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OUR DEEPENING COMMITMENT TO CHRIST In I Thessalonians 2:19–20, Paul, Silvanus and Timothy wrote, “For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? Yes, you are our glory and joy!” They weren’t boasting in Jesus alone. Instead, they talked about brothers and sisters who took their discipleship in Christ seriously, who followed Jesus joyfully, and who sacrificed for others generously because of the Gospel. As I have attended various meetings around the nation this year, I have (gently) bragged about you like a proud brother. In too many of these places, I hear mostly gloom and doom, frustration and desperation, talk of declining ministry, purpose and budgets. There are reasonable explanations, from continued economic instability to the growing secularization of our society. And yet, First Presbyterian Bethlehem again finished the year solidly in the black with our annual budget. Last year’s budget increased by 5.6 percent and we passed a conservative increase for 2012 of just under 4%. We continue to grow hearts and in worship attendance, regularly welcome new members by profession of their faith, have nearly doubled over the last three years in small group connection (over 900 individuals), and expanded our mission involvement locally, nationally, and internationally—just to name a few areas. And there are so many who work tirelessly to help us worship the living God and grow in faith and justice ever more meaningfully. Thank you for your deepening commitment to Christ in and through these walls. I also observe that we are more and more willing and able to work on some of the tougher areas of life and ministry.
In order to keep moving forward missionally, I proposed a ministry audit for our seven Session Committees. Each area was asked to wrestle with key questions like, a “given our three priorities and nine goals, what are your committees’ strategies, tactics and time frames for ensuring the accomplishment of the unmet goals?” This work is helping us further hone what we do and invite more and more people into the re-leveraged areas. In 2012, as in 2011, may we together not let this critical Kingdom work of “knowing God, loving people, and serving the world” get sidetracked by any gloom and doom nay saying; may each be to the other a “crown and joy” through our shared faith and faithfulness. In Christ’s Service Together, Pastor Alf and our Senior Ministry Team
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REPORT FROM SESSION When we entered into 2011, our Session was invested in the study of three recommendations that came out of the 219th General Assembly that would impact our denomination and our church. The Session created three teams to study these issues—recognizing that it was important to understand and articulate our position on each. These recommendations included changes to our ordination standards, changes to our form of government (nFOG) and the addition of the Belhar Confession to our Book of Confessions. Our church participated fully in the discussions and votes that took place at the Lehigh Presbytery. In the end, the PC(USA) passed the first two recommendations and voted down the Belhar addition. In response to the changes that have taken place denominationally, FPC sent 14 people to the Fellowship of Presbyterians Gathering in Minneapolis in August. The Fellowship was started by PC(USA) pastors who wanted to find new ways to encourage each other in common faith, ministry and mission. These pastors were concerned about the health of the PC(USA) as a denomination, where membership has dropped steadily over 40 years and ongoing disputes over theology and bureaucracy create a culture of contention more than vitality. They talked of reclaiming a covenanted biblical community, where unity is derived from a shared mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ, not from structural affiliation, and where young leaders are nurtured to speak the Gospel into a rapidly-changing world. The pastors issued a nationwide call to others of like mind who envisioned a new future for congregations to connect and grow while sharing a Presbyterian, Reformed, heritage. Our Session voted to align with the Fellowship and to continue to discern our next steps. This month, a conference took place in Orlando which you will hear more about from Alf. Please continue to pray for the ways that FPC will move forward in the midst of these discussions. On the pages that follow, you will read about many of the ways that our members and friends are connecting, sharing Christ’s mission in the world and in our community. As we close out 2011, I want to extend an
enormous thanks to each of our leaders who have served in great and small ways in the past 12 months. I also want to thank our wonderful staff for the ways that they continue to be a blessing to us. On a personal note, I want to thank Ann Terres who has agreed to serve as the new Clerk of Session. As my family prepares for a move to North Carolina, please know that we are enormously grateful for the opportunities that we have had to serve and the ways that we have been blessed by your friendship and care throughout the years. We will continue to pray for this congregation and the powerful ways that God will use you to impact the world for Christ. Together, we go into 2012 with hope and confidence in God’s purpose. Jill Smedley, Clerk of Session (2007–2011) Ann Terres, Clerk of Session (Oct. 2011– )
SESSION RULING ELDERS: Robert Andress James Birdsall Beth Bloss Sue Boehret Lynnette Burns Jackie Byrnes Mary Jane Diener Gail Farnham Debbie Field Steve Follett Bill Gruenewald Bob Hunsicker Jack Jordan Jim Koontz Jeff Mohler Betsy Mowrer Gwenn Noel Larry Rood
Robert Rupel Warren Waite Ken Wycherley TEACHING ELDERS: Jack Brace, Pastor Alf Halvorson, Pastor/Head of Staff Manuela Kauer, Pastor Cody Sandahl, Pastor CLERK OF SESSION: Jill Smedley Ann Terres
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COMMITTEE STRUCTURES AND SESSION MINISTRY AREAS DISCIPLESHIP Guiding Scripture: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18–20) Ministry Area Goal: To teach, equip, support and guide adult leaders to disciple all generations of our church family as they grow in their faith. Elders: Larry Rood (Chair), Bob Andress, Beth Bloss, Warren Waite
WORSHIP Guiding Scripture: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God— what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1–2) Ministry Area Goal: To encourage each member of the congregation on their discipleship journey by providing worship opportunities that celebrate Jesus Christ and His gospel message in a variety of ways, promoting a worshipful lifestyle that deepens each member’s relationship with our Savior.
Elders: Jeff Mohler (Chair), Steve Follett
CONGREGATIONAL LIFE AND CARE Guiding Scripture: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12) Ministry Area Goals: By participation and fellowship...we will encourage, equip and empower God’s people to care for each other. Elders: Bob Hunsicker (Chair), Jackie Byrnes, Gwenn Noel
MISSION AND OUTREACH Guiding Scripture: “For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Corinthians 4:5) Ministry Area Goal: To be a servant-hearted ministry, centered in Christ, generous in giving, open to receiving, meeting spiritual and material needs across cultures and boundaries. Elders: Debbie Field, (Chair), Gail Farnham, Betsy Mowrer, Ken Wycherley
PERSONNEL Guiding Scripture: “Shepherd the flock that has been given into your care …” (1 Peter 5:2) Ministry Area Goal: To care for and encourage the ministry staff of First Presbyterian Church, and to manage the personnel resources, budgets and administrative issues of the church. Elders: Jim Koontz (Chair), Jack Jordan
WHOLE LIFE STEWARDSHIP Guiding Scripture: “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” (Malachi 3:10) Ministry Area Goal: To encourage the congregation in the stewardship of all of life, in generous and enthusiastic giving of time, talents and treasures, in service to Christ, His Kingdom and His work. Elders: Lynnette Burns (Chair), Jim Birdsall (Chair, Budget Committee), Bill Gruenewald
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Guiding Scripture: “The gifts that he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11–13) Ministry Area Goal: That all leadership positions are filled by people committed to the mission and vision of First Presbyterian Church, with the ability and equipping to lead. Elders: Jan Marsh (Chair), Bob Rupel
NOMINATING (See page 19) Elder: Beth Bloss, Chair.
