Waves Galveston November 2022

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November 2022
2 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
hallenging Hole ourse Tennis ars ining ool avilion oin The irst AT ountr lu in the State o Te as Galveston ountr lu Ste art oa Galveston T www.galvestoncountryclub.com Galveston ountr lue ershi At ts est
409-740-1245 Galveston’s Family Friendly Vacation Rental Properties offer fun for the whole family! 4 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | November 2022 5www.wavesgalveston.com T T O I ade In a e ton ount Te a • I D O IT • O I T D • T • O T - O D - O OT • TI O O O TIO SALES, ASSEMBLY, DELIVERY AND A REPAIR SHOP IF NEEDED AS YOUR ONE STOP POLY FURNITURE SHOP!
6 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com IND US ON INE November 2022 P.13 PREMIER STERLING SILVER JEWELRY contents CarriageHausRentals.com l 2127 Broadway, Galveston, TX Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart. Rent Me! t Street ISLECYCLESTUDIO-GROUPCLASSES MASSAGE-WELLNESSTHERAPIES THEGATHERINGSTUDIORENTALSPACE Locatedat291053rdStreet-Galveston,TX Giveusacallat(409)220-3901 BENTonHealthyLiving.com P. 15 READY TO ADVERTISE? 409-789-1160 P.14 P.13 A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS: LIVE ON STAGE Saturday, November 19, 2022 | 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM Charles M. Schulz’s award-winning story has been a longstanding tradition, warming the hearts of millions of fans since it first aired on television over 50 years ago. Now, the live stage adaptation of the classic animated television special brings all your favorite characters to life, set to the original special’s dialogue as well as the unforgettable sounds of the classic Vince Guaraldi musical score! A Charlie Brown Christmas: Live on Stage celebrates the timeless television classic as the whole family can join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of the Peanuts characters in their journey to uncover the true meaning of Christmas. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 409.765.1894 | THEGRAND.COM Sponsored in part by P. 33 M CarriageHausRentals.com 2127 Broadway, Galveston, TX Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart. • Cart Rentals • Private Guided Tours Restored Historic Home Tours Christmas Light Tours Rent Me! P.52 ON THE COVER Happy Thanksgiving from Team Waves!

a e n n & n e

Family owned and operated since 1979

Bassett * Braxton Culler * Stanley Chair * Hunter Douglas



Thanksgiving is such a special time of the year. It’s

with our

It is truly


loading up

Kansas each year

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It wasn’t until years later that realized my grandmother wasn’t a very good cook. LOL. When you are a kid, everything seems to taste good. My grandmother was truly a wonderful and sweet lady. She taught me how to make angels in the snow. My mother was a camera bug so must have hundreds of pictures of me doing that.

My grandparents named every car they ever owned. The one remember was named “Peg”. My grandfather could spend what seemed like hours telling everyone how many miles per gallon “Peg” got. Such wonderful times and memories.

Take a look at our award-winning restaurant section for Thanksgiving dinner options this year. Koop’s Barbecue, Mosquito Cafe, and PattyCakes Bakery have some great pre-order, Thanksgiving s ecific en s. a eston esta rant ro s ine o resta rants have gift card and catering offers within the section as well.

As always, check the entertainment listings throughout the magazine to catch a show. Whether it’s Charlie Brown’s Christmas Live Onstage at the historic Grand and/or the brilliance of our own Galveston Symphony Orchestra every Sunday, also at the Grand, it’s all here for you to plan your month.

Our Waves family would like to wish everyone very Happy Thanksgiving.

s always OC

Mike Burke| Publisher

8 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com a es a a ine s u lis e ont ly y: Waves Magazine | Mike Burke P.O. Box 3343 | Galveston , TX 77552 P: 409-789-1160 www.wavesgalveston.com u lis er itor Sales irector Mike Burke mburke@wavesgalveston.com 409-789-1160 istri ution e master Tiffany Bergeron tbergeron@wavesgalveston.com ecuti e Creati e irector Christopher Bergeron cbergeron@wavesgalveston.com Contri utors Richard Henderson, D.V.M. J.A. Bunny Jan Dean Billy Powell Patrick Lemire Max Conner Tom Valliere Charlie Bresenhan Paul Hager Bob Rohan John Valastro Kathy Valastro Holly Ross Dr. Tara Wegryn J. Chumley Photography Thomas Waggoner Zach Tate Lynda Watson Shaye Henderson James Clark Christy Monroe enee artfie d On t e we WavesGalveston.com Facebook WavesGalveston Subscriptions Available Waves Magazine P.O. Box 3343 | Galveston , TX 77552 P: 409-789-1160 Waves Magazine is produced monthly. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. O 0
a time when we relish getting together
family and friends to share blessings.
one of my favorite holidays.
happiest childhood memories revolve around Thanksgiving. remember my parents
our family car and driving to Wichita,
to celebrate Thanksgiving with my grandparents.
TS T T T TH ST TH S A www.galveston.com/bestofgalveston Click on NEWS & MEDIA Click WAVES Magazine Under: • Best Local Print Publication • Best Local Website • Best Facebook Page We appreciate your participation in the awards process as S works around the clock to bring you the most comprehensive, informative, and entertainment driven publication on our great Island. an you fol s so muc Happy o em er a ers yn a atson an i e ur eC ristop er an iffany er eron

e Las er nn

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al eston s re er L ry edd n ent en e per ence e Las er eat r n t e all ncl s e wedd n wee end pac a e s ea t f lly restored c estate w t s ft ncl des st nn n parlors a a n ar ele ant c apel and or eo s ro nds sol te le ance p c e or es o eser e en e s a n f cent e w ll a e yo r day all yo drea ed t wo ld e e tar at n edd n re r p d sor t treet al eston e as 55 www las er nn co



The Modern Turkey

Both a Marvel and a Mess

The turkey is one of the last of our farm animals to be domesticated. The wild turkey was likely domesticated about 2000 years ago in what is now Mexico. The birds weighed about eight pounds, were lean, fast, and strong flyers. They had beautiful bronze feathers and blended into the forests.

Fast forward to the 1920’s, the farm-raised birds were still brown in color and weighed around thirteen pounds. As time went on the factory-farm turkeys lost their natural colors and are now all white. They have also lost their ability to fly.

Today’s turkey is truly a genetically engineered marvel thanks to decades of selective breeding by animal scientists. By selecting for size, large breasts and thighs, these muscle-bound birds tip the scales between 25 and 30 pounds. Years ago, it took almost one year to reach maturity, while today turkeys reach full weight in 136 days. By intensely selecting for rapid growth and large muscles (meat), the poultry industry has created a meat-making machine. Good news for the American omnivore, but not so great for the turkeys.

Humans have a long history of “messing with Mother Nature” often with unintended negative consequences for the animals involved. By selecting for rapid growth and size, the turkeys have multiple problems to deal with. The modern-day turkey

grows so quickly that the bird’s bones and joints cannot mature fast enough to support their weight. Sadly, some of the young bird’s joints will fail or bones break trying to support all their muscle mass.

There are other unintended consequences of selective breeding. Baby turkeys, called poults, are genetically weaker that wild turkey babies. As a result, they are difficult to raise and have a high mortality rate. They are all hatched in incubators and raised without their mothers. Not being with mom may result in them being overly stressed making them more prone to illness.

Turkeys can no longer mate and breed naturally. The breeding males weigh up to eighty pounds and are physically unable to successfully breed a female. Even if they could, they would likely

10 Waves Magazine | November 0 www.wavesgalveston.com

injure the females due to their massive size. So, a whole industry has developed to artificially collect semen from male turkeys. There are people whose day-to-day job is to artificially inseminate hundreds of turkey hens. It is a messy, smelly job. Poor guy that must do this ten hours a day, five days a week. I’m not sure which job is worse the collector or the inseminator?

It is amazing what human-orchestrated natural selection can do to an animal in a few hundred generations. Animals have been changed to make more meat, lay more eggs, and produce more milk than they did one hundred years ago. The turkey literally has been transformed from a lean, agile wild bird into a large mass of muscle with no ability to survive outside of a controlled farm environment.

can’t help but feel sorry for an animal that has been changed so much from the function nature intended. That makes me a hypocrite, however, for continuing to enjoy eating turkey meat. reasonable compromise would be to purchase a smaller turkey that was raised “free range” if they are available when we shop for our Thanksgiving meal.

