Vaping Prevention Due to enticing flavors and targeted social media marketing, millions of middle and high school students are using Juuls and e-cigarettes. With vape-related lung damage and vaping sicknesses on the rise, it is imperative to encourage young adults to stop and stay away from e-cigarettes. Presentation Display - SP-DA106-PD - $249.00 ea. Presentation Card - PB-DA106-CARD Updated Mini-Mags! As low as $.64 ea. See Inside for More! NEW: FlipTips! As low as $.99 ea. See Back Page for More Info! CALL US AT (877) 329-0570 or VISIT US AT TO ORDER TODAY! Headaches Bad Stained,breathrottenteeth • Yellowedfingers WrinkledSHORT -TERMEFFECTS LONG -EFFECTSTERM • Lung diseaseHeart diseaseOral cancer Emphysema Arteriosclerosis Strokes Kidney Pancreaticdiseasecancer WHAT IS TOBACCO?Tobaccois greenleafyplantthatisdriedandground upforuseintobaccoproductslikecigarettes,cigars, snus dip.Theseallcontainaddictivenicotine.WHAT IS VAPING?Vaping theact inhalingthevaporproducedbyan e-cigarette,Juul similardevice.Electroniccigarettes makeasmoke-likevaporwhichpeopleinhale.The vaporhastoxicchemicals,flavorsandnicotineWHAT IS NICOTINE?Nicotine highlyaddictivedrugfoundintobacco andvapingproducts. ismoreaddictivethanheroin. Afterusersbecomeaddicted,thebraincravesmore feel “normal.” Youmightseescarypicturesofit billboards,in magazines,outsidethegasstation,ontheradio,at baseballgame even TV.Imagesandideasusedtolureyoungpeopleinclude brightcolors,smilingmodelsusingvapes,characters moviesandTV,andslogans suchas“everythingchanges”and“Kooler than ever.” These ads make tobacco seem liketastesgood, fun makesyou cool, but theydon’t thetruth.Therealpeoplewhouse tobacco addicted,coughing,sick,fidgety. Tobacco and vaping are responsible for more than 8,000,000 deaths each year.Tobacco Is Everywhere! Both Vaping and Nicotine Have Lasting Consequences LOOK OUT! Saying “no” when someone wantsyou try tobacco vaping very important.But isn’talwayssoeasy.Herearesomeeasyways say REFUSE TO USE! Just No Thanks MakeanExcuse Ask For Something Joke Bepoliteandjusttellthepersonyouaren’tinterested. It might seemsimple,butit’seffective. thatSayyouhavetoleaveor strictyourparentsarereally aboutthestuff. someone wantssmoke or vape, askinstead. It’s great Humor is great way to say no. Make joke about actually enjoy Never Smoked Tobacco or Vaped? Don’t Start. It is Truly Not Worth it. © 2022 Fox Press, LLC.877-329-0570 • product #PBDA106-CARDThis card may not be copied. LOOK OUT AND STAY AWAY! CIGARETTES | CIGARS | E-CIGARETTES SMOKELESS TOBACCO | WATER PIPES DISSOLVABLE PRODUCTS Tobacco is the biggest cause of disease and death in the United States! There are many tobacco products, and some may even look very different from the ones you may know about. Can you recognize all the different forms of tobacco products? Look below to see the types of tobacco products and what they look like so you can stay away! 1. SMOKELESS TOBACCO CAUSES A PERSON TO BECOME REALLY SICK THE MORE THEY USE. IT CAN GIVE YOU ORAL CANCER, LUNG CANCER, HEART DISEASE, AND EVEN KILL YOU. REALLY GROSS FACTS ABOUT SMOKELESS TOBACCO Smokeless tobacco is known by many namesdip, chew, spit- but it is rarely called “safe.” Here are some nasty facts about smokeless tobacco. 3.SMOKELESS TOBACCO CONTAINS SO MUCH NICOTINE THAT MANY PEOPLE BECOME ADDICTED AFTER THE FIRST USE. 4. OVER HALF OF SMOKELESS TOBACCO USERS DEVELOP THICK, WHITE, SORE PATCHES IN THEIR MOUTH. 5. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF HARMFUL CHEMICALS IN SMOKELESS TOBACCO, INCLUDING 28 KNOWN CANCER CAUSING CHEMICALS. 6. BAD BREATH, STAINED AND ROTTED TEETH, AND WHITE OR RED SORES ON THE MOUTH ARE ALL NASTY SIDE EFFECTS OF USING SMOKELESS TOBACCO THAT MAKE A USER LOOK AS BAD AS THEY FEEL. 2. SOMETIMES SOMELESS TOBACCO IS CALLED “SPIT” BECAUSE WHEN YOU PUT IT BETWEEN YOUR LIP AND GUM OR CHEEK, IT MAKES YOU HAVE TO SPIT OR DROOL DARK, SLIMY TOBACCO JUICE EVERY FEW MINUTES. LLC #PB-DA285 A PARENT’S GUIDE TO VAPING © 2018 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC product #PB-DA280 This pamphlet may not be copied. FOR MORE INFORMATIONeasy to see why the growing. Young people think “People assume you’re cool says an anonymous statement. Everyone wants a recognizable, attractive, according to them, is it cool for you? SWEAR” alternative smoking electronic cigarettes and teens don’t see it as unaware that there chemicals inside the Juul. professor at the University Francisco, School of that young Juul users they’re actually putting “They may not even know Most people have no Juul pod. But it can’t it? mean, Juuls and are touted as healthier traditional tobacco use. for an adult who has decades and is trying to adolescent brain that’s still hardly a healthy habit. HIGHLY ADDICTIVE SHOWS THAT AS ADDICTIVE AS JUULING ADDICTION IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND Go to for more