2023 Cardinal Connection January 2023

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check us out onLI ne : lawsoncardinals.org @Lawson.GoCardinals @LawsonGoCards Lawson R-XIV App NEW LOOK!! Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3Enkb5N Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3T1aNsA NEW
Lawson R-XIV School District Volume 28, Issue 2 Winter 2023


Southwest Elementary Girls on the Run members ran in a practice 5K at Lawson City Lake. The Girls on the Run program came to film and interview participants during this for a new promotional video about Girls on the Run. The Southwest Elementary program was selected for this honor, due to the longevity and high numbers in its program. Photo by Stephanie

• From the Desk of the Superintendent

• Lawson R-XIV Social Media Platforms

• Southwest Hosts Annual Grandparents’ Day

• Order Your 2022-23 Southwest Elementary Yearbook

• Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2023-24 School Year

• Ready to Recognize: Girls on the Run

• Upcoming Events at Southwest

• District & Community Connect

• SW Elem. Music Groups Perform

• Opioid Family Forum

• Sr. Citizens Thanksgiving Dinner Returns

• Honoring Veterans With Breakfast and Assembly

• FCCLA Members Compete, Educate and Serve at the Same Time

• What Parents Should Know About Self-Harm

• Cardinals for Red Cross Hosts Blood Drive

• Fall Sports Snapshot

• Health Room Highlights

• MS/HS Finds Musical Success

• Why Attendance Matters

• From Parents as Teachers

• Robotics Holds Fundraiser, Starts Season

• District Updates Communication

• Lawson R-XIV District Contacts & Phone Numbers

from the desk

of the superintendent

Happy New Year! I am often amazed at how fast time goes by when we are in the hustle and bustle of life. I am sure the first day of school was just a couple of weeks ago, but that is not the case. We have concluded the first half of the school year, and it feels like we are moving at warp speed toward an exciting finish to the year. Although the days seem to fly by, I am confident that each day holds the same amount of time, and the speed at which they seem to move is caused by the amount of positive energy being pushed into them by our entire school community. As we move into a New Year, I find myself thinking about the pace we keep and our need to slow down at least for a minute and reflect on what has occurred in the life of our school district over the past year, as I believe selfreflection is good and often a step we miss in realizing all we have accomplished and seeking ways to improve. Furthermore, the beauty in self-reflection is that it always allows us to have a 20/20 vision and look at things for what they are instead of what we hoped for them to be, and in the words of John Maxwell, “Hope is not a strategy.”

Over the past 12 months, the district has seen a great deal of change, and while the change may have seemed scary, the district has continued to move with a positive trajectory. We came together as a community and passed a much-needed operating levy to support our teachers and support staff with needed pay raises. Doing so allowed us to stay competitive in a tightening job market and attract and retain high-quality teachers and staff. We have welcomed new administrators, teachers, and support staff to the district. Each of them has brought great energy and excitement to the betterment of students. We have worked on branding the District in an inclusive way that identifies

the importance of our entire school community working together to ensure the best is yet to come, “We Are Lawson, where Proud Traditions meet Endless Possibilities.” We have implemented a communication system to allow easier communication with our patrons. We invited the community to participate actively in the dialogue surrounding our vision for the future as we develop a “Strategic Plan” to guide us through the coming years. We began designing a long-range facility improvement and maintenance plan to guide the decision-making of the District in planning for and executing future capital improvement projects. We sought the input of our students, parents, and staff members to gauge our District’s “Climate and Culture” and are committed to finding ways to support each of them and what they need to make their experience the best possible as a Lawson Cardinal. All told, I believe that 2022 was an excellent year for the Lawson R-XIV School District, and 2023 is setting up to be an even better year for our District and Community as a whole, and I am so excited to be a part of it.

In closing, we are blessed to have a great support system of amazing parents, grandparents, staff members, and community members who are always ready to come together and do great things for our students, and I want to say thank you for that. I encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and our newest way, the Lawson R-XIV School App. The app is available in both the Google Play Store and Apple Store free of charge and can be downloaded by searching for “Lawson R-XIV.” Our goal for these communication tools is to celebrate the great things occurring in our school district daily and allow you to stay informed on all the exciting events and activities that make us all proud, to say #WeAreLawson.