Waves Magazine | November 0 11www.wavesgalveston.com
ic ar . Hen erson Galveston Veterinary Clinic 2108 61st Street Galveston, TX 77551

Re l ati o nshipAd v ic e

withJan & Dean

Hello an an ean. ell as you now families et to et er for an s i in . Some en oy t e company of frien s an family an some on t. ell am cau t up in one of t ese situations. y wife an ot i orce years a o. t was a frien ly i orce. e ot reali e t at we i n t wor out as a couple. e a e oint custo y of our two oys a es an . e ot remarrie an m ery appy wit my secon wife w o ets alon wit t e oys an m ery rateful t at t is appene .

ecently my e wife lost er us an an s e is ery emotional an feels t e loss eeply. e oys are concerne a out er too. t is my turn to a e t em o er for t e oli ay. ey want me to as my e wife t eir mot er to oin us ecause ey on t want er to e alone. S e as no ot er relati es near y.

t in it woul e reat for er an t e oys to a e a reat oli ay to et er ut my wife sai O t s not li e my wife to isli e er ut s e oesn t want to play nicey nicey wit er eit er. on t want t e oys ettin upset wit me an my wife. t t e same time on t want my current wife feelin uncomforta le in er own ome. at say you

om in a u of ar

e o To . o r estion ay be one o t e ost di fic t ones an and a e recei ed in t e ast fi e years. o are truly damned if you don’t and damned if you don’t.

If you don’t include your ex-wife in your Thanksgiving, your kids may resent it for a very long time. don’t agree with Jan that they will probably forget it after a while. Some of today’s kids seem to revel in carrying grudges against their parents.

If you do include your ex-wife for Thanksgiving, your current wife will interpret that as she isn’t the most important person in your life. She will think you don’t love her enough to care about her wishes and feelings. Whichever way you choose, you lose.

wish could provide you with the solution to this situation, Tom. Hopefully, yo can find a co ro ise t at yo a can acce t and be a y it . T e holidays can be a very joyous occasion, but they can also bring some heart ache and discord among families.

ell Tom, this is a tough call. What if you do, and what if you don’t? I’m going have to side with your current wife. If she doesn’t want your ex there, then you should abide by her wishes. Now, your sons are not going to be happy, and will probably not want anything to do with you and your current wife for a while. They might not want to come this year and may stay at home with their mother. Who knows? They are young and will probably forget the whole situation after awhile. Doesn’t your ex-wife have friends she can spend Thanksgiving with? It’s your call. Agreed it’s a tough one.

12 Waves Magazine | November 0 www.wavesgalveston.com
Have Question For Jan Dean? Go To Wavesgalveston.com Ask Away. You Just Might Have Your Question Answered Next Month.
Waves Magazine | November 2022 13www.wavesgalveston.com ISLAND SILVER CarriageHausRentals.com l 2127 Broadway, Galveston, TX Step back in time and jaunt around town in a stylish replica Model-T electric cart. • Cart Rentals • Private Guided Tours • Restored Historic Home Tours • Christmas Light Tours Rent Me!
14 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com ISLECYCLESTUDIO-GROUPCLASSES MASSAGE-WELLNESSTHERAPIES THEGATHERINGSTUDIORENTALSPACE BentonHealthyLivingWellnessCenterisawellnessandfitnessspaceon GalvestonIsland.BentonHealthyLivingwillanchorthewellnessarmofthecenter witheducationalandtherapeutic-basedresources.Thewellnesscenterwillalso offerFullBodyVibrationTherapy,SaltBoothTherapy,InfraredSaunaTherapy, Massage,andIVTherapy.BentonHealthyLivingWellnessCenterwillalsooffer educationalclassesonnutrition,essentialoils,wellness,andfitness. Locatedat291053rdStreet-Galveston,TX Giveusacallat(409)220-3901 BENTonHealthyLiving.com
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16 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
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Holidays and Fitness Can Coexist!

Let’s just cut to the chase here and say we will all probably over eat the week of Thanksgiving. After all, the typical Thanksgiving feast runs in the 4,500-calorie range. Then there are the leftovers, the family to feed all week, and finally, the pizza because who really wants to cook for a crowd the next few days? So, this month’s article isn’t going to be a lecture on how to deny yourself all the pleasures we associate with Thanksgiving. Nope. It’s going to be a reminder of what is important in the long run.

cringe when hear or read about workouts to counteract the foods you will eat later in the day. Or how many minutes on the treadmill will it take to undo the meal you enjoyed last night? Or the cute little memes of turkeys lifting heavy dumbbells. Exercising isn’t about undo ing what you ate or giving you permission to eat with your family and friends on Thanksgiving Day.

You should exercise for your heart’s health and build core strength that will support you as you age. You should exercise to stave off depression and combat stress. You should exercise to help you sleep. You should exercise to have a moment to yourself. You should not exercise to punish yourself for enjoying a squishy glazed donut once a month...notice said donut!

Rather than trying to double down on exercise some days and skip ping it on other days altogether, it’s better to try to fit in at least some physical activity every day. Physical activity simply needs to be a part of your everyday life. This doesn’t mean you must work out at max anaerobic threshold for an hour daily. It means to do a little something every day to get your body and joints moving, your heart rate raised, and your breathing a bit labored.

So now, back to Thanksgiving Day, which really means a week. It’s one day/week, for heaven’s sake. If you regularly incorporate physical activity daily, then a few days of increased caloric intake will not derail your progress. But there are still a few gentle suggestions to help you navigate the holiday season.

et o in irst in in t e ornin

Just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean you can’t get your sweat on! Try starting the day off right with a morning exercise session. If you immediately motivate yourself to get up and at ‘em, you’ll be more likely to make it a workout happen. Whether you opt for weights or cardio, there’s no wrong choice. Exercising consistently makes you feel better but working out on the day mainly recognized for big meals, and football, is a bonus! When you return home from your workout, you’ll feel energized and proud of yourself.

ortions eople ortions

Stick to smaller portions of a bit of everything. How does that saying go? “The more you eat, the less you taste. The less you eat, the more you taste.” Slow down and give your taste buds and body a chance to savor and enjoy the food you are eating. Thanksgiving is about spend ing time with the people you care about and acknowledging what you are grateful for. So, don’t rush through the day or the meal. Enjoy every bite of dessert and every conversation with your peeps. If you incorporate physical activity every day throughout your life, moderate indulgences can be key to staying on track over the long haul anyway.

22 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com

lternati es

Although traditional dishes taste great, many are high in fats, carbohydrates, and simple sugars. Here are several alternatives to commonly used ingredients lower in total calories but create the same great taste. Use applesauce or cooking spray instead of oil and butter; unsweetened applesauce or vanilla can serve as good alternatives for sugar. Swap whole eggs for egg whites (2 egg whites 1 whole egg). Use multigrain or whole-wheat bread and flour instead of white or en riched bread and all-purpose flour. Use oats in place of breadcrumbs. Incorporate low-fat dairy products instead of full-fat products. Use evaporated skim milk or low-fat half-and-half in place of heavy cream. Top your desserts with marshmallow fluff or whip cream instead of frosting. Incorporate fresh fruit instead of added sugars to sweeten desserts.

do have an amazing beach that rolls in and out every single day! An active group outing is an excellent opportunity to enjoy your family’s company, show off our Gulf view and catch up with relatives you might not see regularly.

a e Some e ime

Make a plan to give yourself just 10 minutes of alone time each day. Spend it breathing and focusing on all the good you have in your life. Use those few minutes to re-center yourself.

Incorporate low-fat dairy products instead of full-fat products. Use

Enjoy the upcoming holiday season! Find a healthy balance between fun, food, flavor, family, friends, and fitness while staying focused on your personally meaningful health-related goals.

o or amily al

After the meals and the dishes are cleared, why not go for a family walk or bike ride? We may not have cool, crisp weather regularly yet, nor beautiful changing foliage, but we usually have lower humidity and fewer mosquitos in November…work with me here, people…and we

S aye Hen erson S . . .S. Owner it ia ain al eston

Be well, friends.


Waves Magazine | November 2022 23www.wavesgalveston.com se n re ient
y H

Happy November Wavers! This month thought we would take a look at the rat invasion on the island! Rats, rats, and more rats!

In 1920, Galveston Island was struck by an outbreak of Bubonic Plague. It was caused by rats carrying the dis ease. Galveston officials immediately launched an anti-plague campaign, which they called a “War on Rats”.

The effort included the setting of more than 6,000 rat traps, which seemed most effective when baited with bread.

Hundreds of rats were captured daily for a six-month tally of 46,623.

person with Bubonic Plague might not show signs of infection for five days after being bitten by a plague-ridden flea, which had bitten a plague-ridden rat. On diagnosis, a patient would immediately be taken to the isolation pavilion of John Sealy Hospital and treated with Mulford’s An ti-Plague Serum given intravenously. If not treated quickly, death can occur within three to five days after symptoms emerge.