information on substance abuse. Increase your knowledge using the information, statistics, images, and links. Test your understanding with a quick quiz. Don’t stay in the dark. Get In the Know! VAPING IS A GROWING PROBLEM. VAPING THC IS A DEADLY PROBLEM. of stealth vaping devices, such as Juul, there has been a sharp increase high school students that have reported using nicotine vape products, and only rising. More alarming, the number of young people that have admitted (Tetrahydrocannabinol - the active ingredient in marijuana that gives users rise too. Vaping THC is suspected as a primary cause in the increasing lung collapse, severe lung disease and deaths across the county. guardian, equipping yourself with the knowledge about developing strategies to address this behavior with young primary concern. Marijuana Vaped, someone inhales the vapor from a leaf, substance that has been heated in a battery called a vaporizer. Vaporizers can come in shapes and sizes. There are vaporizers that marijuana, “wax”, “dab” or concentrate forms, infused e-liquids. Any e-cigarette vaporizer can be even Juuls can be modified and filled with THC A popular misconception is that vaping is safer than smoking combustible substances, but that idea may simply be wrong. There isn’t a lot of research concerning the safety of vaping THC, but there have been hundreds and hundreds of cases of serious lung disease and injury, and it is thought to have played a part in a growing number of vaping/respiratory related deaths. The bottomline is that vaping THC is a risk business that may lead to serious health consequences and even death. VAPING THC SAFE? NO! // WARNING // ©2019 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC • 877-329-0570 • product #PB-DA285 This pamphlet may not be copied. RESOURCES Family Checkup : Seeking Treatment: Centers for Diseas Control and Prevention: DON’T HOW IT AFFECTS THE BODY VAPING Every time you take a puff from a vape or e-cigarette, you are essentially becoming a lab rat WHAT IS VAPING? Vapes or e-cigarettes are devices that use batteries to heat liquid nicotine and flavoring that mimics the taste and sensation of smoking tobacco. NOT AS SAFE AS YOU THINK Companies that make vape products would have you believe that they are “safe” for use. Just because they may not be as deadly as cigarettes and tobacco products doesn’t make them safe, though. Vape products and e-cigarettes contain a ton of chemicals that when inhaled go straight into your lungs and can cause lasting damage to your body. UNTESTED, UNPROVEN, UNKNOWN Vaping is a relatively new technology that we simply don’t know enough about yet. There are no long-term studies on how it can impact the body, but what we do know isn’t good. In addition to containing nicotine, one of the most addictive substances known, there are chemicals that can cause damage to many parts of the body. Every time you take a puff from a vape or e-cigarette, you are essentially industry. Why take that chance with your health? The bottom line is that gambling with your health on an unknown product Many people who vape originally started in order to help them quit smoking cigarettes. While this can be helpful for those with a cigarette addiction, if you’ve never smoked, vaping is a bad idea. The nicotine in vape products is extremely addictive and can be very difficult to quit © 2021 Prevention & Treatment Resource Press product #PB-DA401 This pamphlet may not be copied. Centers for Disease Control National Institute of Health ADDITIONAL RESOURCES UNHEALTHY ALTERNATIVE E-books, e-mail, e-commerce…it seems like almost any idea that has an “e-“ before it is cutting-edge, exciting, and technologically advanced. Perhaps that’s what manufacturers had in mind when they named their new product the e-cigarette, even though it has nothing to do with computers or technology. The deceptive name is one of many ways that producers of this equipment misrepresent what it is, what it does, and how safe it is for consumers to use. Since practically all the information you can easily find on e-cigarettes is paid for and publicized by the companies that make them, you can bet we’re only getting one side of the story. WHAT YOU SEE... MAY NOT BE WHAT YOU GET One of the first things that you’ll hear about e-cigarettes is that they contain very few of the chemicals that make traditional cigarettes dangerous, such as tar. You’ll also notice that you can choose just how much nicotine you want your e-cigarette to deliver, all the way from a very heavy dose to no nicotine at all. But studies by the FDA showed that the advertised nicotine levels © 2016 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC • product #PB-DA216 This pamphlet may not be copied. FOR MORE INFORMATION ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES were not always accurate. And the nicotine-free versions