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MISSION & OUTREACH GOING In 2011 FPCB Short-Term Mission (STM) teams went to Malawi (Ministry of Hope), Costa Rica (Tirrases), Nashville, Tennessee (Lehigh Presbytery Helping Hands) and Camp Brainerd (Family Work Weekend.)
Making disciples (Matthew 28:19–20) is at the core of Mission & Outreach; providing multiple opportunities for people to be and make disciples, both locally and globally. What follows are some ways the team has facilitated engagement in this calling in 2011.
SERVING Local Partnership: The Local Outreach Team continues to cultivate relationships with agencies around the Lehigh Valley. One of our partners, Lehigh University InterVarsity, has demonstrated exciting growth in 2011, approaching involvement from nearly 100 students, intentionally broadening that involvement across races and ethnicities, and adding two full-time staff members to work alongside Liz Kidney. Mentoring: 60 FPCB members mentor at Nitschmann Middle School and Donegan Elementary School, working one-on-one each week with a mentee doing homework, offering life skills, encouragement and friendship. Serve Day: Serve Day 3.0 saw participation from approximately 400 people of all ages (30% of those were first-time participants). A new site in 2011 in Fellowship Hall involved a group of 60 people in assembling care packages for troops (49 boxes weighing 679 pounds), writing encouragement cards to missionaries, knitting scarves and hats for New Bethany clients and assembling toiletry grab bags, also for New Bethany clients (150 bags).
In all, 97 STM participants traveled approximately 23,300 miles. Highlights from these travels include: a three-day retreat for Malawian high school students with 50 decisions for Christ made, a mobile medical clinic in Malawi serving over 250 people, work in Tirrases on a new community center, home-stays with 12 families in Costa Rica and work at Camp Brainerd despite Hurricane Irene.
SENDING FPCB partners with 16 individuals or families working in 18 countries on five different continents. The work of our partners includes: church planting; campus ministry; Bible translation (both oral and written); work in schools as teachers, administrators, and counselors; advocacy with the marginalized (orphans and the deaf); and arts-based ministries (visual & theatre). This talented pool of mission partners received $172,120 in support from FPCB in 2011, support that continues to grow as generous and sacrificial giving continues. A detailed 2012 M&O Budget is available upon request. Whether you Serve, Go, or are Sent, it is our prayer that you discover and engage in God’s mission this coming year, wherever God places you.
MISSION & OUTREACH VISION TEAM Debbie Field, Elder, Chair Gail Farnham, Elder Juan Kauer Diane Kulp Betsy Mowrer, Elder
Don Spangler Linda Strayer Ken Wycherley, Elder Rev. Jack Brace, Staff Support
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CONGREGATIONAL LIFE & CARE CLC is a community of believers committed to guiding and empowering five of our church’s key ministries: Deacons, Senior Adult Ministries, Hospitality, Pastoral Care, Connections and a new initiative, Life Events. Our Board of Deacons continues to reach out to our congregation and beyond. As an example, this past year, the Memorial Reception Committee, led by Phyllis Wertman, has expanded and supported many families in times of loss. The Emotional Wellness Ministry, a new ministry to respond to emotional troubles and stresses, is now available under the leadership of Trish Fritz. New opportunities to grow in our prayer life, individually and as a community, are offered regularly. Senior Adult Ministries include JOY (Just Older Youth), Hi Neighbors, Fall Faith Festival and other ministries related to our senior members (and non-members). Glenna Dunham is our point person for those ministries attended and appreciated by our seniors.
Life Events is a new initiative under the guidance of Joan Spangler. It is an intergenerational ministry fostering fellowship by engaging the congregation to know, care and have fun with one other while growing in Christ. An enjoyable Camp Brainerd Day was held in August and an Advent devotional booklet was prepared (more than 1,000 copies were distributed). A Multicultural ministry has been started by Pastor Manuela. We are strongly committed to becoming a more missional church. Our CLC “community” ministers to each other at our monthly meetings and feels strongly about the need to care for those within and outside of our church walls.
Hospitality is responsible for various church-wide events which include our Thanksgiving dinner and the annual picnic, and they also provide warm hospitality after worship services. We are focusing on making our large church more welcoming. Mary and Pete Dubois have already energized the contemporary service. We intend to harness that enthusiasm to the traditional service and throughout the church. Pastoral Care ministers to those in need of hospital, nursing home or home visitation. We celebrate having Sue Bennetch join our team this year. Our parish nurses do a wonderful job providing education on health care issues, basic CPR training, giving care and chemo-kits to those undergoing chemotherapy. The Connections Team under Kathy Chen has connected over 90% of our new members with the many activities and opportunities for service in the church. Our first successful “New Member Luncheon” (for members joining over the past year) was most appreciated. Plans are underway for a bigger and better event next year.
CONGREGATIONAL LIFE & CARE COMMITTEE Jackie Byrnes, Elder Kathy Chen Terry Dolan, Deacon Glenna Dunham Bob Hunsicker, Elder, Chair
Diane MacAloon Gwenn Noel, Elder Joan Spangler Jack Walker Rev. Manuela Kauer, Staff Support
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BOARD OF DEACONS Throughout 2011 the deacons and their teams provided Christ-like, compassionate care. It was a year of growing ministries, beginning new ones and partnering established areas. New ministries within the Health Ministry area include the Comfort Care Kit Ministry which offers support and comfort to those undergoing treatments for chronic or long-term illnesses. The Blood Drive and Emotional Wellness Ministries were added to the Deacon Board as well.