Circular discs, like the one shown here, were placed on the ropes leading the ships into port.

This effort would stop the rats from using the ropes to climb off the vessels and taking up home on the island.

At the time one of the best known rat trapper’s was Charles Bertolino. Living on the island, Mr. Bertolino was very familiar with the ongoing rat invasion. While many houses in Galveston proudly display plaques stating they survived the 1900 Storm, some other buildings still bear marks of 1920 rat-proofing when ordinances were enacted. After October 1920, all buildings, outhouses, stables, and super-structures had to be rat-proofed with concrete structures in the form of raised concrete barriers around their foundations.

Rat catchers collected or killed the rats over the course of the year and delivered many of them to a laboratory set up at the corner of 22nd and Market street where pathologists dissected the animals in search of the disease. The idea came from San Francisco, which had dealt with its own plague outbreak about 20 years before Galveston. un act: Homeowners were re uire to pull up t e floors in t eir omes once a wee to ensure rats weren t nestin t ere. not er un act: e last pla ue in fecte rat was capture on ay . total e termination of more t an rats.

Doctors on the island collected the dead rats to study and test.
24 Waves Magazine | November 2022 O O T www.wavesgalveston.com

Paula Summerly is a medical historian at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

Her discoveries have turned up newspaper articles and a doctor’s journal documenting the city’s fight with the plague. She has even found a jar containing the preserved bubo the inflamed lymph node that gives bubonic plague its name. The lymph node was removed and biopsied from Emil Horridge. Born July 27, 1903, the 17-year-old feed store employee was the first diagnosed victim in the outbreak. Emil died on June 17, 1920. un act: mil Horri e s ra e can still e foun in t e a e iew Cemetery in al eston.

If plague-infested rats turned up on the island today, a similar effort to locate and eliminate them might have to take place. Fortunately, Galveston today would have a weapon the Galveston of 1920 didn’t: antibiotics which weren’t discovered until eight years after the island survived its brush with Black Death.

ot So un act: n out rea of u onic pla ue urin t e summer of was a rief an tumultuous episo e in al eston s istory t at coinci e wit a at in eauty pa eant alon t e Seawall an lon s oreman s stri e on Har orsi e .

un act: u onic pla ue was also calle t e lac eat .

e er

n 1844, yellow fever struck Texas with a vengeance and took onethird of the population of Galveston.

One of the first to unravel some of the mysteries of the disease was a doctor working in Galveston, Texas, Dr Ashbel Smith.

As disclosed in a report, Smith even “repeatedly tasted the black vomit, when freshly ejected from the stomachs of the living” to prove that yellow fever was not contagious.

Although Smith failed to recognize that mosquitoes ere t e carriers o t e dead y ir s is or is considered t e first significant medical publication in Texas.

un act: os uitoes woul not e isco ere as t e cause for nearly anot er years.

In 1867, the yellow fever hit Galveston again with unexpected force as the island was still recovering from Civil War losses. The disease is called Yellow fever because it caused liver failure and jaundice as well as turned the skin yellow.

The fever made its appearance in Galveston in late July, and by August the city was experiencing thirty deaths per day, on average. The disease was thought to have originated in the jungles of Africa, having been carried over the seas by ships in the Atlantic slave trade.

At least nine yellow fever epidemics ravaged the city from 1839 to 1867. In 1853, nearly 60 percent of the city’s residents contracted the disease, 523 of whom died. Death from yellow fever takes about a week and occurs in an estimated 10 to 60 percent of yellow fever cases.

ot So un act: y t e time t e scour e en e in al eston it a ta en li es on t e islan .

Just so you know, this Waver is not a fan of rats! No more rats! Stay safe and we will investigate again next month in December!

Waves Magazine | November 2022 25www.wavesgalveston.com

What is a HydraFacial?

The HydraFacial™ system is a patented four-step program that cleanses, extracts, and hydrates the skin using gentle suction, special skin surface tips, and a series of formulated fluids to address your specific skin needs. Many professionals have found it to be more effective than IPL, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels for maintaining healthy skin, while being painless with no downtime!

like to say the HydraFacial™ is to the standard facial what vacuuming is to sweeping. The HydraFacial™ employs gentle suction and fluids, rather than abrasive chemicals, and manual extraction to provide you with great results.

chose to offer the patented HydraFacial™ at my Medispa because found it to be safe, comfortable, and effective. Generally, clients notice a brightness and youthfulness in their face after one treatment, though monthly sessions are recommended.

HydraFacial™ also partners with Dr. Obagi’s line, which is exclusively sold to physicians, to offer a series of ZO boosters that pair nicely with home care products. To minimize uneven skin tones and lighten brown spots, a ZO Brightalive booster can be added to the HydraFacial™ further enhanced by the ZO Brightalive Skin Brightener for daily home use. To address and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, particularly those around the mouth and above the upper lip, a Connective Tissue Growth Factor booster can be added and paired with ZO Growth Factor Serum for daily home treatment.


The standard HydraFacial™ removes dead skin, painlessly removes debris from pores, nourishes the skin with moisturizers and then saturates the skin’s surface with antioxidants and peptides. Booster serums, red and blue LED lights, and even Lymphatic drainage can be added to the standard four-part Signature HydraFacial™ to personalize and expand treatment results.

For oily or acne-prone skin, two treatments with Beta-HD can help reduce congestion, especially when combined with Blue LED lights which kill surface bacteria. The combination, along with a good home care regimen, can treat the acne-prone face, which can, unfortunately, return with adult hormonal shifts. Adding lymphatic drainage to any of the listed protocols turns the HydraFacial™ into a truly unique, relaxing, and rejuvenating experience. Routine, comprehensive skincare and sun protection are vital to graceful, healthy aging.

Use your sunscreen regularly and consider a HydraFacial™ You WILL see a difference.

Have a great day, and I hope you continue to

Dr. Tara Wegryn is a board-certified Neurologist and Electrophysiologist and a member in good standing with the IAPAM (International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine). Dr. Wegryn received her MD from the University of Florida and residency in Neurology at the Cleveland Clinic. In 1996, Dr. Wegryn founded Houston Neuromonitoring, a successful intraoperative monitoring company that served the surgical community at the TMC (Texas Medical Center) for over 17 years.

Dr. Tara Wegryn is currently the director/ owner of Refresh Medispa in Galveston, Texas.

If you have any questions about aesthetic medicine or Refresh Medispa, please send them to Drtara@refreshmedidayspa.com and she will try to answer them in future articles!

Refresh Medispa

2424 Mechanic Street

Galveston, Texas, 77550 www.refreshmedidayspa.com

26 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | November 2022 27www.wavesgalveston.com 409.443.5633 r e ryn 2319 A Strand, Galveston, TX 77550 928.301.3412 https://www.aholisticsolution.com/ FREE PAIN PATCH Clean n rien ly itness Co e ccess ariety Of ew Hi uality or Out ac ines ersonal rainer aila le est n ym 13680 FM 3005, Galveston,TX 77554 Ph: (409) 737-3400 the gym that is The right atmosphere for your excercise “stress free” west-end-gym-galveston ention t is a to et a iscount

Bo o an or as e is nown in e as ad o as een ayin t e dd e and sin in in vario s ro s or over 0 years in e as and as o ened or er e a ard i ie e son ar ie Danie s ar ene arter and o n on ey to name a ew o as ayed in ands t at ave a ed o ntry e ends i e an om son ay ri e a reene am i is and Da e atson

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omi eat re is a o t two ow ir s ess in ester and onnie eyenne e omi stri was ins ired a ter ayin wit e ays o nty a s and a s a ow ir western ro t at to red t ro e as O a oma and as ar west as o evada o as won e is onsin tate idd e am ion s i and as een nominated severa times rom e A ademy o estern Artists or est ow oy artoonist

o an nd r o an on ine at a o rohan o to read more and o e t is ori ina wor s

28 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | November 2022 29www.wavesgalveston.com 28 | Waves Magazine | December 2018 Issue Wes t Island Professional Cent er Office and Re tail Space • Affordable Quality Offices • Near Criminal Justice Center • Near Moody Gardens • Near Airport • Quality Brick Construction • Ample adjacent Parking Office space priced from $475.00 & up per mont h West Island Professional Center 6511 Stewart Rd. Galveston, Texas 77551 kaydavis9@gmail.com Administrative Offices Kay & Ben Davis| Owners/Administrators 56 Le Brun Ct. | Galveston, Texas 77551 (409) 771 0675 | (409) 744 5884 | (409) 771 4055 Call Now! (409) 744-5884 or (409) 771-0675 Kay Davis - Owner-Administrator 409-771-0675 409-744-5884

Soil Fertility As Pest Control

othing is more frustrating than when bugs come in and destroy all your hard work in the garden.