occasionally do contain trace amounts of nicotine. WHAT YOU GET... MAY BE POISONIOUS One of the e-cigarette cartridges that the FDA tested, made by a leading company, ended up testing positive for traces of diethylene glycol a known poison that is found in antifreeze. We don’t know what other poisons may make their way into other brands, and we might not find out until a scandal reveals that people have been made very sick by the toxins hidden inside these new products. NICOTINE IS NICOTINE IS NICOTINE Nicotine is a highly addictive, poisonous drug. It’s naturally found in the leaves of the tobacco plant and it’s the reason that tobacco products are the most addictive drugs on the planet. In Harm Reduction? While e-cigarettes may be a healthier alternative to smoking, the fact is that there just hasn’t been enough scientific research to make that claim. E-cigarettes certainly don’t do anything to reduce nicotine dependency and the biggest danger is that the popularity of e-cigarettes will lead to more people becoming nicotine addicted. Go to for more information on substance abuse. Increase your knowledge using the information, statistics, images, and links. Test your understanding with a quick quiz. Don’t stay in the dark. Get In the Know! THE DARK SIDE OF VAPING Electronic cigarettes (or e-cigarettes) have grown in popularity and claim to be a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. However, for some e-cigarettes have become an easy, almost undetectable way to abuse a wide range of synthetic drugs. People are vaping dangerous substances – alcohol, hash oil, caffeine, psychedelics, and synthetic drugs — discreetly in vape pens, sometimes right in front of police, parents and teachers. Some of these e-liquids are easily purchased online, making the user believe these products are a “safe high”. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Inhaling an unknown mix of unregulated synthetic chemicals is incredibly dangerous and can have deadly effects. © 2016 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC product #PB-DA185 This pamphlet may not be copied. FOR MORE INFORMATIONDEADLY JUICE Most synthetic drugs are water-soluble which means they can easily be converted into the liquid concentrate used in e-cigarettes. The most popular drugs to vape are flakka (an amphetamine based drug similar to bath salts) and synthetic marijuana (K2 and Spice). Synthetic marijuana is believed to be similar to natural marijuana. In reality, it’s a variety of chemicals that mimic THC, but effect the brain very differently. Flakka contains a synthetic amphetamine which is made in China, Pakistan as well as other countries and sold as white or pink crystals. Flakka has serious mental and physical side effects, that are increased tenfold when inhaled as a vapor. Sold in bottles similar to what nicotine vape juices are packaged in, with names like “Cloud 9,” “Hookah Relax,” “Mad Hatter,” and “Darth Vapor,” these liquid forms of synthetic drugs contain unsafe, unknown chemical mixtures. Synthetic drug e-liquids are unregulated and do not list active ingredients on their labels. You simply don’t know what you’re getting. The act of vaping sends these unregulated chemicals directly into the bloodstream, which increases the risk of adverse reactions and overdoses. Vaping may be the most dangerous new trend to emerge since synthetic drugs first appeared in America. Go to for more information on substance abuse. Increase your knowledge using the information, statistics, images, and links. Test your understanding with a quick quiz. Don’t stay in the dark. Get In the Know! VAPING SYNTHETIC DRUGS DON’T GET VAPORIZED VAPING IS A GROWING PROBLEM. VAPING THC IS A DEADLY PROBLEM. RESOURCES Family Checkup : Seeking Treatment: Centers for Diseas Control and Prevention: With the popularity of stealth vaping devices, such as Juul, there has been a sharp increase in the number of high school students that have reported using nicotine vape products, and the numbers are only rising. More alarming, the number of young people that have admitted to vaping THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol - the active ingredient in marijuana that gives users a high) are on the rise too. Vaping THC is suspected as a primary cause in the increasing number of cases of lung collapse, severe lung disease and deaths across the county. As a parent or guardian, equipping yourself with the knowledge about vaping THC and developing strategies to address this behavior with young people is a primary concern. How Is Marijuana Vaped, Anyway? “Vaping” is when someone inhales the vapor from a leaf, oil or liquid substance that has been heated in a battery operated device called a vaporizer. Vaporizers can come in many different shapes and sizes. There are vaporizers that transform dry leaf marijuana, “wax”, “dab” or concentrate