Stephen Ministry has a well-trained team of leaders and Stephen Ministers engaged in caring relationships. This year, ten new Stephen Ministers were trained. Support Ministries includes Job Seekers Arise (spiritual support), Networking for Life (network, work searches and opportunities), Single Adults Learning Together (SALT), Hope and Healing (divorce recovery program) and a 12-Step Overcomers group. Home Communion continues to allow those unable to attend worship to be connected via monthly communion in their residences. This valuable ministry combines communion with fellowship.
The Flower Ministry has grown in terms of individuals serving and being served. The beautiful flowers provided by donations from members to enhance our traditional services are both a vehicle for fellowship and caring to individuals unable to attend worship. The Meals Ministry serves families or individuals within our church experiencing illnesses, hospitalization or family crisis. This ministry has grown dramatically with 136 meals served this year. The Memorial Garden Ministry is up and running thanks to great leadership and teams of volunteers.
The Prayer Ministry (which includes Healing and Wholeness, the prayer chain, prayer quilts and shawls) continues to expand. A second “Prayer Is…” event was held during Holy Week. As a follow-up to this event monthly workshops called “Deepening Your Prayers” are provided.
Bereavement Ministry continues to offer spiritual guidance to church members during the first year after the death of a loved one and the Reception Memorial Teams provide strong support with receptions following memorial services. The spring and December Services of Remembrance are facilitated by this ministry together with experienced volunteers.
This year the Deacon Benevolent Fund provided over $14,040 to church members experiencing emergency financial needs.
Hospital Ministry continues to grow with ministrants visiting hospitalized members. Volunteers maintain contact with local hospitals and care facilities and work to offer caring and support to those in need. Phone Ministry reaches church members over the age of 70 and new church members during their first three years of membership. Efforts are underway to utilize additional technologies to establish and maintain contact with new members whose lifestyles may not readily lend themselves to regular phone contact.
ShareCare continues to minister to our church members in their homes and in the community in a variety of ways—through spiritual support, transportation and other means.
BOARD OF DEACONS Marie Boltz Jeanette Claessens Jane Derbenwick Terry Dolan Bobbi Edwards Jean Foust Carolyn Johnson Sarah McIntyre Richard McKenna
Susan Paden Yvonne Segreaves Tim Strayer Pam Swank Rachel Taylor Ruthie Young Rev. Manuela Kauer, Staff Support
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DISCIPLESHIP: CHILDREN YOUTH ADULTS In 2011, Discipleship, under the guidance of Pastor Cody Sandahl and coordinators Priscilla Moreira, Jody Wycherley, Bill Freeman, and countless volunteers, continued to change and grow as we worked towards fulfilling the three priorities and six goals established by First Presbyterian Church. Taking place in Discipleship Ministry this year: The Small Group Committee oversaw two small group launch days and continues to support existing K-groups and small groups Adult discipleship opportunities included new studies for Men’s, Dad’s, Marriage Ministry, Presbyterian Women\Women’s Ministries, and Mom’s Only with new members added to each group throughout the year as we work towards finding more ways to help people become connected. Our first Mentor Leader Training was successful and is ongoing as we identify an additional 25 leaders to participate. Youth Ministry sent 81 high school, middle school, and adult volunteers to Tennessee on summer mission trips. Some of the most powerful moments of the summer happened for our youth as they saw God’s hand in their relationships and connections in a new and unfamiliar place. Four high school students were trained and led small groups on the high school mission trip—the training was called Jedi training. A change in Youth Inquirer’s was instituted to have all students read The Story, allowing them to get the “big picture” of the Bible in addition to the individual moments. Children’s Ministry began making a transition from traditional Sunday school by grades to a large group\small group format using a curriculum called Orange. Activities range from small groups to focus energy, large group experiences to engage the heart, to small groups that make the connection for the children. Vacation Bible School 2011 saw 191 children registered an increase from 2010. During that week 112 volunteers served and 31 children from Northeast Ministries also joined us.
Children’s Ministries started a weekly outreach at Northeast Ministries on Thursdays and is going well with small beginnings and great potential. Youth Ministries continues to offer YCX on Wednesdays to nearly a hundred children in grades 4–8 each week with dozens of adults and high school students supporting the program. Women’s Ministry saw dozens of women go to a Kathy Troccoli event in April which then spawned a summer Bible study. The Beauty for Ashes conference was attended by 150 women at FPC and a fall study followed, along with other studies throughout the year. Presbyterian Women and Women’s Ministry leadership team are coming together to become one unified group, and a December 2011 brunch was held. The Discipleship Committee wants to thank the congregation for their continued support of programs such as Souper Bowl of Caring, Youth Stock Sale, Adult Ministries, K-groups and other events too numerous to list. Without your support of time, talent, and financial generosity, this would not be possible. Our vision as the Discipleship Committee in 2012 is to help more children, youth, and adults, to know God, love people, and serve the world.
DISCIPLESHIP COMMITTEE Bob Andress, Elder Andrea Barbehenn Beth Bloss, Elder Ryan Harting Stacey Kinter
Larry Rood, Elder Warren Waite, Elder Rev. Cody Sandahl Staff Support
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WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL & EXTENDED CARE If you haven’t visited the Children’s Center during the week lately, you’re missing out! We have over 130 children learning, discovering, singing, laughing, playing and being loved here each week. 2011 has been another busy year for us. We continue to enroll children both from our church and the community. It’s a wonderful way to reach these children with the message that “God Loves You.” Some children would not hear this message any other way. Our staff of 15 teachers is dedicated to each and every student and their family. Each year we have children with special needs—and parents who need direction and support. We work with behavior specialists, therapeutic staff supports (aides) and the Intermediate Unit to help these children. By welcoming these children into our classrooms, all of our children have learned acceptance and patience. We emphasize that we are not all the same, but we are all special creations of God.
quickly as possible to deal with our aging building, and we remain flexible as we strive to maintain a consistent atmosphere for our little ones. We continue to raise money to replace our aging playground by selling Giant Gift Cards. We’re also now participating in Giant’s A+ program. Information will soon be available as to how you can easily participate and help us reach our goal. As always, we’re grateful for the support we receive from all of you as we continue to spread God’s love to our children and families.