The reality is that bugs will always be present. Most bugs are neutral, they bring no benefit, but they also cause no harm. Of the remaining bugs, most are good bugs, helping the gardener by pollinating or eating bad bugs. Bad bugs, those that do damage and bring no benefit, are the smallest percentage.

great deal of a gardener’s time is spent trying to eradicate, control, or otherwise defeat the bad guys. would like to propose a better way to spend your time and energy in the garden: increasing soil fertility.

This suggestion may cause you to think have spent too much time in the sun, but let me explain.

Bugs are no different from us in the fact that we like to eat what tastes good. Guess what tastes good to bad bugs? Unhealthy plants. Yep, the unhealthier a plant, the more bugs will eat it. This is nature’s way of ensuring only the strongest plants reproduce.

Soil fertility healthy plants. Healthy plants less bug damage.

You see, when a bug bites a plant, the plant produces chemicals that taste bad to the bug. This is the plant’s immune system.

healthy plant has no trouble producing chemicals to get rid of the riffraff. However, an unhealthy plant cannot respond to the pressure from the pest in such a way as to repel the pest.

The chemicals we apply to simply kill all bugs actually weaken a plant’s immune system.

Fertilizing with synthetic chemicals will pretty the blooms, but the plant itself will be weak. Add compost, organic fertilizers, and soil amendments and you will see a decrease in damage caused by pests.

~Holly Ross

or ore great in or ation go to holl ross o

30 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | November 2022 31www.wavesgalveston.com Call or FREE Estimate O O Commercial esi ential Honesty uality Serving The Galveston & Houston Area ric lee iclou .com ic orrison Locally owned and operated for 25 years KRYSTAL BRADFORD REALTOR® 409.240.9900 • Krystal@KrystalBradford.com • www.GalvestonByTheBay.com You have many options when it comes to selecting an agent, Discover how I get RESULTS, Call me today! SOLD
32 Waves Magazine | October 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com In the heart of Galveston's Downtown Cultural Arts District THEGRAND.COM 409.765.1894 Yamato — The Drummers of Japan
Renée Elise Goldsberry Fiddler
on the Roof The Midtown Men THE GRAND 1894 OPERA HOUSE 2022–23 PERFORMING ARTS SEASON Welcoming Artists • Engaging Audiences • Celebrating History Single tickets to ALL performances in the 22–23 season are on sale now!
A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS: LIVE ON STAGE Saturday, November 19, 2022 | 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM Charles M. Schulz’s award-winning story has been a longstanding tradition, warming the hearts of millions of fans since it first aired on television over 50 years ago. Now, the live stage adaptation of the classic animated television special brings all your favorite characters to life, set to the original special’s dialogue as well as the unforgettable sounds of the classic Vince Guaraldi musical score! A Charlie Brown Christmas: Live on Stage celebrates the timeless television classic as the whole family can join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of the Peanuts characters in their journey to uncover the true meaning of Christmas. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 409.765.1894 | THEGRAND.COM Sponsored in part by
34 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comNovember 2022 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Tom Valliere Charlie Bresenhan Dining Section Follow Us Galveston Location 6612 Seawall - Galveston Ph:409-744-2222 M - S - 11:00AM - 9:00PM Sunday 11:00AM - 8:00PM Lamarque Location 2216 Gulf Freeway - LaMarque Ph: 409-935-2222 M - S - 11:00AM - 9:00PM Sunday 11:00AM - 7:00PM Advertise with Waves Magazine in VIBRANT colors. G A L V E S T O N WAVES MAGAZINE OF Mike Burke | Publisher Editor mburke@wavesgalveston.com Ph: 409-789-1160
Visit: Galvestonrestaurantgroup.com or call 409.750.8888 grill grill tex - mex cantina DINER PAPA’S pizzaPAPA’S pizza
Waves Magazine | November 0 37www.wavesgalveston.com 409.750.8888 Give One, Get One grill grill tex - mex cantina DINER Buy a $50 Gift Card and Receive a $10 Gift Certificate for use in any GRG Restaurant (Gift certificates valid 1/1/23-1/31/23)


s food editor for Waves Magazine, have the opportunity to visit many of our island restaurants and shops. Rarely do experience such a warm and welcoming experience as get when visit Galveston Coffee Company.

Tucked into a strip center off of busy Seawall Boulevard, you are instant ly transported to a place of serenity and charm as you enter. Sisters and owners Meghan Billiot and Paula Kovach have transformed a dark and dingy space formerly occupied by a cleaning service into a bright and cheery coffee shop. Customers, including many UTMB medical students and Texas A&M marine college students, pour over their studies as they enjoy the comfortable lounge chairs, free WIFI, and delicious coffees and snacks. Other seniors, like myself, just enjoy the gentle conversa tion and camaraderie that comes naturally to these coffee houses.

Of course, there is always a backstory and these girls have a remarkable one. Theirs is a story of turning heartbreak into success and pulling together through human tragedy.

Meghan was an island resident operating her successful charter fishing business “Reel Men” when tragedy struck her son and Ball High School graduate James Johnson. Sergeant Johnson was serving in the US Army in Afghanistan when he was killed in action on June 25, 2019. Sister Paula was working as a professional Nanny in Austin when COVID stranded her employer overseas and terminated her employment. They had been taking care of their mother who had been suffering from ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. When their mother succumbed to



her illness on Easter of 2020, the girls decided a life change was in order.

lifelong love of coffee was fueled by Megan’s immersion into the Seattle area coffee scene while her son was stationed in nearby Ft. Lewis Washington.

Early plans to open a coffee food truck in Galveston quickly morphed into a brick-and-mortar facility as they signed their lease in June 2021. Several months of hard work building the space out, obtaining permits and licenses, and passing inspections culminated in their grand opening in December 2021.

Today the girls are happily operating a prosperous business benefit ing a relatively underserved West end. Sharing the strip center with a neighborhood pub and a small restaurant, it has become a popular destination.

Specializing in coffee products, the girls offer many Lattes, Cappuc cinos, and Espresso shots as well as frozen and iced drinks, Chai, and Cocoa. Their coffee is custom blended and roasted to their

R 38 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
November 2022

specifications by Fika Java, a local female-owned independent roaster. Fika obtains their beans from various sources in Mexico, Nicaragua, and Brazil carefully selecting the best bean for a specific roast. Combining these gourmet beans and custom roasting along with the girls’ barista skills results in a perfect cup every time.

Of course, there is more than beverages. Seawall Coffee offers many baked goods, muffins, sconces, and pastries mostly sourced from local baker “Coastal Bake Shop” and are only available here or at the Galves ton Farmers Market on Sundays. They always have a choice of cakes and will accept orders for custom cakes think King cake for Mardi Gras.

Breakfast sandwiches and burritos are offered daily as are custom Boars Head deli meats paired with your choice of cheeses and assorted breads. Plenty of gluten-free and vegan options are available. Future plans include expanding breakfast options and continued growth.

In summary, whether you want a leisurely drink and some internet surfing, a grab-and-go latte and snack, or a Door Dash delivery this is your place. There is plenty of off-street parking and easy handicapped accessibility.

Hours of Operation:


Tuesday to Friday 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Saturday and Sunday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Waves Magazine | November 0 39www.wavesgalveston.com
Seawall Coffee Company 3802 Cove View Boulevard Suite Galveston, Texas 77554 409-632-7508 www.seawallcoffeecompany.com
40 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comNovember 2022 Mosquito Cafe | 628 14th Street | Galveston, Texas 77550 www.mosquitocafe.com Take-Out | Dine-In | Outdoor Dining 409-763-1010 catering service available Full service | limited service | beverage service | bar service | elegant to casual we can do it all! Contact: james@mosquitocafe.com
Waves Magazine | November 2022 41www.wavesgalveston.com LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY. KARAOKE - THURSDAY’S - 7-11 and SUNDAY’S - 4-8 HAPPY HOUR MON-FRI 3P-7P WINNER 2019 Del Pappa Award For BEST CRAWFISH in Galveston County! Huli Huli Hut | 312 19th Street | Galveston, Texas 77550 | 409-443-5525 facebook.com/hulihulihut
join us for Thanksgiving dinner wednesday 23RD thursday 24TH cLOSE AT 4 pm friday 25TH Waves Magazine | November 2022 42
Waves Magazine | November 0 43www.wavesgalveston.com
From Team Koops!

Take Out Menu

Smoked Brisket

Quality brisket covered with our original rub, slow smoked and ready to be sliced when you order.