forms, and THC oil infused e-liquids. Any e-cigarette vaporizer can be used to vape THC, even Juuls can be modified and filled with THC e-liquids. A popular misconception is that vaping is safer than smoking combustible substances, but that idea may simply be wrong. There isn’t a lot of research concerning the safety of vaping THC, but there have been hundreds and hundreds of cases of serious lung disease and injury, and it is thought to have played a part in a growing number of vaping/respiratory related deaths. The bottomline is that vaping THC is a risky business that may lead to serious health consequences and even death. IS VAPING THC SAFE? NO! // WARNING // ©2019 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC • 877-329-0570 • product #PB-DA291 This pamphlet may not be copied. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR CHILD IS VAPING THC AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT PAMPHLETS INFORMATION CENTER PB-DA285 800 Pamphlets (100 of each title) and 1 Acrylic Holder Regular Price: $420.95 Sale Price: $319.00 You Save $101.95! PB-DA280 PB-DA287 PB-DA216 PB-DA185 PB-DA401 PB-DA245 PB-DA291 Pamphlets 100 500 1000 2500 5000+ Plain .47 .39 .35 .32 .29 Personalized .52 .44 .40 .37 .34 Order OnLine at Contains 100 each of: • PB-DA401 - Vaping: How it Affects the Body • PB-DA245 - E-Joints: The Big Lie About a Safer High • PB-DA285 - A Parent’s Guide to Vaping • PB-DA280 - Juuling: Addiction in the Palm of Your Hand • PB-DA287 - Vaping THC: Don’t Die for a High • PB-DA216 - Electronic Cigarettes • PB-DA185 - Vaping Synthetic Drugs: Don’t Get Vaporized • PB-DA291 - How to Tell if Your Child is Vaping THC and What to Do About It PB-DA216-PKG
$249.00 EACHDISPLAYS SP-DA216-PD SP-DA185-PD SP-DA280-PD SP-DA291-PD SP-DA401-PD SP-DA280-TPD SP-DA291-TPD SP-DA401-TPDSP-DA185-TPD SP-DA216-TPD TABLETOP DISPLAYS $189.00 EACH FREE SAMPLES & PREVIEWS - call 877-329-0570 Size: 24” x 36” Size: 33” x 83” Free Personalization! On All Presentation and Tabletop Displays
Order OnLine at VAPING PREVENTION PACKAGE POSTER PACKAGE WHAT’S IN THAT VAPE JUICE? Vapor is NOT HARMLESS. Vaping and Juuling is DANGEROUS & ADDICTIVE. PB-DA288-POSTPB-DA287-POST PB-DA284-POSTPB-DA216-POST PB-DA280-POST Posters 1-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-249+ Price Each 14.95 13.25 12.35 11.80 9.75 UV Coated 15.95 14.25 13.35 12.80 10.75 PB-DA216-POST-PKG 1-4 5-9 10+ Price Each Set 69.00 61.00 55.00 PB-DA216-POST-PKG Set of all 5 vaping posters with UV Gloss THC VAPE Cartridges are deaDly DON’T DIE FOR A HIGH • Use has led to severe lung disease, hospitalization and death • Vaping THC cartridges can collapse your lungs - Even on the first use! • no research: Long-term health consequences are unknown • What we do know... is that Vaping THC can end your life! Size: 18” x 24” Includes: • 1 The Truth About E-Cigarettes and Vaping Presentation Display • 100 “Being Me and Vape-Free!” KidPaks • 100 Electronic Cigarettes Pamphlets • 100 “Vaping is Addictive” Magnets • 100 “Being Me and Vape-Free!” Lollipop Cards • 100 “Don’t Vape” Pens • 100 “Vaping Is Dangerous. Vaping is Addictive.” Wristbands (Nicotine Molecule) e-commerce…it idea that has cutting-edge, technologically advanced. manufacturers had named their new e-cigarette, even though with computers deceptive name is that producers of misrepresent what it and how safe it is for Since practically you can easily find for and publicized by make them, you can bet side of the story. YOU GET that you’ll hear about they contain very few that make traditional dangerous, such as tar. You’ll can choose just how want your e-cigarette to from a very heavy dose all. But studies by the FDA advertised nicotine levels © 2016 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC 877-329-0578 • product #PB-DA216 This pamphlet may not be copied. FOR MORE INFORMATION ELECTRONIC CIGARETTESwere not always accurate. And the nicotine-free versions occasionally do contain trace amounts of nicotine. WHAT YOU GET... MAY BE POISONIOUS One of the e-cigarette cartridges that the FDA tested, made by a leading company, ended up testing positive for traces of diethylene glycol a known poison that is found in antifreeze. We don’t know what other poisons may make their way into other brands, and we might not find out until a scandal reveals that people have been made very sick by the toxins hidden inside these new products. NICOTINE IS NICOTINE IS NICOTINE Nicotine is a highly addictive, poisonous drug. It’s naturally found in the leaves of the tobacco plant and it’s the reason that tobacco products are the most addictive drugs on the planet. In concentrated doses, nicotine can be deadly. E-cigarettes don’t eliminate the addiction to nicotine, they simply provide an alternative way to abuse it. While e-cigarettes may be a healthier alternative to smoking, the fact hasn’t been enough scientific research to make that claim. E-cigarettes anything to reduce nicotine dependency and the biggest danger is that e-cigarettes will lead to more people becoming nicotine addicted. Go to for more information on substance abuse. Increase your knowledge using the information, statistics, images, and links. Test your understanding with a quick quiz. Don’t stay in the dark. Get In the Know! likely to smoke cigarettes 1000+ Items for only $599! SP-DA216-PKG2