One of the blessings of this staff continues to be their longevity of employment at FPCB—and their neverending love for each child. Many of us have been teaching here more than 20 years, with the record being set by Dawn Winterburn, who celebrates her 40th year with us this year. She’s seen her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren come through our program. Besides our classroom teachers, we also have a creative movement teacher and a music teacher. We have creative movement twice a month, and music once a month. Both are popular parts of our program. Extended care had its best summer ever! We had full classrooms most days and even had to hire extra teachers on occasion. They enjoyed water play, theme weeks and even a trip to Kirkland Village for ice cream! Extreme heat and record rainfall had our teachers doling out extra measures of creativity that the children loved. We’ve also had some challenges with our facility: repiping due to water issues, classroom flooding due to heating pipe issues and the necessity of relocating a class full of children! Our maintenance staff has moved as
PRESCHOOL & EXTENDED CARE TEACHERS Donna Cline Ginny Dagnall Kathy D’Entrone Marlene Gieske Susan Givone Gayle Hancock Laura Huffard Heather Kraihanzel Marcy Liddick
Penny Luse Danette Michalgyk Lauren O’Keefe Burian Joann Reed Bernice Slowitsky Dawn Winterburn Andrea Barbehenn, Preschool & Extended Care Director
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WORSHIP COMMITTEE Ministry Goal: To help our congregation, through worship, live into our First Presbyterian Church vision statement, “Called to be disciples, called to make disciples.” Worship experiences here at First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem are such a blessing! Outstanding preaching by our wonderfully gifted staff, excellent music lead by Greg and Brently, our welcoming worship spaces all enhance opportunities each weekend to make joyful music and praise the Lord! Our “One Voice” approach to preaching continues to allow for a consistent message each service and has contributed to a growing attendance. We truly praise the Lord for His hand in all this. April marked our fourth annual Legacy Sunday, a weekend paying tribute to the rich tradition and history of our church along with many long-term members and leaders. Pastor David Joynt, a child of FPC-Bethlehem and Senior Pastor at Toms River Presbyterian in New Jersey, was our guest preacher at all five services. He captured the essence of the theme with his sermon entitled “Writing the History of Tomorrow,” and endeared himself to many members by staying for the Four Score & More luncheon. Our Contemporary Worship Team again led worship at Musikfest in downtown Bethlehem with Pastor Alf offering the message to over 1,000 worshippers and the Oasis Band leading in praise! Dreams of and efforts for the first outdoor combined worship service in 15 years were thwarted by rain and forced into the Sanctuary where 1,200 worshipped at two services. This commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the tragic events of 9/11 and its national significance provided for a moving worship time together and featured the combined High School Chorale and Chancel Choir accompanied by a large brass and percussion ensemble along with our Oasis Band. The allchurch picnic also fell victim to the inclement weather and soft grounds and was canceled.
December in the Christmas City is always a special time for many reasons, two of which are the Christmas concerts offered in both traditional and contemporary venues featuring The Chancel Choir and The Philadelphia Brass and the Oasis Band, which released its third CD, “Merry Christmas,” this past Thanksgiving weekend. Christmas Eve again welcomed members, families and friends from around our community at five services with musical offerings by our many choirs and gifted musicians. We are deeply grateful for the nearly 600 worship support people who give their time and talents to enable excellent services each week. We also thank each of our choirs and their directors, The Philadelphia Brass, The Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble, the Oasis Band, the Contemporary Worship Team, all of whom enrich our worship experience throughout the year. In 2012, our committee will welcome Steve Follett as the new chair. Also, research continues on a possible new hymnal for the Sanctuary. A combined celebration service will take place on Sunday, February 19, when the choir from Princeton Seminary will present “The Psalms” in a chorale setting of various styles, as we worship together. Other combined services offering a variety of musical styles and worship formats also are being planned during the year.
WORSHIP COMMITTEE David Escott Steve Follett, Elder Betsy Laylon Meredith McCambridge Jeff Mohler, Chair Pam Swank, Deacon Ted White Greg Funfgeld, Staff Support Brently Groshong, Staff Support Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson, Staff Support
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WHOLE LIFE STEWARDSHIP To keep our work surrounding time, talent, and treasure real, relevant and relatable, we sought renewed perspective by looking around. We looked back into God’s Word and our own journeys of faith and stewardship at what encouraged us; we looked forward by reading new books in the field to stay fresh. As we renewed our minds with perspective and prayer, the WLS rededicated itself to glorifying God and encouraging our congregation to grow in faith.
The Financial Counseling Team, organized by John Edwards, counseled 12 people individually toward financial health—free of charge! This service is confidential and open to any who are interested. As 2012 approaches, the WLS will focus on improving our electronic communications.
We began our year by continuing to develop the Time and Talent Invitational to help people connect to the life of our church. To improve record keeping and forestall guesswork, fundraising process and request forms were also created in the spring. They can be found in the Financial Forms mail slot in the office reception area. The Statement of Christian Financial Responsibility, readopted in 2010 by all three church boards to clarify our church’s stance on financial giving, was re-introduced to the congregation in the summer. It can be found on our Web site or in the office. The annual pledge campaign in the fall continued with the Heart of the Matter theme— not that giving money to the church is the core of our faith, but to remind us what our giving represents: trust in God and obedience to the Word. The campaign resulted in 739 pledges for a total of $2,275,171 for our use in 2012. Thank you! Our Education Team, lead by Linda Bartholomew, coordinated the FirstFruits garden to tangibly remind us that our first and best belongs to God. This year the gardeners took seven carloads of food to New Bethany. In addition to offering the Crown Financial class that teaches financial freedom through godly principles, the committee developed object lessons for the Sunday school classes. Because it is important to us to know how God is using our gifts and service, our Witness Team, coordinated by Jack Brace and Barry Kessler, helped an increasing number of people share the stories of their lives. We all have a story great or small of how God has moved in our lives through our church. Won’t you share yours with us?
WHOLE LIFE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Rachelle Andress Linda Bartholomew Jim Birdsall, Elder, Budget Chair Lynnette Burns, Elder, WLS Chair Staci Bell Glenn Cramer John Edwards Bill Gruenewald, Elder Barry Kessler, Trustee Don Mongeon, Trustee Dan Wells Dr. Jack Felch, Staff Support Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson, Staff Support Sue Knarr, Staff Support Linda Robertson, Staff Support
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PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OUR GUIDING SCRIPTURE “Shepherd the flock that has been given unto your call.” (1 Peter, 5:2)
retired as Parish Associate for Visitation and was replaced by Katie Sundermeier and then later by Sue Bennetch, our new visitation chaplain.