Pork Ribs

Pork ribs cooked with our orig inal rub till almost done then basted with our honey sweet ened sauce.

Grilled Chicken Chicken spiced with our rub cooked over wood. Unlike any chicken you have ever eaten.

Link Sausage

Pork and Beef link sausage smoked over oak ready and waiting for you to order.


Chopped Beef | Sliced Beef | Sausage |Comes with a compli mentary 4 oz side

Stuffed Baked Potato Huge baked potato filled with butter, cheese, sour cream, chives and best of all chopped brisket!

Texas Sized Tamales Everything is bigger in Texas. Three times larger than our

regular tamales with the same great taste.

Barbacoa (Sat. and Sun. Only) Pennie Ochoa’s delicious recipe. Tender, moist shredded beef is the result.

Menudo (Seasonal) Honey comb tripe in a spicy Mexican soup

Sides and Dessert All sides are made fresh at Pennie’s

Potato Salad

Dill based cool refreshing chopped potatoes mixed with dressings.

Pinto Beans

My own recipe made fresh daily. Lots of love goes into the beans. Green Beans Banana Pudding Trifle

Waves Magazine | November 0 45www.wavesgalveston.com Texas Sized Tamales Available!
1713 37th Street, Galveston, TX 77550 409-765-5719 Award-winning
Waves Magazine | November 0 47www.wavesgalveston.com WOW! Thank y'all so much to those who voted for us! We appreciate you! e Cater!! Follow us on Facebook for daily menus NO OPEN IN NE O A ION 4 01 Broadwa ours Of O eration: uesda hru Saturda - 11a-3 losed Sunda s and onda s 409- 39-00 9 rom Team Koop s! Koop’s
48 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comNovember 2022 402 Blue Water Hwy Surfside Beach, Texas (979)239-3226 Private Party Room & Banquet Facilities Available. Credit Cards Accepted RED SNAPPER INN Seafood • Steaks • Gourmet Items “Our fish spent last night in the Gulf.” RED SNAPPER INN oted 1 Seafood Restaurant Bra os ort acts Readers hoice Awards 2021/2022 Our Fish S L


Speed bumps/humps are great ways to slow down drivers and help prevent accidents and injuries on the road. However, like all good things, when used excessively and incorrectly, they can turn into a ridiculous nuisance and worse.

Speed bumps/humps of varying designs have been routinely installed on roadways and parking lots without the benefit of proper engineering study regarding their design and placement. Speed bumps should be implemented with a height of 3 to 3.5 inches. We know of many in the area that are much higher than that. They are also, in many cases, placed very close together.

A ridiculously high speed bump/hump can cause significant driver discomfort. On top of that, they can cause some serious damage to our vehicles. When you run over a poorly designed speed bump/hump, your shock absorbers can’t mitigate the force of impact fast enough. This will result in bending your shocks.

Another result is that this can push your wheels out of alignment, damage steering rack mounts, and even cause your power steer ing fluid to leak.

According to JiffyLube, tires are another area that's affected by horribly designed speed bumps/humps. At least half of the repairs they perform are for tire damage after hitting a speed bump/hump.

We are all for public safety and operating our vehicles with caution and care. We are NOT all for the destruction



Have a et eeve onta t us at avesGalveston o an tell us a out it e ust a use ours ne t onth eal ump n e oa PET
o we li e it w en our o ies an e icles ta e a eatin from e cessi ely i an poorly e si ne spee umps umps
that horribly
speed bumps/humps
T THAT www.wavesgalveston.com50 Waves Magazine | November 2022

Hi folks. It’s November, but you wouldn’t think it was if you have already seen all the Christmas decorations and advertisements. Sigh. But anyway, let’s enjoy the Thanksgiving season with a lot of yummy food and great company. Now for Thanksgiving, the traditional dessert is either pumpkin or pecan pie. Well, Bunny is going to throw you a curve, and we are going to make an apple pie! A friend went through his mother’s files and came up with this. Enjoy.

Aunt Bee’s Apple Pie




and blend well. Chill for just a while. Roll out half of the dough and place in a 9-inch pie plate/pan. Reserve the remaining dough for the top crust.

In a saucepan combine the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour the mixture into the crust. Roll out the remaining crust and place over the filling. Cut slits in the top crust to allow the steam to escape. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

Now Bunny usually doesn’t do this much work for a dish, but if everyone else is slaving over other things, this is the least I can do. It really is worth it.

Waves Magazine | November 2022 51www.wavesgalveston.com
a large bowl combine 1/2 cup of butter and the cream cheese at room temperature. Add the 2 cups of flour
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Trails!! Bunny a waves magazine exclusive Bunny’s Cookin’Column • 1/2 cup butter • 4 ounces cream cheese • 2 cups all-purpose flour • 2 1/2 cups sliced apples • 1 cup sugar • 1/3 cup orange juice • 2 tablespoons honey • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour (don’t let this distract you from the flour above) • 1/2 cup butter (same with the flour, don’t let this distract you, it’s separate)




GSO welcomes young musicians from The Shepherd School of Music at Rice University

Mozart: String Quartet No. 19 in C major, K. 465 Dissonance

Hannah Corbett, violin I Astrid Nakamura, violin II Gabe Galley, viola Chris Ellis, cello

Brahms: String Quartet Op. 51 No. 2 in A minor Rinat Erlichman, violin I Connor Chaikowsky, violin II Tovin Allers, viola Gali Knaani, cello


Often named the greatest symphony of all times, Mahler’s huge Fifth Symphony is revered by musicians and audiences alike. It is a testament to GSO’s recent impressive growth that we are now ready for this incredibly challenging, epic work. We are dedicating several extra rehearsals to this momentous event; our musicians are excited and motivated!

The concert will open with a short new piece by Braxton Blake. Mr. Blake’s large and var ied output has been performed by ensembles throughout Europe and the United States. He has toured extensively throughout the United States and abroad, including guest appearances with major orchestras.

Mr. Blake grew up in Galveston and remembers fondly the “beautiful grey winters”. He is looking forward to visiting the island for this world premiere.

Braxton Blake: World Premiere. Title TBA Mahler: Symphony No.5, Part I

Mahler: Symphony No.5, Part II and III

MANSION MUSIC 4:00 SUNDAYS THE GRAND 1894 OPERA HOUSE GalvestonSymphony.org Box Office: 409-765-1894
- NOVEMBER 11 - 7:00 PM



Waltzes, musical fireworks, Vienna styleand surprise performances by young local talent! GSO is excited to include exceptional players from local high schools in this fun, playful Vienna style pops concert. And, yes, we do want you to help us stay on beat in the Radetzky March! Full program to be announced.



Anton Nel joins GSO for Mozart’s gorgeous 24th piano concerto surrounded by French works of amazing women composers Mel Bonis and Lili Boulanger - ending with the second suite from Ravel’s most magnificent orchestra piece: Daphnis and Chloe.

Internationally acclaimed opera star Ji-Young Jeon joins GSO for a concert of beaurtiful arias, ending with Respighi’s Pines of Rome, birds and all!

Rossini: Overture to Gazza Ladra (The Thieving Magpie)

Puccini: Quando me’en vo, Ji Young Jeon, soprano

Puccini: Crisantemi

Puccini: Vissi d’Arte,

Ji Young Jeon, soprano

Wagner: Prelude to Lohengrin, Act I Johann Strauss, Jr: Klange der Heimat

Ji Young Jeon, soprano

Richard Strauss: Morgen,

Ji Young Jeon, soprano Respighi: Pines of Rome

Mel Bonis: Ophelia Mozart: Piano Concerto No.24 Anton Nel, piano Lili Boulanger: D’un Soir Triste Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe, Suite II World Premiere of a new piano concerto by Norwegian composer Ketil Hvoslef with An drew Staupe and Tchaikovsky’s Second Symphony, nicknamed “Little Russian” - meaning Ukrainian, and serves as a very meaningful, beautiful - and intense! – season ending.

Glinka: Ruslan and Ludmila Overture Hvoslef: Piano Concerto No.2 Andrew Staupe, piano Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 2

AT THE SYMPHONY Tickets: $40 Adults / $25 Students


There’s some sage advice for writers that has been around for a long time - whether it be for reporters, novelists, playwrights, or screenwrit ers or fi and or T - and it is rite at yo no . case in oint is the ‘overnight sensation’ story of playwright Leslie Kimbell, author of Four d roads ic is as interesting as t e ay is i ario s.

Kimbell, who was born in Chattanooga and graduated from high school in Dalton, attended Kennesaw State University for a few semesters but dropped o t. o fi ty-fi e s e didn t start riting er first ay nti .