FREE SAMPLES & PREVIEWS - call 877-329-0570 Size: 8.62” x 11.12” Size: 8.5” x 11” In This Issue • Nicotine Addiction • Vaping & Juuling • Tobacco: Really Bad • How to Quit >>>>FORWARD FEED MAGAZINE<<<<+HEALTH+INFO+PROGRESS+ Vaping, Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction #FWDFEED>>>>>>>>> Full Color, 16 Pages! New magazine format aimed at teens and young adults FWDFEED MAGAZINE KIDPAKS & ACTIVITY BOOKS Bundle & Save with our new FWDpaks A sealed polybag containing • 1 #FWDFEED magazine • 1 “Vaping is Dangerous” bookmark • 1 “Vaping is Dangerous” sticker sheet • 1 “Vaping is Dangerous” silicone wristband • 1 “Don’t Vape” ink pen A sealed polybag containing • 1 “Being Me and Vape-Free!” Activity Book • 1 “Being Me and Vape-Free” Sticker • 1 “Being Me and Vape-Free!” Bookmark • 1 “Being Me and Vape-Free!” Color Me Poster • 1 4-Pack of Crayons PB-DA300-FP 100 500 1000 2500 5000+ Price Each 2.98 2.52 2.30 2.07 1.83 • PRE-ASSEMBLED Ready to Hand Out! • PACKED WITH PREVENTION KIDPAKS Educate & Entertain! Toss the Juul VAPING ISFOR SIMPS BESMART DON’TSTART PB-DA301-FWD 100 500 1000 2500 5000+ Plain 1.17 .92 .85 .78 .70 Personalized 1.22 .97 .90 .83 .75 PB-DA292-ACT 100 500 1000 2500+ Plain .76 .70 .64 .62 Personalized .81 .75 .69 .67 PB-DA292-KP 50 100 500 1000 2500+ Price Each 1.95 1.78 1.65 1.52 1.44 Being Me Vape - Free!AND LEARNING and ACTIVITY BOOK ©2020 LLC. PB-DA292-BM © 0 P L C PB-DA292-ACT PB-DA301-FWD
Order OnLine at PRESENTATION CARDS Cards 100 500 1000 2500 5000+ Plain .44 .37 .33 .30 .27 Personalized .49 .42 .38 .35 .32 PB-DA291-CARD PB-DA280-CARD PB-DA185-CARD PB-DA401-CARDPB-DA216-CARD PB-DA106-CARD HOW CAN PREVENT MY TEEN FROM VAPING THC? One of the best things you can do as parent is sit your teen down and have conversation about vaping marijuana. Ask your child about kids vaping THC at school and how they feel about it. WHAT IF MY TEEN IS ALREADY VAPING THC? you discover that your child is already vaping THC, then it is time to take action. Make sure you are on the same page with your spouse or partner before you confront your teen. You should both try to have calm but firm conversation about your teen’s drug use. Determine beforehand what the rules will be and what consequences your teen will TALK GUIDELINES: Know the facts about vaping THC before you start. Be patient and listen; you want conversation, Look for natural opportunities to talk about vaping THC, such as passing vape shop or smelling marijuana on the street. Show interest and concern, and try not to blame or accuse your child. Set positive example by being drug-free yourself. SIGNS OF MARIJUANA USE Bloodshot, red eyes Laughing at the wrong time or for no reason Confusing conversations and tangents General lack of energy Excessive sleep Increased appetite (munchies) Paranoia or panic attacks Lack of physical coordination Slow reaction time HOW DO TELL IF MY CHILD IS VAPING THC? Vaping THC is much harder to detect than smoking marijuana. There is no smoke and very little smell (if any at all), and the vapes are easy to conceal. Users may display typical signs of marijuana use, however. They may show changes in behavior, mood, and friend groups. LOOK FOR VAPING PARAPHERNALIA Vapes may look like flash drives, pens, or flashlights with cartridges or tanks attached. Look for colorful packaging and containers that contain liquids, gels, or waxy substances. IF NOTHING ELSE WORKS, SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. your child continues to vape THC to the point of dependence, have them examined for signs of drug use and other health issues by doctor. You might also seek the advice of an addiction specialist. Addiction professionals have the experience and resources to suggest further treatment options for your child. Vaping THC is suspected as primary cause in the increasing number of cases of lung collapse, severe lung disease, and deaths across the country. Despite this, more and more high school students are vaping THC. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR CHILD IS VAPING THC And What To Do About It HOW IS MARIJUANA VAPED, ANYWAY? “Vaping” is when someone inhales vapor from an oil or liquid substance that heated in a battery-operated device called vape. There are vapes that heat up dry leaf marijuana, marijuana wax, dab, or concentrate forms as well as THC oil e-liquids. Any e-cigarette vape THC, even the most popular and common vape, the Juul. © 2019 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC. 877-329-0578 product #PBDA291-CARD This card may not be copied. JUULS, VAPING & NICOTINE: ADDICTION GUARANTEED Juuls and other forms of e-cigarettes are gaining popularity across the country. With enticing flavors and targeted social media marketing, millions of middle and high school students are using Juuls and e-cigs. Learn the facts about Juuls, e-cigarettes and vaping so you never have to learn how hard it is to kick the habit. Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the aerosol, often referred to as vapor, which is produced by an e-cigarette, Juul or similar device. E-cigarettes do not produce tobacco smoke, but rather an aerosol, often mistaken for water vapor, that actually consists of fine toxic particles. WHAT IS VAPING? WHAT IS A JUUL? WHAT IS NICOTINE? THE DEVICES CAN EXPLODE! SHORT TERM EFFECTS: LONG TERM EFFECTS: NEVER SMOKED TOBACCO OR E-CIGS? DON’T START! LIFETIME OF ADDICTION Juul is small e-cig that looks like USB drive. small and easy to hide. Juul “pod” holds liquid that contains flavors, other chemicals, and nicotine that is heated when turned on. Juul delivers astoundingly high doses of nicotine, (one e-liquid pods is equal to pack of cigarettes in terms of nicotine). Double the amount in other e-cigarettes. Nicotine is highly addictive stimulant found in tobacco products. Users feel happier and relaxed for a short time, but then suffer withdrawals shortly after. 63% of Juul users age 15 to 24 did not know it contains nicotine. Americans are more addicted to nicotine than any other drug. The FDA has warned that while these explosions are rare they can happen, and lead to serious injury. Most common injuries are flame burns, chemical burns, and blast injuries to the face, hands, thigh or groin. Euphoria Rapid heart rate Increased breathing High blood pressure Dizziness Sleeplessness Coughing Seizures Nicotine use harms developing brains, which puts users 25 and below at risk of serious, long-lasting damage. Nicotine is highly addictive. Users who try to quit quickly suffer withdrawal symptoms, including: Cravings Depression Moodiness Anxiety The microscopic particles e-cigarettes emit have been linked to heart attacks, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease as well as harming lung tissue. The biggest risk nicotine addiction. 30% of e-cig users are more likely to start smoking, and 70-90% of e-cig users smoke cigarettes too. Vaping isn’t safe. While many people start because they think it looks cool or they enjoy the flavors, remember that there’s nothing cool or fun about nicotine addiction. OVERCOME, BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE. If you or someone you know is hooked on nicotine, talk to doctor or counselor about ways to quit. YOU CAN DO IT! JUUL Device © 2019 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC. 877-329-0578 product #PBDA280-CARD This card may not be copied. VAPING SYNTHETIC DRUGS DON'T GET VAPORIZED E-cigarette use among teens and young adults has tripled. Most inhale flavored e-liquid or nicotine. For others, vaping has become an easy, almost undetectable way to abuse a wide range of synthetic drugs. The most popular drugs to vape are synthetic marijuana and synthetic CHEMICALS TOXICITY LEVELS SIDE EFFECTS SYNTHETIC DRUGS ? To avoid a positive drug test 2. Seeking a new type of high 3. Easier and cheaper to get No smell or smoke OVERDOSE Vaping sends chemicals directly into the bloodstream, which increases the risk of adverse reactions and easily treat overdose patients chemicals they have inhaled. This is leading to serious side effects and death. EVERY TIME YOU VAPE SYNTHETIC DRUGS, YOU ARE TAKING A CHANCE WITH YOUR HEALTH. HORRIFYING SIDE-EFFECTS •Anxiety •Agitation •Paranoia •Hallucinations •Psychotic Episodes •Rapid Heartbeat •Nausea and Vomiting •Seizures and Muscle Spasms •Violent Thoughts SYNTHETIC CHEMICALS NEGATIVELY AFFECT: •Short-term Memory •Reasoning Ability •Emotional Stability •Learning •Stamina LONG TERM EFFECTS: UNKNOWN •Higher Addiction Rates •Harsher Withdrawal Symptoms UNTESTED UNKNOWN UNSAFE 40% EXPERIENCE SIDE EFFECTS 80% 87% OF ER DOCTORS BRAND © 2017 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC. 877-329-0578 • • product #PBDA185-CARD This card may not be copied. HOW THEY AFFECT THE BODY VAPING AND E-CIGARETTES Vapes or e-cigarettes are devices that use batteries to heat liquid nicotine and flavoring that mimics the taste and sensation of smoking tobacco. These and can cause lasting damage to your body. BRAIN Nicotine EYES AND EARS NOSE AND THROAT cavities TEETH LUNGS use-Associated Lung Injury Coughing and wheezing HEART Narrowed blood vessels Increased risk of stroke BONES SKIN AND HAIR VAPING IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH AND CAN CAUSE REAL