexander Blvd.

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-688-0503


450 Wekiwa Road

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-5200

Mi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant

3901 Hwy 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-5633

Little Venice LLC

208 N Main St

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-514-0134

IHOP #3325

101 S. Hwy 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-346-3839

El Maguey Mexican Restaurant

605 W 38th St

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-514-0366

Crescent Cafe

3417 S. 113th W. Ave.

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-6443

Big Dipper Creamery, LLC

204 W. 43rd St.

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-408-0625

Charlie’s Chicken

440 W. Wekiwa Road

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-8188

Chick-fil-a Sand Springs

450 S Hwy 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-419-0200

Colton’s Steak House and Grill

32 W Alexander Blvd

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-1000


Green Tree Assisted Living

4402 S. 129th W. Ave

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-246-8733

Heartland Village 109 E 38th St,

Sand Springs, OK....... (918) 241-1200


Riverview RV Park

P.O. Box 1909

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-230-5888


Blush Hair & Makeup Lounge

111 N Main St

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-514-4629

Love Your Skin By Jesska Lynn

29 E Broadway Street

Sand Springs, OK......... 770-688-7086

Okie Glow Beauty Lounge

29 E. Broadway St.

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-4569

Rumor Salon

4009 S 113th W Ave

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-2233

Salon Thirty-Six LLC

107 E. Broadway

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-697-6573

Sandite Tan & Tea

3945 S. Highway 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-277-9741


Springs Shopping Center

11 E. Broadway Ste 200

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-2505


Elite Small Business Solutions P.C., Inc.

...................................... 918-592-5674

Express Employment Professionals

30 E 2nd St Ste D Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-3600

Firey Music and Lessons

3722 S. Hwy 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-7730

Kimistry Solutions

3417 S. 113th West Ave., #B2

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-407-7977

Ryan & Rose Solutions

P.O. Box 275 Sand Springs, OK......... 918-808-0861


Prattville Tag Agency

606 W. 41st Street

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-2800


The Computer Guy, Inc.

3963 S Highway 97 #240

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-2225

U.S Cellular/Premier Location

...................................... 918-246-0500


Cecil & Sons Discount Tires

204 Morrow Road

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-9655

Danny’s Auto Repair, Inc

2 West Morrow Road

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-241-9878

Mobil 1 Lube Express Inc.

3716 S. Hwy 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-419-2565

Same Day Auto Repair

...................................... 918-447-1300


Cole’s 918 Heavy Recovery, LLC ...................................... 918-794-3400


City of Sand Springs

...................................... 918-246-2500

Indian Electric Cooperative ...................................... 918-295-9500


Rankin Veterinary Hospital P.C.

111 E. Broadway

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-8010

Sand Springs Small Animal Hospital

3414 S. Hwy. 97

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-8387


American Legion Post 17

500 N. Main

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-245-0000

Veteran Outreach International

1219 E 7th St.

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-231-7654

Vets that Matte

205 N McKinley Ave

Sand Springs, OK......... 918-271-2889

WITKOP Foundation

1119 N. Woodland Pl.

Sand Springs, OK......... 817-845-9507


Stillwater Chamber of Commerce

409 South Main Street

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 372-5573

Visit Stillwater, Inc.

2617 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074 405) 743-3697


Baker, Ihrig & Corley, PC

222 East 7th Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-8644

Banks & Banks, CPA, PC

215 West McElroy Road, Suite 4

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 743-2300

Barto, Lowell PC

123 West 7th Avenue, Suite 210

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-4371

Bee Balanced Bookkeeping LLC

9109 W. Lakeview

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 747-0453

Bruce Luttrell, CPA PC

1120 North Duck, Suite B

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 743-1040

CBEW Professional Group, LLP

904 South Main PO Box 1876

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-3600

Duncan, Onley & Watkins, P.C.

808 South Main, Suite 314

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-7744


205 West McElroy, Suite 1

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 624-9500

Mark E. Gunkel, CPA, PC

115 East 4th

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 624-9999

Steven F. Cundiff, CPA Inc.