T ro g at s e ca s a series o ort nate e ents i be anded er first atte t at ay riting it a e renc t e -year-o d ay and sica icensor ic re resents g st Wi son rt r i er ndre oyd Weber and any ot er greats. renc b is ed er ay in . T at s sort o i e itting a o e r n in yo r first a or eag e at-bat d ring t e Wor d eries riend in e or to d i be t ere ere ay rig ts it riting degrees o o d cra na ed across bro en g ass to get ere yo e gotten.

ter a -year career as a tra e ing b r es e dancer e cee and ode er or ing as a ead iner and ost at s c en es as anda ay ay and t e Tro icana in as egas i be retired to eorgia at it er sband cott and t o sons. T ey no i e in Winder ere s e got in o ed as an actor and director at t e Winder- arro o nity T eatre abo t years ago and a so e anded er ori ons to a earing in T s o s and o ies.

n s e as at dinner it an o der t eater riend i ie ye- er o as so ri and ro er yet to d t e nniest o -co or o e. i be rote it do n and aced it on er des . t o g t os t at o d be a nny ine in a ay. rote so e ideas and t en a ed a ay ro it or si ee s. or y e ear s reso tion said going to rite a ay and it s going to be nny and a eso e. e sat do n and rote or o r straig t ont s. e already was a fan of salty elder Southern humor after listening to her grand ot er oyce annie De ries and great-a nt Sissie carry on hilariously en toget er. T e ay is dedicated to er annie .

i be sent er first dra t to her sister, Joy Smith, in roo yn. it sent it to an actor riend. e i ed it. e ad a reading t en a or s o . i be in ited re resentati es ro a e renc to see t e or s o at T e erry ane T eatre in reen ic i age. e a so entered t e ay in t eatrica contests inning in no i e Tennessee ictoria Te as and reen i e o t aro ina. T o ee s a ter t e reading in e or a e renc as ed er to s b it t e

scri t. o r ont s ater o t o t e b e got an e ai t at t ey o d b is it. screa ed and ran aro nd t e o se a by yse . a c y c y gir .

Kimbell found a well-respected mentor online, Del Shores, a successful ay rig t and screen riter in a i ornia o e ed er a ong t e ay. es ie Kimbell is a much-needed voice in theatre, writing these ‘old broads’ with au t enticity at os and or ores says. diences eat t e o r d roads is a g -o t- o d ysterica it a o e ot o eart. T e a dience and did and it is indeed.

o r d roads re iered at t e Winder- arro o nity T eatre in Winder eorgia in arc . T e first ro essiona rod ction re iered at entre tage reen i e in reen i e o t aro ina in e te ber o . T e o den ir s as rebooted today it o d oo c i e t is c e er geriatric co edy t at as gi en a side-s itting rod ction at T T eatre. ot to be con sed it T ese d roads t e arrie is er- enned te e ision o ie it i abet Tay or Debbie eyno ds ir ey ac aine and oan o ins o r d roads is set nort o ia i so e ere in eorgia as its o r tit ar c aracters s end t eir s nset years at agno ia ace an assisted i ing aci ity.

Instead of Blanche, Rose, Dorothy and Sophia, Four Old Broads features the sa cy or er b r es e een eatrice obin sby c ae er t e stead ast de o t ristian addy Terri rc fie d t e ee and ear y de entia s erer ogene atrin ri fit s and r y a o er and soa o era addict a de andi organ .

T e good-ti e ga eatrice is dying e yearning to go on a sing es cr ise and i ores er best riend addy to co e a ong. t t eir t antic acation ans are near y derai ed en ne resident ogene gging aro nd an o y gen tan begins e ibiting e ory a ses. To re ent er ro being sent to t e ard no n as T e Dar ide t ey co er or er ene er t e bitc y ne n rse ad inistrator andy o ard co es into t e ict re.

s ecting so et ing sinister in ogene s edication t e adies e bar on a ar ie s nge s - ort y ystery ca er it t e aid o a - s ort or oot nd ready to ing e T ainstay a eron D nbar t e aggressi e ast-ta ing o eo it erecti e dys nction and a ace a er and o as

54 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com


bedded nearly every woman at Magnolia Place. If they can solve the mystery, they may make it to the cruise s i a ter a . T ey a so find time to coax Maude out of her housecoat and away from her Funeral Planner binder and daytime serial “A Search for Love,” give her an atrocious makeover, and enter her into the Miss Magnolia Place beauty pageant.

Having worked with four of the actors in this talented cast before [Catlin, Candy, Cameron, and Sandi] it was, as always, a pleasure to watch them on stage. n a fit-to-be-tied er or ance c ae er ga e t e o - o t ed coc tai -s i ing eatrice o ntains o sass and eart. rc fie d as c ar ing and indelible when she insisted on being the “Farrah” in their gumshoe trio, and - it s ades o t e born-again nne e in tee agno ias - constant y broke out in prayer. In addition, no one could resist her air of sincerity and concern when she says some two dozen times, “I’m not trying to get in your



C ast n eatre Company


o e ber - Dece ber nday atinees on o e ber - o er or mance on Thanksgiving https://www.islandetc.org/


Colle e of t e ainlan Community eatre

ON THE AIR! y rett ones o e ber tt s .co .ed co nity-t eatre

ersona b siness b t. . . ri fit s as a ode o odesty and aster o understated humor. Howard copiously channeled Nurse Diesel [as played by oris eac an in e roo s ig n iety and D nbar and organ ere just plain hilarious.

This play, directed with astute attention to the most minute of comedic detail by ETC’s Artistic Director Kim Mytelka, doesn’t sustain much real mystery and t e n ei ing is a bit o a etdo n b t t ere is a nice t ist ending. esides it’s all about the humorous journey of getting there and four perky, vibrant, and independent women who show that you’re never too old to enjoy life. ccording to t e ay rig t s aceboo age t ere are t o se e s to it - o r d roads on t e ig eas a arent y t ey D D a e it on t e cr ise and T e iss agno ia enior iti en ea ty ageant t e ind bogg es . ay I politely put a bug in director Mytelka’s ear to grab up the rights to produce t ese s o s in t e not-too-distant t re

Paul Hager



oo by risto er nse o ared ora att c eson and erg s Wa s - sic yrics by risto er nse o ared ora - o e ber

GALVESTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: aster or s a er s i t o e ber


Adapted for the stage by Eric Schaeffer o e ber - and

THE GATLIN BROTHERS COUNTRY & CHRISTMAS o e berJunie B’s Essential Survival Guide da ted ro t e nie . ones boo s by arbara ar - oo yrics by arcy eis er sic by ina o dric - o e ber http://www.thegrand.com/



oo and score by T o as ee an ar es tro se and artin arniner or ed by t e nior T eater esti a o etition Teao e ber - ario s Ti es http://www.thepurpleboxtheater.com/


[Opening Soon]



THE MIDTOWN MEN – HOLIDAY HITS Dece ber http://www.thegrand.com/

[Currently playing] S
Waves Magazine | November 2022 55www.wavesgalveston.com Paul Hager

M usic P rofile

Galveston singer-songwriter, Gabe Wooten, is a natural-born storyteller. Whether it’s in a song, between songs, or in a conversation, Wooten has a rhythmic way of winding through his thoughts with philosophical depth and sincerity, ultimately working his way to levity and humor. He may very well be a personification of the adage, “better to laugh than to cry.”

Without judgment on anyone’s moral code, Wooten can find the lighter side of anything, from death-sentence executions to weed-eaters.

While his stories, as heard at his shows or on his 2020 album “Old Quarter Live Sessions Vol. 1” recorded as part of a series at Galveston’s Old Quarter Acoustic Café, may seem slightly dramatized, Wooten is a character himself with a Mad Hatter-Esque delivery, and eventually, the facts support the fables.

Before moving to Galveston in 2016, Wooten gathered stories from the places he lived like Huntsville (across from the Texas State Penitentiary), Corpus Christie, St. Croix, College Station and Ponta, Texas, where he grew up.

A solo artist performing alone with a guitar and singing his own songs, in the spirit of many before him like Townes Van Zandt, Bob Dylan, and Woody Guthrie, Wooten is bravely carving his own path but doesn’t like to compare or categorize his music. “I get lumped in with Texas Country and Americana. But I think it cheats the consumer and performer to put black & white labels on artists,” Wooten said.

Singing his own songs and saying what he wants is a point of pride for Wooten but says he doesn’t begrudge anyone working in music to pay a mortgage. “I kind of gave up on the idea of making decent money playing music a long time ago. I write and say exactly what I want, and I’ll take whatever praise or lumps I get. There’s a freedom in not giving a s**t.”