2 Inside this Issue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lawson School District on our social media platforms, so you won’t miss important announcements, updates, and special things going on! Lawson School District Facebook Lawson.GoCardinals Lawson School District Twitter @LawsonGoCards Lawson Cardinals Activities @LawsonCardinalsActivities Southwest Elementary Facebook @swelementaryschool Lawson Text Alerts—Important alerts via text (District parents are auto-enrolled) https://forms.gle/wJSqdNRtVK47zTJR7
R-XIV App—To stay connected, download in the app store: Download for Android: Download for iPhone: https://bit.ly/3Enkb5N https://apple.co/3T1aNsA Lawson School District Website lawsoncardinals.org 2022-23 School Calendar https://bit.ly/Lawson22-23Calendar
MICHAEL STEPHENSON Lawson R-XIV Superintendent

Feb. 22 – 5-6 p.m.

April 26 – 5-6 p.m.

(Location - Southwest Elementary Cafeteria)

Please pick up an enrollment packet in advance at Southwest Elementary beginning Feb. 1.

Kindergarten Round Up (enrollment) will be held on Wednesday Feb. 22 and Wednesday April 26, from 5-6 p.m. at Southwest Elementary. To be admitted to kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year, your child must be five years old before Aug. 1, 2023. Parents may come in any time from 5-6 p.m. to turn in their completed paperwork.

Essential paperwork for enrollment at Southwest Elementary:

· Copy of Birth Certificate

· Copy of Immunization Records

· Enrollment Affirmation (signed and notarized)

· TWO Proofs of Residency in Lawson School District

Examples include:

· Utility bill

· Mortgage statement

· Lease/rental agreement

· Property Tax statement

Your child does not need to be present at enrollment. Parents will have the opportunity to meet some of the kindergarten teachers and sign up for kindergarten screening, which will be held in May. This screening enables the teachers to plan more appropriately for instruction. There is no “pass/fail” on this test. During kindergarten enrollment, parents will be able to sign up their children for Summer School.

Early enrollment is important so that we can be prepared when school begins in the fall. Please call Southwest Elementary at 580-7272 if you have any questions.

Hosts Annual GrAndpArents’

This fall each grade level at Southwest hosted a program to celebrate our grandparents. These performances were all planned and prepared by the grade level teachers. Each grade level chose songs, dances, skits, or even jokes. Themes included showcasing their learning, patriotism, thanksgiving, and overall appreciation for grandparents. The programs were well attended.

OPAA Food Services provided cookies for refreshments and our Southwest PTO provided a backdrop and photo services. Next year, we look forward to hosting in our new space!

Ready to Recognize GIRLs on the Run

We are so proud of these girls and the work they put in to prepare for their 5K on November 5th at Swope Park. Thursday, Oct. 27, the team ran their practice race at the Lawson City Lake with the encouragement of our LHS Cross Country Team. The girls were also asked to be a part of the Girls on the Run promotional video for their Giving Tuesdays Campaign. A video crew came to their practice - filming and interviewing the team. Our program was chosen due to the consistency, validity, and true representation of a successful Girls on the Run program. Lawson’s team has been the largest group in the KC area for the past three years! A huge thank you to the team supervisors and sponsors—Holly Spencer, Christina Conrick, Stephanie Cotter, and Emily Caraway—for all of their hard work and dedication to making this group a big success!


Please make your check payable to “Southwest Elementary.” (Please specify “Yearbook Payment” on the envelope.)

Yearbooks will go home with students the last week of school.

If wanting to order. PLEASE do so before the due date below to ensure you get one. Extra yearbooks will be limited on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Deadline for orders is March 3, 2023

Girls on the Run team members and coaches, as well as the LHS cross country runners and the coach pose for a group photo before their practice Girls on the Run 5K at Lawson City Lake. The Southwest Elementary Girls on the Run team participated in the program’s 5K in Kansas City on Nov. 5. Photos by Nathan Spencer