205 West 7th Stillwater, OK 74074


Alterations by Jody

5601 North Washington #3107

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 743-9654



Maintenance Service Co.

800 North Main Street

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 372-6462

Apple Creek Apartments

1200 North Perkins Road

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 624-2392

C-Star Management, LLC

304 South Duck Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-8740

Campbell Property Management

1776 West Lakeview

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 372-9225

Casa Mia Apartments

140 North Duck, Suite 42

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 372-1228

CJN Properties

413 S. Westpark Ct.

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 880-6641

Karsten Creek

1800 South Memorial Drive

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 743-1658

Kinnick Properties, LLC

5912 East 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 624-0062

Look Properties

621 S. Husband St. Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-1767

Mockingbird Estates

3098 E 6th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-1500

Orange State Properties, LLC

5821 Trenton Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 612-9090

Shamblin Rentals

711 Lakeshore Drive Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 372-8862

Stillwater Flats

251 West Miller Avenue Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 564-0508

Stillwater Property

633 N Husband Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 743-2126

Vineyards Management Group 2323 E. 6th Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 338-9343


Hometown Brand Center 610 North Main Street Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 624-1400 ART

AR Workshop Stillwater 721 S Main St Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 595-0501

Modella Art Gallery 721 S Main Stillwater, OK 74076.... (405) 880-4434


America’s Car-Mart 2617 North Perkins Road Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 372-5860

Barry Sanders Supercenter 4120 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 742-6000

Bill Knight Collision Center 3819 S Perkins Rd.

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 564-5780

Bill Knight Ford of Stillwater 4405 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-7144

Diamond Autobody, Inc. 2825 East 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-2119

G & M Body Shop - West 5104 W 6th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 624-5104

G&M Body Shop - East 2207 East 6th

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-0430

Janzen Toyota 4900 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-4550

Kaiser Automotive 2324 E 6th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 564-3796

45 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

Infinite Health Labs, LLC

913 S Serenity Lane

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 332-4082

Knight Medical Supply

802 South Lewis Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.......(405) 743-1646

LifeNet, Inc.

2201 North Boomer Road

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 707-0007


511 South Windsor

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 707-0900

North Central Oklahoma Internal Medicine

608. S. Hester St.

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 377-8000

Northern Therapy & Rehab

904 West 6th

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 743-0101

Oklahoma Arthritis Center

605 S. Orchard Street

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 780-6650

Physical Therapy Central

1405 S Western Rd

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 227-9886

Razook’s Pharmacy LLC

1518 West 9th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 377-4445

Reese Chiropractic and Wellness

1505 South Sangre Road

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-9200

Schuessler Orthodontics

607 South Orchard Street

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 624-1005

Stillwater Cancer Center

1201 W. 6th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 742-4930

Stillwater Diabetes & Endocrinology

809 S. Walnut

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 742-4936

Stillwater Internal Medicine

1411 W. 7th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 533-6047

Stillwater Internal Medicine & Pediatrics

1201 S. Adams St.

Stillwater, OK 74074

Stillwater Medical Center

1323 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 742-5230

Stillwater Medical Center Surgery Center West

5200 West 6th

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 780-7000

Stillwater Medical Center

Cardiology Clinic

1301 West 6th Avenue, Suite 207

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 742-5911

Stillwater Medical Center Home Health Services

824 South Walnut Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 624-6578

Stillwater Medical Center Physicians Clinic

1815 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 743-7300

Stillwater Otolaryngology

1201 S. Adams St. Stillwater, OK 74074 (405) 624-8603

Stillwater Pediatrics

1201 S. Adams St. Stillwater, OK 74074 (405) 743-7375

Stillwater Rheumatology

1301 W. 6th Ave. Suite 112

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-6041

Stillwater Surgical Associates

1301 West 6th Avenue, Suite 105 Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 533-1074

Stillwater Urgent Care 1815 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 743-7300

