Holly McQuillan Zero-Waste Portfolio

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Wolf / Sheep Zero-waste, outer, silk coat design are you wolf

(2009): digitally printed linen inner, reversible hooded which askes the wearer or sheep?

Selected for HotHouse - Season Three exhibit in TheNewDowse, showcasing the best of contemporary New Zealands sustainable design.


Precarious Cut (2009): Zero-waste frock coat design which re-uses one half of pair of unwanted vintage curtains (the other half are a new couch cover in my living room). Selected for “Surplus and Creativity: Design and the ReadyMade� (2009)


Twin Set: Mens (2010): Zero-waste menswear hooded jacket and t-shirt design which uses a technique I call ‘embedding’ within the zero-watse approach. The t’shirt and the hooded jacket are part of the same pattern, therefore enabling a greater range of aesthetic and fit options.


Kindest Cut (2008): Zero-waste, lazer-cut tesselated textile design. Design can be remade into infinite variables enabling multiple design lives from the original cut cloth. Selected for inclusion in forthcoming book on sustainable fashion by Sass Brown - due August 2010.


First Son - Memory and Myth (2006) Zero-waste, hand printed and embellished series of five dresses tracking social change in New Zealand from the 1940s to the 1980s through the examination of one man - my father. Each garment could transform from two dimensions into a three dimensional garment and back again. Selected for inclusion in forthcoming book on sustainable fashion by Sass Brown - due August 2010.


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