upcominG events At southwest

3 Weekly events and results, course information, sports schedules, school calendar, pictures, lunch menus, and much more! check us out onLIne: lawsoncardinals.org @Lawson.GoCardinals @LawsonGoCards neW “LaWson R-XIV” app: Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3Enkb5N Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3T1aNsA Southwest
Fourth grade students share during Grandparents’ Day on Nov. 18. Photo by Megan Owens While kindergarterners perform at their own Grandparents’ Day on Nov. 22. Photo by Christina Cross
January 16 No School – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 18 SW Class Photo Day February 3 PTO Father-Daughter Dance 7-9 p.m. 3 Mid-Term 14 Spring Conferences 4-6 p.m. 16 Spring Conferences 4-6 p.m. (Teachers will reach out to schedule the conference date & time.) 17 No School – Teacher Collaboration Day 20 No School – Presidents’ Day 22 Kindergarten Enrollment 5-6 p.m. (Packets available in SW office starting Feb. 1) March 9 2nd Grade Music Program (SPAC) 7 p.m. 9 PTO Muffins with Mom 6:30-7:30 a.m. (Last name A-L) 10 PTO Muffins with Mom 6:30-7:30 a.m. (Last name M-Z) 10 End of 3rd Quarter 17 No School 20 No School – Teacher Collaboration Day 22 Spring Student Pictures 30 1st Grade Music Program (SPAC) 7 p.m. 31 PTO Mother-Son Dance 7-9 p.m. April 7 & 10 No School – Spring Break 13 Kindergarten Music Program (SPAC) 7 p.m. 14 Mid-Terms Go Home 21-22 PTO’s Cooper’s Hunt (Virtual-Facebook) 22 PTO’s Plant Sale 8-10 a.m. 26 Kindergarten Enrollment 5-6 p.m.
24 - May 5 3rd & 4th MAP Testing – Schedule to come
9 4th Grade Spelling Bee Preliminaries in Classrooms 10 2nd Grade Field Trip to the KC Symphony 11 4th Grade Spelling Bee Finals 1 p.m.
SW Singers Program (SPAC) 7 p.m. 12 Field Day 19 Last Day of School – Full Day 31 Summer School Starts
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Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2023-2024 School Year! February 22 – 5:00-6:00 April 26 – 5:00-6:00 (Location - Southwest Elementary Cafeteria) P ease p ck up an enro lment packet in advance at Southwest Elementary beginning February 1st K ndergarten Round Up (enro lment) w l be he d on Wednesday Feb 22 and Wednesday Apr l 26 from 5:00-6:00 p m a Southwes E ementary To be adm t ed o k ndergar en or the 2023-2024 school year your ch ld mus be f ve years old before Augus 1 2023 Paren s may come n any t me f om 5-6 p m o turn n their comp eted paperwork Essent al paperwork for enro men at Southwes E emen ary Copy of Birth Certificate Copy of Immunization Records Enrollment Affirmation (signed and notarized) 2 Proofs of residency in Lawson School District Examples include: Utility bill Mortgage statement Lease/rental agreement Property Tax statement Your chi d does not need to be present at enro lment
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KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT for the 2023-24 School

District, Community ConneCt


Lots of wonderful things have been happening in the music room at Southwest Elementary. There were 111 third and fourth graders who auditioned for the elementary choir, Southwest Singers. Fifty students were selected and have been meeting each Wednesday after school to rehearse and prepare the music performed at the Thanksgiving Feast that was held on Thursday, Nov. 17. Students did an outstanding job and even enjoyed a few minutes of visiting with the guests. The choir led an old-fashioned sing-along at Pancakes with Santa and even performed a few Christmas songs at the lighting ceremony in the city park. Southwest Singers will resume on Wednesday, Feb. 1. The choir will perform a spring concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 11, at the Sellers Performing Arts Center and it is open to the public.

The third graders had a wonderful Thanksgiving concert back on Thursday, Nov. 10. They performed Thanksgiving songs as well a patriotic piece entitled, “Thankful for the U.S.A.,” which was a huge crowd-pleaser.

The fourth grade students held their Christmas concert on Thursday, Dec. 1, at the Sellers Performing Arts Center. They had guest guitarist Stephen Jaremko and their own dancing Santa, Preslee Sullard! Future performance dates and times are included in the “Upcoming Events at Southwest” coverage on pg. 3. More information will be sent home to parents as the dates approach.