DAMAGE. BE SMART, DON’T VAPE! © 2021 Fox Press, LLC. 877-329-0570 • • product #PBDA401-CARD This card may not be copied. E-cigarettes are not FDA-approved cessation devices effectiveness have had mixed results. E-cigarettes have only been around for of using them is still not known. Here’s E-cigarettes are not regulated E-cigarettes labeled as nicotine-free may still contain nicotine. been found in some e-cigarette liquid. chambers may leak increasing the risk for nicotine poisoning. Nanoparticles in the vapor may lead to heart disease, asthma, stroke, and diabetes. Most e-cigarette liquid is made of The liquid usually includes no smoking no vaping no nicotine no addiction the truth about e-cigarettes laced with nicotine into vapor, which can they be used to quit smoking z Some people are able to quit smoking with e-cigarettes. Others become And still others continue smoke regular cigarettes and e-cigarettes increasing their nicotine dependence. FDA-approved Nicotine Replacement Therapies NRT gum, and lozenges are a opening the door to addiction z Healthcare professionals make smoking popular again E-cigarettes come flavors from tobacco to may persuade young people to try which may lead them to traditional tobacco products. z A nicotine addiction is one of the most why start? If you don’t smoke, create an appetite for the real thing. If you do smoke, there with serious health risks. It may cause: ADDICTIONVOMITING NAUSEA INCREASED HEART RATE FEVER HEADACHESSHORTNESS OF BREATH are they safe? © 2017 Education Specialty Publishing, LLC. b h p d This card may not be copied. Increased heart rate Headaches Bad breath Stained, rotten teeth • Yellowed fingersSHORT TERM EFFECTS LONGTERMEFFECTS • Lung disease Oral cancer Strokes Kidney disease Pancreatic cancer WHAT IS TOBACCO? Tobacco a green leafy plant that is dried and ground up for use in tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, snus and dip. These all contain addictive nicotine. WHAT IS VAPING? Vaping is the act of inhaling the vapor produced by an e-cigarette, Juul or similar device. Electronic cigarettes make a smoke-like vapor which people inhale. The WHAT IS NICOTINE? Nicotine is highly addictive drug found in tobacco and vaping products. is more addictive than heroin. You might see scary pictures of on billboards, in baseball game or even on TV. bright colors, smiling models using vapes, characters in movies and TV, and slogans such as “everything changes” and “Kooler tastes good, is fun and makes cool, but addicted, coughing, sick, fidgety. Tobacco and vaping are responsible for more than 8,000,000 deaths each year. Tobacco Is Everywhere! Both Vaping and Nicotine Have Lasting Consequences LOOK OUT! Saying you try vaping very important. But it isn’t always so easy. Here are some easy ways to say no:REFUSE TO USE! Just Say No Thanks Make an Excuse Ask For Something Else Make a Joke Be polite and just tell the person you aren’t interested. might seem simple, but it’s effective. Say you have to leave orthat your parents are reallyabout the stuff. someone wants you to smoke or vape, ask for soda instead. It’s great distraction. Humor is a great way to say no. Make joke about how you actually enjoy healthy breathing. Never Smoked Tobacco or Vaped? Don’t Start. It is Truly Not Worth it. © 2022 Fox Press, LLC. 877-329-0570 • product #PBDA106-CARD This card may not be copied. PROMO ITEMS Wristbands Pencils SP-DA289-SWB SP-DA292-SWB SP-DA292-PN SP-DA289-PN Side 1 Side 2 Pencils 100 500 1000 2500+ Price Each .37 .33 .31 .30 Pens 250 500 1000 2500 5000+ Price Each .77 .63 .53 .43 .39 Wristbands 100 500 1000 2500 5000+ Price Each .71 .63 .58 .53 .42 Screen Printed Silicone Wristband • Size: 8”
They Said What?-
the public that
However, studies show that nicotine
and deadly. The
about the dangers of
especially to youth, but they could not hide the truth forever.
are some excerpts of the Tobacco Industry admitting the truth about their
or vapes, are easily the most commonly used form of tobacco product by young people in the United States. They are battery powered tobacco products that simulate smoking by allowing the user to inhale flavored vapor containing nicotine. The sweet flavors may seem appealing, but the reality is that this vapor contains toxic chemicals and particles that damage the body.
product and have
is not FDA approved, delivers up to 20 times as much nicotine, is easily addictive, harms young
brain development, causes lung related illness, affects memory,
and has
been around long enough to study the long-term side effects, but there is evidence of serious lung damage, cancer and death in people who have been vaping for even just a few years. They may not smell as stinky, but e-cigarettes are just as dangerous as cigarettes!
are many types of e-cigarettes, and each looks very different-be on the lookout for some of these products!