This doesn’t mean Wooten’s songs aren’t carefully crafted considerations of lyrical ideas and he says he doesn’t take his audience’s attention for granted.

Gabe Wooten

In some ways, Wooten and his music are a refreshing throwback to a simpler time and simpler ideas. It makes sense that one of his earliest and strongest musical influences while growing up in East Texas came from hearing Willie Nelson’s 1978 melancholy cover of Hoagy Carmichael’s 1927 song “Stardust” on his parents’ car radio. Not only was it the soulful serenity of Nelson’s voice and the simplicity of the song that appealed to Wooten, but also the very idea that a story could be told in music, made into a recording, and disseminated to the public for consumption.

“I don’t hide my feelings about things. But I don’t consider myself political when it comes to music. If you pay attention and you listen to everything I sing and say in between the songs, you probably got a pretty good idea about where I stand. And to me, that’s enough. I figure people come out to a bar to hear you play. They might be trying to get away from that for a while. But at the same time don’t let me catch you being hateful. I don’t tolerate that from peo ple,” Wooten said.

Despite his well-traveled days and nights into some darker corners since he was a kid in his parent’s car, Wooten says his songs don’t always reflect every aspect of his experience. “I write pretty songs. I’ve never been one to tell people I’m a bada**. But I like to stay out late which means I get to talk to the police every once in a while. Which means I’ve done the dance a few times.”

56 Waves Magazine | November 0 www.wavesgalveston.com
Record release
party with
Heather Little, Old Quarter
Live Sessions Vol. 2 on November 12th at 8 pm. T exas

One might even say Wooten’s “dancing” and colorful manner of speaking has been professionally critiqued. According to Wooten, his attorney is doc umented in official Texas court records saying, “Your honor, he (Wooten) sounds like that even when he hasn’t been drinking”. “I know you’re not supposed to take pride in that kind of thing but that’s funny to me,” Wooten said with a laugh.

On a serious note, Old Quarter Acoustic Café and Old Quarter Records label owner Joel Mora holds Wooten’s music and humorous tales in high regard. “I see a lot of people come through here and he’s a standout performer. He writes great songs and knows how to command a room with his stories,” Mora said.

To hear more of Gabe Wooten’s stories and music, listen to his Old Quarter Live Sessions CD available on Spotify and Apple Music. Catch his upcom ing show in Galveston at the Old Quarter Acoustic Café (record release party with Heather Little, Old Quarter Live Sessions Vol. 2) on November 12th at 8 pm.

www.OldQuarterAcousticCafe.com ZachTate Waves Magazine | November 0 57www.wavesg alveston.com
Gabe Wooten CD Cover
or tic ets an information isit:
58 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comNovember 2022 alveston waters are home to a diversity of fish, from giant hard pulling monsters to sleek, sneaky predators that re quire skill to outsmart. From the inshore waters of Gal veston Bay to the clear blue waters found offshore, when it comes to salt-water fish, Galveston, Texas stands out as one of the hottest spots in the world. Join us in this section featuring advice, techniques and stories of the “big one” with local pro’s like Patrick Lemire and Max Conner. Find recommended bait and tackle shops as well as pow erhouse charters to get you out on the water in search of the “catch of a lifetime”. Enjoy! FISHING GUIDE A Guide To Galveston Fishing rista on a es it an roadbi ordfis . Hand cranked from 1,700 ft. down in the Gulf Of Mexico out of Galveston. (409)698-7112 www.gethooked shingcharter.com CALL TODAY FOR FALL SPECIALS! Located on Galveston's West Bay at Beautiful Harborwalk Marina Hook into a wide vari ety of species both IN SHORE and OFFSHORE on one of our private Family Friendly fishing charters. Fishing is not just a Hobby for us BUT our Full Time Job. Trips available Year-Round.

Ma ed Out Fishing


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Max Online . aceboo .co a .conner. nstagra a connerfis ing S out Out o y Sponsors immy urns aterloo o s ason aul Stin y ants is in ic ael osse own Sout ures an illy ay a ner Salt ater Soul.

lose u on

What’s slower than a speeding smoker kingfish and yet fast enough to trick it into striking?

It’s a Kingfish Surprise! The reliable, 4-6 oz. chrome Diamond jig by Bead, when mated with a high-speed reel for its motivation, will get the job done.

While Diamond jigs are effective on most occasions, kingfish at times strike a bit short. This missing of a Diamond jig could be because of its wobbling motion, a too slow retrieve speed, or simply because the kingfish recognizes it as a fake. The stealth green stinger wire and hook will be the “surprise” that a kingfish doesn’t see and therefore can’t expect. The green swivel and leader wire complete the stealth package. What hiding everything but the chrome Diamond jig body does is to make only the jig’s body the speedy kingfish’s target. With this stealth treatment, a short striker will be converted into a hookup by the stinger. Since kingfish, many times, strike Dia mond jigs from the side and slightly from the rear, chances are that they will hit the rear half of the jig. The bite on the jig’s tapered body will let it, and the stinger’s wire, slide through the kingfish’s jaws, with the hook to follow in an instant.

Recommended for the 6-8” leader wire is #7, 80#, Malin with a size 4, 130# Spro Power Swivel. The stinger wire is heavier for greater kink/curl resistance. Use #12, 180# Malin for the stinger’s 3” hard wire link to the stinger hook. A haywire twist is used at all connecting points. Treble hooks for the stinger that work for me include the 2/0, Mustad 3561 ED, 3X strong or a 2/0, Owner 5666, 4X strong. Give the illustration a look for a clear view of the total arrangement.

The stealth green which almost disappears in “king green” water is Rust-O-Leum, John Deere 7435. A topcoat of Rust-OLeum, Clear Matte 7902, reduces the reflection of sunlight off the green color coat. Kingfish also strike at a “flash”; reflec tion reduction is important. Apply these spray paints to both the swivel/leader and the stinger wire/treble hook...color them gone; leave the “flashing” up to the jig’s body.

High speed retrieves get bit most often by kingfish-they don’t get as good a look at the fleeing ‘baitfish”, your Diamond jig. The Shimano TSM IV Speedmaster and it’s 6.0:1 retrieve ratio fills the bill. Its 44 inches of line retrieved per turn of the handle with a full spool, gives you speed to burn. The Speed master’s capacity of 330 yards of 30# mono is adequate, but I prefer about 120 yards of 40# mono under 300 yards of 100# Power Pro Spectra. The Spectra is the size of 20# mono and has almost zero stretch, which aids in the hookset. It’s a bit pricey at about $38 for 300 yards but its many advantages, including lasting almost forever, make it worth the price to me. Hi-Vis yellow or white is my color preference; with it, you, and everyone else can monitor your line’s location in the water. My Spectra has about 15 feet of 60#, clear Izorline mono leader; they are connected with a “Tony Pena” knot that was fully described in the last issue. It’s also the knot used to mate the mono backing to the Spectra. You can delete the type of mono leader that I use by tying a 10-turn surgeon’s loop into the Spectra, use a 10-turn offshore swivel knot to attach your swivel, then twist on your wire leader. The first 15 to 20 feet of the bright Spectra can be easily made difficult to see by any predator chasing your jig - take a green Marks-A-Lot permanent marker, carefully split the tip lengthwise, then run the Spectra through it. Now, it’s as stealthy as the wire on the Diamond jig. Rods I use for casting these 4 to oz. Diamond jigs are All Star Graphite WCS 1701W, 7’, rated for 15 to line. . .castability, power, and quick recovery. I set my drag at 12 to with this reel, line, and rod combination.

When casting a Diamond jig and stinger, just before it hits the water, thumb the spool a bit more, slowing everything down. This straightens out the jig and stinger hook away from you, virtually eliminating fouling when it enters the water. Let it sink 2 to 3 feet, then burn it back to the boat with your rod tip pointed away from you; use all of the speed you can get out of that TSM IV and hang on for the strike. At times, you may have to increase the sink depth to 20 feet or more to generate a kingfish strike. Watch your leader and stinger wire closely for

60 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comNovember 2022

any kinking - one good strike/hookup and you could be there. If anything is in question, tie on another one. Pre-rig at least four of these Diamond jigs with a stinger for each trip. Cutoffs and damaged wire can be expected.

The last fishing comment: With this stinger arrangement, there is the chance that at the strike, the kingfish will have the jig body only in its mouth. For a more assured hookup, keep wind ing at the strike until your drag slips, then load the rod. If the

kingfish starts to open its mouth to drop the jig, the tight line will snap the hook into penetration - most of the time.