“My freshman year, I remember walking the hallway to my next class period and seeing all of the smiling faces from the senior citizens who attended this meal. I wondered what this wonderful get together was all about, and I also wondered how I could get myself a plate of this delicious food. Unfortunately, after that day we were unable to have this special meal for a couple of years. The senior citizens counted on it and looked forward to it for so long. I remember my sophomore and junior year, when a couple of guests came to the door of the high school expecting this wonderful meal, not knowing that unfortunate events kept it from occurring. Luckily, now that I am a senior, we were able to put on this spectacular occasion. I, a National Honors Society member myself, had all of my peers special to our group help in celebration to set up the tables, serve our

senior citizens, and clean up all with care. I can speak for our group when saying that it was a very special experience, and although it was tedious, hard work, we had a blast. Although the pumpkin pie looked amazing, the decorations were very festive, and our meal attendees were so kind, I would have to say that my favorite part of the entire event was the Southwest Singers. Hearing their lovely voices would have brought someone to tears. I was in Southwest Singers myself when I was in elementary school, and one of my fondest memories is when we would all show up to the first day of rehearsal. I didn’t know what to expect, but when our choir director at the time had us all sing a note, I was amazed that we were making such a glorious sound. It was goosebump worthy. I am always so amazed by what our school district is able to put on, and it couldn’t be done without every single one of us.”

“I have seen all of the amazing efforts that Cardinals in Action has been able to put on over the years. I have had the lucky opportunity to play this very important role in this group for all four years of high school. What we value most, is making a better atmosphere for our school and community by creating a drug- and alcohol-free environment, combined with an emphasis on the importance of mental health to the best of our ability. We have large group meetings once a month, and this is when we decide what we believe the most important problem is to begin tackling. There are certain addictions that occur that are hard to stop, but we do our best.

When it comes to fentanyl, we have to take a different approach. This is an addiction that we need to work very hard so that it doesn’t ever occur in the first place. Our group met with the Clay County Sheriff’s Department, and our Tri-County Mental Health representatives to get more information on this topic. This was enlightening for most of us, seeing how we didn’t know very much about this topic at all beforehand. We learned how a very, very small dosage can kill fast and easily, and how most of the people who take fentanyl have absolutely no idea they’re even taking it. Fentanyl can be in a pill, inside a vape, laced in gummies, and so much more. This is terrifying. That is why we feel it is so important to educate our peers on this drug so that they can understand what they’re up against. Our group is coming up with some amazing, fun, and interactive campaign ideas to get our school involved so that this can be used for the best. We are so excited to go about this campaign, with the knowledge that this could be one of the most important things we’ve ever done.

We are also proud that our school district invited the Clay County Sheriff’s Department to hold a forum that provided information to all community members who wanted to attend. We had close to 100 in attendance and really showed how much our community cares about these important topics!” Photo by

SW Singers perform at the Senior Citizens Thanksgiving Feast and interact with attendees. Photos by Christina Cross The 4th graders sing at their Christmas concert, and Preslee Sullard was Santa for the concert. Photos courtesy of Jennie Phipps OPIOID FAMILY FORUM ANNA TUCKER CIA Co-Senior Leader


The 2022 Veteran’s Day breakfast and assembly was a combined effort with organization from the middle school and high school administration and staff. The high school student council members greeted the veterans and ushered them, along with their spouses, to the high school commons for breakfast. Near the completion of breakfast Amanda Covey, 5-12 vocal music teacher, led her middle school and high school choir with patriotic songs honoring the veterans. At the completion of breakfast, the honored guests made their way to the high school gymnasium for an assembly where the middle and high school students joined them. Veterans, students, and other guests were welcomed with opening remarks by Michael Stephenson, the district superintendent, along with the introduction of the senior class president, Mason Wibbenmeyer, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. The commander of the local VFW, Jeff Bye, then read the description for the POW/MIA presentation table followed by a moving speech from school board vice president Jason Thummel, reminding all in attendance of the sacrifices and freedoms that our country’s veterans have given to us. The assembly continued with the presentation of the middle school Patriot Pen winner, Destiny Dreesen, seventh grader, and the high school Voice of Democracy winner, sophomore Joelle Barker. Both students read their award-winning speeches followed by the high school band performing the “United States Medley.” In closing, Joe Koeberl, eighth social studies teacher, and middle school student council sponsor, called roll for presentation of individual certificates. Dezarae Conkin, junior, played the bugle call, “Taps,” while a moment of silence was observed. The retiring of the colors command was given, bringing the assembly to a conclusion.