Stillwater Urology Associates

1201 S Adams St

Stillwater, OK 74074 (405) 377-3858

Stillwater Women’s Clinic

1411 West 7th Avenue, Suite 202

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 624-8222

Sunrise Health Institute 526 East Lakeview Road

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 707-3050

Taguchi Women’s Clinic, PLLC

801 South Walnut

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-6246

The Rehab Center 1323 W. 6th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 742-5798

Therapy Specialists

811 E Virginia Ave

Stillwater, OK 74075....... 405-377-8255

Tiger Drug Company

825 South Walnut Street

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-7900

Total Health Aquatics

901 W, 12th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 533-4348

Total Health Fitness & Rehabilitation

1810 North Perkins Road

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 624-6592

Venus Sports Performance & Rehab

812 S. Walnut

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 338-7447

Women First, Digital Breast Imaging

1411 West 7th, Suite 103

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 533-1388


Advantage Plumbing Heating and Cooling

1521 East 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 533-2483

B&L Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

1907 West McMurtry Road

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 372-2665

Comfort Crew Heating & Air

105 S Keats Dr

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-1477

Stolhand-Wells Plumbing, Heating & Air

4806 North Perkins Road

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 372-1124


Stillwater Building Center

4521 South Perkins Road

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-5959

Amber’s Lighting & Home Accessories

105 S. Perkins Rd.

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 332-5526

Bowyer Painting

4513 East Zachary Lane

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 612-1682

Brewer Carpet One

1506 East 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-6116

Building District, The

105 S. Perkins Rd.

Stillwater, OK 74074

Bunney Electric Co, Inc.

PO Box 1155

Stillwater, OK 74076...... (405) 612-0075

Camco Home Improvement, Inc.

4120 East 19th

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 377-1171

Capstone Roofing

1782 West Lakeview Road

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 338-7663

Frontier Siding & Windows

4012 W. Lakeview

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 377-8122

Home Improvements of Stillwater, Inc.

3824 West Vista Lane

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 743-3393

Hughes Lumber

605 East 3rd Street

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-2285

Lee Glass & Window, LLC

1002 South Lewis

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-6600

Lifestyle Home Improvement

913 S Main St.

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 470-6999

M&K Lighting and Technology

109 South Main Street

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-4333

Mill Creek Carpet & Tile

1406 E. 6th St.

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 332-5565

Overhead Door Co. of Stillwater

502 East 12th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-6186

North Central Oklahoma

Home Builders Association

PO Box 1715

Stillwater, OK 74076...... (405) 372-2540

Oakley Fence Co.

2504 East 6th Street

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-6542

Trax Discount Depot

3304 N Perkins

Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 533-3320

Willis Granite Products

302 East 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-2127

Zenergy Solutions LLC

1324 S Main St. Unit A

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (580) 461-4077


A&B Eco-Safe Pest Control

6010 South Perkins Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-4934

Payne County Tree Service

3705 South Jardot Road

Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-3571

Peak Pest Services, LLC

712 East 6th Avenue, Suite A

Stillwater, OK 74074......

LLC 5320
Avenue Stillwater,
Cowboy Driving
1120 North Duck Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 338-1032 INSURANCE AAA Oklahoma 106 West Miller Avenue Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 372-7448 AFLAC- Hampton 901 S. Main Suite #8 Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 714-3614 Allstate Insurance - Mason Agency 1307 S. Western Rd Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 377-2698 Carpenter Insurance Agency 201 West Hall of Fame Avenue Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 624-2277 Farmers Insurance & Financial Services - Candace Robinson Agency 115 East 8th Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 377-8885 Farmers Insurance - Patton 1120 North Duck, Suite B Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 743-1000 Farmers Insurance District Office 120 North Perkins Road, Suite C Stillwater, OK 74075...... (405) 377-6671 Gofourth Insurance Agency 311 South Duck Street Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 377-3446 Himes Insurance 912 S Main St Stillwater, OK 74074....... 405-747-0042 Houck Agency Insurance, LLC 801 South Main, Suite 2 Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-5343 Houck Agency Real Estate, LLC 8 Main Place Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-5343 KTI Agency 501 S. Main Stillwater, OK 74074...... (405) 372-2088 Pg 28
(405) 372-7774 Quality Water Services
North Boomer Road
OK 74075...... (405) 377-0808 Roto Rooter Plumbing & Drain Service
East 6th Street
OK 74074...... (405) 624-0310 INDUSTRIAL
Steel & Supply,
East 6th
OK 74074...... (405)