To provide for an orderly, focused and considerate means for the Session to build a healthy work environment at FPCB
Several ten-year increment service anniversaries at FPCB were recognized in 2011. 40 years: Dawn Winterburn; 20 years: Kathy D’Entrone; 10 years: Sue Knarr (Minnich), Lauren O’Keefe, Susan Smith and Kathie Welker. The Congregation also celebrated Alf Halvorson’s 20 years of ordained pastoral service in October and recognized as well the May completion of his doctorate studies.
To provide support and guidance in the management of human resources, budgets and the administration of FPCB.
Incorporated the FPCB Preschool into our church-wide annual budgeting process and Personnel Committee oversight.
OUR MINSITRY GOALS To encourage and provide care and support for the ministry staff of the First Presbyterian Church Bethlehem (FPCB)
2011 ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS Thankful for the contributions of retiring Personnel Committee members Diane Kennedy, Evelyn Stravino and Sue Cady. Welcomed new members to service on the committee: Brett Saks, Karl Kline, Barry Kessler and Jack Jordan.
Added an employee benefit of free access to the Kirkland Village fitness center, aerobics room and pool. Looking forward to 2012, the committee plans to extend staff support to the Discipleship Ministry area, support changes resulting from Session’s ministry audit and FACT Committee and reaffirm the FPCB Safe Church Policies and Procedures.
Implemented the policies and provisions of the new FPCB Employee Handbook. Concluded 2011 within budgeted personnel expenses. Facing a predicted 2012 medical insurance premium increase, the committee analyzed and changed the FPCB medical coverage provider from Capital Blue Cross to Highmark Blue Shield. Highmark BS provides similar coverage’s and the annual saving totaled over $20,000 ($16k for FPCB and $4k for employees). Through generous congregational giving, FPCB was able to provide some salary increases in 2011. Conducted church-wide employee evaluations for the third year. Staff Changes: Amanda Danziger joined FPCB as Contemporary Music Assistant; Helen Cochran
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Carolyn Johnson, Deacon Jack Jordan, Elder Barry Kessler, Trustee Karl Kline Jim Koontz, Elder and Chair Betsy Laylon, Secretary Dave Post Brett Saks Lisa Dippre-Titus, Trustee Dr. Jack Felch, Staff Support Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson, Staff Support
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES This past year the trustees faced numerous challenges as our aging infrastructure created significant problems. The water main from Center Street to the church had to be replaced due to extensive deterioration in the old cast iron line. As a result, this caused extensive problems with our interior water lines. This situation not only caused issues with our drinking water, but it also created a chemical imbalance that caused numerous leaks in the copper water lines. The water lines were replaced, as well as the repair to the damage caused by the leaks. We can report that the necessary work has been completed and safe water and the integrity of the water lines restored. Water issues continued to plague us as a large portion of our budget has been relegated to the remediation of our continuing saga with sinkholes. We initiated studies of storm water management, and, as a result, replaced damaged runoff lines and established new ones where necessary. The type of soil in this area is also inherent to this problem. We continue to monitor and evaluate this issue and will take whatever steps necessary to control it.
front portico has been either repaired or replaced, then re-pointed with additional drainage lines added. The financial support of our congregation has also been a major factor in our ability to respond to the issues we faced this year. Items on our “wish list� include replacement of the sanctuary air conditioning and the antiquated telephone system. We want to express our sincere appreciation for the facilities group who has been instrumental in getting us through this difficult year. We also want to thank everyone who has provided support to the efforts of the trustees in 2011.
The trustees implemented a project management reporting system. This system will identify each project undertaken and provide feedback, cost controls and archive requirements. It will also provide an opportunity to review the scope and overall assessment of the project. A new fire and security system is now in place and functioning in the building. This major project has a vital impact on the safety of the staff and all utilizing the facility. In addition to the aforementioned projects, we have also implemented recycling within the facility, largely due to the efforts of an Eagle Scout project; a van management program was initiated, placing guidelines as to the use, safety requirements and reimbursement for use of the church vans; renovation of the south entrance and reception area, which was made possible through a donation; monitoring of the boiler system and sanctuary air conditioning unit and the slate and bluestone on the beautiful
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Clement Bonnell Shannon Cawley Vickie Clark Jim DiSario Barry Kessler Jim Largay Robert Littner Geoff Marsac Jim Mautz
Don Mengel Don Mongeon Lisa Dippre-Titus Becki Angione, Staff Support Dr. Jack Felch, Staff Support Sue Knarr, Staff Support
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FUND COMMITTEE The Fund Committee has the responsibility of administering the Bethlehem First Presbyterian Fund (BFPF), a collection of individual funds that provides capital and/or income for a variety of church-related projects that typically are not funded by the church’s annual operating budget. BFPF funds are divided into two major groups: “Permanent,” where only the income may be spent, and “Non-Permanent,” where both the principal and income may be spent. Within each of these major groups, individual funds are divided into four categories: General, Ministry and Mission, Facilities and Property, and Restricted. A list of current funds may be found on the church’s Web site, www.fpcbethlehem.org/ wholelifestewardship/endowments and also in the Fund Committee’s mailbox located in the Reception Area. At the request of the Planned Giving Committee, one new fund was added in 2011, titled “Endow Your Pledge.” This fund receives bequests and any other gifts intended to support the church’s annual budget, thus enabling people to “endow” their annual support of the church in perpetuity. Income from this fund will be transferred annually to the general operating budget. Applications for money from any of the funds in the BFPF may be submitted by church staff members or committee representatives to the Fund Committee. When Fund Committee members have completed their evaluation of an application (including its consistency with the church’s vision and values, and availability of requested funding), their recommendation is forwarded to the Session. Through mid-December 2011, the Committee recommended approval of grants totaling $213,200 for a variety of projects including ministry and mission in the Lehigh Valley, church equipment and software purchases, grants to alleviate human needs within the community, grants to church members pursuing a career in Christian service, support for mission trip participants, church communications improvements, and in-church social and educational programs.