MIDDLE SCHOOL — Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) Events are competitive events in which FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) members compete at the regional and state levels and are recognized for proficiency and achievement in chapter projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. There are more than 30 STAR Events students can choose to compete in, all of which recognize participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to actively identify an issue concerning families, careers, or communities, research the topic, and develop and implement a project to advocate for positive change.

Destiny Dreesen, Alison Koeberl, and Grayson Crawford, all seventh graders from LMS, are competing in the Chapter Service Project Portfolio. For their project, they collected donations for a pet shelter. The winning class, Chrissy Nutter’s fifth grade science class, received a breakfast. Next, they arranged a Pet Adoption at the Lawson Community Center on Saturday, Nov. 5. Seventh graders Ella Ripley, Josie Holman, and Mariah Jones are competing in Focus on Children. For their project, they arranged to talk to each of the third grade classes at SW Elementary about the types of bullying and how to stand up to bullies. Each student was given a key chain with their slogan: Stand Up Speak Out. Finally, they made a bulletin board to reinforce their presentation.

Caitlyn Cline and Kaydence Hyatt, seventh graders, are competing in National Programs in Action FACTS (Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety). For their project, they prepared a presentation and talked to each of the fifth grade classes about road safety. They also arranged for their dads, Excelsior Springs police officers, to bring a police car and talk about traffic safety. Finally, they made a bulletin board to reinforce each of the points from their presentation.

HIGH SCHOOL — Sophomores Kadance James, and Allison Hochwender are competing in Chapter Service Project Display. For their project, they raised money for New Hope Missions in Haiti. The girls did a week and a half long coin drive at all three Lawson Schools, as well as a Lawson basketball game, Lawson Baptist Church, and Vibbard Christian Union. Between all of the generous donations, the girls raised a total of $2,084.51. Photos by Sharon Embrey & Katie Martin

Weekly events and results, course information, sports schedules, school calendar, pictures, lunch menus, and much more! check us out onLIne: lawsoncardinals.org @Lawson.GoCardinals @LawsonGoCards neW “LaWson R-XIV” app: Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3Enkb5N Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3T1aNsA
Sophomore Joelle Barker shares her winning Voice of Democracy essay during the middle and high school Veteran’s Day Assemby Friday, Nov. 11. Photo by Lily Ripley / Lanidrac LMS and LHS students eat breakfast with family members who are veterans, during the Veteran’s Day Breakfast prior to the assembly.
Photos by Lily Ripley / Lanidrac

What Parents Should SUSAN


know ABout seLf-hArm


LMS uses SOS Signs of Suicide to teach students the signs of someone who might need help and how to respond. The 7th and 8th grade Health class completed the program and it is important that parents have the same information.

Suicide is complicated and cannot be linked to just one cause, but over 90% of people who die by suicide have a mental health disorder. As a parent, here are some signals your child may be depressed or having thoughts of self-harm:

1. Talk of death or dark topics of conversation

2. Significant difference in appearance

3. Change in mood

4. Extreme withdrawal

5. Increase in risky behaviors (alcohol/drug use, cutting/self-mutilation)

6. Decreased interest in things they once enjoyed

7. Seeking/wanting weaons or means to harm themselves

Talking to a student about suicide or asking if they have thoughts of suicide does not put the idea in their head. Talk to your child if you have concerns. Reach out to your doctor or a counselor with questions. You could also call 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline).

fALL ActIvItIes resuLts


Varsity Record: 7-4

9th & JV Record: 5-4

Highlights: 3rd Place KCI Conference

Defeating 8-1 Trenton in the first round of Districts


Varsity Record: 24-5

JV Record: 12-0

Highlights: KCI cochampions, District runner-up, Excelsior Springs

Tournament Champions


Varsity Record: 26-6

JV Record: 22-4

C-Team Record: 17-7-2

Highlights: KCI Conference Tournament Champions, KCI Conference Champions, District Champions


State Qualifiers: Max


Highlights: Finished 3rd at the KCI Conference meet

Supported Girls on the Run by running their practice 5K


State Qualifier & Medalist: Jocelyn Calvert (20th)

Highlights: Supported Girls

The Cardinals for Red Cross high school club hosted its first blood drive of the school year with Red Cross on Nov. 16, in the LHS SPAC. There were 24 LHS Cardinals for Red Cross members who volunteered and ran a successful event. We had 35 total donors with 20 of them being first-time donors. Thirtysix units of blood were collected, which has the potential to save 108 lives. The donors were mostly LHS students, but we also had some community members and teachers donate as well. The next blood drive will be Feb. 22.

hIGhLIGhts Health Room

Tis the season to be healthy. Student wellness and healthy lifestyle choices are linked to academic success. As the colder temperatures and wintry weather kicks in you need to do everything you can to avoid getting an annoying cold or the dreaded flu. Check out these winter health tips to help you stay healthy throughout the winter.


1. Eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables.

2. Get outdoors during the daytime.

3. Make sure you stay hydrated.

4. Try to get better sleep. www.cdc.gov/sleep

ms, hs

on the Run by running their practice 5K

GIRL’S GOLF Varsity Record: 10-6

JV Record: 14-3

Highlights: Plattsburg

Tournament Champions, District Tournament 3rd State Qualifier: Haley Bennett, Aubrey Cox State Medalist: Haley Bennett (8th)


Highlights: Tournament of Champions-2nd Place Cameron Marchfest–Drumline-2nd Place, Parade 2nd Place, Field Show 2nd place, Indoor Color Guard 1st Place

CHOIR Highlights: 18 Students qualified for All District Choir MS FOOTBALL

Grade Record: 6-0

Grade Record: 6-0

5. Always keep yourself warm.

6. Practice good hygiene. Even if you work hard at following all the healthy tips mentioned, you might catch a cold or the flu. Our district has already noted an increased number of influenza cases. Flu season typically runs from October thru May. The first and best way to protect against flu is to get a yearly flu vaccine. It’s not too late to get a flu vaccine if you haven’t already done so.

If your child does become sick with the flu or any illness, please keep them home until at least 24 hours after their fever is gone and their symptoms have improved or resolved. The fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine. A fever is defined as 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above.

Practicing healthy habits can help us to work towards being at our very best during this winter season.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tina Murdock, RN at 816580-7272 or Melinda Grimpo, RN at 816580-7279/7270.

On Nov. 19, 10 LMS students participated in the Northwest Middle School All-District Choir. This event was held at Platte County High School. The 5th & 6th grade choir was under the direction of Mallory McCoy, who taught in the North Kansas City school district for 14 years. She is now pursuing her doctorate from Baker University. The 7th & 8th grade choir was under the direction of Dr. Blake Richter from Nixa, Mo. Dr. Richter is the choral director at Nixa Junior High and runs a video production, audio engineering, and music composition business in his spare time. The students sang “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod” composed by Dr. Richter and Ryan Main. Both groups sang a variety of genres in their performances.

The 5th/6th Grade students participating were: Rebecca Ouderkirk, Emma Thompson, Joanna Wood, Kailyn Johnson, Elle LaFleur, Serenity Runnels, and Quinton Payne. The

Senior Isaac O’Sullivan donates blood during the Cardinals for Red Cross Blood Drive held Nov. 16. Photo by Kadance James / Lanidrac
8th Grade RecordA Tm: 19-3-1 B Tm: 3-3-2 7th Grade RecordA Tm: 11-9 B Tm: 4-5-1

Too many absences—excused or unexcused—can keep students from succeeding in school and in life. Missing 10% of the school year can negatively impact a student’s academic performance enough to knock them off track. That is roughly 18 days a year or two days a month. Research shows that attendance is an important factor in student achievement, therefore, it is the goal of the Lawson School District to have student attendance at 95% or higher to help better ensure the district is able to provide the best learning opportunities for every student. Students with chronic absenteeism in…

• Elementary school often have delays in reading levels and math skills.

• Middle school struggle to obtain fundamental skills required to understand material in proceeding courses.

• High school tend to get off track for graduation and/ or drop out.

Many parents are unaware of how quickly absences can add up. To help keep both parents and students informed on current attendance rates of students, the Lawson School District will be periodically sending out attendance reports for all students enrolled in the district, starting second semester.

After the unprecedented disruption caused by the pandemic, the district is striving to return to normalcy and has reinstated attendance incentive programs at each building. The district wants to bring focus back to the importance of attendance and stress to our families that it is a continued priority, due to its implications for the education of our students.

Together—students, parents, school, and community—we can work to give our children the best opportunity for success.

