Passive Income Ideas The Final Report
Richard Fox
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INTRODUCTION Hello and welcome to this report, first, I would like to thank you for downloading this report and taking the time to read it. In this report I’ll share with you 10 years of experience, be aware, this is my own experience, but I’m pretty sure it’ll help you a lot if you are just starting, and you can maybe even find something more advance if you already know the basics.
ABOUT ME Before I start I would like to tell you a little about me, so who I am? My name is Richard and I’m an Argentinian young man, 27 years old and I the middle children in my family, with a big sister and a little brother. Since I was a child my family use to move a lot, and when I grow up I keep traveling by my own, I love it! I love to discover new places, meet new interesting people and make new friends. I’ve lived in Italy, Spain and different cities in my own country, from Salta, to Buenos Aires and even to the very “end of the world” : Ushuaia. So it was only natural for me to wish for a job I can do while traveling around. That’s when I start looking for how to make money online about 10 years ago. I also love to exercise, like running, or just relax, so when I travel I don’t wanted to just find a regular job ( and I did that many times so I really know what that it’s like, and it was fine in the beginning but I had enough ). I didn’t want just to travel I was looking for real freedom. Let me tell you, the bulb’s image it were not randomly selected, it took me several attempts and more than 10 years of trying, just like Thomas Edison failed 1000’s of time before succeed in the light bulb creation.
Chapter 1
In my first searches online about how to work from home and make a passive income from internet I run into an old course called “make money while you sleep” from Alex Berezosky and I was amazed for actually finding someone who actually told me that what I wanted was possible, that you could really make a living from an online internet business. But this was the end of the 90’s and the things were MUCH different back then! Alex teaches in his course how to create a products and sell it on internet, but back then to create your site you needed to learn to do it with html, so before I even started to think about the product creation I had to deal with this html thing, so I learned that and after a few months uploaded my very first web site. The second step was to create a product and the only thing I could do in that time, was writing something and sell an eBook, the content? You can laugh if you want, but at that time I was working in a delicatessen store in Valencia (Spain) so I wrote a review of those products, learned a few recipes and get a few benefits from eating certain things and create my first eBook with that! Well my site was up and running, my product listed and priced ( very low, it was just a few bucks because I just wanted to start small ), everything was working on but the traffic….the traffic was my firsts real obstacle, and back in the 90’s it was much…much harder than today to reach many people. Long story short, my first attempt to earn money from internet ended right there after a few months of failing into drive traffic to my site, and I soon needed that precious time to actually find another work and make some “real” money. I know you don’t need to know what my new job was, but just in case you wonder I got into the alarms business, but we didn’t actually sell them, we installed them. Again let me say, it was not a bad job, we use to travel from one corner of the city to the other, installing alarms in all types of buildings, schools, bars, poor houses, rich houses, but It just wasn’t what I wanted in the first place. So read chapter two to know how it was my second approach to the online business.
Chapter 2
After working a few months my family and I decided to move again and I was able to get some extra money from the alarms job, so I was more than ready to give another try to the whole make money online thing. We move back to Argentina and my surprise was big when I heard an old friend of mine was making money from internet! (Usually I am the only one who thought that was possible at that time, my family always worked hard for the money, so the idea you can make money sitting in home or wherever you want to be sounded just crazy for them). Most of my friends thought that way to, but this particular friend didn’t, he was making money, so I decided to pay him a visit and learn what he was doing (attention: just in case you are thinking right now, that this is going to turn into a sales letter to get my friend system or something like that, let me tell you up to front, let worries behind because that’s not the case…just keep reading). So, what was my friend doing? He was into the phrases business in Facebook, and he could do from $3000 to $10000 just with a blog monetized with AdSense! He would put an image or an image with a phrase and share it on Facebook, and believe it or not he got 1000’s of views this way, and just in case you don’t know, more or less like YouTube, if you monetize your content with ads with AdSense you would get around $1 or $2 every 1000 visits/ views. What was the trick? His popular Facebook page, in that time it was around 1 million likes, and that was a like 8 years ago, last time I checked he got more than 4 million! Yes, I know that number it’s pretty amazing, but phrases were in the bum at the moment in Facebook and everybody was sharing and liking those back then, and Its true he was one of the first to actually exploit that in Argentina, so even with him by my side I didn’t get the same results, I was making $10 to $90 per month, even if he shared some of my phrases in his Facebook page. Mine was growing much slower and that wasn’t working for me. He was in the right place at the right time with a good idea and the knowledge to make it happened So reality came again and I move again to Spain, leave the whole phrases and AdSense behind and enter another chapter of my life, I would sell souvenirs in the center of Valencia for a while before giving my third shoot to the idea.
Chapter 3
If you don’t know me by now I will say it clear, I’m a very persistent person. I just don’t like to give up. So once again after a period of hard “real” work I decided to search again for ways to make money from internet and after some research I run into a new business known as affiliate marketing. The idea sounds amazing, this time you don’t need a product, you promote other persons products, basically you link a product with its possible costumer, and if the vendor get a sale, you get a commission. Most of the time this products are virtual, called info-products like courses or video training, which means vendor don’t need to store or send anything, once the products is done it would actually instantly downloaded to the user who buy it, this means zero cost, it’s all benefits and for that reason vendors use to offer commission as high as 75%. It didn’t take me long to reach ClickBank, a very well established site where vendors would share their products whit every affiliate who wanted to promote it. This was the time when I run into a fine product, I’m sure you know it it’s called Google Sniper, I actually bought it and learned a lot from it, but not everything I need… so if you are thinking of getting it I would recommend you to wait a little and continue reading this report. I follow the steps carefully, Html were left behind, making a site with WordPress was much more easy and fast, also having 1000’s of products to choose from were two thing in the past took me months, now in hours everything was set all up. But again, the key was the traffic…so how Google sniper helps you get traffic? And the answer is by keywords research. George Brown, Google Sniper’s creator gives you some values to get some fast ranking keywords, this are keywords people demand (you can check how many times people search for different words using a free tool called “Google keywords planner”) , so the key was to find a keywords searched for let’s say at last 2000 people, and you need to take a look at the competition. So you would grab your keywords and make an actually search for it in Google an see what Google brings back, if is less than 50,000 results and in the first page you could see non related terms, then it’s possible you could rank in the first page for that particular keywords and get this way organic traffic for your blog. I did rank some sniper sites, but even if I made my first sales this way it didn’t actually worked for me! I did make a few sales but that didn’t land well, and I made more sniper sites which never ranking at all. Long story short, that strategy alone didn’t give me a dime so I faced defeat again, closer but defeated again I move again into a new chapter. I did learn a lot from that experience and I had the feeling I was on the right track, so keep reading if you want to know how the story continues.
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Chapter 5