Gifts and bequests in 2011 totaled $69,579. At the end of November 30, 2011, the aggregate value of the BFPF funds was as follows: Principal.....................................$2,207,281 Income..........................................$252,194
FUND COMMITTEE Dave Post/Betsy Mowrer, Elder Bob Rupel, Elder Barry Kessler, Trustee/Jim Disario, Trustee Jim Mautz, Trustee David Boltz (at-large member) Lisa Dippre-Titus (at-large member), Trustee Dr. Jack Felch, Staff Support Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson, Staff Support Sue Knarr, Staff Support Linda Robertson, Staff Support
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We thank Joe Workman for serving twelve years as our Planned Giving Officer and making our program a model to other churches. Linda Robertson is building on Joe’s work, meeting with members who support the church’s mission and outreach by creating will provisions, funding charitable gift annuities, or making outright gifts.
The Investment Committee was established in 2008 to manage the church’s investments. These are primarily the assets represented by the fund balances in the components of the Bethlehem First Presbyterian Fund (BFPF). We meet quarterly to review performance.
Eleven members declared estate plan gifts. Their commitments expanded the Heritage Partners roster to 150. Planned gifts and bequests totaled $86,197. Included is a first distribution from Leonard Dimmick’s estate, estate gifts from Gladys Lindholm and Marian Dickisson, and $22,696 from an active church member who declined future CGA payments to apply his gift to the church’s mortgage. The committee recommended the “Endow Your Pledge” Fund. This fund receives bequests and other gifts to support the annual budget, enabling someone to endow their annual support in perpetuity. To estimate a “perpetual” annual pledge, multiply your pledge by 20.
Our investments are largely in low-cost, broadly diversified index funds. As of September 30, 2011, we had about 49% in equities, 46% in fixed income and 5% in short-term money market funds and U.S. savings bonds. Because the equity markets were very volatile in 2011, these percentages change from quarter to quarter. Our allocation allows for both long-term growth and sufficient short-term liquidity to support current expenditures from the BFPF. On September 30, 2011, the market value of the investment portfolio was $2,343,232, up slightly from $2,287,583 on October 31, 2010, reported last year, due to solid returns on fixed income investments. Had we compared the change from June 30, 2010 to June 30, 2011, when the equity markets were up, we would have reported that the portfolio’s market value increased by over 20%.
In June, we celebrated Heritage Weekend. In September, Heritage Partners heard Rob Littner and Mike Baittinger explain making direct gifts to the church using one’s IRA. In November, Linda spoke at a P.E.E.R. seminar. At Hi Neighbors, Linda spoke on “Philanthropy U.S. Style.” We assisted with an appeal to replenish the Deacons and St. Andrews Funds, which provide assistance in emergencies.
PLANNED GIVING COMMITTEE Dave Boltz Trustee Duane Dunham Joe Workman Rob Littner, Trustee Dr. Jack Felch, Staff Don Mengel, Trustee Support Sue Knarr, Staff Dave Post Support Lisa Dippre-Titus, Trustee, Linda Robertson, Staff Chair, Support
INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Paul Barbehenn Gerry Gillispie Jim Largay, Trustee, Chair Rob Littner, Trustee Bob Rupel, Elder Dr. Jack Felch, Staff Support
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THE BIGGER PICTURE First Presbyterian Church mission and ministry is financed by the generosity of saints past and present. To see the full picture we look past the General Budget and consider three other categories. Temporarily restricted funds have very specialized purposes, such as special offerings, our Just Older Youth (JOY) programs, Discipleship special events and mission trips. Operating reserves are held for designated purposes, such as Kirk Camp and Fall Faith Festival. In 2011 Session granted permission for the Trustees to use $244,000 in operating reserves to address the unexpected major maintenance and repairs of our water supply lines, sinkholes and storm drainage. The Bethlehem First Presbyterian Fund holds the principal and income of endowments and other gifts. The charts below show how each category finances our missions, programs, staffing, and operational support functions. You are welcome to contact our Director of Church Business Administration, Dr. Jack Felch,
Breakout by Category Actual Expenditure 2011 Description
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Operating Reserve Accounts
$300 $128,106
Temporarily Restricted Funds
$75,264 $1,721,942
Combined Totals
General Budget
General Budget
Bethlehem First Presbyterian Fund
$765,856 $2,927,833
$297,108 $1,734,862 $1,325,611 $3,899,028
$519,135 $12,921 $78,981
Operating Reserve Accounts
The Bigger Picture—Combined
$40,320 $18,500
Bethlehem First Presbyterian Fund
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$ 647,234 2,375,917 73,397 4,926,693
-3,577 744 44,475
853,174 2,433,093 73,397 4,926,692
640 0 44,475
5,859,218 1,288,360
5,852,270 1,532,251
BETHLEHEM FIRST PRESBYTERIAN FUND—SUMMARY December 31, 2011 Subject to completion of independent audit. Permanent Sub-Fund Permanent General Fund Ministry & Mission Component Facilities & Property Component Restricted Component Total Permanent Sub-Fund Non-Permanent Sub-Fund Non-Permanent General Fund Ministry & Mission Component Facilities & Property Component Restricted Component Total Non-Permanent Sub-Fund Total Bethlehem First Presbyterian Fund
$ 406, 242 221,577 11,200 1,466,589 2,105,608
177,191 203,512 380,703 $2,486,311
Unpledged Env Giving—Curr Year
Pledges—Previous Year
Interest Earned
Plate Offering
Church School Offering
Rental Fees
Preschool/Extended Care Income
Miscellaneous Receipts
Gain on Investments
Intentional Discipleship
Compassionate Care
Active Outreach
Administration & Properties
Creative Worship
Pledged Env Giving—Curr Year
3,045,555 2,927,833 $117,722
Expenses Net
$3, 083,200
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NOMINEES FOR CHURCH OFFICERS, CLASS OF 2014 DEACONS NOMINATED TO SERVE A SECOND TERM RICHARD MCKENNA has been a member of FPC for nine years. He and his wife of 42 years, Gail, have two adult daughters and two grandchildren. Their son, Doug, is deceased. Dick serves as games coordinator for YCX and is on the Fall Faith Festival Planning Committee. He is also secretary of the Washington Township Recreation Board and President-elect of the Sunset Point Association at Lake Wallenpaupack. YVONNE SEGREAVES has been a member for 17 years and is married to Irvin. She has four adult children, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She is a retired social worker and serves in hospice care, with VNA and Turning Point. Yvonne has served on the Hospitality Committee and the Usher Team and has been a communion server. She serves on the following committees: Fall Faith Festival, Memorial Reception, Bereavement, and Service of Remembrance. EUGENIA ROBSON (replacing Ruthie Young, class of 2013) has been a member of FPC for 53 years. She met and married her husband in the church and raised her five children at FPC as well. In her youth, Genie assisted with the “Little People” Sunday school and helped organize the current nursery school. Now in her retirement years, Genie is involved with Hi Neighbors and has been co-coordinating the Hospital Ministry for nine years and will continue to do so in the Deacon Ministry.