Loftis & Wetzel

112 W Hall of Fame

Stillwater, OK 74075

(405) 334-5477

Messer-Bowers Company

730 South Western

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-1238

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance -

Payne County

4721 W. 6th Ave. Suite 200

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-2450

State Farm Insurance - Grounds

2121 West 6th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-9700

State Farm Insurance - Weinaug

726 South Western Road

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-6433

The Schroeder Agency- Farmers Insurance and Financial Solutions

1413 South Western

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-5700

Worth Ave Group

1337 S. Western Rd.

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-7900

Wyche Murphy Agency, Inc.

118 West 8th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-5544


A&L Services, LLC

5815 West Lakeview Road

Stillwater, OK 74075

(405) 762-9184

Grimsley’s Inc.

119 East Airport Road

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 533-5300


Denis the Jeweler

924 South Main

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-4367


Environmental Technologies Group

PO Box 548

Stillwater, OK 74076.... (405) 747-9687


Northside Laundry and Cleaners

402 South Main Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-0644


Boettcher Devinney Ingle & Wicker

711 South Duck Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 707-9660

Harrison & Mecklenburg, Inc.

123 West 7th Avenue, Suite 201

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-3045

Horizon Attorneys & Counselors at Law PLC

201 W Hall of Fame Ave

Stillwater, OK 74075..... 918-398-7900

Houston, Osborn, Sexton & Thomas

123 West 7th Avenue, Suite 200

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-7618

Koemel Law, PLLC

205 West 7th Avenue, Suite 101- B

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-1885

Lee Law Office

520 S. Knoblock

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 742-7452

Legal Shield

712 East 6th Avenue, Suite G

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 413-4155

Martin Jean & JacksonAttorneys at Law

400 South Duck

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-5000

Matt Devlin, Attorney at Law

601 South Husband Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 624-0783

Murray Law Firm 311 South Duck

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-7000

Udoka Law

711 South Husband Street Suite 7

Stillwater, OK 74074.....(405) 293-2925

Wilson Law Group, PLLC

619 South Lowry Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 332-5577


Derek’s Lawn & Tree Service, Inc.

PO Box 1261

Stillwater, OK 74076.... (405) 377-8999

Howell Lawn Care LLC

5006 W 2ND AVE

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 334-1839

Mother Nature’s Pest and Lawn

122 NW 122nd

OKC, OK 73114.......... (405) 698-8936

Seasonal Colors of Stillwater, LLC

4700 West McElroy Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 747-9065

TNT Lawn & Landscape Management, Inc.

5808 North Washington Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 377-2440


Night n Day Limo, LLC

9104 West 2nd Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 743-2213


Atherton Hotel at Oklahoma State University

H103 Student Union Stillwater, OK 74078.... (405) 744-6835

Best Western Plus Cimarron Hotel & Suites

315 North Husband Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 372-2878

Hampton Inn & Suites

717 East Hall of Fame Avenue Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 743-1306

Hampton Inn and Suites Stillwater - West

615 South Country Club Road Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 332-5575

Home 2 Suites by Hilton Stillwater

306 East Hall of Fame Avenue Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 372-2550

La Quinta Inn & Suites

5285 West 6th Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 564-0599

Renaissance of Stillwater

1400 East McElroy Road Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 743-4900

Residence Inn by Marriott 800 South Murphy Street Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 707-0588


Cooper’s Locksmith 228 South Main Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 743-2525