What attendance habits are being formed by your child for school and beyond?

fInds musIcAL success

7th/8th grade students participating were: Dyanna Willoughby, Kenzie Campbell, and Bailey Payne


In September, 18 LHS Select Choir students were selected for the Northwest All-District Choir, which was held on Oct. 29 at Platte County High School. The audition process for this ensemble is not an easy one. Students must prepare one to two minutes of a contest-type solo to sing for a panel of three judges. In addition to preparing a solo, the students have a sight reading component to their audition. In the sight reading room, students must identify two major key signatures in five seconds. Then, they are given 20 seconds to study five measures of music that they must sing for a judge. Following this melodic sight reading example, the students then have another 20 seconds to study five measures of a harmonic example before singing it for the judge. A harmonic example means that they sing their voice part (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass) while the other three parts are played on a recording. All parts of the audition process are blind, which means the students are given a number and cannot be seen by the judges.

This is the largest number of students that have been selected for this ensemble from Lawson since Amanda Covey began teaching here in 2008. It may be the largest number of students that have been selected in the history of our school. Of the 18 students, 16 were able to participate in the All-District Choir clinic under the direction of Dr. Anthony Maglione from William Jewell College.

Those students rehearsed all day and put on a concert that evening for family, friends, and directors across the district.

Those students participating were: (Front Row) Cara Siebert (10), Allison Hochwender (10), Ava Briegel (11), Jacklyn Thompson

(10), Kimber Ballard (11), Aleah Johnson (9), Lola Bolinger (9) and Joanna Mayne (9), (Back Row) Carsyn McPheeters (12), Powell Bolinger (10), Xander Veverka (9), Cade Shaffer (11), Connar Long (11), Haley Lewis (10), Jocelyn Hazlett (11), and Haley Hollon (11). Photo by Amanda Covey


Logan Heins and Elle LaFleur, 5th Grade students at LMS, have been selected to perform in the Third Annual Missouri AllState Children’s Choir as part of the Missouri Music Educators Association annual conference held at Tan-Tar-A on Jan. 25. Both students auditioned in September for this ensemble and were selected in October. The ensemble consists of 4th and 5th grade students from Missouri. Their clinician for the day will be Kerry Heisler, a renowned clinician and teacher from Alberta, Canada. The students will rehearse all day at the resort and perform a concert for their families and music directors from across the state that evening. Their concert will include a variety of songs in multiple genres and languages, providing the students with a remarkable learning opportunity.


The high school and middle school bands both represented the community in the Homecoming Parade, including 42 middle school band students and 47 high school band students who marched through downtown Lawson, setting the tone for the parade. Also, 38 sixth graders have begun their exciting journey in the Lawson Band Family this fall.

Blazing Cardinal Marching Band Awards:

- Tournament of Champions: 2nd Place Field Show

- Cameron Marchfest:

Field Show: 2nd Place

Indoor Drumline: 2nd Place

Parade: 2nd Place

Indoor Color Guard: 1st Place

District Band Honors:

Hunter Thompson (10) - 5th Chair Alto Saxophone

Makynzee Hubbard (10) - 14th Chair Clarinet

Cooper Bellemore (8) - 1st Chair Trombone - Middle School Jazz Band

MAtteRS On Track Warning Signs Chronic Absentee Student Attendance Percentage Days Missed in a Year Average Frequency of Missing School Above 95% Less than 9 days 1 day or less per month 9095% 9 - 18 days 1 day every two weeks 90% & under 18 days or more 1 day or more per week Attendance WHAT DOES CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM LOOK LIKE?
Weekly events and results, course information, sports schedules, school calendar, pictures, lunch menus, and much more! check us out onLIne: lawsoncardinals.org @Lawson.GoCardinals @LawsonGoCards neW “LaWson R-XIV” app: Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3Enkb5N Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3T1aNsA 7


Dear Parents/Guardians,

My name is Kristina Meyer, and I am the Parents as Teachers Missouri Curriculum Partner, Parent Educator for the Lawson School District. This is my second year as a Cardinal and I love it here! I look forward to meeting all of the littles and their families. I am excited to help them to grow and learn in preparation for kindergarten, as well as being a reliable source of information for parents.