DEACONS NOMINATED TO SERVE A FIRST TERM JUDY DIXON moved to the Lehigh Valley from Dallas, Texas, and immediately became immersed in FPC activities. She sings in The Chancel Choir, is a member of Presbyterian Women, belongs to two Kgroups, serves on the Bereavement Committee, the Flower Ministry and is a volunteer receptionist. She also volunteers with ShareCare and the Bach Choir. Judy is a retired registered nurse and has three grown sons, Dan, Dave and Gregg. TRISH FRITZ: Trish has been a member of FPC for 33 years. She and her husband, Rick, have two grown sons, Craig and Geoff. Trish is an elementary school counselor and school psychologist in the Pen Argyl School District. She has been involved with Youth Ministry, Women’s Ministry and Leadership Team, women’s Bible studies and the Pastor Nominating Committee. She currently works with the Emotional Wellness Committee. She has served on the board for Truth for Women and currently serves on the board for Families First Family Center, Pen Argyl. GERRY ROSE: Bio not available at printing. JACK E. SCHILDT has been a member of our church for 15 years. He and his wife, Nancy, have three daughters, Jessica, Johanna, and Jennifer, and two grandsons. He is a manufacturing representative for The Total Package retail and food packing and is also associated with Mr. Bill’s Concessions. Jack and Nancy belong to a K-group, and he is a communion server. He volunteered in the courtyard garden and participated in Serve Day. Jack has also
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been a Musikfest volunteer for 25 years and is chairman of the Musikfest Food Vendor Committee. He serves on the Artsquest Cultural Event Board and the Board of Trout Unlimited Monocacy Creek Chapter. ELDERS NOMINATED TO SERVE A SECOND TERM BOB ANDRESS, an FPC member for 28 years, has been married to his wife, Robin, for 29 years, and they have two daughters, Rachel and Randi. He works as a senior estimator for Fabcon. Bob has been part of the Usher Team and has been involved in Men’s Ministry, Marriage Ministry and Serve Day. He has also been a leader on high school mission trips, and a mentor for Youth Inquirers. He currently serves as a Lehigh Presbytery commissioner representing FPC. LYNNETTE BURNS has been involved with FPC for over 19 years, and she and her husband, Kevin, are the proud parents of Christian and Grace. Lynnette has come to know God through studies, sermons and service at FPC. By singing in The Chancel Choir she has learned about love and dedication; helping with VBS has taught her about leadership. These lessons prepared her to serve as an elder and then to become chair of the Whole Life Stewardship Committee for the past three years. Lynnette considers it an honor to continue serving God and the congregation. DEBRA FIELD, an FPC member since 1993, is married to Ken. They have three children, Brett, Morgan and Anna. Debra was a member of The Chancel Choir for many years and also served as a high school youth leader. She is currently chair of the Mission & Outreach Vision Team. Previously, she was on the Serve Day Planning Committee
and was chair of the Nominating Committee. Debra is a choral director and private voice instructor at Lehigh University and maintains a private studio at home. JIM KOONTZ has been a member of FPC for 17 years. He and his wife, Carolyn, have two grown sons, Nic and Austin. They are members of a K-group and have participated in Serve Day activities each year. Since joining the church, Jim has volunteered his time as a middle school Sunday school teacher and Step Room leader, Youth Inquirer mentor, communion server and has served on the Usher Team. In addition to serving as an elder, he serves as a Lehigh Presbytery commissioner representing FPC. Jim is a former Cub Scout den leader and pack master and participated in Lehigh Valley soccer. ELDERS NOMINATED TO SERVE A FIRST TERM REBECCA GORTON (replacing Bob Rupel, class of 2013) and her husband, Rich Gorton, have two children, David and Kate, who grew up in our church. In addition to being a K-group member, Becky is a member of the CLC Committee and is currently a mentor at Donegan Elementary School. Previously, she served on the Kirk Center Building Committee and the Pastoral Search Committee, was Moderator of Deacons and was a Malawi mission trip participant. Her community work centers on programs and advocacy for young children. Becky is an Administrator Emeritus at Northampton Community College where she has worked for 31 years. STACEY KINTER has been married to Rob for 16 years and has been a member of FPC for the same amount of time. They have two boys, Jimmy and Justin. Stacey is an occupational therapist at Good Shepherd
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Rehabilitation Hospital, specializing in adult inpatient rehab of brain and stroke patients. She has served in Youth and Children’s Ministries and is currently serving on the Vision and Discipleship Team. RANDY STONESEIFER has been a member of FPC for 35 years, and it was here that he met his wife, Heidi. They have three adult sons, Tim, Chris and Drew, who were raised in our church. Randy has served for 10 years as a Sunday school teacher, and for the past 15 years, has been a leader in our church’s Boy Scout Troop 302. He is a math professor at Lafayette College. CABOT THOMAS has been a member of FPC for 22 years. He and his wife reside in Durham Township, Bucks County, and have two children, Nathaniel and Kyra. Cabot serves on the board of directors for Love the Children Adoption Agency and coaches Little League baseball and softball. For 22 years, he has shared close Christian fellowship with his K-group. TRUSTEES SERVING A FIRST TERM DARYL DIEHL has been a member of FPC for 12 years. He is married to Kim and they have two daughters, Kristin and Lauren. He came to FPC when he was looking for a solid, Christian youth program. He appreciates the spiritual growth he has received as a member of a K-group, and encourages others to join one as well. He is an electrical engineer and is also involved in real estate investing. He has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, both with FPC and outside of the church. Daryl hopes to employ his engineering background to help aid in the well-being of the church property.