ASCO Aerospace USA

3003 North Perkins Road

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 533-5800

Biomat USA

315 South Washington Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 743-3012

National Standard Company 3602 North Perkins Road

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 377-5050

Roll-2-Roll Technologies LLC 1110 S Innovation Way Dr Suite 120

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-2977


JRP Media Management LLC

245 West McElroy Ste 6

Stillwater, OK 74074

(405) 612-1164

BE Creative

3108 E 2nd Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 880-7599

Pennie Works Studio

901 S. Main Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 269-9066

Proforma Faith Marketing

513 Topaz

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 533-3563

Stillwater Screenprinting and Embroidery

520 W. 6th AVe

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-7600


Stillwater Martial Arts

824 South Main

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-5425


Hayden Massage Therapy

2310 S. Silverdale Dr

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (573) 301-0754


6th Avenue Honda

4300 West 6th

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-7766

Forman Harley-Davidson

3512 South Boomer Road

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-0045

Stillwater Powersports

4650 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-4941


Stillwater News Press

211 West 9th

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-5000


Alzheimer’s Association

6660 S. Sheridan Road Suite 202

Tulsa, OK 74133.......... (405) 319-0780

American Legion Post #129

607 South Main

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-7262

American Red Cross

408 S Main st.

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-1833

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma

416 South Lewis

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 624-9922

CASA for Kids, Inc.

315 West 6th Avenue, Suite 205

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 624-2242

Catholic Charities Stillwater

601 S West

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 256-1915

Central Oklahoma Adult & Teen Challenge

3014 South Main

Stillwater, OK 74074..... 405-332-5648

Central Oklahoma Community Action


410 South Lewis

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 624-2533

Downtown Stillwater Association 901 S Main St

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 762-9763

Fraternal Order of Eagles

4277 Aerie & Auxiliary

409 Eagle Lane

Stillwater, OK 74076.... (918) 527-5823

Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma

4810 South 129th East Ave

Tulsa, OK 74134.......... (918) 749-2551

Lions Meadows of Hope

619 S Main

Stillwater, OK 74074..... 405-547-2462


516 Expo Circle South

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-0834

National Wrestling Hall of Fame

405 West Hall of Fame

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 377-5243

Our Daily Bread FRC

701 East 12th

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-2555

Payne County Youth Services

2224 West 12th Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-3380

Resilient Payne County

P O Box 462

Stillwater, Ok 74076.... (405) 747-7599

Riata Center for Entrepreneurship

101 Business Building

Stillwater, OK 74078.... (405) 744-7552

Salvation Army

1101 South Lowry

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-1554

Stillwater Area Sports Association

315 East 9th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 533-2532

Stillwater Arts & Humanities Council

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 880-5798

Stillwater Elks Lodge

202 E McElroy Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 743-3300

Stillwater Frontier Rotary

PO Box 533

Stillwater, OK 74076.... (405) 533-1885

Stillwater Habitat for Humanity

505 East 18th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-0403

Stillwater History Museum

702 South Duncan

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-0359

Stillwater Noon Lions Club

524 N Stallard St

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 743-2723

Stillwater Medical Foundation

1201 S Adams St

2nd Floor #2106

The Saville Center

1523 West 9th Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-5670

United Way of Payne County, Inc.

109 East 9th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-2161


B&C Business Products

113 West 9th Street

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-3882

Merrifield Office Supply

616 South Main

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 377-9732


616 North Perkins Road

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 624-8256


Cockrell Eyecare Center, Inc.

1711 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74076.... (405) 372-1715

Drummond Eye Clinic

420 South Knoblock

Stillwater, OK 74074.... (405) 372-2033


Lake McMurtry Friends

30285 Bronco Curve

Stillwater, OK 74075.... (405) 747-8085

49 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com

Brookdale Senior Living

1616 East McElroy Road

Stillwater, OK 74075... (405) 624-1616

Grace Living Center

1215 West 10th

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 372-1000

Upscale Nails & Spa

715 N. Perkins Rd.

Stillwater, OK 74075... (405) 332-4199

US Dermatology Partners

1329 S Sangre Rd

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 533-3376


Postal Pack & Ship Plus

601 South Washington

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 743-4800


Typo Market

123 E 9th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 334-2723

Varnish and Velvet

306 Woolsey Ave

Morrison, OK 73061... (405) 880-2526


Signs Now

504 West 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 624-2999


A & M Storage LLC

424 E. Lakeview Rd.

Stillwater, OK 74075... (405) 377-2523

Stillwater Transfer & Storage

2005 East 6th Avenue

Stillwater, OK 74076... (405) 372-0577


Landauer Inc.