I have been married to my husband Josh since 2014 and we were blessed with two daughters, Hadley (5 1⁄2) and Kambree (4). Hadley attends kindergarten at Southwest. We moved to the area in 2019. I have a degree in Early Childhood Development and have several years of experience. “It takes a village” is more than just a phrase to me. It is my goal to strengthen our Lawson Cardinal Village, by connecting families, providing resources and personalized visits. I provide screenings for preschoolers prior to kindergarten entry. The screening gives us the ability to track the amazing growth your child will have over the next year. I conduct an ASQ or DIAL-4 developmental screening (depending on age). I also screen your child’s vision and hearing. Beyond screenings, I also provide personalized visits and group connections for all

families with children prenatal to kindergarten entry. This is a free service provided by the district to help assist families in all aspects of child rearing. I would love for your family to join our program and be part of our Lawson Cardinal Village!

Please reach out for more information, or scan the QR Code (below) and fill out the enrollment form. Once it has been submitted, I will contact you to schedule a personal visit and get you started!





Follow Us on Facebook:

Lawson R-XIV Parents as Teachers

Check out our Website: bit.ly/3SaKTSy

Enrollment Form:

Postal Customer Lawson, MO 64062

Lawson, MO

No. 14

hoLds fundrAIser, stArts seAson Robotics

The Lawson Robotics Program held its Third Annual Lawson Robotics Arm Wrestling Tournament Fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 3, at Lawson High School. There were around 50 entries in the tournament with several professional arm wrestlers as well as a number of amateurs. Several teachers and other community members competed as well.

Our FRC team, THE LAW, is geared up for build season with the CHARGED UP game reveal kick-off on Jan. 8.


• Heartland Regional March 16-18

• Greater Kansas City Regional March 30-Apr. 1

FIRST Robotics First Tech Challenge (FTC) competitions are already underway with this season’s game POWER PLAY. This competition is open to students from seventh grade to twelth grade and provides an opportunity that until last year was unavailable for LMS students to be a part of the Lawson Robotics Program. We have already competed in some tough matches this season and are hoping to improve our ranking in our future competitions. Team 19815, the law, is excited to announce the FTC team’s upcoming meets: MOKS-MO Belton KC East AM (8 a.m.-Noon) Jan. 21, Yeokum Center of Innovation; MOKS-MO KC East League Tournament (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) Feb. 4, MCC - Penn Valley.

Lawson R-XIV School District

(816) 580-7277

Michael Stephenson, Superintendent

David Allgaier, Board President

Tyson Miller, Director Special Services

Southwest Elementary

(816) 580-7272

Megan Owens, Principal Christina Cross, Asst. Prin. & District P.R.

Lawson Middle School

(816) 580-7279

Tammy Dunn, Principal

Travis Zahl, Asst Principal & District A D

Lawson High School

(816) 580-7270

Daniel Petet, Principal

Tara Crawford, Asst Principal & A+ Coord

Karen Johnson, Newsletter Compiler

Cardinal Connection Lawson R-XIV School District 4th & Allison Lawson, MO 64062

Cardinal Connection is a publication of the Lawson School District. To comment, write to the above address, or call 580-7270.

DIStRICt UPDAteS Communications

The district recently finished updating its communications systems. This process included designing a new website, building a new app, and setting up a new text alert system.

“Our hope was to make it more user friendly and easier for our patrons, parents, students, and staff to find important information and stay connected to what’s happening in the district,”

Christina Cross, Public Relations Coordinator for the district, said.

The switchover began on Dec. 2. You can now download the district app that includes district events and athletic events calendars, links

to our staff, the dining menus, connections to the daily middle school and high school bulletins, and much more!

To stay connected, download the “Lawson R-XIV” app in the app store:

Download for Android: https://bit. ly/3Enkb5N

Download for iPhone: https:// apple.co/3T1aNsA

Also, patrons can request to stay connected through text alerts by following the link below (parents of the district are automatically enrolled): https://forms.gle/ wJSqdNRtVK47zTJR7

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Non-Profit U.S.
Wyatt Covey, eighth grader, disassembles last year’s robot to reuse the parts on the new robot. works on the robot. Photo by Robotics Club member Band teacher Sam Riley and Robotics teacher and club sponsor, Rodney Foster face off during the Third Annual Lawson Robotics Arm Wrestling Tournament Fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 3. Photo by Gideon Dressler

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