To many of us, this rig’s name would sound like an appe tizing seafood dish, which I’m guessing is exactly what it’s supposed to mimic for our target. The Kingfish Surprise is indeed a short-striking kingfish’s worst nightmare. Twist and paint some up, the short strikers are out there now, looking for their surprise package.

Waves Magazine | November 2022 61www.wavesgalveston.com ro ishing Gear & Ta le • aits ures • usto o s • n House o eel e air • eel arts • o o onents • nshore shore Ta le • usto igging • usto S li ing elan a ar ue Te as n the Gul a la a

“This recipe is paired with a favorite family holiday side dish I enjoy with wild game. The leftover praline sauce can be served warm over vanilla ice cream or cheesecake.”

Ca un Stuffe il ur ey reast irections e o e ro brine and as . tter y breast o t and tenderize with meat mallet. Brush outside with c arified b tter and season. i o er and re eat. Spread thin layer of boudin across turkey and at the top make a line of cheese and peppers or olives to taste. Roll up the breast and cut into smaller pieces to wrap completely in bacon. Season bacon exterior with the Juicy Pig bbq rub and cook on an offset grill until an internal temperature of 160 then remove and glaze with salted vodka and grapefruit BBQ glaze. Rest 8 minutes before slicing.

raline ecan ams irections Wash, dry and lightly butter yams. Wrap in foil and bake at 350° until fork tender. Once cool to the touch, peel, cut in pieces and place in a shallow an. or t e sa ce start by s reading t e ecan

Recipe Of The Month

halves on foil and applying a generous amount of cinnamon and the nutmeg. Broil until brown and remove from heat. In a saucepan, melt stick of butter then add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil then remove from heat and stir in pecans and all cinnamon from the foil. Return to heat and as soon as it boils remove, keep stirring until the foam settles and pour over yams. Cover and let rest 20 minutes before serving.

62 Waves Magazine | September 2022 www.wavesgalveston.comNovember 2022
o o Wi d i at Instagram@TexasSelectSeasonings aceboo Te as e ect easonings ar ara o e Wi d i s tore ite itc coc Te aswww.texasselectseasonings.com Ingredients S LSS SS SS SIngredients
Waves Magazine | November 2022 63www.wavesgalveston.com

Beach Bum

I had an idea while I was riding around in my ol’ scarab the other day. It’s not like me to have many thoughts in a day, but here is what had me thinking…

Your Bum gets a lot of comments regarding my truly wonderful col umn each month. I appreciate every one of them. You have voiced the opinion that you really enjoy the celebrity “guess who” columns. Since your Bum aims to please and I haven’t done one for quite a while, here ya go. Enjoy and let me know how many you are able to get correct.

64 Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
Happy Thanksgiving, Wavers - Your Bum wishes you, your family, and friends a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Childhood celebrity photo trivia - Answers on page 65
Waves Magazine | November 2022 65www.wavesgalveston.com Answers From Page 16
Lois Lane Kate Middleton Lucy Ricardo Sharon OsbourneVictoria Beckham Matthew Broderick Rita Wilson Jada Pinkett Smith David Furnish Kermit Jackie Kennedy Onassis Gomez Addams Priscilla Presley Carol Brady Olive Oyl Edith Bunker Yoko Ono Lois Griffen Faith Hill Sandy Olsson
Beach Bum The Childhood celebrity photo trivia Answers from
page 64 Julia Roberts Lady Gaga Mick Jagger Selena Gomez Leonardo DiCaprio Jackie Chan Brad Pitt George Clooney Angelina Jolie Rihanna Jennifer Aniston Taylor Swift


29 Degrees North & A Pirate’s Life

Charles Dickens is often celebrated for bringing real-life characters to the forefront and writing about people and events often avoided, including the poorer side of society. With a romantic yet real feel to his writing, he has continued to be celebrated, especially during the holidays. Even with the celebration of what appears as wealth and consumerism as costumed patrons roam the street in fancy dresses, the ideas of family, love, and joy are truly what most love about his writing.

Paying homage to Charles Dickens and his ghost of Christmas past, present, and future becomes reality, every year, in downtown Galveston during ic ens on t e Stran . ecem er will see the Strand area transformed into a 19th-century London holiday street festival.

Galvestonians and guests always wear traditional dress to a degree of absolute perfection. Formerly known for authentic Victorian faire, Le Chat Noir was a must-stop on Stewart Road for everything from a cane to top hat, bustle or hoop skirt, to a chemise or corset along with an exquisite dress, the handmade designs were always a hit. Those same designs will be available again this year at a shop that has made the move from Market Street to 2418 Strand Street.

e rees ort al eston Stran Street

29 Degrees North Galveston has its own reputation for unique gifts, souvenirs near the cruise terminals, consignment offerings of original artwork, clothing, jewelry, and household designs. They are now honored to be the home of Ms. Ruth and her famous Dickens apparel, which had only been available at Le Chat Noir. This legend in design will be on hand to help customers assemble their Dickens outfits. With the shop being in the heart of the festivities, it will continue to be a stop for all that is Dickens before and during the festival. Dickens on the Strand has been known to draw 20-40,000 visitors every year.

irate s ife irate s lun er Stran Street

Banking the other end of Strand Street, at 2021 Strand Street, A Pirate’s Life-Pirate’s Plunder is also home to handmade Victorian replicas for those enjoying the pirate life, traditional Dickens attire, or the romantic, industrialized Steampunk look. The pirate ship facade adorns the shop, inviting visitors to step back in time. Customers will find exactly what they need, whether they are cosplay experts, festival-goers looking for a quick look to spruce up the experience, or true

Waves Magazine | November 2022 www.wavesgalveston.com
Waves Magazine | November 2022 67www.wavesgalveston.com
Model CJ Reese IG: modelcjreese83 Body by The Baddest Sensei Steve Fuentes SDfit6
www.afreemanrentals.com/book-online BECOME A MADDOG RENT AN ADVENTURE TODAY!! 409-750-1901 6511 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 P: 409-750-1901 E: afreemanrentals409@gmail.com Great Selection Of Maddog Scooters Unbeatable Rental Prices Hourly/Daily Rates Available Motorcycle License Not Required *Regular Drivers License Required enthusiasts looking to enhance their ensembles. Price points are also geared toward affordable yet definitely high quality, so enthusiasts can begin or continue to build their wardrobes. Dickens on the Strand is just one of many opportunities to live an or more information on ic ens on t e Stran isit www. al eston istory.or e ents ic ens on t e stran e rees ort al eston is open Sun ay t rou urs ay from am to pm an ri ay Satur ay from ChristyMonroe

Hundreds of sayings were published in Poor Richard’s Almanac over the years penned by Bed Franklin. Below are 20 quotes that remain just as relevant now as they were back then.

How many do you recognize? This is a good time to activate your brain and see if you can conjure up a thought that would apply to you when saying one of these quotes. I tried it and it was fun and enlightening. As we islanders start to settle in our prime, I refuse to say “getting old”, this little exercise actually stimulated my memories and brought me back to times that were good, bad and trying. What I learned is that I made it through and am here today to share these words of wisdom. Have some fun with this reflection.

• e at war wit your ices at peace wit your nei ors an l et e ery ew ear fin you a etter man .

• ili ence is t e mot er of oo luc .

• o e your enemies for t ey tell you your faults .

• He t at woul li e in peace an at ease must not spea all e nows or u e all e sees .

• reat eauty reat stren t an reat ric es are really an truly of no reat use a ri t eart e cee s all .

• He t at falls in lo e wit imself will a e no ri als .

• e stin of a reproac is t e trut of it .

• ea in ma es a full man me itation a profoun man iscourse a clear man .

• eware of little e penses: small lea will sin a reat s ip .

• Hi e not your talents t ey for use were ma e: at s a sun ial in t e s a e

• o you lo e life en o not s uan er time for t at is t e s tuff life is ma e of .

• ell one is etter t an well sai .

• lass c ina an reputation are easily crac an ne er we ll men e .

• He t at lies own wit o s s all rise up wit fleas.

• enius wit out e ucation is li e sil er in t e mine.

• f man coul a e alf is wis es e woul ou le is trou les.

• e poor a e little e ars none t e ric too muc enou not one.

• on t t row stones at your nei ors if your own win ows are lass.

• true frien is t e est possession.

• is not so muc to li e lon as to li e well.

I hope my island friends enjoyed some of these sayings. If you made it this long in life, I’m sure you could relate to all or most of these. I expect some of you had a giggle or a smile and actually remembered a time when you heard or used some of Ben’s sayings.

It’s Fall on the island; Kathy and I want to wish all of you good health and many blessings.

“Enjoy the Island Life”

John & Kathy Valastro

68 Waves Magazine | November 0 www.wavesgalveston.com
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