723 1/2 South Eastgate

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 377-5161

Masters Technology Services

901 S Main Street

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 743-0337

Meridian Technology Center

1312 South Sangre Road

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 377-3333

Quest Technical Services

1414 South Sangre Road

Suite 115-118

Stillwater, OK 74074... (877) 783-7844

R.K. Black, Inc.

3827 North Land Run Drive

Stillwater, OK 74075... (405) 372-3246

RPX Technologies Inc.

5323 N North Star

Stillwater, OK 74075... (405) 747-0856

Social Realm, LLC

1414 South Sangre Rd

Stillwater, OK 74074... (877) 697-3256

ne FLIR Detection, Inc.

1024 South Innovation Way

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 372-9535

Tri-8, Inc.

100 East 7th Ave

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 377-3888


First Republic Title Company

502 South Duck St

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 743-5905

Community Escrow & Title Co.

623 South Lewis

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 780-7196

Oklahoma Abstract & Title Co.

614 S West St.

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 372-2014

Oklahoma Closing & Title Services, Inc.

601 South Husband

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 372-2014

Tidemark 1031

623 South Lewis

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 780-7196


Stillwater Charter Bus Company


Stillwater, OK 74075.... 405-256-2529


Botanic Garden at Oklahoma State University

3300 West 6th Street

Stillwater, OK 74074....(405) 744-5404

Cowboy Sports Properties

460 F-Gallagher Iba Arena

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 744-3484

Northern Oklahoma College

- Stillwater

615 North Monroe Stillwater, OK 74075... (580) 628-6900

Oklahoma State University 107 Whitehurst Hall

Stillwater, OK 74078... (405) 744-2690


Central Rural Electric Cooperative

3305 South Boomer Road

Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 372-2884


Stillwater, OK 74074... (405)

Economy Siding And Construction 305 N E St, Yale, Ok 74085............ 918-346-4342

Legacy Tank And Industrial Services LLC

21718 E 19th Ave St, Yale, OK 74085............ 405-564-4337

Cowboy Club 503 N Old HWY 51 Yale, OK 74085 918-223-7757

Farmers Insurance Group 108 W Boston Ave, Yale, OK 74085............ 918-387-4491

Yale Drug 121 N Main St, Yale, OK 74085............ 918-387-4183

Yale City Hall 209 N Main St, Yale, OK 74085............ 918-387-2405

Winterbottom Agency, LLC 108 W Boston Ave, Yale, OK 74085............ 918-387-2337