RYAN HARTING: Ryan has been a member of FPC for 11 years. He is married to Kristen, and they have a two-year-old son, Dylan. Ryan is a structural engineer at Borton-Lawson where he designs buildings for commercial and industrial use. Ryan’s faith grew due to the love and support of the adult leaders at FPC. In college he was a youth intern, and he has served in High School Ministry (SNL), Middle School Ministry (YCX), the Youth Vision Team and has been a member of the Discipleship Vision Team. He also served on the Nominating Committee. JIM OMDAHL: Jim has been a member of FPC his entire life. He recently married Terri after each was widowed. Together they have three children, Rachel, Travis and Shannon. Jim previously served as a deacon and trustee. He has been an attorney in private practice in Bethlehem for 30 years. PETER YOUNG: Peter has been a member for 35 years. He is married to Cherie, and they have a son, Peter, and a daughter, Emily. Peter began singing in the choir in second grade and continues to sing in the choir today, along with singing in the Bach Choir. He has been active in Sunday school and YCX, participated in mission trips and served on the Nominating Committee. Currently he is vice president of the Freedom High School Band Parents. 2012 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Chair: SUE BOEHRET Vice Chair: Elder to be named Advisor: BETH BLOSS, Elder Presbyterian Women Representative: SHIRLEY JACOBSON has been a member of FPC for 33 years. She and Joel, her husband, have a grown daughter, Tracy, and twin grandsons. Shirley has been involved in Stephen Ministries, Children's Ministry, Spiritual Formation and local Continued on the next page.
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mission with New Bethany Ministries and Center City Ministries. She is a member of a K-group and has been a shepherd for K-groups. Currently Shirley is involved in Short-Term Mission, Phone Ministry and Presbyterian Women. In the community, she has been a Hospice volunteer and has participated in Women's Bible Fellowship. Deacon Representative: To be named Trustee Representative: To be named Members-at-large: JOSH ANDERSON has been a member of FPC for four years. He is married to Molly, and they are the parents of five amazing children. He works in research and development for Merck & Co. Josh has been a believer since he was 10 years old, and he appreciates that God is constantly working in his life. He has led the FPC softball league for the past three years. MARCIA BROWN has been an FPC member for 18 years. She has been married to Jim for 43 years, and they have two children, Jason and Alexyss, and three grandchildren. She was formerly an elder for Youth Ministry and is currently chair for the Fall Faith Committee. She has attended various women’s Bible studies and is a member of a K-group. She also was a member of the Pastor Nominating Committee during the search for a Youth Pastor. She and her husband also taught Inquirers classes. Marcia recently retired from the NJ public school system working as speech and language therapist and school administrator. MICHELE KLOVA has been a member of FPC for 22 years. She has been married to Bob for 30 years, and they have two grown daughters, Elyse and Amy. Michele worked at FPC for nine years as both assistant to the senior pastor and the computer administrator, taking care of all the church’s computer equipment. Currently. she is a medical assistant at Lehigh Valley Cardiology. KIM LEWIS and her husband John have been members of FPC for 16 years. They have two children. Kim is a member of The Chancel Choir and has participated at the Camp Brainerd Work Weekend with her family for three years. She also participated in the last two Serve
Days. She has also been a Sunday school teacher and Vacation Bible School teacher. ANN TERRES and her husband, Jack, have been members of FPC for over 40 years. Their daughter, Jackie, and her husband, John, have three sons. Ann was previously an elder and was the first female Clerk of Session at FPC. Committees she served on include Budget, Personnel, Local Mission & Outreach and Search for Senior Pastor. She has been a member of The Chancel Choir for 43 years. She is an elder commissioner to Lehigh Presbytery and she previously served as vice moderator and moderator and chair of the Presbyterian Nominating Committee. Currently she serves as clerk of session. Ann is on the Northampton County Aging Advisory Council and served on the Gracedale Management Selection Committee. She is co-chair of University of Delaware 50th Reunion Committee and was recently honored by serving as guest conductor of Delaware’s Big Band. BRAD CHAMBERLAIN has been a member of FPC for 10 years. He and his wife, April, have been married 11 years and have two children, Alexis and Brad Jr. For the past 14 years, he has worked for his family’s construction business. Recently, Brad was blessed to go on the FPCB trip to Turkey. He felt this was an amazing experience and was excited to see the places where Paul traveled, teaching the Good News. SHAWN REMELY: Bio not available at printing.
2011 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Beth Bloss, Elder, Chair Sue Boehret, Elder, Co-Chair Debra Field, Elder, Advisor Shirley Jacobson, Presbyterian Women Representative Marie Boltz, Deacon Representative Clem Bonnell, Trustee Representative Members-at-large: Phil Clauser, Marie Evans, Kim Lewis, Ann Terres, Diane Owen, Arlene Shelly, Will Smiles
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ACTIVE ROLL 12/31/2011 Affiliate members 12/31/2010
ADDITIONS 2397 1 2625
Profession of Faith Letter of Transfer Reaffirmation Baptism Restoration Total Additions
DELETIONS 67 19 0 0 2 88
Death 26 Transfers 11 By requests 8 By action of session *271 Total Deletions 316
*Number of members deleted by action of session due to lack of activity. Although we now have fewer members compared to 12/31/2010, attendance at our worship services continues to increase.
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Welcome, Opening Prayer ........................................................ Rev. Cody Sandahl …... 11:30 a.m. Luncheon and Table Fellowship Continuing the Meeting in the Sanctuary ………………………….. Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson ..12:20 p.m. Appointment of Secretary Declaration of Quorum Business of the Corporation: Officers for 2012 (Trustees) Celebrating Our Leaders Recognition of Elders, Deacons and Trustee Leadership in 2011 … Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson Report of the Nominating Committee ..............................….…………………. Beth Bloss Election of Elders, Deacons, Trustees, Nominating Committee Lifting Our Leaders in Prayer ...........................................….…..………. Rev. Jack Brace Necrology Report ...................................................................….………….. Rev. Alf Halvorson Hymn 464, “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” ….………………………………… . . Greg Funfgeld Budget Report ..............................................................................….……… Elder Jim Birdsall Affirming Pastoral Terms of Call ............................….………. Elders Ann Terres and Jim Koontz CLC Presentation: “Who Are We?”…….............................….…………….. Rev. Manuela Kauer Words from Our Pastor as We Look Forward ................................….….. Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson Adjournment with Prayer ...................................................... Rev. Dr. Alf Halvorson ......... 1:45 p.m.
SPECIAL THANKS TO: our office staff, for all the work they did to prepare for this meeting our facilities team for the additional set-up and tear-down that was required for the luncheon event our high school students and their leaders for the wonderful luncheon
First Presbyterian Church B E T H L E H E M P E N N S Y LV A N I A
2344 Center Street, Bethlehem, PA 18017
Know GOD | Love PEOPLE | Serve the WORLD 610.867.5865 www.fpc-bethlehem.org