FREE SAMPLES & PREVIEWS - call 877-329-0570 Size: 5.5” x 8.5” • Full Color, 16 Pages
Here’s what the Tobacco Industry admitted about its effort to specifically recruit young users. In
Tobacco Industry told
addictive drug.
nicotine products,
products. “Don’t vape. Don’t use Juul. Don’t start using nicotine if you don’t have a preexisting relationship with nicotine...yes it is addictive.” -Kevin Burns, ex-Juul CEO “We were targeting was just company policy.” -Terence Sullivan, a sales rep for RJ Reynolds “Very few consumers are aware of the effects of nicotine, its addictive nature, and that nicotine is a poison.” -Brown and Williamson memo signed by H.D. Steele “Serious efforts to learn to smoke occur between ages 12 and 13 in most cases.” -Imperial Tobacco Limited “Certainly Philip Morris should continue efforts for Marlboro in the youth market...” -1974 Philip Morris Document “Of course it’s addictive. That’s why you smoke the stuff.” -Ross Johnson, ex-Chief Executive of RJ Reynolds 6
concentration, attention, mood,
even killed users. There
a new
CIGARETTES | CIGARS | E-CIGARETTES SMOKELESS TOBACCO | WATER PIPES DISSOLVABLE PRODUCTS Tobacco is the biggest cause of disease and death in the United States! There are many tobacco products, and some may even look very different from the ones you may know about. Can you recognize all the different forms of tobacco products? Look below to see the types of tobacco products and what they look like so you can stay away! 1. SMOKELESS TOBACCO CAUSES A PERSON TO BECOME REALLY SICK THE MORE THEY USE. IT CAN GIVE YOU ORAL CANCER, LUNG CANCER, HEART DISEASE, AND EVEN KILL YOU. REALLY GROSS FACTS ABOUT SMOKELESS TOBACCO Smokeless tobacco is known by many namesdip, chew, spit- but it is rarely called “safe.” Here are some nasty facts about smokeless tobacco. 3.SMOKELESS TOBACCO CONTAINS SO MUCH NICOTINE THAT MANY PEOPLE BECOME ADDICTED AFTER THE FIRST USE. 4. OVER HALF OF SMOKELESS TOBACCO USERS DEVELOP THICK, WHITE, SORE PATCHES IN THEIR MOUTH. 5. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF HARMFUL CHEMICALS IN SMOKELESS TOBACCO, INCLUDING 28 KNOWN CANCER CAUSING CHEMICALS. 6. BAD BREATH, STAINED AND ROTTED TEETH, AND WHITE OR RED SORES ON THE MOUTH ARE ALL NASTY SIDE EFFECTS OF USING SMOKELESS TOBACCO THAT MAKE A USER LOOK AS BAD AS THEY FEEL. 2. SOMETIMES SOMELESS TOBACCO IS CALLED “SPIT” BECAUSE WHEN YOU PUT IT BETWEEN YOUR LIP AND GUM OR CHEEK, IT MAKES YOU HAVE TO SPIT OR DROOL DARK, SLIMY TOBACCO JUICE EVERY FEW MINUTES. Revised and Updated Updated and modernized to help the current generation of kids be informed about the dangers of tobacco and nicotine, now includes information on the dangers of vaping. MINIMAGS Minimags 100 500 1000 2500 5000+ Plain .85 .78 .73 .67 .64 Personalized .90 .83 .78 .72 .69 PB-DA108-MM PB-DA106-MM
Wanna Know More? RBETTER YET, DON’TSTART Nicotine is one of the most addictive chemicals on the planet. Breaking the chains of nicotine addiction can be di cult, but don’t give up! You can overcome the cravings and enjoy a nicotine free life! IMPRINT AREA Quit is Now!YouCanDoIt! Talk to a doctor about medicines that can ease your nicotine withdrawal symptoms Ask for help -doctors, friends and family will support you as you quit Get moving -instead of using tobacco, take a walk, a swim, just get some exercise Find a reason to quit -get motivated. Yes you can! Be prepared before you quit -Your brain is hooked on nicotine • Be ready for withdrawal -it’s coming • Use nicotine replacement aids: gums, patches and lozenges can ease withdrawal d w P 70 19 b n L When you quit tobacco, your body starts healing itself the moment you stop. In seconds -you stop damaging your lungs. In hours -blood oxygen increases. In days -you can taste and smell again. In weeks -the addiction is gone. In months -risk of heart attach decreases. In ve years -risk of stroke is gone. In ten years -lung cancer risk is cut in half. DVD DA216D INFORMATON WHEELS Info Wheels 100 500 1000 2500+ Price 2.10 1.89 1.64 1.51Information Wheels Brand New: Flip Tips!Interactive ability makes learning fun! Bright, Engaging and Compact – Your audience will want to interact. THE TRUTH ABOUT VAPING THE TRUTH ABOUT VAPING 16 minutes long $145.00 EACH • Stresses that long-term health consequences are UNKNOWN. • Discusses the highly addictive nature of nicotine. • Examines media and advertising of e-cigarettes. • Covers the vaporizing of synthetic drugs (K2 & Spice) and other substances. Size: 7.5” Circumference Size: 4” x 5” FlipTips 100 500 1000 2500+ Price Each 1.58 1.37 1.12 .99 FREE Personalization! on Information Wheels and FlipTips