Yale United Methodist Church

108 S C St, Yale, OK 74085............ 918-387-2413

Yale Housing Authority

600 Watson Dr, Yale, OK 74085.......... (918) 387-2181

Mugsy’s Grubhouse 215 W Chicago Ave, Yale, OK 74085............ 918-387-4200

Yale Public Schools

Elementary................... 918-387-2428

High School................. 918-387-2118


Randy Bowen Chevrolet GMC

601 OK-18, Chandler, OK 74834 (877) 269-6271

N&S SEED, LLC Dover, OK, (405) 368-1045




9933 E 16th St, Tulsa, OK 74128 (918) 225-1507

West 6th Avenue Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 372-3724


Juvo Web 424 S Squires Landing Blvd. Suite 230 C Stillwater, OK 74074


Stillwater YMCA

204 South Duck Stillwater, OK


G&C Petroleum, Inc 102 W Boston Ave, Yale, Ok 74085............ 918-387-3300

Supreme Mch & Stl Fabrication

302 S Main St, Yale, Ok 74085............ 918-387-2036

United States Postal Service

209 W Broadway Ave, Yale, Ok 74085............ 800-275-8777

51 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com
(405) 533-2111
South Main, Suite #1 Stillwater,
(405) 624-6000
Stillwater 303 East Newman Stillwater,
74075... (405) 377-1053
Chickasaw Telecommunications Services, Inc 504 South Main Street
OK 74074...
ProValue.Net 801
OK 74074...
Republic Services of
Communications 802 East 6th Avenue Stillwater,
74074... (405) 707-7643
Supply & Lounge
S. Main Stillwater, OK 74074... (909) 961-6033
Animal Clinic 2003 North Boomer Road Stillwater, OK 74075... (405) 372-4525 Trinity Veterinary Hospital 3100 North Perkins Road Stillwater, OK 74075... (405) 533-0001 VISION Stillwater Eyecare 707 S. Western Rd. Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 533-6047 Stillwater Eyewear 707 South Western Stillwater, OK 74074... (405) 533-2020 Stillwater Vision Clinic, Inc. 2123
Vertigo Vape
E McNeal, CFP® Financial Advisor 108 West Broadway Cushing, OK 74023 918-225-3004 MKT-1952F-A
SIPC Grant E McNeal, CFP® Financial Advisor 108 West Broadway Cushing, OK 74023
E McNeal, CFP® Financial Advisor 108 West Broadway
E McNeal, CFP® Financial Advisor
u u
W. BroadWay Cushing, oK
www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC Grant
www.edwardjones.com Member
www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC Grant
Cushing, OK 74023 918-225-3004 Grant
Tyler D Stein
74023 (918) 225.3004
53 • About US Magazine • Cushing, OK • 2023 • www.cushingcitizen.com In addition to high school and adult classes, Central Tech provides employee training to over 400 businesses. Central Tech focuses on industry-specific training including: • Oil and Gas, Pipeline • Safety • Agri-Business • Small Business and Entrepreneur • Industrial Maintenance YOUR FUTURE, BUILT BY HAND. Get on the road to your best life enjoying an office with a view. EARN YOUR CLASS A OR CLASS B CDL. Learn more at centraltech.edu/tdt or 918.352.7316.
1215 West 10th Avenue, Stillwater | (405) 372-1000 At Stillwater Creek, we our post-acute patients and long-term care residents! StillwaterCreekOK.com Licensed and certified sta available 24/7 Long-Term Care Private and semi-private room options 5-Star dining program Assistance with the activities of daily living Skilled Nursing & Therapy On-site physical, occupational and speech language therapy following surgery, trauma, or illness Restorative nursing and wound care We are 100% Employee-Owned Neighbors Serving Neighbors

Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence in Service

In 1979, John Fechner and his family moved to Cushing from Great Bend, KS, to establish a distribution center for Trico Industries. In 1982, John decided to go into business for himself. He opened Fechner Pump & Supply in Cleveland, OK, as a down-hole pump repair service. Not long after, the business started to grow, and John began selling oilfield parts and supplies.

In 1986, John purchased a property in Cushing, and opened his 2nd store. That was also the year oil fell to $10.00/barrel. But John’s commitment to excellence in customer service and his trust in the Lord, helped carry Fechner Pump through those difficult years.

In 2006, John purchased 5 acres with a 5,000 sq ft warehouse, in Alva, OK. That building has been expanded to 7,500 sq ft, and has had new offices added to the structure. In 2014, the Alva location built a much-needed 15,000 sq ft warehouse to accommodate the growing needs of the industry in NW Oklahoma. Today, Fechner Pump has over 50,000 sq ft of warehouse space which houses an extensive inventory.

Today, Fechner Pump & Supply employs 20 industry professionals, and is looking to grow that number soon. As we celebrate 40 years of excellence in service, we look forward to many more years of growth and being a part of this community.

1402 N. Little in Cushing 918-225-7867
John Fechner with sons Shaun and Bryan 1995 E. Flynn in Alva 580-327-8230 Event Center Event Center

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